a b VOL. KO. XXXYIIL PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, CCTOEER 19, 19 KO. 23 R. 0. HOWELL VOTERS HERE MEETING AT DISTRICT COURT ROOM SATURDAY LIGHT WELL ATTENDED. From Monaay'B rally. j Saturday evening the district court room was comfortably filled by the. republicans of the city and vicinity: to greet their senatorial candidate., and hear him discuss- the questions : of the dny from the standpoint of j his party." or at le?st his personal j Aiev of some of the matters that the party is pushing; to the front as; issues. Hon. R. 15. Windham, one of the veterans of the republican ranks presided over the meeting and made a verv pleasing introduction of Mr. Howell. Mr. Howell is a very pleasing speaker and presented the side of his cause in pood shape, although avoid- ing some of the problems that has presented the opposition party end which were discussed freely by on his lism Jennings Eryan here last week. The speaker tock up the matter of the foreign loans and stated he was in favor of making the foreign coun tries pay the amounts that they have borrowed from this nation, and he also touched on the deflation question that has been discussed by both parties to a great extent, the democrats claiming that the defla tion was made on the authority granted by the republican concre3s on the eve of the election in 1920. and the republicans claim:ng that the federe.l reserve board was respon sible for the action that had brought so much privation to the farmers of j the middle west ana Mr. Jlowell pre sented hi? view of the matter, natur ally enough laying the responsibility on the reserve board. lie also discussed at some length the matter of the railro-da and was decided in his stand against the Esch-Curcmins bill and in this phase dwelt cn the matter of public ownir- F-hii r,f utilities in OTifihr, wbtrTi Tip I declared has been a great success, and clearly indicated his stand as a believer in the theory of government as well as municipal ownership of utilities. The candidate is personally a most niTable and clever gentleman and the citizens here who had the pleas ure of meeting Mr. Ilowell were very well ple-?ed with the distin guished gentleman. Walter L. Anderron of Lincoln. cp.U'iidste for the long term in con gress from this district was a':-;o present end me a large number or 1 the voters and was .'accompanied by Mrs:. Anderson, who was enjoying a short spurt into the political game. CHIEF OF POLICE PICKS UP INEBRI ATED STRANGER From Monday's Diflr Party Arrested Claims Ne.ir Crest r,n. Ia., Ecen Working in to be Prom and Shons. This morning Chif of Folic Bar- I clay took ir.to custody a stranger found r -ar the corner of Sixth and Main str" t and who had evid ntly ! been in bibing too fredy of the juice ef tlie- corn ar.d was also in po.ses- ! sion : a small amount of the fluid at thai time. Th chief ef police, with F;?t" Deputy Sheriff Hedges, who i, here to look over the situa tion, escorted the gentleman to the city lo kup to repose until his condi tion would wararnt his appearing be fore his honor. Judge William Weber! to answer for his offense The inebriated stranger claimed his home at Presco't. Ii.. and stated'sew' 1 orK Yankees, in action to the el.'ef that he ployed in the shops quit and in preparin had been em here but had g to return to bis home had staged a farewell cele bration thut provd his undoing. RAISED S0SIE BUST From Monday' DaHv This morning a real dust storm occurred en the Etreets here that certainly resembled a real desert storm and was the forerunner of a midden chan-re in the weather. For v few mom?r.ts it was a reminder of Demir.g. New Mexico, to the Platts mouth boy who Mere quartered at fsirp Cody, only it occurred in the morning instead of the usual hours rf from 4 to 6 o'clock which blowing hours in Deming. The sand used in the rtret Mas driven in clouds over the were work main p: rt of town, but the slight rain at the noon hour came as a most wcl- i come relief to settle the dust FOR SALE r.ig Type Poland China boars. Sired by ''Orange Model, 2nd" andi "A Commander." Telephone 3S02. j ADAM STOEIIR, I o2-Stsw. Plattsmouth, Neb. J TAKEN TO HOSPITAL Fr-m ilonrta'B Ialiy. i Yesterday afternoon Mrs. T. J.' til O ' i 1 1- 'ic I .Will, residing north of I taken to Kirksville. Missouri, where she will enter the Laughlin hospital! there for an operation and treat- j nient. Mrs. Will has been quite ; poorly for some time past and it1 'was thought by the- family and her attending physician that a course of' treatment end possibly an operation! t the Kirksville hospital might give; 'her relief from her present tondi- i tion. ENJOYED A FAMILY REUNION SUNDAY Meet Children of Mrs. Sarah Cotner with Mother, who is to Leave for Sojourn in East. Prom Monday'" Dal'.y. A most delightful reunion of the members of the Cotner family was held yesterday at the home of Mr. Edward Cotner in the south portion jof the city, when the children gather ;ed to spend the day with the moth er. Mrs. baran cotner, who is to leave at once for the east to spend the winter at the home of her son. Dr. J. W. Cotner, at Stratford. Con necticut. The time was spent In visiting among the members of the family and in the time that the members of the party were together a large number of snap shots were taken of the family gathering. Those in attendance at the event were Mrs. Mary Lloyd. Mr. and Mrs. Prank Xlarler, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dill and daughter. Thelma. all of Murray; Mr. and Mrs. John Neitzel. of Preston. Nebraska; Mr. and Mrs. John Cotner and daugh ter, Mrs. Clarence Favors and son. Clarence. Jr. and Jessie; Mr. and I Mrs. Clarence Cotner and son. Don- aid; Albert Cotner, Lee Cotner. Mrs. Bennett Chriswisser and Mrs. Fran ces McCart and daughter, Frances Clara, all of this city. BAND CONCERT AT GLENWOOD IS WELL ATTENDED Several Thousand People Hear Music of Plattsraouth, Glenwood and Pacific Junction Bands. Krnio linn(lay T!1. "With the most idealistic weather r ? t it .r c Tidrniiirp vpctprHflV thp cr:icen ni-n iy i idiiMnuiuu, Glenwood and I'acihc Junction nanas at the court house park in Glen wood yesterday afternoon wa3 one of the rr,ot entertaining and suc cessful that has been offered in this locality for a great many months and which was attended by a crowd es timated at 5,000. Cars were in evidence from ali eastern Nebraska and the western 1 portion or Iowa and tne program offered by the bands under the di rection of E. H. Sthulhof of this , city was the most delightful that j could be atked for by the most dis ! criminating lover of high class r mu!C. These 'lands will give a concert at the Nebraska Masonic Home on next Sunday afternoon at 2:30, if the weather conditions will permit, and one of the largest crowds ever i" the city of Plattsmouth is being looked for. E2TJ0Y BASE BALL GAME Yc-terday the members of the Mer- chants base ball team were taken to j Omaha by Manager John F. Wolff to 'attend the game at the Western I League park betwen the South Side V. fc. T-fO - ! Tl tf Tl e t r i W . ii 1 T.i ii ri r f that .... - ....... . i. uu ..ii . . wuuic 1 1 b u World and to view the mighty Babe Ruth and Bob Meusel, both of the The two Lig league stars were the whole show of the game sonality was more than the playing of and their pcr-j of the feature! the teams as a ' whole. Meusel appeared to score the greatest hit with tUe fans, but Babe was the big idol of the youngsters at the park and at the close of the game was surrounded by a great throng of the admirers to greet' him SEEKING NEW PASTOR The Rev. J. W. Kirkpatrick. su perintendent of the Omaha district of the Methodist church, was here to day visiting and looking over the situation here relative to the sending of a new pastor to take the place of Rev. Calvert, who has been called to other fields of labor and whose departure has been so much regTet ted. Dr. Kirkpatrick is looking over the situation very carefully and will that the Platts - do his utmost to see mouth church is provided with a live ! and forceful minister to look after i the work here. Until the vacancy i3 i filled. Rev. Calvert will endeavor to ' be at the churcn on the Sunday ser ! vices. Journal want ads pay. Try them. SCHOOL FUND IS BEING PLANKED BY JOB'S DAUGHTERS Money to be Used to Aid Deserving Girls to Procure an Education Pay No Interest. From Monday s Dally. The second annual meeting of the Irupreme guardian council of Jobs ! Daughters being held at the Masonic ; Temple yesterday effected tenta tive plans for the establishment of fund to lend girls of creditable standing in school, and members of jthe organization, to carry on their education. iiie amount or money leni eacn individual for this purpose without interest, will be lent with the un derstanding that it be returned in j payments when the girl has become ; established in the business world. ! 1 r. A ? i irr oil aA I ; Ail t i rtri rrl ! rt Qtil and guardian will be established in the various communities to look nfter the welfare of members attend ing school, and to assist those who have left school for employment, in an advisory capacity. Girls who 'might find themselves without funds and in need of assistance will be in structed to call upon this guardian. Money lent-to the girls who are i seeking an education will be used to obtain educational or university training. Job's Daughters is an internation al fraternal organization for the daughters of members of the Ma- f onic order and was founded in Om aha by Mrs. Ethel T. Wead Mick, its supreme guardian in 1920. Nebraska has six bethels. Mrs. Mick announced at the elec tion of officers which will take place Saturday she will not be a candidate for re-election. Cities that have so far expressed a desire for the next session of Job's Daughters are To peka and Cleveland. Saturday night a program will be canducted by the girls to which the general public is invited. Saturday afternoon eighteen girls from Grand Island Bethel Xo. 2 will give an ex- ) ezcplification of the initiatory ser vice. World-Herald. DRAWS $100 FINE Prom Tuesday's Dally. Yesterday afternoon Judge took up the matter of the against Charles Peterson of Weber charge Afton. la., who was arrested by Chief of Police Barclay on the charge cf be ing drunk. The gentleman acknowl edged the fact that he hed been im bibing too freely and had met up with some friends and had set them up to cigars and also offered one; of the party a drink and that this had led to his downfall as the party he had offered to treat had re-ported the matter to the police. The court after hearing the evidence decided that it would be necessary to give stranger the full penalty of the the law which was $100 and costs and prisoner arranging satisfactory the tlenie-nt with the court made his away hurriedly to the regions of the Missouri river. east ' GETS INTO TROUBLE Prom Tuesday's Dairy. Walter O'Keefe of Omaha was among those who reecive.d their need in's yesterday afternoon in the court of Judge William Weber, where he was charged with having been a par ticipant in a melee occurring near the Modern Woodmen building Sat urday night. The genltman was tak en into custody by Officer Jones after Walter had had a mix-up with a lady companion that he had brought down from Omaha and the police state that Walter clapped the lady in the case and dragged her into the enclosed Ford truck that the party had made the trip from Omaha in, but at this stage of the game the law interfered and as a result Judge Weber handed out a fine of $20 and costs to the gentleman. DOING VERY NICELY j From Monday a Dally, t Dr. B. F. Brendel and George S. t Ray of Murray who are at the Re : search hospital at Kansas City, have ! written home and report that they are both getting along fine. Dr. Bren del has been operated upon and will probably have a second operation later and is feeling much better. George states that this hospital is a real place and Dr. Minor and his staff are the real article in caring for cases that come to them for treat ment. The many Cass county friends ( of the two gentlemen are delighted jto bear from them and trust that they may continue to improve. ! SOME COLD NIGHT Prom Tuesdays DalJy. The first grip of winter's icy hand was felt here last night when the I?,01"111'651 , br.eezes bought with lueui a reai cniii inai caused me res identers to keep close to the home firesides and avoid as much as pos sible the wintery wind. The tempera ture sank below the freezing point and ice was formed in tubs and buck ets of water exposed to the elements, a large number of the householders report. BRYAN CONFIDENT OF DEMOCRATIC VICTORY j from Tuesday's Uully. Confident that the coming elec tion will spell victory for the demo crats in both the state and nation, William Jennings I'ryan lft N I braska last night ' for Minnesota where will speak; S! Durintr his seven d;: j ing in Nebraska, Mr. J cred forty-tv,o aCdressi I towns for the demo era'. rrl times, s cairpaign ryan deliv in as many v- ennd'datcs. r.oL the least ! lie declared he was l it fatigued from the strenuous ta: paign and that there is "many right" left in him yet. SHEEP ARE IN -DE- w. j. TARIFF m WODLisi Bringing Nearly Twice as LIuch as They Brought Last Year at This Time, Says Report. Reports from the "est indicate that sheep feeders are prying prac tically twice 'as much as they were paying one year ag'o for feeding stock .nd that there is a. strong demand. A large number of sheep are being shinned into the beet sugar districts for feeding end the demands for j transportation from th:-- sour'-e are' nbout all the railroads can supply. The movement of range eattle is also strong. Burlington ordvrs for cars from the northwest district for the past week having totalled more than 1.20O errs. Some of this movement is being delayed by the lack of equip ment but the railroads are handling a let of stock. Range sheepmen are sr.id to have done well with their stock this year and the heavy demand f;r feeders has brought them a fine profit. The lamb crop was fairly larga rnd the prices are so good that the range men have done well. Railroad business in this territory I has grown to such proportions tnat it is handled with cUmculty. ire Union Pacific is said tj be swamped with east bound stoed. business. The F.urlington is heavily "loaded in iry ing to care for the feeder demands. The Rock Island is struggling under a burden of general business that has clogged its yards and made move ments slow. Business didn't swr.mp us with a rush," s-i.ys a Nebraska official. "It ju-t vrew on us. gradually heavier and heavier, until we have about all we can do for a long time to corae. If business is gooxl in other lines I can't understand why. There is not one ciassu:i'at!on o: our cuiini's th: I is not unusually heavy now. YOUNG PEOPLE WEDDED ih om&ha Saturday: A very quiet wedding of two of the young people oi this community; occured Saturday r.t Omaha, wheuj Miss Freda Otterstein and Mr. Mel. in. Stiics were united iu the bonds oi i wedlock at the p-irsona?re of tne i First Presbyterian church. The young people l.a:l derided to hsve a rm simple wedding and without word, to their host cf friends rHpr-ed eway to Omaha to have their bappmers consumated. Mr. and Mrs. Stiles at once start-I eel housekeeping in Omaha where the groom is now employed and ex pect to make that city their home for the present at least. Both of the contracting parties are well known in this portion of Cass county, the bride being a daugh-' ter of William Otterstein. one of the' leading farmers of this iocality ar.l, has grown to womanhood here. Thoj groom is a son of Mrs. Mike Stiles and has many warm friends in this! city where he has made his home for a number of years and had up to a short time ago been an employe of the Burlington in the shops here. The many friends in this city join in wishing the r.ewly weds a long and very happy married life in the years that lie before them. DROP IN TEMPERATURE Fro.n Mopday'e Paitv With the light rain at noon came a decided change in the temperature and the breezes from the north caus ed a hurried starting of fires and the application of heavier clothing by the residents of the community. The weather is what is generally called squaw winter and will soon be passed by for the more pleasant weather, but the change is not excessive for the lateness of the season. READY FOR BUSINESS Frank Vallery, the land agent, has just secured a seven passenger Buick ear that he states will be used for demonstrating western Ne braska land and Mr. Vallery figures on using the car the next time he 1 goes west to exhibit the land to the j prospective customers. With the car, Frank believes he can get over a J great deal more territory than he, has heretofore and with less trouble. ! If you want do your work. guuu yiuiuuz ei ub Best equipped job shop in southeastern Nebraska. t SERIOUS ACGIBE AT ELMWOOD BRIDGE Farty cf Tourists from St. Joseph, 2Io., En Route to Lincoln, Eavs Car Turn Over. From Tut-s.tav !. J Yesterday morning shortly after, 10 o'clock another ai'to accident was' added to the li t that hove occurred the p:.r.t r-as'-n at the bridge "'two miles routh of Kim wood on the "O" ' r-tre;:t road, and this ti-i e a party of it. Joseph. Misr.or.ri. residents were l:e vie tin:--, of the.- accident. j Ther? were t've perrons in the; Ifrrjre sever p: euger I 'ai.ee touring car r.t the time of U e accident and they had orr-e do-.rn the hill from ltl:e ep;t. the turn in the but as tluy ''.rove onto the e the car made a sh?.rp turn iui crashed into u:e iron rruiir.g or the bridge, knocking it off and turn-iir-T the car over into the mud and w?.ter of the small creek several feet below. In ths fall Ii'lz. a your.: i he c;i r wis of the car. A. G. Roug- :' man who was driving the most seriously in t both bor.es of the right and one of the ladies in j:;red. h:vin arm broken rI:e car was picl ed up unconscious aiter the accident, when rui.hbors r.ecr the bridge hastened to the scene to assist in the rescue work. The injured man rnd lady were taken on into E'rr.woo.l, where the young man had his broken arm set by Dr. Lis - m and ii v.ns found that the lady was not seriously injured, as she had ;'pp.-'rer.h' suffered a slight peart at t;::k ps the result of the flight of the accident. After being cred for the party were able to continue their journey to Lincoln. The Paige car in which the auto party v.-a? driving was an almost totsi wreck r.s the result of the force vita which it had struck the railing of the bridge and the fall into the creek and v.us left at the scene of the accident. This section of the highway has er-n the scene of a gren.t many ac- ! t Menu arc! in an effort to remedy ".-.e conditions there the contract has ;"j?t been let for the construction of a large concrete box culvert to be placed or the O street Toad that will do away with the necessity of using the present bridge that is located on the section line south of the "O" c.treet ror.d, where a detour is made cn account cf the ditch. The county commissioners have I een compelled to await action on the matter of constructing the "O" i-i.-eet culvert due to the fact that it;.; - , portion of the highway is a fed- eri l aid noiect and subject to the ."tafe depirt'r.eiit of ,-V- . ' ;:rl i.ie ccuniy noaru e-our.i muni- uu chit r. res in the bridge unless epprov ed by the state board. '1 hey have, however, placed warn- I, in-: sierns on tne mgnway io warn drivers of the steep approach onto he bru e. but this does not ceeni to ched: the accidents as a number j have driven into the guard rails at; the entratu-e to tne bridge and tins latest accident resulted in the rail ing o: the bridge being torn away. Work on the new culvert l.as now( eomzi'.enced and when it is complet ed the commissioners will have a fill : r. . a ii'ii 'iiiiinnte thp nresen . fr.r tmvfi rn "O" i-Tr.-i2t rnrtrl i-; rnne f rnpfl. although it! ..-:n ctvi io nc:.i fnr iiit north nn.lihigh rate ; soul h section line road i TTrTT? actta CORN TO BE EX HIBITED AT GRAIN SHOW Nebraska is planning to show the other corn states that she can pro duce corn with the best of them. The proof of this will be ten ear exhibits that Nebraska farmers are selecting Tor the International Hay and Grain show to be held at Chicago, Decem ber 2 to 9. Nebraska has not had an exhibit at this show since it started two years ago, but expects to offer some sharp competition this year. Be sides corn there will be exhibits of wheat, oats, barley, rye, soybeans, cowpeas, alfalfa, sweet clover seed ar.d different kinds of hay. Liberal premiums have been of fered in all classes of the show. The state exhibits will be backed by the Nebraska Crop Growers' association. In addition to the individual compet itive the association will stage an educational exhibit in co-operation with the Nebraska Agricultural col lege. FILES COMPLAINT From Monday's Deltv County Attorney A. G. Cole this morning prepared a complaint against Joseph Roucka, a resident of the west part of the city, charging him with having made various abus ive and threatening remarks toward Frank Jarula. Sr.. a neighbor of the Roucka family. This is the second occurrence of this kind as Mr. Roucka was taken to Omaha a short time ago to answer in federal court (to having a fuss with Mr. Janda arising out or tne striKe situation, the defendant being out on strike, while Mr. Janda is still working at the Burlington shops. FOR SALE j Choice pure bred Chester White 1 j h March and April farrow, I At farmers nrices. K. E. Sedman. seven mile3 due south of Ashland. SENT PAY BOOST GIVEN YARD MASTERS Chicago, Oct. 16. An eight-hour day, with overtime, which is said to i m.ioi'nt to nca-ly a 25 per cent in- rcase. was granted approximately 2.000 yard masters on 26 class 1 rail ' roads and at six switching terminals j by the United States railroad labor ! board. This is the first time the board has established rules and working conditions for yardmasters, who now ar" lassified as subordinate officials a.ud subject to the board's jurisdic tion under the transportation act. iff VfSfHSf FIXED ON COAL IN SMOKELESS FIELD Rate of $6 a Ton on all Lunp Fuel of Domestic Sizes at Mines is Announced by Spens. Washington, Oct. lG.By agreement with the operators of bituminous coal mines in the "smokeless fields of West Virginia, it was announced. Federal Fuel Distributor Spens has fixed a maximum price of ?6 a ton to apply to all the lump coal for do mestic sizes, at the mines there. The agreement is said to be preliminary to an attempt at similar negotiations fixing the price on coal, particularly of types intended for domestic use, in all the 1C districts east of the Mississippi in which coal is mined. The West Virginia "smokeless" coal produced in the Pocahontas. New River. Winding Gulf and Tug River mining sections, are used in great measure to supply domestic consumers for heating purposes. Pres ent prices charged for the lump out put, the distributor's statement said, have rcnged up to J9.45 a ton at the mines. A large number of the individual operators in the fields named have participated in the conferences which ended with the price fixing agree ment and it was estimated that SO per cent of the production in the territory was represented. THINK OF IT Sunday, Dr. Guy Lake and family of Wabash; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Deles Dernier of Elmwood, and Miss Agnes Rough motored to Omaha to visit a relative, Mrs. Wm. Rough of Twin Falls, Idaho, who was just re turning from Mayo brothers hospi tal at Rochester. Minnesota, j When they were coming home near f XT' . - , j. r, . . . . t.r.m J 1 ' i I v. : ' m rv . ii eai Levi e jic&ai. iiiciii. 1 missing them but hitting a car in' front oi them them, throwing it in 1 i.emi oi mem intra, iiirowmj; 11 111 ti.1 d;tch. The car went into the J ditch a short distance from the col 1 lision and the drunken driver was I pinned under it. They thought he but he soon got on his feet and said: "Who is hurt?" His car was seem- ; ingly a new Buick and was a wreck, f No number on it. All they found was i a bill for SIT for repairs. The man was dressed in the uni- ! form of an army officer. When be went away he picked up a bottle of boze and put it in his pocket. I on that crowded boulevard a drunken driver running a car at a of sped endangering lives every see-ond. allowed to do it and get away with Republican. it. Weeping Water! j Ready Gash r s id Farmers are beginning to realize the advantage of being able to turn dairy pro ducts, hogs, garden truck, chickens, eggs, etc. into ready cash. From the amount of produce brought here yesterday (Bar gain Wednesday) it would seem mere and more of them are planning their op erations to include the items which can be cashed promptly. And it is well to do so. We're always glad to co-operate with the farmer who wants to diversify. Glad to talk with you about these things. The First national bank THE BANK WHWE VOU REEL. AT HOME PLATTSMOUTH 3 Member Federal Reserve rn'in'l ' l'f I'l t.TT' X'W 17 ' I J REGIONAL MEET ING AT ST. JOSEPH Librarians and Trustees States Gatherir.tr this of Three Week at St. Joseph, Mo A regional confe fiice of th" Aiii'-r-ican Library association promitd by Nebraska, Missouri and to which trustees of invited opens today in This will also take the regular state1 associate and Kansas lil rari' ;.r- ii. e of the w h i c h v i ! 1 meet separately during the three- ('.ays of sessions. There will also be general sessions, group eoi frnces and round tables. It was cr iginaliy planned as combined meet ing of the stale associations, bat w;s later made a regional conference of the national organization. Th' fol lowing Nebiaskans are on the pro gra r.i : Mrs. Loretta Murphy Brownfield ff North Platte, president of the Ne braska association, "Impressions and Ret lee ticns." Bruce MeCulloch. trustee Omaha library on "Library revenue; how much does a library need and how to tret it." Mhs Nellie Williams, secretary public library commission, "How o reach the community; a nummary of methods and results." Miss Fdith Tobitt, Omaha librari an on "Librarian's Readings." Mrs. Brownfield. Miss Williams and Malfolmn G. Wyer of the state university library preside each at on session and Miss Williams and M K . Mary C. McQuaid, librarian at F.iir btiry hold round tables on library problems and for the smaller com munities. Miss Barbara Gerinc, secretary e.f tli Plattsmouth public library, and Miss Olive Jones, librarian, are in attendance at this meeting. BIRTHDAY SOCIAL From Tuesday' Daily. One of the grand goexl tin.e-s you re-a'l about was enjoyed a I the ho-:." of Mr. and Mrs. Con Watkin n-vr fnion. when a host of friends ai.l relatives met with werll fll?d bas kets to celebrate the birthday anni versaries of Mrs. Wat kins and Mr. Dan Sudduth. Among tho'-e present were Mrs. Watkins' mother. Mrs. Gunn, grandmother. Mrs. Mozier and brother Charlie Gunn. who had all just arrivr-d from Mis:.ouri a t w clays previous. Everyone fpemed to er.joy th-ir visit in renewing old u quair.t.i'i. e-s and talkirg over edd tin-s. not to mention the bountiful fe-ast which was partaken of freely at the n heur. consisting of so many good hiuS te 'm.V-it rn eat. The many little folks joyed the dr,y together ful ly as well as the grown ups. All went away wishing Mrs. Wathirs and Mr. Sudduth many more hippy birthday and hoping to nil me e enjoyable occasions. again on sm h WILL PLAY FREMONT From Tuffrtay'n rany. The Plattsmouth hich school ball team will have a tram- at mont this week, playing there day with the fast high schoel foof Kr Fri- t.'UI'l of that city. The Fremont team Is credited with being one of the fast est teams in the state and th heal boys will have some real opposition in this game. TO for Farmers! "SEUUAFKX