The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 18, 1922, Image 1

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Ifebrpfk. Ette Eatcri
cal Society
tOL. no. xzxvm.
NO. 46
here, is mm
ifl ST, LOUIS s
St. Louis Police Officials Get
Touch "With Sheriff Sainton
as io Llan Captured Here.
Several wi t I.?
ago Officer
tirtbe arrest, d two cm.
Ii. F. But-
Iir r.nd John Burton
la ine
iington yards I t: ar:d found in the
possession of I-'erton a number of
dyr.amiu fuses : r.d a small bo; tie of
i.itro k;v( . rine a r.d the two men have
been he'd hen- since in order that po
ll, e ( f erhtr t itles might he reached
and so::..- ti. .r.g of the history of the
men ienrried.
D. Quin
frcm St.
t into the
ton ri". :v
Louis that
: ir.:
an msi
of 1 1:
man. Pur: on. and !ear
the supposi: ion of i lie si. - r Iff that
v.;::- no novi-e a: the yirg gr.m'.
The Ft. Lo-ris superintendent oi
the police d-rs the return oi the
r-.r.n who was known in that cuy as
Fr-d V.. R::"!'.iv)-. nr.l pives a short
1 iftvry rf t lie man in the Missouri
tl'y. He va arrested in Jt;ne of this
: r ::: that e::e lc.- h.:er released
hut in Julv vv;- acain arrested with
r wo ma n on
'.nvii't :;d a t
t ha
ty of
::au in n is
' -sessiur. a c: n .
:iad burtiar :. ei
bend of Si.".'", s b'.ndsn:an
s i ves
He furnioLed a
ned Ly a protes
i St. Louis, hut
his eiane irom
n travel in? over
procet '.ed to
the ei-y a-1
: l:e v. V: ;.t
:ir. (;r b.-.
I: vas -a:d
county "attorn y
a t t h cf the
? n
a? the man is
:: inir nur" sern
Mls-ciiri ci'y ?
us'-s in the
:?.v b"? turnet. over
u the
of that cit
a a l:d the
1 to wail
y for the hrst
braska t.f
until he has
rtceivd punishment in St. Louis.
Proposal fcr Change in Selecting
Ilembership Will be Taken
Up by Organization.
From Tt nr. rtav s Tai:v
L-.,ct evening the members of the
'.-ral ;
est c f the American Lt ?ion cn
a vr ry l .rpely attended and in
s me very important matters
: r.-'i'ler-d by the men bership
to the system cf formii.p the
.r.hip of the post in the fu-
w t :
Tl "
r::;:tter of procedure in
r''t as yet been pasre d
s t -: -.'-:''2(4iiarters and
-..trture for the pest, it
litW Uv
::.rel and submitted to
or aT.prjval and if found
t:.e state
: e- not ,n:Iict with ether
t : sup-, rit r orpanization,
t e nee ra. rtil.tei! to the local
th- ir e --r-: :-ieration.
:u pr ;.-.-- :.- for the ad:p
'.. cour.-e used by ether
t oiis of i) if election of the
: 1 "o: : ft-r a formal ap
h. been n adc anu the
- ir. V;" T !?ate 1.
: tt--r w-.s thoronthly dis
1 tl e members received
f a.: tie interc
s on the p"". position and
v :th f;:;; r.ccnrd that ti;e
ra 'i-'i;ie-d f- he In id lief ore
1. l-.c.-.rtcr-- without any
::ry de'ay and in order that
i" .- '-! en ;: the re-
u' ' m"inbr-rs for the
r i i id be taken up.
C-. :
tr (T..
'-:'" V - I 'ft .
.. A H of the Me "ra h'',9.
'" strom; fraternal societies
ci 's i-e ; 1 1 community, lied el
r.ual election of officers at
- Tuesdav tve-n:ng and
'-t were selected:
u nder Mrs Emma Mc-
r Mrs. Anna I'tak.
nander Mrs. Birdie
C' 1: ctor
f -: lain
?: -rc-riEt-
Mary Teterson.
Elizatieth Ha jerk.
rs. iirnese liowe.
1 y at nr r: ;
Mrs. Lf i;ra Adams.
::: ir:e; Miss Emily McCraikcn.
T"l Mrs. Elizabeth Buttery.
V-.5-n INIrs. Hilt Martin.
The- larjiec are arranging to hold
Hi.: hn and social and program at
r e.' m. ting on the second Tue-s-y
in January.
From Thursday Dm'.y.
J-"" r.iiht the frst renl snow
H'.l of the s-uipnn brought the r-rom-of
n;d time "whirc" Christ
mas, aul ah" was pleasing to the
'- :r.irterc Wjth its op- -artunity of
"' ::;.::::. of winter time.
T- wond'rful fa1.! aiid winter so
:-r has befn one otf th-? mildest on
,c-' rrd and n little 'now to remind
;! :h-t it is f:t approaching th3
: - ' y:.r and that two months of
"':uter has passed. i:i not unpleasant.
Farm lorans new made at 5 .
5es;l S. Davis, 301 SmwrKTtf,h
Ste 3mlc Biar.
Frun Thursday s Hatty.
The Christmas che'r that was of
okl known to i-M-itt' and inebriate the
population but
has tiinc ln'tn barred
.:. fines of our state
ova th,- 1 tir
md nation, seems to
have been in
on th streets
evidence las-t
and at the result Oilicer C
rr took into cutod v Art
eorge :
K.vimr. hup i
of t bet-hops.
o'c ltu k
employ s at the Burlington
ami lodged a complaint
him before Judge William
The c:i.m' will he tried at 2
this aitemoom a torn inu
an v
f nd
J: a vit
:nt in
g been asked
the ease.
by th ii-
ie i a cltar dt: c.t the many hne t.p
. . i ic vtur.ities ci buyinrr serviceable
Man Taken into Custody by William -uais :ii the lowest pr-cs and knfw
Grebe Shows Warlike Snirit iy:ct'y what thvy wanted.
But is E5"ectivelv Subdued
Fiot. T:.t.rsi'a-f
!..-;:: nicht as
was dr:' v.-in? r.'
fit be 1 ad an t
I-aii;. I
th midnight hour
ar OiTuer William
eruiire wit; a ra th
tr warlike prisoner and tjuity btars
tiie mar Us of the surprise attack of
the your? man. From the eirtum-std!l'-
'.s r-dated by the ollicer it
si-(r.:s tl at ti'" man w!io pave tiie
m-mc ot A. ii. P::zal. was standing
:uar Ti.e entrance to the Coatts
bhu'k and a: par, utly had been im
bibit r of stront drink and Mr. Grebe
r- qi: std i.i-n to come wiih !:im to
tie county bas:ile. A companion of
the y.,ui? rut n was taken in char?.'
Ly iulictr lit inrit hsen after a ciase
and Mr. (Pre be started on with his
nrisoi.'-r. Talcinsr a r-hort cut to the
.; a i I thf- nfi' iT and his captive start
ed up Fi:th str-et, tiie intention he
ir.? io ?.. throii?h the alley to the
jail and when jut opposite the V. J.
Hartwiik canuy store the prisoner
tore iDv-se with a roke at the face ot"
, Mr. Greb? and inflicted a very ca..ty
j wo ant! on the nose of the officer, who :
it lire v.- up arm to defend himself
d then received a snail cut on rh.'
thumb of his 1-ft hand, apparently
rom sor:e weapon. The oSi' . r rr:-
.? j. d to quiet I lie prisoner effective
ly a?'d as Ofhoer Heinrichben came
alon? with his man the warrior was
plnced in hi:
custc-dy and taken over
to the county ja:
cleaned up from
;1 v.lme .Mr. Gr-.txe
th- effects of the
I?:-ial claimed to be employed at
th' shops this morn in? at the ofhee
Oi Couniy A;torny Cole.
He r-eei". t :i a fine of ;20 and costs
or th- charire of iein? drunk from
he hands of Jud?e Weber.
Shows Making of Antomobiles and is
Very Instructive Thracnt
To Show ct Louisville.
n Ti nrs-'tB vf Iail-
rhaps the most unique dramati
n of in-'.nstrial progress ever
n-d was r -'ented to the- public:
v ning at the Lvri- theatre un- ;
:h" tit!, of "The S?ory of an An- I
and will Le shown later at
TV f.Im bars the seal of the Unit
ed Sif.tes Department of Commerce
an 1 w.JI b- "j:hibit'd in all parts of
; ! wond. 'l'l"- s -nen are laid in the
a taiiis of the Studebaker corpora
tion and vividly detail the building
i 1 an automobile.
YV-i see the- raw materials enter
and then after hundreds of fascinat
irc and instrin-tivo operations the ln-d car is drien on its own pow
;r from the final assembly line.
Fkilb d v te-km"n perform operations
v. hi 1. must nf-' vary more than one
half of one-thousandth of an inch in
measure cent. Labor saving device's
and huge machines, almost human
in th" operations they perform, fur
nish dramatic evidence of the ad
vanced methods employed in build
ing Studebaker cars.
The picture was brought to Platts
mouth through the efforts of J. F.
Wolff, loral Studebaker dealer.
T'ii.- picture is of interest to any
one who ever rode in a motor car.
Prcim ThersdftV.a f)ai..
Last evening the danee which had
been announced some time ago by
the Dreamland orchestra was held
at the M. W. A. hall and a very pleas
ing attendance was present from tho
members of the Burlington 6hop em
ployes and citizens in general. To
add to the enjoyment of the occasion
r vcrv interesting chalk talk was
given by George Ropers which show
ed mtieh cleverness and as well a
run her of selections by local talent
assisted in the course of the evening
of pln"ure. An excellent orchestra
from Omrha conducted by Peter
Cmctovilie furnished the music for
the dance and which was right up to
the minute in its excellence.
icnam tug piece, .viaae irom govcrn-
... . , .. . . ment stock. Postpaid, $1. Try one.
You will nnd a nice lm of ft you-n buy ncj-. A. J. rrVt, jjt:
goocs at the Jtxiial office. "ck, KbTpi.
Or.e of the Larrest in Point of At-.
t j r- i tt '
tendance ana auis tnai xias
Eten Held in Citv .
r'rid.i Tliursdayi- Imliv
The reat otltrinf;
merchants of the city
ly sales day yesttrd:
the day beiniT on.1 oi
: y
' ue
the montli-
r.s;nted in
e best that
hoie nine
salt s days. I
r t in ei uti- j
v .th lilt ir '
h...s been enjoy ed in the
,Ttn month:- of rut cesf u!
: irom distant joints ov
jtv tiie Fhojijier cane
'families and v-:t!: t'ta
! of the -uyiTi: ; iv .i t .in 1
itiroi'fh the inti iilLeM
i.:i.)Wl'. dpe
its secured
: d vert isint:
Ua m pa irn of the I'hittsmout h liierca
'aats and thh-. serve.! to make the
'handling of business mufh aFier lor
the as eT eryoae had jrain-
in a erat many of ;!;. stores
with ai'.ded clerks ii v. as almost im-po-'ih'e
for the mtreha::Tu to t-ven
leave their places b'lii-ess fir
'r.nrh and from the time of the open
i tie- of the dco:r of the tres at
o'clock until
r tores were :
The occas-i
to do their
pre at money
v. ho i'.es.i ' (i
t -4
as l 0 o'clock
I led wi
;th shopp.-rs.
n pa ve many a chance
'hristams shnppin? at a
sav inp -.nd for those
to mate it a service-
abie" L'l'.ri--tmas. there wa:-
a world
of huyinp cipprrtunit ies.
The crowds w ere r-preventative of
b :h the residents c.t li e city and the
cit of town stoppers and everyone
tell that they had been aivc ii a
;-euiiine itarpaii: day in ti e event j
tia.sred by th-' Piatt, mouth merer:
mu in m
M a in e i t a '
5 Him
Young Kan Creates Disturbance in
P.estaurant by Conversation,
and Ticuble Follows.
' ro-n Tr.ur.adevs I'ui.
While a
y-un? peep'
at the Grab
nuiuber of the
th- d. nees wire
last evenin? en-
:m cr
joyin? luncheon, ti
to more cr less excit
y were tre'tted
meat ore. tioned
w hen O nicer E a r I
yci'.n? man named
rest. claiminT ti
Murray jilaced a
I-u5toa under ar
t the man laid
1-itn usina h::i
::d vile lancuaee- in
the lesttiurant.
'1 he man -a ;.s t;
:: . tat: rant ami "
ti. : n '- nsn ! : nd :
i-r a. to wh. t ha-'
t.-u v. ar- iT'ii-i'c-d
;e:. outside
.-id-raldc ::
aaumeufs p
of the
:id I'V I'll " i
rt vera! rat ra -1
v. ere v. it h Mr. i
the proprictvir
in the arpu-
hers ' f the party that
ITustLi: a- w ;'! as by
of the rcftauraat and
ment the caui-e
t f the debate was al-
lowed to po.
'ihis n-orninei comrl
.r. t VaS
::pinu e.
hied '
i efere JuJpe W'e- vr c'.iar
.1. Graham with di.-turbin
;e peace
i y arpuinp ove:
arrest and h" w
:e matter of the
:lv n a tins of ?!'
and coats, amountins io
I: v.ns rtited at the police head
quarters tiiaf complaint would he
tiled apulnrt and he be ap
prehended on the charge of having
been drunk.
From Tliumdav's rt!v
Tho practjie of persons hunting
on private property without p r mis
sion of the owner is a very costly
proposition and those who are in th
hr.hit of doing this should take hied
of the frte that was mete-d out to a
party of Omaha hunters yesterday
afternoon in the court of Justice
William We ber.
Dirk Roe and Jack Doe, two Om
aha parties, were apprehended by
Earnest Melbern. game warden, for
hunting on the farm of Glen Rhod
en near Murray and the two men
rcttled the matt.-r by putting up a
cash bcr.d of ?1! each and which
wans forfeited in court yesterday
when the parties failed to appear.
Another party of hunters from the
metropolis flivvered down to the
farm of John Yallery and proceeded
to start the pleasures of the hunt
over the land of Mr. Yallery without
first securing his permission and as
tV result Edward. John and William
Dokulil. Herman Kutz. Martin New
hart and John Trytnes all w re com-m-i'ed
to put up bonds of $10 each to
Mr. Melbern for their violation of the
law and this rum of SO 0 was forfeit
ed in the justice court.
From Thursday's Tatly.
Mrs. Bernice Tillery of Lexington
and Mrs. A. F. Yroman of Lincoln,
who have been heer for a few days
visiting with Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Yro
man. departed this morning for Om
aha, whre Mrs. TilbTy will spend
a tw days. Mrs. Tillery is a neice
of Mrs. L. H. Yroman and has been
spending some time with her mother.
Mrs. Ida Fowler. 8t Lake YJew, la.,
during the illness of the mother.
j A new wrinkle in halters with
From Thursday s t'xi-v
The da::, i' j-.i v n evening by
the firtnitn at the Ea tiles !iai: was
otu of t'.;e Lijrpest events ;f its kind
held he re for- .lany months and in
addition in t'n TV I: rtie a:tcnd
at.'.e 1 1 i re At"- mar y who Loujthl
ti. :.ts to a- l. i in ii.- i,aod eau.-'e
v hi ve r sio ;rSLi.t :n pes son. The
on hestra. und'-r the : dership of V.
It. t f r.rtii.-lu d i.e.. - .viy sn:. p
py .i: r.z nu'nbeir to th leiijiht of the
:i r.:i.-r- ot the ; r; d. .'.s the result
of th uan. o t :'
real..- a : . ;m.
i iaier;;
:!: ir : U
I-Irs. K. G. HcCIusky C-:.ves Interest-;
:rtj Talk cr. -Our Work" 1
G-ce-d Attrnt". ar.ce.
From Frii'iVi- T:-itv
Ye sit ' au.'-rnai.! the A .! fe
ci, ty of the M thodife. eP.urcr. ..-.,-.l
a very p'-. ar.i t :. ii- at '.lie
cliurch p'irIor' w' ic-h v .-.- very -a:;:-. -'
iy attended : nd fi'P ' iW- prcrt'-st j
cf inttret to .-..ryone.
Vrr. I' G. Mfl i'.i-v . '.::t e
thou' ktf 1 and v .-y .;.1ks h..'--(
hc. n v ii - i ".: :":' --y t'-. ;
hi.l.t s (,f t'' c it" ' : v, '-i ! ; ;
; h; reel -ri-:- s ;W -v:h;
tiie pre-itest o'" ii'-'pf :.:v s. io : ii,
lhee ill : te' : '. e T'.e s;;".i;.'Ct -w;
"Our V.".-; k." a nd in i. l i"h the .
!vt-r to-i; en i lit re'it ::a.-' s '
of tl!: ".orh of the v o.reu oi ti e'
-tic::, in the ' '- "l in ;. -bit,
life end uraed t'rt : :h one culti-'
.ate the study :f t' ' ' '"1 f; .('. ors o.' !
i'V .it : V "!bl K-I.U T i'i'ladl Ii;
the visie-n of the v :a. a the ne-;
Ti'f :adi"s were '-r r r .-' r : '. sen- - I in the feet that l;-r 9-" !v:v..
t:,e W. i '. 7. V. i "r. ? o ! ,.d
:i :-t.:: '
ti at tea th ra
in? was ur.uMt to i.-t!: the city ,::
time to take part in the program. i
At a Fuitahle hour iery dainty
and del it it'U- refrci! mer.ts v.-.-re!
rved l y th - boes-os vhicb .'Is'e-.i
very much to the p':. : a-.itt-s of th!
afternoon. ;
iufreme mm
mm mm
Calls Trcup. of Pougbs. end H?.?er.!
cf Fawne? to Scire on the
Supie.r.e Bench.
r -. -.. C'.u- draV'-d A. !
. I - ' : - ! J. I;. Ran r. j
i. i -r j i',f( . to serve
b.--i( '' o : ' : " ' t r " :
e . u
' ' Tr. up
f i'--v p.
o:i tl '
no:.; !
Tii tri t .
., rv a
-rd o:
t an 1 l--e".l( '.: "f T 'a- a
f':-hlne !'' " n . ' -: s-:v:eu.
f'- (''--.,,:u. e ; a'1 a ua:r'
ai-aa th ;s p-v.- tie- si-tt "
, -. i i-r . 'M,t m :.: timt the -i- "-' '
judpes a;;--.- !:
t ion a: pa v !'..' : a
Irs ' exper:... : t ''
' -::;i (
t' i-i -'.i fO
to s. rv :or on-.
order to distri'.i't'
e. ""his v-;:s :n
, httrd.'t niar-
e-ei-. ;!y. Af, t i: ".! ie: 1 e. :
weil ; round th- di.-trirt euro it u.
.ihandom-d thi- ;! ri for the re .s.
that it was sati-f..t tor; n t' t'
ti e supreme or district vudir. Tin
latter w e t t hone" with five nr
a.'i'-es t a. de.?id"-. at' i thy wera also
left vith t!:'ir nve; w-.irl: on land.
: s:is :
d to th :: v ri 1 i:: on' or two
fcu-t-ed a rear rum i n
Lii a case.
l'::der tie two :::!:. h - plan tl.a
distri : jud-. '.n a-u :;-.: to hae
it is own vul: t:.5. . : a! ef '- !: . . . '"'
i.-i s-ittinu a si:; judue. and
t! us have time to an - t .lily disp Jfc- ri
asea. ;.:-aiuned hin: lor a decision. j
An ori'-r of the district court has
b.-i n signed api-roving the appli'-a-tion
of Mrs. Grace Colbert, widow ot"
Wylie Colbert. kill"d by lighting
while cmtipiyed !" the Searle t
Chnpin lumber eonr-any as tru'k
driver. Th.e defendant in the case
was the London Guaranty Accident
company, bond 'tig company for tho
lumber company under the work
man's compens t ion a t. The widow
is to be given 5 ft . 2 5 f as a total set
tlement for the death of her hus
band, who was killed on the farm
of C. A. Keel while taking refuge
under a tree from a storm. j
Mrs Colbert stated in ber applica
1 tion that she wanted o mak" the set
'tlemnt so she could better prepare
herself to make a living for hers.-lf
'and sixieen-mont hs-edd daughter,
land that she needed the money for
that purpos -. Nebraska State Jour
nal. It will b'- rrme'rber 'd by our rend
ers that Y'yl:c Colbert was killed by
lightning on July r. 1922. and that
he was a son of Mr. and Mrs. George
Colbert, of Wanncta, pioneer and
hicrhly respected residents of the
Weeptpg Water virinity yor5 sgo.
Her good fortune in being nwarde-i
ibis amount of dnmrges i; very
pleasing to tho many friends of the
family. Weeping Water Republican.
JocKial want ads pay. Try them.
tit i ULLrJlTl UiliU
Fcid Sedan Ciptnrec. t Fiatte River
Bridge V.-ith Two Young Ken
in Chrr""' bv Ciebe.
From Frb. ; I.s'tv Pv-11. head of
he i-.u-n ! '-etive ae--i'i. y'of 11., -
l a. and Y.'iliiam (l:e"--. exal r pre-
n.,:. o; tn- r,v.;- t.uto and
w a i re
iy I'.mi y. un.-r n: en v ho were,
: ei' pa vl.? the toil, j
.? ?:!,!. j
'!'; ". i.s wcr-. tal'.t-n to th'-
1 " Frank Detie' in !:is car
him in ihe
:.: had a aier's -ard di.-?-
: vd re-tr 'til vhi'e in front
as n ") i-. p. urn her that hrd ap-
: ri t i eon m u.-e some i inie, the i
c..r its if v; s a etimpara ! i v. new o: e.
This ircumstance excited tiie suspi
- ions of (he two officers an ! they
b-oupht the tw. y-un? m-i on into
t lias i ;te at. 1 took th-'-m to the office
of the
Olltv ; itClU'eV w lit re- tnevi"-'- '" ....... i.v.. ......
i -i', ; icr:. i -J further.
t v... , ,.-.j:r v r ciues -
..,.. i ..n, .,. f i-,(t.
i':r t i .;.:: id -ntifi'-.ttion and the
:' i In r- the ar had come from
and the result v:us thai the suspi
cions of i he oriieers were borne out
that the i-ar had bo-n stolen.
Th" sedan w as takn sc-vcral
. r-sro irom the streets of Toledo,
.en : I
the two boys. Fillmor.';
I H' lit, are! Htrhert ! Jay .
l.ree- s"n--o b en tmikin? their way
, ; wi:b the si ihii car.
Tie- lM:io authorities have been r.n
ti:h -i and v.-iil eomc Inter to take the
ear and tl two younp men back to
Teh '1 j t, a-ia:.'! trial tor aliup the
P-'ih Fuwl-r nra I.'.'.yl. cs claim
1 Ir hen.e a be at Lo; kport.
N w York.
Th c.ip-.ure of tho two men is a
v. rv i-c .-mendabl i-iere of work for
) oth :.Tr. I2n el and Mr. Grebe and
a :- prompt "?s in p'.-ttinp on the
' was r'-.-'--nsible for rounding up
the aut.j pilferers.
. fW1!,, .... - . .1 ouou .oi'ii ii. e Home oi oyai v an
8-M U I rJI-fyThvho lives on the Claud Betiz farm a
im'i I L:t I I 1 mih? northwest of town, askir.p for Clu?" Arranges to Hold Car
nival at- II. S. Tonight for En
tertainment cf Public.
f'rt.tT; i'rk'ty Uat.v
T! Is" evening a' the h:r.i: school
t 1 . .t ir.ior iia-s v. j'i pre.-., n: a ca.r-?'-.-:!
for 'he r v. t.-nr i t of the
;..-'-.:! piiidic and from the various
,- . :. t ; tl..- jc-nu-: p-"ple of the
. iy s; .-. 1-. f v. .-' ue.i in- the pa t.
.! ; r: v .' vhi be a r-ai treat in
-. .ay an 1 cne :i:ai wiil fur-
.-'1 a:! ! in. Is of en', t ri a inme n t to
..11 tl""S ' v. ;:o atteiMl.
Th-.- li-t of e-ntei miners is varied
and .iil i ::!..-: a prt-ut many surprises'
i t1 " isiter? a.s tiie Ji-nie-rs have
"' a-aaiit up seme very cievtr stunts
;.-: :!-. entertainment.
I vou want a r. el f.-at. yon
hruhl come c ut t: the carnival
ioniaut and not only enjoy your
s. if. but assist a v.orthv cause.
Krom Tr! Jay's Daitv
Tie- Boyai Neighbor,' held then
.'i".:;u'i! 'b-ition of oflicer- last eve
virr at !. M. V. A. hall with a
a ry pleasing attendance of the mem
bers! ip pres- r.t at the m.-etinp. The
following v. . re mimed:
Te-t oracle Mrs. Pr.t'.lir.e Smith.
Orr. le Mrs. C. E. Christ.
Yi.-e oracle Mrs. Katherine Hild.
e'iiancellor Mrs. Florence Cole
man. Recorder Mrs. Elizabeth Meising-
Receiver Miss Myrtle Foster.
Marshal Miss Helen Hild.
lnnr sentinel Mrs. P. H. Rob
erts. (inter sentinel Mrs. Elizabeth
Manager Mrs. J. H. McMaken.
Physician Dr. R. P. Westover.
Musician Mrs. O. C. Hudson.
(Oninlia vif ItiMlio N-nifet
On.aha. D"c. la. "I will give my
aid t: Mr. lkr.v-11 on any measure
that bent fits Nebraska people."
diaries W. Bryan, governor-elect
l democrat .
'Any mi-rruire sunporte-d by Mr.
Bryan beneficial to the people of Ne
braska will get my hearty support."
R. P..-echer Howell, senator-elect
( republican ) .
These statements of the two fu
ture lading executives of the state
introduced for the f i rr. t time in the
history of the state, the leaders of
the two most powerful political par
ties working together in the coming
legislative se?ion.
Christmas cards in all designs.
Beautiful remembrances of the kind
friends qan be iqpnd at the ujaal
Yisterday ariernoou the ht-aritip
. of tin- eoa.plaint filed apainst Art
Ewinp. t imrpir.L i iui with intoxica-
ntxt Thurs
day t.wias '- the absene
e of the city
, :.:tor:i( iror.i the ity.
- "he vol np i: ':n. Huston, who was
,!u. ot.UI.r t,:- l!u. controversy at the
crahatn :-.-s;:.uT --nr Wednesday nipht
' appear -J in .iadae el. r s court y-s-
i if vday ati ruon and t ntert-d a plea
! t rul!t to the;r- of disturbing
,lJ' ' '' : received a fine of 5 "
" 1 ''-' nmountiui; to
ilU L dSLf EH
SARY list mm
Mr. rnd 3rs. Henry A. Schneider En
tertained by Friends on a Very
Pleasant Occasion.
Last cveninp Messr?. and Mes
dam s 11. W. Knorr. E. C. Harris and
J. I'. Warps entertained very rie-
: 1 i'rH ) full ... ttio K" n . Yi rime in
i or ci si:vr wetidimr anniversary
i ..- ..,.,1 II ..... CV.l, , -
ul "'-u 1- "".
: t-nd the occasion was one of the most
untMial pleasure to th" members of
thr' party..
The hostesses had prepared a very
cha.rminp five course dinner which
was -'-rved at T o'clock and which
I v'-',s lni:' appreciated by th ir.em-
i u':'r'' of tht X'Wf -ml dt-monstrat'-ei
that the ho.-t '.-- wt-re roval enrer-
taine r1'.
rellowin? the dinner the members
of !.- aa;ay'd the eve nin? in
form, ::!y in mil -lc and soc ial convt-r-sntion
until a late hour when they
(t parted homeward.
A-- r -rr emhrances of th? event thf
of lienor wero presented with
s'-verai beautiful pifts from the
Thi.-s-: in attendane . wore Mossr:.
""i. r ranK a. e toiur. a.
-"Commons. J. W. Burnie, E. C.
I!;"'r!S' J- F 'r rpaR. W. Knorr and
nd M--d antes Frank A. Cloidt. A.
th tru?rts ef honor, Mr. and Ivlrs.
A phone call came in Monday af
jt"rnoon from the home of Voyal Wall
:--i-tar.c' in nutting out a. lire which
hreater.ed the house. Ca-1 Price re
; ndtd at once with a track load of
viiliag helpers and the fire was soon
ad r eortrol and extinguished with
t T I I
e e c.amag'
hold od -a th.-.ut,!! the 1-uiieiing was
-o:::--hat 'ii-tirurf-d. Th" lire caught
se...:e manti'r between th" eeiiing
and f.oar above, and vile, the high
" ! d r rtr vailing it is a wonder the
'.:.;:- us, saved. Mr. ani Mrs. Wall
v.'i.-h to thank the r :!ibor and
I'air.b- for their promnt asarstan
in thi - euu t et-ncy. v.hith saw-d their!'.! ilpaodT. We-p:np Water
Christmas stationery in ail the
latest and most fashionable designs
can be fotrnd at the Journal office
rnd at prices that ere vithin the cf all. See our special lines,
they are the best ever shown here.
r fl
War Saving Stamps fire Gas
January 1st
Holders cf U. S. Government War
Savings Stamps are hereby advised that
stamps cf the 1918 series will be due and
payable January 1, 1923.
As interest on all such, stamps ceases
January 1st, they should be turned in
promptly for redemption.
Bevare of swindlers after Govern
ment Stamps and Libert' Bonds!
Tiie First National bank
Member Federal Reserve
Friends of Ilr. and Mrs. Lambert
Lister Remind Them of 30th
Wedding Anniversary.
vr-:ti ritiM" hCv
Iuet e.!ii:..e 1i
rii i?ii i,o:s of Mr : a
l : h tills a fid
ad Airs Lamb-lt
ju- t . t 'f t;.e
Lister, who
city, pathered at t'.e
asnt thi m in tin proper observance
of tfeii .'iOtli wttbiinc anniveifs-iry.
Tlte n emher of the i, arty wet
armed " iih horns, pans and oihcr
noi't' produciup devi'es ant as the
!lr-t nrte of the Srien'id" Marted the
lu-ide end f room hastened out and in
vited the u e r: imal ers in to spe nd
the eve-nine.
Tli time was delightfully e;ent
in vi. itinp and u penerr;! pood time
and one of the crowning lectures, of
the evenin? was the wedding., in
which the bride and groom of thirty
years ago were again joined in '!.e
bonds d' wedlock. Judge A. J. 1 lee
son, to whom the performing of the
marria?e ceremony lias grown t-
he almost second nrtuie was present
to tie the nuptial knot in a very
pieaSiin? manner. The groom was
attended by Martin Nelson as best
man : nd the bride by Mrs. Henry
Stnrkjohn as bridesmaid, while Matt
S'ther officiated as the rinpbearer.
At a suitable hour the well laden
baskets cf pood thines to eat were
produced and a royal feast enjoying
by the jolly party and on their de
parture hoinew-ard they joined in
w'sliin? Mr. and Mrs. Lister tinny
more years of happiness.
Those in attendance were Messrs.
and Mesdames Martin Nelson, Allen
J. Bee-son. Matt Sulser, Edward Lutz,
Jr.. Henry Starkjohn. Georce (lond
nian. C. A. .Harvey and the little
folks, Dorothy Hirz. Hilly Starkjohn,
Glen Luiz. James. Giea and Dorothy
Lifter, and the puest of honor. Mr.
and Mrs. Lister are the parents of
eipht children, four of whom reside
in California.
From Friday's I'ailr
Yesterday afternoon Ralph W.
White, of Dallas. Texas, arrived here
and visited over night with his er. A. W. White and his sister,
Mrs. J.
D-'nelnn and M'cs Mar-
garet. departing this morning for
M in r.t a po'i? :tnd Des Moines on busi
ness for the Bell Telephone interests.
; Mrs. White ftid daughter will arrive
j from Dai'as to'oirrrov." and will later
be jo-ned by Ralph for an over
'Chrirtm:ts virit in the old home.
' Ralph io looking fine and reports
conditions in the soutliwest as being
muck improved and in the particular
rtcinity of Dallas showing a pr.-at
;ain. H h"d been at St. Louis prior
?- comir:" h' re ai:d will conclude
his northern business trip with a
real old fashioned visit.
Gen. James II. Short, tlt-pur ;it"'t.
commander cf the Patriarchs noi;
tam cr the 1. O. O. F. of Ne-braK'i.
is busy these '"ays preparing for the
crgani.u.t ion of new cantons ov-.-r th-
state and en December 1K will vi-it
Gran ! Island v here- a canton is 1 e
Imr oriranized and where there v'o!
he a class adoption and muster. Lacr
he expects to visit Lexington to look
after the work of organizing thfe.
t 2