The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 02, 1922, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    MONDAY, . OCTOBER . 2, ,1922.
febe plat temoutb lour rial
Entered at rn(rto. rutumouth. Nb. econd-class mall matter
R. A. BATES, Published
Th J oRtT-rn xrc yv.r.V .!own in tho
Tit that T.f jr.,.r: in ;.i 8fl which
Ihfv is it;r o foot taken.
Y ( - .i?jr his own break-
A ri' au: hubby tolls us
Lie siou'.J would stop raving:
F:5 crowds art turning out to hear
SW-ator Hitchowk and Charley Bry
an. The man who talks to himself
wants to hear something he can be
lieve. :o:
"Trnin wreck injures nine"
headline. That reminds us, football
is back.
Bread wasn't made with yeast un
til 1650. but some of it hasn't kept
very well.
Doctors agree a big breakfast is
good for you. Just try to make the
cook believe it.
Lcndon taxicabs are said to suf
fer from old age. The disease spread
to this country.
John J. Butler wa3 killed while
shaking a rug. Show this to your
wife next time.
Rickenbacher, famous aviator, is
married. While he works his wife will
look up to him.
Love makes 'the world go around;
but knocking a man on the head has
the same effect.
Before you get through paying on
your summer clothes It is time to
buy winter ones.
Our oil output is increasing. And
since school opened the castor oilTff
take is increasing. "
If the parlor isn't enough, before
proposing, go back and see how she
looks in the kitchen.
Having a two dollar bill may be
bad luck; but not having one is of
ten worse than that.
Clemenceau. the Tiger of France,
may come over here for an attack
en American banquets.
In this talkative age, it is strange
that radio men sell more receiving
than broadcasting sets.
In politics, carrying water on. both
shoulders never did get a candidate
very far in the election.
There is a Sanskirt word of 152
syllables. Please do not tell the man
who names Pullman cars.
Germany must understand, how
ever, that a moratorium Is a stay of
execution, not a pardon.
A Bloomfield, N. J., girl went cra
zy when she saw her suitor. This,
however, is nothing new.
One night 300,000 storks roosted
In Oeynhausen, Germany. They may
have been leaving France.
A St. Louis laundryman shot him
self. He may have forgotten to fas
ten all the buttons on a shirt.
The business of congress is slight
ly delayed by the impression of many
a member that he can vote more con
fidently after the fall election.
: :o:
In hopping by airplane all the way
across the continent in two hops it
will be universally remarked that
Lieut. Doolittle did a good deal.
The Turks say they desire to. get
into Thrace to liberate the oppressed
Turks there. The question seems to
be whether the Greeks shall oppress
the Turks or the Turks the Greeks.
, N ' . ., .
Hunt up your tax receipt and take
a peep at it. (You willf then see why
you should vote against McKclvie
and his gang of sap-suckersIn office,
who were made so by this nefarious
Followers of Senato"r Bob, La Fol
lette see in "his. sweeping victory a
big boost for the third national par
ty, "of which is it hoped he .may be
come the kernel." Evidently a nut
party. I
Senator Walsh of Massachusetts.
says the public is sadly disappointed
J w ith not only the tariff bill but also
with the whole administration
record. The senator Is so situated, to
find these matters out.
Senator Walsh of Massachusetts
will speak in Omaha next Saturday.
He is one of the most brilliant men
in the United States senate, and peo
plo from all the surrounding country
will flock to hear'him.
That is a piquant story from Pi
qua, O., which tells us that a news
Taper reporter was fined $25 for
seeking to interview a man on Sun
day. And probably that man wasn't
worth interviewing, cither.
If Randall only knew it. the repub
licans have no hope of his election
as governor. The leaders are mak
ing their only effort to elect Howell
and defeat Hitchcock. He will find
out this fact after the election.
No office holder should be pun
ished at the polls for failing to ful
fill his campaign promise, because
some times his failure is not his
fault. But it is all the same he
ought to be punished for making
the promises in the first place.
Years ago the ice men solved. the
dull season problem by going into
the coal business, but nobody knows
why they haven't gone Into the light
overcoat and felt hat business to tide
over the little lull between ice
weather and coal weather.
The disproportion between the
cexes varies greatly throughout Eu
rope, but every country that has been
at war has a large surplus of wom
en. On the whole continent of Eu
rope, according to English statistics,
there is an excess of 25 million wom
en. Charley Bryan will be elected gov
ernor because the people have great
confidence in him. He favors. the peo
ples' interests and will protect those
interests by repudiating the McKel
vie code, that makes a whole regi
ment "pits" at the governor's com
mand. -0:0--
That man who is hauling his wife
from California to Palm Beach in a
two horse wagon i3 evidently master
in his own house, wherever that
house is. There Isn't a man in Ne
braska who could make hi3 wife ride
across the continent in a jolting two
horse wagon.
The radical influences in Michi
gan and the states adjoining sent
their witch burners into Michigan to
beat Senator Townsend. They want
ed so much to beat him and then
failed! Unless a democrat can beat
him in November we shall be glad
to see him re-elected.
Judge Wra'y has evidently shot his
wad by trying to sell out the pro
gressives to the republicans, but he
will miss his mark by a long range.
Wonder if Howell hasn't promised
his support to Wray for senator when
Norris' time expires. But Norrls will
have something to say about deliv
ering the goods.
Many standpat republicans will
not support Brookhart, republican
candidate for the U. S. senate in
Iowa, because he is a progressive.
In this state Howell, the candidate
for senator, is trying to carry water
on both shoulders. When it suits the
community where progressives pre
vail, he is progressive. Do you like
that sort of a candidate?
If you want good printing. let ni
do your work. . Best equipped jot
hoi in rmthantem JObraika.
Rex Young
Will Be At Home
September 25th
Order for dates can e.
had Dy calling
PhorTe No. 3532
v Inr the District-Court of thp Coun
ty of pass, Nebraska..
,John P. Gorder, Receiver of. the
partnership, George E. Dovey .nndi
Ham W. Gullion et al. Defendants
To the defendants William -i.JV.
Gullion; Mrs. William W. Gullion,
real name unknown; W. W. Gullion,
real name unknown; Mrs. V. W.
Gullion, real name unknown; A H.
Townsend, real name unknown; Mrs.
A, H Townsend, real name Un
known; r Alfred IV, Townsend; , Ann
A. Townsend; , Arthur W. Balsly;
Mrs. Arthur W. Balsly, real name
unknown; Si -H. -Walker, real name
unknown: Mrs. S. H. Walker,t real
name unknown; Sylvester H. Walk-
er--Mrs Sv Wester H Walker , real
lP?- SLer ihrS? Tl' 'Jfi
tVI " t " , , . a' v tt..
Abraham Kuh, real name unknown;
1. r 1. , t . .c0mJ
..Vi f ri, TnoM- nTfus!lncdntal work n Eagle-Mur-uel
Leopold: Clara Leopold, KUius -e T, t.i 1
v.AZta' KonniP wnli.- nil- dock- Project No. 153-B, Federal Aid
R. Edwards; Nannie Edwards; Oli
ver H., P. .Tboroughman; O. H. -P.
Thoroughman, real name unknown;
Mary. A. Thoroughman; Thor-
oughman. real name unknown;. Mrs. ' . , . 1 Ul uc" JTk
s t , ' ; i 1 ,..,of 2:00. o clock p. m.. on the 13th day
, Thoroughman, real name.un-i
known; Henry C. Withers; Mary. E.lof October. , 1922 County Boards
Withers; Matthew L. McClelland;
M. V. L. McClelland, real name un
known; Sarah B. McClelland; Wil
liam R. Pye;, Virginia N. Pye; Rich
ard M. Scruggs; Mrs. Richard M.
Scruggs, real. name unknown; .El
liott T. Merric; Mrs. Elliott T. ;Mer-
ric, real name unknown; Elliott ,T.
Merrick; Annie H. Merrick; Lucien
TPntnn Afro fiiolun trTt mil numo'
unknown; Joseph II. Brown; Mary
H . HrnwTi... rpal name unknown:
T XI T.i,T. llrti Toft" XT T nT ooliaUI
namp unknown: Eueene C. Harrine-'
M. . TT-I T TTnwn.nn TlnntnH
Marquett, widow; Anna Hathaway;! : Certified check for 6 of . tht
m wiiit.m xi iiarno, wtnw ...iiamount of the , bid will , be, . required
nam unknown- A M RohPP. real
name . unknown; Mrs. A. M. Bebee,
real name unknown; A. M. Beebe,
real name unknown; Mrs. A.: rM. 1
Beebe, .real name unknown; Robert
Donnelly; Mrs. Robert Donnelly, real
name unknown; Maud Tacetti;
Charles Tacetti; Charres Mickelwait;
Edith Mickelwait; William Mickel
wait; Mrs. William Mickelwait, real
name unknown; the heirs, devisees.
egatees, personal representatives and
all other persons interested ' in the
estates of each of the above named
defendants, deceased, real names un
known'; the heirs, devisees., legatees,
personal representatives and all oth
er persons interested in the estates
of .Wheatley Mickelwait; Illlslana
Mickelwait; Wheatley ' Micklewalt;
Ulisiana Micklewalt; Fred Mickel
wait; Kate Kiser; Charles Kiser;
Joseph Harper; Jane A. Harper; L.
M. Wright, real- name unknown;
Mrs. L. M. Wright, real name un
known; James B. Kennedy; Mary E.
Kennedy; William II. Harper; Tv M.
Marquett, real name unknown;, Tur
ner M. Marquette; H. D. Hathaway,
real name unknown; Hiram p. Hath
away; . - Selden jn. Merrlam; Lydia
Merriam; A. E.. Alexander real name
unknown; , Alexander, - real
name -unknown; Alice .Pepperberg,
each deceased, real names unknown;
Leopold Kuh & Co.". a co-partnership
composed of Morris L. Leopold, Abra
ham Kuh, Henry Leopold and Sam
uel Leopold; the successors and as
signs of Leopold Kuh & Co., -a. co
partnership, real names unknown;
McClelland, Pye & Co., a. co-partner
ship composed of Matthew V. L. Mc
Clelland. William R. Pye and Rich
ard M. Scruggs; the successors and
assigns of McClelland, Pye & Co., a
co-partnership, real names unknown;
Thoroughman & Withers, a. co-partnership
composed of : ; Thor
oughman. real name unknown, and
Withers, real name . un
known; the successors and assigns of
Thoroughman & Withers, a co-part
nership, real names unknown; George
Davis as assignee in bankruptcy
of Eugene C. Harrington, bankrupt;
the successors and assigns of George
Davis, assignee in bankruptcy, of
Eugene C. Harrington, bankrupt, real
names unknown;, - and all persons
having or claiming any interest in
and to the west half W) of Lot
number four, (4) and all of Lots
numbered, five, (5) eight .(8) and
nine. (9) all in Block numbered
thirty-five, (35) except that-part of
Lot number eight (8) . described as
follows: Commencing at the north
west corner of said Lot eight, (8)
running thence east 16. inches, thence
south 24 feet, thence west 10 inches,
thence south 27 feet and 6 inches,
thence west 6 inches to the west, line
of said Lot eight: (.8) .thence north
51 feet and 6 inches to the place of
beginning in the , City of Platts
m,outh, Cass county. .Nebraska, real
names unknown; Abraham Pepper
berg; , Mrs". Abraham Pepperberg,
real name unknown; Leon Pepper
berg; Mrs. Leon Pepperberg, real
name unknown; Henry Boeck; Elizi
beth Boeck; Hulse Bros. & Daniel
Company, a corporation; Chaflin9,
Inc., a corporation, and Marshall
Field & Company, a corporation.
1 ou and each of you are hereby
notified that John F. Gorderi Receiv
er of the firm of E G. Dovey & Son,
a co-partnership, George E. Dovey
and Horatio N. Dovey, as plaintiffs,
filed a petition and commenced an
action in the District Court of Cass
county, Nebraska, on -the -13th day
of September, 1922. against you and
each of you. the object, purpose and
prayer of which is to obtain a de
cree of Court quieting the title to all
the west, half (W) of Lot number
four, (4) and all of Lots numbered
five, (5) eight, (8) and nine, (9)
all in Block numbered thirty-five,
(3a) except that part of Lot number
eight (8) described as follows:" Com
mencing at the northwest corner-of
said Lot eight, (8) running thence
east 16 inches, thence south 24 feet,
thence west 10 inches, thence south
Z7 feet and 6 inches, thence west
6 inches to the west line of said Lot
eight. (8) thence north 51 feet and
6 inches to the place of beginning,
in the City of Plattsmouth. Cass
county, Nebraska, as against you and
each of you and for such other re
lief as may be Just and equitable.
You and each. of you are required to
answer said petition on or before
a m auu cam ui uu mio icu iui cu lu i
Monday, the 30th day hi October)
1922, or the allegations therein con
tained will be taken as true and
decree will be .rendered in ,f avor of
plaintiffs and against you and each
of, you," according to the prayer of
, pater this 13th day of September,
B-oyey. & Son, a. Co-'partnershJp
George E. Dovey and Horatio
N. Dovey, - k .j ? ,
y r .... Plaintiffs.
W. G. KJECK',- r
Attorney for Plaintiffs. . .
Sealed bids will be received at the
offIce of the state Department of
Public Vorks. 4th floor . Brownell
, block, at . Lincoln, Nebraska, until
f- o"00 - iZT J
1922, for grading, guard rail - and
Road. . . . .. . r .
Bids will, be opened in the Depart
ment, oft; Public Works, 4th.' floor
1 ...M T" 1 1- . UA
arer hereby requested . to be present
or represented. Bidders are invited
to be present-. . r . ., - ? .. -
.The . proposed.; work. , consists, of
constructing p. 6 miles of earth road.
' The approximate quantities are;.
8.S40 cubic yards earth excavation.-
.., ., ; ;. . ... . : ...
,100 ,-cubic yards special excava-
tiOIl, ClaSS B.
4f-" cubic 'arda channel excava
1 ,ul1- -,cl,ua t.wua
f"' lccl olecl Vilu,c
rail. L iHSS A .. .
wlln eac" an every 01a receivea
Plans and specifications for the
work may. be seen and information
and - proposal -forms secured at the
office of the County Clerk at Plattsmouth.-
Nebraska, or at the office of
the , Stat j -Department of Public
Works at -Lincoln, Nebraska.
? The State and County reserve the
right to waive all technicalities and
reject any or all bids. :
County Clerk, Cass County
... GEO. . E. JOHNSON, .
. Sec'y Dept. of Pub. Works.
on Petition for Appointment
of Administrator.
. The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss. . . r
In the County Court..,
.In the (matter, .of the .estate of
William M, .Tucker, deceased.. .
. On reading-and filing the petition
of i Benjamin O.-Tucker praying that
administration-of said estate may be
granted to J. W. Magney as admin
istrator;, i . .
Ordered.- that October 9., A. D.
1922, at 10 o'clock a. m. is assigned
for hearing, said r petition; when all
persons .interested,, in, said matter
may appear at a County Court to be
held in .and for 6aid county, and
show, cause why. the prayer ,pf peti
tioner should not be granted; and
that .notice of. the pendency, of said
petition and the hearing .thereof be
given - to all persons.--interested in
said matter by publishing a copy of
this order. in. the Plattsmouth Jour
nal,, a semi-weekly newspaper print
ed. In said, county for, three succes
sive weeks, prior to said day of hear
ing.... .. . . .... .
Dated September 14 tb. 1922.
(Seal) sl8-3w. . County Judge.
The State of Nebraska, Cass couh
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
- In the matter of the estate
Jonathan Hatt, deceased. .
To the creditors of said estate:
4 You are hereby notified, that I
will sit at the County Court room in
Plattsmouth in said county, on the
23rd day of October, 1922, and the
23rd day of January, 923.. at ten
o'clock in the forenoon of each day,
to receive and examine all claims
against said estate, with, a view to
their adjustment and allowance. The
time limited for the presentation of
claims against said estate is three
months from .the 23rd day. of Oc
tober, A. D. 1922, and the time lim
ited for payment of debts is one year
from said 23rd day of October, 1922.
. Witness my hand and the seal of
said County Court this 19th day of
September, 1922.
(Seal) ; -County Judge.
C. A. RAWLS. ,
821-4w. . .. Attorney.
: The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court. ., .
. In the matter of the estate of
Percy , Allen Warthen. deceased. .
To the creditors of . said estate:
You are hereby notified, .that I
will sit at the. County Court room 'in
Plattsmouth in, said county, on the
29th day of September, A. D. 1922,
at 10 o'clock a, m., and on the 29th
day of December, A. D. 1922, at 10
o'clock a. m., to receive and examine
all claims against said estate, with a
view, to their .adjustment and allow
ance. The .time limited lor. the pre
sentation of claims against said es
tate is three months from the 29th
day. of -September, A. D. 1922, and
the time limited for payment of debts
is-one year from said 29th day of
September, 4922. - .
Witness my-hand and the seal of
said .County .Court, this 28th day of
August, 1922-- :. m vu -i s
v,-r . . , ALLEN J- .BEESON,
(Seal) County Judge.
a31-4w. - , Attorney.
, v We appreciate , your co-operation
fceline .publish all the lire
news of ui commnnitv. Call Ha. (8
r -
3 nngt.
rj, fir .t. ,
;. This. is Y0UK mill! You can mate
it your best asset. - ,
Ihe mill now wants TWO TH0US
AUD TONS of Alfalfa hay for St.
Louis and eastern, shipment.
We pay highest market price.
Will contract for acreage.
Forage Extension Hills
Plattsmouth, Nebr.
.There will be a special meeting of
the Woodmen or tne worm on ueu -
nesaay, at o ciock in me rooms
aver ..the Kruger, paint store. Bu3i
ness of importance. o2-lw,2a.
In. the District Court of Cass coun-
4... -KTAUwnn1m
John Leonard Meisiiiger,
Plaintiff App. Dock.flrin n his alltn
?vs' - - -, 1 I Adolph Steimkamp was looking af-
George S. Tozier et al. Page 176 j ter some buginess matters at Ash-
, Defendants. . nan(i last Wednesday, making the
To the defendants George S. To-!trip ln, hIg auto
zier and Mrs. George S. Tozier (first' Qn account of'a prevailing illness
real name unknown) wife of said , at w j ng Water the ManI ey school
Ge?r6 Tozier; David S alker. djd not tQ WeeplDK Water to
and the heirs, devisees,, legatees, per- j tlcipate in the Cags county fair
sonal representataves and all other R Bergman and wife were visit
persons "fiiL e8i? an ! in in Lincoln last. Sunday and were
Davjd S.valker, deceased and alljtnere to meet Mr and Mrg Rlchard
persons having or claiming any in-Menk who were visltin& there from
icicsim ki ,w wuc cooi. nan . . v.
(10) in Township twelve, (12) north,
in Range twelve, (12) east of the
6th P.,M.. in Cass county, Nebraska,
real names unknown;.
You and, each of you .are hereby
notified that on the 16th day of Sep
tember, .1922, . the .. plaintiff in the
fnrpzoine entitled cause filed his1 - niuS ti uume ui. ;ur.
ioregoing eniiuea lduse meu "'"jnmi aitm Ttv vector ,0
petition in the District Court of
Cass county, Nebraska, herein you
and each, of you .are made parties
defendant for the purpose of obtain
ing a decree from said Court quiet
ing the. record title, in plaintiff to
the following described real estate,
to-wit: . . . .
. The east half of the northwest
quarter of Section ten, (10) in
Township twelve, (12) North,
in Range twelve, (12) east of
the 6th P. M., in Cass county,
. Nebraska
as against you and each of you and
by such decree to wholly exclude you
and -each and all of you from all es
tate, right, title, claim or interest
therein or to any part thereof.
. You are required to answer said
petition on or before the 30th day of
October, 1922. or your default will be
entered in said cause and a decree
granted as prayed for in plaintiff's
petition. .......
Dated: September 18. 1922.
. Plaintiff.
sl8-4w. His Attorney.
State of Nebraska, County of
Cass, ss.
By virtue of an Execution issued
by . James Robertson, Clerk of the
District Court within and for Cass
county, Nebraska, and to me direct
ed, I will on the 30th day of October,
A. D. 1922, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said
day,, at the south door of the court
house in Plattsmouth in said county.
6ell at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash the following real
estate, to-wit: '.
Southwest quarter (SWU) of
Section fourteen, (14) Town
ship twelve, (12) Range twelve,
(12) East of the 6th P. M., Cass
county, Nebraska
The same being levied upon and
taken as the property of Robert L.
Propst, defendant, to satisfy a judg
ment of said court recovered by Fred
E. Bodie, Receiver, plaintiff, against
said defendant.
Plattsmouth. Nebraska, September
25th, A. D. 1922.
Sheriff of Cass County,
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of
Charles N. Beverage, deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified that I will
sit . at the County Court room in
Plattsmouth in said county, on Oc
tober 30. 1922. and January 30.
1923, at 10 o'clock a. m. each day,
to receive and examine all claims
against said estate, with a view to
their adjustment and allowance. The
time limited for the presentation of
claims against said estate is three
months from the 30th day of Octo
ber, A. D. 1922, and the time lim
ited for payment of. debts is one
year from said 30th day of October,
-Witness my hand and the seal of
aid County Court, thi3 2Sth day of
September. 1922. . . . ..
(Seal) o2-4w. County Judge.
i n
35 years
Office - ,
Coates Block
$ Dentist
Jim , i . t - "
J"W i A Tri n Vi
j Mrs. Theo . Harms was spending
last Thursday at the home of the
folks at Talmage. , . . .
Mrs. Mary Daily of Fremont was
a visitor at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Fleischman-last week.
Ray Wiles east of Manley was at
tending the county fair at Weeping
Wrater last Wednesday.
. Daniel Bourke and W. J. Rau were
looking after some business matters
in Omaha last Wednesday, driving
over in the car of Mr. Rau.
i Daniel Bourke was painting the
barns and other buildings at the
home of Peter Vogler last week.
- Father Higgins was visiting with
friends. and also looking after some
business matters in Omaha last Wed
Fred Krecklow and C. E. Mocken
haupt were engaged last Thursday
painting at the home of John Mock-
Rollin Coon was a visitor. at home
for the week, returning early last
Monday to his studies at the state
ITarvpv CI Manners nf Pint tsmnnf h
t was innklnp- after hi nnliMral fpncpa
in hls race for county sheriff last
'Monroe Wiles and Reuben Grosser
received a carload of cattle for feed
ing which they took to their farm
last Wednesday. -
Charles Gerllch of Benson was a
visitor in Manley last Sunday, driv-
jing down. to visit and making the
Howard Johnson and son Elmer
were attending the Cass county fair
at Weeping Water, where, the latter
had some excellent Durocs on exhi
bition. .
. David Braun and wife departed
last Thursday for Atchison where
ing sisters.
Mrs. Rose Kelly, Misses Katie and
Maggie Wolpert and Carrie Schafer
weer spending last Wednesday after
noon at the Cass county fair at
Weeping Water.
John Crane was last spending the
week at his home at Sutton and dur
ing his absence the business at the
lumber yard was looked after by Mr.
Joseph Wolpert,
. Sam Goodman the broom maker,
has been out over the country sell
ing the products of his broom fac
tory and which is adding to the pros
perity of Manley,
. Last Sunday the family of Theo
Harms were enjoying .a . visit from
Herold Blair and wife and Mr. and
Mrs. M. R. Leslie of Lincoln, they
driving over for a short visit.
Geo." L. Meisinger and son who
nave remeu me j. in. Anarus piace,
have just completed the seeding of
one hundred and sixty acres to
vneat, a portion or wnicn is now
coming through the ground.
Louis Krecklow was last week
Hii i 1 1 in cr enma nnrAta XL-olIra ot Vila I
cnuntrv hnme and whirh will h a
very nice improvement as things of
this nature and of a permanent char
acter add materially to the home.
Mrs. R. Bertman and Mrs. John
Loop the latter of Louisville, were
in Weeping Water last Wednesday
attending the funeral of Mrs. Chris
Schoemaker, who died last Sunday
as the result of an auto collision
near Eagle.
Mr. E. T. Dodd and family who
have been visiting in Iowa for some
three weeks, returned home last'Mon-
jJay and he is again ready for busi-
ness. While they were away they
visited at Moravia. Iowa, the former
home of Mr. Dodd, and also at Boone. J
Marshalltown and Des Moines and
White Leghorn
I have a number of excellent sin- I
Igle comb White Leghorn cockrels of
the Tom tsarron neavy laying i
. . . . I
strain and some from a 250 egg sire. I
Half "Barron" blood, for $1.00 and
$1.25 each until October 15th.
Fred Falischman .
Silver Service
The best of work always. We
are Jiere for the best service.
Gasoline, Oils and
r.norJvear Fisk Goodrich
We repair any make of auto
mobile. All work guaranteed.
Uostlsy Lane,
Manley :-
Nebraska ;
-T.-tl .ff.t. -T..T..T.. T.TTm..ThTimTi
All varieties of win
ter apples for sale at
75c per bushel, except
Jonathan, $1 a bushel,
At the orchard.
Also have cider for
sale, or will grind your
apples into cider at a
very reasonable price.
Farm Nine Miles South of
report finding much rainy weather
and muddy roads.
Roscoe Owens w'ho has made his
home here for some time past, has
decided to move to Ottumwa, Iowa,
where he will make his home In the
future. Mr. Owens has accepted a po
sition there and is working and his
father, Will Owens, is here assist
ing in packing the household effects,
getting ready for the removal to their
new home. .
Lincoln, Sept. 27. William Jen;
nings Bryan will arrive in Nebraska
on Monday, October 9, and devote
eight days to the democratic cam
paign, speaking on state and nation
al issues, it .was announced .. today
from democratic headquarters.
He will travel by automobile and
fill six or eight engagements a day.
The democratic - state committee is
now arranging his itinerary.
The Commoner, will devote the
week of October . 9 and ,t wo days of
the following week to the Nebraska
campaign. ..
(Political Advertising)
Following is the Republican Ticket
to be voted .on , at the .November
election in Cass county, Nebraska
State Senator, 2nd Dist.
A. F. STURM Nehawka
.State Representative, 6th Dist.
! TROY L. DAVISWeeplng Water
County Clerk
I n GEO. R. SAYLES Plattsmouth
I Register, of Deeds
I n EDNA D. SHANNON Plattsm'th
I County Treasurer
I n WILL T. ADAMS Plattsmouth
1 County bnenff .
CARL D. QUINTON-Plattsm'th
County Attorney
A. G. COLE Plattsmouth
County Surveyor
Commissioner, 2nd Dist.
Commissioner, 3rd Dist.
H-. R. SCHMIDT MuraocK
Your support of each of the forego-
Jn. MTlf,fHatPs at the doIIs on elec-
tIon day November 7 is solicited,
, .
For Sale
five miles from Murray,
Ill acres, good improvements and
Drice reasonable.
Good ranch in nortn central xxe-
braska. 2.200 acres. For sale or trade.
The Connally place near Murray
must be sold to settle an estate. If
you wish a small farm this is an
ideal location.
See us for . residence property ln
. . ... r i A I I'-
Murray or riausmoum. dicuuci w
Kniss, real estate and insurance.
A Remarkable Record
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has
a remarkable record. It has been in
use for colds, croup and whooping
cough for almost half a century and
has constantly grown in lavor ana
popularity as its good qualities be
came better known. It is the stand
ard and main reliance for these dis
eases in thousands of homes. The
facts that it can. always be depended
upon and is safe and pleasant to take
are greatly in its favor when it is
wanted, for children. Weyrich &
Four black hoes and one red hoe
taken up that owner may have by
calling at my . place southeast of
Union, paying all damages and for
this advertisement.
o2-4w. Union, Nebr.
Buff Orpington cockrels. Address
W.. JI, Kinger,, Nehawka, Nebraska.
Weeping Water phone 2323.
Henry Stull came in this after
noon from the vicinity of Cedar
Ptb' avis? antfci4 Am 4 Vi a 4jm..
Burlington train for Omaha.