The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 08, 1923, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    MONDAY, JANUARY 8, 1922.
The undersigned will sell at public auction on the old W. B.
Porter farm, one and a half miles south and one mile west of
Plattsmouth, three-quarters of a mile north of Mynard, on
commencing at 10 o'clock a. m., the following described property:
Thirty Head of Horses
Consisting of all work horses, ranging from 3 to 9 years old,
and weighing from 1,000 to 1,600 pounds.
Farm Machinery
Two farm wagons; five walking cultivators; one 3-section har
row; one 8-foot Deering binder; one 6-foot Deering mower; two
corn planters; two listers; one 16-inclr walking plow; one disc;
one manure spreader; one side delivery rake; four sets of heavy
work harness. '
Lunch Served at Noon
TERMS OF SALE All sums under $10, cash. On sums over
$10 a credit of six to twelve months will be given, purchaser giv
ing bankable notes drawing eight per cent interest from date. No
property to be removed until settled for.
W. R. YOUNG. Auctioneer.
V. G. BOEDEKER, Clerk.
last Sunday and Spreads Good Cheer
Among the Eesidents Four
From Louisville" There.
Missouri Pacific Depot Entered But
Small Haul is Made Com
munity's Second Visit.
The Missouri Pacific station at
Wyoming was entered by robbers
some IhtK' Wednesday night or .early
Thursday morning but nothing of
prent was missed by the agent,
O. V. ivkham, except a ring taken
from a drawer and a bunch of keys.
When the agent went to the de
pot yesterday morning he found that
the lock on the door had been brok
en and upon entering the office part
of the station saw that the lock on
the ticket case had been forced. He
was unable to state yesterday wheth
er any tickets had been taken or not
but the ring and keys were known
to have been in the drawer of the of
fice desk.
Sheriff Carl Ryder stated late yes
terday that he had not been informed
of the robbery.
This is the second burglary case
for the community in the past two
weeks. The first robbery was that of
the S. P. Gattenby general store and
postomce. Nebraska City Press.
Tragus Lino!
Also all kinds of hauling, including
Live Stock to South Omaha market.
Either by Weight or Trip
Phone 394 or 608
Mr. and Mrs. Charles II. Hen
nings of Glendale paid this office a
business call the latter part of last
week and reported that the box sup
per given at the Heil school in dis
trict 8S on the evening of December
22 wasa grand success in every way.
The proceeds amounted to over $38.
An excellent program was given and
some fine music was enjoyed. The
sale of the boxes created much
amusement and great interest was
taken in this feature of the evening.
Mayor George Wood and wife of
Louisville were present, driving out
with Henry Elseman and son Ches
ter, and the mayor, whose fame as
an auctioneer- has spread far and
wide, was pressed into service and
brought the prices of the boxes up
amazingly by dint of coaxing, ca
joling, browbeating and other popu
lar methods.
Th-? playlet "Toyland." by the
pupils was exceptionally fine and
Miss Wadick, the teacher, received
much praise for the splendid enter
tainment furnished by her school.
Louisville Courier.
Miss Alice Pollock, who has been
spending the holidays here with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Pollock,
and enjoying a rest from her school
work, has returned to Rockford, Illi
nois, to take up her studies in col
lege there. Miss Pollock has been
very successful in her school work
and is now in her second year in the
Rockford college.
The annual -meeting of the stock
holders of the Farmers Elevator Co.
of Culiom. Xebr., will be held at the
Pleasant Ridge schoolhouse Jan. 13,
1923. at 1 p. m. sharp.
Bilious Headache
When you have a severe headache,
a disordered stomach and constipa
tion, take three of Chamberlain's
Tablets. They will correct the dis
orders of the liver and bowels, ef
fectually- curing the headaehe. Wey-
rich & Hadraba.
Blank books at the Journal Office.
How you are going to look is quite as im
portant as what you are going to get or
lere you are going to go.
Also the way you feel inside often de
pends on how you look outside.
"Quality Clothes" $30 to $50
Others not so good $15 to $25
O. E. Wescott's Son
A delegation from the Bible class
of the M. E. church and a few other
interested friends drove to Platts
mouth last Sunday afternoon to take
a present and a treat to "Dock
Ttiinffr who recently went to the
county farm to make his home, as
on account of his advancing age, ne
did not feel able to work hard enu
to keep up expenses. "Dock" was
faithful member of the Bible class
durinz his residence in Louisville
and they wished ta remember him at
Christmas time.
As there are four former uouis
ville citizens there, the committee
took a treat for them all, and they
were delighted to be remembered and
glad to see their old time friends
The delegation arrived there in time
for their annual Christmas tree, so
one of them played Santa Claus, Rev
C. L. Elliott, pastor of the M. E
church, read from the scriptures and
several others sang some pleasing
songs and a general good time was
The county farm is under the su
perirtendeney of George Goodman
who is ably assisted by lys wife and
great credit is due Mr. and Mrs
Goodman for the general air of order
cleanliness and homeyness of the
place. There are about a dozen in
mates and all look happy and con
tented and well cared for. The Louis
ville visitors received a cordial re
ception from the superintendent and
wife- and enjoyed their visit of in
spection very much. At the Christ
mas tree a present and a generous
treat was received by each member
of th household, which was the gift
of the superintendent.
Gabe Prible saws the wood for the
place and takes his time and works
when he feels like it, but always has
enough sawed on hand inspite of his
rheumatic tendencies. Charles Amick
is not able to work outside, but is
very handy around the house and
likes to make himself useful. "Dock
Hunter does a good many of the
chores and they are all more than
willing to do their share. There is
only one woman resident at the home
and she is from Louisville. She is
Nannie Thompson, the step-daugh
ter of the late Uncle Billy Urwin
who lived west or town in pioneer
days. This unfortunate woman was
left almost speechless and with her
mind somewhat clouded after a se
vere illness early in life and upon
the death of her mother and step
father, her relatives thought she
could be better cared for at the hojne,
than with any of them, as they were
not in very good circumstances. She
was glad to meet the visitors and re
raernbered Postmaster A. A. Jack
man, who had been their neighbor on
the farm a good many years ago and
showed her recognition plainly.
Those who had known her in olden
times had forgotten her and sup
posed she was dead and it was a
great surprise to find her there and
looking about as usual.
The delegation consisted of Arthur
R. Stander. Charles E. Noyes, P. C.
Stander, Rev. C. L. Elliott, A. A
Jackman. Earnest Ahl, Martin Walk
er, William Cleghorn and Edward
Gess. They returned home well
pleased with their trip and the
pleasure they received was fully as
great as that they bestowed and they
are enthusiastic in their praise of
the' institution and its management,
and they are proud that Cass county
is so well equipped to take care of
its unfortunates. Louisville Cour
A Good Thing Don't Miss It
Send your name and address plain
ly written together with 5 cents (and
this slip) to Chamberlain Medicine
Co., Des Moines, Iowa, and receive in
return a trial package containing
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for
coughs, colds, croup, bronchial "flu"
and whooping coughs and tickling
throat; Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets for stomach trouble,
indigestion, gassy pains that crowd
the heart, biliousness and constipa
tion; Chamberlain's Salve, needed
in every family for burns, scalds,
wounds, piles and skin affections;
these valued family medicines for
only 5 cents. Don't miss it. Wey-
rich & Hadraba. jl-3m.
- of Plattsmouth Nebr.
Charter No. 1430 in the State of Ne
braska at the close of business
December 30, 1922.
From- Thursday's Emily.
Miss Etta Nickel's- of near Murray
was among the visitors- here today
looking after soma matters of busi
L. D. Hiatt, the Murray merchant,
was here today looking after some
! m?i tlr of hiieinoca tnr a tow Yinnra
and visiting with- friends.
Miss- Margaret Blackhurst, one of
the teachers in the Gary, Indiana,
public schools, is here for a visit
' witli h of nnrlo ittnmnii ti r T"ixr., I Bunkinjr house, furniture and
Other real" estate!!!'. . 8i564.76
Current expenses, taxes and
Wohlfarth departed this morninjr for r-JVi, 'SmSs
i Omaha in company- wiffr their sister, Due from 'National and State
Mrs. James Jones of Shenandoah, ?ans "V, ; 4o,:S
Iowa, who has been here for a holi- currency n . Uems ot.exch jjj&oo
day visit. Gold coin !.".'.".'..'!!.".'.!..!.. '610.00
District Judge - Begley departed silver' nickels and cents.... 2.053.11
Loans and discounts S2S"
Bonds, securities, judgments,
claims, etc.. including all
government bonds 23,040.38
er and will remain until Saturday.
Mrs. A. W. Cloidt antt Mrs. Paul
000,000THIS YEAR
And Twenty-Seven Other Roads to
Purchase $350,000,000 Worth
of New Equipment.
' Andrew Schliefert was lkis
after some business matters In i"
coln last Friday. ,
Michael O'Leary who is eroployeu
in the Union stock yards at Omana
was visiting with friends in Maniey
last Thursday. .
William Otte and family ere
spending the New Year's day at tne
home of Grandmother Rachel isoyes
at her home near Louisville.
Miss Wilma Evans of Omaha, w no
is visiting in Maniey for the holi
days, was the guest of her friend.
Miss Anna Rauth for the New ear
, M sinil Mrs, V. A.
of near Alvo were visiting at the
this mornine for Lincoln whpre h I totat. til n 37j fU I w nr thu fnrmpr's narents. Mr
- - - - - -v "- ii iii iiiv v x
goes to attend the session of the su
ureme court and will also attend the I LIABILITIES
inauguration of Governor Bryan at Capital stock- paid in
the state house.
George B. Lehnhoff of Omana mo
tored down in company with Tom
Murphy yesterday to attend the fu
neral of their old friend. LeA.-C.
oiitu i. mi. iicuuuuu s lauuiy nave
Surplus- fund 2,000.00
Undivided- profit . 19,648.6o
Individual deposits subject to
check i 164.046.93
Time certificates- of deposit.. 163,820.15
Cashiers checks- outstanding
Due to- National and State
Liberty bond certificates..
nsfnk A 4k Cl,- II I Ll Ie
r v s. .... 1 C oiiiiii i.uuiiijr Inr,rest on Liberty DOnU cer.
iui me iJitsb nittreu year
Mrs. Carl Mathisen of Newell, la..
Oepo.sito's guaranty fund.
who has been here visiting her par- I total $410,379.64
ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Rice, for
the past few days, departed yester- state of Nebraska
day for Weeping Water to visit her
sister, Mrs. John Fitzpatrick and
. family for a few days before return
i ing home.
Mr. and Mrs. John Blackhurst of
Chicago, Jan. 5. Indications of
record expenditures by the nation's
railroads for new equipment and im
provements for the current year
w mr nnintail rn tnliv hw tVlA Ti a i 1 -
I Onmwa. Xphraislrn whore A1 Ttlar-lr
way Age. wnicti stateu it nau re-, Z " '
ceived information that twenty-seven !h.urst the superintendent of the
roads planned to spend more than : "ty schools and who have been here
$250,000,000 this year. ! lr a V1S" over New Years with At-
County of Cass-
President of the
do hereby swear
Officials of these railways, repre-;
senting about 40 per cent of
tion's trackatre. were reported
ning even greater expenditures than J. S. Rough and wife of Nehawka
now decided if conditions were fa- j were here today for a few hours
vorable. looking after some business matters,
Using reports from twenty-seven being enroute from Omaha where
roads, the Railway Age estimated they accompanied Mr. and Mrs. H.
Dine and family of Janesville.
onsin. that far on their iournev
Dane is a daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Rough.
$700,000,000 would be spent this(R. f
vcar by the country's railways. This t Wise
sum, the magazine said, would ex- homeward. Mrs
ceed that of any year in the last
decade, except 1917.
The railroad budgets for 1923
equipment and improvements as an
nounced by the Railway Age in
New York Central. S29.000.000. in
addition to $54,000,000 in contracts
let for new equipment; Pennsyl
vania system, $55,000,000; Illinois
Central. $2,000,000; Louisville &
Nashville. $27,000,000; Norfolk &
Western. $32,000,000; Union Pa
cific, $20,000,000; Baltimore & Ohio,
$1S.000.000; Chicago. Rock Island &
Pacific. $1S,000,000; Denver & Rio
Grande Western, $10,000,000; Den
ver & Salt Lake, $7,000,000; Great
Northern, $3,300,000; St. Louis &
Southwestern. $4,390,000; Western
Pacific. $7,500,000; Arizona Eastern,
$600,000; Chicago Great Western,
$957,000; El Paso & Southwestern,
$600,000, and San Antonio and Ar
ansas Pass, $395,000.
and Mrs. C. E. Mockenhaupt, last
Thursday. .
Little John Rauth, son of Mr. ana
Mrs. A. F. Rauth of near Wabash,
has been very, sick for the past few
days but hopes are entertained that
he will- be better soon.
Messrs. and Mesdames Walter
Mockenhaupt and Will Ileebner were
in attendance at a dance which was
I . . -a a- - J 1- Inct
322.21 given at tne nan at iviuraoc.
1,177.54 Monday evenine. celebrating tne
New Year.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Rauth were In
attendance at the funeral ot the late
Dr. B. F. Brendel at Murray last
Thursday, they being very close
friends of Dr. Brendel and his. esti
mable family.
Mrs. David. TIghe who underwent
an operation a short time since at a
hospital at Omaha for appendicitis,
is getting along nicely and it is ex
pected will be able to return, home
in a short time.
Father Higgins, pastor of the St.
Patrick's Catholic church, has been
having a tussle with an ulcerated
tooth and jaw which has not added
much to the pleasure of his New
Year. However, we are wishing that
he may have a very prosperous and
happy new year.
A little girl of Mr. William Shee
han has been ill for some time past
with pneumonia and in a very seri
ous condition, but is now reported
as being much improved and hopes
are entertained that she will con
tinue to until her customary health
has been restored.
Mrs. August Stander returned
home last Thursday evening from a
visit which included a stay at the
home of her brother, August Braun
and wife of Lincoln and William
Tn .1 in n n 7c. Tnrl T'l n T.ACdl T . . ,1 . - JT T. 1
. , ... i mail ti ail. j b. luc uic miiiiuu nvi iu i
re. p. Lutz.
above named bank
that the above statement is a correct
and true copy of the report made to
the State Bureau of Bankingr.
Attest: President.
K. 1 1. SCHUL1IOF. Director.
F. 11. GOBKLMAX, Director.
torn?y D. O. Dwyer. uncle of Mr. Subscribed and sworn to before me
tliA na-' Blackhurst, departed this morning this 6th day of January, I9i'3.
iue iia their home EDNA M. WARREN,
(d plan-,lor tneir ionic (.seal) Notary Fubli
(My commission expires Oct. 19, 1926.)
Less than Half of Ex-Service Men
Have Received Awards The
Legion is Co-operating.
From Friday's Dally.
William II. Puis of Murray was
here today for a few hours looking
after some matters of business.
Mrs. Frank M. Bestor in company
with Mrs. John Hiber, Jr., of O'Neill,
Nebraska, 'departed this morning for
Omaha to visit for the day.
Moore of near Murray departed this
morning for Omaha to look after
war ngnters have ciaimea tne v ic
tory medal authorized by the gov-
another brother of Mrs.. Stander.
While she was away she enjoyed a
If"' " " eminent In recognition of their serv- Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Rauth and
' , . ices overseas and in America, accord- daughter. Miss Anna entertained for
Henry Lutz was a visitor in Om- ing to the service division of the the New Year and had with them
aha today where he goes to accom- American Legion. their son A.- F. Rauth and wife with
pany Ins wife home from that city The Legion is urging that all ex- their little grandson, John, Mr, 'and
where she has been taking treatment service men obtain their medals and Mrs." Herman Ranth and a sister" of
for a few weeks. is also assisting the government Mrs'. Rauth's, Miss - Rene Christen-
Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Evans, who through the 11,000 Legion posts to sen of Omaha, August Stander and
have been making their, home here obtain the addresses of thousands of John, Mrs. Stander being on a
for several months, departed this veterans who have applied for the vjsit at that time. A most pleasant
morning for Norfolk where they ex- medals and who have since changed time was spent at the dinner which
pect to reside in the future. their residences. Service officers in was served. In the evening Mr and
Ralph A. VanOrsdale, Howard a .u g.u.. Mrs. Theodore Harms and Mr. and
Sexton and H. E. Kunninser of Om
On la3t Thursday Ed Miller and
aha, members of the Douglas county
oar, were here today attending to
.miss Lucy wiiieu stoie a marcn on SOme matters in the district cnurr
tneir irienas, went to Lincoln ana
... V'?"0 aypai- Mrs Elmer Gibbons, J. H. Rauth
nun uuuk, ami iu preparine iue and wife and Misg christensen were
papers necessary to get the war med- the &uestS where a enjoyed a most
were married that day
The bride and groom are well
known by all here, having been born
and raised in. this community. The
a d
living two miles south of town and
Ex-sailors may obtain their med
als at any United States Army post
recruiting station or from the Bu
reau of Navigation at Washington.
pleasant evening.
Registered pure bred Holstein bull. I Nurses are urged
Heard of Death of Father
On New Year's day the sad. news
to communicate hrame of tue death of the father of
i s r f irr , - . I :iU i i i m I aVI TS. J Ti Hlimh A ff t ll id nlo.o
brido is a daughter of Mrs. Willett. K1 epuuue oo-v. jz, zsw, ia lue BurBeou euerai anu wrai- m-
is a lady highly respected by all who SHOP CRAFTS LOSE AND WIN
know her. The groom is a son of Mr,
and Mrs. Oscar Miller of this city.
He is an industrious and prosperous
farmer and a man of sterling worth.
The couple went immediately to the
er field clerks with the Adjutant , , 'ater, mo., the old home
General of the United States Armyof Mrs- Humble. Mr. and Mrs. Hum-
IW rONSPrRAfV TOTTTWrTTVKr at Washington. " aepartea mat evening for Slater.
IU LONhPIRACY INJUNCTION I Victory medals may be obtained whGre thev were Present at the fu-
by all persons who served in the Deral and burial of the father and
armed forces of the United States were able to return to take-up their
court today denied the motion of
farm southeast of town where they counsel for the Federated Railway
will make their home. Shopcrafts to dismiss the inlnnrtmn
The best wishes of their many and the suit in eauitv alleeiner a. con-
Chicago, Jan. 5. Federal Judpre
ol . n;ted States district during- the World War and in case work on Friday morning. Mr. W. J.
of death by the person next of kin. "au- wno wa! rormerly a telegrapher
Kinaiy xooKea alter the work at the
VVati. 4-1,. Tntimiii nwim mil I station for Mr. Humble durlner his
ine nest wisnes oi tneir many and the suit In equity alleging a con- " -ww aDsence A fu account of tn
fr on a n-n v i t h hum fnr a Inner cn rora in.f. . . . . I Rr in TtomA flf tnh TITrnflTur nf OT1TJ I . . . uul ul luo 111
- - .""o. uW .ntc. .ex c nmi nueibiaiK i - r -""t - ness ana aeant of Mr. Gwinn will
happy and prosperous wedded life.
Elm wood Leader-Echo.
railway traffic through the shop
men's strike, but granted the shop-
craits' motion for a trial in open
The court also set aside the order
directing that a speeial examiner
take evidence in the suit in various
cities throughout the country. This
was followed. by the granting of trial
in open court and the date set for
I . . - A ,
torlsv fit ihf rnurt linnsp and tool 1 na
nn thp mattPr nf nrtranizatinn of decision OH the defense motion for Charter So. 113
The board of county commission
ers hela tneir annual meeting yes
kind. Best equipped shop in south
eastern Nebraska.
of Wabash, Nebr.
follow in another paper.
their body for the ensuing year. For ? J"' -ai or tne case was reserved
he position of chairman of the . . ' - UI1111 ll,e ca,ime or tne
hnnvrt Frpd H. r.nrder was named V1'- .c m its aecision
in the State of Ne
braska at the close of business
December 30, 1922.
Mrs. Charles Murphy Entertained
At the beautiful home of Mrs.
Charles Murphy east of Maniey that
excellent lady with her daughter.
entertained for the New Year and
had for her guests for the occasion
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel McCurdy of
Witten, S. I)., Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Quinn, Mrs. Katherine Earhart and
two sons, John and Lawrence anH
daughter. Miss Anna; John Murphy
and family, Morgan McCurdy and
lamny. tnis jolly crowd enjoyed the
and as celmirman Geo L f" ffiS f,hf ,oans and tlZZ..., 31.1,65 New Year 177
ley. while C. F. Harris was simply P! '"i""0". Samst the Bankin house, furniture and land the excellent dinner J""!
Prom Friday Dally.
This morning the receiver of the
firm of E. G. Dovey & Son, Jolrn F.
Gorder, held a sale of the eighty
acres of land belonging to the firm
which is located near Elmwood. The
land was sold to Wayne Swartz of
Lincoln for $105 per acre and the
total of the sale amounted to $8,
400. The receiver also received the final
settlement on the sale of the store
building and stock of the store here,
amounting to the sum of $13,000
from the purchaser, Frank I. Fanger.
We have a few extra fine regis
tered gilts. Spotted Poland China
hogs for sale. Hennincr Bro., Cedar
Creek. Thone 1525 Louisville Ex
change. , jl-4tw
I will take orders for Upland Kan
sas hay, either in ton or carload lots
at $17.00 per ton. Phone 30. C. A.
Trent. Murray, Neb. d25-4tw
the junior member of the county federated shopcrafts and their offi- fixtures
business organization.
frtm Friday's Dally
The Greer camp which has been
maintained at the Burlington shops
since the strike of July 1, has been
closed and yesterday was the last
Cials and those of various nvstpm Current expenses, taxes and
federation srrnnto,) ioc jnterest Pid
V" ' - " . " "" Cash items
me petition or united States Attor
ney General Daugherty, upheld the
government charge of conspiracy, as
a basis for the injunction.
and the excellent dinner which was
served at the time.
Due from National
and State banks.. S
Checks- and items
of exchange
Silver, nickels and
Liberty loan bonds
held as casn reserve
Constipation of the boweis is a
day of the activities of the feeding stoppage of the sewerage system that
and rooming places that have cared removes waste matter from the body.
for the men wno are employed at the lit is as necessary that your bowels
shnns. The emnloves have secured I move refinilarlv nnrp pach dav to
rooming and boarding places over carry off this waste, as it is that the I S'?ii?.L st,?i'k pald in,"k
. i. . . .. i .1. I s e i x. i "
iue tiiy iiim me uecesssiiy lur iue L'A
2.000.00 S.335.20
TOTAL $ 70.888.12
LIABILITIES of the camp having, ceased
it was closed down.
. .$ 10,000.00
r. nm na
waste pipes of your home be kept! undivided vrohia". io!30s!29
open and carry off the waste from I individual deposits
the house. If you would enjoy goodLto cnecK...
depdsit 20,739.21
health, keep your bowels regular by
taking Chamberlain's Tablets whenl Cashier's
c hecks
needed. Weyrich & Hadraba.
Lady or gentleman agent wanted
in Plattsmouth to retail Watkins
Products. Investigate "this offer!
Particulars and valuable samples
mailed free. Write today. J. R.
Watlcins Company. Dept. 84, Win
ona, Minn. '
and State
Due to National
Notea and bills rediscountcd
Bills payable
Depositor's guaranty fund-.y
Berlin, Jan. .3. A vigorous forty
eight hour investigation revealed to
day that Grover Cleveland Bergdoll
of Philadelphia, millionaire draft
dodger, who Mas reported to be try
ing to make his way into the United
States disguised as a sailor, has not
been seen at his former home in
Eberbach for two month
Bergdoll has been, living at Eber
bach for about two years or ever
since his escape from a military
guard in Philadelphia after being
sentenced to nrison for
o- o
110.16 43,063.35 J American military service.
. . A Til A rt M .la rt- 1 1 XVXAA'
in i s. rvate oiitiiit-r auiiuuiiiiug wic
arrival of Catherine Alice StrkJK- state o Nebraska. 1
lana, on ueccmoer jv, lvza, at tae j. Ss.
none , ' z . lUAl me American
none uepanraent or justice authorities
none were watching ii lue3
S21.48 shfna frt, T,",, ,rrV. .merman
;r"', xr "fLY iea Ule Interna-
m mt w..i A I tfnnnl Maura C.l . -
4wra.xsi ww9 ovivive 10 make an in
jl-lOtw home of her parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. I Lancaster County j
J. E. Strickland, in Portland, Oregon. I r, Theo. Miller, cashier of the above
It. C Rhode Island Red" and White
Wyandotte cockreis; 1.50 each.
Mrs. Relnke, South Bend; dll-8w
These were. the results
1. Bergdoll dis&n
hoBeat dEb,?.rbaCn twoonthsmago3
a r-Uil Tt0r Car' whi was
lllT ,!!:t on e roads about
Farm loans now made at 5. Th little lady is the first child in named bank do hereby swear that the
Searl-S. Davis, 201 Plattsmouth 1I"U'-A fopv J the .report made to the State Eberbach. disappeared t tZl
Cji ul. -Di J- i . ciucmvi v. " " . - i Durtaw mnnuiK- I Ifmo w
oi-aic xxxixa. JJiu. llJintner. I THEO MILLER,
Attest: cashier,
ns, ... . t,, t i. i i .. i iwhab, uirecior,
uiurougiiureu riyraouui itocit . ir APPKF.CTATTflN I I. M. THOMAS. Director.
-ut-Kitis, f..uv. iiiuyu r rau). ici.
667-J. j4-2w,ld
Lose anythln? Find anything?
Try a Journal want-ad. x
Subscribed and sworn to before one
tlr day of January, 1923.
We gratefully acknowledge yourjthis
kind thoughts and expressions of
sympathy in our recent bereavement.
Mrs. Lee C. faharp and lamiiy. i(My commission expires May li, 1923.)
Notary Public.
3. Bergdoll had intimated his in
tention of "taking up a trin' w
friends believed fha? he merefy con!
templated a motor journey
An attempt was made by detec-
army o?'1,-11 th? American
l,?y of ccuPation on the Rhine to
kidnap Bergdoll, but it faUed.