3I0SBAY. OCTOBZB 23, 1211 PLATTS5I0UTH SZ5!I - T7TJXT.Y JOTTBNAI ' PAGE TUSEB ' - - 1r.v,. . y;Wxxi.e --.am .- . . I? ...v. , ., ,..,, , r$ T I 3 a ,,v ipstv vtr nrir-T 7 T 7 1 p & m S , "MPm p&ippp sgl piif r? k r 7 gg - r 1 v M fe msm fi&mwm mm I Ti - r, I ilJZ 21 - ff mmn tmmmmmi " ,:1 J Z 11 A : For CongressAnd Take Mo DuamicesI N ALLEN scores umm BUSINESS MEN Takes a Shot at McKelvie Effort to Keep Charles W. Bryan Oat of the State House. NO CERTAINTY OF A RAILROAD MERGER Bankers Deny Consolidation of Bur lington. Great Northern and northern Pacific Effected T. S. Allen, chairman of the demo cratic state central committee, yes terday gave out the following state ment: "My attention lias been called to the dinner given Tuesday noun by Elmer Stephenson, rresident of the City National Bank of Lincoln to Governor McKelvie, and such emi nent republican bankers as V. A. Se'lick. president of the Lincoln State Dank and C. C. Carlson of the Lin coln Trust company, D. E. Thompson. II. K. Rurkett. Harry Granger, Doc tor Ladd. Mark Woods. C. D. Mul len. E. B. P. Perry, chairman of the republicas state central committee, and others. "I am told that Governor McKel vie expressed alarm, lest Charle3 TV. Bryan break into the state house, and it was Announced-by W. A-.-Stl-lick. president of the Lincoln State bank that $25,000 must be raised at once by the big interests of Lincoln and Omaha to defeat Mr. Bryan. A collection was taken up and over 52.('"o was raised. "It is interesting to see Governor McKelvie so frantic, the bankers' plunderbund so anxious, and big bus iness so interested as the time draws tear when Mr. Bryan will be gover nor and relief comes from the intol errble tax burden of Governor Mc Kclvie's administration. It will take more than a bankers Belshazzar fKist and a slush fund to convince the common tax payer that a banker should be elected governor to per petuate the McKelvie code system with its army of tax eaters. It looks liks the republican party has joined hands with big business to introduce Xcwberryism into the campaign." Nev; York. Ort. 19. Represents- ! tives of banks identified with rail-' reads interest were i resent a: an in- . forme 1 conference here today of load ers in the movement to niorre the ' Great Northern. Northern Pacific and Burlington railroad.? ir.'.o one big railroad system. A member of a prominent banking firm i!enid that j any discussion had taken place so far on the financial problems involved in combining the three big roads. ' "The merger has been under .lis- : cussion for many months." he said, "but any assertion that the merger : plans have been completed is with- ' out foundation. It is not so tlose at hand as some persons think." Plans for the merger when com pleted will be presented to the in- j tersiate commerce commission at ; Washington, November 17. The com mission has already announced ten tative consolidation plans for the ' roads involved, but which do not meet with their approval. ' " t Under those plans, the Great Northern would be joined with the Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul rail road and the Northern Pacific cou pled with the Burlington. The pro moters of the proposed thr"-corner-fd merger deny that the St. Paul sys tem is included in their considera tions. Theodora F. MerFelc f Cliintro. Tas elected a director of the North ern Pacific railroad company's meet ing yesterday to fii! a vacancy. closr friends of the bride elect were present. Mrs. Creamer was assisted iu entertaining by Misses EJ.ith and Judith John-on. The evening wr.s spent in jranics and ::iu. ;tl numbers while at an ap ;rp;r:r. te hour the br'do was present ed with a large arr;y of handsome and u'cful presents that will be shcr-i-l.ed by her in the years to cowie. At the close of the evening the quests vr.-o treated to a most dainty vr.t (VH'-toii-- two-course luncheon '. hi- h wr.s most thoroughly enjoyed. T!ose in ;"tend:ine were: Misses i her -..-: E.-rran. Honor St ybert. .V.r.ri-.! I 'rth'd. Kuth Roman. Ediil. K;llv. IImc S !:ie?sl. Ali.-e Jtdin.?'.a. :!;!'. .T-d.--nr.. .Tudith Johnson. Ch '2 1"t;V-1. ?Ie::dP.mc-i Jr::'.es Mauzy, John A. Kouka!, E;;rl Njl::nJ and Ed Cr.a.v.'T. LEAGUE SOLD OUT TO 'POWERS' DE CLARES BEEBE mm WBHDERS WHO WILL SUO GEEO CIIUROHiLL Secretary for the Colonies cf Here Direct Llcsent Than British Premier to Ireland. . . 'VERY PLEASING SHOWER ! FGR KfiTHERINE UM Journal want ads pay. Try them. Lat evening the home of Mrs. Ed Creamer was the scene of a very pleasant kitchen shower in honor of Miss Katherine Eagan. one of the season's brides, and a number of th? Dublin. Oct. 20. The Irish seem to Uifce only an academic interest in the parsi:.' of Lloyd George. In gei. eral t!ie filing in Ireland is that England's cabinet change will hp.ve no palpable efrect on Irish relatione. What Ireland is most interest d in is the personality cf the man wi o will succeed Winston F. Churchill as secretary of the colonics. Sinv'e the Anglo-Irish peace treaty was sitrned. Churchill has been the con r.eeting link between Britain and Erin, and p!1 tlijieulties that arose weer discussel with him. In the south the republicans rep resented hi'.i nr; a dictator to the provisional government, but the free .rate othei-.ls have had no serious friction with him. In the north his deaIir.-5 witli the Ulster government were gratefully acknowledged by Sir Jaiiics Crcig. the Belfast j)r-ir.ic-r. It is rcgnrdod as important in Dub lin that Churchill's successor shall stand by hi acts and show the same spirit iu carrying on the administra tion of aiTfirs affecting Ireland. Dublin feels no apprehension of any perr:i;!e dancer to the treaty be cause the change of governments in London. Hot Time Develops at Norfolk TcvrrJey Party "Broke'.' He Says Meeting: Plugged. Norfolk. Neb., Oct. L'u. Nonparti san league otfieials sii'I adherents of K. B. Unwell plugged the meeting of the progressive party which today open, d its third district campaign in It- Norfolk hall. The Rev. J. L. I eb?, Omaha, progressive candidate lor United States senator, and John Kavekost, Hooper, Nob., candidate f;.r congress, flayer both the repub lican and democratic parties, the Townley and nonpartisan league plan for balance of power, and de clared the nonpartisan league was selling itself to the big political pow ers. Beebe flayed the money power, nrde a vigorous attack on both How ell and Hitchcock, who he said were both the wettest of the wet. He declared the nonpartisan league is "dead broke," that The New State is running iu. the hoie and that Harry Lux. state manager of the ieagr.3 is log rolling for Howell, backed by Townley. He stated the league has less than ?25 in the treasury but has myster iously secured enough money to cir culate hundreds of thousands of pieces of literature. Manager Harry Lux reached the hall before midnight and charges and denials were made on both sides. Each side was cheered and a reg ular family row of friends of the non partisan league and the third party ticket resulted. Manager Lux charged that Beebe r.nv. iuinirly was cr.iting down How ell's votes ny remaining in the race. Beebe charged the nonpartisan lergue with indorsing reactionary candidates. About 100 persons in the audince seemed bewildered at what the entire meeting was about. "iknvel! is just as wet as Hitch cofk,' said Beebe. W. N. Baird of Salida, Colo., came in yesterday afternoon for a short vist here with his mother, Mrs. J. T. Baird and his sisters. WELL, THEY'KE HEBE EHS0RSEKE8T KISFUCEB, SAYS SENATOR KITCKGGGX Tells A. A. P. A. that he Will Vote Against Any Amendment that Weakens Volstead Act. THE MILBURN TRIO The Cedar Greek Lyceum Course WILL GIVE ITS FIRST NUMBER AT THE CHURCH AT CEDAR CREEK, NEBR, ON Saturday Evening, October 2Sth at 8: CO O'Clock P. M., Sharp This will be the Milburn Trio a recital company, with . a most excellent program. On the accordian Miss Beatrice Arthur will play not alone the popular airs of today, but music of Spain and Italy and from other days. Miss Nellie Miller, who is a reader and a cultured con tralto singer, is endowed with unusual personality, unlimited vitality and high ideals. Miss Maureen Harper as the violin ist of the Trio, is strong in solo and ensemble work, as well as being a finished contralto and soprano. Come and have a good laugh, a3 well as get some worth while entertainment and you will go away happier. Popular Prices! Adult's Season Ticket, $1.50 Child's Season Ticket, 75c Single Admission, 25 and 50c. " Kearney, Neb., Oct. 19. United States Senator G. M. Hitchcock today to'd the "Association Against the Prohibition Amendment, Incorporat ed." thai he would vote against any amendment that would weaken the Volstead prohibition enforcement act. In a telegram addressed to the as sociation's headQuarters at Washing ten the senator said: "In various newspapers I notice announcements that your association indorses me for re-election as United States senator. If you are doing this in the beiief that my election woii'd aid in amending the Volstead act you are mistaken. I shall vote against any amendment that would weaken the act, and particularly any that would permit the sale of wines and beers. I have made this pledge pub licly to the people, of Nebraska." (Signed) G. SI. HITCHCOCK. The November Red Book, Ameri ca's favorite fiction magazine, brim full cf the choicest stories and fea ture articles for the reading: public. Call at the Journel early and secure your copy before they are all taken. BIBLE CLASS EANQUET The announcement is made that the twelfth anrual banquet of the Young Men's Bible Class of the Meth odist church will be held on Tuesday evening. November 14th, at the church parlors. Hon. Ed P. Smith, former mayor of Omaha, will be the speaker of the occasion. Remember the occasion and reserve your seats accordingly. NEBRASKA UNI VERSITY BOOSTS NEW STADIUM Magiificient Structure to Cost $430, 000 and Seating 40,000 Per sons Planned for Uni. William Rice and wife motored over yesterday to Weeping Water where they spent a few hours visit- ' ing with their daughter. Mrs. John i Fitzp?trick and family. They report , tne country in need of rain with the fields very dry and dusty. Frank M. Herold and wife, who have been here for the pat few days viIt'npr with their relatives at the A.- L- Tidd and Henry Herold homes departed this morning for Lincoln, where Mrs. Herold will visit with her relatives there for a short time. 31ank Books at the Journal Office, (The preliminary plans for the new University of Nebraska stadium have finally been completed and are now in the hands of the Nebraska stadi um committee, according to a state ment issued by that committee this week. The plans call for a magnifi cient structure which will cost $430, 000 and which will have a seating capacity to begin with of 40,000 which may later be enlarged to 60, 000 if the need arises. The drawings have been prepared by. the firm3 of John Latenser & Sons of Omaha and Davis & Wilson of Lincoln, who have donated their services. The proposed stadium will cover four square blocks and will occupy in addition to the present Nebraska field a space immediately to the north. The new" field will be bound by Tenth, street on the west. Vine on the north. Twelfth on the east and T on the south. According to the committee, it should be possible to let the contract for the stadium on January 1. If present plans mature, the cornerstone will be laid on next charter day and efforts made to have the stadium completed in time for the 1923 football season. The plans call for a Roman aqueduct style of architecture in the building of the stadium. High, graceful arches will lend an atmosphere of a Caesarian arena. But utility has not been sacrificed to atmosphere an effect in the new stadium. An indoor running track, eighteen feet wide and three laps to the mile is to be sheltered by the building when completed. In addi tion, there are plans for indoor ten nis courts, numerous indoor hand ball courts, shower baths, dressing rooms and rooms for both visiting and home teams. The entire structure will be light ed with electricity and it will be pos sible to obtain brilliant electrical ef fects during pageants and other night festivities that may be staged there. There will be an outdoor running track surrounding the football grid iron. During the baseball season the field will contain an ideal baseball diamond. It is proposed to make this equipment the means for developing intramural contests cf all sorts. The back of the stands, each of which will hold 20, COO spectators, will be six stories or seventy feet in height. The height of the lower circular walls on the north and south wiH be two stories or about thirty feet. According to the committee, twenty-six universities and colbges art row building or have completed war memorials. Nebraska I one of the last to undertake a similar proje t. The campaign to raise the balan-e of the $420,000 for the stadinm will begin October 16. Homecoming week, when every studtnt on -the campus will be asked to pledce his share toward making possible the splendid structure which will till so great a need in Nebraska. .ALAN GASOLINE GEIN STARTING "ji H ERE are some ways to get the most mileage and economy from your car: Have your carburetor adjusted to that you will get a lean mixture. You don't need a rich mixture of Red Crown even in cold weather. Do not idle the motor for long period to keep it warm. Red Crown Gasoline it quick-starting and you won't drain out the battery by any reasonable number of stops and starts per day. Get into high gear as soon as possible after the car has been started. Habitually running 50 or 100 feet in "first" and "second" is needless waste of gasoline. Coast down the Jhills except when using the motor as an auxiliary braking power. You will always get full measure and prompt courteous service from a dealer displaying the Red Crown Sign. He stands behind Red Crown Gasoline and Polarine and we stand behind him. They must be dependable! Let the Red Crown Sign be your protection Standard Oil Company of Nebraska 1IBIBB : (P ? GASCXINE H e i c i B B E C B C J Write or ask for a RED CROWN Eoad Map