The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 30, 1922, Image 1
Tfebrasi SUte Kiitri cal Society VOL. NO. xxxvrn. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, MONDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1922. NO. 31 i IL DEATH COMES TO MRS. MARY J. BUR- BEE YESTERDAY Former Resident of This City, Who TT T T tT?Mi in rtnrnlll Has Been Living in Omaha, Expires at Hospital, From Thursday's Dais. Vpstenlav nfternoon at 1:40 at the Methodist hospital in Omaha occur- red the death of Mrs. Mary J. Burbee. for many vears a resident of Platts- mouth and who has of late years been residing with her sons, at Union, The death came as the se quence of an illness of some duration and during which time the family and physicians have labored to re lieve the sufferings of the aged lady and to do all possible to bring her back to health, but without avail. Mary J. Burbee was born at Gait. Ontario, Canada, June 13, 1852, and spent some years in the east, where she was married to David Burbee and on February 25, 1892, the family came to Plattsmouth where they located and made their home up to the death of the father, which oc curred April 18, 1895, and later Mrs. Burbee removed to Union, where she has spent the last few years with her o .i wiiii.n, x., sons, Herbert ana William uurDee To mourn the death of Mrs. Burbee there are the two sons and one daughter, Mrs. S. D. Gibson, of Mis souri Valley, Iowa. The body was brought to Union lart evening and the funeral cervices will be held there tomorrow, con- i ducted by Rev. W. A. Taylor, the ! rnrtetre leavir" the home at 1 1ft nrrl 1 uZl Vn hi i?J?2S A Vh1 the body will be brought to this city. to be laid at rest in Oak Hill ceme-i" tery beside that of the husband and father. The death of this estimable lady will be much regretted by the many old time friends and neighbors, who will extend the sorrowing family., their deepest S3'mpathy. COMES HERE TO SECURE RUNAWAY SON THIS HORNING Mrs. John Ward of Conncil Bluffs Returns Home with Son, Clyde Who Was Held Here. From Thursdays OaJlr This morning Mrs. John Ward,. of Council Bluffs arrived here to secure her son, Clyde Ward, who has for the past week been here at the coun ty jail awaiting some intimation as to the whereabouts of his parents or friends. The young man, it will be remem bered, was found at the J. C. Mei singer farm we?t of the city and at the time could give no rational state ment as to where he had lived or the names of his parents or friends and as the result. Sheriff C. D. Quin ton, who has had the wanderer in charge, has been on the hunt for some intimation cf whera the young ! nan might have come from TZZrTfi Zlll'1 6 faCt r a stranger wa3 here by the name of l?Ja?AJ?ZeA?. toJinl L"i idering son. The mother took the young man back to Council Bluffs this af ternoon. - NEW PARKING RULES The decision of the city council to have the parking regulations for -automobiles changed in the city so that the errs will be parked at the side of the street instead of the center, seems to meet with the aproval of a great majority of the people as a matter , of economy of space. The numocr of cars are greatly in-, creasing all the time and the use of j the sides of the streets will, it is said. ) give double the space for cars than - exists at the present time. By the parking on the sides it is';0ne cf the delightful features was also hoped to eliminate the practice of the pedestrians darting in and out of the cars as they did when the cars were parked in the center of the street and which resulted in a num - bcr of narrow escapes from serious injury to some of the youngsters and with the new arrangement it is hop-' i'n inai me intersections win oe ustu when crossing the streets as it is saf er and will give the driver of the auto a "chance to avoid the danger t-ri auuciuo 111UI TT tXJ UlSV JVOOI when some one darts out from among j the autos into the track of travel ' without warning to the passing auto priver. WILL HOLD CONVENTION ft a. i a it. . t ine uia aiams convention is me , latest entertainment leature to De announced for this city and the, date ' vember 1st and the place the Lyric - ttioa tro ' f 1 theatre. ' t The entertainment will be given miies from one of the new oil fields by the ladies of . the Macabees andan(j near where a projected line of promises to be a real treat in the railroad is being planned that win way of fun and enjoyment to young . tap the oil land and incidentally and old. The role of the unfor- benefit all the land in the surround tunate male participant In the con-!ing territory, vention will he taken bv Harrv ' " - -, Smith and tho ladfeo well vnn .will I have to see them'-to "discover their identity. RETURN FROM KANSAS CITY From Ttiursrtav'ii Dally. This morning Mr. anl Mrs. C. C. Wescott returned Lome from Kansas City where they have been for the past few days while Mr. Wescott was n attendance at the convention of (the United National Clothiers. While w. W. Coates. who has been quite !, ill . 1, V .1 mere me v eacoiis raucu on Airs. seriously ill at her home there as the result of an attack of heart trou ble ami they were very agreeably surprised to find her showing some improvement. The many friends here be pleased to learn that she is now doing so nicely and trust that , Jirs. oaies may continue ner pres ent' improvement. STRANGER HAS SERIOUS ACCIDENT ABOARD FREIGHT Has Leg Broken While Crawling Through Hatchway of Refrig erator Car at La Platte From Thursday's Ially. The train crew on a north bound "V t . T.. iT-Ya ed La Platte last evening at 11:30 discovered that they had with them a badly injured man who was bum ming bis way on the train and had a badly fractured leg. The two companions of the injur ed man informed the train crew of the fact and at once efforts were made to get the man relief and he -ac-u -i ,u o, vi tr - in until 4 o'clock this morning, .an a ni,rBw,n frnm pniin r.: X"ir ' " " rived to take charge of the case and give the unfortunate man relief. It seems that the trio of men had attempted to make their entrance , , ., A , . . u igciaiur tar uy tiuwiiug luruugu the hatchway of the car and as the one man was going through the door of the hatch fell on his leg fractur ing it quite badly. The name of the injured man was not ascertained at the local offices of the Missouri Pacific here. NEW PASTOR OF . M. E, CHURCH HERE TO ARRIVE TODAY Rev. F. E. Pfoutz, Wife and Daugh ter, to Arrive Today Via Auto From Gresham, Neb. From Thursdays Dally. The newly assigned pastor of the First Methodist church. Rev. F. E. I'foutz. wife and daughter, are to arrive late this afternoon from their former home at Gresham, to take up their work in the church here. The household effects oX the Pfoutz family arrived here last evening by truck and are being placed In the parsonage today awaiting the corn- i , , Th b and member3 of tbe congregation of the church will join j ... family a cordial welcome to Platts that they will find their stay here cs agreeable as could be wished for and that they can find here a pleas urable work in the church affairs. ENTERTAIN AT MASONIC HOME K"in Thursday Dally. Last evening the children of the Church School Service League of the St. Luke's parish, gave their musical Homo nn v.h-r-h ttna nwri very much by the old folks who are making their home there and the clever you ,e ,n the cast an even more pieasing rendition of the . piay. "The Cinder Maid." than wag enioverl on tho uro.inn. ni-i.t j he cieVer manner in which little ufaIss Lot-eiie Windham, as the King s Herald, carried out this part of the , play j The members of the Home as well as Superintendent W. F. Evers and the, staff at the institution are very appreciative of ' the "kindness of the members of the H league in visitine the home. i PROVES UP ON HOMESTEAD Frank Hiber, who has been located ti- : . , . .11 . ;um,uS r verai momns past r nmesJeaa near tae ikhjiui uu utius, iias jusi completed the time necessary for a residence there and It Is now only the matter of receivine the naners from th mv. - eminent to give Frank a clear title to the land. He Is home now for a visit and expects to go to Osceola, the drug business for the winter sea- . , tt!L , l . n son. Mr. Hiber's land la located IS - - . . We can furnish you Dhink books most any kind at Journal office." LOUISVILLE LADS UNCOVER CACHE OF OLD TIME LIQUOR Finds' Jug Supposed to Contain Seme ' T 1 "D. Vulcan.) IMniil Alcn I Real Pre-Volstead Fluid, Also Bottle of-"Hootch. From Frlaay's Dally. t While out in the vicinity of Louis- vine yesterday Sheriff C. D. Quinton , waa informed of a find made near that place a few days ago by some : the boys who were out hunting in the woods northwest of the town, when they uncovered the burial place fo some liquor supplies. While the quantity of the beverage was not so great, it is claimed that the party found a jug that had within it the remnants of some real old whisky of the pre-Volstead days, when the ; countersign was "What will you have," and before the decadence of tillimr and brewing. The jug was found reposing in a cache in the "jack oaks" and nearby was resting a bottle of the latter day spirits- of "hootch," compounded according to tho formulae that transforms Ne braska's greatest crop into the fight ing spirits that are disposed of by the bootleggers. It is needless to say that the own er of the spirits has not revealed him self and the matter will probably re main --a dark secret to be revealed only in the fullness of time. MOREHEAD STANDS FOR VOLSTEAD ACT Tells Association Against the Prohi bition Amendment They Have Wires Crossed on Him. John H. Morehead, democratic can didate for congress in the First dis trict, has sent the following state ment to the Association Against the Prohibition Amendment: . . Lincoln, Neb.. Oct. 24. Associa tion" Against. tn' Prohibition Amend ment, Inc.. Washington, D. C, Gen tlemen: My attention has been call ed to the fact, that you have indors ed my candidacy for election to con gress In the First Nebraska district. Please permit me to -direct your nt-, tention to the fact that I have pledg ed myself to the people of this dis trict against any modification of the Volstead act, and if elected I shall adhere to that pledge. The people of Nebraska having voted direct on the prohibition question, it is not an issue in this state, only as who seeks to profit thereby. Yours very truly, (Signed) JOHN II. MOEHEAD. ATTORNEY SUFFERS LOSS From Friday's Pnlly. Last June Attorney W. G. Kisck of this city purchased himself a neat and attractive Ford coupe that has been a source of enjoyment to the genial and clever attorney, but alas and again alas, the joy has van ished as the result of the efforts of some hard hearted violator of the law and the coupe has vanished even as completely as have the Hallam bank robbers. It seems that Mr. Kieck, who en joys a" visit each Sunday with his parents at Springfield, left the car standing on the streets of that town while he was visiting and on his de sire to return to Plattsmouth found that the car had been taken away and so far has not been located. Mr. Kieck. who has been up in Knox county trying a number of : cases, was "compelled to make the! trip on the train, returning home' yesterday and is still hot on the trail of whoevertook his car. MARRIED IN OMAHA -Two of the well known and pop ular young people of near Union were married in Omaha on Thursday, Miss Marjorie Fitch and Mr. John T. Becker being the contracting parties. The wedding was very quiet and came as a surprise to the host of warm friends in the southern portion o'f Cass county altho the happy event had been anticipated for some time. The fride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Fitch, residing northwest of Union, and the groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Becker, promi nent residents of Liberty precinct. Mr. Becker i3 one of the industrious (young farmers of that locality and "-"ft " the newly weds will make their home on the farm in the future. COMING FROM EUROPE Prom Friday Dally. Yesterday afternoon Mrs. Herman Reichstadt of this city received noti- I representative in Omaha, that her Cictcr M tod DomKma Vr-am hna ealK 6ister, Miss Pauline Kovar, has sail ed from Bremen on the Anchor liner "Oropesa" for the United States and was due to arrive in New York on Monday, Oct. 30-. The sister will come direct from New York to this city to join the Reichstadt family and make her future home in this sec tion of the west. Miss Kovar has been making her home in Czecho slovakia. s ADDRESSES THE SHOPMEN From Thursday's riiv This morning Frank 13. Thomas of Chicago, in charge h,f the safety first department of the Burlington, in thie part o the west, was here and ad dressed 'a meeting of the shopmen a 12:45 -at the shops, pointing out th various ways in which the improve ment in the record of less injuries and the general safety of the men t nniil lp imrii-Hve'd. The meeting was attended by practically all of th! men employed in the shops and the remarks of the speaker , were followed with the greatest interest. THE EPWGRTI! i LEAGUERS 'MY A . HALLOWE'EN HIKE Proceed to Farm of Ted Wiles Where ' ' Feast and Hallowe'en Games are Enjoyed for a Time. From Friday- Da!5y. Last evening the members of the Epworth League enjoyed an unusual and pleasing form of entertainment in a "Hallowe'en Hike," the raem l ers meeting at the church at 7 p. m. and preparing for the trip. The hikers were led out to the Ted Wilea farm west of the city, groing via the Louisville road to the scene of fes tivity and arriving at the farm the jolly party proceeded tb the pasture of the farm where theyt found await ing them a regular wi'tch of legen dary type and who welcomed them to her lair. The membersjof the party were served with a beverage which was to place them in shape to ap preciate their future fortunes, and from the nectar the party had a vision that they were in for some bad luck, but this was dispelled when the feast, arranged for the occasion, was served. Over the large canipfires wienies were roasted : and apples, doughnuts and toasted marsh nialloAvs were served that aided in making the occasion one of thfc rarest joy. The games of . the sea.n were en joyed and at which the voung people, some twenty-five in nuiuber, found a great deal of merxi.ont. - On the way back to-their homes in the city the party made their way through the cemetery and certain members of the gathering who had gone on ahead appeared as "ghosts" and with their white robed figures walkine: through the cemetery sent a thrill through the more timid of the company. Rev. F. E. Pfoutz, the new pastor of the church, accompan ied the young people and had a most pleasing introduction to the social life of the church. HAVE VERY PLEASANT-. HALLOWE'EN MEETING Mesthodist Ladies' Aid Society En- tertained Yesterday Afternoon At the Church Parlors. From Friday's Hallv Ycsterday afternoon the ladies' aid society of the Methodist church, en joyed a very pleasant combined bus iness and social meeting -t the church parlors and at which Mes dames A. J. Beeson. J. E. Wiles. J. W. Crabill and W. F. Huneke were the hostesses. The parlors had been charmingly arranged with decorations of the au tumn leaves, bitterswects and the bright colors of the Hallowe'en sea son and made a very attractive scene for the gathering. The business session was largely occupied with the discussion of the plans for the young men's banquet on November 14 and which the la dies of the church will serve. Following the business session a short musical program was given, Mrs. Emma Pease, Mlsse3 Harriett Peacock and Frances Christ, pupils of Mrs. E. H. Wescott. giving some very delightful vocal selections and which served to heighten the pleas ures of the occasion. At the close of the afternoon the hostesses served a very dainty lun cheon that was in keeping with the spirit of the occasion. x WILL DELIVER ADDRESS From Thursday's Pally. District Judge James T. Begley de parted this afternoon for Papillion, where he will officiate tomorrow at the laying' of the corner stone of a new school building there. The Judge is a native son of Sarpy county and the citizens of that community de light in honoring their distinguished son, who ranks as one of the most fluent public speakers In the state as well as one of the best men that have been called to the bench, in Ne braska. RETURNED TO THEIR HOME Mrs. Cha's. Brauer and son Dick and Miss Roselie Halmes, who have been visiting with their folks, Mrs. J. Klimm and family, of-.Nehawka, left for their home in San 'Jose, Cal ifornia Wednesday. Mrs. George Halmes left for the west three weeks ago. Both Mrs. Brauer and Mrs .Halmes are daugh ters of Mrs. J. Klimm. f PARKSELE THE ATRE FILLED WITH A LARGE CROWD city. To assist Floyd in the proper . " observance of the occasion a number Free Offering of Fetzer Shoe Co. Filis of the young folks of the neighbor tbe Theatre to its Utmost Ca- hood were invited in and the time tacify Yesterday F. M. was FPeEt most pleasantly in games, ' " ' music and a general good time un- From Friday's Dally When the free show at the Tar- nele theatre given through the'Fct zor Slioe Co., let out yesterday after noon at 5 o'clock, the main section of the city was fille;! with some 1,- 000 children of all 'ages and sizes and all armed with toy balloons and sqawkcrs that made' the welkin ring with the noise and as an advertis- j ing feature it was an immense suc-4 ces3 a3 well as being an interesting aud pleasant hour of entertainment. . The chief feature was the film de- picting the making of shoes, starting from the first pair of leather shoes, which required a whole day to make, down to the present time when 20, 000 pairs can be turned out of a fac tory in a day with ease and supply ing the world with the best foot v. car known. The McElroy-Sloan Shoe' Co.. factory at St. Louis, which makes the "Billykid" shoes for the children, was taken as the illustra tion of the modern process of manu facturing shoes and as the film was shown. Mrs. Tirker. renresentinir the -- o comnaty, gave a lecture, taking step hy step the processes by which the shoes are prepared to be placed on hi3 man, wno wa3 living the real sim tAe feet of the walking public. This j ple and back to nature life, his couch very interesting 10 uie young and and old alike who filled the the atre and was followed with the clos ed attention. In addition to the educational film a showing of. a Charlie Chaplin com edy at the close was the source of a rrrat deal of fun to the little folks ?nd then came the distribution of. the balloons and whistles. m GHLY REM EDY IS TO TURN G.Q.P. S. G. Porter, Son cf First Democratic Gubernatorial Candidate in State, Discusses Issues. Samuel G. Porter, 'son of the first democratic candidate for governor of Nebraska, is in this city from Denver on business. Mr. Porter was born in Plattsmouth and his father, James R. Porter, was nominated by the democrats, in 1S69. "When I was a young man, things were different from nowadays," he said. "I sold the first McCormick harvester in this state and the price was $163. With cheaper production duo to invention and progress, it now sells for 5235. Prices havedou bled and trebled along; with taxes, all up and down the line. The pro ducer is all depressed. We need a change and 1 believe the administra tion will lose scores of congressmen and cenr.tors because of that feeling. The smelting in Colorado is at the lowest ebb I ever saw it, the ranga is rot swarming with cattle. The people are mistreated and many of them broke. The only remedy is to turn against the republican regime of robber tariff and protection o8 privilege and knock a large hole in the burwarks of the present admin istration. We must use our brains in this country." Mr. Porter has land in southwest ern Nebraska and is familiar with Nebraska and Omaha progress. World-Herald. MAKES FINE APPEARANCE The interior of the store of John Hatt has In the last few days been retouched and cleaned for the fall and winter and is now a most at tractive trading center. Everything in the store is arranged so as to pre sent the best appearance and be kept in the most sanitary manner and to add to the general improvement pro gram the owner of the store has just had' a fine new linoleum of the neat blue and white pattern placed while the woodwork has been painted white and is kept spotless and in the meat market department everything i3 kept as clean and neat as 'could possibly be asked by any one. FRED CLUGY POORLY From Frldav'a Dally. Fred Clugy, who .was injured a few days ago when he fell while op erating a scraper, is still very poorly and while the attending physicians were unable to find any trace of broken bones, the right shoulder of the unfortunate" man is still very sore and he has been confined to his bed since the acident. The friends are hopeful that he may soon regain his former health and suffer no per manent ill effects as the result of the accident. ' FOR SALE Choice pure bred .Chester White male hogs, March and-April farrow. At farmers' prices. -K. E. Sedmani seven miles due . south of Ashland.. SURPRISED ON BIRTHDAY Fiom Thursdays Daily. Yesterday being the birthday an niversary of Floyd Sealock, a very pleasant surprise was arranged by his cunt, Mrs. 'James Henderson, at the home in the south part of the en a late nour wnen very canny ana delicious refreshments were served. FliJD RECLUSE IN THE WOODS NEAR WEE Dweller in Simple Style of Wilder ness is Cause of Complaint to Sheriff C. D. Quinton. From Friday's Dally. Yesterday Sheriff Quinton called Water In response to the reports that i J h , , f where they a strange acting man was dwelling ' . summer in the grove belonging to Lloyd Wol-, 8pe, c Itly Te purchase,! extensive cott and located near he golf links. Alvo and moved hi fain one of the favorite gathering places . f lang f .. tho r.,,,. cLi.leh ' . me arivai ui me sueriu, lie via - itea the wood3 where the danger "fi J -IS T, , whpro he renosed at niirht heine a pile of leaves and there in the great silences of the night with only the star spangled dome of the sky as a roof, the stranger stated he found the sweetest repose that he could find in the confines of the habita- 1 tjons Df man. The recluse had a number of cook ing utensils at his place of camp and had been living on the simplest of diets, but appeared to enjoy it to the utmost. At the urgent request of the sher iff, the man promised to seek' other and more suitable dwelling place. MRS. M'GERR WILL FPEAK The following letter was received by. Mr. 'L. F. Langhofst from the state chairman, which gives dates and places for her speaking: ,.. . "We have assigned Mrs. P. T. Mc Gerr for a meeting at Eagle Satur day, November , 4th. at 10:00 a. m., Elmwood, at '2:00 p. m., Weeping Water at 4:00 p. m. and Union at S:00 p. m. "Mrs. McGerr is a first class cam paigner and thoroughly understands .'the issues, of this campaign, both state and national. If the weather is fine, she can speak in the open air as well as in a building." MARKET IS OVERSTOCKED From ThursdaVH Dally. Monte Streight, residing north of the city, was on the South Omaha clock market yesterday with a load of came seventeen head of cattle and reports that his stock sold at SS.75 with the market being very poor ow ing to the fact that nineteen cars of stock from the South Sioux City mar - ket were shipped to the packers at Omaha and had a tendency to lower me marKet on tne live stock to a marked degree. Do As Your Your firm pays by check, doesn't it? In these modern days there are few which do not. The same reasons which prompt the men you work for to transact their busi ness in this convenient and practical way apply in your own case. Your money is always available, yet always safe. : Checks can be sent by mail safely while . currency cannot. Deposit your pay. check when received no both er about cashing it. Step in and talk it over with us any time. x THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK THE BANK W HERE VJAITSMOUTH Member DEATH OF NELS 1 SOGARD OCCURS ATALVO, NEBR. Well Known Resident of West Fart of County and For Years a. Prominent Figure. Nels .Soerard was born July 30. ig69. in Meilby. Denmark; died Oc- tobor 22, 1922. He came to the Unit ed Slates in November, 1S!0. coming directly to Weeping Water, and worked on a farm for John Domingo and later engaged in farming tor himself and continued in that busi ness until 1909, when he came to Weeping Water. ' He was married to Mi.s Hansln Rassmussen on April 9, 1904. and they have made their home here thru the years. Four children were born into this home: Clarence, Viola, Donald and Mildred. He engaged in the elevator busl npos: In 1911 and continued in the Wf,busntFs until 1920. whtn he Hold in business and years or nappimtu with his family,' but the reaper. i . ... ... death' came and a.U ,fw A loving memeory of a kind and ten- der husband and father is all that re mains. The funeral services were heb' at the Congregational church on Wed nesday afternoon, conducted by Kev. W. II. Hiley of Lincoln. Music wa3 furnished by a special quartet. The flowers sent by the frienda here and Alvo were beautiful ami profuse, showing the high esteem of his friends. The pallbearers were R. Lauritzen. A. Jorgenson, Adolph Mogenain of Omaha, Andrew Rehemier Fred Re hemeier and Henry Mogenson. The interment was made in Oak wood Cjnetcry. Weeping Water Republican. VISITS RELATIVES HERE R. F. Dean of South Haven, Mich igan, accompanied by Mrs. Dean, has been enjoying a visit for some time here with Mrs. Oscar Gapen and Mrs. Will Jean and families, the ladies being daughters of Mr. Dean, and the occasion has been very much en joyed by the family as well as the old friends of the Dean family. Mr. and Mrs. Dean have been attending the G. A. R. encampment at Dea Moines and on their vi.;it west felt that it would not be complete unless they visited the old home here. They departed on Wednesday tor their home In the east. HAS NARROW ESCAPE From Frlday'a Dally. James Stockham, who Is employed on the work at the Burlington's new boiler house at the shops here, had a narrow escape from injury as the result of felling from the room f the new building, and but for h!.s quickness in catching himself as he (was falling, he would have had ser- ious injury. The young man was j able to catch hold of a timber and clung to this until he was able to climb back to the roof. Firm Doss! YOU FEEL AT HOME NEBRASKA Federal Reserve i