The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 14, 1922, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    THURSDAY. BECZTIEE3, 14. 1523.
. 4
:rr?ouif5 journal
Not infrequently the proponents At the court house at Fremont, Nc- y R X MKfiilHl IH NlhSl T
1 1 W W I W IlllalllWII I lW
'of a vigorous. Americanization pro-
braska, on Saturday, December 9th,
occurred the marriage of Miss Mable
j pram are answered with Oh, what s E .Iordan and Mr. Howard W. Dodds,.
!the use? A few foreigners, more or hoth Qf Ashland. I
Given Under Direction of
Plattsmouth City Schools.
published :n-vi:::A at plattsmouth, Nebraska
Eotered t V - .. v. i iat; m -tw;. .-,.. p ern2-cUs mail fntter
rt -v r
WV VW . i 4 i i WV
suESCi.iPTic;. rr.j-
When ihe riisi it.oi::- are in
ity. the pr"ap'e rejoice; let :i :i i"
wicked li;;n-i-!h rule. the p-pio
mourn. Proverbs 23:-. !
r!y and shop 'ate
liisiu. :o:
Yes. t'aristrias is drawing mar
only 12 more days f shopping.
The s:u. il liny k a .)'.-, ail ;:! !;' ra
zor straps before he begins to hav
- -' : v'i ahead. Far thai run o- ;r
voiir tvts in the front of your ho; d
It isn't every :; who seeks jus-!
. ". i;.,iae fear it.
r.rcid winning men and bread
iuniiK women go together.
less, who don't understand us, don't' The bride is the only daughter of
, jmrt Mr. and Mrs. James N. Jordan, for-
i " i merly of this city. She was a resi-
j There are plenty of patriotic and dpnt of this fUy up. tlll two years
sentimental reasons why "a few more ago when he removed with her par
lor less" will hurt and hurt badly, er.ts to Ashland, Neb., where they
'And there are as many practical r.a- ow llvf' Tne RTroom ! th l
i . , ... j H .and Mrs. James R. Dodds of
so,H- Bolshevism. Red propaganda. Memi)his. Neb. He !lved with hi3 nar.
!;Sovictism, radicalism of all kinds, are ents ,m a farni up until 191S when
'not sDread in America by Americans, he enlisted in the navy to take part
! but bv foreigners. Short of deporting i" the World war. He served two that Schuben chanced to see the po
i , - , - years. em of Shakespeare in a book winch
stoics jaU foreIgners. which is unthinkable Mp anJ Mrg no(Jds hftve a .&rgc hp WJ,g exa.uinlliS at a tavern an(
in peace times, mere is no oiner piaii number of friends who turned out and was heard to exclaim: "If I only hail
save that of Americanization, which gave the young wedded couple a very som music paper." Whereupon, one
will keep this the America of Ainer- "fere c nanvari. Air. anu Airs, uouas ui m nu.. i n. ..
. , , ,..., . win niciB.1 iiieir no me on a iarm near on n.e nam u ni dim ui ian- an.i
uans instead of try out station for Ag,,land tht.n nnd lhcrPt with ,he Iloisoj of
and anarchistic; itho tavern Koina on about him. jot-
ted down the song.
! Schubert w:;s i n'ii in Vienna. I!"
1 Humoresque Dvorak
2 Surprise Symphony Haydn
3 Toreador Song (Carmen)
4 Anitra's Dance Grieg
5 Hall of the Mountain King--
6 Hark, Hark, the I,arkS hubert
The storv conierning this song is
- c.oa t
t r.
! v radio is illegal. So
itl bv ihnt route.
C9 I! 9
3 ii tvth Tfp So
wild rommunistie
An instance of the need of greater.
vigilance in Americanization work is
$175.00 4-piece walnut nnlth I-si rcon su:
100.09 3-piece cak led rjon iui'.-i for
75.C0 walnut vault:' uics:ev
125.00 3-pic'e RialiOMy c'Jo'.'o?J salts.
40.00 3-p:ece Sinwor.s icd l-ri spring a
65.00 Ilcsd dsy bci, tavesuy rrucistcied
7.C0 Child's crib fcr
10.00 Child's crib. larc si:.'
8.00 Crib i-l;c! for
2.13.C0 C-i:icce oak d.':: -V-i'-e
1 O-T O , , " ' 1 ' 1 ' "
liv'J. J J w v - - . ..
35.03 Q:.k d. rvi :. V.o
Or.!: ("in:;-- iv-?.;i - Lvi;;'.. v
Four large truck:: and three Alnnio
r .. l : . . l . : 1 . . .. .. - , i i
rt band in the funny reports printed automobiles.
I in aerraan papers regarding the elec- . FRANK VALLKKY,
. v :!! vcr lose much !t ion. Acc ording to some of these, n30--lsw, Id. Plattsmouth.
i ; It takes her too President Harding is about to resign i
rt h
r :;rJs.
Th" coal man is ir. gKc
ice man h.i Ii'inttd l::s ha!.1
t a."
s c.I
i': :e i.rM.r.r distillers
1" e! h'chly i layered by bein:
'td v, iih milking wliisky.
Ilitii..s do not brin - hap;
J. Pi.ipont Morgan l.r.s :Z:
coal in his cellar.
Winter brinirs b;uk the r.'.ai: w!n
takfs a cold bath daily and lios about
others things al?c.
: o : -
There an' r r
skirfs r's f..r as v. tan
can't Fee very far.
w i ' !
a :.
:aa rry
;1 Slt'l.1 1 ir.i:
the mines :
la miliar.
-c. b
a our
re hniki:
t t
a .;.i'...-.
ths v r ro
d in v-.
v. eigh i-.-i
ran idly i'.
re!i'-vt.: i
t i
t o
flccM in ti.eir
r . I v -a ?: : rr-
With .-o many o?
ry about o::: :v. v.
ii:g if li'- ir !;:ir :
(t t::
I:s o;
r t
v.-ill be
!ivor is .-"0!M to be logal by any
route, if the provter amount of money
is .- tilel t:;o:i the wife.
. . o : -
Afrph'nvs make it possible to buy
a dr-'f-r, in Paris and wear iz in Lon
don I-..." i';" styl changes.
Sp ! ::! ia;r.. y.'' says Henry
T"1 :'. riTl:. If you don't spend
. m ". it -t acks up 5U you.
".".f ; r r-M n' sugct-sts the abol
: : '--i-:.: ci" li e railroad labor board.
": "s :! I -t Lii,i',-(--ti(i'.i the prcsi-
ii.ii ;.:ade.
,- ;. a-s scat'vrt rs of s .:n-
: ' w (jv-i.e i: i r.i:r. Tiie nsoi:
' . -c.-iar.-l oi-ciij'ies the public
; ! ; '.-:t :o:i r.ov.'. however.
n :
Ti-rrc nre 2" ho rada crorsin?s
in 1' r.i.ed Fratrs. A few cf them
have not y t been the scene of a
b'-adiy crossing accident.
A r-'.v valcino has begun opera -t.s
in I'.aly, and frua I: e descrip-
Ti o!' ii. it appears to be of a p roam-
ed Fas!-i-ti character.
!' :s prt-dii ted t!::it the lost art of
-.ory r.'.ny be revived by tln-
.. th of radio broad: astir. g. In
ii;.- of ib-.t. t?ie radio has come to
', t
If ITT? Tr rrin T rt I it
Coveri.or Smith of New York is to, Jnx m
become president, the prohibition ! Jjoana negotiated on land or town
laws repealed, the entire congress property. Five room cottage for sale,
was turned out of otnee and a new. R. D. Windham. dl-3sw, CdX
If "an German. French. Austrian Books for every member of the
nn,l T'nlisb children in this country.10"" afc l"c vuicc.
knew of their own knowledge from
proper Americanization education,
the facts about this country, it is
hardly possible that their parents, in j
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, PS.
In the County Court.
v as one of the most pathetic and un
usual iigurcs in Mii.-icul history, i'e
possesstd a spontaneous gii't of mel
ody that has never !.' i t ; i : 1 1 1 . i .
Th?se words were pir.c l m: I."
umer.t: "Music !.as baricn h.iv a
rich treasure, but ric i - r i.o;
He wrote i:ii:-dc as os! a r a . :!'.
letters. He livid an v.;;eriy i. . r
life, bis genius .as ua.y c
by a few friends. At ::i ;. . i
away from a life that v." a- ..
sorrowful to him. He v: s . . : '
poor and very uninteri i:-" . !:;-. ..
Fcarcely 5 feet tall ami po-s - i m'
a very large bead. K;-'' i iz! n r
liness he kept away from ...-:. dc
7 Hungerian Rba ps'.dy ...
. 77.50
. 4.50
1 The Hun'.rarian Uiia jxoilii
writing to Europe, could fail to give ,
I In
the matter of the estate
A. Dovey. deceased.
of probably so alie! because ihey v
built ii. inn m'liniir-; ifiiiii.oa ?o li:e
a true, rather a false picture of j To the cre(jjtpr3 Gf Kal(i estate: gypsies of Hungary,
political conditions in this eoun'ry. You are hereby notified, that I will Liszt was said to be familiar ui'ii
It mav be argued that it doesn't pR at the County Court room in the song and dari.-e literature of the
make any difference if Germany is ...... f'Twci,. 100V o a ii,.
J - , -
told by her newspapers a set of un
truths about our domestic elections,
but that is not the point. Misrepre
sentation anl misunderstanding of
one country by another may inter
fere with trade, cause friction, and
sometimes .vir. and prevent the
spread of culture and education, and
thus of civilization.
Not to realize that Americaniza
tion is as important to our foreign
children and their parents, as edu
cation is to American children, is to
remain unconscious of one of the vi
tal problems which is today faced by
the land we love.
:r.d he composed 15 or l ot
the 21th day of March, A. I). 1923. Huv.garian music inclines pecul
to receive and examine all claims iarlv to the minor, seme one has sai i
against said estate, with a view to of it that "it loves best to pour out
their adjustment and allowance. i:s sorrows into the lap of the mi
The time limited for the presentation nor mood, even where it throws ii
cf claim against said estate is three srlf into the fresli major, it clndly
months from the 26th day of Dtcem- i turns as if homesick, to its forsak
ber. A. D. 1322, and t lie time limit- en love."
ed for payment of debts is one year Cyi'sy music is distinguished from
from said 2Cth day of December, that .o' the rest of Europe by both its
1922. rhythmic and melodic content.
Witness my hand and the seal of a great many of the Hungarian
sild County Court this 2Crd day of Gypsy melodies which begin in the
November, 1922. .minor mode tnd in the major.
ALLLN J. UEhbON. Liszt was born in Hungary
(Seal) n27-4w. county judge.
He was one of
the greatest
ie-.c of the deadli.iess of con
1 liqaor nowadays, a man
o( ! t f!ak could be arrested
ce.rre of carrying concealed
An Ilii'iois
four hil-ir- a.
things qui. k'.y
c i
: o : -
. i".
Fire '--'ry ;. f iv-r
in BetM-ih. :.i. Ft. a-: I j.".
it bnrnti f'.H' foldi:,g
- o - -
Prices seem to be ana.r.-
v. ')
things made
of rubber. W
a t;
hit the bottom they
A Harvard
prostration i:
poor must
s si lux i1 ry Ii
ep o:i w
Mackorrl are s thi k a "ova c
tia ship faund haiiir.; d:.I;nit. :o
boarders are out of hick again.
The old fool ttiv be rnor - of a fool
than the young f 10I. b'.-t tber- aren't
so I'.iany who dare t 11 him so.
: :
Even eautiors b'isines
reekkss spells
men b-ve
Hickeftilcr gl'.ve
tlims to several photographers.
Small towns iire s k;-';.'. In
Washington it is considered propel
ler ;.r!s l-i ;".y tiair ov i: .ay.
isni pavin;r s'-own that
r;e of the late Rirhard Croker
'T- -:a!i to warrant a con'est
- w pro,-( have been be
to tiiat end.
Ti -;.-;,-)! in Christm:- saving
'.': eltil-s will have 190 r.iill'on dol
! is ( s; , nd this year, it is :stimat
'!. Pin'-.-f it pays to do youi Christ-!,-,;
saving early.
. -: n
I '.. y ic tiiat Mrs. Phillips, who
: :.-.'; fro. i! ti e Los Angel es jail,
w;i be rec;, pm red. hut it is hardly
prolaMe she will be captured in all
li e pev:.. she has been seen.
: o:
An Iowa 'oiVge has been given a
colpctioi- of i::.o(M) butterflies,
. ii !i ;tu lrn?s probably would
;;'i:::r to ex hange for two. good
a ;.;o-irler and one plung-
- - o-o
Who r 1. :-rs when young la
; s hnitg up i Mor, stocking at
Ciir.-i i s tii"? iii the hope that they
v. ;:?:'! ' s:l'- ov: Nowadays they
; oti--- in tbe hopes that
- up :
t i.i'ire of the same kind.
A load of feal 'eoiita! a' ros !,nv
nowaday--- atir.i' ts-a ; v any y . r
an old fash ion d load of b , !eil ha:
.. ! Ir i--8 ;:r:itifying to know the treas-
A atatisti i.'n claims t':uf pi-.'Jury h;.; In eu able to pay Columbia I
cen of the p ople .'. 'o o jn?o t' e j -,n doil'ra en account
banks go i:i to fill tlKir fount
Pv 1)3.
true it 1 -.;
to have !ii
ing prob1'-:;
!; arrut r
real. i s v.ilh
E tro:
on: A:,
v as d'N
to V
c-u a s !
. ui' r:c
:; ia : ay Ameri ai'S probably
idd li'r." to s -o Coiumbia wait for
: r oa- v- v.-til we get ours from
- rv a ut that long.
!, . i ) ik -ary For.I to get re
Ms. V. r ( :!!. l:e took owr the
'.u auto ;:in:it. It seems but yc-s-.-
".y. .Aral now the Lincoln plant
i. n :' ';: i t ut of the hole. It is
: a -u oiitable b:i: is, making money
There must have been fifty or
more of them. Some of them were
old. some not so old. But all of them
!ook d aristocratic, that is, and ob-v'ou.-y
well fed. There were silk hats
about and an air of puneilious re
spectabiliiy. Then along came a slen
der young man and established him
self at the end of the "queue." With
that everybody except the young man
became vastly excited. Some of the
most ex ited among them had been
among the most bored looking of
them all a few moments earlier. A
functionary hurried up to the young
man sailed and shook bis hand.
Number of those in the line urged
him to exchange places with them.
Put he refused. At each refusal as
tonishment and consternation grew.
Of course there was an explana
tion. Tbe place was the bouse of
lords. The line was of those wait
intr to take the oath as peers of the
realm. And the young man was the
Prince of Wales. No doubt some of
his fallow members in the upper
chamber of England's parliament are
still wondering how it comes that a
prince of the blood royal and heir
to the throne should be so neglectful
of precedent. Nor is their wonder re
markctd". sseing that u prince is a
sort of animated precedent in the
making, himself.
P.ut the Prince of Wales smilingly
kept his place. Perhaps he refleeted
that it is of such incidents that the
reputation of a prince with his peo
ple is made. Perhaps he felt a gen
uine consideration for his elders
ahead of hira in the line. Perhaps he
concluded that, with nothing much
e'se to do, it really didn't matter
much how long it took him to be
sworn in. And, now that he is sworn
in. J:e is still just as busy as before.
Emory D. Buckner of New York,
son of the deposed pastor of the
Methodist church of Aurora. Neb.,
has come to the assistance of his old
father and will stand by him in his
defense. Ah. how noble of the son to
stand by the father in his troublous
on Petition for Appointment of
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
pianists that ever lived. Made his
firit appearance at the age of ft. He
v.cs an excellent teacher.
F fin TiimJivh tailv
In the matter of the estate of John p members ot tne ontcneii;
F. Clugey. deceased. chapter. Daughters of the Ameri'-au
On reading and filing the petition Involution, wore very dt dinht fuily
of Matilda Clueev praving that ad- cr.'.ert; . ied ye-tfrdny afternoon at
ministration of said estate may be t' ree-ory with Mr. W. S. L.cte
granted to Matilda Clusey, as Ad- and Mrs. . I. S. Livingston as the host
ministratrix; ; cs-cs of (he occasion.
Ordered, that the 16th day of The bv.snurs session was dkpos, d
December. A. I). 1922, at ten o'clock of with dipateh f)nd tbe lTdies e;i
a. m. is assigned for hearing said joyed ve ry mm h the rtieussicm of the
petition, when all persons interested history of Nebraska which is the
in said matter may appear at a topic f-:r study during the winter
County Court to be held in and for scaron.
said county, and show cause why the During the afternoon the ladies
prn.yer of the petitioner should not ni''y"! a great deal of real enter
be granted: and that notice of the tainment and pleasure and had with
pendency of said petition and the them two of the new members of the
hearing thereof be given to all per- society who are just joining the
sons interested in said matter by chapter.
publishing a copy of this order in At a suitable hour a very delicious
the Plattsmouth Journal, a semi- supper was served that rdded to the
weekly newspaper printed in said deligVts ot the afternoon and proved
county, for three successive weeks ihe hostesses roval entertainers in
prior to said day of hearing. .every sense of the term.
Dated this 21st day of November,! The program of the afternoon was
A. D. 1922. !in charge of Mrs. L. O. Minor and
ALLEN J. BEESON, ' was one of the very greatest interest
(Seal) n23-3w. County Judge, to everyone.
Co :iie.' Liiu f.
: i 'or--,
1 ' ' j . cCi for all cri'-h)
. .; . ' c s as lo.v
. : ; ..." rv ciyirt
ii i ;?i.3U to
j.i to
o;. . i
C-.-d u.:,d 'icu tit:.'. r.'i.lO to...
.1 iv:-l, frcri G3 to
0:1 steves :':oi:: $..i0 to
ric-rte IT..ti:c Ci.r cl' Special Christmas
GcoJ- Zl.-ev. ::eie i:i I his Issue.
-.' '.o0
. 503.00
. 185.00
. 14.50
. 10.03
. 23.00
rt i
. Q0.1G
GO. 03
. if: 50
. 20.C0
. 12.50
s -" Tl
v Kn -A ' t; ' . V-i
w af. mi 4 h i i & - ., Ifor.
-T t 7PT -j.t it; "
i h
: o : -
It is Lcninc'? boast that !;,s peas
ants and are satioik.i. Are
tirfi d or do they have
; re now iciyiired to
hoi::s :i day and they
.'.i'i r-:.i money to keep
.i Pn:--i . v tacy should
ate of a m'liion dollars a
1 i- is booked solid with or
.((.;; it busy for two years
they reaky : ;
to be? 7i:y
work twelve
Io rot goi :r
them in oru
be very katvy.
are trying to
worl-er-: i'io i
slioui l lind rontr'
argu'ut nls. Ti: :
,ut t'
rgitators who
the American
r a .i a; v :' " r -pasf.ira'ie
for their
:, r-.rhipg that
ItuWa ca:i offer t'lis country.
is one An-.cricar. in each 660 in
jail all the lime? It seems so. accord
5:i to the "figgers." Census report
shows that 1CC.SS9 were confined in strange part is they married each
Congress is inclined to be mi. Ted
because the president was a little
late in delivering his address at the
opening of the regular session. Con
gress never can understand why oth
er departments of the government
should be behind with their business.
In London a man and woman were,
married twice the same day. The
federal penitentiaries, state prisons,
other both times.
county jails and city police stations
lest July 1. The orison population 1 As there are no more reports from
July 1. 1917. was 140.186. What i3lthe Creek court martial it is sup
your estimate of the number who are pos.ed that country has run out of
not in jail but should be?
j ex-premiers.
1 vtfantatZ
.' -:
In the County Court of Cass coun-
ty, Nebraska. rr lu"air "a,,,-
In the matter of the estate of Jane "-,,pnrjj Hcn:ixm uoiore auue
A. Dovey, deceased. wii--n .1. neeson. aosepii hicetan:' wis
To all persons interested in the brought to answer to a comphnnt
estate of Jane A. Dovey. deceased: hied by County Attorney A. G. CoP
You are hereby notified that an charging the young man with having
application was filed in above en- made an assault mi one ( barbs .1.
titled cause on the 2nd day of De- Fulton on September 2fith. Ti e af
cember, A. D. 1922. by the attorney , fair occurred when the part: -: :a- t
for tbe estate of said deceased, pray-, on nuii. 1 mxui sueet ami it is -ing
that an order of Court be en-. ed that Joe. with a few 1 -oi apa e in -.. ;
teied fixing and allowing the amount followed Fulton and so:-- o' ' s
f attorney's fees for services m.iriends iron the Piat tsna-ur h .-i :
matters pertaining to said estate. ; conipanv garage to 1 tie ia'"r -i t -. ;
You are notified that a hearing of Sixth and Crank s: eh an 1
will be had on said application on lure the two parties got ir ; t h e
Mali ihe joy c
in tcnowin.c y ;i
v.-en r.r.c ;;:.r. .
. 'v f
- 1 - '1
ing nuiteli tuat t. r.o:iatt
is alleged to hno Plr.y.pcri
Fulton. In court .AIr. Su
the 16tb dav of December. A. D.
1922, at 10:00 o'clock in the fore
noon before this Court in the Coun
ty Court room, at Plattsmouth, in nowledged having ship
aid county, at which time such or- and was fined $10 and
der will be entered as to the Court! were paid
leems proper under the evidence.
Dated this 4th day of December.
A. D. 1922.
(Seal) County Judge.
. . ; - - -
y-; t in bo4.! ------
. -..' K
In the District Court of Cass coun
Ethel E. Hadley, plaintiff, vs. Con-
stantine B. Hadley, defendant.
To Constantine B. Hadley. defend
ant: You are hereby notified that on
the 9th day of Augut, 1922. Ethel
E. Hadley filed a petition against you
in the District Court of Cass coun
tv. Nebraska, the object and prayer
of which are to obtain a divorce
from you on the ground that you
have wilfully deserted and abandon
ed th plaintiff, without just cause,
for the term of more than two years
last past, and for the custody of the
minor child, the issue of said mar
riage, to-wit: Helen Estelle Hadley.
aged two years and eight months.
Ycu are required to answer said
petition on or before Monday, Jan
uary 15th. 1922.
This notice is given in pursuance
of an order of the District Court of
Cass county, Nebraska.
By Plaintiff.
d4-4w. Her Attorney.
We have twenty spring hoars of
quality, sired by Bellcvue PnGitiuoer.
showing the desirable eharaeteris. i- s
of this strain. For sale at farmers'
Thirty open Gilts, of same breed
ing and quality, priced to sell. Also
our herd boar. Bellevue Kinsr's Col
onel, a good boar and a good buy.
The Bellevue Duroc Ranch, on Btlle
vue Boulevard. Telephone 2Z, P.cil--vue.
Nebraska. ii20-lsw
. ::.';i.-.".5. r r.d yo-.t vuv es - y
e-.v ,.:!f,lvf or one oi ouv r e.Iiuai
t: ihe li.'.x eta ulard of per-
- . 'vqrvf-yytfi
c ! . e i . a ; 1. :
their p-.-. .- -ns ; i
Ii-. c-rv (
i Oi fo: - ti
: uiiactiou
: ' i:,. v;.; l.iovement (oie 01
c 1 !;,-nu-iP ei its wonderful per
vri.s guarantee of absolute
Journal want ads pay. Try them
The Christmas shop of the St.
Mary's and St. Luke's guilds of the
Episcopal church which was held on
Friday and Saturday in the Gobe&aan
building on upper Main street, was
a great success for the ladies who
will realize a neat sum from the sales
of articles that will be applied on
their church work. One of the big
features of the shop was the dining
room where a very large number
were served a most delicious dinner
Saturday noon and which was liber
allv ratroni7ed by the general public."
rh a::
t '
' Os
: on account of the re'-int t:-
tariff bill w'-i !; '. :; :i!.v cfeiie I 1 -t toonth. but ftirttunt. !y
iif oura were :;!! I'.vas'at be to.- t .0 :. i. a ;lrd u are able to c.ier
them to ;ou at very attractive prices.
Diamonds rearh
Bn::isv.-ick ?lic:ioura:jli3 and Records
Cut Glass
Bibles njp-ks a handsome Christ
inas gift. See the line at the Journal
office before purchasing elsewhere.
5 'TJ
'"Wo :u? now eciuipr.f d to lake of ail vour repair work.
Watch Repairing :i I'acci: iiv. ---Bring us vcur unruly tiaKpu-ces. 5.