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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1922)
cal Society Ui.C.t MlJSt. IT 1 VOL. NO. XXXVLLL. PLATTSI.IOUTH, NEBRASKA, MOi'LAY. KCYZItlEEIi C. 102.7. no. .,3 11 L 'OLD MAIDS' CON l VENTION' DRAWS A LARGE CROWD Lyric Theatre Filled with Audience cf Pleased Spectators to Wit ness Comedy Offering'. From Thursdays Paly li.soii.- the T'i'-r ti.:.t the flemcnts .-, ra.'-! to l.av- (-.'.-i-in-d to make ::.e r.-ii litiotis iiavreeal.!e as po sih'e. I re was 1..t i..!i..ti. ;-reseT:t at tl.- Lyric theatre last ...... ....... e-n r.i. i-i ill'-ss i-ie j-i ---t in : eui ol tie -..'."1 ..laics i ..iii '. t n i ion. e;. the WI'.V of the Mt-c-cahees. j The a n :i ii r. ','e er'joed the offerinu i to a m'.M and tin lat cast v ere very aeept m U.t'.r rots. This i.- f.::e of the ;ttratti-ns that' j-lwavs l-rinr-- :!-;is:l.t to th ' a mi it nc-e a iv tl'.e hand c: t!u ladies tie M-K-t-at-es va.s more : than ustiai:y leverl harai ed. j A-r l'n.fe.-so- r:r.k.-rt..n. iit.rry W. 1 sn.:i!i enj'-'-f.! the cist mc: ion o: :-e-) ins the only !.-::?; in th- cast . n 1 his; clever ir.te-pretati-n of the wr.s. very er ;ay:.!.-. m t ne ; convt!!tio" !. rsoiint 1 c-n. I ! ! ne of the talented leiies of the city in ti e line of the d.ramat::- art and wi:hi,,'t. t!ie:r f::t ; m pt everyone ;n a ra re tnii 1 i.nnio'". T! e t n.sivenesp of the cast f.-r- bid- the pivir.e of individua! n:en;i ri o: t mi.ert -nt caarac-.ers v e!l presented, bnt the followin-A hoiit tt.rnprised the cast of the i-utiventi-.. persi : ne ' ! i.tsie M,iWM. t.!iiiai(,.itiilll in rj?v (i raciitii. .Mary rtterson. it. a i '!- tier. I'.etila U Ji!;t-. !.:: ur.. Aaam?. Mabb- !.t- . .pen haver. 1!.; I'attor.. Don.ihy 'o"ie.;. K!i7-.;leth Il-j-ck. i uiiir.e Stnith. F-. rr Yo-.if-4. iw-.-na Kiri.ard--. liin.a Lutttry. :d'-tf-- i:ud- ::.ns. Ai;ne: r-t-rn-. K:r.r..a w .n- '" i iari::. ,-ri'i.ia .navneu .v.wi i i .Uh . and lla'tit la il. The trans! .rined characters were tai.en by The younsie'" 1 :..i'.s a offered a iiltasiny pro:;rnr.'. 1 ; ; ica! numbers and .-;ecia".? ie.-y Mis K.lna Kllnc-M- t'ave a v ca 1 s.-eo. tie. :a.i t ii'.iy. a reauinLT i:;ai wa9 iuoi : thi ii usuaby rk- :sinsr an 1 th.- ni-.i-c-ialty offered by Mir Iuant he Bra;r was als,o enjoyed to the utmost. A tiai.c::.i; specialty Ly Mis.s fdari" Moaes ana Jean i ataweti "!- s' much enjoyea and the a-ornpani-1 inert tor this was played by Miss j Minnie Klinirer. Mrs. Fae Martin -n-uiU i.d'Mr es-U, T.anir.ient l.-:nt- playt-d by Tdh's ."din-, Kimatr. I The ladies can lel wail pie.-s-d j with their entertainment and th-! public was very a ppreci . r i ve of the orK and trust ttiat thev n :iiti:re aive more (: t.K-se ent-rtam- ii.i r. to. HAS KEX SCK-ET-LAW Frn. Tt.i i-stiny f iliailv W. II. I'li'.s. the ilemrifratic tor .--at" representative, who is ca" T.a ia-ninat h- r-- far a short tinu. ):a h;t'! .-: v.ry pb.a-:int ;ver.t to oc- ur in his fa !..;!;. the past week an 1 u ai' h was aiso quite surprise. This was th- marriaa- of his 'l.;uirli:er. .'d ' - Mari-1. to Mr. Forest Ilainey. son of Mr. a'..! Mrs. Sherman Itain-ay. nh." happy t'-'it ora-u-'i. d ;it Olcr v. ioii a v. 'ie a a- and the fri-nds cf tiit-s- t ' o hi .!.!;. .;.;;:-.! y unir p-.-o-pi" w. r r u : .- urpri.-' d v.iien tiuy r-turn.-d '-ota ar.nonni inrr that t !i y Kir r a rri.-d . Ti." many fri'-nds of tin- fa'aiiy a mo!;-; whom tlie Journal is ph : s. - i., ., n .i!?:l.i r-'l. 'X'emis their ia-iT'y w ish-s for th-3 future happiness of th- yoiinir p -onba. WILL DELIVER EALLCT3 From Tti . r s "T;. i. I''iv founyv (ark ora-e ft. Sa'l"s has b -ii 1: pi on ib.. job the week preparins." l r th- for-!.--oniinu: elec tion ii'.id now has to- ballots all print..-!. May ha vina be.-n lelin-rt-d bv :' e .7 -:rnn! y . :-;ei;ay t his ("-fi'-e ;im": the (uher suppli-s arriving and th cb rk is now c-ttint: them arriina' d lor d-livry. Th-- rain litis mad.- :: n i .-. ry for th- sepial coun ty ci v ;o : -.-.'Mo::e d !ivt rv of t h" s'typl i .-s in the difft rent prrci nr ts but they will be turned over to tin- v..rn aards in 'he nr-xt few days ;irm- for election dav. 'U'jot COSTS SOilE Phil Fro-v reports show that Ous , Hyt rs drew on the state treasury. h: arias the nine months endin? April 1 o r .". 4 .s:;i; ndlt s of railroad trans portation: for 'other" expenses $2, d'T and for board ami lodsing t '1.7 7 S.;2. Laur-nce Wells of Elba in 11(21 id i'nj.C.o more in state taxes' on ! pa a 1 is Howard county farm than he did it: laDt, before we had a state slur it:'. World-Herald. ENJOY FINE TIIdTE From Thursdays Daily. The prosressive hieh fie tourna m:nt that is brin? heid at the Elks '.at, is attractm? much attention from the members of the Fills as well ..s , itues oi me meinoers ana last ; ev. nir? the devotees of the ?nme had j . . , . . . .1,1: 1 . i . . . . i i ' i i:i".-i ii'-usii : iui nine ai nie ciun rooms and riesidto the stormy wea ther there was a pleasing attendance. CASE IS SETTLED i h rrnn mursiiays nany. i ! The divorce rase of Mrs. Lena Tfi... h vs. Villi:im H. Trits.h was 1 !:im! en the trial list of the dis trict court :'or lo o'clock this intim itis and a coiisettnence there v;tp a number from th- cimmry to drive in tt hear the evidence ol" the case Wt ;aj',i7K, (1. T!a. parties to l! a' tiuti cry wisely went into con f retire before ill-- cast- : m- on for h.arins and made a settlement he- t Wet n t lieMselv. s. the costs set t led ' with th. ch:k of the district court and lh- liles witl.drawn and th..- ac- t dismiss d. ! : I ftHfiO VOft ZTrr t i ; rbiiA r 1 i J. Jyy 1 1 I l.vv lov. post lor i!.e niu,ni oi .ioi:na. DOM AND MAKES i?rrV ipi;!)lic fzvts tired of teeing Use same j LIIC nPT-AWAYl P-torm and tl.-i,- ucs;re for; iliu nitric . TT-1. T 1. T.i f v diier xm.itc, v-mi uu w Hre Shovel. Kakes His Escape i frorn tj-ie Citv Bastile. 1 j From Thursdnys Dniiy. ,,( ,ovt. of f,,,;(., ic sai(1 to ,.;:t ( . .1 L ... . C ....- ; V.'";. rl..u - ..,;.: 1 .! 11 11 ll.l ... !'" . I I irtt f-.r riflit t ,v,p. lr ill t!,f I spaces free from the re- ;.;..-. n; t i . t ri e 1 v t v Tl i t i " i i !,,!; e 10 (-(;, r.e Tl'.e I :... .. : ....... .,a,,,.;..-' :c:ty jai! and he is now wanderin: Fi-mewl.tre in the broad eo-il.ius 1 .... ,1 1. .,,1 ,.. f... f.i., ,i . : 11. I .l l.i 1 Ol l.iSl 111.-1.1 S l...St" ill i 1't :oie(l ianu. hut iar I'li.. .. , . . ,. .ative tov. n. V.'.iitir li.u! rei-eiveil .1 ten dav va- j; i! from Judct1 lor b.avinu ab"-ed -..,.,,. !, ,...., . r r.d tbn ;! : i-d hi- aae l step-Tnother. i and tie eotirt derided that the time sp-. n; :n tie solitttde ;f th- prison mi-'kt have a clear, sine tf'.ct in t he i '.arlii-e spirit of the y(.unii man. hut Waiter, it :-. t-i had other psans. A iar.- fire .l!'ov, ; used i:i the I was let, stai.d.i.u near th- Pars ol i.e ce.l room anil The yuniii; man wi.f aid- to sret the implement I tl'.e b an ', at once s-tartel in on 1-ryirt: out one ef the bar;; in the t window of the iai! and in a .i.rtrt -;,.. ,..,) t.-.:,. hi w..- out of' i ' - v . . u;t iMiiiLii;.. uirj t'iii-o iiie i;j-iii. i il.eri v Vp, "-'.ii de'ivcrv or-nrrvd abiv'at about' 11 o'clock as Ofiicer I i ! ! iarn Feinrichren discovered the ., pr!ir... o;- t:,:. ,,rif.,,nf.r wiieu oin to Uuch at the midnia'it hour PHIH 510 US RADIO MESSAGE rnnr. i nrmtu'l i"iir r j-K!;'" HVaHii Itllhi tilUiii tr i Hi I i S-"i; UULfri Arthur Troot) Last 2iq:ht "Tuned In"i " i on Words Beinsr Broadcasted bv Far-Off Station. F:-m T-iursdavs I)aily. , Last evening Arthur Troop wh ile ' te sting on: on his f lapp-F.ast ham ra.!:o set picked un what set ins. to be the record loiiit distunce messai--e in . t'tis locality. Mr. Troop was sur- ac ummod , te t he crowd,. ' pris- 1 to i-ar the radio station at Tim d-mami far tickets wi'l ba ex- H ...nna. fiba. talkintr 'lid tlie Hits- ceptionaiiy heavy anil it behooves --.zv cane in clean am! c:ear. : everyone pic r.n in;r n eoinij to look This -s another of the treat tri- after a-ttina; i t. .f early. ttmp.'is of the radio in hrina:;ne the' world closer toacthcr and it. is with- JCFTGS JJ THE DISTHIC' C0UE.'r in the pos-ibiiitb.-s of the near future,'17 A " thiit tee o'.ij c.rbl stations may be; j ;r t ad up 1-j the sma!1. acts over the. country. I GOES ON SAD MISSION t mni Kriiiay'f. imnv ' 1 his n.orninrr Mrs. F. J. Flynn and littb dauaditt r. Katheriiu-. departed on tin. .-ariv Unrlincton train for Oiaat-a wh-re thev t xpoat to join oth- t- -a r.'- rs of tlie fami'v in acconi- panvina- the bodv of Mrs. Flynn's motli r bmk to her old home at F.elle F'.ur- he. South Iakota. The death of t!ie mohtr. Mrs. Katberine OSulli- va . o: earn ed v rv ud:.-i;lv at I!o- ton. where sh' had been visit in? at the horn- of h.-r daushter and the n- vs ot lor pa -sir? away cam- as a sr-at sho l: to th" dauthter here. The family dej, arted from Iioston for the O Sullivan homo at Belle Fourch, i li.kiii? with Hum the bodv of the .OV(..i moiher. and Mrs. Flynn and daushttr will join the nartv at Om- aha. The many friends of Mrs. Flynn will join in their ( xpn-ssion of sym- pathy at the loss that has come to : her in tb passin? of her loved one. rRESIJ YTEFvIAN LADIES MEET. Ficm Tl.ursdae'p D.Mly ' The ii.eetln!- of the T.mlies;' Amti'I- iarv of the Fresbvterian church was lietil vesterdnv u ft ernoon at the .-- -. - church parlors and a pleasins nuin-i ber of the members were in attend- J,IKr cf ,h th-rinP aml to ('nioy , tlie excellent pro?ram and entertain ment provided by the hostesses, Mes- ihitnes f A. Rnwls. J. W. Holmes and i ' nut; ioi in. t-e-uL. jaiiu i.iiit e tarns Will Jean. The ladies were treated j pf ,jH. season were used a a part of to two very delightful vocal seec-(tile decorative plan Followin- the lions bv Mrs. Hilt Martin and Mrs. i dinner th- member's of the "party II. G. McClusky save a very interest-j WTe entertained at a theatre partv in? and enjoyable readin?. "Flavins! at the Farmele Those attending ' .... tt. . i..l on me nearisiri iiss. me ciose o; the afternoon the hostesses served a very dainty and delicious luncheon that was thoroughly appreciated by tne meniliersnip. Bocks! Books! Books! We have them till you can't rest, at the Jour nal Office. BOXING GAME RE- fPPMQ 14 RPAUA UrLllO ti Utt.AUtX WITH FINE CARD New faces in the Squared Arena Should Have Stimulating Effect on Manly Sport There. From Thursdays Tmily. That the :.nort fans 'vim liavo loen j,;i-tty well fe.l up n the me fate in the s-c,:nred an .rt at nmaha iar- ti. i.-.i-t V..-.I r vei'l v.-.-lt-ome ll'.e i r-lassv card arranged hy aakt I -aac- .... i. ;r - m. i:u.irin j-iui.iuei on 1 10 pi;!lic fZvts tired of teeini; :!ie same j p.rsons perform an.', tleir (ieslre for j new con t'.l:-nts will :nre!y ho ap- peast d in the forthomit battle.; "Ahich hv tlie wav is hv far the most i ...... , " expensive nni ever nroutit to oiua- l:a. altlnmnh due to its U-Iwa L;:!.ed. !.y :l,e i.esi"n and the prre-.-eds romt- j to the l.e.-:on fund i'r -lis., bled ex- . tervice men. it is luint: billed at I-v-p- j prices, minus war tax. Tins is; tile t'r.-i fistic show in (. naha tiiat. ..has secured txemption frau the r.n-, . ro'ti:..! i .-t t 1.1 . i. - : n - i t;lx. . i I , . 1 . 1 ' 1 T ... . c 1 1 " - - - - . J; u e. lei .ei,-n i 1.1 ine etani- 'ry today- eitat r otit of whom won!. oti-i ;ifu-..e V':i!l.." :r 1- Tl .. w ' ".-o. i .t-'v l iin., a run lor ins :ione . vine, ii Dave Shade, who aitliouan he has; exhibited his fistic wans in Omaha i herett.fort-. lias corn- far trom wear-' irsr -jt his v.t'.ctme with tin- f- tis . wiuj are pn ity niuc-h stuck on his atares.-dve stvle of lieMins. Tlie ot!i- i r r is Frankie Schoell. th- j.roinisinrr ( iJostoi:. Mass.. welter. Stlnu !! has never fought in Oina::-:. but hi- wi ii earned reputation makes t'.iis main event one of th e o'cp-'-'t dra v. inir ear ls since fightinji was It caliae 1 in Nebraka. " For the u.i-windt ;) two brand new far.s will be in tlie rins:. One is sbewart ?dc!.ean. the well known Si. Fa ul f-a I i.-rw eia i:t ana the othtr ifjrv riit. of i"e;..-..!'o I'.oti: ha..-,oa" boxed draws with Fran kit? F.arcia . , ... w-tLin the p.-rt iix w.-.-ks and the . -ti-H-at.ons point to a pretty pood scrap wnen tat y : .jnare o:i r.n u :i ! -:ia: t : :'. ('. ii iu-r :n a-utn o::i rounds of the jnve and take stuff the years a-io wa - ti e mo'lr r of : i:-: I'r.Tii, enjoy a' well. -d-.iir- n. fon.r o:' !" :u. V. . 'I. ..Ia::u Ii'Kdnded on tlie bill is a promising l"-rourd nr-'i:iiinary in - i.i'. h Ai b.s F.i of Kansas City will met a stab.c-iiiaTe ;,' Saiiot i i a, v ho if !:e can c !.v r t.le ,"'. is like J-.n'.lia" (la.c-a "h"uil! prov tlo f-:,n w.t!i pbaty ,..f exciten:mt prior to the two lo.a of the show, i-'arnin; I 'OX i. in; tV!C. :i We.l i. i -. been hi- p-. rf. r:n..Tic- th;:'. iiii" 'In , 1, e !n the w;tome Men nar, i:p ...r i is .- turn. As usual. .ltd. in. v We Iff wid be "Jo! am ti ; T to take the "ia tl -n o" t i b.K k a'tti tl - ns 'tj- ano orma t in .a sia-v.'. ami wiil piace his entire flee t of Sf '.'.! bakers at their dispoan! if they are needed to From I-aliv This morniiia; J ml ire James- T. lie.?- ley ni( a s. -si n oi tne e.isirici court and caded tht- dot ket for the Novem- b-r term of the court, and arrantin? the a f. airs of the court in j. rt para- tion tor li:s ceminir (lepatture lor :;i.ih;1 to j-r.-side oyer the district ourr intre ana iea .ns l"" woi k oi ""' "rna with the judte t!:at wiil b- as-i-tn- d here by the supr-me court. l' ('-s, "! 'Uor vs. John Foukai ami August Koukal. cover- an action for damages caused to the plaintiff as the result of the an- totnobib- driven ly Ausrust sinking the busty ot the plain. m ad cati.unt injury to the plaintiff. was seithd by atreemnt anions the ' J" ' - lJs- .dismissed at tin- cost of defendants. 1 couri aiso neara arsuments the Dovt y case wait li lias Deen in ''"'lrt for the ;iast few years and a hirst- number of the attorney repre- sintin? the different parties to the suit were in the court. GIVES FAEEWELL DINNER Fror.i Wpdnesaays Oally t ... ,...r.;.i!., t i t i.-,,itli' railroad labor board for "aboli- uo ..x.s. .ic .. . entertained at a six o clock dinner .llll-l lillll' 11 (11 Cl SUA OCiUtlY 11111111 ... i. ,.r i . n...... i. in uoiior oi jiii h iiuiioii. 1 1 o lias1 i...,. .,.,..,i i, t.-,.., ...... -.. , ...t.. . , an MM'iia i:iui:iiis jiiiu no is. ie;i- - jns today for Lincoln to join his t is- ' st :: ' 1 ra' nt today, "as an indication of t..r -i m " f mm there n.ivo for r-nii.'the confidence that railroads have in fornia. The decorations of the dinin? room and table were in the Hallo-j we en snirit and made a nleasinir set- c.J.i.. ..,.. tt...: i .i.. -cre Mr Ibittnn Miss haiira TU ei- sinter and Mr and Mrs Kruer and son W Glenn Kruirer I j -,-r . w . ,-r-rs i PLASTERING AND MASON WORK. For all kinds of plasterin?. brick and concrete work, call telephone No. 593-W, Plattsmouth. tf-sw. .TH CE F.EWAHD DUFFY art! Diif:v. fall. - of : ; r, . W. Fdw '.It tl. .,.-L 'aci:,c .lanc v y. i 1 . : i i i " . 11 . : I!. and C ha rl Duffy o i .on. Io'.va. ; as -'-a a sjs, i fur a bout v.. a r. ! i. loi. ! ;l ; witii :i ':;! n. : i'h-T.- his la--';!:' . i Iv i;ik-i: ;i k hir l'- Thi;r.-.d;.y. Nov- ::-.,-: : s-r.'s h.-ai''. ile vas 'a , Nov. la Ix r " . si rvi'Ts he ie ! ; I v -f..l 1 ! 1 S v M.-r :,t ;' " ' k s' ' N.-v-mb. r ! and tak a. mi o-h i i.. i .-jt. a:: i r- lat ive? . nrff tl nlE 1 H U-Jfscd : F.rp S $ TV " TL:lrt filjCb Lt 'Si E il 0!TY 13 5T ; (fiwi'i jjrc. Elizabeth lup.r.n Dies at cf con Geoe E 1"r" ti " ' a i.0V.D rrm Froiay s Paiiy. 1 .,1 1 , . t f 1 II O i .. Mr;, laiz-ele.-t r -.-i- : the final taoeiii!. one o: n.- ' .T.t.. I':., lire- t. I' . st.iatu'. ns toiio'.viiiir an d.tralior. ;.;:i: at the ' " .rc v;i e..e. tm.o:' !. .. i.i. n vt n ,, . f.. i oi .no. i u..i m Mann ;;:;;;- h r !: tn-)i;:h and v.-as a lady t em-'l b iao ? v :,o ! ; n:: i : ;." of kin.v. inir i."r ! ::im- was on - r-. in i: her ta:::i!y aad to tl. in Idatts- 1.. r ii u i : i s i i 1 7 ' It '' wii: :. ;.: she lived. Irs. Kiiii: ' th Mai: si bior;'. ( : t r.. and a: an ear!. w ith h .r par.-iit.-- :: A: v m-. at .-."e'.v tlibans ai d .r.r.l at Fdlaxi. MN-a. for .- , L it-r sh- r-aaoveti to ' a- ttieua. :v. uf Kiodiabk: . i ' ; -- re to St. I.ouis. M - . Was ' to Crptai' i v i ii it la r .'ai y ;;:.-. ' Tr- ie. h i ; :):-. ;. nd v. lu r- ;-!: " M:.'!!:. . . 1 a : -; s h . : i . !'.: f im- d' tli- pioneer r v r rtain- and tn .Tune, tsT jiy removed to FI;.v. mau-h v. i ert Hay ha. - s'::.", resided The and iy - . . ',. Th! . r,':t- ' : Ma i (":tv and l- o. :: i;.i..;i." ; ' ia M ' .- ; in this ' - 1 tl a ht of ,.T (I',, so-; a n i o:e di d . . t la tl l ": years . . ;r..-a 1 1 v. 'a' a '-s ; ::' has i',.r t i n. (; o: . 'r . Th:-. a, a i. l.,.r i a . ' . . i, - h- b ... ,d ; la hddi'. i v;M i.a .. the . - of the many !d fri burs. r sy;i' : d-" and 1 vliAXf l,vsyj 5.,. VISITING AT X. .'n 00 D Mr. r.r.ii Mr-a i'..a.nt (' tap' - I! of Fremont, vi d; d with Mrs. Camp - - ' s brother. I. A ar 1 oiuo'v s'-v--r:d da s this v. '.. Mr. faiap- i.eii's fathir . s-a hi .sh-d tio i-llm- wood Idilis h n- af.'U- -7 y-ars aao l.rii.jrinir th a.aeh : do-ry i '.. ; from Weepim; Wat- r. I l .;:'. ' or: ".t n.i , trvooi en-ain- r. t'r e ! . ai ila n p.. run he st.-aa; a nd at thus h- proved i.. be v. iy su ti . .-i l. h'h fa-apbells r::n the mil, b . lor about ti re., year- - -llin? out and ::- wis to A: la rtic lov:-. vh-.-re th-y oj era' -d a m.iil for o.r twa a-y . ar ;.,. Cjuutd"-!! s; y his lath r. Ji s .t,., A. Can -id-. .--ii i v yaar- aid ; :..! jn p.-rfe-j health living In Ids b.'. i.e Ui v.'liich !" huiit in 1 v S . At lb. ; nt t:-n- Oratit is tr-:v, !- i aa far t iie i-r iiiora Milliiu: 'o. Tiiev EE- M.;,d. tl;, tr;., h- r by auto and In . r y .-t.-ntressional ticket. . omma in ti.-y s: w n -.- r idoad, of'-,;,. davoted o:i ti'm- to th" tMm with som- 11::. fish bans in.? out iXpo'.ition of the tariff, which has on or- side. li:s wiie toiu nt:n sue j,..t i; w;a. I'.. I C'. ni'-ns ami ! I . A. Willi-ims. Ii did i-tove m b- IP I. and son. On aeeou::; of the rain they remained on ti lie visit than at t'.rs: thev int-n i'-.i to make. Elm- v co i Ft ad- r-K. !:o. i i CALLS LAB OF. E0AE.D A TOOL Wnsbit.P-.on Nov. 2. The r.nuest of the fhicaso Ar Alton railroad to (i .i,;-bour dav ! tx - iI,OTI - n-!'1 ! 11 "d " tA I I t"n o-.v f. nviTfiinc " wis b :i r:i c- - - " t'-rized 1 Ib-sdeiit Coniiinr. oi the I A ".eri.-i ti F. I. r-. t ion of la.lior in a railroad labor board." -ir. ( .ompers sa id ne was iniornu-a I that Hie rerjuest rd the Alton was backeil bv .-ill roads. If tha Alton , - '- - - , .... . , succeeds other roads will folio' with I kist address- ol th" campaisn and 'similar requests. He forecasts a,fl',1Ili there vwii return home. While Prantin? of the rerjin-st on the "past ; in consress Mr. Sloan was one of the ' '"ndiict" of the board, a-blins that-'-'ders m the cause of soldier relief ' ,llfJ request constituted another at-'"- ' ,,'"! 'r-- sons in the service i...Ti i .1..... i 1 a' K )u i-()r a mi s:i i us i ua i so ion? as th.y continue "it is impossible tn.111 give full attention to const rin t ive ; work for the betterment of industrial Hie. "If the railroads f -It that they had to make such a roaetionarj move - ment." Mr. Goinpers' statement said, "then it is well that they did so pri- or to the election. j tftiRI ' Of T rVv? wVfltii fe S W W, a well j:i;g'v"N EEIE'LiTT of , plates:-: 20 YIALS LiLD TODAY From Fri. lav's I-aiiy .bdiri Fro k (ia.-y. in. of tlo- w. 1! k:s;iw: r :! a;- t :' ;l i i'y. : d r.'vr: e ! - : i ;y h ;!.is e u-ei:: ; i-i h- :. N. -:!: . , . ;'; y. ':: -ie i'sei.'i ' y ii--1 :." ; '.' '.vn fri m his ". : : ui .' i; a r Th- ; : . i i:ai wa nartially ; ' ... ; o . 1 . a. t h i ; ! .: i.iy !.: '; l ' ;ii :. ?'. 'i -. ur:'- t' v. hile I.. : .... io-oi ..f d.r; ; : i i ... 'te t ' i '. : i ; i . " ; - :' - ion ' 1 .- i tty a mi a - !: wa s a ' t e .:. ; .! ! v u t n.ak-- a t ;:! ii f: -. .:, r .vi.. .-'.s t r.. ::') -1 ' a o-;-il an- : . ' b ..riis ' raise : -i and ; " a ; n.nted T- i: b-. . rd d . nave v. ay aid' !.!r a '.'a: '. ' : i hi 'Vi. a;i ( f a : r--n!' .s'.. i!;i'--i t v. . broken a: ! v a.. : ;.a. .- n- d.-v. lo.eri ;! t -rna! iaj'.ri '. Tie- injured man abb f. a : ha-1: hi in :: -va.-io. a::'- -'hd' -i the t.-a in ba k to '. : : b-K h. . :'i.r ! M !:ep: -'.: il:.- To h '.; '.. . ; :!;-.- V- SUM ot I.i a : h T ' . i ' i. ii.-ur: ' Were (.!!; : i : " ' 1 y hi ; rt : ro'.:!d' . .Toi-n F. f'iuvy was a native of '"!-,.:!:. 1 ain' a n au; i:: i io d.i-:-..'.ni'n .' ! a. .' 1'1. and w:-s '.V- .. i : : ("iarin hi. I.wa. by ids '. rei.: v--' :i a -ad '' t !.: r y ars. h .-. .i :' .-i i- ; : n P.r some on it! ::;.!! r 11. 1 : !. arr'a.: at Fuion. fdathibh: Kai'-n. ton. ora of th: (dd i . nl ty. Aft, r his y a,. d ;:: Yf .:- ; . a; .i ii-oa : '' ; 1. 1 -r si ."ii:s tt. I! .irinda "it re m v.-aiit -:'. . v ars . ' .i . a r 1 r- -f. : i i v. i a :h. r tor a rh,d (f f;v j.r to i'h-t tsmoutli twenty a:.-.) ami v.: her-. 1 hi d. f The C'M'i :ti tj ,i..r: r of ; - :! Id nt a: (la: n i.b ntifli - :aa : m- a.b : a -a'. ' il: in th;s . : -y. sine- uiatl- iiis . s.-d wa s a n: a u i i ira li f r tin.- t'liiury, :: of faith whil a 'a. and so. laby v. !'!: th I. o. (. r of Flat!" h.ita- a a; ;;aen f cy' tlie ei..e--o t i - (! a:!; t tiT" rt main ' .--1 r da i::-i; t ' r. ! hiz ,11 as t wo brothers, jb :-..:. a f'liurv of Chat -- - si ; :-s. Mrs. Idz:-.:.-:;: fa rvcr ( ! f lar-!-. 1 Mr-. I'dintd- Harms ! ' am; 'a, am 1 'Wa -. ho !-iT.-s in South Dakota. " SFEiHFi 0: Q, Ft HEBE LAST H1GHI : ' ' -p -er Fcnrth D:strici: CcngresErrtar: Gives 'Very Ab Address at Courv He:: f i e:;j Fr:aays t .".!; y '.: t even jr.- Char! as II. Sloan of ; jt va. fo-r.ier ,.":iirr--ssniar. from ' t F e rt ii N a a a-tri y.-. s. p,'s. , ll. at wiil probably be t ke if ni""tiua of tlie p.f.'sent a mpa ie ;i in ei:y. present ins: ih- ' ..iiliaan sid- of the issues of the Morta y C. A. Itawls presided or. r :::". ;i:a: ami introduced in his :ii sd-asityy manner the speaker lie ev.iiina who an earnest i :nr ttie pli" Tii.o .a the rem;!.;- , ,.,st ;,,,,,., ay tj, reub!iean I .-, n'sr.'Ss'a nd which bee'n vndor lire ;--om the r- tail merchants if the . ountry as well the political op- pern nts of t!te measure am! tlie sp""k. r tb-f. ud -d the measure as a protection to the American fiirmer ! iiii.i wiiri;o- as wen as tne manuiae- - tun rs of the country. Mr. S.oan alsti dis aussed the Btate is'tt.s at some P-liSth and ursed the (lection of the republican candidate' . '- ':' praisin? the conduct of the stat - p - futirs mid -r the a cl ministration of I.. . ... T-,i: I,, . Al T-flT-irt i fl .'HO r .Vl(le!Vie. .. i i . t- TP" nt ten dam e was somewhat dis i a Op- )i I1 1 1 n S. as th- crowd was small and not ()f a sizr- that the speaker should have received as Mr. Sloan is one of the ablest speakers in the state. Mr. Sloan departed thus mornin? for T" uraseh where he makes bis ,nn l'lp i or ! . l v r t ri-. " ot v n o m 1 1 on. - hospital in Franco. TOR SALE j j Choice pur- brad Chester "White rial" bos;-;. March and April farrow, At farmers' prices. K. E. Sedinan. seven miles due south of Ashland. ! LLATII OF TIES. A. A. RANDALL, rn r'r y's t;i I v . -.: . A. Ibiaaad. v.-1 .' of Kev. A . :;! d-.;!. ' r: .i-.-riy p-- o r o! Il tia .'a i fi ur;-!i hi t!:;- ity. "i y : '. ; e i t nie a i !: mi:y aereb. !l:a s u.. . : .: , ' r i '. ; .i t f i ' o 'Ar.-:: . i' t ; : t ai . ervi",-- e. ;;i . i., ".d en r T .'i y a ; J.inco.:.. I i ii iti tn at o:' he da t: wiil . :-v. T:-e i.a r.y t bi ft i a h . ; . ; y , i i ' i a it : ! .' i.i I. .. '".. of ti:- d. a t !. of t! I I. a . a t .vfC a . , . . . . i . oil. a ?: a t lLm tlVilrtVO.i.;. ihiei.e. Mr-. I.. I.. Tiirp-u. Fold ?cdan Stolen in Omaha Aban doned FoIIowi ?. Crash 9c- .uj; i.-i. On T.!- !: y .. lu-.i !;::o tow -i iro d it.: : :. K.a'd : p .1 i. , r..'...rt- e v b; 1 :, .... ......I ... i - f,. f J. .' ' . 1 ..',;.'i.. , f . ,.,t !-""." .. ti... 1.. A. Tvstn t'.c.K the mat tar in ; 'I :r:' '" -:!t-' iiav.i ..: d cor the nutaber of the can'; 1' bi 'ia ! church oco-p.-- pt v.hi.- va- from l,a and tvlo'-'h' th- iara-st held in tl.. mi. :m ara' d the police b arm. ert at i v " ;'!: 01 t!' ' i.n. t-aa ' .. ...... ,.i ..... :. a i una . him ! in ; i . i . a - .i i i 0 'U ! t t J 'her or not the a r ha.d been st: Thex na.itd i!io won id ie: v i : ; e 1 e i , v. sin . n . W'i diit's". : v tlie our.', r . th' -- v o to b.. .!. FiaiT!i"a:;. o'v i.-r rtr. . t. f'm aha. -b-,h--:-d ; r a n :. : 1 -.It' r It tie fob j T ' h! b l!il V. w..; a I a i..ett am! Kh.inhart Pan -i, it :' e f r ;" o fee nae. Ti f-mn as w . re damus- .. sl.osl d-. .-r broke u and one v. keel broh v.. i r. .. i i, .i - . . i Ha t: e 'ar kicked a i. -de in tlie toj to tei cut as t' -re as or- there' ' ' . t-i- -.-ii r itjiv.-: 1 1 - v.i"t: i The no i. at the ttnt o:: the'brids - ..ti;; say thai iiu y ;i.-; ra f- ........ . .. v ..... : t - terw;;r..b' ioard v. eras!;, taiak ;.: .' h about it at mi did not j ; ; time. I', is ; ui ;iis '! that who, ve" occu pied the car was tak-'ii on in the ether car. In the car war a satch-1 iant C -o:i a. I tea'! u-TT e '. -evtral skirt-' and atvera :"TT e underwear. a i fT,.r- .1 1 hinds i ' shot sun rla-l's. but Mr. .ant .-avs t hat tin:- on? fit i.. . IT,. t:..,,,V.,i Tvsor. for l-.ic rt.-. ncc of mind in arom;.?!v lielt. - in a him f nd hi.- stclen car. Fdm- wtxid Lea der-Frho. DEATH OF DAVID NIEL From Friday's Dally. "Wferdi y at tht hrta- of his dai'.rhter in Oa:aha. David Nit 1 pass . 1 : way fd.':awir.c a st v.-'-e sici a- s: of m v ral weak?' tlur-.tiau. At t' e tttr.e of his di a'h his sans. LMo an-1 Clin Nil I of t'.'ia city were rt his aecsHie. j no decease:! w.,s :n itv-fourt'i vo-;r r: ml ec n r; .;':'.:.; of Nebraska for a treat many years, bavins formerly reside.-! near Waterloo, when the body w;!! be taken for burial. Fa.neral serv-ais v.-Mi be i e!'! -! Wat.rl-a: at 2 o'clock ."a tttrda v aft errioon. W cen funiffh r,n trr.k boot. T..t pttv st Jofrr-il -ffi--. Saving Mother's Golden a i Hdw many useless steps are t-ker. how many precious minutes warted every month by the vomen or' Plattf mouth ar.d vicinity, in paj'ins; household bills in per son that might be paid by check. But these wasted steps and minutes are becoming fewer for more and more vcmen are learning the convenience of v. checking account at the First National Bank. Wouldn't a check book make bill pa'ing easier at your house? The First National Bank THE BANK WHEg? YOU PETEiL. AT MOWE PIJffTSMOrTH IL XEBKASSiA. Member e DiSCUSS WGii Of MISSIONS IHr-.R it. f v. i. - Llu-.t . -:ed LeciVu-e on r':c Life and Work Amcr.g' the I.Iis-i'i:: is Giver, at Fricke Hor.e. Prut; .'ne ai v : '' v eenin j: the me-tii;- of t:. S. Luke's auxiliary, the n.i s -itiary s,;-fly of I h-.- local - -,..i v. ;. : l.ebi at pb-a ant i .. i home on N irt!i Sixth .-(-:. : ' '.i ::; a : : mi- i by a h.ra - nt. a.i - . t h- la! ias of t nt a'-ch T y as ' .. . a i.umb-r of the m n oi 1 !: -.i.ri h 1 ..e i.-.-ie-. ( . '..'ere ... i i ' ( . ! L( "!:. r.i .vl-isini er and Mrs. ' ..-.! ni;i.v. and who nrra t:s-,-,l r td a -ii.T t i nina oi entt i ta . am. n t Tl:- illustrated ieet a ( i-t t .... . ' -ha' i an nt ry was unmuallv iiitere-t-:a and ti:-- hi a u T i ft : 1 (lured ;da:ts ' " tl.'- various missi-.t! ; bis. the 1 t l l.u ' . a- v a- tt.e n..-i.-s "I th- nefhland w-n- a rt-.tiation to tl.- a:.-.. -r i l. cl.ut:!: ha.- .:i th- Alaskan'.d leached a n-al t a - ' Of ht infulli'-ss. both nil sle.i ! as v l . - - " In the lecture was Miown. tf .;- ! :'--tra.e-i m::, ui . a vim araais poiiii- wuiere tl;e;-i- ar- t..a--iu.'i-. and tie routts mi r which the i iaif s .oTu: r tr..'.b'! to ami '.''a; to!1 - i! tl'-r.'- ' :i i-;lij: !1 ' : :p'-.. tator was liih.-': tiy laeaa- . j ici art ' oer the i-rritoty of ,-. h ; iai i:n Ti..- '. ai : H'e; a over tiit snow bound trah ! i lie n: is - ion churcht t- i i . . i .e. i . l 1 " -P'--' ' n'un u ! ''f' l'v . h r;st ia i: it ;. o.,- field !r'-n the Ports "I c'T.v t a,.:: ; lairrow. th'- ,. . . the Ann ri. ..n p -;i:i "':r ,iv n a. !. a. I' 'im t and ha : in ,L' "i'-';:-;'n l-n j v.utl: t be rear.U that the -: - ' :.. I oe. in fhria'n n teachin: of the nutits a: Lara active ii)iirch work as wes .linv.ii in the ! siides of the various churches anl Of:.r In audition to ;h stri:t!y I c 1: an vorK the Fpiscup I T J.e'.p ! !a ve esta f! lstie i l!'i,;i'.taa at var lu":: Put:t that arc ;a in i : erins t I "- ' ' i" -." I The lecture accen.iianyins tht u ' 'I U!f Slilts was till ot tin l.v Ii- ! Livintston and m much it tir.a.ial.t out t tie va r the ci.urfli (.rk show :i ! t lo j tar. -a ; At ti.a ciose o; t:. c-v-r it:s. j utetiiber of tht party w treat. 'Very daimy and i ii'-i-.-u refi ' inents bv t '.' !:oste aes. DISTRICT COURT DOING? ! fiioasUiiv in!:v Sev ral t ases fib d in th- la-t f- w .-li'-.-s in the o!!i of fl.-rk of the Id .7 . trit t Court James M. ::..bert-..n. , !: v I t ii in the nature o: up tb" affairs of the d timet iiark of fa.- county. Kei-eiv.-r -Fr-d F. ' T5o." i has io:rni"Ue"d aci m:i as;iin-1 ' '.'il!ia:n F. Fort-r it ad. a - tolbc . tion of a i-.'Ue for .M..'.4hh". and also 'asainst A. XV. floidt t-: :-l. i--r -d-h e'ion "'. ;v.-..i notes of i.i.ioo' and a2.r.eo, wb'ch is i o .Ted by m s:: -a on property. .imi.1 Federal Reserve "VT 0