The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 02, 1922, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Nehawka y Department!
Prepared ia the Interests of the People of Nehawka and Surrounding Vicinity Especially
for the Journal Readers.
Horace (Jriftin has been assisting
in picking corn on the John Lloyd
place near Union.
Sheriff C. D. Quinton was looking
after some business and also visit
ing with his many friends lure last
Ed Moris was a visitor in Nehaw
ka last Monday delivering oils' and
gasoline from the Standard Oil sta
tion at Union.
Wool automobile rcbes, $10.00 to
$13.50. Exceptional values for the
money at Sheldon's Store.
Ed Mi-Farland lias removed to
IMattsmouth where he is engag-ed
Are You Needing
We are prepared to furnish you
an excellent well. We have the
well machinery ready for service
See us if you are needing a well.
Easlrich & Lawrence,
Nehawka, Neb.
working and will make that town his
home in the future.
K. R. Kendle the jeweler and wife
were spending a short time visiting
last Sunday at the home of his and
her parents at Syracuse making the
trip in their auto.
Y. A. Hicks and son John were
last week sinking a well on the farm
of the P. R. Guthmann estate north
of Murray ami which is occupied by
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Deitl.
Miller & Gruber the contracting
firm, have been busy during the past
week making a cistern at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. V. 1. Sheldon and
which is an excellent one at that.
Frank IJoedeker has been feeling
very poorly during the past two
weeks but has been able to be about
a portion of the time. He is feeling
mu'h improved at this time and is
hoping to continue the same.
Mr. Henry Heebner of Cedar Creek
is having a well sunk on his place in
Nehawka and which is occupied by
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Waldo, the work
being done by Mr. V. A. Hicks and
son John who are experienced well
Morris Pollard was a visitor in
Lincoln last Thursday and Friday,
he going to attend the consistory of
the Masons of Nebraska and to be
present at the conferring of some of
the higher degrees of that order to a
number of candidates.
Charles Hall the assistant miller
at the Nehawka Mills, is having his
home refinished on the inside and is
having the work done by Mr. Mark
Burton, who is an artist ami Mr. J.
P. DuClos is doing the needed plas
tering which is required.
Mesdames Henry Kropp and C. D.
Get a Gift Worth While!
We have some real high grade fancy Chinaware
and some cut glass water sets received this week, so
be among the first to come in and get first choice. Every
piece of this goods is something that the housewife can
feel proud of. Also our silverware is unsurpassed for
wedding presents, etc.
Don't forget our repair department, as it always
gives satisfaction.
St. John and little Herold St. John
were spending last Sunday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. John Koop of
Lo.iisville. making the trip in the
aiuo of Mr. C. I). St. John and enjoy
ing an excellent time while there.
Louis Ross while going to his home
last Saturday evening had one of t he
rear wheels of his auto to be careen
ing off to the side of the road while
his car stopped. This was somewhat
exasperating and caused that gentle
man some work to repair the wagon
last Monday.
New shipment cf blankets, $2.75
top at Sheldon's Store.
.Messrs. Feltes and Wood, painters,
have just completed the contract of
painting on the outside and inside of
the home of Mrs. Isaac Pollard and
which is an excellent piece of work
manship. They are kept pretty busy
these times and this on account of
the excellence of the work which
they do.
The Nehawka Mills are kept pret
ty busy at this time and are grind
ing most of the time and with a de
mand for their output which keeps
them humping it bespeaks much for
the quality of the work winch they
are doing. They were required to
make two trips to Union in one day
last week to supply their customers
with Hour and mill stuff.
Mrs. E. M. GritHn who has been
feeling very poorly of late caused
by the excessive work which the
keeping of the restaurant and hotel
entails, is reported to be somewhat
better but is still confined to her
!km1, but is hoping to get out in a
sh-.rt time. Mrs. Rutledge has been
assisting in the work at the restau
rant during the illness of Mrs. Grif
t.n. Last Thursday while visiting in
Lincoln Mr. C. 1). St. John visited at
the hospital Mr. Robert Willis, who
has been there for a number of weeks
receiving treatment and who has un
dergone a number of operations and
at this time though very poorly is
making some substantial progress to
wards recovery. Mr. Willis many
friends will be pleased to know of
his bettered condition.
Mr. A. R. Rutledge who has been from the office for some tim'
on account of the work which w:is
required at the home which lie has
been lixiiur up. has concluded tin
work ami returned to the ollice. His
sou Evertt who has been conducting
the office during his father's absence
has iiecepted a position with the
Stromsberg Headlight and departed
a f"v days since to Ixin work on
his .;ew job.
I). St. John the miller, was a
well bought, that wil! help you solve your
clothing problem!
Hats for Men!
Attractive new Fall styles just re
ceived. Ask to see them. They
will sure please you.
New Fall Caps $2.25
Mary Jane
Dresses and Aprons!
Ladies' Black Satteen 0 ff
Dress Aprons ipO.VXJ
Children's Black Satteen
Children's Cotton Serge Dresses,
hand embroidered and J0 CA
fancy trimmed, $3.25 and $0.JV
Sweaters to please everyone very good
values. TOM WYE Sweaters at
Ladies' Collar and Guff Sets
White Cambric with design in eyelet
embroidery scolloped edge, at
c $
You Will Find Exceptional Good Values on Our Bargain
Shoe Table!
Children's Shoes, while they last, $1.00
Don't Forget That We Have a Lot of Good Merchandise Upstairs
n ni
vifitor in Lincoln for a few days
viast week, tioins to be uriisent
the work done by the Scottish Rite
Masons, who were matins on
2!th. aoth. 31st and :52nd detrn
of the order to a number of candi
dates. Mr. St. John remained until
Friday evening and his daughter.
Miss Hope St. John returned
him for the week end at home.
Hope is a student of the state
Kdward Wood was a visitor
Sundav at the home of his folks
am! Mrs. V. F. '':. i.ipbell. east
Murray, making the trip in his auto
Mr. Wood also went to visit with
lister. Mrs. E. M. M' t'arroll who
visiting at the hon e of Mr. and Mrs
f'amplx 11 and who is returning
the eominsr Saturday evening to
home at Portland Oregon, after
visit of a number of weeks. Mrs. Mc
Carroll will stop at a number
places on her return to visit with
friends and relative.
Hampshire Boars For Sale
The long, stretchy fellows, carry
ing the b st blood lins of the breed
For particulars write to or call on
Ernest M. I'ollard. Nehawka. Ne
braska. ol2-lsw
Will Celebrate Armistice Day
The Nehawka leginnnaires of the
Nehawka American Legion will eele
1 rate in appropriate style the anni
versarv ot Armistice i! i.v wliicli comes
on Saturday of rert week, Novem
ber 11. An appropriate program will
be rendered and a good time is as
sured to all who may wish to at
tend. Further notice and the program
will appear in tins paper ttie coming
Will Put on Three More Shows
The Nehawka Community club
which lias met with such signal sue
cess with the excellent entertain
ments which they have recently put
on in tlie shape ot tlie hest moving
picture shows, have again arranged
tor tlire more v.iiu !i are to appear
before Christinas and will be as well
worth while as the ones which thev
have presented.
For Sale
Two lots with a five room cot
tntre. a garnsre. wash room, wood and
cob house with cement floors, good
well, cistern, ice house, good loca
tion. Inquire of J. A. Haughty.
Six Months More of Shows
The citizens of Nehawka have ar
ranged to extend ihe free shows for
the community and adjacent country
to Nehawka for another six months
and will supr-lv entertainment for
the town and community which will
be well worth while. This spirit of
enterprise is being felt in the bet
ter business of all enterprises of the
town and will continue to be so to
greater degree than heretofore, as
the advertisement which this gives to
the town is extended.
"New shipment of sweaters, ladies'
children's and men's at Sheldon's
liawka Radio
beer, organize
Lundberg and
aie prepared
New Firm Organized
A new business firm has made its
lll'-arance in the form of the Ne
company, which has
1 by Messrs. Vomer
F. A. Roedeker. They
to install complete
working apparatus for receiving ra
diograms and have sets costing all
the way up to $20 and many for
b ss than one hundred. The one cost
ing two hundred and fifty dollars
has a range covering the entire
country and lap over on both Atlan
tic and Pacific oceans so that they
can receive radiograms from ships
in mid ocean both to the east and
to the west of here. Look for an ad
in next week's Journal giving spe
cific information relative to their
Meets With Serious Accident
Ray Eylers. wife and little four-year-old
son, ami the father of Mr
Eylers. all coming from Rartlett, Ia.
met with an accident last Sun
day evening as they were driving
along "O" street road, about four
o'clock when one of the tires of their
auto exploded turning the car in
which they were riding over and
spilling the occupants over the high
way. They were all more or less in
jured. Mrs. Lylers being very se
verely cut about the head ami face as
well as on her hand. The son re
ceived cuts about the head while the
elder Eylers had a gash cut in his
forehead about, eight inches in
length. Mr. Ray Eylers being the one
to escape without any severe marks
tnough lie was dazed and did not re
member the car having been thrown
over. Dr. J. W. Thomas attended to
the injuries dressing the wounds
when they were taken to their home
in another car and the injured car
was taken to Union where it was left
at the garage of Howler brothers.
Phone 14
j Most Enjoyable Affair
I Last Sunday a most enjoyable
gathering was hold at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Shrader the oc
casion being tlie celebration of the
arrival at their home of their sun,
William Shrader, who has been mak
ing his home in South Dakota and
,also their daughter, Mrs. Dora Mur
ray and children who are visiting
' here from their home in Oklahoma. A
large number of relatives and friends
were present to enjoy the occasion.
The families of Mr. Z. W. Shrader
and George W. Shrader, which num
ber a host of good people of Cass
and Otoe counties, were present to
enjoy the occasion.
School Notes
A Hallowe'en mask party was giv
en Tuesday night and much fun was
The seniors are waiting a travel
ing man who is going to bring sam
ples of class jewelry for them to see.
The home economics class are fin
ishing up their breakfast unique by
serving breakfasts. Each group of
John Opp Loses Small Amount of
Cash as Result of Visit of the
Night Callers.
The Nehawka people last evening
had two of their business houses
burglarized the F. P. Sheldon de
partment store and the butcher shop
of John Opp being the scenes of the
visits of the parties but fortunately
the loss reported was not very heavy.
The entrance to the Sheldon store
was secured by forcing a window
and from which the parties made
their way into the store and pro
ceeded to pick themselves out a new
outfit of clothing. Two pairs of Doug
las shoes, two wool shirts, two pairs
of trousers and two sweaters were
reported missing at the store and in
a neap on the floor of the store was
piled the old clothes of the night
callers, and they were not In the
best of shape and had evidently seen
better days.
In addition to taking the clothes
the men are reported to have secured
a number of rings and other small
jewelry carried as a side line as well
as $4. SO in cash and a check for
The butcher shop of John Opp al
so suffered from the burglars and as
in the case at the Sheldon store
there was very little taken, a small
amount in cash, used as small change
being unearthed by the visitors.
The night was ideal for the work
of the burglars as there were few
people out on the streets and they
were able to make a clean getaway.
Reports from Nehawka are to the ef
fect that it may be possible to secure
some definite trace of the parties and
which may lead to their arrest as
the job was evidently that of some
This is not the first time the Shel
don store has suffered from robbers
as they were visited a year ago and
considerable stuff taken, so they feel
very lucky this time.
girls prepare and serve a breakfast
to a group of four girls.
Rural School Inspector I. N. Clark
and Superintendent Peterson visited
school a short time Thursday. They
expressed satisfaction in regard to
the condition of the school.
A plan for a hot lunch to the
grade children who bring their din
ners is being formulated and will be
presented to those parents who send
children with their lunch soon.
The pupils of the fifth and sixth
grade gave their teacher. Miss Grace
Steinmeyer a candy and fruit show
er Wednesday afternoon. She was
presented with one-quarter bushel of
fruit and candy. Each of the pupils
tasted a bit and their teacher is en
joying the remainder of the treat.
Miss Nuernberger had a peculiar
accident happen to her ring. She got
some mercury on it which clung so
tight that she could not get it off
The mercury ate into the ring which
was nearly pure gold and two of the
nrongs came off. She sent it to Lin
i.-oln for repairs.
The agriculture class had a lesson
on culling poultry for egg produc
tion on Monday. They got a little
experience at Max Shaffer's poultry
plant. Mr. R. C. Pollard gave the
bovs a fine talk on his methods of
raising swine. A great many prac
tical and valuable points were
brought out. The boys expect to get
some fine ideas also from Stone and
son along the same lines.
The freshmen class gave the fol
lowing program at convocation
Violin Solo Emil Johnson
Reading Mabel Ketch
Dialogue Emil Johnson. Dorothy
Goodman. Gladys Hill, Elsie Stoll,
Ruth Behrns, Merna Brandt, Leon
ard St. John, Harold Dcxlson, and
Levord Richmond.
The Sunny Side Sewing club girls
had a business meeting Oct. 12, to
select officers for the club. The fol
lowing were elected: President, Verle
S'one; vice president, Grace Simp
kins; secretary. Vera Martin; treas
urer, Wilma Switzer, and news re
porter, Dorothy Lundberg. The girls
Jecided to meet every second Tues
day. This meeting was held at the
home of Irma Switzer. During the
business meeting a rule was made
that the girls would have to pay a
fine of five cents If they did not
bring work to the meetings and real
ly work. After the business meeting
the girls sewed and then delicious
refreshments were served by the
hostess. The girls had a delightful
The students of the high school
have formed a student council com
posed of three members from each
class. They are to meet once per week
with the teachers and discuss all
questions of interest to both groups.
They are to have charge of all stu
dent affairs and to appoint students
to take charge of the study room.
These students will serve for a week
at a time and then new ones will be
selected. The members of the student
council are as follows: Seniors
Elmer Stoll, Leona Simpkins and
William August. Juniors Irene
Johnson, Leona Switzer and Lucian
Carper. Sophomores Esther St.
John. Earl Schaffer and Ellen Rose.
Freshmen Elsie Stoll, Florence
Griffin and Harold Dodson.
Harsh physics react, weaken the
bowels, will lead to chronic consti
pation. Doan's Regulets operate eas
ily. 30c a box at all stores.
A million men
have turned to
One Eleven
a firm verdict for
superior quality.
15 1. 10
Head Lettuce Salad
The Richelieu brand, which also includes salad
and mayonaise. Nothing finer packed.
Head Lettuce
Leaf Lettuce
Sweet Potatoes
Hubbard Squash
Green Peppers
Grape Fruit
. . . Lemons
Delicious Apples
Sweet Cider
Candied Pineapple
Marshmallow Creme
Imported Candied Ginger
Plum Pudding
Big Pudding, Etc.
Dry Goods Phone 53
Grocery Phones 54, 144
Willi I Tat ii I II II I I YX I a ir i
d vote for fj;
.1 .1
Abraham Lincoln Ti
Progressive Candidate for Congress
Repeal Esch-Cummins law.
Repeal Federal Reserve Bank System.
Repeal of laws limiting free speech, free press and
right of peaceable assembly.
Favors tax reduction.
Favors National primary law and for National In
itiative, Referendum and Recall.
Favors referendum on declaration of war.
Favors equal rights for women.
Favors soldiers compensation law.
Favors prosecution of war profiteers and grafters.
Favors excess profits tax.
Favors large inheritance tax on large fortunes.
Favors stabilizing values of farm products.
Favors government ownership of railroads and
coal mines.
Opposed to government by injunction.
Opposed to ship subsidies.
Opposed to sales tax.
Opposed to League of Nations.
Opposed to Newberryism.
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