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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1922)
PAGE FOUR PLATTSJIOUTB SEMI- WEEKLY JOUBNAL THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1922. (POLITICAL ADVERTISING) (POLITICAL ADVERTISING) IIJI II UiJMII,l II Willi I't. JJ 11 J f "' ' (POLITICAL. ADVERTISING) ( POLITICAL ADVERTISING ) (POLITICAL ADVERTISING ) ( POLITICAL ADVERTISING) (POLITICAL ADVERTISING ) Ir- T .1 il frn LsJ ir r ", V H For Cooig ma Cft ar " & ?1 3 TT 2E JMtt-iii . 1 Jf- niiMfi PUSUSHED SEjII-WEEKLY AT FLATTSriOUTH. NEBRASKA KntTel at I'ost.jitue. l'lattmouth. Neb . as -teoncl-class mall matter i R. A. BATES, Publisher SUBSCRIPTION FSICE $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE DEMOCRATIC TICKET. Il- k: ft lior luta ImoKs showing ev- ry pc' nny ho cvt-r earned. U'lt there are still other reasons for tLc paper U. S. Senator (sliortajre. GILBERT M. HITCHCOCK Omaha : o: - POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS! i ANNOUNCEMENT j I herehy announce myself as a , candidate for the st ite lesrislature. I have received the nomination from j the democratic party and would be; pleased to receive the support of all j who are desiriuus of lower taxes and better economic laws. j V. II. PULS. tf. Murray, Nebr. Governor CHARLES W. URVAN Lincoln Congress. First District A srit-ntist fays there were flappers ::i Ksypt two thousand years as;o. P'robubiy Cleopatra's mama was one of t he'n. To Fill vacancy I . . W. C. PARRIOTT Lincoln j WIlt.K, ,v r vu'see a motorist do- Conress. First District j in- a l it of extra rerkless driving. JOHN H. .MOREHEAD Falls City;yoU n-t u.p wollorins if he isu t State Senator ''i!5-fx-anibu!anoe driver. j WILLIAM IL BANNING Uirrtm-"- :o: j State Representative ! An aviator landed in a field and WILLIAM H. PL'LS Murray j-ows 1 irked th castor oil off his nia- County Clerk jrhin". A bey thinks they wanted to FRANK J. LILERSHAL-Plattsm'th tay at ho::.e from school. County Treasurer MISS MIA U. GERING-Plattsmouth r.Iar.y r i.ubH ans assure Charlie CourtV Sheriif Bryan t!.at they are for hi:r.. Ci.ndi- G. II. MANNERS Plattsmouth d ites i iiwl s.T.t i r.i-nt turning to dem- Political Announcement I desire to announce myself as candidate for the position of commis sioner for the third district, chosen on the republican ticket at the pri mary election and will appreciate what support I shall receive from the voters of the county. Assuring them I shall ever endeavor to woik for the best interests of the entire county. II. R. SCHMIDT, sll-tfw Murdock, Neb. County Attorney J. A. CAPWELL Elm wood Register of Deeds MRS. KATE MINOR Plattsmouth County Commissioner 2nd District WILLIAM STOHLMAN Louisville County Commissioner :;rd District FRED II. G ORDER-Weeping Water icruts all over the state. :o:- A.--T roaomers say the larjze nugcl lanle 1 loud is llo.i'Oii trillion miles frn:n lure. What a spleii'U'l place for our saxophonist . to practice. o:c The former German crov. prince says th::t the Fnited States o taht to ::iv aid to Europe. That's '. mny in 1017 lie thought we omhi not to. BE YE HOLY Sanctify your:;Kcs therefore, and be ye holy; for i am the Lord our God. Leviticus xx, 7. :o: The lazy man is known by the ex- : cuses he makes. : o: - -: o : - Evt ti if they did organize an aris torracy f:f brai is we know a lot of fn;:h who woiild go to studying and l'MT i a newly smart auxiliary inside of two years. :o: Henry I of Detroit has reduced his price ."' again and the University A head trammed with wisdom is of 01' Kan-as believ-; that ought to no value unless thero i.-s an outlet. solve the Christmas toy problem in :o; many families. Some folks ma lie their joys mere :o: incidents and sorrows great events. S nator Hit. hco- k seems very en- o:o . , tiiusiati- wit a the prospect.?, not Isn't it a wonder the Ma.;:achus- only lor Iiimself, hut the entire dem etts boy dressed ;is a girl didn't j orratic ticket. 1 says Brvan will ANNOUNCEMENT Having received at the primary election the nomination for county treasurer on the republican ticket, I announce myself a candidate for of fice of county treasurer, subject to the votes at coming election. I will appreciate the support of all who desire the best service in this office. Election Nov. 7. 1922. WILL T. ADAMS. Annouacement I desire to announce myself can didate for the position of state sena tor, having received the nomination at the primary at the hands of the republican party. Election Nov. 7th. Thanking those who in the past have supported me and the measures for which I have worked, I am, very respectfully, A. r. STURM, sl4-tfdaw Nehawka, Neb. ANNOUNCEMENT I announce myself candidate for the position of county attorney, hav ing received the nomination at the hands of the democratic party at the recent primary. Thirty-three years of age. been in practice in Cass coun ty since 1914. Graduate of state uni versity law school. Served 21 months in the late war, was in Philippines. During the time have resided in Cass county for twenty years. Your sup port for th" position would be ap preciated. Election Nov. 7th, 1922. J. A. CAPWELL, Elm wood. Neb. catch cold and die? If von don't believe sil'-nce is goM- win with hands down. :o: We are told that a dog bitten by a en a million will be spent to make n ; skunk became nnd. It can hardly be Chicago hotel quiet. j blamed. It, makes anybody mad to .be :o: ibitt'ii by a skunk. It would make a The British tactions next month j..ian positively peevish. will at last cast lose who u is tnai are the hitter enders. -: o : The Irish. Free State has ratified the constitution whic'i will convince Most brides exp. ct to be kept, in i,.,,,.,, who don't believe in ('-' iaring to eeryt!iing that the new have, n't been ac nston. 'd. -:o: government is hopelessly reaction- One sen;itor sas '.'. 'h w tariff is terrible. Lots of people think it is a great deal wors" than that. : o: The ad va lire notices seem to dif fer. One says Clemenceau will tell . the United States the whole truth Senator Hitchcock finds people eager to learn the truth and many republicans greet him every where. J : Some folks save a little money with the idea of buving something j ab,,ut '""i"- s here, and they think they cannot afford. "' 1 "iane spcecnes. :o: REX YOUNG General Auctioneer -I- Live StocK Real Estate Personal Property PHONE 31-4 .J. Plattsmouth, Nebraska Call at raj' Expense The disarmimrnt progra;,: is very quiet. We can't hear anything for the cries of the Turk's child victims. :o: Charlie Chaplin has obtained an injunction against an imitator. Why didn't he do that two or three years ago when everybody in the family from the baby to grandpa was doing the Chaplin walk? ANNOUNCEMENT The progressive party has asked me to become their candidate for the office of sheriff, the request coming to me as it has, with their full con fidence and support, they looking for a man untrammelled by influences which would hinder the full exercise of the duties of the office of sheriff, I have accepted the position of can didate. Should I be elected I will en deavor to administer the law and perform the duties of the office with out fear from any party or clique. I shall appreciate the support of all who desire the laws executed with out partiality and with the best in terests of all the county the aim. EDWARD W. TIIIMGAN. NOTICE OF HEARING on Petition for Determination of Heirship. Estate No. of Samuel M. Craig, deceased, in the County Court of Cass county. Nebraska. The State of Nebraska, To all per sons interesteil in said estate, credi tors and heirs take notice, that Wil liam H. Wehrbein. the owner of the hereinafter described real estate and interested in such, has filed his pe tition alleging that Samuel M. Craig died intestate in Cass county. Ne braska, on or about August 4. 1SS1. being a resident and inhabitant of Cass county. Nebraska, and the own er of the following described real estate, to-wit: The southeast quarter (SE'i ) of Section twenty-three. (2.'i) Township twelve. (12) North. Range twelve. (12) east of the (Ith P. M.. in the County of Cass. Nebraska leaving as his sole and only heirs at law the following named persons, to-wit : Mary Matilda Craig, his wid ow, and the following named children: Margaret I. Craig, Mary Ann Craig. Catherine G. Beaver, nee Craig, also known as C. G. Beaver, AUie F. Craig, Myrtle M. Craig..,' Ada M. Craig a-ml James M. Craig. That said decedent died intestate; that no application for administra tion has been made and the estate of said decedent has not been admin istered in the State of Nebraska, and that the Court determine who are the heirs of said deceased, that de gree of kinship and the fight of de scent in the real property of which the deceased died seized, which has been set for hearing on the 27th day of November, A. D. 1922. at 9 o'clock a. m. Dated at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, this 24th day of October, A. D. 1922. ALLEN J. BEFSON. (Seal) :!0-"w. County Judge. NOTICE OF SALE ORDER OF 1IEMUNG tnd Notice on Petition tor Se t lenient of Account lief ;.s in: v hi. jurt and equitable, j NOTICE TO CREDITORS You a:id e.u-h you ; re lurthtr j The State of Nebraska, Cas coun noti;ie i:i::t yoi are required to'ty. .v. i r :;e t i t i;;n o:i or b fo.'e in tee Couritv Court. In the County Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. State1 of Nebraska. Cass c.iunty. ss. To all person:, interest' i in the estate of Fred F-iako. Sr.. deceased: On reading the petition or' Alice F. Blake. Administratrix of said es tate, praying a tin: 1 ettlet;: n: are', allowance of her a'-c.,iiit 'i' d in this Couit on the L'Sth day of Oc tober. 1!22. and lor an order of dis tribution ef the? residue of said es tate according to the decedent laws of the State of Nebraska: It is hereby ordered that you ai: I all persons interested in said. :natt"r may, and do. appear at the County Court to be held in and for sa;d county, on the 10th day of Novem ber, A. D. I!t22. at 10 o'clock a. in to show cause, if any there i)t.. why the prayer of the pe t it inner i-honid not he granted, and that no: ice ( i" the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof be civev. to all persons interested in said ra"tter by publishing a copy of this or a r in the Plattsmouth Journal, ; s mi weekly newspaper ; rinted in - lid county, for one week prior to siil day of hearing. In witness whereof, I have here unto set my' hand and the Peal of said Court, tin's 2Sth day of Oat.Jn r. A. D. 19 2. ALLEN J. BEESON. (Sea!) f::0-lw. County Judge. : ;.i(,r!d::y, t he 2lth day tf November, In the n. alter of the estate of or the a lie .'.n.-ns t lie re in con- j Nancy M. Grimes, deceased. I taincd v. iii he t: as t rue and a I To tl.; creditors of said estate: j'V'ive rendered in fav,:- of phi intiu ; V-.u are hereby m.tified that I will 1 : . 1 1 I : gaii..-t you ai:d each of you. ac- j .-It at tie' County Court roc.t.i in : cording t ti. : pr. ytr of said peti-1 i'ia ;t.-.,. in said county, on the tn.n. Dated tin.? 7th day of October, ! ;:. '.- -f December. 1922, and the !A. i. 192. " : ' i way of .March. 192:!, to receive WILLIAM II. NEWELL. and examine all claims against said Plaintiff, e t.rc. a vioiv to thir adjust- I W. A. UOBERTSi.'N. !:::: ad liov. : -:"v. The time Iiin- .oli-h.v. Aity. for i'lainti::'. it.d f--.r the pre sen tat ion of claims aeaira:t said estat3 is three ldonths j fr.oni ?h." ."th day of Decen.der. A. D. JEATII 0I: SISTER 1J'22. rnd the time limited for pay- m-nt of de'ots is ouc year from said i .U! day of IJaceniler. 1922. Witness n;y hand and the seal of id Civr.ntv Court, this .'!0th day of ' wa. : e . he !:::.- 1. n .:' i.d i the tu- r r, 1U22. j la ,al of h.-r st si.-ie.-, .Mrs. Eva' ALLEN J. BEESON. t '.: i t. which oi . i-ir :i there la: t Sat-; (Stall n2-4 w. County Judge. h: ...v. .ilr.-'. i i':r -t u. ol le. 1 Mr. L. E. Vi'.eaau returned home ia-: v. niu; iPM ;' ': r C:ty. la. n i all-. 1 i to .Miihr. Soinii Da.h ia. ny : lie i I i I :;e--s of :; d-ugluer tin re wiio was : tillering v.i;ii an aitacl; of tjdioid NOTICE, EAGLES , IV' asu ar- d for the daua-htei- for lauterfii.'iv.n lit for Eagles and .ur . I'C '. Ulit:! t: death of h I :heir !;:n:ili;s a- Eagle hall on Thurs I ila.v i-r":iii;''. Novemhe-r 2. 1922. at ihYeon. o .urr. d atid on h:-t Tues-, s k ' p Admission free. iila. . a ! : i . i a; at i ochhk i nirsi u a- S'lddenlv :li aiai ie: at ( ', service. i ; i i ' . ' I i T- Trie TU V I Ii:iiT1, ! ! The lie- ! ei a . .1 " :adv kavs a h.i iy of i iudit ' Blank books at the Journal Office, 'thilerti: and 1 1: re-, is;er s, Ida ; r... - ., , ,., . ., ! !-.... it.; l ... i, . ' I r o : , . i .e . l v' ' u-. : i s . iiniii 01 hiw a, a'.i i Mi of i POLITICAL ADVERTISING) this rity. t ANNOUNCEMENT In announcing myself ftir the po sitiem of (oiinty commissioner for their third district, as the candidate for the democratic' party, I only wish you all to be assured that my pre-sent term as such commissioner has saved the county money. I have endeavored to be economical in the expenditure of the money of the county. I have aimed to give the work which I am entrusted to do for the county, as much thought and con sideration as I would my own busi ness. If you think I am worthy of your support, I wotild be pleased to have it. FRED H. GORDER. For Commissioner, 2nd District I wish to announce to my triends throughout the county that I am a candidate on the democratic ticket for the office of commissioner of the 2nd commissioners' district and will appreciate your support at the polls on November 7th. If elected I will not. only be a commissioner for the second district but for the entire county. WILLIAM STOHLMAN. Louisville, Neb. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a lien for keeping a mare for six months, described as follows: Color brown, weight about 950 pounds and age unknown to affiant, animal has a smooth mouth, an affi davit describing said mare and set ting forth the amount justly due for the feeding and keeping said mare having been duly filed in the office of the County Clerk of Cass county, Nebraska, on the 11th day of Octo ber, A. D. 1922. and upon which ib-n there is now due the sum of $12. '10. default having been made in the pay ment of said sum, and no suit or other proceedings at law having been instituted to recover said debt or any part thereof, therefore I will sell said more at public auction at the front door of the livery barn of Wal ter Gochenour on Main street in the City of Plattsmouth, in the County of Cass, Nebraska, on the 11th day of November, A. D. 1922. at two o'clock in the afternoon of said day. Sale will remain open one hour. Dated this 11th day of October, A. D. 1922. oi: OSCAR GAPEN. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty, ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Wil liam M. Tucker, deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You arc hereby notified that I will sit at the County Court room in Plattsmouth in said county, on No vember 20, 1922, and February 20, 1923, at 10 o'clock a. ni. each day. to receive and examine all claims against said estate, with their adjustment and The time limited for the presentation of claims against said estate is three months from the 20th day of No vember, A. D. 1922. and the time limited for payment of debts is one vear from said 20th day of Novem ber. 1922. Witness my hand and the seal of said County Court, this 9th day of October, 1922. ALLEN J. BEESON. (Seal) o23-4w. County Judge. a view to allowance. Your ad will carry punch if. you write it as a plain "selling talk" in stead of trying to fuss it up with frills and exagerations. and ORDER OF HEARING Notice on Petition f-r tleiiitiit of Account ( POLI fli'AL ADVERTISING) t :.e de- In the County Co irt of Cass coun ty. Nebraska. State of Nebraska. Cas ; county, as. To all persons interested in estate. jf Emiiv France's Biuke ceased : On read in c: the petition of Alice F. Blako. Executrix of said estate, praying a final se ttleim r.t and allow ance of her account filed in this Court on the 25th d iv of O -tober. 19 22. ami for an order residue of raid estate the provision'-- of the Testament of said dcri It is hereby ordered till persons interested may. and do. appear assigning th" a-, cordin g to Will and 1. nt : that von and in said matter at the County in and for said Court to be held county, on the 10:h day of Novem ber. A. D. 1922. at 10 o'clock a. m.. to show cause, if any there be. why the prayer of the petitioner should not the the hearing thereof be given to persons interested, in said matttr publishing a copy of this ordi r the Plattsmouth Journal. a se be granted, : pendency of lid that notice said petition : of nd all by in ni- weekly newspaper printed in said county, for one week prior to said day of hearing. In witness whereof. I have ht-re-unti set my hand and the Sea! of said Court, this 2Sth dav of Otoh-ar. A. D. 1922. ALLEN J. BEESON. (Seal) ofJO-lw. County Ji:d-;e. ' NOTICE OF SUIT TO QUIET TITLE In the District Court of the Countv of Cass. Nebraska. William H. Newell, Plaintiff, vs. Philip Miller, ct al. Defendants. To the defendants Philip Miller; Matilda J. Miller; Fred Eaton; Mrs. Fred. Eaton, a real name unknown; Everett Eaton; Roy Eaton: Augus tus O. Thomas; Anna V. Smith and husband F. M. Smith, real name un known; the heirs, devisees, legators, personal representatives and all per sons interested in the estates of Philip Miller; Matilda J. Miller; S. M. Eaton, real name unknown; Eusebia C. Colvin; Joshua Davis; Frank Eaton, each deceased; real n.'.mes unknown; all persons having or claiming any interest in lot four (4), in block twenty-nine (29). Young Hayes Addition to the City of Plattsmouth. Cass county, Ne braska, real names unknown: You and each of you are hereby notified that William H. Newell, Plaintiff, filed a petition ami com menced an action in the District Court of Cass county. Nebraska, on the 7th day of October, 19 22, against you and each of you. the object, pur pose and prayer of which is to ob tain a decree of court quieting title to lot four (4). in block twenty nine (29), Young it Hayes Addition to the City of Plattsmouth. Ca;s county, Nebraska, a.; againrt you and each of you,' aiid. for such, other re- A P CP rT n t SHORT TERM - ;. rv f ?w -;;' 'S i-V JUDGE W. C. PARRIOTT Barn in the First Com;ress ional District: educated in the schools of tie' First District; graduated from the state Uni versity of Nbra-hu; represent ed Nem..h:i and i : U-aardsoa coun ties iu th" stata lAijJ.oature; served t r two en tha Su piar.c Cov.rt e'-. .ai iission of Ne br. .-ha; intcrc-ted iu arieul as the oivin r and oper ator ef a farm in First Con iresional District. IS c.) t ALIi'H D FOR SERVICE r.Y NATl L ADAPTATION E!)i ITIOX AM) EXPERIENCE 0 fe-?-.: -:-VaMr ..V,:, 5'? x-:V,?;..jf4--. .a .?::.;.,' 1 :-::-v? Vic.'V .- :.-'. - .- v s. --J' ';;A-i-r a:;?-- -e. The Boy Orator of 1896 Republican Gandinate for Congress to Fill Vacancy A Forceful Speaker A Logical Debater A Deep Student of Econo mic Question Able, Progressive, Patriotic (POLITICAL ADVERTISING ) t POLITICAL ADVERTISING ) w m I. A . Aflams Republican Candidate for Guntv Treasurer Born in Cass County. Engaged in farming and educational work all his life - successful in both. During past four years in County Clerk's Offce work very similar to work in County Treasurer's Of fice. Eminently well qualifier'. A Wote vor Adams Cleans Best Service!