A- IXJCxLY.EIJ! 14, 3,322. MnMMMMMttMBMMi'l. page jitght ycus ft Tfete I i "ma" in Merry this M$mZZf : MINISTERS OF CITY HAVE PLEAS ANT MEETING Entertained at Home of Rev. and Mrs. McClusky Last Evening; and Have Fine Time. Weil, 7, now, They sure have put TIE3 lock at that. . i a 1 i 'erry vniistmas: us greai io mint, m. tan uc smwic ." i - l,imK m ?:if nri can rnmmiliee iu every uiic Luuna co liiu un n ooi - had found time for something beside Fourth of July!" MUFFLERS the ri; be no about :ht kind. There will disparaging remarks "the ti.-s a woman selects' Holiday nitn the '.is Pure showing. if made from our Hsplays. Pleasing ear 'round makes of our Christmas Trice- 50' to 53 SWEATERS for outdoor wear. There's really years of pleasure ami comfort in a good all wool sweater. Think how last ing; and satisfactory a gift. No Ftore could be better equipped to give you juot what you want in this line. Men's all wool pull overs to ?10 SHIRTS always welcome. Seldom doe? any man hav too ninny shirts. You can se lect here colors and patterns i e is sur.1 to like. Neckband, collar attached or collar de tached sty'e silk stripes. Mens coat all wool pport jacket, to wear under the J?Q45 to 8 50 $2 to $4 Men':? hc:.vy rope sweater $5 to $10 Also Full Line of Boys' and Children's I.: -r. 1 t'H'tl l far the ikr. UNDERWEAR from prosaic. Giving man in your family u'i- prr c" v ear ti; may the true i glVllJg. s Christm need sr.int M Ulib ex- of ;ng- AND ALSO Tuxedo Suit Full Dress Suit Overcoats Hats Handkerchiefs Jajamas Bath Robes Gladstone Bag Club Bag Army Locker Fur Collar Garters Suspenders Fur Cap Plush Cap Tweed Cap Flannel Shirt Leather Belt Sure to please, collar and his You know best should be one Protects his health, too. whether it of the big brushed wool ones for mo toring or a fine silk one for dress. They're all here for vour selection 50 to $350 SOX or HOSE whichever you say and whatever kind you may wish we have them from the ordinary cotton to the finest silk and wool. Darnproof Six pair guaran teed mx months. Ter box Holeproof- 50 $J10 the hose de luxe 75' H From fcdnfsrt:ivs Oatly l.-.-t evening the Presbyterian Marse was the scone of a very pleas ant gathering of the ministers of the city and their wives to enjoy the un u ually pleasant occasion that had been arranged for them by Hov. H. C. McCIu.sk' and his estimable wife. The occasion was a J o'i lock din ner and the rooms were prettily ar ranged with the decorations of the Christmas season which made a very attractive setting for the gathering. The place can's reflected the Christ mas spirit tarried out in the other decorations. The coior note of the decoration was in red, this being used in the place cards, nut baskets .in-1 candles which Find their pleas ant glow over th escene. Tl;- ministerial association meets fortnightly and finds it very help ful to discuss together the religious problems of vital interest, particu larly to tin's city. As the senior pas tor of the city Rev. McClusky and his, wife offered the hospitality of their home to the ministers and the occasion was made more than usual ly enjoyable by the fact that the la di"s were present to add to the iti terest of the melting. In the serving of the dinner Misses Edith and Helen Farley assisted in a very charming mann-.-r. Those in attondan'o were: The Kev. and Mrs. Y. S. Leeto and Ma dame LeOte, Rev. H. Koltich. Rev. Frank Emory Pfou-z ni'd wife. Kev and Mrs. Hollowcll had been invited but as they wire leaving the city yesterday they were unable to at tin d. Have Yon $50 a Month for a $25,CGC.OO Estate? No .surer or InUer way to amass a soiall fortune. At compcuii'l interest such payments aggregate 25,000 in 21 year.?. Thousands of men an'l women are accumulating such a fund ly rcpculnrly investinir in HOME BUILDERS' GUARANTEED 7 3 1 PREFERRED SHARES AND 7 FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS pecurod by hi?rh class business properties. The sr:fe and sure road to financial independence. Ask ns for full information. Ari CikcF Security Company Investment Brokers Cin?.ha Nebraska E. P. LiJTZ, Agent Plattsmouth, Nebr. LEGISLATIVE PRO GRAM OF STATE FARM UNIONS Cheney-iinest siik and wool SMOKING JACKETS $J0 1 YOUNG MEN AID IN i CHURCH MEETINGS Radium all colors 15' fr Stay-at-Tlomes. After a day's work a smoking jacket contributes rest and comfort. Ashes on the rug keep moths out and hubbies in. Only Wilson P.ros. all colors 25" $C95 to $750 GLOVES "Tis said "Cold hands, warm heart. Make it warm hands and warm heart by giving gloves. Prices; M. B. C. of Methodist Church Visit Revival Meetings at My naid and Aid Faster. h : m 1 to 55 RJIJ rn UVrin-'Sil.tv J I-iliv Last evening some twelve of the m.tnibirs of the Young Men's I'.ible C'las of the Methodist ib'iivh deciil id to an-cpt the in-. Station of the itev. YV. I.. Cr'im, pa -tor of the I'nit til J'rethr. n church of Mynard. to at end tl.e revival strices being con ducted tiler and with th" use of a t ru in: .11 Ft c W escott s 1 r ft mm 0 - 4 -' 1 I h0 'Gfi THE CORNES" 1 I t h r- i as W'.'ii or- ss.d v devvn ; '. ci'. it ;' : i a I! v .- rvii e i ii :. i in .. nd the g.- -a? !e Ot" t i'.e c, :.d his if dri ngt h id' ve part of th por:;on of tl tl. 'to t. -! Fori of Jess '; :-. m::de tile .rr- ii at;-! 1.; d :ij.'vn;ent and ::de.!. "Dollar Matching" Opposed; Long Time Crec'it Sought on Farm Securities by Farmers. Lincoln. Dec. 12. The program of the legislative committee' of the Ne braska Farmers' I'rion. witii a -',-ir., ii membcr.-hiM, announced by f'lmlrm:,!'. .'. O. Shrcyer of Huml.oblt L ,re today isicludes: Ojipo.-it i-.u; oi "dollar matching" of stat a:id federal funds. 'I' ::! iion o? public utilities on rate .r.aking value. For; irg "tax frea" securities to bear their share of support to gov ernment. 1 oeg time credit cn farm land and personal securities. Water power program that will i-ei.der Nebraska farm and factory i'T and ini lficiency of administra tion." A federal highway plan whereby siat" highways will get forty per cent e,f turds and sixty per cent be i-ft for other roads. Opposition to gasoline tax or high er automobile tax projects. 'S'tr:--;er enforcement of the law and less condoning of lawbreakers" : s :i moans of eloirg away with dis respect of law ind mob violence. "We omphatit r.lly oppose any plan that tends toward the centralized control of our educational funds and systems," the report says. "Our school taxes are the largest of our public exp tises and we have seen 'he- inauguration of strong efforts by pc-ci-el int' rests to :et control of this wealth ."nd power by county unit or other method of centralization. "We are demanding more; tlcxable 1 ar.-l adaptable courses of study, not toward higher institutions but to ward a better development of the best individinlity. Only a fraction of our students ever cross the threshold of a folhge or university, yet the vasjt . majority have a misfit education on recount of the narrow courses that lead only to those institutions." '1. SU! iollt d il barons." Oppo.-i.ion to otiplii :.l ion of wo;k in oi.:;,- de:-ar.:net"s a tsd iiiMitu t:'oi:s '.;;; iiow "hi inging elisas- Yci will find a nice line of gift r.ords at the Journal office.' :.! va..! .l by she ll ;;rc ii'-wn-- fro iii'.r: h 11 v. -.ting n the y ni.d the pas iO.li d much to :uri h as an et- work in .1' J FOR SALE R. C. Rhode Island Wyar. Jotte cerl- rels. Mrs. Ite.nl. e, Scuili --1 and White 1.50 each. d. dll-Sw Attorney C. K. Tefft and Mogus Jehnson of Weeping Water were M-i'ir.g the vis tors i:i the city today te spend a few hours looking after some matters of business at th.2 court house. SCHOOL CHILDREN BEING EXAMINED For rerrtlar r.ction of the bowels: easy, natural ? ovem' v. ts, relief of con. ti).ii. n. try D.j:mi's Kegulets. 30c at all store.,. ; Itching, bleeding, protruding or blind pile.! have yielded to Doan's Ointment. 60c at all drug stores. Each One is Being Weighed as Well and Tags Given Them for Par ents' Observation of Case. I i i 0 ironi a o&mzfa store The examination of the physical condition of the children in the Plattsmouth public schools is now going on and as the result the child ren after being weighed are given f tin i r parents and which constitutes j ; for the a report on how tho child j compares with the average for the 5 ; normal healthy child. The v.hite card indicates that t.n child is at least seven per cent av erage as a normal healthy child ; tid I i of correct weight. The blue card indicates that I child is from seven to ten per ; under weight or j 1 over weight as the result of the first practice of the sea son the pastimers are decidedly sore this morning but a few practices will put them in the pink of condition. AS -CHRIST! at the Journal Office! have I I'.e' e .: i hrist'.an e coun'y. I Iattsrnou:h visitors list eve-w.-re c epanied by their - a lid musi'.-al direcmr. Mr. an-d Mi-s. K. II W"sco:t. and ::bb'd to tho i::usical jioition oi the s rviis at the Mynnrd church and whbh was very nr.nh enjoyed by all of the party. Th. re was ore on v -rsioii made at the s'-rviro hist night through the earnest and de work of the minis ter atid his wife. W .hat r3 v Many are pondering with that all-important ques tion just now, without realizing the great pleasure gifts of candy bring to those who receive them. Yet the3 know full well how much they them- selves w oulci enjoy such a 2 ift i the cent j twenty per cent report wiil state. We've planned to make this a happy Christmas for customers. We have a store full of fresh new mer chandise "Gifts for Men to Wear" is our dish. Silk Neckwear Silk Hosiery Hickok Belts Silk Mufflers Bath Robes Silk Shirts Shirt Jewelry Silk Knit Ties Silk and Wool Hosiery Belt Buckles Wool Mufflers Sweaters Collar Boxes Gloves and Mittens Kum-a-Part Cuff Links To whom could you give a fine pair of Ladies' Hole proof siik and wool hose Huh? This is the Hole proof store in Plattsmouth - Get the habit. The red tag Indicates that the child is ten per cent under weight. The chief causes of under weight are from sdnoids and bad tonsils al tho the lack of fresh air, lack of proper sleep, excessive eating of sweets and tea and coffee and prop er food makes a wonderful difference in the child. To overcome this a rest period of a short time before noon and eve ning emals helps and also mid morn ing pnd afternoon lnuches but not sufficient to spoil the appetite for a meal. For children that are over weight it is urged there be less eating of white bread, potatoes and sweets. BASKETBALL STARTING p dhiazclK X Last evening the members of the Morgan basketball team gathered at the high school gym for the lirst practice of the season and to get in shape for the opening of the season when they will stage a number of games with local and out of town teams. This team will have in its lineup a number of the old high school stars including John Sattler, Ilobbie liurkel and Hilt Martin and will be one of the best aggregations of its kind in the city. The forma tion of an inter-clty league to play this winter may be taken up later as there is plenty of material for sev eral good fast teams which will give the fans a real treat in every way. A game with Dunbar is in pros pect in the noar future and the fans ran depend on a real contest. As a Just glance over the following list of gift goods and see if you cannot locate just what you are looking for. Any and all items are priced right. Bibles Manicure Sets Sewing Sets Eversharp Pencils Fancy Box Paper Desk Sets Books of All Kinds Popular Copyrights Books for the Little Ones. Kodak Books Xmas Candles Diaries Calendars and Pads In fact you will be surprised at the big line on display at the Journal office this season. ACCESSORIES LEAVES FOR HEW HOME IN KANSAS Rev. A. G. Hollowell. Wife and Daughters. Make Start On Jcurney to South. Prom Wredn'51av's r-aly Yesterday Rpv. and Mrs A. O. Hol lowell with their daughters departed via tlv auo route for their new home iti Kansas, whore Rev. Hollo well has accepted a pastorate at Huf falo. Wilson county. The new home of this estimable family is located in the southeastern portion of the state and the journey there will take a ft; v.- days but the route is along the main traveled highways of the coun try, the K. T. and C. R. routes being the ones taken to their destination. The many friends here regret very much to see this family remove from the community where- they have been so active in the religions and social life oi the city and join in the wish for a safe and pleasant journey to the new homo and abundant success to the pastor in his new fields of labor. Why Not Make This a Candy Xrnas? We can supply the candy, in bulk and fancy boxes, baskets, etc. Complete lines of Johnson's, Gardner 6c Gould's, Pig'n Whistle, Whitman's and John G. Wood ward's boxed confections are carried in stock at all times. We also have new this year fancy lacquered boxes and Japanese baskets which may be purchased empty or filled from our select stock of fancy bulk chocolates. and Dennison's Seals and Tags. Tissue Paper. Paper Boxes for packages candy. Package Dressings. Crepe Paper and Decorations. The greatest line of Xmas Cards we have ever shown. COME IN AND SEE WHAT WE HAVE LUTHERAN CHURCH Eight Mile drove Precinct Announcements for the third Sun- j day in Advent Hoc. 17th: j At 9:30 Sunday School. Teaching subject: Jews among Friends and Foes. At 10:30 Divine worship (Ger man). Text: Mark 1:4-8. Evervbodv cordially welcome. II. O. HHODE. Pastor. Special Prices on Pail Candies! Our stock of bulk pail candies is greater this year than ever before. Fifteen to twenty pails from which to select and prices most reasonable. Special terms to schools and others taking large quantities for Xmas. WE ALSO CARRY Almonds English Walnuts Brazils Mixed Nuts Fresh Fruits of Every Description Cigars and Tobacco Impure blood runs you down ! makes you an easy victim for disease. For pure blood and sound digestion Burdock Wood Hitters. At all drug stores. Price. $1.2.. The Journal Office STATIONERY DEPT. iiStll iK&ZA teWA XstVJ) WJrtil'A 'A . 35 years Experience Office Coates Block DR. C. A. KARSHiSLL Dentist A i i OUR NEWEST XMAS SPECIAL Pi-'n Whistle's delicious "FOFR O'CLOCK" FRUIT CAKE in -lb. size, put up in a neat carton. You M rn win surely enjoy this delicacy. Price v0. -.int:iPnt Mar.churia. English walnuts pe-r lb. California grown soft shell English walnuts -!Of per lb. j Finest bulk chocolates now 0 per lb. i Cigars in Boxes of 10, 25 or 50 j 1 ii r ! f J. . i n