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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 2, 1922)
JU PIATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOURNAL MONDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1022. PAGE TWC ALVO EPARTMENT Porn Sept. 20, 1922, to Mr. and Airs. Arthur Skinner a daughter. S. C. Hoyles attended a bankers' cor. vent ion in On:aha Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dinges au toed to Syracuse " Tuesday evening. Mrs. G. P. Foreman visited in "Weeping Water a few days list week. Rev. E. A. Knight of Ohiowa was in town a couple of days last week. Rev. Ahrents and family liave moved into the Delia Sutton resi dence. The work of the electric light sys tem is progressing nicely since the belated poles arrived. Mrs. A. i. Dird spent several days last week ith her daughter, Mrs. 'Pert MutHia Lincoln. Porn Sept. 25. 1S22. to Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Pird. a son. The little I.ab" pa ?ofl away Sept. 29. Mis:- Winnie Walker left Sunday for Kanaradie, Kansr.s, where she will work 33 relief operator. Mrs. Chas. Keefer returned from "Wayne Thursday, where she attend ed the funeral of her uncle and aunt. P. J. Liiich left Thursday on a business: trip to Montevista, Colo., and he expects to ge gone about ten days. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Clark are re riding in ihe former H. F. Johnson home. Mr. Clark is helping Carl Johnson. Mrs. Joe Armstrong who was op crated on a few weeks ago for gall stones, is getting along nicely at this writing. Par! Fairfield and wife and Mrs. Ellis Con and baby spent Thursday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Gus Lin da!! near Murdoek. George Hardnock come in on the noon train Monday from Lincoln where he had attended services at the' Brethren church. Mr. and Mrs..Wm. Upfegrove, who spent several weeks here and at Lin coln with relatives, left Saturday for thejr home at Portsmouth, la. Will Steele and wife of Lincoln and O. P. Steele and wife and Miss Arvil Painter of Morrowville, Kan sas, were visiting their aunt. Mrs. Mary Pruitt find Mrs. G. P. Kahler Sunday. The farm home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Jones near South Bend burned to the ground early Tuesday morn ing. Only things from the, kitchen were saved. The fire started in an other part of the house. W. S. Jordan returned home Thursday from a trip to Portage La Prairie, Canada, where he had been to look after his father's estate and also the estate of John Murtey. Mr. Jordan visited both points of inter est before returning home. The Alvo schools are progressing nicely under the following corps of teachers: Mr. Wm. Spech, superin tendent; Miss Bessie Ober, princi pal; Miss Linnea Peterson, assistant principal; Miss Belle Mayer, home economics: Mrs. Eva McBride, 7-8 grades; Miss Amanda Stroy, 5-C grades; Mrs. Sarah Lefferdink, 3-4 grades; Mrs. Cecile Busboom, 1-2 grades. mi IT'S TOASTED cno extra process Which gtves a delicious flavor p ! mi ((mtwM LOG ALNEWS " torn 'lr u"la v' lai.- -. Attorney J. E. Wcingarden, of Omaha van here today , fqr. a fe'W' hoiira attending to sorqe legal ifiat ters for the Burlington. William Rice and wife departed this morning for Weeping Water, where they will attend the Cass coun ty fair and also will visit with their daughter, Mrs. John Fitzpatrick and laniily. E. W. Fitt and wife and daughter, Mrs'. Keith Wilson and son, Gerald and wife of Cesper, Wyoming, were here yesterday visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Fitt and family, leaving today fcr the west. Herman Richter of Canton, South Dnkota, who formerly was a resi dent of this city and engaged in the ti:;ar business here was here for a visit with old tinjo friends for a short time Wednesday. WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN T8 EE HEBE ON OCTOBER 12 Good Home for Sale Ten room house with plenty of c!o3et room. Nearly modern. 4 acres good ground. All kinds of fruit on place. House in good repair. Price, 54,000. Terms. C. C. BUCKNELL, sl8-3tM. Alvo, Nebraska. Great Commoner Will Speak Here at 1 O'Clock that Afternoon for j a Democratic Victory. a' he Time is Here For the Glimmer and fall plowing which is pre paring for the winter wheat and for the crops of next summer. We have the machinery, plows, horse or power drawn, sulky, gang or walking style. Our "Red Baby" will do your hauling. Coatman Hardware Co., . Afvo, - Nebraska ! William Jennings Bryan, th.-ee, times leader of the national demoe-j racy, will be in Nebraska for a ten days tour, commencing on Monday morning. October 9th, with a trip that will include Monday and Tues day in the third' district, and on Thur?dr.y snd Friday he will be in the first district. i Mr. Brvan will RDeak i:t Platts-.' .mouth at 1 o'clock Thursday. October 12th. for the democratic ticket, and t Union at 3 o'clock, going from there to Nebraska City and Auburn.; The host of admirers of Col. Bryan' will be glad to greet him for the first visit in a number of years aad as' the spokesman of the united party, now striving to redeem tl.e fctate and 1 nation from the reactionary inter ests. From Fr!dav" Dally Attorney C. L. Graves of Union vcs here today attending to some '..utters at the court house for a few hours. J. G. Meisinger and C. A. Gauer of Cedar Creek wore here yesterday for a few hours looking after some business matters and visiting with friends. Rudolph Wallengren and Earl Xewland Were among those going to Omaha this morning 'where they n ill spend the day looking after some matters of business. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wiles and Mr. end Mrs. L. L. Wiles were at Weep ing Water yesterday to attend the Cass county fair and enjoy a short fining. Mrs. J. E. Wiles is one of ih3 judges in the fancy work depart ment of the fair. Mrs, C. F. Vallery, Mrs. Alice White and daughter. Miss Lillian, v.cre visitors yesterday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Guy White near Murray where they enjoyed a din i or given in honor of Mr. and Mrs. .lames Gilmour of Ulyscss, Nebraska, who have been visiting their rela tives here. EZRA MEEKER IS PLANNING NEW OX TEAM CARAVAN Proposes to Sart With Thirty Teams From Near this City Next Spring, He Says. Eat to live, not live to eat. Be temperate in all things. Live the simple life. Work. Do these thing.? and live to be 100 years old, says Ezra Meeker, aged pion-er and trail blazer, who in three mont-'s will pass his .ninety-second birthday. Mr. Meeker, his long hair and beard snowy whiie. arrived in Om aha last night enroute to Washing ton where in December he hopes to appear before a senate committee in behalf of the bill to make the 'Old Oregon Trail" a national highway. H travels alone. "I'm ninety-two years young," said Mr. Meeker. "I can still go up stairs two steps at a time." Here Seventy Years Ago It was in 1852 that Meeker and his companions, traveling west from Indiam, crossed the Missouri south of what is r.ow Omaha, and turned their ox teani3 toward the Oregon country. Mr. Meeker last night announced his plans for a caravan of ox teams and wagons which he hopes to pilot across this same "Old Oregon Trail" next summer. "We'll start from about the same point where we crossed the river, near Plattsmouth," ho said."We"R take moving picture machines along and compile a historical picture rec ord of the trail." Wants 30 Ox Teams The old trail blazer said he want ed to have about thirty ox teams for the trip. "After I do that I d be will ing to call it quits, but that's not saying that I will." he added. He wants to start the trip abui May 1. Meeker left Seattle four months ago. He is traveling by train, stop ping along the way to address civic clubs and sell his book "The Busy Life of Eighty-Five Years." ' He said he paid part of his ex- ! penses by sale of the book. "But I jhave a little bank acount," he as serted. orld-IIerald. SARPY COUNTY FARM FOR SALE A Good. Physic v j -' ! When you want a physic that is mild and gentle in effect, easy to; take and certain to act, take Cham-' beriain's Tablets. They are excellent Weyrich & Hadraba. MORE GAMES ARE PLAYED IN THE TEN NIS TOURNAMENT POLITICAL ' ANNOUNCEMENTS! Walling and Wurl Tuck Away An other Game in City Series Now Ready for Finals. ANNOUNCEMENT I hereby announce myself as a candidate, for the, state legislature. I have received he ricrainatic.o Ifrom the' democratic' party and would be pleased to receive the support of all who are desirious of lower taxes and better economic laws. W. If. '. PULS. tf. Murray, Nebr. Political Announcement I de-sire to . announce myself as candidate for the position of commis sioner for the third district, chosen on the republican ticket at the pri mary election and will appreciate what support I shall receive from the voters of the county. Assuring them I shall ever endeavor. to-work for the best interests of the entire county. II. R. SCHMIDT, sll-tfw Murdoek, Neb. ANNOUNCEMENT. 120 acres half mile north of La Platte. Nebr. Rolling, improved, on Washington highway. Seven miles to South Omaha. $225.00 per acre. Will take mortgage for half pur chase price. Write F. R. Upjohn, 312 No. 37th St., Omaha, Neb. a2i-6sw FOR SALE Big Type Poland China boars. Sired by "Orange Model, 2nd" and "A Commander." Telephone 3802. ADAM STOEHIt; o2-8tsv. Plattsmouth, Neb. Books! Books! Books! We have theza till you can't lest, at the Jour nal Office. ew r urnroure ARRIVING DAILY! . See the new walnut bed room suits, and large walnut chif fenrobe included. See us for anything in the furniture line. Also a number of good used heaters, gas stoves and coal ranges. PHONE 645 -TWO RINGS Christ & Christ FURNITURE STORE Opposite Court House South Plattsmouth, Neb. Having .received at the primary election the nomination for county treasurer on the republican ticket, I announce myself a candidate for of fice of county treasurer, subject to the votes at corning election. I will appreciate the support of all who desire the best ' service in this office. Election Nov. 7. 1922. WILL T. ADAMS. Pram Friday's Dally. Yesterday afternoon the team of Robert Walling and E. A. Wurl ad vanced another step in their race for the championship in the city doubles tennw tournament- when they de feated George Petring and R. G. Campbell: - tt-2, ,6-4. The game was played on the court of Ray Larson end a number of the fans were on hand to witness the playing. The winners showed great skill in their handling of the game, the heady playing of Mr. Wurl and the speed cf Walling making a combination herd to beat. Ralph Newell and A. L. Cockle, two of the leaders of the game in Omaha, came do wn., yesterday after noon ,and engaged, the ministerial combination of Rev. John Calvert end Rev. II. G. McClusky, meeting defeat at the hands of the locals by the score of G-3, C-t and 6-2. The local experts showed their superior ity over the visitors at all stages of the game and won easily. The follower of the sport are look ing forward with interest to meeting cf Wurl and Walling and Rev. Cal ert and Edgar Wescott on Monday rfiernoon and which is looked for ward to as one of the decisive games of the tournament. Sictra Sendee-is Demanded Wfoem Firestone Cords Predominate WHEREVER the exac tions and tests of tires are most severe there you; will find Firestone Cords in universal use. The hard? jobs seek Fire stone. And so well has Fire stone responded under difficult conditions so consistently has mileage mounted to totals im possible to obtain from ordi nary tires 1 that today Most Miles per Dollar is the buying slogan -of thinking motorists everywhere. 'The blending and tempering of rubber, gum-dipped cord construction, air-bag cure all these mUeagei methods have been developed by men whose life work is the production of constantly increasing tire val ues for the public Users in ''this -vicinity verify Firestone reputation, and re port almost daily some new Firestone record . of extra dis tance travelled. Don't be satisfied to buy tires buy values the longest mileage at the lowest price con sistent with such reliable per formance. Make Most Miles per Dollar your principle of tire economy - choose your next ...tire, on that basis. MOST MILES v r m i id i n Gum-Dqiped Cords Plattsmouth Motor Co. EsSs J. F. Wolff Plattsmouth, Neb. Plattsmouth, Neb. ER0VE TO FALLS CITY Announcement -I desire to announce myself, can didate for the position of state sena tor, having received the nomination at the primary at the hands of the republican party: Election Nov. 7th. Thanking those who in the past have supported me and the measures for which I have worked, I am, very respectfully, A. F. STURM, sll-tfdaw Nehawka, Neb. ANNOUNCEMENT J WABASH HAPPENINGS i":-:-w-HH-:-:-:-w-:--:i- George Lutz returned Monday af ternoon from an auto trip to Falls City, where he went in company with his son, Edward Gobelman and wife of Plattsmouth, driving down in their car. They made good time and arrived there in a little more than three hours and Mr. Lutz says he enjoyed a good, fast drive. They visited another son. William Gobelman and family at Falls City, and found them well and getting along nicely. They have two sweet little daughters who were born in Louisville and Mr. Lutz says he is certainly proud of them as they are both little beauties. They all sent regards to their former neighbors! and friends in this vicinity. Louis ville Courier. How Better Than Pills? The question has been asked, "In what way are Chamberlain's Tablets superior to the ordinary cathartic and liver pills?" Our answer is, they are easier and more pleasant to take and their 4Ject is so gentle that one hardly realizes that it is produced by a medicine. Then, they not only move the bowels, but im prove the appetite and strengthen the digestion. Weyrich & Hadraba. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Roudebush of Oshkosh, Nebraska, who have been heer visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Sch later, depart ed this afternoon for their home in the west. v - Lunch Sorted at Sales! I am prepared to serve lunch at all saJes, any place in Cass county. Please advise me date of your sale and I will be there. S. J. REAMES CEDAR' CHEEK -:- NEBRASKA I announce mysflf candidate for the position of county attorney, hav ing received the nomination at the hands of the democratic party at the recent primary. Thirty-three years of age, been in practice in Cass coun ty since 1914. Graduate of state uni versity law school. Served 21 months in the late war, was in Philippines. During the time Lave resided to Cass county for twenty years. Your sup port for the position would be ap preciated. Election .Nov. 7th. 1922. J. A. CAPWELL, -. Elmwood, Neb. ANNOUNCEMENT The progressive party ha3 asked mp to become their candidate for the office of sheriff, the request coming to me as it has. with their full con fidence and support, they looking for a mm untrammelled by influences which would hinder the full exercise of the duties of the office of sheriff, I have accepted the position of can didate. Should T be elected I will en deavor to administer the Liw .and perform tfco duties of the office with out fear from any party or clique. I shall appreciate the support of all who desire the laws executed with out partiality and with the best in terests of all th conntv the aim. EDWARD W TIIIMGAN. Mr. Ollie Alli3 spent Sunday with his family. Fred Law ton spent Sunday . with his mother. Mrs. Warren Richard will have the M. E. society meet with her on Thursday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Sylvester and family have moved to Weeping Wat er an he has a good position in a garage there. Mrs. II. GerbeiiDg and daughters attended the funerals of Mi. May field and Mr. Kraft at Louisville on last Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. Will Copple,. of Alvo and Mr. and Mrs. R. Norris and son of Weeping Water spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. II. P. Hinds and son Guy. Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Todd and two daughters motored in from Imperial, Nebraska. Thursday, to visit with Mrs. Todd's sister 'and family, Mrs II. Gerbeling. We are rlad to welcome Rev. George Witch ell as 'the minister of the Methodist church. The district superintendent, Dr. Clements, was here Sunday with' him. , Mrs. Will Langhorst accompanied her grandchildren, Ruth and Paul Muth to Indiana, where th,e child ren'K parents live. Mr. Langhorst expects to go as soon as he is reliev ed from his railroad duties. Mrs. II. Gerbeling celebrated her forty-eighth birthday Thursday with Mrs. Pan3ka. Mrs. Panska invited Mrs. II. Schmidt over in the after noon and the three spent a most en joyable afternoon together, renew ing their childhood days. FINE LITTLE SON Porn on Tuesday, September .26, to Mr. and Mrs. Glen Rawls, at Butte. Moat., a son. The friends here will extsrd their best wishes to the pnreuts for hi) future welfare of the little man. Motors Thrive On POLARINE does all that a motor oil should do. And that is a tribute that can be paid to but few motor lubricants being sold today. Keep the maintenance of your motor truck down by using it exclusively. Even in cold weather, its way quickly in between the bearing surfaces of a motor and keeps them coated with a heat-resisting film of oil. All motor oils are supposed to protect the rubbing surfaces of motors. Polarine does protect them in winter as effectively as m summer, in old motors and new ones, at low speed and at high speed. Polarine is raadein one standard, unsurpassed quality. But tomeeteverymotorlubricationneeditissoldinfourgrades: medium light, medium heavy, heavy and extra heavy. In cold weather, the Polarine Chart recommends for INTERNATIONAL uArt' A I ITOHAR Polarine Medium Heavy Polarine Medium tt av, . Polarine Med,um LiSht STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF NEBRASKA j i -- - - HI 11 diiX J-., r f 4 n