The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 30, 1922, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5
MONDAY. OCTQBEP. 30, 1922. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI -WEEKLY JOTOJTAI PAGE FTVl BEPMR TMEMT PREPARED EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE JOURNAL. Our Gasoline is No! Just "Gasoline!" It is a 6trictly straight run not a blended product, and will stand the tes as specified by the U. S. Navy. Our Penn Franklin Motor and Tractor Oil will give you the lubrication no matter what your requirements' may be. It will stand up with any oil you have ever usedr regardless of the price you paid. A 'Fair Trial Will Convince You. SEE "CHARLEY" -GEO. TRUHKENDOLZ OIL COMPANY- A. C. Depner has been spending a few days with friends in Omaha. r.'.iie will be a dance given at the M. W. A. ball on Friday evening of this week. Eiail Kuehn and family were vis iting in Murdock for a short time iasi week. Mrs. Win. Knaupe was in Lincoln last week for a few days where she ha? ben receiving treatment for her health. Henry Amgwert lias been doing srne man work at the new home which just now nearing comple tion for Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McHugh. Any one needing corn pickers can be supplied by calling phone No. 70, which is the labor temple at Platts mouth. and their wants will be sup plied. E. K. Norton and family were visiting and looking after some bus ings matters in Weeping Water on last Thursday afternoon for a few hours. I :-.-. I. Laiply and wife spent a very pleasant two days when they visited their children last Tuesday and Wednesday at their home near Gilford. 11. A. Gutliman of the Bank of Murdock, has been looking after some busine. matters at and near Ainsworth fcr the latter portion of last week George Ohlerking and family of south and a little west of Elm wood were over-Sunday visitors in Mur dock. r. nd guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. August Panska. . Mi sts Margaret and Catherine Tool, who are attending school at the state university at Lincoln were spending, the. ueek end at the home o parents. byre lat Sunday A.1 H. Ward. of tne Thimgan gar aee was a visitor in Lincoln on last Thursday, whe-e h was called to 39 eure some needed pares for work they liad in process of completion at the gyrate. Mr. and Mrs. George Buell. who have h 7i sfi; ing for seme time at the home of Charles Buell. incident to the coming of the little grandchild which they are very proud to do honor to. C. L. Miller has just completed a McCartney Bros, UNDERTAKERS Finest Motor Equipment! Gall JERRY E. IScKUGH S!ore 5 FHOSE Haise 13-A T, V, KcG&BTNEY, Ashland, Neb. machine ehed for the farm imple ments at the farm, north of town, which is 20x32 feet, and will give additional room for the machinery used on the farm. Wm. Bornemeier, from northwest of Elmwood. was looking after some business matters in Murdock. and said that he has been able to get some corn shuckers and is hustling his crop into the crib. Mrs. Happy Robinson of Kansas City and children are visiting at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Bauers, and Mr. Robinson is eypected to come for a short visit and to accompany the family home. W. T. Weddell was in charge of the lumber yard during the time when Mr. II. W. Tool was in the north last week and with the busi ness at the elevator and looking af ter the completion of the new home was kept pretty busy. Gordon Block of Ashland was look ing after some business matters in and about Murdock during a number of days last week. Gordon is pur chasing and shipping calves and other stock, which he is disposing of z.1 the South Omaha market. John Gakemeier and Charles Rau who have been spending some time at the ranch near Dunning, wre visiting at their homes in Murdock for the past week and will remain for some days yet. They report it very dry in that portion of the country. Charles Marshall, who has been working at the Thimgan garage for some time prist, has accepted a posi tion at the Havelock shops and de parted for there the first of the week. Fred Feickman also went along and they are both now employed with the Burlington. Charles Stearns, who formerly re sided near Wabash and was well known in Murdock. but who has been making his home for a number of years in Kcnero. South Africa, was a visitor here last week. He was a guest at the home of his sister. Mrs. Warren Richards. The cleaning away of a lot of the debris which was left from the Gehrts fire, has added much to the appearance of the street. It would be an excellent thing for the town i if some enterprise would fill this gap with a building and business, which would and to the commercial inter ests of the town. Wm. Meyers arrived home on last Friday on the noon train and during the week end which the early arrival afforded him. put in every hour at Elmwood, where- he has the con tract for wiring some buildings for the coming of the electric light serv ice, which the building of the new transmission line will afford. Max Dusterhoff and his workmen are kept on the Jump at this time in order to get the work done which they have in hand in Murdock. where they are decorating and interior fin ishing the home of J. E. McHugh and. at Eagle where they are doing the new heme of Mr. Wenzel, and with the work at Omaha, is keeping them very busy. Mrs. Wm. Kitzel, living between here and Alvo has been compelled to go to the hospital in Lincoln, where she underwent an operation for the betterment of her health, and since that time is making progress towards recovery. She is still feeling Quite poorly, but is on the way to recovery which her many friends are hoping will be permanent. The students of Murdock last Monday, while a number of speak ers and the republican nominees for the county offices were visiting in Murdock, came down in a body to at tend and hear the speaking and fol lowing a special talk given by Mr. Thorpe, of Lincoln, gave their school yell and a tiger in appreciation of his address to the students. Mr. W. F. Pilgrim and wife of near San Diego. Cal., who is the father of Ray Pilgrim, have been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gehrts for the past few days, depart for their home in the west to day (Monday). Mr. Pilgrim made the trip from his home, which is a distance of 1892 miles, on Just) 105 gallons of gasoline, which is con sidered very good, it being 18 miles to the gallon. Fred Stock, Sr.. who has been at Detroit for the past few days in at tendance at the national convention of the United Evangelical association of churches, returned home last Mon day evening well satisfied with the work done by the convention. David Thimgan of Ordway. olorado, who was a delegate as well, stopped here for a short time on his return home for a visit with his mother. The con vention was held at Detroit. There is nothing in the rumor that Grandpa E. K. Norton has been hol lowing down a rain-barrel Grandpa, Just to see how it sounds. True he is well pleased by the arrival of a young son at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Wiseman near Avoca. and who should not be for this i3 a Cne young man. and we noticed a most pleasant smile lingering on the face of Grandma Norton, who seem ed to say she was well pleased as well. t Mrs. L. Neitzel departed last Fri day evening for. Lincoln, where she visited and looked after some shop ping for Saturday, while on Saturday morning. Mr. Neitzol went to Lincoln in the ear, and there Joined the wife in her visit and looked after rome business matter? in connection with the store, they returning hone in the evening. While they were away. Mr. Aucust Panska looked af ter the business matters at the hard ware store. (Political Advertising) REPUBLICAN TICKET plied "We are trying to find some place to get gasoline." Mr. Krueger informed them that this was a very strange place to look for gasoline, and that if they would pull up at the garage across the street he would sell them some. The men then went and got into the car which stood near Pfp McDonald's niece and while he waited for them to drive up for the gasoline, they stepped on the accel erator and soon were speeding away as rapidly as possible. John imme diately notified Mr. Thimgan and the telephone exchange, who in turn advised other towns to be on the lookout for them. I'ad Mr. Krueger suspected the men to have been w hat they were he could have gotten a shot gun which was in the garage and probably have put a load of shot In their clothing. Sen Gladdens the Home Last Friday the homo of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Heir was gladdened by the arrival at that blessed domicile of a son. who come with cheer and rejoicing for the fond parents and who arc welcoming 'he little fellow, who is becoming a joint partner in the joys and sorrows of the home and which we are hoping -ill be mostly joys. The happy fattxr does not need" :ED airplane at this time for he is already walking on the air. Had an Enjoyable Visit I. G. Hornbeck. the trenin! and ef ficient agent of the Rock Isiand, who has been away on his vacation, re turned home last Thursday. after having enjoyed a no?; excellent time. He first went to Hysnnis, on a hunt ing expedition and was accompanied by E. P. Holmes, of Lincoln, who is with the Rock Island. Bruce Stiles, Rock Island claim agent, of Lincoln, W. C. Coltage, general claim agent of th? Rock Island lines and located at Topeka, Kansas and John Heiflck. an engineer on the Rock Island, who resides at Fairbury. The gentlemen had a most enjoy able time in the northwest. After having returned from the trip, Mr. Hcrnbeck ppent a '.vtfk at his old homo at Miami. Mo!, where he visit ed with the folks there. Returning to Murdock. he and Hirry Gillespie west to the Platte river, where they spent a few days camping out, hunt ing and fishing and thus completed an excellent vacation. Following is the Republican Ticket to be voted cm at the November election in Cass county, Nebraska State Senator, 2nd Dist. A. F. STURM Nehawka State Representative, 6th Dist. TROY L. DAVISWeeping Water Conntv Clerk GEO. R. SAYLES Plattsmouth j Register of Deeds EDNA D. SHANNONPlattsmth County Treasurer j WILL T. ADAMS fiattsmoutn County Sheriff CARL D. QUINTONPlattsm'tb County Attorney A. G. COLE Plattsmouth County Surveyor j FRED PATTERSON Plattsm'th Commissioner, 2nd Dist. . CREDE F. HARRIS Union Commissioner, 3rd Dist. II. R. SCHMIDT Murdock i Your support of each of the forego-j ing candidates ut the poll3 on elec- tion day November 7 is solicited. : "fey Doing Business in Omaha Now But Always to Your Disposal We Appreciate Your Business Leave your orders at Office and if Rushing, call HOTEL BOUQUET 15th and Howard St., Omaha, Hear. The Dusterhoff Shops FOR FINE INTERIOR DECORATING W. G". Boedeker cf the Bank of; Murray was here last evening for a! f r ,v hours looking after some matters of business and visiting with his many friends. j Mrs. W. E. Zimbeck and babe of I Ecoue. Iowa, who have bfen here visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. j C. E. Hartford and family, returned j this morning to their home- W. T. Adams, republican candi-l date for county treasurer, was out in ; the county today Icoking over the; situation and visiting with his many friends in the west section of old Cass. Adam Mf!:.ingcr and sife cf Grr. Vslley, Flirt's, who t" be n h rr vi.-iting at the heme ft M;s. George A. M6iring:-r and dtiicr relatives and friends in ihls .;ty vicinity, re turned this morning to their home, coir.g on the early morning Bur lington train. Only nine applicants for the post ofiice in this city, and its now too late to file, or there would b. more perhaps. Journal want ads pay. Try theni. Now Live in Murdock , Eddie Craisr. who hns been having the old postcrnr building fixed up for living purposes, got moved to Murdock i?s week ar.d is now sot tied to housekeeping and convenient to the business. This adds to his hap piness to have the family with h!m. Each Lost a Cow Last week Frrd BupII and Charles P.uell both lost r cow by what was supposed to have been corn stalk dis ease, but on investigation by Dr. Tuck of Weeping Water was said to b? spinal ra?negiti and for which all tlr Buell boys had their cattle including the cows and horses, in oculated for the prevention of the spreading of the infection. School Stockings FOR years, mothers of boys and girls have looked to us for hosiery strongly made; to stand the wear and tear of the school playground. For as many years we have recommended. Allen A Hosiery Our lines of children's hosiery include every style or quality jyou are ever likely to want. Stockings for school, dress-up" or knockabout wear, made with reinforced heels, toes and knees, for sturdy boys and girls all rightly priced. See our special School Dis play this veek. Etlurdsok Hcrcantilo Company A a ....... Gave Excellent Program The ladies of the Woman's Aux iliary society gave a most pleasing program at what is known as the Louisville church which is a few mile?- northeast of Murdock, at which time they raised a neat sum of money for the missionary work. The mem bers of the churches which cluster arcund Murdock are always very loyal to the church when it comes to supporting the missionary mauses. The program was highly appreciated by all the large crowd who attended. The program was given on Sunday evening. The Antumn Most Beautiful W are endorsing the words of Mr. ; Harry Gillespie, who has just return- led from a camping out expedition on) ithe Vlatte river at the Pawnee lodge,' j where he and "R. G. Hornbeck spent; ja few days and nights. Harry says that the varied colors of the trees (Which the ' finger C""Jdck Frost has' ! painted is most beautiful. With the ' beautiful sun rises, which the river, the landscape and .the many colored ! fre?t trees stand out in bright re i lief asrain-t. it is most wonderful. !a place of be.uty and as one stands, j on an eminence, the top of thej j tres look like a gigantic carpet, wov- j jen by th deft hand of nature, sur-j passing in beauty any produced by ! the looms of man which produce such benutlful patterns of tapestry. We second the motion, as we have also observed the beauties of these aut umn landscapes. , i Gave Birthday Surprise , i Last Friday Miss Marie Schmidt gave a surprise reception at her i home for her sister. Miss Esther. j whose birthday occurred a few days before the date of the surprise and chanced to be one the day of the an niversary of the birth of Mr. H. R. ' Schmidt, her father, and this made a double occasion for the merriment. : .The evening was spent in game3. rongs and a delightful luncheon : served which added to the pleasure of the evening. I Nofica to Farmers! We are now giving all our time to the Poultry and Cream business and are open until 8:00 P. M. every day. We Appreciate Your Patronage S Geo. J. Olson & Sen and will spend the time in work and receiving instruction in their sew ing work. The ladies will be enter tained for the day and are requested to bring with them the following ar ticles, in order that the work for the day may be most beneficial to all. A box or a basket for their work fjnd materials, pair of scissors, thim ble, needle, pins, two yards of wrap ping paper, a pencil and note book. Plowing Time Has Gome! The harvest and threshing are about over. Now comes the plowing for the autumn sowings and for the preparation of next spring's crop. See us for what plows you need either in horse or power drawn. Repairs for all machinery uccd on the farm. See me for anything in farming machinery which you may need. Call me by phone and I will be pleased to give you the best service. Call phone 14-J. Wi, MURDOCK -: EHGSTS, -:- -:- NEBRASKA First Number Decided Success The members of the Royal Neigh bors, and they are royal neighbors in reality, not merely in name, in their initial number of the lecture course have cause to be pretty well satisfied. The house was well filled and the entertainment which was given was pleasing to all, and one of the finest. The hall had been decorated for the occasion with Hal lowe'en colors and made a most in viting place for the entertainment. It is an assured success when the Royal Neighbors of Murdock get be hind any proposition. TRUTH JBiUiPHS Plattsmouth Citizens Testify for ths Public Benefit. The Ladies Will Meet to Work Hunted at Norden Lake H. W. Tool and E. W. Thimgan rpent the major portion of last week with the feathered tribes at Norden "icke, South Dakota, where the shoot ing was fine and as the weather was perfect they enjoyed the week off from business and other things im mensely. Before the closing week of the campaign, Mr. Thimgan thought to take a little trip to th hunting grounds of the north and will the be ginning of the week make an intens ive canvass of the county for the po sition of county sheriff. Mr. Thimgan is fast becoming the popular candi date for that position and should he become the choice of the voters will make an excellent official for the position. j The members of the sewing club . of the country near Murdock, of; j which Mrs. Wm. Knauppe is leader, , will meet at the liome ot .Mrs. cnris Weber on election day, November 7. ft'?' Seeing the Voters The fore part of last week Herman R. Schmidt, who has been very busy heretofore with building work, was able to get out over the countj and has been meeting with much encour agement. He visited Plattsmouth last Wednesday and while there met many of the leading men of that por tion of the county and was given much encouragement in his campaign. Prevents a Burglary, Last Friday while John Krueger, who is the nightwatchman and also an employe of the Thimgan garage, was leaving the garage, he observed some one near the front entrance of the Bauer store and thinking it was Mr. Bauer and someone who wished to purchase something, approached when he observed that the short man he had mistaken for Mr. Dauer was endeavoring to unlock the stoor door. He cried out to them. "What in H are you doing here?" and they im mediately became frightened, but re- X Is W X A R. H. THORPE The Boy Orator of 1896 Republican Cantfinate for Congress f o Fill Vacancy A Forceful Speaker A Logical Debater A Deep Student of Econo mic Question Able, Progressive, Patriotic A truthful statement of a Platts mouth citizen, given the most skep tical about the merits of Doan's Kid ney Pills. If you suffer from back ache, nervousness, sleeplessness, urin arv disorders or any form of kidney ills, use a tested kidney medicine. A Plattsmouth citizen tells of Do an's Kidney Pills. Could you demand more convinc ing proof of merit? AVm. Hassler. prop, blacksmith Fbop. corner Fifth & Oak Sts., says: "I know the straining work that I have had to do most of my life as a blacksmith is what caused my back to weaken. Many times I have been down shoeing a horse- when a sharp stitch would take me through my kidneys and hurt severely. My back was stiff and lame at times. I started to u?e Doan's Kidney Pills and they soon corrected the trouble and made my back strong again. About two boxes of Doan's bought at Weyrirh Hadraba's Drug Store was all that I had- to use. I can work every day now and give Doan's the credit for my good condition. I always keep Doan's on hand and take them oc casionally to keen my kidneys well and they never fail." Price GOc. at all dealers. Don't Simply ask fur a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Hassler had. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfrs.. Buffalo, N. Y. etter Get Your Feet Warm! Just at this time we have a supply of western coal, excellent in quality, selling at from $11 to $13 per ton. Considering the condition of the coal trade this is a good price and one can get the supply now. Those wintry winds and cold frosty nights will soon be here and you had better not let this opportunity slip through your fingers. This coal is now ready for delivery. Tool, ftauman&2urfey 1 VALVE-IN - HEAD f?) H fpPff 2 3 T Sjy MOTOR CARS Announcing A wholly New line of cars built on time-tried Buick principles but with improvements and refinements which make their introduction an event of nation , wide interest. 14 Distinctive Models Astonishing Values and Prices LOCALNEWS Front Saturday's Datlv RaV Fran3 of Union was here to day f-r a f'-w hours looking after so ne business matters of importance. Fred and Louis Gaebel of near Louisville vere here today for a few hours looking after some matters of Dusiness. Mrs. Theodore Bod can and daugh ter, Mrs. Maude Monk of Orleans, Neb., are here for a visit at the home nf V.r anrt Mrs A. L. Tidri for a few days. SIX CYLINDER MODELS 23-6-41 Tour. Sedan, 5 pass.f 1933 23-6-44 Roadster, 2 pass 1175 23-6-45 Touring, 5 pass 1195 23-6-34 Sport Road . C 23-6-55 Sport Tour.. 4 pass. 16 FOUR CYLINDER MODELS 23-4-34 Roadster. 2 pass S fl 7 5 6 5 23-6-47 Sedan, 5 pass 1985 123-4-35 Touring. 5 pass 6 S3 23-6-4S Coupe, 4 pass 1895 23-6-49 Touring, 7 pass 1435 23-23-6-50-Sedan, 7 pass 2195 3-4-3 6 Coupe. 3 Dass 11 23-4-37 Sedan, 5 pass 1:; 23-4-3S Tcur. Sedan. 5 pass.- 13 !5 All Prices F. O. B. Flint, Michigan Ask about the G. M. A. C. Purchase Plan which provides for Deferred Payments. See These New Buick Cars Now at, Our Showroom. UURD3CK, UU. ! rlllCdMBSJ. NEBRASKA When better automobiles are built, Buick will build them!