The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 02, 1922, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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ay Department
'repared in the Interest of the People of Murray and
8urroundine Vicinity Especially
i. ..-
for the Journal Readers
If ftcy of the readers of the
Journal knor- of any social
event or Item of Interest in
this vicinity, and will mt.ll
itme to this office, tt will ap
pear under this heading. We
want all newKlteaw Editoh
jvthis time. The day was most pleas-
J antly spent arid a bounteous dinner
celebrate the event, the guest of hon
or. Mrs. E. M. McCarroll of Portland,
Oregon; Mr. and Mrs. W. F.. Camp
bell of Pilgar; ' Oscar Campbell. Eu
gene Fitch and" family,' Edward
Wood of Nehawka. Mr. "William
Wood, father of. Mrs. McCarroll, and
W. T. llutchings and family.
the F
A bank works for you night and day, week after week, adding
cents to your dollars. Little by little the amounts grow tiU'each
addition i a rec-rec table' sum.
V.iieie dees the gain come from? Not from your pocket. Nor
iron ours. It is the result cf production. Money placed in a bank
is given an or-pcrtuury to work and to produce.
Thus a
bank builds your wealth. Start with a small deposit
ou will. Add to it when you can regularly if you can do so.
.vill no; be long till you can fairly see it grow.
Murray btate Bairn
Open an Account with us today NOW!
- V
' v
. : iv 1 e .
1 II
: - ? i r
( m.a
of the
:a lii-t
: Earl Troop s ere
' last Sunday and
of Mr. and Mrs.
i I-.ol.ert Troop
down from Lincoln
visited at the home
W. O. Troop,
trucked a load of
state university, was a visitor for the
week end at the home of his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Todd of near
Mr. and Mrs. James II. Brown
were visiting for n short time in
! Plattsmouth last Tuesday morning.
driving over to the county seat in
their auto.
The families of A. Gansmer and
W. H. Puis were quests at the home
i of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Puis last Sun
day, where they all enjoyed a very
, plenraf.t day.
I Mr." and Mrs. M. G. Churchill were
looking after some business rr.atierv
! and' visiting with friends in Platts-
j mouth' last Monday, making the trip
in their ' anto.
! J. It. ilill h.-s bad his hep vacci
nated by Dr. G. T.. Try lor cf Mur
ray, who is considered one of the
'best veterinarians in this portion of
j the country.
Messrs. C. It. and W. O. Troop re
ceived the first of the week two
loads of fine steers which they are
placing in their feed yards for feed
in? for the market.
H. H. Shrader and family and
tncle George W. Shrader were en
joying a :visit last Sunday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Shr
ader of near Nehawka.
J. W. Edmunds and A. C. Long
nient. A program wili be given on
the 29th day oi November. The only
feature which may interfere v.iih
jour plans is that it may spoil your
Thanksgiving dinner for you willj
surely get more than your money's
worth. ! i
J. W. Birkel and Thomas Upte
grove of Mound City. Mo., were in
Murray for a few -days last week
erecting a sign for th. Missouri Va!-li-y
sy.-.tcm. v, bo r. re "u-nsive adver
tisers in this poriion ;' the country.
La: t Tuesday the bu ; line , wen;
out of business on ai uunt cf the
very bad road:-- which v. vrv caused
by t iie ra;.- E-it tlie fjrmcrs nail
ed not wi tl.r-tan dins tl.-v bad roads
f r the w hi, at FUT?:y r. reived n good
P.ase burner in best o!
for sale. Address Fred
Murray, Nebr.
on :
There'll lie
and a fishin
On Friday
s o'clock.'"
Come on time and
Come all! To Kenosha
a program, a box social
? pool! ' '
night,. November 10 at
pr. pared to stay
Young People Marry
We are pleased to chronicle the
wedding of two'of the young people
of Murray Miss Marie Puis.' daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Puis, of
this: city, and who is one of the
met. piercing of young ladies and
;irru!: r wih r 11 the peoph of this
own and community, and Mr. Forest
XV- iwy. v.-ho livos in this city as well
ri"! is th- so-i of Mr. and Mrs. Sher
man Riin';. Th"' young people wer
''li'-fy mirried at Plattsmouth dur
ing th-- "til; ;.nd ro'urned to sur
vri?( tlii'ir mnn" friends here. But
the surprise was not so much of a
surprise as the coming event was
known by many of their friends. The
Journal joins with their many friends
in wishing them a long happy and
useful life. That they might know
that their young friends wished them
well was evidenced by the hilarious
serenade which they gave the newly
v.fds. They will make their home
Superiority Based on Performance!
Barrows sired by Duroc-Jersey Boars swept the boards
at all the leading live stock sbov-s held during 1921. Durcc-Jcr-ey
barrow won:
Grand Champion at Denver at.d Pueblo. Oloiado.
Grand Champion Barrow & Car Load at Ft. Worth, Te..i!-.
Grand Champion Car Load at At'anta, Georgia.
Grand Champion Pen at Chicago, Ir.'err.ational.
Grand Champion Pens, 3 and 10, Marshalltown. Iowa.
crJnt; v- fV?e it !Yr.cU this Keccrd!
X' ite for names of breeders near you and for helpful in
formation tent by
The Hbiicnai Ou'cc-Jsaey Recoil1 Associaiicn,
eosia, 1 i om
Foe rrtfit B -v a Duroc-Jersey Com Now!
an". I
i o:
j n
ers. the pai
west of
miles for Mr.
1 -.
;i.t i"
:i:ie p.:.
i:- rt-jHir
i;r. is! cows to Syracuse for Chester
Murrav near and tn his return brought
Carl : a load of corn for feeding his stocK.
I Glen Vallery of Eight Miie Grove
! purchased a number of cattle of Ar-
nold Mast last week, which he will
feed this winter for the spring mar
'. ket.
1 Delbert Todd, who is attending the
who has b. en
t at her home
;;! as showing
Sherman and
sk sr a ri m sat s s rsi
aiL mm
Min-'wtre looking alter some ousmess
home ' matters in 1'iattsmcuth last Monday
! afternoon, taking a load ot cniCKens
I to the county seat for shipment. j
Mrs. E. S. Tutt was a visitor in
'Plattsmouth last Tuesday afternoon.
. where she ws having some work
j done on her teeth, and also visited
'with her friends for a short time,
i The Pitman elevator shipped a
'car of cc rn last Tuesday, which was
la fact very pleusinsr to the manager,'
Mr. D. J. Pitman. who bus been
finding it difficult to get car? cf late.
Mrs.' Bert Jamison, who has been
at f hospital in Omaha for some time
taking treatment, was able to return
to her home in Weeping Water lst
Saturday and is feeling much im
proved. On account of the damage which
the hail storm of last summer did to
the Murrav hotel. Mrs. J. W. U'Tu'er.
Properly Celebrate Birthday
Last Sunday' being the fortieth
birthday of Mrs. L. II. Puis, some
thirty of the friends gathered at her
home west of town to appropriately
celchrafe t bo event. A most pleasant
t : n i r was had with sorial conversa
tion, music and a must delightful
luncheon was served which made the
afternon one f more pleasure.
Get your winter's supply of pota
toes now. Genuine Red River Early
Ohio's. "Minnesota grown, pr bushel
fine at II. M. Soennichsen & Co.
iw. 1 1th
Prizes Will Be Given to the Best
tasked Couple!
Come out and .spend the evening with us. Prizes can
be seen in the Hardware window. Also remember
we give a dance each and every Saturday evening.
' w mm m w w
Buys Kocie in Murray j
Mrs. James Deles I-rnier recently;
consumated a deal wlii' h gives her"
a liome in Murray, having obtained
the residenre of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. !
Goorl and which will make her a most
I'.karant home.
the landlady. i.; bavin
the building
done by Mr.
Genuine lied River Early Ohio po
taioes. Minnesota crown. Fine,
smooth, firm stock, pt bushel 90c I
at II. M. Soennichsen .c Co.
iiuiinted. the work heir
. Epster Hardin.
! Mrs. Charles Snyder, living some
'miles southwest of ?.'.,.trr.:y. while
I riding a horse last Sunday w-is sud
deniy thrttwn from ilie a:iim:tl. which
i afterwards trampled the lady. in;-:r-
ing her very severely.
! Mrs. J. O. Thomas, of Omaha, was
!a truest at the home of her friends.
! Mesdanu'S A. V. Kennedy and W. A.
! Royal, who with Mrs. Thomas were
school girls togfthtr in Old Rock
j Bluffs many years ceo.
; See the advertisement elsewhere
on this pace annoi:n?ing a masquer
jade ball which is to be given at the
Peterson hall. A cordial invitation
; is extended to ail to come and enjoy
. a most p'er'.M'.nt ev-nir.c.
Will Serve Dinner and Supper
Ki" la a i os ot tr." l'reroytenan ,
church will serve dinii' r on election ;
day November 7 at the church par-;
lof.s and In the evening will also
rv- supper, the supper being an j
cysttr supper and which will he one.
of the best which has been served;
in Murray for a long time. Do you
remember?. Of course you do! those I
suppers which the ladies of this j
church served some time since when '
they were raising funds for the Ii- j
brary. This, like those, will be well !
Were Married in Omaha
bast Tuesday at Omaha occurred
the wedding of two cf the popular
young people of this vicinity, when
Mr. Ivan Deles Denier and Miss
Catherine Browne were united in
marriage just prior to their depar
ture for Enid, Oklahoma, where t'uey
will visit for a short time before re
turning to take tip the work on the
farm south of Murrry. These two
young people, both very popular and
excellent young people surprised
their friends when they went to Om
aha and were there married, depart
ing for a trip before embarking on
the sea of married life. They will
farm and be at home to their friends
after they are duly settled at their
I home.
The groom is the son of Mrs. James
Deles Denier and a young man whom
j .mi wno Know nonor anu eoune uuu
their friend. The bride. Miss Cath
lerine Browne, is a daughter of Mr.
land Mrs. J. H. Browne and a young
, lady ef many accomplishments, and
a very popular young lady in Murray
i society and elsewhere. The Journal
! Joins with their many friends in
wishing them a long, happy and
I useful life.
worth while and a dollar a sunner is
a very nominal price. Do not forget
oysters for the
e.f the Daylight
operated by H. M.
lock 'ni I'fter some
for the firm which
Ti.e"day morning,
'racken. the
heen suffering for
Saturday Specials!
Your Evsry Need wiil be Supplied Both in Quality
and Right Price If You Shop with Us.
48-Ib. sack Piansifter flour $1.69
4-1'b. sack Acivo or Kamo pancake flour 30
4-Ib. sack Aunt Jemima pure buckwheat flour. . . .55
3 !bs. Our Own Roast coffee for 1.00
3 lbs. extra fancy Santos Peaberry coffee for. . . . 1.00
4-ib. be:: Iter's fresh Fairy soda crackers 59
Campbell s tomato or vegetable soups, per can. . .10
Campbell's pork and beeois, 2 cans for 25
No. I fiat cans medium red salmon, each 25
No. 1 tail cans pink salmon, each 15
Fresh ncanut butter, 1-lb. lunch pails 25
! -lb. pk5. Advo cod fish 40
3 pl'-T5- macaroni or spaghetti for 25
3 pkgs. best corn starch 2t
Lare size Quaker Instant oatmeal, pkg 35
4 cans Governor brand apricots 1.00
Fresh cocoa in bulk, 2 lbs. for 25
Fresh bulk raisins, per lb 20
Mi::cd candy, per lb 19
Very Special!
Guaranteed Alarm Clocks Made by Waterbury
Clock Co. Regular price, $1.40. Our special, 98c.
Teen's Husking Mittens Double palm, double
thumb, long nap. Dozen pairs, $1.75.
Soennichsen Gi
Hiilard tirassm;
and an empb-ye
store owned and
Soennie hsen. was
business matters
cmplovs him last
Georj-e V. Mel
iar drt'sraist, has
the past two weeks from a very se-
vere attack of a:-thm:. but i - getting
la little the best c:f the disease at;
I this time, whbh is good news to his
imany friends.
j Earl Hay of Otis, Colorado. is
visit'.nir at tlie lx.ine ot his aunt. ;
Mr-!. W. O. Troop and other relatives i
in this neighborhood. Mr. Hay who
; is a feeder of cattle in the west, !
brought two loads of cattie to the'
South Omaha market.
Dorothy Lewis gave a Hallowe'en
party to some thirty of her friends
last Saturday evening at which all
bad a most enjovable time. Refresh
ments were served and the decora- fore 1 hankso-iving.
tions were of the Hallowe'en char-. . .
and were mostiv jack-o'-ian-; fs.eep this date open tor tnis
and other Hallowe'en crea- entertainment. It will be Well
A. Trent, who is the present Worm VOUf wniie.
Pure Bred Boars Increase Profits
Farmers engaged in the bre-eding
;and feeding of hegs are in the busi
jnsss. principally for the profit that
jis to be made by marketing grains
ana pa'turage prenluced on tlie farm
through the medium of hogs. As the
saying is. "The end of every hog is
'the pork barrel."
' In order to make the feeding of
.hogs profitable, the farmer must have
i a nog mat. nas constitutional vigor.
that reproduces rapidly and in great
i numbers, that feds economically and
matures early and that wj'l breed
uniformly in type, conformation and
color. In addition to this, an ideal
market hog must have smoothness
and quality, show evenness from end
to end and take" on the finish that
appeals to the' eye of the critical
buyer. The profitable market hog
has a capacity for the assimilation
of grains, rough feeds and pasture,
turning them into high priced pork.
He is a hog that under any and all
1 r n '1 i t inn c w Vi rt i Tn rr - . ty-ti n- i 1
give a box supper and program I make good.' '' - - -
tk TJr,o,J. I While the qualifications above
WAX 111, V V,llill V A. T T CUllVJ j
Have You otac
the Roads?
For the past fewT months I have been in charge of
the road work of this district, and with many difficult
pieces of hard work to look after, we have completed
all which have thus far come to our lot.
I would like to call to the attention of the voter?,
the work which has been done and let them be the
judge as to its merits.
Should the work meet with the approval cf the
voters, I would like their support for the position of
road overseer. If elected I shall endeavor to do the best
possible work in the in-erect of the public.
I expect to continue to make my home here, though
it seems to have been reported the: I contemplate mov
ing away.
Give Farewell Dinner Sunday
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. V.
F. Campbell last Sunday occurred
a mo-t pleasant gathering of the
friends and relatives of Mrs. E. M.
McC; rr dl who has been visiting for!
the past thirty days at the home of
h r sister. Mrs. V. F. Camnbelb The
ladies when trirls were the. Misses,
V'o.)il and daughters of Mr. William 1
oous who lives east of Murrav at
Tlie melancholy days have come.
The saddest ef the season
When dealers boost the price of coal
Without apparent reason.
When fuel is so hard to get.
And dollars scarce to roll
When you sit bundled to the neck
And curse the price of coal.
But here's a tip I'll hand to you.
My patient trusting friend.
'Twill cut your fuel bill in twu
And thus your torture end.
Co to Mack's, straight duwn the line
Then just around tlie corner
And buy a water bottle
For there is nothing warmer.
qx Supper
The Murray schools will I
November 29th, the day be-
a good
1 and is again
place, and if
excellent man
. who is the present Worth VOUf
for tins district, has
man fcr the position.
a candidate for the
elected will make an
to look after the road
A good time is assured to
ail, and you will be helping
building in this neighborhood. See
the posi- , . -
a visitor! Murray
Telephone No. 12
Murray, Nebraska
his announcement in another column
: of this paper.
I Wm. Puis, candidate for
'tion'of representative, was
in Plattsmouth last Monday where
he was looking after some business
land also looking after hfs political
: fences. Mr. Puis is making friends
! wherever he gors and the people who
Imeet this sterling young man are
assured oi his integrity of purpose
land safety as a legislator.'
i John Farris and family, accom
panied by Mr. Norman Copenhaver.
the father of Mrs. Farris were spend
ing last Sunday at the home of J. C.
Snaveley, cif Union, where they had
ia Virginia gathering and was a fare
iwell reception for Mrs. Reedy, who
i has been staying at the home of Mr.
Snaveley for the past year and who
i is just departing for her old home in
W. tl. Iloman and sou Saniord.
who have been working for some
time with the Monarch Engineering
company in the construction of
bridges lor the count;., arrived home
last Tuesday on account of the rain,
they having been working on a bridge
isome seven miles soutb and tbree
I miles east of Elmwood. They visit-"
ed here until the weather was so
i they could deturn to their work
Se elsewhere an announcement of .jJ
the excellent time in store "for the'
I people of Murray and the surround
ling country in the shape of a boxi
Isuppet which will be given by the -J.
I II.. . . . . . I. 1 . . .. i l : 1 . ,!.:ti i ' .
liWuirti Munmb inn "men 111 ne
'coupled with' an excellent entertain-
the schools as well.
The Hurray Schools,
-:- Nebraska
Public Sales!
I will serve lunch at public sales.
Make dates with CoL V. R. Young
and notify me and I will be there-
Call Murray phone 1712.
pay for the call.
Oscar Nailer,
Murray, Nebraska
mentioned tnay obtain to some extent
in grade hogs or hogs of mixed breed
ing, still they would be more' general
and more definitely established in
pork producing herds if pure bred
sires displaced scrub boam. The pure
bred boar has been hred for genera
tions for uniformity, early maturity
and easy feeding qualities. Being
prerotent, he will transmit these
good characteristics to his pigs, thus
increasing the general efficiency of
the 'market stock. Going to market
earlier with finish and quality in
herited from the boar, these pigs will
bring the top price. This returns
the farmer more money for his time
and labor and for the grains and
grains produced on the farm. Joe
Haaga. assistant secretary. National
Duroc Jersey Receird association.
With this great treasure on the place
For spring there is no hurry.
You go around with smiling face
And let the coal man worry.
Special prices on Daval Hot Water Bottles, Combination Hot
Water Bottles and Fountain Syringes. Absolutely guaranteed
for one year. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28, one day only
95c to $1.75
Murray, Nebraska
j Specialist on Swine and
Cattle Diseases
Will receive cals at resi
dence. "Murray. Phone No'. 50.
State of Nebraska, County of Cass,
Py virtue of an order of sale is
sued by James Robertson, clerk of
the district court within and for Cass
I county. Nebraska, and to me directed,
1 I will on the 4th day of December.
I will A. D. 1922, at 10 o'clock a. m. of
said day at the south door of the
court house in said county, sell at
public auction to the highest bidder
for cash the following real estate,
The east half (E) of Lot
ten (lb) and all of Lots eleven
(11) and twelve (12), in Block
three (3). in the City of Platts
mouth, Cass county, Nebraska
i i T 1 1 4i ci tyi a aiTt n- 1 tori nrr orT til-
l i v cutuv sviu(3 it iv u u'tru auu lun
en as' the preperty of William O.
T!Bcnt et al. defendants, to satisfy a
judgment of said court recovered by
Plattshiouth State' bank. a. corpora
tion, plaintiff" dg'ainst 'feaid defend
ants. '' " ' " ' ' '"
Plattsmouth, Nebraska. October 2,
A. D. 1922. ' ' " -v' " - "
Sheriff of Cass' County,
Nebraska. '
Attorney' for Plaintiff.
The open season for most kinds of game is now
on, and all who are lovers of the chase can enjoy them
selves to the fullest.
We have the Winchester line of ammunition
guns. Come in for your supplies and guns.
Peterson Hardware Co.
Fistula-Pay ''Tien Cured
A mild mrMXMtn ot treatment that enr Plkaa.
riatala jk othar RactaJ Irtaaaaea ia a attert
time, without a aeTere aurg-tcai operation. Wa
Chloroform. Ether or other rnerai ananathetia
aaeeV, A care nar.ntel In rrery ruf accepted for treatment, and no money lo aa
paad antll -eared. Write for ooair on iteetat lneeajiea. with neurit and testlineotaia
af more thar-1.'H!0 prominent peonlr who hare been percnarently rrr!
K TAJUiY, tMWafcartarn, -rrtere xruat Hioc. iea liiuw-l. uaana, mm
v " let B. U. Juliaf n. MadiaaJ !. C