1 . THURSDAY, KOVEIEEE. 9, 1922. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI -WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE FIYl ARMISTICE DAY HONOR Murray Department FOR W00DR0W WILSON If .ny of the readers of the Journal ktuvr of any social evwnt or Item of interest in this vicinity, and will mail lime u x.hm ofliet. it will ap pear xmder this beadlnir. W want an newslteom Kditod Grout) of Citizens Will Call on Him Saturday Henry Morgenthau Will Deliver an Address. V I Vepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers - uildens for the Future! A bank works for yoa night and day, week after week, adding cents to your dollars. Little by little the amounts gTOw till each addition is a respectable sum. Where dees the gain come from? Not from your pocket. Nor from ours. It is the result of production. Money placed in a bank is given an oppcrtunity to work and to produce. Thus a bank builds your wealth. Start with a small deposit if you will. Add to it when you can regularly if you can do so. It will not be long till you can fairly see it grow. Murray State Bank MAKE THIS BANK YOUR BEST SERVANT Open an Account with us today NOW! Ch:.s. G ret IK' is on tlie sick list Wftl;. II-. i.:e!.:ber the In; Thanksgiving (li:::!-: r at the Christian church in tl. Mrs. 13. F. Urendel. in - .Mrs. Pittn: i:i spent in Avoca last week. i.-!:ry Her: -Tier vl.r operated i: r i!i elevator rt Cedar n visitor with friends in th't-tion day. Me -sr.''. Oscar and Homer Shrader w- busy last Tuesday pradinsr 1'or thf l-.rn which they are "nuildiuc: Mrs. Johns a lew clays the Creek, was Murray on t of town, "ordelia .lch rorthe:. ia .Ichr. a si.ttr of M : - . I.. F. P.rcnckd. and Mr?. Put in:: ti of Coli'ar. Indiana, are visiting at tlie P-rendel home. Given Piirsrot is anion? tho.e v. ho are throne'; pic kin? corn. lie lives north out side of tr.e hail cli?trict end liad some very pood corn. Th.t re w ill be a very important business nieetinp of the Ladies Aid at the church Saturday afternoon. Every member should be there. Foster Hardin is kept pretty busy these days paintinp and redecorating the Murray hotel, which was injur ed by the hail storm last summer. H. C Long was looking after some business matters in Omaha last week and was also visitintr at the home of his daughter. Mrs. Robert Shrader. A f ne movinsr picture and election rtturns by radio were the attrac tions at the hall Tuesday nisrht. The proceeds went for the benefit of the library. O. T. 1-eyda has been hauiinp sand for a number of days which he is usinp to build some buildinps on his farm for the hops and chickens. Ghange of Garage! A. D. 3AKKE HAS TAKEN OVER THE NEW MODERN FIREPROOF GARAGE AT MURRAY and with the equipment in the Garage and shop will be prepared to do any and all kinds of automobile repairing, weld ing, tire vulcanizing and radiator repair. All our wcrk is absolutely guaranteed. Also a Complete Line of Accessories and Supplies NIGHT AND DAY SERVICE ; I want to thank all my old customers for their lib eral patronage while in Plattsmouth and to assure you the same prompt service at my Dew location in Murray- MURRAY Phone No. 47 NEBRASKA who are striving to pay the expenses on the farm. Georpe Ray and Ir. lirendel, who have been at Kansas City, where where they were receiving treatment for their health, returned home a few days since and are both feeling considerably better. Herman Smith reports that they have completed the picking of his corn, which was of a slightly short crop on account of the very dry weather, they having just escaped the hail storm of last summer. Mrs. John Ferris had as guests on last Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. VVm. Sy- hnlt Mrs H V Ttrnrifl Mrs Cor delia Johns and Mrs. Pittmau of!11111' Indiana. Dr. and Mrs. J. F. Brendel and Mr. and Mrs.. Jeff Brendel. FAIR WEATHER IN STATE FOB ELECTION Kough Eoads in the Western Part of State and Parts of Northeast Cut Down Vote. Kay on Itiidio reports or. (linn ha Out state conditions indicate Hire ranges from 2 above zero, with sui greater part of Hons of the state. the election that the tempera - to 4 0 degrees .liine in the east the central por A big afternoon Washington, Nov. 6. Plans for a visit to the home of former President Wilson Saturday by a delegation of "admirers and well wishers" were announced by Mrs. Kate Trenholm Abrams. who also headed the group of citizens who called on Mr. Wilson last Armistice day. Henry Morgen thau .if New York, former ambassa dor to Turkey, has accepted an invi tation from Mrs. Abrams' committee, it was stated, to address Mr. Wilson. It is expected that the former presi dent will receive his callers, the an nouncement added, although no word of the -committee's plans have been sent to him. Earl Lancaster is hauling mater-1 ial for the construction of a large ' barn and crib on the place in which he lives. The property belongs to Messrs Ray Wiles and Wni. Kuffner. and is farmed by Mr. Lancaster. Win. Cannon, who has been sick mort all summer is for the present vir.iting at the home of his sister, Mrs. Kelly lihoden for a short time. Mr. Cannon has not been feeling very well, but is improving some. W. F. Nolte and family were in Murray last Tuesday looking after some business and securing some ma terial for repairing about the place and may also consider the construc tion of some buildings on his farm. Last Tuesday Glen Eoecleker was kept very busy at the hank as he had to do the entire work. Mr. llalias. the gentleman who works in th- bank, was on the election board and feels the strains of the heavy voting. P. E. Ruffner was down from the county seat last Tuesday, coming fcr a visit and also to vote, lie visit inu hero a rhort time between trr-ins and from here he went to Council Piuf:. where he was the pue.;t of relatives. Raymond Creamer and his moth er. Mrs. Henry Creamer, were visi tors for a few diys at Overt or. where Harry makes his home. They re port some excellent rains havi-p fallen in that porticn of the coun try. A. D. P.akke. formerly of Platt.--mouth. has moved to Murray, and will operate the Mnrr-y g:rar.e iere in conjunction with Mr. Frank Val lery. Mr. Bakke wiil live in a por tion of the hor.se adjacent to the ! pa race. ' Mrs. Rac'te! C Ivir. -,v':: r,kes jher home with Mr. ai.1 Mrs. Ab M idoch. enjoyed a ph-usant ;-urnrise 'which her friends p!i:rned on her TPth birthday last Sunday. The 1 neighbo-s an 1 fr'er.ds also had a most enjoyable tint" ' Mike Kys. the ve.ry aecommodat ' inp blacksmith. was a visitor in ! Plattsmouth Jookinrc after some busi ness matters, v. nd ". given a ride to , the county ft n Mr. George Jacks. : who v as down here to r.ee about lcad iins.' some walnut Iocs. j The crew which is j house a:,r' barn for Shrader. Mcssrr C. E. Charles, and Che-ter , been makinir things ; building line, where tl vote was expected in Lancaster coun ty and in Omaha and Douglas coun ty the greatest inn-rest was in the Hit' hccx k-Ilowc 11 ntet. The New York imes featured the Nebraska senatorial contest as one of national i:n porta nee. In the western portion of the state rout! conditions may have a great part in checking the- farmer vote and this condition is also found in Cum ing and Stanton counties. At Omaha there were small groups en hand at the different polling places at S o'clock to vote before go ing to weirk and among these were a fair representation of the women voters. Keen interest is being shown in the election in Douglas county on local candidates as well as the state ticket. Charlestown. W. Va., Nov. 6. A ! message of good cheer sent to Wood- J row Wilson last night by "'the democ- ! racy 01 Jefferson county elicited a prompt reply from the former presi dent. "The message from the Jefferson county democrats has greatly heart ened me." said Mr. Wilson's tele pram, made public by William Camp bell, chairman of the county commit tee. "I share their confidence that the near future will witness the tri umph of our principles and of our purposes on behalf of the country and mankind and I rejoice that I shall have such comradeship in the day of triumph. My heartfelt good wishes." CITTX SESVICE EXAMINA TIONS TO EE GIVEN AGAIN BUREAU CHIEFS ARE GIVEN SCOR ING BY DAWES e Civil Service Commission in spceial attention to the fact in examinations held recently cities through- s for computer, survey, and as- Tl: viies that in Omaha and other out the T'nited State coast and geodetic sistant observer in meteorology, weatner bureau, applicants were not ei tired in the number desired, and Iheso examinations will be held again on December 6. Persons interested in these or oth er examinations should apply to the secretary of the 1. S. Civil Service bo::rd at the local past office for de tailed information and application inks. Says They're a Lot of Peewee Poli ticians Who Do as they Damn Please Host of Time. Chicago. Nov. 4. General Charles; G. Dawe-3. former director of the na- j tioir.il budget, speaking here last! night at the annual banquet of the bankers' club, assailed department j heads at Washington as demagog ue1" and scored congress as being filled with "peewer ' politicians, at the same time dre?r, a few of bl: injecting into his ael h.is famous ndjectives. "Tie KENOSHA SCHOOL SOCIAL his budret system isn't worth '.ii:ig if the president gives up authority and responsibility." Come or.e! Come all! To Kenosha schooi. There'll be and a fishiu On Friday Come on time and prepared to stay late. GENEVIEV o!Jn-lltd.3tw e said. "Evervthing that ; aecetmplished h;.s been ; ness e;f the president. a program, a box social pool. night, November 10 at GOODMAN, Teacher. building the Mrs. Homer Hill and son Bricps. have hum in the tv a' so batch. BASE BURNER FOE SALE Base burner in for tale. Address Murray, Nebr. best of condition Fred Beverage, o23-4sv. ft New attractive hand made articles suitable for Christinas gift: will he found at St. Mnry's Christmas shop, iu-e-. s and ft. Wagner Hotel Building. The Market's Best Offerings -in- QhlWy Weather Essentials For LADIES, MISSES and CHILDREN Misses' fine Knit Wool Yarn Sweaters Pull-over style. Colors red, lavender, green, tan. Trim them with collar and cuffs and they're the season's rasre. Priced at or and cuffs and they're Children's Coat Style Sxveaters Belted with shawl collar. Made of pure worsted yarns of fast color red. Price each, $2.25. Children's Pull-Over Style Sweaters Long knit wrist, closely woven yarns. V shape neck, embroidery trimmed. Colors blue, red, green. Sizes 26 to 34. These are priced at $2.19. Wool Knitting Yarns For scarfs, caps, sweaters, etc. All colors, 2-oz. skeins. Each, 38c. Ladies Suedine Gloves 2 clasp and strap style. Long curt, colors gray, tan, brown. Very serviceable and dressy. Priced per pair, $1 and $1.25. Ladies' Cape Kid Gloves Colors brown, gray, tan. Snap fasteners. Silk stitch trimmings. Priced ex ceptionally low at. per pair, $1.75. :;' visitT1- i:i F':-'.ttsmouti on la ! Tues-.lny. where f ry went to vote. John Llc-yel and wife of Council ! Bluffs, but who formerly lived near j here, were visiting with friends and also came down t Murray to cet I some re fractory teeth extracted. They 1 en joyed a good visit and also cine of jthe best of dinners, for they ate at I the election day dinner at the church. J. V. Chiiton and brrther. J. I.. Chilton. John Hchschcidt and McGin nis Churchill were out hunting the fest've sTuirred one day Inst week, but did not get much game on ac count of having forgotten their salt, which they were expecting to throw on the sejuirrels' tails in order to catch them. Miss Leone Triisch. wtio teaches . t 1. 1 : i . l . jVBliie Miioui one nine e'M aim iwo r.i , : ' . . i . e m.,...,.. ....... nr . . i - Bn. t ie:-. nwi in n w ui i i , a ' jtei i- , j 11 . eu xo remain nway ircm scnooi on ttwihi j vmn. recount ot a very severe cold which she just recently contracted. How . ever. Misf Tritsh is much improved , and r.er many menus are wishing that she may soon lie weil again. ! The Hallowe'en party at the Chris tian church was a success in every .way. There was a large crowd pres ent to enjoy the program end games. Two very nice numbers on the nro igram were a reading by Helene Ber I ry and music by the Murray orches tra. consisting, of Everett Spangler. j Will Limner. Grace Lintner. Will Minford and Margaret Spangler. jThis was their first public appear ;ance and they are surely to be con- upper and PROGRAM! The Murray schools will give a box supper and program on the evening of Wednesda', November 29th, the day be fore Thanksgiving. Keep this date open for this entertainment. It will be welli has been j by the nrin- Beduct ion in expenses for the first year under the j budget was effected by executive i rref-i-ure. The savings were made, j out of appropriations granted. Con i press didn't have anything to do i with it. j 'Theee department heads who ! '.came to Washington, what do they! i or can they know about this busi- ; ne s...' I liey come as tne interested advocates of the bureau chiefs, whom j they seek to please even to the ex tent of secl:ing to exercise pressure ; i or. the president. I here bureau cruets try to do ex-! actly as they elamn please. They even put out propaganda over the ; head of the president. "In rrivnte enterprise, such ac-( tions on the part cf subordinates ' would lead them to be branded as i traitors and kicked out. They are capable of the sinpllest and mean-; est acts because they resent en-; croachnicnt on their peropratives. The, bud.get system has put the depart-: men i Fubjrdinateri in their places." LATEST OMAHA NEWS A all, ithe good time is assured to and ycu will be helping schools as well. OtRinhn Itntlio Srio Webb Bartell. 1012 South 11th street, was seriously injured and his wife badly bruised when the motor cycle on which they were riding col lided with a freight train on one of the down town crossings Sunday. "Now I will end it all." Alex Kebbon. a laborer, as ed his throat twice with pocket knife following a shouted he slash- a large disagree- The Murray ScSiooi?, Murrajr -:- Nebraska H E j WE PAY HIGHEST MARKET PRICES FOR PRODUCE Sosnniohsen & Co, m Telephone No. 12 Murray, Nebraska gratulated. Ladies Will Hold Meeting j The ladies of the Christian church have planned to meet at the home !of Mr. W. T. Moore, and will be held on Wednesday. November 15th. at which time they will expect to have a most sociable time. All the mem bers of the churches are urged to be present and assist in the work of the society. A most enjoyable program will be given and after the work there will be served some most ap petizing refreshments. Mrs. Art Han son and Miss Margaret Moore will assist in the serving, while Mrs. Myra McDonald will act as the lead er of the program. I t i mihl I uu in q tool f I will serve lunch at public sales. Make dates with Col. W. R. Young and notify me and I will be there Call Murray phone 1712. I will pay for the call. meut with his wile on tiie street. ; The injured man was taken to St. Joseph hospital in serious condition. ' The Kebbous had been at the police! r.tution to inquire as to their status; as man and wife pending the hear- j ing of divorce proceedings instituted by the wife. i Claude Mitchell. Fort Crook sol dier was run down by an unidenti fied motorist in the middle of a prominent South Omaha street cor ner early Sunday morning. The sol dier was hurried to St. Joseph hos pital for treatment and his condi tion is said to be serious. Gscsr Murray, li Nebraska Dr. George Angus. Omaha ,hvsi cian, was sentenced this morning by Judge Woodrough to a vear and a , day in federal penitentiary on the j ciiarge of illegal sale of narcotics. ' The prisoner will be tsken to l"ort j Leavenworth at once to begin Bcrv i ing his sentence. Will Have Thanksgiving Dinner The excellence of the dinners which have been served can only be truly appreciated by one who has eaten there. It has been the custom to serve a Thanksgiving dinner, bo the ladies of the Christian church will serve dinner cn Thanksgiving j day. A cordial invitation is extend- ed to come and eat and rub elbowE with your neighbor and enjoy your self and be thankful once. J. LOCATED A T MURRAY Specialist on Swine and J- Cattle Diseases OB. G. L. TAYLGR Veterinarian. ' J. Barton Edwards. Hastings, Ne ibiaska. motor car salesman, was re i turned to Omaha from Galveston., ; Tesas, charged with issuing forged notes. Edwards told the Omaha po lice two different stories. I'dwirds ;was apprehended at Galvsstou with ; a young woman supposed to be his wife, who claimed Sutton. Nebras- J "ka. as her home. Edwards liab a ' wife and three children residing in i Hastings. j Ss&rds- Eyeoios, thy. H!h 1W r Prizes Will Bs Elvaa fo She Ehs? Basked GoupIs! Come out and sprid the evening with us. Prizes can be seen in the Hardware window. Also remember we give a dance each and every Saturday evening. SJ-R-Welcome! EARL LANCASTER, ) W. H. HOfttAtt, -Managers MR. Ql M S. CHURCHILL, The S r Service! Remember v.-e are here to do business and to jrive the best of service. With that end in view we are mak ing some very money saving prices on all lines which we cany Dry Goods, Clothing and Groceries. J. VH. 6H ELTON, 'The Service Store' MURRAY NEBRASKA Have You Noticed the Roads? For the past few months I have been in charce of the road work of this district, and with many difficult pieces of hard work to look after, we have completed all which have thus far come to our lot. I would like to call to the attention of the voters, the work which has been done and let them be the judge as to its merits. Should the work meet with the approval of the voters, I would like their support for the position of road overseer. If elected I shall endeavor to do the best possible work in the interest of the public. I expect to continue to make my home here, though it seems to have been reported that I contemplate mov ing away. MURRAY NZERAiKA W ON! The open season for most kinds of game is now on, and all who are lovers of the chase can enjoy them selves to the fullest. guns. We have the Winchester line of ammunition and Come in for your supplies and guns. Peterson Hardware Co. MURRAY NEBRASKA l1 & li kr& t53 P3 Fistula-Pay When Ccni Will receive calls at resi dence, Murray. Phone No. 50 Farm loans: Let me explain my long-time land bank loan. Searl S. ' Davis, 201 Plattsmouth. State Bank Building. r6-4wsw A mild vytn or ti-MLtmeat tttmX ewa Ftta Fistula a4 ot bar ItoclaJ rMvraana la a atiort t1:-n. without a mnr aurrieai opcratloa. N Chloroform. Rtriar or othar st-Mrm. anaaatbatia i 1 A rnra ru&rantM) 1b vvry ew aereptpd for treatment, and no mon-y to a ixud vmtil ctirrd. Write for Iwuk on Rectal Hieeaaea. with nimn and teatlmoalaia af bib th&n 1 POO nrnmlneni teoisi who have Iwen pprmanflBtiy uri UJL K. K. TttIIT, 8iuuAnarri. rvrn Tmt Ullx. Bids.). OUAHA. ' Vim. K a. jdtMmv, tlmmmmi u . - E-ad the Journal want-adv ubsenbe for TSie Journal