Nebraska 5tte Hiittri- cal Society 2 Li : .. t.. - ? 4 C7 a vol. no. xxxvm. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, NOVEIEE 2, 1022. NO. 32 (Ebe lite, rL H j SOUTH OMAHA PARTY MEETS WITH BAD LUCK HERE WILL MAKE CHANGE Packard Car Loaded With Occupants Well Liquored up and Three Bottles of Hootch Taken. From Monday's Dally. Late Saturday evening: when the midnight hour was drawing near and the larger part of the dwellers in the eity were ret I -ed at their homes, a party of South Omaha gentlemen in varying stages of intoxication were gathered in by Sheriff Quinton. De puty State Sheriff Grebe' and Frank Detleff on Main street near the cor ner of Fourth and Main street and the party escorted to the city jail to rest until the majesty of the law could operate on their case. The party were driving a Packard of a type several years old but which is still some wagon for traveling and at the time the officers took the men in there was also discovered in the car three bottles of the prohibition nooun. which, it is stated, was of the highest power. One of the bot tles contained the favorite Omaha corn juice while the other two bot tles proved to contain a mixture of eionble-treared wine and corn togeth er and was a beverasre calculated to transform the ordinary peaceful citi-' zeil into .1 rent wrrr?nr rr n fit culi je t for the embalming parlor. The members of the party gave the names of Jim Gillam. Jack Swin- ey. Walt Lewis. Harry Chamberlain. ! Pen Slapnick and John Savier, who' was the driver of the car. j The men were held her over night I anu yesiereiay morning arranged a cash bond for their release for ap pearance here on next Saturday for trial tiefore Judge Weber. When the citv lias finished with the party they; will be delivered over to the county authorities for treatment and the' The erection of the oil filling sta 1 tion of'the Collins Co. at corner of Sixth and Vine street, is going to make a great uitterence in the ap pearance of that section of the city and eliminate a rather unsightly In tention that has existed for some time. I All of the spring and summer the grounds there were overgrown with weeds and grass and the residence I there has been allowed to fall into 'disuse and therefore been far from 1 sightly. The oil company has had a 'number of t lie trees there felled and is clearing away the lot to make way for the latest and up to date filling station. It will be a real modern touch to the appearance of the north ern portion of the city. W. R. G. LADIES ENTERTAIN GRAND ARMY MEMBERS ENJOY HALLO WET PARTY ! Fine Social Time Enjoyed Rcoms of the Patriotic cieties on Saturday at So- The members of the ief Corps were the Worn a n 's hostesses the Pa-last members From Tuesday's ra:iy. A Hallowe'en party the public library '.-; noon by the Service ! ; benefit of children thai the little playlet give: (James of all kinds wer a great numbi r m' pi :: out to ti e children. Tl: ted 1 .fill and they U e!: hti d to t lie children : i eiits who so kindly a 1 i i'g on 1 he play. -V; departed for their in:: Ueaied with barrs ' treats that helped to me one that will be long by all those present. as given at rda y a Tier- j g'le for the' '00k part i 11 bet week, j played and " ' iv giv.-n 1 league nef !'.! 1 a i iy ill- i 1 heir pur- I i:i put - I lie eh i bi l'en !5 ihAfrftfodJ ! LIES. PETER MANN POORLY ! l"r to mm mm i n .t ; )!' '.() s Pally lew davs Mr; th.- old and high'.;. ills r.i .his ity, it' ; ie; l - - : 1 1 1 it inn a t son. C.eorge !!. M: Will Preside in Di:;:;ict Court, in Douglas County V: Request of thi y v. Hallow the pa n:eaibe NEW STORE KEEPER FOR THE - ENTER BANK AT Ml John Heck of Havelock, One of the Efficient Men on the Systeni, Is to Come Here. car which is a very will be disposed of by ficers. One of the party, was born in this city. has not been here childhood and the the place of his nativity was one that he will long remember if not very pleasantly. Prom Monday's Patty. To fill the vacancy in the Uurlinsr ton store department here occasion ed by the transfer of Mr. W. b Hun eke to the position of special travel ing storekeeper. Mr. John Heck, the present superintendent at Havelock. is being transferred to this city. The change is made to cover the present emergency as Mr. Huneke will act as traveling storekeeper during the rush of the busy season and may be made permanent if the company decides that this office should be continued to expedite the handling" of affairs, anil to handle the situation here Mr. Heck will take charge at once. The new storekeeper comes to this city highly recommended as one of valuable one. 'the best men in this department of the county of-'the Burlington and with a long ex j perience in service, having been for Don Slapnick. 'a long period at Aurora. III., prior iie stated, but i to iroinir to Havelock and since bis since his early , assumption of the office at Havelock nomecoming has secured a much irreater efii- 1 ciency in his department there. Saturday afternoon to the of the (Jrand Army of the Republic at the rooms of the two societies in the court house and as a result there was an unusually large attendance of both societies and a grand and glorious time enjoyed for the after noon. As is usual in these meetings, the patriotic note was greatly in evi dence and in the readings and mu sical selections there was an inspir ing suggestion of the spirit that has made these two organisations such factors in our country. . On the short but well selected j Jobbers T;0 tfot oltsi Anvthirir program, .uis-es i reua iMinger ami Hazel (. Iugy gave two uehghttr.l readings while the musical portion of the program was in charge of Mrs. K. H. Wescott. The members of the W. R. C. and G. A. R. joined in th ere "en rt v red in SFfii-s2 snrsj 111 Going' Through the Vault Safe in Front. 1 lie for til' ' d p : niin:; ( ! 1 hi ; tab' C it 71 1 y .!o ii : u .'i'; : Tl..' f uri-ie;: Peciev with 1. r'eitini J a rpy before 'limit v Sta- Ti:v e Sum'eT.e Coml bai-iai iii d oi' jad::e. c i t y . ed e;. ' eve i:: i tin th di ti ear. ; .':'eS Ol" T. .'g!ey I. -::;rei: :t !e;e--t. s 1 ic i. -lev , bi,-. ( c 1 r r i . i , ! . ' v.-1 n Ml-'!: ': 'l ' -! I'l i i ;. . " Cii v. Mr. in: rs. '.. Lorn :- ;"' r 1 ;i! ;! : lire- : .; 1 i ' of old d ' o:i 11 tile !!"-. CiL-nr; d:;i:-.ii :vl Mrs. i 1 the e Peter v re ," has t lie int. Iier is for 171- mos, mm m- mm CELEBRATES 50TH BIRTHDAY has In ei ;i!;iK nig lime. Mrs. Man i;i years and has suffering from 1 h a ge and !e r eoint h ion .:reat deal of apore lMemb'i's of the fam- TlMimas of Nebraska r. is here asist i ng leorg ' Mann and the ire of the mother. Relatives and Friends Gather to joy Occasion vi'U This High ly Esteemed Woman. E:l Ti i 't! CO 17 iie.tte for .lie to s ell Do with tlie r . r s 'j 'tut- tim v J'l n ni CO" .1 ' 1 : ter i 'd to iirci'("!i the Otoe (S cb e : e 1 to the i nr members 'is- j i Mill i ;:il air: j 1 las of I'd APPLE SHORT AGE ARE DEfiiEQ ?!d Mrs. : .( ;,; of S it'tnhi.V a iid 11 ie" ! he 0!) -e; I'lftieili a '.vas o::e c : ;a :i . da.; 1 a ve even i ! ctei 71 7 ry l'e'i. ; . in" .ltisii:uer w.i--v de!i.'.-hi I'm! time t i: Mi w l'e:i red to ; s. ; 'iice of the jin: il!;iiersai y ainl i I. that ail will long as!i;t;v. v tit N.-as i7i the n: n hi t i ' 1: - e of 1 1 '.-:.eli;f Cash in ! the ! 1 ' I ;; r ( lie Somel! i'l v. Ill': singing of the war time songs, whose sweet melodies still have a great hold on the heart of the American people Mid this was a feature enjoyed by everyone. During' the afternoon Mrs. Oliver Hudson, treasurer of the W. R. C. for a number eif year, was presented with one of the beautiful silk flags that the society presents as a token of faithful work in the patriotic cause. The htst. but not by any means the least of the features of the day was the luncheon served by the ladies and the boys of 'til disposed of the dainties in 1 manner that was a re minder of the old armv davs. : .wane, j roi'i.e bers. ' c. re ,f:.r :. not hi y. . ol'.e but :invthin s co-.'l-.i e H.nHlav -?h the D: ioated. -Up.lO'l 1 to the visit'W- of any ;e ie-.i:e 1 1 b 1 iHd v at entered bv : b:;uk rob- :.n 1 a -' as c I'l'ssinj, from ti I The i'aci 01 tb.e ti:t jbank v. r.s n.)i made late yesterday aft em:".' iff Quinton v a:: uotiti- lary : ml i.r'e'e' a hr.rrh i ! lie sci'iK' 'f ;:eJ ion. ! It seems t lis t the jtlieir way into Tb.e ie; tf a w r. 1 o v oh fi- nv '. Of the i:nt:i Sin r- 1 f t!:e ''W T! eh to mi :;' rict v. i i'l'e;: ; T'l e I'-tric t f .J'le. ; ct he !1!1 '.!!!' transf. ' 1 v. i 1 1 i ; : g !',; io: Ie judui ,:s s.. n t st "1 to s ' n J'ld a '. i o the f th r. je '!!.! I !:;ug! their ;e 1 teg lev .V .I'li'l-'e disMtiuM: : setond i; im. cepU s conn reques M'jCrop. According' to Experts, is Far Greater Than Predicted Har vest Season Now On. Th" event vas in the nati :urrri-:e and the members party came with baskets hid the r! oicest dainties that c imagined and which formed t of a delicious luncheon. Out teattic s oi t re junc neon of ; of ti en v i 1 ! Ollbl I" I." La-; of t'l vas tl. 'V and 1 Red shed (iis aud bv Pt Lim oin. r.t; ..e i.ts astern N hort crrp Oct. i'S. 01" 'sohie braska a; would b of the a rvested. that the past two Hpite th" 'men of tl; : i"e o:i - ii 11; r: ti-.-) out rt I . o . 1 1 liiding re in : o,: pe'l h..t ::: O tit di: !) ' !: r ueiiiv k of mdid tins nds in fri the ha: service y th : net Aiiere' N0V1 ' Hid the i-.--ie"i allv in jt-ry term l:''ii. fue Th; will open - i- a erv an m ROBBERS RAID STATION AT !A. FARM FIRE SOUTH OF TOWN DOES CON SIDERABLE DAMAGE Ereak into Station of Standard Oil Co.. Steal - d Take it Out - - i Blew it. Elaze Starts in Timber of Albert Timmis and Spreads to Corn Field Located Nearby. AUXILIARY EN TERTAINS STRIK ERS AT SOCIAL there foci: ! ent7-.ui"e tu the main 1: t,i i-,"j r. The vault which '.vas n; - '(.; e l. opened aa 1 fivmi indie:'' io 1 the ties had n.nd" a search 't; i! v: hat failed to f;-i I anythi:. : that worth their taking. '1 h.e funds a;.d valimi'des of hank a'v rent in lar'.-e sife c:ts in the Ironr 0! iiui- 'ni ti:e window and "fo ic.Cz !fi: "a require tie .r.;ct i;al dts.i.;"t: ihe building ite'r a:ei t!ie i i . The Ladies of the Strikers with Their! Families Enjoy Fine Time at the K. of C. Hall. The wives, the members crafts gave a very pleasant evening to the member.; of families on Saturday evening 1'!: v,.- i n that r near would . ; : 1 ' i k v.-is i;i!-;:e i ! i a . ' ' to the ". tee bench he excellent .as ;-"s. d e on:e before ! J.i.'t V. !! v :i t is .1 istri J iiy the :a : r th" pic.-: hift the jud x;ce1ic-'t. In:i7-!ir ir court term is drawing nojlt Oi Judge- 1'cgie en i: ft; we-v-'-r nr. r.tu r 1 the f-af i r 1 1 . . i'l take t has net pre":1: Co; lit law is .e s a roe ir ich f latl ge I 1 1 re J 111 th i;. whit :; that thi- v.- i 1 1 date court t ri V 'x ea-l, v '":e( t s !. he have rk In of iple ha se-ctirn of the- state for weeks be. 11 presenting t!ie busi est sort ef a scene. Most of the picl-ing has now b en completed, al though there are a nun. her of apple trees of the later bearing variety that are yet redder. in ir in the Mm leaded e:p.rt from : are ge I and pieki i ih: a are I ri (es :.!:d ii iked by Mrs. Rud d.uigilte'i-in-law of whie-h had upon ir cmhlamatie ef t!: ' i 1 1 of I I etf to lis these unpicked trees are e twigs v.-'t.h fruit, and that t ho;. would run 40 b'sshclr- each. IMeker? around all! 1 ,-y ' W .-id- titlv too great for the rchbers to take. W. .1. Ran. the cashier of th.' ban":, was out ef the city Sunday and up to yc-t'-rday and the fact that the bank ir; be e:i entered was not dis- mothers and sisters ef,cevered 1 1 : 1 ; I hi- ;e!u:n yerterd-'.y. of tlie striking sliou i The cashier and tie t fleers of the social ; bank are feeling well pica a 1 that tlieir:the unwelcome ca1 rs trade it the , ge t away v. ithout ileiir.g anv e!-;!:.are Slii'CC: 'la vs. .-or ma over ti'C wo he'!i a !i nor. nc art. which un-e-mpow i r' d t o d as they deem as the Novcm- tu-ar. all y's 7 empn- e expected in a SI-IALL FIRE OCCURS From Tcesdnv's Dally. Last niirht a small fir ia the- s". -end ward whe tore li.aae u-"d bv .lames etee'.irred a a small Re'nal. t!:e r,roe hree ; n ; m manutact'.m r, ca i'n was diseo tor red Saturday afternoon there was more or less excitement in the farming community ahmg the banks of the Missouri river south of this city, when a serious fire was eliscovereel raging in the timber on the farm of Albert Timmis and which soon spread to the corn field Monday's Dally. Last night our neighboring city of ('ilenweioel was visited by senae real bold, bad robbers who mnele- a clean ing at the oil station of the Stand ard Oil company a block south 01 the public square and tlie safe e'ontainin the company had se-eure d from sev- i uini1 prevented the flames from trav-Jun,i made awav with where it wiped out five row g the "j:tck" that he fore it was checked. T e-ral days' sales of gas anil oil. Th robbers after breaking into the oTu-e of ihe filling station re moved ihe safe, placed it in their car or truck and eirove to the eelge of town where the safe was blown open ! and the contents carried away by 'the robbers. Just the exact amount ! secured was not learned here hir.! was a very good haul feir the night ' visitors. . ti 11 As LECTURE ATTHACTS MANY From Alonnay's The lecture ered by Harry bibl" institute Dally. letr mf n, only, e-.eliv-Sapiro of the Omaha at the I'resbvtj-riaiT toward the house and barn soon as the blaze was eliscover- : ed the neighbors respondeel ami i w orked with determination to stop the lire and after a hard struggle i succeeded in getting the lire under control. i It is thought that hunters in the woods had built a small fire and left tlie embers burning there anel the pparks seem catching the elry leaves spread very rapidly ami soejn workeel along to the edge of the clearing, where they caught in the elry ceirn stalks and quickly brought prospects of a serious conflagration in the neighborhood. Knights of Columbus hall aad which .'.as attended by a large number of the families of those who are out on the railroad strike. The evening w as spent in elancin for those who were lovers ef the obl tst of the arts while tlie more se eiate members of the party spent the time playing caril games in the lodge rooms 011 the second floor. j During the evening the ladie'S serv- j ed a verv eniovable luncheon that' idjenning jadeleel to tlie delights of tlie occasion. I s of corniJind as there was an overflowing sun-' 1 lie SOUtll ,,lv of ti e good thine such eloughnuts was auctioned off and many of the party secured a choice supply of dainties fer their Sunday repast. ;o anel ; : v i . iy a was tin !l".l bank the b in ii hi 11! I.' etf i i : e ca u e t .00: 1 e t. : 7n i ..I'.-.t ;hey h struei ion e f v u thai g'-!Kn;i'v 1' In n 1. robbers, is ci i'i Ie! that their h t. - ;.. f .. (V -: in- IO! 1 storing wrapped was one tin' corn brooms s tre:ite d t I:ouglit .1 IS pie'S the surplus stoe-k : PARTIES MAKE SETTLEMEN OF MIR OASES MT i ;s. The store house' or tb.e ble;u etf to iis ue in -aakili' r.! ur.ring tl::s process it 1 -vi!h ihemieais and tliis is to ha caused a started the blaze. Whu. the fire was discovereel the ..".all building was in a blaze and the members etf the fa.mily and some1 pass r.-'iy at started in to form -. bock-'t brii;T!'ie to attempt to 'heck ;h : and by the time the fire dr aartmont arrive! ): fire was vl! i-.ri'i r control. As (he- r. stilt of the fire Mr. R' bal uffeiiii a total loss of t In- broom corn, which a meu.nt e:l to abeuit .."ith combustion which CALLED ON SAD MISSION Parties Caught With Liquor aiul A!-; so Charged With Being;' Drunk ! Given their Triinrr.irjis. I HUGH NEEDED MOISTURE ARRIVES AT 11 O'CLOCK POLICE COURT NOTES enureii yesterday afternoem. en-1 jeiye-d te the- utmost by some seventy-j From Tuesday's Daily live- men eif the co:nmunity. This morning Judge Weber had The speaker tedel of his early life ; be-fore' him Walter Uurke. charged and experienees and the vision of! with creating some trouble arounel Christ that eama to h::a. em the bat-his heune firesielc and making divers tie fie Ids in France converted i threats anel remarks anel which in bim from the older faith to that of ! vei'veel the well known bo 11 n' iloir. ' Walter has a hetun' dog that he prizes i very highly and v. hie h is in the hab- Frem Tueseiay'8 iany. 1 Yesterday alternoon Claude C. ; Smith departed feir Albany. Missouri. ' where he was calleel by the v-ry seT ious conelition ef an aunt, Mrs. Mary t Sedlars Hunt, who has sue-ered a streike of paralysis that has rcndereel her helpless and he-r e-eindition was such that her eleath was expeeied at any time. ,Airs. Hunt is the letste-r meither of Mr. Smith having tak'-n him in childhood at the time of the eleath of her sister, the mother of Claude, anel reareel him to manhextl anel the message of her illness came as a very severe blow te the nephew who hastened tf) her bedside. From Tuesday Vest.rela.v ; !ia m We her w ; i Dtie.. a'te mo. 71 Judge "I ! r i s Sou'h Omaha party n in bere Satrrday tie ta! She ric (iuinton. Dili' liam Civ ic and Co aipear liefore him f their ease-, as the eo Wil- I to h.avi who were v eui in Preiii Tiiot-'nv? Daily Starting i: la- t night at 11 the ii il i iitinriii"; ht, a fine th. great: r o'eloi k r.nrt of rainfall visited this by r Jones, Wil-i-taiile Detleff. r a bearing of 1 rt. had re' e c- a nd the a 7: i h r- eif.this Th r:in ha: , : "et tctn j fall oT eo7t'e ;t ( hristianity ami he also teibl of the many ot ,iewi:.t taitli v.lio ha. I ex Iierie need conversion to the faith e.f Christ. Tlie greater part of the? le-c-ture was take-n up with a eliscussion ef the bible anel its teachings anel siiowee! a dep study on the part of Mr. Sapiro. In the course of his remarks the speake r tedel of incidents of the Jew ish persecution in Russia, his native land, and the horrors that had made life impossible in that region, al most, feir these eif the Jewish race. In the evening Mr. Sapiro spoke to a mixed audience at the Christian church anel his aeielress was very well ree ei veel. EXPANSION OF SKEEP RAISING URGED BY THE RESERVE BOARD pee-tcel the livm until a later elate. However, tb.e ceiurt wa.s ail ready te elo business and the griml of the judicial jiroceel ings started and the iiie'S for their offen" elistribute-d aiming the me-mie rs eu tie parly. Jeihn Savier, who was driving the; ear in which the party had b"en traveling, elre'w the. first prize', .loo ami trimmings, while the other mem bers ef the' party drew the sum etf $lu and feists each for their revel in the fiedds of the lorbielelcli fruit. it of seeking repose in the house and a few days ago the dog was rudely ejected by Mrs. Burke, stepmother of Walter, and thereupon the pent up .wrath of Walter dcseenileel on Mrs. I Uurke ami the result was that the law was calleel upon anel Acting Chief j of Police Elliott hastened out yester iday and served the warrant that led ( to the defendant being in court this. morning. Judge Weber after hearing ' I the evidence in the case gave the' Minneapolis, Oct. HO. Expansion in tb.e northwest of the sheep rais ing imlustry. which was characteriz ed as having been placed in the strongest strategic position in its history by the new tariff on wool anel sheep products, was ur.geel in the FAILS TO DISPLAY CARD From Tuesday's Daily. Ye.steulay afternoon Cemnty At teirney Cole wa.s kept right em the job of celministcriug tb.e prosecuting LOOT NATIONAL GUARD ROOM VERY SERIOUSLY AFFECTED Nebraska City, Oct. 30. Burglars e ntereel the heailquarters room of thei Nebraska national guard here last night, thru a back door, and carried a'.Vav Severn 1 !-. it nI rrwl Iz-l ! .c- ..nil. - - --.. Muiii.t v .... i ju i . nui III of clothing, guns, ammunition and other supplies kept there. According to the officers, there was a woman in the gang, as tracks of a woman's shoe were plainly seen in the dust on a table that was used to lift nne of prisoner ten days in the city jail. advantageous conditions A young man named Scheissl was in court yesterday on a com plaint from County Attorney Cole charging him with trapping musk rats out of season anel the court de cideel that a fine of $1 and costs was sufficient as the young man diel not fully realize the game laws relative to trapping. monthly rcpeirt of the Ninth Federal 1 end Reserve district. The report said the sheep raising business should be considered by a large numner ot tanners in the Squires, who hails fro a northwest because of the prevailing : bn nks r tii Pint!.-, rive era 1 oa r t ! through the flay a small moisture took place that inch de-sireel relief for the portion oi the coun nppnrently been gen- -tate and will be erne as the elry weather the fall wheat m7ik in certain Idealities worli mi'Mons bad I h.r"a,tened in a; a drop anel there will be a heavy hiss in the wheat. The parties driving in toelay from tlie. country roiort tb.e reiaels as being very slipnorly but the good that the rain has done meire than off -sets the inconvenience that it may cause the travelers. DEATH OF MRS W. G. JACK RARE CHANCE the burglars higher. After making several payments on good piano party returns it in per fect condition. You can pay me the unpaid balance and take it. Easy : will be one of the great difficulty but payments. A. O. Cline, 1513 Douglas which, it is honed. Will irivf the nn From Tuesday's Dallv. Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Smith were in Omaha yesterday to visit with their son, Raymond, at the Methodist hos pital. The young man is in very ser ious condition as the outgrowth of an injury to his hip and spine and which has been causing him more or less trouble for the last year. The attend ing physicians expect to have to per form a very serious operation on the young man in the future and which the law at his ei'hco in tin court house a.r.el among those who were on hand to have this parthu lnr brand of justice applied was Rem the northern r etve'r in t lie ISt., Omaha, Nebr. tient relief. regions of Sarpy caunty. Mr. .Sijuires was charged with having eiperated a motor vehicle em the public high ways ef Cass counfy witheuit the cer tificate from thet treasurer being properly displayed in the ear as re quireel by law. The complaint was filed before Justice William Weber who hastened to the court house te heild a session of his tribunal of the law and as the result Mr. Squires was fined $." and costs and allowed to go his way re joicing and with his Fore! ear restor ed after being kept here over Sun day in the custody of Sheriff Quiii- ton. Mrs. W. II. Jack e'.ieel at her home near Eagle. Neb., October 1022. She was born, in Ohio. Ib'cember 4, IS 17 anel was marrie'd tei William 0. Jack in 1ST.'.. In 1SS0. they came to Nebraska and setlb'd on a prairie farm in Otoe county which was their residenee until her eleath. Mrs. Jack lied em the- fifth anniversary of her husband's death, which occurred Oc tober 1 1 1 7. W. ('.. Jack was well known by all county and state of ficials because of Ms activities for the republican party. Two e hildreui survive: Olive Mamie, an assistant in the library etf congre'ss at Washington, 1). C. and Earnest W.. who is married ami living on the home farm. Funeral services for Mrs. Jack were' held from her late residence. Sunday. October 22. the Rev. Mr. Davis of Nora anel the Rev. Mr. Mor rison of Palmyra officiating. Inter ment was maele Jn Rosewood ceme tery Palmyra. a bushel nr is their exclusive job. place d in th" rows between there tlie picker flump' the frr.if. A watrrm comes ahmg a iittie later an! t"'.;es the full boxes ami itaves empty etnes be'hinel. The aaphs are dumped into r-heds er other :?tora;re facilities and there sorted. Many etf the orchards are ael'i g direct to the consumer. At revet a' of them the other day cars, were lined up taking their turn in getting fruit. The apple-s are run through a grader into waiting bask ets and then flumped into the auto metbibs. The graded fruit is sold at the orchard fetr a dollar a bushel, while otiier stuff runs as leiw as :;. cents. If the Ires that are still bearing are a fair average, the crop must have been as big as some of the stor ies eif returns show it to have been. Several orchard men saiel it was an average crop, while others report big yields. The Shuberts. whet have sev eral eirchaTds aroi.r.d the town etf that name, are picking 50.000 bush la this year. At Shubert the re is :i big cider mill iiiat .stores it produce in great vats, and much of it is shippeei in tank cars as oil is handled. A number of new orchards are be-in-: developed in tlrat seetieui of the state, and within a few years the pret duction from these commercial or chards will be eloub'ed iiild treble. 1. The l.oess Land company, in which a number of Lincoln men are inter ested, has COO acres of land upon which it has planted 4S0 acres of trees, some of which are coming into bearing. bi7 thd iv e Me isinue r, a ie si e-ss a nd fiftv candles custom The evening was spent in e playing and i:i the enjoyment niii.-.ic by tlie Edison that . eve' add to the delights of th" ."C. and it was not until tb.e m'ini hour that the party etisliamleii retired to their home's, wishing Mcisir.gvr manv, manv more etf happiness. Those attending were (I. I.. M.-i-singer and family. Anton Meisi!"'. r ".nd family. Ad. tin Meisii.ger a7id a a.: .'.! r -.. ea. r r-.milv, ip M : fill.! ii V H. Ii. Meisin singer and and f.nnilv ily. W. II. Sv lmei'ie'r firaiiflma Me-isinrer and -inger. W. H. Mei'in:;e A. F. Meisinc.i r a nd f M "is in :er and family. ;pr and fa mil'-. A. ti. PI: and R. : .11 i- v family, il. A . George Stoeh.r and I. ei lines and family, and family, "11 r .i - Thiero'f and family. Frank and family. Harry I-ohne" Lee. Irvin Meisingcr. Fred Mis Grace No yea and Mb Hansen. in f: V. .1. 'hpy" S.ii "'iirg .laiea r Kmiikr, Ethel ENJOY HALLOWE'EN PARTY iJ"r'.n Tuesday' Dally. Last evening Edgar heist tei soni" thirtv-live friend:? at "Sunnyside." home, and tie ei 'casion Wescott wri-? ot" his uier the" Wescott one eif the We can furnish you Drank books nost any kind at Journal office. rarest pleasure tei the members of the rrirty. Tie spirit of Halloween was brought euit in the array of witches, pumpkins and sri.hlins of the mysiie season that were useil in tlie- rlecra iive scheme and amid the season's trimmings tb.e young people enjoyed themselves to the utmost until tinhorn- for their departure homeward. Tile- usual games of Hallowe'en, betb hing for apobs ami the- other sports ilelighte'd the party and the. lune lieem of the season's dainties serveel to complete the- pleasure etf the' jolly party. One etf the feat tires of the eve ning was the snake fiance and pa rade that we-nded lis way over the ii":ghborheeid and tlie- joyful shouts of the members of tb.e party ntt"-f d elie ir elclicb.t at this part of the pro gram etf entertainment. FOR SALE Choice i, log? mal At farmers' seven miles pure bre'd Chester White . March anel April farrow. prices. K. E. Seelman, fine south of Ashland. 1 PLASTERING AND MASON WORK. Hoi Just a Vauit Within Walls! Before banks as such were organized, people used to leave money and valuables with local goldsmiths for safe-keeping. Lots of folks some right here in Plattsmouth and vicinity some of our own customers still regard banks as primarily a vault within walls. Not the First National Bank! Our ofKcers want you to consider this bank as a business friend ready always to assist you with business problems, investments, personal and household finances. Are you using this feature of our service? 1 THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK THE BANK WHERE3 YOU FEEL AT HOMt3 PLATTSMOUTH NEBRASKA For all kinels of plastering, brick, nnd concrete work. call telenbonp Journal want ads pay. Try them. 'No. 593-w, riattsmouth. tf-sw. 1 Member Federal Reserve