The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 16, 1922, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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arOITDtAT, OCTOBER 16, 1922.
The Season of Something New
for Entertaining!
Denoison Novelties
of the Season will dp found on sale at
fe Journal Office
ationery Store
Yitches, Black Cats,
in Place Cards and All Kinds of Decorations!
Crepe Paper
in All the Very Newest Designs and Shades.
Black and Orange Novelties
of Every Description.
Mrs. Helen Wallick of Weeping
Water was here last evening to en
Joy a visit with friends and thl3
morning departed for Omaha to
siend a few hours.
Miss Mable Hiatt, who is teaching
In the Pacific Junction schools, came
over this morning to enjoy an over
Sunday visit with her cousin, Mrs. F.
II. Gobelman.
Rogers & Son Silver Polish, reg
ular 34c size for only 25c. At the
sale of St. Mary's Guild at the Jour
nal office on next Wednesday.
Blank Books at tbt Journal Office
On the Democratic Ballot
at the November Election You Will Find
the Name of
Candidate for County Treasurer.
Your Support Will Be Appreciated.
The felcAn St. Garage-
Reo Cars and Trucks!
We Overhaul and Repair All Makes!
Charge Batteries! Do Welding!
Full Line of Accessories, Vesta Batteries,
Oils and Greases!
Telephone 394
Lower Main Street
' (Political Advertising)
Following Is the Republican Ticket
to be voted on at the November
election in Cass county, Nebraska
State Senator, 2nd Dist.
A. P. STURM Nehawka
State Representative, 6th Dist.
TROY L. DAVIS Weeping Water
County Clerk
GEO. R. SAYL.ES Plattsmouth
EDNA D. SHANNON Plattsm'th
Register of Deeds
County Treasurer
. . tv r T ft rnlO XM i ttcmniit 1
f!nrmtv Sheriff '
CARL D. QUINTONFlattsm'thj
County Attorney
A. G. COLE Plattrrnouth
Countv Surveyor
Commissioner, 2nd Dist.
Commissioner, 3rd Dist.
II. R. SCHMIDT Murdock
Your support of each of the forego
ing candidates at the polls on elec
tion day November 7 is solicited.
C. E. Wescott, Long Time Merchant
of this City, Celebrating; An
niversary Today at L. A.
ltinitLL.1 111.11 0 IIUlllU .
I hereby announce myself as a
candidate for the state legislature. I
have received the nomination from
the democratic party and would be
pleased to receive the support of ail
who are desinous of lower taxes ana
better economic laws.
tf. Murray, Nebr.
Political Announcement
I desire to announce myself as
candidate for the posiMon of commis
sioner for the third district, chosen
on the republican ticket at the pri
mary election and will appreciate
what support I shall receive from
the voters of the county. Assuring
them I shall ever endeavor to work
for the best Interests of the entire
sll-tfw Murdock, Neb.
Having received at the rriaiary
election the nomination for county
treasurer on the republican ticket. I
announce myself a candidate for of
fice of county treasurer, subject to
the votes at coming election.
I will appreciate the support of
all who desire the best service in
this ofuce.
Election Nov. 7. 1922.
I desire to announce myself can
didate for the position of state sena
tor, having received the nomination
at tho primary at the hands of the
republican party. Election Nov. 7th.
Thanking those who In the past
have supported me and the measures
for which I have worked, I am, very
A. f. STURM,
s!4-tfdaw Nehawka, Neb.
It is a far cry from the rugged
Berkshire Hills in the state of Mas
sachusetts to the sun-kissed shores of
the Pacific ocean, yet the life of C.
E. Wescott has brought him from
the pleasant old New England scenes
to the magic city of Los Angelos,
where he is spending his declining
years and today i3 observing his
e'igV-ty-first birthday.
C. E. Wescott va3 born October
2 1. 1811 in Cheshire, Massachusetts,
amid the well known Berkshire Hills,
one of the most delightful spots in
tho New England country, and there
v y
I announce myself candidate for
the position of county attorney, hav
ing received the nomination at the
hands of the democratic party at the
recent primary. Thirty-three years
of age, been in practice in Cass coun
ty since 1914. Graduate of state uni
versity law school. Served 21 months
in the late war, was in Philippines.
During the time have resided in Cass
county for twenty years. Your sup
port for the position would be ap
preciated. Election Nov. 7th, 1922.
Elmwood, Neb.
The progressive party ha3 asked
me to become their candidate for the
office of sheriff, the request coming
to me as It has, with their full con
fidence and support, they looking for
a man untrammelled by Influences
which would hinder the full exercise
of the duties of the office of sheriff,
I have accepted the position of can
didate. Should I be elected I will en
deavor to administer the law and
perform the duties of the office with
out fear from any party or clique. I
shall appreciate the support of all
who desire the laws executed with
out partiality and with the best in
terests of all the county the aim.
In announcing myself for the po
sition of county commissioner for
their third district, as the candidate
for the democratic party, I only
wish you all to be assured that my
present term as such commissioner
has saved the county money. I have
endeavored to be economical in the
expenditure of the money of the
county. I have aimed to give the
work which I am entrusted to do for
the county, as much thought and con
sideration as I would my own busi
ness. If you think I am worthy of
your support, I would be pleased to
have it.
Otto E. Lutz from the vicinity of
Murray was a passenger this morn
ing for Omaha to look after some
matters of business.
Booki! Books! Books! We have
them till you cant rest, at the Jour
nal Office,
spent his young manhood, later mov
ing west and locating at LaPorte,
Indiana, where he was married and
after a short time there the young
couple came to Iowa and settled near
what was then Brush Creek, but
which is now Arlington, and here
the Wescott family resided on a farm
and it was there that the son, C.
C. Wescott. was born. Later Mr. and
Mrs. Wescott returned to LaPorte,
where Mr. Wescott entered a cloth
ing store of that city and which was
the starting of his long and success
ful career as a merchant.
It was in the year 1S79 that Mr.
and Mrs. Wescott and their family
arrived at Plattsmouth and it was
only a short time later that the C.
E. Wescott clothing store was launch
ed in the business life of Plattsmouth
and the motto of the proprietor of
the store, "One Price and No Mon
key Business," was made famous in
all parts of the state and represented
distinctly the policy of Mr. Wescott.
In later years the eldest son, C. C.
Wescott, was admitted to partnership
and the younger son. E. II. Wescott,
on the completion of his school work,
was interested in the business of the
In the year 1906 Mr. C. E. Wes
cott retired from active business in
this city and turned over to his two
sons the well established business,
which has since been known as the
firm of C. E. Wesott's Sons.
In 1910 Mr .and Mrs. C. E. Wes
cott departed from Nebraska to lo
cate at Los Angeles where their
youngest son. Earl E. Wescott, had
located previously, and since that
time this estimable couple have been
spending their declining years there,
interspersed with visits back to the
old home in Nebraska.
The friends hero are trusting that
Mr. and Mrs. Wescott may enjoy
many more years of happiness.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Elliott and
two children of St. Joheph, Mo., ar
rived here this morning for an over
Sunday visit at the home of Rev. and
Mrs. H. G. MeClusky. Mrs. Elliott
was formerly Miss Maurine Hughes,
sister of Mrs. MeClusky.
Strictly all modern four room cot
tage, close in. Terms on most of
the purchase price. Apply to
For Commissioner, 2nd District
I wish to announce to my friends
throughout the county that I am a
candidate on the democratic ticket
for the office of commissioner of the
2nd commissioners district and will
appreciate your support at the polls
on November 7th. If elected I will
not only be a commissioner for the
second district but for the entire
Louisville, Neb.
Silver Service
The best of work always. We
are here for the best service.
Gasoline, Oils and
Goodyear Fisk f Goodrich
We repair any make of auto
mobile. All work guaranteed.
Uostlcy Lano,
Spotted Pollards
Teddy Allison was looking after '
some business matters in Omaha on .
.last Thursday. i
I Herman Rauth and wife were
(spending the day last Sunday at the
home or Mr. and Mrs. ornery um
bons. I
Fred Krecklow and C. E. Mocken-'
hanpt were painting the buildings at
the home of Walter Mockenhauptj
last week.
V. A. Mockenhaupt and wife, of
near Alvo were visiting at the home
of tho p.irentr, of Mr. Mockenhaupt
list. Sur.dpy. 1
The lumber yard received a car
load of lumber lart week which was
unloaded by tho Sheehan brothers'
on last Thursday.
Last week the barn on the Bourke
farm southeast of Weeping Water, l
wr.s bnrncd, entailing a considerable!
lors to the owners. j
Daniel Bourke was a visitor dur-'
ing the p:ist vek at the home of
his sister, Mrs. Ellen Smith, of
southwest of Elm wood. 1
Mrs. F. H. Beine. of Yayne, form-j
erly Miss Minnie Peters, was visit-j
ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. j
Theo Harms of Manley last week.
It. Bergman was a visitor in Om- j
aha last Wednesday, where he was i
called to look after some business i
matters in connection with his store
there. I
V. J. Ilau and wife and Mr. and.
Mrs. Herman Rauth were visiting in!
Omaha last Thursday, it being Co-j
lumbus day and the bank being;
closed. i
Joseph Wolpert was looking after,,
business at the store of R. Bergman.; I
when the latter was called to Om
on some business matters last
nesnay. i
sas. mother of Mr. A. II. Humble, of' :rthur Din-es a"toe.d to Elmwood . coin Thursday Mr. Boyles is not iv:k 5i visitor hrrp Jin.1 n r"UllJ ei filing uujuc.-o. u- usual mis
from the magic herd of Spotted PoIand3 on the Oaks
Farm Seventy Head from this Noted Herd Selling!
Selected from our Herd of Over 300 Head
Nebraska Ssfy, October 1 Oth
Nothing but outstanding boars used in our herd, which
is rich in the breeding of the best English strains. Our
herd sire is the $2,000.00 English Type Builder, one of
the most extensively bied old country boars in service
in this state. We are selling a long string of useful boars
and sows. REMEMBER, 70 head gives you a big op
portunity of buying. Write us at once for catalogue.
Chas. Taylor, What Cheer, Iowa, and
Henry Herzog, Auctioneers.
This advertising placed thru the National Livestock
Advertising Agency, Tecumseh, Nebr.
)maha j i
was a
guest at the home of her son last
Joserh Wolpert and two sisters.
Misses Maggie and Katie, were visit
ing in Omaha last Thursday and
looking after some business matters
as well.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mockenhaunt
nnd Mrr. C. E. Mockennaupt were
1 Mrs. J. A.
night and
Mr. and
Mrs. Ellis
Mrs. W.
Helen were
. Schaffer spent Monday I
Tuesday in Lincoln. i -ye
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Coatman of
eeniner Water snent Thnrsdav fin.
Mrs. W. E. Fairfield and tober 5th at the Rov Coatman home
Coon autoed to Lincoln anj aiso visited their farm south of
ii. huaers ana aaugmer MIs3 Alma Murray of Elmwood,
passeiijseia iu wuvuiu who teaches in district No. 44. went
n-dncsuay evening. to Lincoln on No. '7 Thursday eve
Dr. and Mrs. L. Muir visited Mon-njns. atteml the trarhprs mnwn.
at the home' ;'a.v with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Knicely j tian at that piace
spending last Tuesday
of Mr. and Mrs. V. A.
north of Alvo.
Mr. cud Mrs. Aug Stander and
son John were spending last Sunday
nt tho home of their dauehter. Mes
dames Albert and Edward Seiker of store is being given a coat of paint
at their home in Council Bluffs
Full blooded Barred Rock cock
rels, $1.50; pullets. $1.00. Mrs.
Will Copple, Alvo. Neb. ol6-8tw
The interior of the I. D. Vile3
near Elmwood. j tnis weeK. jcnn ireger is uoing
George Curvca of Alvo was aithe work,
business visitor in Manley last Wed-j Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bornemeier en
nesday. coming over to consult with tertained the Jolly Neighbors club
John Crane, the manager of the of Alvo Friday evening at their home
lumber vard hc-r?. near Murdock.
Mrs. M. M. Shipman, living south-j The Misses Mildred Mickle and
west of Manlev. has been having Paulina Burlingame went to Lin
some very worth while hog houses coin Thursday evening to attend the
built for the care of the porkers teachers' convention,
which the is growing at the farm. j W. H. Suders and R. C. Apple
James L. Breckenridge took the; man left Tuesday, via the auto route
ood wife and Mesdames Hugh and I for c entral Minnesota where they
Walter O'Brien to Plattsmouth last : expect to trap this winter.
Thursday, where they attended the' The juniors entertained the sen
convention of the Royal Neighbors. iors at a party last Friday night.
Hugh O'Brien and wife and Walter J Mrs. Joe Armstrong was in Lin-
O'Brien and wife and Mr. enie coin one day last week. She Is get
Rockwell were spending last Sunday
".t the home of Mr. Harry D. O'Brien
of near Cedar Creek, driving over in
their auto.
Mrs. Thomas Keckler. Mrs. R.
Bergman and Fred Krecklow and
wife made up a load who were at
! end ing the Royal Neighbors con
vention which was held in Platts
mouth last Thursday.
Mrs. J. C. Rauth visited at the
home of Grandmother Doty on last
Thursday, who lias beeu ill for sev
eral weeks, and who at this time is
showing some good improvement, al
though not as yet entirely recovered.
E. H. Schulhof. of Plattsmouth.
one of the best in the line of re
pairers and tuners of pianos, was in
Manley last Wednesday and put the
church organ at the St. Patrick's
Catholic church here in the best of
Theo Harms and wife were visit
ing at Talmage last Sunday, where
they attended the wedding of a sis
ter of Mrs. Harms, which occurred
at that time, the contracting parties
being Miss Mattie Peters and Julius
Last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Ruby entertained a number of their
friends at the home east of Manley,
at which time a very pleasant day
was spent, and there were present
for the occasion, Paul Roberts and
wife of Plattsmouth and Mr. and
Mrs. Edward Woods of Cedar Creek.
Dr. P. J. Flynn and wife and Mrs.
Nickelson, a sister of Mrs. Flynn, of
Valentine, who is visiting at Platts
mouth nnd Miss Margaret Hallahan,
all of Plattsmouth, were guests at
the parish house of St. Patrick's
church and were visiting with Father ,
Higgins and his mother, Mrs. W. D
Higgins, one day last week.
j ting along very nicely tho not yet in
her usual strength.
I Edward Uptegrove came in from
Lincoln Thursday noon to visit his
grandmother. Mrs. E. L. Uptegrove
during school vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Boyles visited
their brother, W. O. Bovles, in Lin-
Mrs. Verl Linch, of Diller, came
in Thursday noon to visit her par
ents. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Bushnell.
while Mr. Linch is in attendance at
the teachers' convention at Lincoln.
The last shipment of electric light
poles has been received and the con
struction work is progressing nicely
under idsal weather conditions for
such work. A number of electric
ians are busy wiring houses.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Coatman and
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Coatman enter
tained at a picnic dinner on October
1st, Miss Gladys Coatman of Wesley
an university, Gordon Ileneger and
family of pear Weeping Water and
Miss Ober, principal of our schools.
In the afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Coatman autoed up, making the
number present total twenty-one.
Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Green, of
Washington. Iowa, came in Wednes
day evening to visit their daughter,
Mrs. William Mickle and family. Mr.
and Mrs. Green ere about eighty
years old and have been visiting rel
atives in Montana and St. Paul.
Minnesota, the past few weeks and
expect to spend a few weeks with
their daughter here before returning
The Time is Here
For the summer and fall plowing which is pre
paring for the winter wheat and for the crops of next
summer. '.' Li
We have the machinery, plows, horse or power
drawn, sulky, gang or walking style.
Our "Red Baby" will do your hauling.
Coalman Hardware Co.,
Calf Taken Up
Taken up an estrayed young red
steer calf, now at the home of Wal
ter O'Brien, two niiies west of Man
le3 where it has been for some time.
Owner can have same by calling,
proving property and paying the ex
pense incurred. Otherwise, at the)
end of three weeks, the said cair will
be sold according to law.
October 1G, 1922.
Entertained for the Day
Last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. J. C.
Rauth. residing east of town, enter
tained for the day a number of their
friends and with the host and hos
tess, all had a most enjoyable day.
There were present for the occasion,
Messrs and Mesdames Fred Bricks,
Vincent Brick3 and daughter Creda,
Phillip Bricks, son of Mr. and Mrs.
VroA Tlrlnlra .Tfse TTnllenheclc nnd
" . . . . , - .
on1 l-i , rlaiio-htar ATiirfrnrfit
all of Lincoln.
Marriage licenses were issued to
day to Fred Heil of Cedar Creek and
Miss Esther Relnke of South Bend,
who -will be married tomorrow at
the home of the bride's parents.
ale of Hogs!
Consisting of 120 Head of Good Thrifty Spring Shoatr,
held on
onday, Oct- 23
iy2 mile east of Murray on the old Frank Young
place, commencing at one o'clock p. m.
TERMS Six months time, good bankable note, with
8 interest.
W. R. Young, Auctioneer W. G. Boedeker, Clerk