The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 27, 1922, Image 5

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    ZVIONEAY. NOVEMBER 27, 1922.
Thai i
is rs
Our Gasoline is Not
It is a strictly straight run not a blended product,
and will stand the test as specified by the U. S. Navy.
Our Penn Franklin Motor and Tractor Oil will give
you the lubrication no matter what your requirements
may be. It will stand up with any oil you have ever
used, regardless of the price you paid.
A Fair Trial Will Convince You.
.". II. Ku-h and A. J. Lauers were
: the .Murdoik sties, ts in ex-c-r:i;i;.:'a
during the i-ast
! two e::ttle
Me. :sipi:fr to Mur-
1 j':: i:y. wLU'i made a pretty
X. X rt.m was a visitor in
: lust Thursday where she wus
.,;t ! at the home of her relatives
' - ; ' a rg . re t Amgwt rt has been
,-..:.g t!.e : ' :: -V- :v i"H : ie
:" r t i. t past few days during
r -: . : issiH.
' r. II. r'-.c'.: and family were
v.j- ':i K'.-:.v. u.i ! U'.-t Thursday
v r. :.'- i-iir after some
s.s matte r.- as v.t I!.
. y (;: -;; : r '! cry McDon
: ' v. . re :.t'u r the festive
; t T '. : r: vt r h t Sunday
a : : v :: h y. 1 siteo. s.
1 're I St-.-ck pure hused a very f:n
, :' - .!;!;.. rr. 'rv V: at t!.e
i : : . :.! :.'. v ho will niain-
;:. : f..r:-; a- I.e..! of Lis herd.
. . s A:-iirt Wet.'U lias had us.
I ';. her nui..- on the !i-t of reade. r
(:" the Jorrn.:!. and the paper wil.
. : its v,y ta ti.eir home in the
I 'I ' ' Te.
i. Iliki: Mid wife accompanied
! M r- .!. .Ti :i-oti were visiting
with friends ami a'so looking after
i' ::i p; ;i - in Ur.::;'::;i last We 1-r-
'.. v.
UGins business in
t"Vb -w lr
But Always to Your Disposal
We Appreciate Your Business
Leave your orders at Office
and if Rushing, call
15lh and Howard St.,
Omaha, Ncbr.
Fhs Dusterhcff Shops
Thanksgiving Dinner!
Ycu have worked hard during the past year, and
the time of the harvest has come, notwithstanding the
fact of the hail storm, this country has haised much
to eat, and we arc thankful for the conditions being
as good as they are. What you have raised we have
in stock for you, so that the dinner on Thanksgiving
Day may be observed with plenty.
We have everything needed for a good meal, such
as Lettuce, Grape Fruit, Cabbage, and fact fruit of all
kinds, which your fancy may suggest of good things
to eat. Come in and see the wonderful display of
fruits of all kinds.
We are paying cat.h for your poultry. Call us
for the best prices.
Qok Mercantile Co.-
mm 0
Just "Gasoline!"
Win. rsornemeier and W. F. Rosen
ow of near Kim wood were visiting
I in Murdock and attending the Gake
' tacier sale whicli was held on last
! Thursday.
David and A. K. Tighe from near
: Mi n.ley were attending the Gake-
i; r sale last Thursday, and also
visiting with their many friends
here as well,
i Ilais Meisinger of near Murray
was a visitor in Murdock last week
and attended the sale of Henry Gake
meier and sons, making a purchase
of short horn cattle.
For Sale: Full blooded liarred
Rook c.xkrels. $l.r". Mrs. Charles
M. r.'t.ll. Murdock. Neb. ni:?-3tw
Phillip and Jacob Hild of near
Mynard were in Murdock and at
ten .led the sale of the Gakemeiers.
where tht-y purchased a number ef
useful pieces of machinery.
Harrison J. Livingston and Joseph
Mii'ir from near Weepint; Water
were visiting aiid looking after some
business matters as well as being in
attendance at the sale here on last
Thu rsday.
Carl Risman was a lucky man in
his purchasing in the Gakemeier sale
as he secured absolutely the best bar
gain when lie purchased the finest
tea mof mules in this part of the
country. He will use them in his
farm work.
J. Johanson purchased an excel
lent team of black horses at the
7. f 1
Gakemeier sale last Thursday which
was a dandy and no mistake. They
weighed 3,900 or 1,900 for each
Mtb. C. E. Stroy, who has been re
ceiving treatment following an oper
ation for the restoration of health at
a hospital at Lincoln, returned home
last Sunday and is reported as feel
ing much improved since her treat
ment. Her many friends congratu
late her on her improved health.
J. E. McIIugh, manager of the
Murdock Mercantile company was a
business visitor in Omaha last Thurs
day, going to the metropolis on the
noun train of the Rock Island and
returning via Ashland on the Tur
lington during the late evening.
While in Omaha he was looking af
ter some business matters for the
store here.
Buff Orpingrton Cockrels
I have a few fine Duff Orpington
cockrels for sale. that will go at
$l.f0 while they last. Retter get
vours before thev are all gone.
Presents a Delightful Effect
We were very much impressed by
the neatness of the north window of
the Murdock Mercantile company
when in town last week, as it was
most tastefully dressed. The window
represented the products of the Grape
Nuts and Post Toasties manufactur
ers, and was weil worth while as a
suggestion of something good to eat.
Py the way. the "Merc." always has
a generous supply of all good things
to eat.
They Sure Had a Time
The South was brousrht here last
week when a coon hunt was organ
ized by some score of people, nearly
half of whom were from Lincoln.
Two colored -men with some of the
fine: t trained cof-n doss that the
state can boast of arrived from Lin
?o! n in three cars and were joined
bv Messrs. Jesse and Wm. Keyser.
H. W. Tool. J. W. Kruger. Louis
Bornemeier. Paul Schev. e, Louis and
Lmil Timm and Conrad and
Wehrman. They succeeded in liau
Jing two coons and one 'possum.
This was the little em! of the hunt,
as they had more fun than one could
tliake a stick at. Tluy are expect
ing to have another hunt 'in a short
Second Number Lyceum Course
Please notice in ; tietlur column
the announcement of the cominxr of
the Lillian P-.lhrs company, wl.ich
is to be on December 1st, on Friday
of thir week. nd which is an enter
tainment veil worth the hearing.
The ladies of the Royal Neighbors
have the mutter in h:;nd and are
making a ruccess of it like all things
which they take Isold of. Do not
fail to get in on this entertainment
as it is on- v. hi-h ycu will all most
thoroughly enjoy.
I Goes to Chicago Hospital
fhester -Moo-ney. better known as
"Dad" ' )o:nty. who has been trou
bled with a ruMure t;jr some time,
'departed last Sunday for Chicago,
where he f rece-ivinc treatment in
the Pock Island hospital for the af
fliction. Hie friends, of which there
are a large- number, are wishing
him the be.'t of success in his treat
ment and s: re hoping he may soon
return entirely cured of his malady.
Mr. Charles McDonald h;:s been plac
ed in charge eif the work here dur
ing I'ncle Moomey's absence.
Eave Most Comfortable Home
' Mr. and. Mrs. Herman F. Schweppe
are to be congratulated on the ex
cellent rev.- home which they have,
and which they h;:ve recently moved
ir.t' The- home has been biilding
during the part summer and has
g'lvn into one of the? most conveni
ent and complete farm homes in this
portion d" the country, modern in
eve-ry particular, and with water and
elc-tric light and a modern heating
system. We were callers at the
Schweppe home last week and found
it a most pleasing home. They have
an abundance of room, and with
them are making their home also
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schweppe. Sr..
parents of Mr. Schweppe. who are
enjoying the new surroundings fully
as much as the younger n. embers of
the family. Not alone is thir, a large
house and well equipped. but the
hospitality and kindness is a feature
which adds much to the pleasantness
of the place and makes it a real
No School Last Week
On account of the nearly an epi
demic c-f scarlet fever in its milder
form of Scarletina. the schools were
not opened last week. The cases ap
pearing were of a mild form, but it
v.-as thought best to not open the
schools for the week and alljw the
sickness to be brought under con
trol. Dr. A. H. Hornbeck has been
handling the cases in the most ap
proved manned and hopes to have
the atmosphere cleared in a short
time bo that the schools may be open
ed in the near future. There were
but six cases and all are petting
along nicely, but in order that its
spread might be prevented and the
disease stamped out, the schools were
Sells Lighting Plant
Mr. E. Y. Thimgan, agent for the
Cushman lighting plant, last week
sold and had installed at the new
home of Herman F. Schweppe, one
of their lighting plants, and which
is in operation at the farm at this
time giving excellent satisfaction.
Bagged Many Ducks
I. G. Hornbeck and E. W. Thim
gan were enjoying a hunt at the
Platte river where they rpent Satur
day evening and last Sunday with
the ducks and where they succeeded
in bagging a number of the feather-j
ed friends. They had an experience
which made them think they would,
have to spend the night in a blind!
which they had constructed or swim i
ashore. We can testify to the ex-j
cellence of the game winch they bag-'
ged. as we enjoyed a dinner from
which they were prepared by that,
excellent cook, Mrs. Thimgan. j
Immediately Go to Housekeeping
Last Wednesday, November 2-nd.
at the home of the parents of the
bride was celebrated t lie marriage
of Mr. Wm. Dieckmann and Miss!
Leida Lau, when two of the very;
popular young people of the vicinity
of Murdock were unite ! in the bonds
of holy matrimony. Only the im
mediate relatives were present to
witness the ceremony, which was per
formed by the Rev. Ilrtman, pastor
of the church of wl.ich they are
Following the ceremony, the par
ents of the bride, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
L iu. provided a most e luhtful wed
ding dinner. The n- a ly married
eor.jde immediately .-nt to their
r.ev home where they began house
keeping and where ti .y will farm.
iTht Journal joins wit!: the numer
ous friendo in extendi!. j congratula
tions and best wishes for their wtl-
, fi re and happiness.
t A few nights later their many
-yoiins friends went to their home,
where they nave then. a serenade
and also enjoyed a i:.o.-t delightful
. time.
Enjoys a Good Sale
The sale v. Inch was to be h-:ld at
he Gakemeier home v. I.t i 1 as per
.-ched ile with the !nr"-t crowd that
ever attended a sale :a this neigh
borhood in the past. 'I't ree auction
eers officiated at the rale and the
pioperty offered for sale- brought a
good price. A most ma 'j:i ifice nt lunch
.vas served with a supply of some
nine hundred buns ar.d the other
thing-: to eat. People from all over
the country were pre-- nt who were
huvct"; as well as visitors.
Resigns Her Position
Mi.-s Ksther Schmidt, who has been
the clever and efficient manager of
the Murdock telephone exchange for
a long time, lias rosien.-d her posi
tion after having made an exeel
'ent recerd as a mana- r. and been
a most clever and oblimntr person in
chart e of the business. Miss Minnie
Feickman. who has been on the third
tri.'k at the office, has accepted the
position made vacant by the pro
motion of Miss Deickaian. thus till
ing the- quota of operators. Miss Per
tha Merkle retaining her position cf
night operator. '
Tiprr in tut Tr&T
nit nt I to i
The Testimony of Plattsnouth Peo
ple Stands the Test. i
The te:
the t:i!e.
imony of time is what tells
The- pu'dic soon finds out
when misrepresentations are made,
and merit alone will stand t lie test
of time.
Plat tsmouth people appreciate mer
it and. many months ago local citi
zens publicly endorsed Doan's Kidney
Pill: : they do s.) .-till. Would a cit
izen make the statement which fol
lows unless convinced that the ar
ticle was just as represented? Melow
is testimony such as the sufferer
from kidney ills is looking for.
Edward Martin, machinist. 140it
Vine stnet. Plattsmouth. says:
"Doan's? Kidney Pills are ail that
is claimed of them. Occasionally my
back gets to achir.g but it only require-;
a few of Doan's Kidney Pills
to relieve me."
The above statement was given on
February 22. 1 !U and on May 1 :
1020. Mr. Martin added: "I know
that Doan's Kidney Pills are a good
remedy after what they have done
for me. They have never failed to
do their work in a short time. I
only use them occasionally now as a
preventative to keep my kidneys in
a heaithy condition."
Price ;0c, at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a k.dney lemody get
Doan's Kidney Pills the same that
Mr. Martin had. Foster-Milburn Co..
Mfrs.. Puftalo. N. Y.
From Thursdays lmiiv afternoon a special train, con
sisting of four passenger coaches and
thirty emigrant cars, passed through
this city over the Darlington en route
to Kansas City. The train was occu
pied by members of the Mennonite
faith, who are leaving their former
homes in Canada to go to Mexico to
reside, where large colonies have been
I established bv members of this faith
who do not appreciate the laws of
! the dominion government and seek ;
I greater freedom in the southern re-I
public. There were something- like
' forty families and their possessions
i on the train. From Kansas City south i
the train will be transferred to the
Santa Fe railroad.
Good Health
If you would enjoy good her 1th,
keep your bowels regular. No one '
can reasonably hope to feel veil.!
when e-onstipated. When needed, take
Chamberlain's Tablets. They are
mild and gentle. Weyrich 4z Had
raba. DR. H. C. LEOPOLD t
Osteopathic Physician
Union Block Phone 20S
Fairy Taie
Little Eileen had been very much
excited. She had begun to feel t?x
citeel a good long time before Xmas.
First she hud counted on the cal
endar that there would be five weeks
more before Xmas and then she had
counted that there would be feur
weeks more before Xmas.
Then it had come down to three metre
weeks l'fore Xmas.
Of course, after that it had found its
way around to being only two mure
weeks before Xmas and then one more
week before Xmas. And that was
really almost too exciting.
Of course now she had to count the
days sit days, five days, four days,
three days.
Put it was the night before the night
before Xmas that seemed just too ex
citing for words.
L'ileeii kept saying :
"Tomorrow night Is the nisrht before
Xmas. Tonight is the night before the
night before Xmas! Tonight is the
r.igiit before Xmas Lve, and next tc
Xmas Kve there is no more exciting
night than the night before it.
"Oh. I must shout up the chimney
to Santa Clans!" !
So Eileen bent over and call.'d up
the chimney. ,
"Santa Onus, I do hope you'll have
a merry Xmas and I send you maeh
love. I love you betifei than any out
in the world. Santa Claus. exrept my
tiig brofhi-r and my mother and my
daddy and my grandma and litt'e sis
ter. 'Next to them I love yeu hotter titan
any ne. I even love you better than
my pet dicky bird and I love him very
dearly, Santa Claus.
"So you see what a big com-p!i-ment
it Is to you. Put you should be com-p'i-mented
over and over again when
yi u are my own dear Santa Claus and
the dear Santa Claus of so many thou
sands of children. '
"Dear Santa. I hoj you haven't for
gotten about the rag dully, Santa. Of
rov.vnt? if you are all, all through and
have already lacked your bag. I will
quite understand. Put I hope you can
send me a rag dolly.
"I hae her name all ready for her.
I thought I would name her Snow
Prop because she would drep down
upon me when the snow was here. ;
"Of course she wouldn't drop just
as n snow-drop would drop or a snow-
Shout Up the Chimney."
flake would fall, but It would be a nice
winter name for her.
"I'd Leep it as a summer name too
for her. as in the summer it would
make me feel so nice and cool to talk
to Snow-Drop and call her by name.
"Of course, dear Santa, if this isn't
con-ven-ient, don't bother, but I do
so hope? it will be.
"I have Per bed all made for her.
Fo you remember, Santa Claus, the
little white bed you gave me thre?e
years ago? My big brother painted it
over for me this fall in case you did
give me Snow-Prop.
"We thought It would be so nice,
Santa, for Snow-Drop te have a white
bed. Don't you think so. Santa?
"P.ut don't bother. Santa, if it isn't
all right. You are so good and kind,
Santa, and you have so much to do and
It would bo impeissible for you to do
"Good-night, dear Santa Claus. I
hope you have a lovely Xmas. And
don't mind if you have to hurry and if
you spill a little soot on the ora:ges
from the chimney.
"We laughed ever so hard ewer some
soot on one of the oranges last year.
"And oh, Santa, how much betfer
your oranges are than anyone else's.
Our grocer's are almost as good as
yours, but not quite, Santa. Yours are
a little better than any others.
"Oood-night, Santa Claus, and a
merry Xmas!"
Eileen came away from the chimney.
"The night before the night before
Xmns is so exciting," she said again.
"More exciting than any other. Pin sure,
though tomorrow night is Xmas Eve
and that is as exciting as it can be.
Put oh, tonight is most awfully excit
ing. And I do hope Santa Claus
brings me a rag dolly I can name
Snow -Drop."
You mustn't be disappointed if he
doesn't," said her mother.
"I won't." said Eileen.
lint when Xmas came, the nig dolly
came with it and Eileen eo-:M be per
fectly, wonderfully happy, hugging
Snow -Pr p. or sitting Si.o -l ro-i jfj
her lap a she attended to other tilings
S'irh jooUin? af the re' i-f her pres
ents and eating Xmas dinner:
Next Number on the Lyceum Course here,
Friday, Dec. 1st
Lillian SeHers,
who heads the company, lias a beautiful taprano voice
and uses it in selecting rongs that appeal to the reat
majority of people Her reading, that perhaps you
have heard before, take on new meaning, bringing
out the beauty and character undiscovered before.
Mr. Tobias,
character interpreter, pianist and entertainer.
You should avail yourself of the opportunity to
hear this splendid program at the W. A. Hall.
Popular Prices!
Chicago. Nov. 2:1. Automobile
rond maps have nte-n-d the eompt i
tive tr id of ;; Vn 1 : r blo-i.-rs a:;d
ai:,ianac as adv. rt ir-iug it'ts .! ord
iiig to publishers oi r.iotor car spe
ri.ilti.s. who now are printing these
guides to the outdoors by millions.
If cause, they say the the- mod m
A:-'--ri'-an no lrrg-r is inclined to sit
ii doors and study c'atos since- the
au'omobile h;.s paved the- way to
highways and byways when leisure-ti-i'.e
arrivs. Publishers of -ab.-udr.r.-.
however d -1 ire the bt::."i:d '.: "
ti.eir prodm-'b is undiminished point
ing out that the- motorist must spend
some time- elating up his trips ieir the
itd'owing season.
Firs: demands for turning guides
was supplied by automobile agencies
ai d i iuhs. eedle ted by touring at
( nsiderabh- cost. As paving prog
ressed the t:e sua pi rs took up the
work, establishing touring bureaus
and printing the progress in road
::i.:!;ii.;T. This led to the? .;-: ribut ion
of r'-giomi! r ::d maps by various
n wspap;r.- to the ir readers as adver
tising mediuri.s.
Better Have
The winter weather is coming when you need more
than ever GOOD TIRES, for you all know how dis
agreeable it is to have to have tire trouble on the road.
The prices are just now as low as j'ou can expect and
there is a probability that they will be higher rather than
We have alcohol for your radiators. Protect them
from freezing.
We are prepared to do your repairing in the best
possible manner and at reasonable rates.
Safety TcBior Blades Sharpened!
You can get your Safety Razor Blades sharpened
at a cost far below the price of new ones.
Mail them direct to us in Lincoln or leave them
with Mr. Eddie Craig, the Murdock barber.
Kuehn &
127 N. 12th Street
P(ov;inr: Tims Has Gome!
The harvest and threshing are about over. Now
comes the plowing for the autumn sowings and for the
preparation of next spring's crop. See us for what
plows you need either in horse or power drawn.
Repairs for all machinery used on the farm.
See me for anything in farming machinery which
you may need.
Call me by phone and I will be pleased to give
you the best service. Call phone 14-J.
t. P..
The ar'.ograph. rs distovt red that
antomobilists watite-d maps of every
sort, whiie die ever changing char
iMfr of the- roads math- new maps
Jcnrnal want ads pay. Try then.
McCartney Bros,
Finest Motor Equipment!
Store 5 PHONE House 19-A
Ashland, Neb.
Good Tires!
Lincoln, Nebr.
i id L M E W