The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 02, 1922, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2
PAGE TWO PLATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOURNAL THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2. 1022. I Rabubh (POLITICAL ADVERTISING) onsi nnouncomantal For State Representative Troy L. Davis Troy L. Pazis has accepted the nomination "on the rer j.ul.iioan ticket for Representative, lie is a product of Cass countv, hainir lived in the countv all his life. He has been en-a.-ed in farming ami business and has been very success ful in his line, lie is known for his honesty and integrity. For Stale Senator Andrew F. Sturm r . , . .InJrczi' F. Sturm, who has been nominated by the re I'ublicans to the office of State Senator, is a man highly es teemed in this county. He has been engaged in the lumber and grain business at Xehauka for the past thirty-five years, lie is a man of good education, possessing a strong personal ity and thoroughly equipped to represent the people of Cass county in the Senate, he having served in the Senate two terms anil given general satisfaction. For County Clerk George R. Sayles George R. Sayles. candidate on the republican ticket for County Clerk, was. born on a farm near Cedar Creek, in Eight Mile Grove precinct, and has been a resident of the count-f;- forty-rive years. He received his education in the public schools ami the state university. He has filled the office of Clerk for one term and is entitled to a re-election, as he has made good in the oftiice. filling and performing the duties with integrity anil efficiency. For County Attorney A. G. Cole . . (7. Cole, candidate on the republican ticket; has filled the office of County Attorney for two terms and has the rec ord of securing more convictions with less expense to the tax pavers than any of his predecessors. Mr. Cole is a good lawyer and is faithful to the interests of the county, which is very important, as all the county officers go to him for legal advice and all the business of the county is conducted in line with his decisions from a legal standpoint. For Register of Deeds Mrs. Edna D Shannon Mrs. Edna P. Shannon, who has been nominated by the republicans for this important office, was born and raised in Cass county, is a graduate of the Weeping Water high school, and has had eight years of business experience and four years in the office of Register of -Deeds, which she has filled to the entire satista ction of thf'pfJrons of the office. Mrs. Shannon is entitled to a second term on her record alone. For County Treasurer Will T. Adams Will T. .ldams. who has received the nomination on the republican ticket for Treasurer of Cass county, is well and favorably known to a large number of the voters, having tilled the office of Deputy County Clerk for the last four years. He i- well acquainted with the tax list, it having been his duty to make it up for certification to the Treasurer's office during the past four years, which of itself would qualify him for the position. He has lived in Cass county for almost a life time and. has been engaged in farming school teaching and other lines of work. He solicits your support and. if elected, will fill the office to the best of his ability. For Sheriff C. D. Quinton C P. Quinton. who is the choice of the republicans of Cas county for the important office of Sheriff, has demon strated what he can do. There is no office in the county where experience is so much needed as in the office of Sheriff par ticularly is this true in these times of lazv enforcement. Mr. Quinton was raifed in Cass county and grew to manhood on a farm near Avoca, Nebraska. He has filled the office of Sheriff several terms and has never failed to enforce the law without fear or favor. For Commissioner, 2nd Dist. C. F. Harris C. F. Harris is the republican nominee for Commissioner in the Second district. He was horn on a farm 57 years ago, in the state of Virginia, and came to Cass county when 19 years of age. For some time he worked in the clothing store ot C. K. Wescott at Plattsmouth, later purchasing a farm in Liberty precinct, where he has engaged in farming for a long time. He has held numerous positions of honor and trust hi his precinct and in the county. He. has filled one term as County Commissioner and has filled it well, having been a tireless worker for the interests of the county and tax payers. He has been a constant booster for good roads at a nominal cost of construction. The voters will do well to see that Mir. Harris i rscturned for another term. For Commissioner, 3rd Dist. H. R. Schmidt . A'. Schmidt has .lived in Cass county for 41 years, in the neighborhood of Murdoch and has worked at fanning, being later engaged in the contracting business, at which he has been successful. He has assessed Elmwood precinct for thirteen years with the very best satisfaction. If elected to the office of Commissioner, he will give the people the very best service of which he is capable. For County Surveyor Fred Patterson Fred Patterson has filled the office of Surveyor so long and is so well known over the county, that it" is. needless t.6 say anthing other than that he is a' candidate, for "Ve,-election. -o- 0 Union Department Prepared Exclusively for The Journal. W. A. Taylor and wife were visit- I work robbers entered the office of the ing in Nebraska City last Saturday , Fran-. Bros. I-u?uber company of Un making the trip in their auto. ion and ransacked all of t he drawers. H. M. Frans and fon, IUrold. and wife were visiting and looking? after some business matters in Omaha last Saiurday. v j Edward Slocomb and John Thomas of near Murray were looking after' some business matters in Union last j Monday afternoon. i Miss Mary E. Foster who is asso- j ciated with the schools of Omaha was dumping the contents on the lloor with the evident intent of getting pome money. However, they failed in this respect, b.u did succeed in get ting a few matches and as well as trough tobacco for a few smokes. Indians Have a Blowout Last Monda afternoon a party of All. of the pupils in the primary room have been very interested in the making of black cats and witches lor Hallowe'en decorations. Mary Donnelly Robb, who has been absent for some time because of ill ness, is improving and we hope to have her in school again soon. The sixth grade has completed the study of the New England states and are now studying the middle Atlan tic states. They make maps of the "Who said Kellceg's Com Flakes? Oh, goody, Jane, bet we're going to have KELLOGG S tor our sup par, 'sen we won't die Ami" a visitor at the home of her parents ,;(.;irjnjT rnion aT1(1 Messrs Bur- l.vo Indians had a blowout while! sect ions of the United States as they leave it totheldddies to 12 THE VOTERS OF CASS COUNTV WILL MAK& NO. MISTAKE IN VOTING FOR ANY OF THE ABOVE CANDIDATES. " ' ' in Union last Sunday Mrs. H. II. Planck after having spent some three weeks at the home of relatives and friends at Concordia, Kansas, arrived home last Saturday. Miss Anna Baur departed last Sat urday for Oak Park, III., where she will visit for some time at the home of her sister, Mrs. Owen and hus band. Rev. Planck of the Baptist church of Union was a visitor in Omaha last Saturday where he was looking after some business matters for a short time. Earl Merritt has just completed the painting of the home of Harry Frans and is at this time papering the home of John Armstrong south of town. R. D. Stinc? and family were en joying a very pleasant hour in Ne braska City last Sunday evening when they attended the movies at that place. Rev. Y. A. Taylor was at Wabash last Sunday where he conducted ser vices at the Baptist church both !-.rr ana liiirucc equip them with a r.t-w tire. Messrs Joe Wnu willoway i r.r.d Young-Man-AfnrM-of-His-IIorsc-, J vife and son P :'or their homo in Oklahoma tudy them and thus become famil iar with the map. The Terman Groug Test of Mental Ability which consists 'of ten parts. picis. ieuoggs um maize . ....... l.w.t ,--..f- I. t n I- . 1 n i ivo, 1 ..en ueparted ' An si " -.. i mn.i m, ; lorniat ion, nest answers, wora mean- Will Send Workmen Uncle Geoige Eaton, who recently returned from a stay of considerable time at his silver mine in Kentucky, reports a good opportunity to find ing, logical selections, arithmetic, sentence moaning, anologies. " mixed sentences, classification and number series. The total time required for the t(st was twenty-seven minutes. I Miss Ellis took a group of her ..i.t,. .... I.;.... i.w. T..,irt,. , ...... the white metal in largo quantities. 7" " "u " u.,, , 7i, . K.-.... .1, , ... the wonderful color of leaves with which old Mother Nature is clothing' brought with him on his return p. quantity of bloom, or the first out crnppings of the ledge bearing ore. He will soon send Messrs. H. II. P.eeker of Union and W. J. Partridge of Weeping Water who will blast -way the lace of the mountain in or der to reach the precious metal. her treesThe very enjoyable evening was finished by eating their apples or. the picnic grounds. They are plan ning many more hikes and would be glad to have other girls accompany them if they care to. Last Friday at 7:30 the freshmen! and "sophomores gathered at the school house and walked out to the home of Harriett Cheney, where the Sister Dies in Des Lloines Mrs. M. Lynde received word last Sunday of the death of her sister, freshmen srave the sonhnnmrps n Hal Miss Clara Clinckenbeard of Des lowe'en party. They were met at the Moines, where she has made her gate by ghosts who led them around 1 -ome for some time. Miss Clinken- the house, down through the dimly morning and evening and had a very. Lei rd formerly resided here and has lighted basement and -ipstairs where enjoyable meeting. i '. i,rn a resident of Des Moines for they were allowed to sit down and Dr: W. M. Barritt and wife were some fifteen years. The remains were spending the week end in Omaha. : having departed for that place on last , Saturday evening and returned home on Sunday afternoon. ! W. H." Harding, the new manager of the Farmers' Elevator company at Union, arrived from his home at Bethany and took charge of the work ' here on Thursday of this week. Alex Eaton and family will occupy the house which was vacated by Mr. ' and Mrs. John Sawyer, they having moved into the place as soon as Mr. and Mrs. Sawyer vacated the place. Fred Born who is at this time working in Auburn was a week end visitor in Union returning to his work that of conducting a picture show at the southern city last Mon day afternoon. j Elmer McGowan and family, who' have been spending some three weeks l at their old home in Kentucky, ar-1 rive! hnmp lnct 5ll rtrt Q ,irnnin t irwl i report having had a most enjoyable time while gone. Mr. and Mrs. Pa il Rongist, andi Me?dames Hamilton and Jennie' Wiley of Omaha were over Sunday j A Gathering of Friends ret after the excitement of being in t iken to Nebraska City where two company with ghosts, witches and brothers make their home and tlie Jack O" Lantern?. funeral held at that place where also A number of amusing games were :!k interment was made last Tues- played. One of them was carrying day. Mr. and Mrs. M. Lynde and D. potatoes on a knife from one end of B. Lynde were in attendance at the the room to the other, and in thi.s fnueral. j game the girls won. Other games j tested our thinking power, while we j noticed some depended on athletic ' mi -.-m Last Sundav at the pleasant liorae!1""1'--, ga"1(s ore au rpat-.v r.t Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Snavelv were ' ''i0'1-- After the games, Hallowe'en -nthered a number of friends and ranls we,rf mne-d for partners to r latives who celebrated the event e sophomores declare the vr-rv pleasanilv, thev all having in ! 'rf?hmen a jolly group with which to tho n.-isr lllMile t'oeir Immn in Viririni;i I"'1. as well .IS WOTK. - ....... ...... ... V.... ... , the occasion of tlie meeting was more , pleasant as they recalled many hap , pollings in the east. There were pres ent: Mr. Norman Copenhaver. bet known as Grandpa Copenhaver; S. A. Copenhaver and wife. Charles j Swan and family. John Farris and family of Murray and Thomas Fraz- and family of Syracuse. Legil Notice We recently frtund abandoned a Hodge Brothers touring car which visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. V f brought to our garage in Union V. L. Stine for over Sunday driving i -"nd are holding the same here for down in their auto. j the coming and demand of the own- Messrs, and Mesdames C. E. With- fr- This car will bo held for thirty row and Charles Sweet of Palmyra 'L'lJ'.s and if not then called for and were visiting with friends and rela- 1 proved to be the property of the one fives in and near Union last Sunday. I ' manding same, will be sold ac YVhile here they were guests at the ( ording to law for the purpose of home ot Mr. and Mrs. Elmer With- 1 I:'ing the storage, advertising and row. j other expenses which may be incur- Cedric York, who has been em- '"'1 in i's care and disposal. P'oyed with the Missouri Pacific, was' DOWLER BROTHERS, a visitor in Plattsmouth for the week I n2- ltw Union, Neb. end and on his return went to work picking corn and is able to make more money at this work than on the railroad. Mr. and Mrs. Noble Lehr. who formerly made their home in Union but at the present are residents of Sidney. Ia.. were visiting for a short tinr? last Sunday afternoon with friends and acquaintances in Union, having made the trip in their auto. Edward Wallen and wife of Pal myra, the former county commis sioner of Otoe county, were spending a short time as guests at the home of Rev. and Mrs. II. H. Planck and departed "for their home last Mon day morning after a very pleasant visit. Chester D. Austin who has been with the Missouri Pacific at U'nion for some time has been asked to look after the business for the company at Wabash in the absence of Mr. Will Langhorst, who is at Lincoln, ac companying Mrs. Langhorst. who is receiving treatment at a hospital in that place. This coming Friday there is to be a meeting of the B. Y. P. U. which will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Chapman and will be a meeting of the Bible class of Mrs. Charles Garrison. Some very unique and pleasing features will be Intro duced for the mere fun of the meet ing. The meeting will take the form of 'a Gypsy party and, prizes will be given for the best make up. Better be studying the matter over and win a prize. Will Make Home in Milford Mr. and Mrs. John Sawyer whrt have just returned from a visit at Des Moines where they visited for some time, departed last Tuesday for Milford where they will purchase a home and make that their residence in the future. Will Serve lunch Election Day The ladies of the M. E. church will serve lunch on election day from the Farmers' store at which time they will also have a bake sale at the same place. The ladies cordially in vite the public to be present and en joy the delightful luftcheon which they will serve. EavQ. Taffy Pull Tuesday The members of' the Vhoi'r of the Baptist church met last Tuesday for rehearsal and' after the practicing hadTjeen' completed the members en joyed a taffy pull in which all joined with a good deal of zest and as a result.-' bad a most pleasant time. " Robbers Visit Lumber Yard RqlliewTiere 'bet.weeh last Saturday Visited Friends at Omaha Last Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. .1. A. Bauer departed for Om aha v-'iere they spent the week end with iriends and were the guests while there of Mr. and Mrs. John Chase and while there attended a meeting conducted by Evangelist Lewis, who was assisted in the con ducting of the meetings by Mrs. Lew-i.- who is also a church worker. They are conducting their meetings in a large tent. Passing- cf an Excellent Woman Miss Mary Jane Johnson was born at Gault, Canada. June 13. 1S52, and there married Mr. David Burbee, Oc tober S. 1S73. to which union there were born ten children, five sons and five daughters, who have all been claimed by death with the exception of W. O. Burbee and H. L. Burbee of Union, and Mrs. Jessie Gibson of Missouri Valley. Iowa, who remain to mourn her death. February 1SS0, the family came to the United States ard have made their home here ever since. Three. years later they came to Plattsmouth to make their home, coming to Union some four years ago to make their home with her son Herbert L. Burbee and has remained here since. In early lifeMrs. Burbee unite d with the Baptist church and has been a devoted and consistent member since. She passed away at the Methodist hospital at Omaha. Oc tober 2.r at the age of 70 years, four months ami 12 days. The funeral was held from the Baptist church in Union, the interment being at Oak Hill cemetery at Plattsmouth, Octo ber 27. The services being conducted by the Rev. V. A. Taylor. In the pas. ing of Mrs. Burbee a truly good woman and a faithful follower of the Master has been taken from our midr,t. This has been a truly great loss to the two sons and their fam ilies and to the daughter who resides at. Missouri Valley and her family. They have the sympathy of their many friends here and elsewhere. the School Notes The third grade has begun character study of the Indians. Harriett Leach was absent ' from school last week because of illness. Latin tests' were given "to the Soph omores and 3unlors" last Wednesday. Te past week was observed ' as lest week in the high' School and sev enth and eighth "grades. ": "' The turning bars have been used more this ycar'than i it all of the years they have been on the school grounds A MAN FOB, CONGEESS The candidacy of ex-Governor John H. Morehead for congress ap peals strongly to the voters of the First district on account of his suc cessful administration of the state's affairs, his generally progressive ten dencies and his standing as a man and citizen. What the people of this city want is someone to represent them at Washington that will look at all questions from the viewpoint of the average man and woman who asks for nothing but a "square deal." They want someone who will vote to hold down public expenditures, op pose ship subsidy grabs, and refuse to take dictation from the higher ups who get all their political inspir ation from the Atlantic seaboard. Mr. Morehead 's record shows him to be just that kipd of a man. When he was governor, he reduced state taxes, abolished the mileage book gran, consolidated departments so as to eliminate useless job-holders, and paid his own expense when trav eling. As one of the largest fruit grow ers in the middle west and the man ager of farm properties on a large scale. Mr. Morehead is directly in terested in productive industry and understands the difficulties under which agriculture and horticulture are now laboring. He will oppose a sales tax or any other attempt to transfer the expense of government from the shoulders of the rich to those of the poor. He fa vors an exemption from income tax tip to $.".00O on heads of families with a higlier rate on great incomes like that of Secretary Mellon, which is estimated at $50,000 a day. Mr. Morehead has declared him self unequivocally as against any amendment of the Volstead prohibi tion enforcement law. Lincoln Star STRAYED Poland-China black fnale hog. Call telephone 4101 if knowing where abouts? of hog. (Political Advertising) ... 1 REPUBLICAN TICKET Following is the Republican Ticket to be voted on at tile Novembej election in Cass county, Nebraska State Senator, 2nd Dist. A. F. STURM Nehawka State Representative, 6th Dist. TROY L. DAVISWeeping Water GEO. County Clerk R. SAYLES Plattsmouth Register of Deeds EDNA D.' SHANNON Tlattsrn'Jb County Treasurer WILL T. ADAMS Plattsmouth County Sheriff CARL D. QUINTONPlattsm'th County Attorney A. G. C0LE 'i-l-iMattsmouth County Surveyor. FRED PATTERSON-L'.Plattsm'th Commissioner, 2nd Dist. EDE P."irAriRlSrl'T7; CREDE nion Commissioner, 3rd Dist. Last Thursday morning George 9' RrM U evening and Monday- hiofnfng'of this tion'of apples.'' Rieke and Beulah Pell spoke to the high school on the care and IJ.reserva- Yp,ur support o each. of. the forest ing candidates at the polls on elec- ihetf are never tough qrleaifaeryj Put a bowl of KELLOGG'S Com Flakes and a bowl of imitations ia front of any youngster! Then see KELLOGG'S disappear! Try the experiment yourself! It's great to know, the difference in corn flakes the difference between the genuine and the "just-as-goods" ! Kellogg's have a wonderful flavor that would win your favor by itself but when you know that Kellogg all-the-time crispness! Well they just make you glad! Kellogg's are never tough or leathery or hard to eat! Kellogg's will snap-up kiddie appe tites something wonderful! And, our word for it let the littlest have their fill just like Daddy must have his! You'll never Idinw furor p1 .r-.r...1? TAASTED II corn flakes can be until you eat w"- II --ttt t nnrc t V,,,, ,;n ir MB I W W A. V JL W All JtVJLXU W lilt lASftn II KELLOGG nackatre because it is RED EI AICES and GKEEN! look for it! 1 1 m m at Mr m m jw.w t CORN FLAKES Alto Balers of KELLOGG'S KRUMBLES and KELLOGG'S BRAN, cooked and knimbled VOTE THE DEMOCRATIC TICKET Three years ago we all had auto mohiles one in every home. Farms were being equipped with water and lighting systems. Many wore silk shirts and stock ings. Prosperity was on all sides on the farms in the homes in the stores -in the hanks. Somebody has treated us like pros perity was a crime. The republican platform called for deflation. President Harding announced it as a policy. ' A republican senate demanded it. For two years we have had it. For two years nothing has been done to make times ease up. No ef fort has officially been made. Big corporations are said to be prospering. The Standard Oil. with its 400 per cent dividend, the Ar mours and other packers, but not a drop of prosperity is yet filtering down upon the western farmer and merchant. Our western banks are still calling for liquidation. And the remedy is to tell those in power you don't like it. Gering Midwest. A healthy man is a king in his own right; an unhealthy man an unhappy slave. For impure blood and sluggish liver, use Burdock Blood Bitters. On the market 35 years. $1.25 a bottle. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Ten acres close in. Also tix room cottage, city water, electricity, tele phone and two lots. Rents for per month. Price. $1,4 00, on easy terms. o2S. 3d 3sw It. B. WINDHAM. Full blooded Barred Rock cock rels, $1.50; pullets $1.00. Mrs. Will Copple, Alvo, Neb. ol5-Sew WM. F. R&GE, M. G. General Practice! Special attention given to deep seated diseases of Lungs, Kidneys, Stomach, Liver, Intestines, Rec tum, Etc. All latest Serums and Lymphs used when indicated. Union, Nebraska Telephone 31 Saves You 30 The wholesale price of shoes have been advanced just recently over 20. At the same time we are offer ing shoes at a discount of lOty from former prices, which makes a saving of 30o to the purchaser. Thisisnearl one-third the price of the shoes. Better come in and se lect your pair before the stock is broken. A. L. BECK UNION NEBRASKA The Unsurpassed Dort! We have taken the agency for the Dort automo bile -which 'is a 'great car for but a small amount of money. The Dort is showing some wonderful records and is well Worh many more dollars than it costs. We are selling the Dort Touring delivered at $985.00. and the Dort 'Coupe delivered at $1,195.00. Come ' See lis for a Demonstration and We Will Prove "the Worth of This Wonderful Car iWLE -r Jr- m The Auto Man. -:- H8., Union, Neb.