The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 11, 1922, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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inunity, was stamped out so effect
ively, was clue to the vigorous work
of the practicing physician, Dr. A.
11. Hornbeck, of this place.
i J
t i
"S -'
Our GacoiiiaQ is Kg! JksI "Gasoline!"
It is a strictly straight run not a blended product,
and will stand the test as specified by the U. S. Navy.
Our Penn Franklin Motor and Tractor Oil will give
3ou the lubrication no matter what your requirements
may be. It will stand up with any oil you have ever
used, regardless of the price you paid.
A Fair Tried Will Convince You.
ter some trading for the coming
Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Tothast. Dr.
and Mrs. Hornbeck and Yv". L. Horn
beck and wife spent Sunday at the
home of Dr. and Mrs. J. Carrothers
at Lincoln.
Henry Klemroe ha3 purchased a
new Ford Sedan, which he pot of a
i dealer in Greenwood and which he
!wili use for his driving and will en-
joy very much.
1 Miss Edna Panska. who has been
down with scarlet fever for some
time, is reported as Retting alon?
nicely at this time, and hopes are
I entertained of her speedy recovery,
j Mr. John Krecklow and sifter
jwill farm on the R. Woitzel place
(the coining year and Las moved to
jthat pliice this fall, in order to be
j reruly when the funning weather Le-
where Mr. Tool was assisting with
the stand band which was furnish
ing music for the Masonic festivi
ties, returned home last Thursday.
Alvin I'.ornemeier was busy one
Aie Kept pretty Busy
Max Dusterhoff, who has been
working in Omaha for some weeks
pift and having alco Joe Wutchinek
aud John A'ngwert, have concluded
their work there anC returned home
last Monday. Since then they have
been doing work litre. They were
day last week repairing the truck of j setting some glass for Andy Zoz.
J. Johanson, who carried the child- i which was broken at the time the
ren to and from school of one ofsr-iall house burned near his reti
the districts, and docs trucking be-:dt'ni:" Th--V 'vork at Eagle in
tween Murdock, Omaha and Lin-j a short time, where they have a
coin. ' i!aige contract which will keep tl em
J'fev. I. Laipplv and wife departed j until near the let of February, aftrr
during last week for Ithica, where ' which they have another contract in
they went to be present at the quar
terly meeting (t the Evangelical as
sociation which comtiits there at
this time. Rev. Laipplv conducting
the services both Saturday and Sun
day last.
Dr. A. R. Hornbeck, L. G. Horn
beck, Charles Schufer and Miss Mar
tha Gakcmeier were visiting in Lin-
icoln last Wednesday where thev
II. Rush has been kept pretty wore attending the Shrine meeting.
buy for tome time past sheliirg Mir-s Gakemek-r attending what is.
. . . r . . . . . . c. : . r ir wit
j corn, some tt which was shippc 1 known jis t!;e lourtn settlor;, winch omiatii ii jiluiui'ia. xdua aiiu
away through the elevators. )ut , is for the lazier; of the order. j Fraci'TTrss S.icrum Taken to
Miss Lydia Strich, who is attend-; nmeh for feeding by the farm-: Mr. ai:d .Vrs. II. V. Tool were j Clb? """coital
ing a business coaege in Lincoln, jers r.rar'liere
Liu"f!n last Thursday,
Mr?. O. J. PurLas: atten.l-Srtk-.-N'otre
L'aiut fooihall
T::;:rki-uivi:ig day. j was a visitor at home for last Sat- Mrs. A. J. Tool departed on laf-t I where they went to return with the i
;.:.d Mrs. O. J. Pcthst visited j urdav an: Sunday. Thursday evening for Lincoln where "hi'drrn v. ho h;'ve visiting at!
i ome of Fred Pothast
. 't bruska, Wednesday.
at Mioses Elsie and Minnie Dcickman j she went to visit witn her claugh
wfre visiting with friends in Omaha i ti rs.. Missvs Catherine and Marsar-
njnd lironkow and family Saturday and olo looking after some
well ;.s with other fritv.d.:-
vi.-:tir.g and loosing after same . Christmas shopping.
r.- -s in-. tiers in Omaha i?.st v.-eek. J Miss Amanda Strov,
for a short time.
l! - ho:;;
and Mr:
r:u-i; iiiir
of V..t r gr:in-'.;:r.ni3.
Ji; o'i Got1::' y. ' '.:"c
To.-l r.;t-.-:'..:ng
who is
V.'m. Myers, Walter Paumgartncr. ing of the Manors in Oaiaha
M.isint- Miller is reported as teacher of the consolidated school atjMir--s Catherine and Margaret Too!.
! t!:9 t-ir-k lift, but it is hoped ; AIvo- was a visitor at the home of tliz
ill -Mien l.f well and out again. her rarents la.-t week end. an
A'. Thicean was looking af-i Mioses Ik-k-a and Alma and Mr. I-I"
oo! a'
! Carlton 7.r.'K. who
;.ntniir.g school at Lincoln w.
Mr:-. H. R. Schn.idt and t'.iree
::g!;t?r5. Esther, Marie and Hilda,
were visiting for tlie c'ay last Wed-
in- the .evk end at heme lasi nesday at Omrha. making the trip
business matters in Omaha ' Herbert Iiorncmeier were visiting a-ur; . y ;nd -.;acay.
: "e.inesday, making the trip via for the dav in Lincoln last Tuesdav. ! J. t. Ruck and family moved la--.
auto. i making the trip via their auto. j we 'k into the house which wa- .-
Edith Bushier, who has been: Miss lielen Rorntmei r was assist- ! formerly occupied !y W. T. Weddf-.' '
inn at home for the past few : ing at th iclepaone exchange last!;-?i l f-vriiy. whi'.e the house in which :
r; turned last week to hc-r work i week for a few days during the ah-: : e wr.s a, ing has been caceri;
Clrtw-ooJ. .s?::re of some of the regular force. ! soucht by another party.
.'.'m. Kiiili and wife were looking' Mir-s Ecrnice Rikii. who has been K- N'oiton and vil'e and A. J
r some business matters in Ash- i kept from school on account of hav-! 1;; ? ver v?it!rg in Lincoln last
' Inst Wedr. iiidav. driving over'iTi her arm l adiv Drained, is r?-! Monday, where Mr. Bauer was vi.- -
tl-.t :r a ii to. I rort?-: a. bin c;: the mend at this itiu" at
Thursday nionang when A. Shi
mack, residing at the firm of Harry
Long, .'r.rwt out of th--; !oor of the
ho:.!-, hi- :! and ; uilei-f-d a very se-
f the S-.o'tish Rite meet- I irac-iureu.
I The accident necessitated taking
:thc injured man to the hospital at
' Oiaa.ia v 'k re hi? tondi'ion is very
. rio'.ts and .". opTat'iis airy be nec
essarv to remove the broken bone in
tN hopT i A giving the i:ijur d man
any rcnl relief Irom his injury.
M r. ?"i:nr k has residvd on the
;'::ri.i of .ir. Long f..r some and
. . ".; knov.T. -.') t!i.' residents of
pertirn the coui'ty who 1-irn
thi- greatest of regret of his
:'ori v.v.".
i, -
!? r!art';a GakemeVr was vi.-it-with
frienrl.: in Omaha last Sat-!
Waiter Thimcnn ami f a :.-.!! v
: -in
1 . r
he institute where their w
Miss Irene, lias been tak
...ereii11' treatment for her health.
l-3 U f h U'i rz 2 ? r ' :-J f it
troig r.p and returning
ck Iilan.h
via, visitors in Omaha last Wednesday,
c riving over in their car to l;ok f-
lf. W. Te);! and wife, w!io ha
.i in Omaha for some time r:i
., '..-
,? - -
vi:1 til' ir i."to. r.i.d r. : - ; were ac-cc-r--.?.tn:ed
hy Mr. v.ivl Mrs. Lottie
midt ::nd their lit' daughter.
Mine. thev all vi.-iting with
:'; " .! is v:nl 'o--":ing ; I ter son.
c;.-!trii;s shop-j ing.
7'rs. LI- yd V,".iy. f:r:::crly Miss
Mary Rush, who his be en living at
Arriba. Coiora lo, 1 r the past sum
mer and fall. r.r: ived home last
or a viit with 1 ir parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Ru-h. and will
TeTi.'in unti after t!:e Christmas
vac: t ion. when she vi!! he joined """ "
hy her husbmd. Mr. Way. Mrs. Way A Little Care May Save Jinny Platts-
v.a.; a victor at Omaha imt week; mouth Eeaders Future Trouble
win her sister. Mrs. Jo'an Burt.
Watch the kidncv secretions.
Son:e Pretty Calendars I St? that tlicy have the amber hue
K. W. Thimgn has secured a con-; of hejl;i:
signment of calendar;? for the ad-' The discharge net c-xcesrive or in-1
vertirement of his business, which , '. rerueu : : !
are very pretty and which should be. c-.-ntain r.) "brick-dust like" se-1;-'
eagerly FO'ftht by rll lovers of the men:.
ben tin:!. They are h:'i;d colored! Roan's Kidney Pills are especially
e-nd a work of the old master, the : for w-ak kidneys. !
tuhjirt being "Th'it Old Sweetheart- let a pv;ts.mouth citizen tell you :
cf ."iiine." 1 1 ow thev -erk.
i L. Buttery. 10th and Wa'.nut
2nf? Orpingtcn Cockrels s.rc : tr. says: "A pain c: ught me
i i ii r- ; i tu.v nips ; o i oouiti
I have a few fine Ru:T Ornington
a shovel of coal. There
Tfte Yul-stii', when gnod fellowchip end ihe tendercit fecHnrs have fuli
.; ?:..",' wh:! they lart. Better get,.'.V" " ,'
ij soc:. ti(.n of Murdock nave been or- sn praUmt of i!:c remedv in
fcT i gan:zin for ti v purpose of produc- 'mo t T - vorr.hlf- terms."
"!:ri3tmas senr-n. They are at this n.T.t Juiw 11. Ii40r and cn May 111,
tim;- practicing on some songs and !!::. he ;"h!e.i: "?dy cn'v is a rer-
other numbers ior their program. , iin?!t one .uid I still think Roan's
Rev. I. Laippiy and wife depart- Kidney PiliS nr fine and I am glad
td during last week for Ithaca. 1 to r cominc'! tlicm to others."
witere thev went to he present at p-ce C-i:. at all dealers. Don't
times a lameness ticross my
hnd reason to believe that
I the-:? trouhies were caused from a
rfi i inc.: : f'ere't rontit!on r.i t ho ki.liievs
i:.n.' hi4:i."iri'T tln-in'-j tC ithipv l-M!ls
There will be .mas Exercises !rp--ue:i of. i cot some. " They gave
Til- ladies of the Evantrelical as- me quick relief, winch warrants me
1.. --
svray, is kr.oclr rj xi cur doors. Christmsa. the nkddast t:r-e of trio whs
v,-l seen hz here, with Sa.nta Cbus and ai! his giftc for the Hifcb or.ts, zzld as lo
that, lli 2 big cnes zs well, will be remembered. Presents, tokens of love and friend
ship, hsive !??cn sivr;n a this time, and era cf the r.icsst practices which has
ccr.o co us tinzt the cor;irj of the Metier, which our celebration cF Christmas
and Santa Claus is a memorial.
Rcrremhcr, -'.ere is Ir.den vi'Ii rrricies
rnahe good gifts, sv.b-
sldP.tiai, nice snd ii'is that last and convey the iove and friendship of the giver.
Here are enly a few of the many appicpricle articles which we have in
stock aii very appropriate.
qssrmfsrs pv?
xj? Tw tit j es t sm 11-
We are making n 25 per cent discount on cur jeve!ry at this time, and
1 1:.-
s. rvjn. thains, Lhanns, Urooches, lireast i ins, Lockets ana m
c to select from.
?.len's Gloves. Shiits, including Woo! and Silk, Garters, Mufflers, Neck
W'col and 5hk hose arid all men's furnishings.
(Sj the -;uarti-rly meet:ns ct the tvan- &:mp:y as
i :ic;;' tion v. hich convenes get i;o,':i
there at this tixe. Rev. Laipplv t'.et ""Jr.
t conducting the tervices both Satur- burn C o..
day and Sunday last.
kidnev remedy
Kidney Pills
-the s::m;
hai. Fcster-r.lil-
Rufla'o. X. Y.
Will Spend 'vVinter Scuth
Mr.-. R. V.". Too! departed la: t week till,
for Lincoln, where she will visit for.
a short time with, her daughter. Mrs.
Em 51 Keuh
to MI'JSJuri
a short time, then will continue to
r V' .1-1 mm c-ln-. ,-"11 ... . ,i . 1
. - n 1HI C fill. ,.tl t-Jl U-J LJll.
Fj w i n t ' r , w h e- re 1 1
pyj heit-.
Bracelet waA?hcs. vrarrantcd good.
Arrrc.ably priced. JoLn W. Cra-
e wit'. ner uauciiier. .irs. j .r,-m
n. and afurwards will So PNs ! U Ui-l.
i wuere she will visit for UVw ! ta i ISla I LSj
climate is milder
Has Tid the Work
J. E. McHuth. of the Murdock
Ui Merranti'ie company, believes in pub-j
fc3 .icity of whatever hu-iness one is en-
dlore Than a Quarter Billion Spent
j Last Year 49 Widows of War
of 1512 Vets on List.
Dec. 7. The Amer-
nsr the feminine heart
loves, 25c to $1, Waists, Scarfs, Wool and Silk Hoce and
BS tau-d in. and iiss all means to nut: w asiimston.
Kti the pmblic next to the Roods which ! pension system cost the public
lie handles. He had Max Dusterhoff i .'- - curing trie nsca'. yr ?r
fjf-j okikc a ctumney ior mm, vwiicu ue - iu mc-
will ; in hi w ir.tinw -a fin n t -.i 1 ar nua 1 report of the commissioner of
Elj ( laus chimnev. and which is a work , I" ".' ions sent today to President
U or art w hen it came to represents-; ILirdiu.. Of this amorrt 5l'5.o..S07.
tion. Yu:i will see it in a short time " w":ss -'ni "t for r-crsions. the
in the window and will no doubt : ( --J of nl- intent' nee of the system
sidle up to the creation with the !einr l.o!4.0.0.
idea of getting warmed thereby.
might desire.
Gut Si?23s and Fancy Dishes!
Salt and Pepper Shakers, Star cut Glass ana Pitcher Sets, $2.53 to $3.00.
Fiih bowls and also a gold fish will be given to the purchaser of each bowl. This
la an excellent ornament ior your home.
Kodaks, also Brownies for the children.
Woodward's Finest Candles!
Plenty of Amusement
Last Friday evening there was
given a dance at the Modern Wood-
mat t!;e numoer of pensions m
j'.his country is rapidly diminishing
I is shown in the statement that $4.-
v 0 lfJ T. t i.T nrjlLinna
during the past fiscal year than dur
ing the previous year: that 2.0S2
In an endless vauety, including taffies, broken mixed, fancy minis, fancy
chocolates in packages and bulk. Nuts of all kinds and varieties.
Complete line cf Fruits and Vegetables. Fancy apples by the box, bushel
or dozen. In fact, we are prepared to furnish your Christmas dinner and supply
the girts fcr the occasion.
Do not until the last minute to do your Christmas shopping.
M men hall and at winch the cvounc r,vil war veterans died, as against
f& pe.0Ju: katl an excellent .time. V?" 2 1.775 for the previous vear, and
13 . iUV? n CvnStmaf ,n?h' that 21.253 widows died as asainst
""i, - l . 4 1 t!ie vear previous. '
M which time they are expecting to Tlu Klin)er of pensioners on the
M llave some very good times. rollr. June. 30. 1922. was 547,016 as
tv . compared with 560. 0T:? on June 30
13 Are Out Of Quarantine the previous year. Of these. 193,-i
?3 The families of Martin Borneraeier. i I '-vere rivii war veteran-; 272.- ;
?3 H. II. Lawton. D. A. Ilosenow and) civil war widows; 4 5.135 reter-
v K'-iy Imldin. who have been under : a3 of the Spani?h war and 9,19$ '
i5 ctoose. That tlie s?arlct fever, w hich ; drawing iers:ons for service in the
1 has Leen a menace to all the social iw v-h Mexico and forty-nine
i and' commercial interests of the com- i v 'it?cv.s of soldiers of the Avar cft
1S1C. .
McCartRBv Bros.
Finest Motor Equipment!
7 bHHk
- ' T -i i in il 'i' i Artu 'n ifaitidt irii-ain
pp d n
g Store 5
PH3KE H0CS3 19.A
When Yoa are Constipated i
To insure a healthy action of the:
bowels and correet disorders of the
liver. take two of Chamberlain's
Tablets immediately after supper.
rney will not only cause a gentle i
movement cf the bowels without un-'j
p:cat;ant effects, but hanish that dull i
ttupid feeling that often accompau-
.les constipation. V,'eyr;ch &. I!ad
iraba. (
Bibles nake a handsome Christ-:
j mas gift. Eee the lite at the Journal
ofSc before purchasing elsewlieie. i
: V t $
T. V. t!?cSAP?TEY,
Ashland, Neb. Blank uocks at the Journal OSce.
Omfss, Ns.9 January to X9th
Learn Hosj a Limited Number of Men
Can Attend Absolutely Free!
After five y?ars cf tremendous success, the Advance-Rumely
Tractor School has beenma almost a national institution. We
are urging ycu to auer.d, because "knowing ycur tractor"
mesns mor? xrrcfitable cp?ra;ion, fewer delays, and work
done on lime.
The school course 13 iiv;dod into two parts classroom
and laboratory. In the c!assrocm, experts explain the prin
ciples bach of OilPull Tractors, Rurnely Ideal Threshers,
Rume'y Truchs, tic. In the laboratory, you tear down and
assemble motors or.d tra.nsmi:.',icr:s; learn to time valves,
locate and correct trouble, etc. You learn operation and
mechanism by ivorkinQ on czch pari yourself. You get,
in cne short v.-eek, a bread, intensive training such as you
could get in no ether way.
By means of a co-operative arrangement between our firm
and the Advancr-I? usn rfy Thresher Company, we are permitted
to send absoh-.tIy :re. a limited number cf men. Transporta
tion expenses, cu-'praer.t, instruction, entertainment, beard,
room and every iciiitnie expanse is paid.
Entrance reocirements are extremely simple. Ask us to
explain them. But quick action is necessary. Call, telephone
or writo us fcr details.
d. G-ucftistcrff, ESurkock
Still Finch Business!
But we ore ready to mahe careful estimates cn your work,
oth present neeis and futrae wants.
c II
Hi 4j
Decorator Painters
'JAL '- I5. AT TJfr ATs Alr ATk
W W W W w
We hr.vs ir.stallec1 a Tungsten Eoctifer ?nd are prepared to
charge and recharge your battc-rief-. When the weather i.: cold
and your car Eli:?, you need your batteries in good conditio;;, both
for the matter 01 starting and also for the best ignition az vil as
c,ccd lights. Sv:r.r in your catteries and have them recharger.
The prices ate very moderate. Our repair department is fully
equipped for the best of service.
fn'swing Tsnio Bas Gome!
The harvest and threshing are about over. Now
comes the plowing for the autumn sowings and for the
preparation of next spring's crcp. See us for what
plows you need either in horse or power drawn.
Repaiis for ail machinery used on the farm.
See me for anything in farming machinery which
you may need.
Call me by phone and I will be pleased to give
you the best service. Call phone 14-J.