The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 16, 1922, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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- tea
Ill iJJW
Special Prices on
Vc were fortunate in stocking up pipeless Furnaces before the ad
vance and have the following to offer for immediate installation:
Three each Lifesaver pipeless, 26-inch fire pot, all-steel fur
nace, in3laii?d complete for
Two each Nc. 5033-B Sunbeam pipeless furnace, 20-inch
fire pol. 12,000 to 15,000 feet capacity. Installed
One No. 3040-B Sunbeam, 22-inch fire pot; 15,000 to 18.-
000 i'ect capacity furnace. Installed
One No. "047 B Sunbeam. 24-inch firepot: 18,000 to 28,
000 feet canacitv furnace. Installed
Or.: No. 20-23 Vacuum pipeless combination wood and ccal
iei:27 firepot with duplex grates for wood or coal. Installed. .
Capacity of above furnace, 8,000 to 1 2,000 feet.
m W. R. QLM-
a Lingering Illness cf Five
r.ths, D. iTh Relieves Her
Afttr spend ii:
:-nt 1 1 1 1 toi;sl:i
g four months of pa
it j c ifering. the slur
s'- of Mrs. V.
iliirhi to the ii.
i. unity re.-dk n
s : 1 Monday
I.-i'l!'. A. Y.
u'.i ii t y . X ii ,
April :: i. m;i
: : lilll i n t 'l
;i tcr. :!:
:s i :i.-.t riu ! nr
W!. Jit.y 21'.
in in:: it;:1 ;
i-'pringvo-w. X
1 I
I'hi i
;, ( K
r 1 1 i .
. : vd
! -; i : "i
r an
,r-. I
;i!:g I
:nl t ; l
I :1
1 W i '
. re
a :i
cl i
-: ! 1 i
li. Olmslc ad took its
evenly homo from the
In iv in Carroll at
::iO.M i tig. NoV. titll.
iii j. was born in Cas
!n;.r Ha; ts-nouth. on
s!i - i-cci ved her cilu-
ll iir schoois. becom
ii i lie same a iii! also
in music
i:2. sin- was united
V.'. li. Ol instead at
i It. A few Wei Us later
!!,. began housektcp
: o. Neb., v.'licri' -Mr.
;.-il in business, but in
oilow inn year she was
s -vcrc illness.
.) Carroll in the year
y ha i' si nee r siiled.
1 Ai'S of a (I'liet, re-
n. hr.t this did not
airing si wide eirele
From Monday's Lai:y.
Ceorge Sheldon, the Lincoln oapi- ;
talist. was a visitor in the city today
consulting his representative, John
II. Ley da, the attorney. j
Mrs. S. P. C'resap of Nebraska City ,
was anions the ladies in the city to- '
day attending the convention of the
woman's clubs of Cass and Otoe 1
counties. !
Frank A. Raker and wife of Im- !
perial, Nebraska, and Mrs. K. T. j
Hughes of Cretna. who accompanied!
Mr. and Mrs. V. K. Kosenerana on
their trip south to San Antonio, re- '
turned this city Saturday after
noon and from here motored to their
heo:i Hurt on xneni Sunday here j
with his mother, Mrc. L. I'. Uurton, j
"Crispy an crunchy an all-the-time-crackly
I An river tough
or leathery t Gee, what would
happen if KellogK's got all eated
up before tomorrow J"
tf California, who is visiting here.!
Mr. Murion. who is manager of tin;. ?U;mu to company, of Cliic-ar-.o, '
ia;:de this special trip to visit his'
la' ere her return to join 1 er j
husband. (1. F. S. Hurion, at their
home in Los Angeles. i
tfou cQi'iainiv realise the
when you eat M
:.!::r. !i :
i-.iio t1
!i--t t
i! has r-
S?S& rj: PVH
j J B5 :
!cicr.:.cre i -o. Lo
Flattsmcuih, Nebr.
t. 1H"S, she was re-m-'inhership
of the
ii by !Cev. K. i:. Car
ed faithful to her
, !,:; ol her ilea! h. S!ie
: l ::u Uiliel" til the Ke-
: illness was some in
ii:a' i'.:ial!y produced
iv. I hrcnku'iwn H tier maun.
Siie !'s to nioiirn her departure
r husband, tltr-p brothers, liyron
Carre-I. J. M. I'lattsmouth and
I: el' o'.Vi'i!!. a! m one sister. Mrs.
K. Hiiipps ..r I'i.tvivit v. X. I..
"! ! run r:'l w h.-l.l on Wcines
y nopi th.e tl.od'st t hurch. be
j - i', !'i '. ' : " pastor. Kev. F.
r. - ';: rr.!l ! mb x.
t roubi
r.-.l M'
. !. H
;'T rv t!n:J
mmmm losses
m. r
!ar,l of Xe
,:v! lum-
that would
is .veil as a
day s- i 'ii t'i!
o i 1 I i'or 14 e
a i - vi ry
ir. r i will
and one
' d':e
of the
;. .1:
ia- A !
lay afternoon at the court
v.:.s held the niarriate of two
. iug people of this comniun- .
i!;.e Iti t-siin. who was celebrat
mistiee day being called down'
i a
1. o
i i j . .. .
...r tr.iV-
v J 2 s. O O r
Fixed Gcfc:'t
Slid WcaSSiar
Gst3 ir. !
Franh 0. Gpslma;i
Wall Paper and Paint
"Get the Habit!"
to ip-'u.' the neccs-arv license and t
eevfoon the ct r.-i'.io:iy as wdl. The
i -infracting parties were Miss Lyndia
P. v.t',1 and Mr. Lee Last ri lire, anil
t!i? 'ri:a! co'-.pie were arcoinpn iiied
by Mr.;, .iosetih l'oAcil. n. other of'
til. ' ri !e. who with rl.nis SMVer wit-j
si - tl.e inarr;:ise ctreuicny. yni
Foilo-.,inL- the v. eddinn the bridal i '
! bra-h:
Deprrt:ncr.t Vaitin-j on Coun
Ti'C.TSV.vcrs Ecfore it Can
Par Eiil Insurance.
. i
-"ira nee
1 ;. t y
Kinds cannot
L a.-mrer-s re-
1,903 of State's 1.921 Precincts
Have Now Reported Legis
lature to G. 0. P.
,rr r!;D. a. r. hold pleasant
i .
. Fast ridge
wl.i re they
I: relatives
bv Mr. and Mrs
William Fastridire departed lor
lSlti'i' JV-T Slill- i .
and friends. The
r.y fri.n's of the youn.4 people
:i i:i wi.-hini; th.em well on this
i icious occasion. The bri le has
: her l.onie her for some time
i t!if roui'i is at the present time
the emr.lov of the IJurlir.nton In
the shi is.
IT. II. C. Leopold this niorninsr
ted on Mary, the little daughter i jntH.s OI
. arid .Mrs. t e t r ( !aus tor tne
et 1; r ton uls and adenoids ;
operation prove. 1 very sue-
! iurus indicate
: n
M..t t!
!'ic:;;l dl'Si rvi rs t st iir,.;'( 1 last
that the pro:.; re. sive of Xe
w!;o tir:',-'. nire.1 a Tiow politi-
P".ry ;-t Crand 1-lan-l lat win-
er. ha'l roiled npproxifiatelv pe:
cent iif the vote oast in last Tues
day's general election.
Nt:ie of the progressive candi'laf t s
for stat- offices runninv: on that alone, was tu-ce.-sfui. ltov. -ever,
except two state n-pre e r ;i -tives.
Fourteen surces-ful luajor par
ty candidates for the slate legisla
ture, however, were a!so the nom-
th" prtmess; ves.
Seebe Satisfied
About HSti.O'o) p. rsons voted for
nited Stats senator, unon'icial re-
based on a total of
v i.'.uin moii' y in
i . ; i !ayi:u-nt from (oun
in .Novi-inoi r. ii
ISC do I!. it 1
t;v:r,:!rv lint
a 1' iaontii.
.s to'.jary is the only county
has thus ;;ir in'.o t!ie treas
tl.i' baiai;;. due on hail insur
. Thai (n i'.-.ty l,a.s remitted ?S.
.n aice'itit of insurance" pre
: s. Tl.e suite treasurer report for
b; r showed -:1s-. 'ill in the hail
i. T'tf less r, t ! is year eXteed the
le pro rata share oi
'! r ea n not be 01111
known how much
ir. asurers remit, in
1 heir hist payment,
ivides that county
f"!iiit h.ail insurance
Fnmi Tuefilfi v'a I'any.
F'lAard Vallery was a passenger j
this morning for Omaha where he
was called to look after some mat
ters of business. j
Frank Valleiy departed this after
neon for Omaha where he will spend.
a lew hours tonkins alter his busi
ness interests in that city.
Mr. and Mrs. Will I'irie of Omaha
arrived this morning
attend the funeral
Shop p. irraud mot her
Mr. and Mrs. I,. K.
Cook arrived, this morninjr from their j
home' to attend the funeral of Mrs. j
Susan Shopp, grandmother of Mrs. j
llnnford. I
(icor;;? V. Pnyder motored in this!
:norni.-)K from his home west of My- .
nard .acrotnpanicii nv ins son. iii'orK-
.Ir.. to attend the Shi
a fterneon.
Andy Scliiiadi r
lTirrirs for ()riia',a
t titer training for tlu-
tin;? in trim for his forthcomin
with Harry Creb at Detroit.
John Toman fleparted this 1110m-
r Omaha where he will spend
hours with his brother, An
ton Toman. Jr.. who lias been quite
:i k there for the past few weeks.
l'.yron Goldins; departed this af
ternoon for Omaha, where he will
visit over Thanksgiving with friends
at 2T'J4 South li'.th street, and may
remain there until the tirst of the
year, as business reasar.s have delay
ed his trip west to the l'acifie coast
until that time.
from Omaha to i
of Mrs. Susan !
of Mrs. Pirie.
Hanford of Me- '
p funeral this '
:tre he will
purpose of set-
: a
as ti
i b y
.si -
ad ii
ii i.
,t y eoaut;. :
.mIii ; u;"i:i
'le law pr
sur. rs ha;i
" r
itiais ii !
t 11! at tl.
1 fie ha la m
i 1: i i'f
I :IT ! .t'.T'.t from l.ftn:; of th.e state's
Faitn Leans: Let me explain myji.:.-i precincts. t the :t 7 1 . ';::. u.
loK-time land bank loan. Searl S. J',, iloweil. republican, received 1.".
D.ivis. 201 Platt&moath State Bank ! ;,7 corti i'-1 r"1 t 1 4';.:::'i for his ti. n.-
c . :oerai;c opponent, senator itlinert .a.
nb-4VSW ; Hitchcock, and !.:510 for the Rev. .1.
j L. Iw'oim
j H'rf.m Tuesday's Daliy
j Yesterday afternoon the members
' of th' Fo-itenelle chaptt r. Iaush
; t '-r-: of the American Revolution,
were entertained at the home of Mrs.
M. A. Street in a very charmins man
ner. The meetinar was led by Mrs. W.
1 S. Leete. past resent of the local
chapter, who took up the discussion
, of th.e early residents of the state
i and the early Indian tribes that made
i their homes in this portion of the
west. Mrs. Leete also reviewed the
I. A. K. magazine for the current
; month.
A T .1 sllitflhTe t.nilr tlla inntviK
.'ue-iion or compen-iof tU(t ,h:ipu,r ontertainoil at a
ember balance is ,.,,,..1, 1 , 1, .. ,
!. iiji'ii 11 1 uit 111 tin r.itrn
.by the hostess, assisted by her daugh
ter. Mrs. K. II.
' state treasurer 1"
end of each month
in November 1 fol-
: l:
re ai p
' h" t'rii mis
ii ' wt assi
the 1
s of
a nd
in this way our most i
latiot: and thanks to:
itid neighbors for the!
Ntance and sympathy in j
our ii"ar motner. rranii.
and family; Charles 11.
MM III Soon Be Here!
And a liltie advance information will make your
Christmas Card bnyingmuch easier.
V e have the largest line this season tlut was ever
stocked in a retail store in Nebraska.
for Eysry osrsbsr of
tho Family!
if you do not Christmas Shop in Plattsmouth send
us a dollar by mail, telling us how many cards you
want for the dollar, and we will mail them to you,
and guarantee satisfaction.
Gards from 1 c to 1 .00
j w
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
f Omahn. itroi;ressi ve. This
figure for Mr. I'.eebe is less than ."
per cent of the total, but observers
say it probably does not include all
the votes lie received in the 1,K;;
preciiK.-ts reported.
Kev. Ileebe said he considered that
th.e progressives, who declared for
sovernn.ent ownership of the rail
road." and opposed the federal n -serve
hankinix system, would he bet
ter organized for the next election,
and that steps to brini;- this about
would be taken soon.
I'noiTicial returns show the re
publicans elected state senators in
ail but the second, third, eighth,
tenth, thirteenth, twentieth, twenty
third, twenty-eighth and thirty-third
districts. The vote in the thirty
fourth was close, and the appatant
ictory of (J. C. Humphrey, republi
can, over S. M. Fries, dei I'lerat, may
be upset by flu ol' count.
In the Legislature
Of the state senators, three were
progressive party nominees as well
I as candidates ou major party tickets".
I hey are John Wiltse. republican
and :;roe.r ssive in th.e First district:
.1. II. Ueifenrath. d mocr it and pro
gressive in the 'Perth. and ll.'iiry
IP.iirens. republican and progressive,
in the Twelfth.
In the house, two republicans run
iiill ."ilso as progressives, were :
cessful. while one. A. N. Mathers in
the Ninety-eighth, was the nominee
on three tickets, republican, demo
crat and progressive, without opposi
tion. FUht democrats who also were
nonrirated by the progressives for
th.e house, were successful.
The prohibitionists' vote cannot
l e e 'imatod. ' owever. as all of
their candidates were also running
en major party tickets, with one e
ceptb :i. th-t of Mrs. V.. I.ue'.la r,:;r
ton. of Lincoln, who received but a
small vote for congress as compared
with her republican and democratic
opponents. ,
r-';ou. The :Vv
hint .".' per !, of the total. When
i U law was passetl in some
t-'iah. is of the legislatur" said it left
:-ioi'"v in : !: local banks which
' i ir ' to i;,. m tne s'ate tieasury tori
ih.' e:'i ly payii.i ut of ha'l insuran.-e j
nd that the v-,iihl cause
ssaiv ilelay in the disbursement of!
the tunds. Thi fuiuis this year will j
proeMy tioi b" paid to losing policy j
hold is until oiaetime in Decemht r. J
Chief Aeju.-.ter L. fi. Urian hopes to .
have eroimh luiuis to pay more than
h't -..' cent of adjusted losses.
Tli" total iireniiums collected this
year will agmagaie SU'l.Oa.-,. With
lune.- left oser from last year in th.e
. 'ale treasury it is estimated that
- ir : . 1 1 will be available to pay
hv:s. .. The looses id justed by Chief
Adjust! r r.ri.ui total ., 2 Ll.nys. The;
: xperses of the insurance depart-'
Mei'i. a;nonntii;T to ?1u.omi. must be
d.'d'.n-ted from ihe available fuinls
lor p ivaieiit of losses
j When baby suffers with eczema or
isome itching skin trouble, use Doun's
i Ointment. A little of it goes a long
way and it i safe for children. 60c
a box at all stores.
If Tl: ti;
.'ournal see
t iv wil 'lin
representative of the
more than usual fes
next few days it can
he :.s:-ri!n"d to I'.un'alo meat. Mr. and
Mr-. I'.riggs n ceived a portion of
buffalo meat from their son. Leland
! :ri--!,-s. whit h was jiart of a buffalo
roasi-d whole ;i ' the barhtH-ne of the
A nieriea n Legion jiost at Howell. S.
Ih. and wii ich was attended by Mr.
Ib iggs ai i f.ii.iiiy who motored over
ir;u'i th.-ir home at Winner, where
i.ei.'id is a member of the Legion
pas!. The reporter partook of some
of t'' meat and pronounces It
From Tuesday's Daily.
Yesterday was the tenth birthday
of little Jean Hayes and in honor
of the occasion there were a few of
the c!om friends of the little lady in
vited to enjoy the occasion with her.
During the afternoon there were a
number of games played by the lit-
;lh' folks which were supervised by
I Mrs. Henry Soennii hsen. who was
the teacher of these little folks last
year and the occasion was one enjoy
i ed to the utmost. At 5 o'clock the
j members of th party were invited to
'the dining room where Mrs. Hayes
J had prepared a very dainty birthday
supper including the usual ornamen
tal birthday cake with its glowing
ci. ndles and which came as the cli-
max to an afternoon of real pleasure.
"mil h. who has just
the hospital, is now
cuperating ai his home from his
tnt operation which was quite can tell v. h.r-n yo Ci! niah
a fnter it :;;,f - a ci I. bruise, burn
er s-ca'.d. He prepaid.. Tiv i.v.i.i
reiy on Pr. Th -.-vis" Fele-tie .'o.
Your druggisr. m!U it. "0,' n-.d i,ic.
vere : nd tne young man will be lorc
eil to spend several, niont hs in bed as
his hip is siill in ;i plaster cast and
sut h as rot to permit his moving
without help. The many friends are
pleaded to web ouie Ilaymond home
a::d trust that he may lind a com
plete (lire of his afllht ion as the re
mit of the last urn-ration.
J O'Neill. Neb.. Nov. 14. Ranch-
1 men and sportsmen of Holt. Rock.
I Mrown. ("berry and Sheridan coun
ties, the great prairie chicken coun
ties of Nebraska, will ask the som
itig session of the legislature to
amend the game laws so as to have
I the opening season for shooting
prairie chickens begin at the same
'time as the open season on ducks.
At present the duck season is fifteen
days earlier than the prairie chicken
and grouse season. As a result, the
ranchmen contend, many chickens are
killed by visiting hunters before the
respecters of the law get a chance to
Attend the chicken pie dinner and
supper Saturday. November 25th at
the M. Y. A. hall, given by the
Christian church ladies. r3c per meal.
I Osteopathic Physician
.. I'tiion riOv'U Phone 20S
I Falls City. Nov. 14. Arthur J.
i Weaver. Falls City capitalist and hor-
ticultnrist. whose life was feared fol
lowed his operation for appendicitis I
at the St. Joseph's hospital in Omaha
tour weeks ago. has recovered suffi
ciently to permit his removal to his,
home the latter part of this week.
according to word received here from!
hospital attaches.
2 we
Lose anrthinj? Find anythinfrT ;
Try a JourrpU wast-ad.
From the instant you open the generous size!
package till they're tucked away in great and tiny
bread-baskets," Kellogg's Corn Flakes are a de
light! You can't even look at those big sunny-brov.n
flakes, all joyously flavored, crisp and crunchy, with
out getting hungry! Kellogg's are never leathery
or tough or hard to eat they're just wonderful!
Such a spread for big and little boys and girls
the sweetheart of fine white corn kernels deliciousiy
flavored and deliciousiy toasted in Kellogg's own.
way! You can't imagine anything more
joyous to eat at any hour.
Kellogg's Corn Flakes are childhood's
ideal food! Kiddies can eat as much as
they can carry! Every mouthful makes
for health, for sleepy-tirne-stomachs!
Don't just ask for "corn flakes"' ! Yov
say KELLOGG'S the original kind in
the RED and GREEN package!
4 T' ii
1 LUB(
ii r i
Also makers of KELLOGG'S KRILMBLES and KELLOGG'S BRAN, cooked and krmnMe i
d a y.
h e r
a nd
Mrs. Edar B. Penney, of Fuller
ton, who is the state president of
the federation of women's eluhs of
Nebraska and also past president of
the American Legion Auxiliary in
state, and who was here yester hud a notable career during
years of residence in the state,
one experience during the time
besre-aks the courage and determina
tion of this distinguished lady.
Mrs. IVnny, when a young girl,
was teaching school in the central
portion of the state in the year 1886.
that locality at the time beinyr very
thinly settled, and Mrs. Penny was
acting as instructor at the time the
great blizzard swept over Nebraska
in that year.
With the storm raging and little
fuel at the school house the children
were in great danger of freezing in
the intense cold that followed the
terrific wind and snow storm sweep
ing across the plains.
The young teacher, recognizing the
danger that threatened her little
charges, secured a rope and tying
the children together so they would;
not get separated, storted out with !
her little party and in the face of j
the great danger that lurked in the!
whirling driving snow of the bliz- j
artl reached a nearby farmhouse. I
where the party were cared for and j
not a child was lost, although in the1
state there were many deaths from
the effects of the blizzard. !
t-'roti Tuesday's Daily.
Bobbin Purkle. who has developed
both strength and skill in the work
of handling ba-rgatri at the Ibtrling
tor. station, decided yesterday to
start training as a contender for the
rown which lias been worn by Joe
Steelier ami Frank Gott h and now
rests on the ha-l of "Stransrb.-r"
Lewis, and in an ill chosen moment
decided pr Andy Moore as his oppo
nent. The match w:is short and sweet
as tne
intr comm
and os a result of the match Bobbie
received a wrenched auk!'1 su.-fained
when he was thrown and aln a
greater knowledge of the wrestling
game than he has had heretofore.
skill of Bobbie vqsf -not lir
mpared to the' nrawn'ot' Andy
The friends and relatives here of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Lorenz of Des
Moines, will regret to learn of the
Forrow that has come to their house
hold. A little son was born at their
home Sunday. November "th. the lit
tle one h?:ng dead on its arrival and
the occasion brings a great sorrow
to the parents as well as the other
relatives of the little one.
Duroc spring boars; Shorthorn
bulls. Searl S. Davis, four miles
west of Murray. n6-4wsw
Constipation causes headache, in
digestion, dizziness, drowsiness Fer
a mild, opening medicine, use Pin:-'.:
Kt-g-.ilets. 30c a box at all sto"
Stop! and Shop!
-Bargain Wednesday
U. S. Army Officers 0. D. Wool Blankets!
We received too late for our regular Bargain Wednesday
ad just 40 of these fine all-wool blankets, and we are
going to offer them to you at a price unheard of even at
army stores.
These are a much finer, softer and far better blanket than
we sold j'ou before. And as the number is limited we
we ask that you come early if you want them.
The sizes are full 64x84-inches and weigh about five
pounds each. This is almost as cheap as the cheapest
cotton blanket and will last a life time.
This is a Bargain Gome and Got 'Err,!
$ d"v50