The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 23, 1922, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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MOlKjViY. OCIOEIB 23, 19.72.
Mrs. John Lohnes was a visitor
with friends and relatives in Man
ley last Monday.
Oswald Miller was visiting with
friends at Cedar Creek last Saturday,
making: the trip in his car.
John Flaischman and family were
visiting in Manley last Sunday, be
ing guests at the home of friends
and relatives.
Mr. William Harms departed for
Omaha a short time since where he
will accept a position in the Ne
braska metropolis.
A. P. Rauth and "wife with their
little son were spending last Sun
day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A.
W. Siker near Elmwood.
Sam Goodman, who has been in
the eastern part of the county for
the past few days returned home on
last Wednesday evening.
Frank Vallery and J. W. Chilton
of Plattsmouth and Grand Island
were looking after some business
matters in Manley last Thursday.
Fred Flaisehman and wife were
spending a short time in Omaha last
Tuesday, visiting with friends and
also looking after some business as
Charles Gerlich and wife of Oma
ha were visiting in Manley on last
Tuesday. Mrs. Gerlich was also at
tending the meeting of the Royal
John Kelly and family from near
Greenwood were guests at the home
of Mrs. Mary Heeney for over the
week end last week, driving down in
their auto.
Mrs. Roman Meiers or Louisville
and children of Louisville
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Meeker last Sunday, where they also
met Mr. and Mrs. Albert Glaublitz
of near Wabash and also Mrs. Aug
ust Glaublitz of Chappell, who Is vis
iting here for the present with
friends and neighbors and where all
had a most pleasant day.
For IT. S. Senator
For Governor
Calf Taken Up
Taken up an estrayed young red I
l r n hA 1ir,A nf Will.
O BrienVVwo" mnes west of Man- j HON. HARRY C. PARMENTER
ley. where it has been for some time, j Lincoln
Owner can have same Ly calling,
proving property and paying the ex
pense incurred. Otherwise, at the
end of three weeks, the said calf will
be sold according to law.
October 16, 1922.
Many Attend Ho
Many of the people
and vicinity were in
g bale
of Manley
attendance at
For Congressman
For State Senator
For Representative
the pure bred Duroc Jersey hog sale QEORGE F. WILSON Elmwood
which was held east of Manley at "
the home of Otto Scheaffer, when he c, ..
and his brother. Phillip SchaerferJ Tor bnerttf
sold some seventy head of hogs. A Edward W. Thimgan Murdock
number of people from here bought
some of these line hogs. There were
present among the Manley people A.
SteinkamD. Earl Quinn. Edward Kei
ly. Joe Miller, Howard Johnson and
son Elmer and Clarence Earhardt.
For County Clerk
ROBERT E. LISTER Plattsmouth
Manley loses Good Family
With the reparture of Wesley Lane
for Havelock, where he has accepted
. . . . . I,
an oner ironi tne rsurnngiou ran-:
way. Manley is losing a good me-j
chanic and a man who has made
manv friends while here as well as
has Mrs. Lane. They came here to
put in a garage and had arranged to
install the industry prior to the hail-j
rtorm and as work had been done'
were they couldnot cancel their coming.;
For County Attorney
A. H. DUXBURY Plattsmouth
For Register of Deeds
EMIL J. HILD Plattsmouth
NIVERSARY SOON thA w(k end at the heme' On account of the loss of crops the
of the parents of Mrs. Meiers, Mr. business has not Justified their com
and Mrs. C. E. Mockenhaupt. ing and when the offer for the po-
Herman Rauth and wife enter- sition came they felt it. was best to
tained last Sunday for supper at, accept.
their home. Mr. and Mrs. alter
Mockenhaurt and W. J. Rau and.
wife, all enjoying the pleasant even-is?-,
Henry Mockenhaupt. of Sterling,!
who hr.s teen in charge of the itin-
ery of the Hon. John Morehead, was
in Minipv !.; Th:irsiv. aecomnanv- I
ing Mr. Morehead in his tour of thejHanv 0f Qur Modern Decorations brate the twenty-fifth anniversary of
Nebraska Diocese Head Was Ordain
ed Twenty-Five Years Ago
To Celebrate All Day.
Bishop Earnest Vincent Shayler,
D. D., head of the Nebraska diocese
of the Episcopal church, will cele
C. J. O'Connor, Who has Been Here
Since August, Ordered Back
Home as Conditions Quiet
From Saturdays ltally.
This morning C. J. O'Connor de
parted for his home in Omaha, being
relieved of hi3 work here as one
of the deputy U. S. marshals for ser
vice in Nebraska during the strike
of the shopcrufts and the marshal
will now take up his other routine
work in the department of Justice.
The conditions here have been the
best of any place in Nebraska as far
as can be learned as to outbreaks
during the strike and the marshal
has had but little to do during his
assignment here of a serious nature,
but nevertheless" has been alert and
on the job all of the time.
At the time Mr. O'Connor arrived
here the situation was aggravated
by the presence of armed guards at
the Burlington station and at the
shop3 but shortly after his arrival
the presence of the guards at the
passenger station was done away
with and since that time there has
been little to cause any agitation
aside from a numbers of outbreaks
among different neighborhoods that
were undoubtedly neighborhood dis
turbances rather than a concerted
Wiles and H. W. Gamlin
shelled and delivered their last year
corn crop at the elevator of Edward
Ke!!y last Wednesday and Thursday,
the prices being very satisfactory at
this time,
and Games Come from Centur
ies of Superstition.
his ordination as a priest, Friday,
October 27.
He will hold a private celebration
in the chapel at the Episcopal resi-
I hereby announce myself as a
candidate for the state legislature. I
have received the nomination from
the democratic party and would be
pleased to receive the support of all
who are desirious of lower taxes and
better economic laws.
tf. Murray, Nebr.
Political Announcement
The one season of the year that is dence jn the early morning and pub
reminder of the mysteries and su- i, cervices at 11 a. m. at Trinity
Iperstition of the past ages is that of cathedral. The Episcopal church
Clarence Earhardt. who has been ' Hallowe'en with its strange combi- women of the citv will arrange for a
kept to his home and bed for a num- nation of the observance of the early luncheon to te served in the parish
ber of days with a very lame back. Christian holiday and the pagan su- nouse following the 11 o'clock ser-
has improved and is again able to perstitions and which to the present vife The t.,v Thomas Casady, rec-
be out. and was attending the hog Jay is made an important part of tor of An gaints church, will speak
sale last Tuesday.
I the observance of this occasion on ;
Mr. and Mrs. Hueh O'Brien enter- October 30th
tained last Sunday at their fcomel To celebrate the passing of Hal-
at this luncheon at which Bishop
Shayler will be the guest of honor,
i A linnpr in honor of the LishoD
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Murphy and 'owe en ana tne season preceding tne wiu De Biven at 6:30 p. m., in the
Balse Meisinger and their wives at present day residents of the United University club by the Episcopal men
the O'Brien home last Sunday when States have called all of the mystic of the cl'tv Tfcree hundred are ex
a most pleasant day wa3 spent by Emblems and devices to aid in mak-;pected to "atteni, c. S,. Montgomery
all present. Jinff the occasion one of marked in-i chancellor of the diocese, will repre-
Mrs. Walter Mockenhaupt has-terest. jsent the iaymon cn tni3 occasion,
been visiting In Omaha for the past The black cats, witches and gob-. Following his graduation from the
few days and was Joined by Waiter Hns have become very popular In divinity school at Kenyon college,
during the latter part of the week, the decorations for Hallowe'en and Gambier o twenty-five years ago.
they going to Herman, where they m tne late years masKs ana caps in Bisnop shayler was ordained a priest
visited at the home of Paul Tight keeping with the strange wierd cer- by Ci3hop Eoyd Vincent. D. D.. bish-
Last Sunday J. C. Rauth and fam- sit the host or hostess in the deco
ily were visiting at the home of Mr. rations for the Hallowe'en party
and Mrs. W. V. Wheeler at Rock the Journal has arranged for a large
Bluffs, the families beinsr old time and very handsome stock of the
many years ago The day was most streamers in orange and black, fancy lg89 fc e,ected f G
pleasantly sptnt by both the guests crepe paper in the designs of the cnurcn Gak Park Chicago, to sue-
BUU IUC 11U31.
EII Keckler was
I desire to announce myself as
candidate for the position of commis
sloner for the third district, chosen
'on the republican ticket at the pri
mary election and will appreciate
, what support I shall receive from
the voters of the county. Assuring
them I shall ever endeavor to work
for -the best interests of the entire
j county.
sll-tfw Murdock, Neb.
op of the south Ohio diocese. He re
ceived his degree of doctor of divin
ity from thsi school. His first parish
was Calvary church, Sandusky, O.
During nis electorate there, a new
dedicated. In
Having received at the primary
election, the .nomination for county
treasurer on l republican ticket, I
announce myself a candidate for of
fice of county treasurer, subject to
the votes at coming election.
I will appreciate the support of
all who desire the best service in
this office.
Election Nov. 7, 1922.
walking on air the Hahowe en luncheon as well as , .,i
at hli home by the Etork route of a proper designs. There can also be young son who came to grace found here the pumpkin lanterns
and make happy the household. The and the cut-out witches and black
mother and son are doing nicely cat3 that are so popular in the deco
and it is thought with careful nurs- rations of the season,
ine the father will pull through. ! Remember when you are arrang
Miss Marie Martin, one of the'JnS for the Hallowe'en party to call
teachers in the Manley schools, wa3 an1 look over the stock here to se
a guert at the home of Mr. and Mrs. cure the best and the latest that the
J. C. Rauth last Thursday evening, market affords in the fancy designs
where they spent the evening very in ine paper lines.
pleasantly. Miss Martin is the teach
er of Mi3s Anna Rauth and a very
strong bond of friendship exists be
tween them.
To Gain a Good Eeputation
The way to gain a good reputation
cago. During his nine year pastorate
in Chicago the membership of Grace
church was increased from 400 to
1,100, and a large stone church was
; built at a cost of $125,000.
He was elected rector of St. Mark
church. Seattle. Wash., in 1909,
where he remained for ten years.
While there he planned and devel
oped the scheme for the Seattle Vic
tory Memorial to cost $500,000. Af
ter $134,000 had been raised toward
the building of the project, he was
elected bishop of the Nebraska dio
cese In 1919
In accepting his Nebraska charge.
need that he
I desire to announce myself can
didate for the position of state sena-
; tor, having received the nomination
' at the primary at the hands of the
republican party. Election Nov. 7th.
i Thanking those who in the past
have supported me and the measures
for which I have worked, I am, very
sl4-tfdaw Nehawka, Neb.
Countv Commissioner C F TTrrla' I " r "'"'' 1:1 octeijuus uis xet
.frnnCO "?eav?r to ?e what you ap-' Bishop Shayler annou
last ThurV-iv and har-nenerl hi PearV. in2 18 Prec,se,y the manner would be bishop of all the people of
last inurs-ay ana happened to be Jn which Chamberlain's Couch Rem-. vohmair. k 0L
J. n MftrphPirt 1 1 . . . " " -
serve. One of the first instances of
pable man for the . v1lu?" j1", Den.r" ,ly .5. th? evev During the dist
irf . Vl "cei,ence ciaimea incident to the court house riot in
llor It. PeoDle have found that tt mia u j
11... vianr ... v, . t, . ,1 . . , , " iij. issueu it iMaiurai leiier 10
Hans Nelson, who has blossomed can be depended upon for the relief the Nebraska Dress ureine the ne
1 into a contractor since the storm and cure of th es nllmonta anil thot - i m . . . .
put his crop, to the bad, is buildir.g:it is pleasant and safe to tak Weyl; During hTd ocesan visks he'has
wnicn is to be the heme for her
large herd of big type Black Poland ' r tit rtt-pW KrrwTTv
China hogs. The structure is to be' W "lll:'EN NINETY
most modern in the manner of a
home for swine, and is some twenty
by fifty feet In size.
Mr. and Mrs. August Stander
and their son John were guests at
made it a practice to speak before
audiences of high school students all
over the state as well as university
YEARS OLD ON TUESDAY anl co,!lpse students.
. During the three years of his ad-
t I iiiini5iraiion or mis diocese, ine n;pis-
Silver Service
The best of work always. We
are here for the best service.
Gasoline, Oils and
Goodyear Fisk Goodrich
We repair any make of auto
mobile. All work guaranteed.
Uoctloy Lano,
Manley -:- Nebraska
Your ninety years are lightly worn,loopal CUTC of ihJ ?,a,
The veara fulfill in made a healthy growth, 1.000 child
They find you like the ripened corn bein added to the Sunday schools.
Now safely thru the stormy way. ,Tn largest confirmation classes on
II " I record in the diocese have been con-
Your spring has come to autumn time firmed during the past three years.
But not to winter's leafless trees At T-"incoln during Bishop Shay-
You hold your level mental prime- . Ier'8 administration, the only Epis
And body action still Is free. ' Pal church built for, and managed
HI ' j by university students has been es-
And this you owe to what you find ! tabllsned- Thft bishop expects to au
Within the cherished sacred page t thorize the purchase soon of a com
You gained therein for ham! and nmnity house across from the unN
The life the now has ageless age
You and your living marriage mate
Are now like fruit and flowers grown
And God has brot you to this state
In which you reap as you have sown.
A Good Physic
When you want a physic that is
mild and gentle In effect, easy to
take and certain to act, take Cham
berlain's Tablets. They are excellent.
Weyrich & Hadraba.
The new king of Greece starts
pretty smoothly, considering every
thing, but that's no sign. It's been a
Ions time elnce Greece sent in a king
who lasted tne whole nine innings.
versity campus for the use of Epis
copal students in the university.
In addition to his church duties
Bishop Shayler is president of the
board of trustees of Clarkson Me
morial hospital and takes an active
part In its management, particularly
in Its free service to the needy sick.
He Is also president of the board of
trustees of Brownell hall, which was
occupying quarters in a group of
buildings on Twenty-eighth avenue
until the recent purchase of the
eleven-acro grounds of the Happy
Hollow club. A $300,000 church
plant will be ererted on the new
grounds in time, it is hoped, for the
opening of the next fall term.
Althougn journal want-aft eet
but little the result they brine are
wonderful. Try them.
I announce myself candidate for
the position of county attorney, hav
ing received the nomination at the
hands of the democratic party at the
recent primary. Thirty-three years
of age, been in practice in Cass coun
ty since 1914. Graduate of state uni
versity law school. Served 21 months
in the late war, was in Philippines.
During the time have resided in Cass
county for twenty years. Your sup
port for the position would be ap
preciated. Election Nov. 7th, 1922.
Elmwood, Neb.
The progressive party has asked
me to become their candidate for the
office of sheriff, the request coming
to me as it has, with their full con
fidence and support, they looking for
a man untrammelled by Influences
which would hinder the full exercise
of the duties of the office of sheriff,
I have accepted the position of can
didate. Should I be elected I will en
deavor to administer the law and
perform the duties of the office with
out fear from any party or clique. I
shall appreciate the support of all
who desire the laws executed with
out partiality and with the best in
terests of all the county the aim.
v l. : 1 i Gtv'Yk nit,)
1 VJui
'X "i-.
) -mm
Saturday, October 21st to Saturday, October 28th
Opening of our Basement Department, in which are displayed everything that j
you need or want in
Chinawarc, Coolcingware and Household Uionsilsl
The days of this special selling are important ones to you. Not only will the
low prices mean a saving to your pocketbook, but also the quality of every item
assures you of that lasting satisfaction which is the best proof of the bargain.
If you haven't received one of our big illustrated circulars be cure and ask
us for one. Bring the circular with you Jor easy identification and check the
items you want.
Call Phones 54 and 144
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
candidate on the democratic ticket
for the office 'of commissioner of the
2nd commissioners' district and will
appreciate your support at the polls
on November 7th. If elected I will
not only be a commissioner for the
second district but for the entire
Louisville, Neb.
Daily Journal want-ads bring the
buyers and sellers together.
How Better Than Pills?
The question has been asked, "In
what way are Chamberlain's Tablets
superior to the ordinary cathartic
and liver pills?" Our answer is,
they are easier and more pleasant
to take and their effect is so gentle
that one hardly realizes that it is
produced by a medicine. Then, they
not only move the bowels, but im
prove the appetite and strengthen
the digestion. Weyrich & Hadraba.
Private money to loan on farm
land. Inquire at law ofilce of D. O.
Dwyer. ol3-d&w?
Even Hdwell, when he spoke here
Saturday night, did not mention the
code. Of course not. He is for any
thing that McKelvie is for, but dare
not say so.
H o
- u
Largest Line of AH the Needs of the School Can Be
Found at Our Store.
Tablets S and 10c
0 Greatest Value, Since the Pre-War Days Are Awaiting You! j
0 t . v . it f c r.-o. r
In announcing myself for the po
sition of county commissioner for
their third district, as the candidate
for the democratic party, I only
wish you all to be assured that my
present term as such commissioner
has saved the county money. I have
endeavored to be economical in the
expenditure of the money of the
county. I have aimed to give the
work which I am entrusted to do for
the county, as mnch thought and con
sideration as I would my own busi
ness. If you think I am worthy of
your support, I would be pleased to
For Commissioner, 2nd District
I wish to announce to my friends
throughout th county that I am a
History Paper and Loose Leaf Covers
Water Color Paints and Crayolas
Camel Hair Brushes
All Different Kinds of Note Books are now on Our Shelves for Your Inspection.
Composition Books! Spelling Books!
Note Books!
Prices are Such that You Will Be More than Surprised!
Inks of All Colors for Your Use!
Call in and Select Your Supplies for the Opening Day
of the School Time!
The Journal Stationery Department
Where Your Wants Can Be Fully Supplied.