The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 02, 1922, Image 1
plattemontb 3o ttraal vol. iro.; xxxvnL TLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, KONEAY, OCTOBER 2, 1922. NO. 23 VISIT BELLEVUE , TRAINING SCHOOL '- , T. T , . - , land Mrs. Frank E. Schlater and with Plattsmouth Ladies," Members Of thej-other relatives and friends. Mr. Legion (and Auxiliary, Spend Afternoon at Institution , . From Thursday's Dally. Voq f rtl n tr a narfr nf TMl tf:mnnth ladies, composed of'Mesdames J. R.Jof Connie Schlater. now democratic Murphy. A. H. Duxbury.r Elmer A.'Icandidate for county clerk of Garden Webb and Fred Lugsch. motored to ' county, and who was a resident here Bellevue in the car of Mrs. Murphy, fr a number of years ago. and inspected the - Bellevue school 'Mrs. Frank Schlater and daughter, that the government is conducting, Mss "Mildred, together ' with Mrs. for the disabled service men and j Roudebush were visitors in Omaha those who are taking vocational t today for a few. hours visit. . training. j The ladies found there a large i i i uuiuurr ui iuc i ci iwc uicu, a. sicaiu part of whom are suffering from phy sical disabilities caused by .the war, engaged in light work to rest their shattered nerves and bodies as well as vocational training in A atch mak ing, shoe work and numerous other lighter lines of labor being taught. One of the pleasing spots visited by the ladies was the dining room where the men have their meals served and the visitors found that this is as spic and span as any home and the cleanliness of -the rooms was very noticeable, the white fittings of the room being kept spotless. Prior to the establishment of the Dellevue training center, the Amer ican Legion auxiliary of Nebraska started to raise funds for the instal lation of radio equipment at the gov ernment hospital at Colfax, Iowa, which was but recently installed. Now it is announced the Iowa auxil iary will outfit the Bellevue school with similar apparatus, which is very pleasing news to those interest-! ed in the success of the work there. The men who are taking treat ment there are very cheerful and j come from all over the country, but feel a little lonesome for the associa-j tions of the outer world and any vis-! itors who come are accorded a royal welcome as the members of the train ing force as well as the service men feel grateful for the interest of the public and the opportunity of show ing what the school is doing in the way of recuperating .the - merf ( for their duties in life. - ; The American- Red- ?ross has charge of the recreation department and on every Saturday evening they hold dances that are open to the vis itors who may come, as well as the service men, and the visits of those interested are always very much ap preciated. The men went through a series of calisthenic exercises for the benefit of the Plattsmouth visitors, which were greatly appreciated. ARRESTED FOR TAKING SUIT CASE FROM FRIEND Sandy Andrews Gets into More Dif ficulty Taken Into Custody Here Last Evening. From Thursday's DUy. Last night Officer Alvin Jones placed Sandy Andrews under arrest charged with having taken a suit case belonging to Don Overbay from the home of Mr. Overbay in Omaha a few day 3 ago. Officer Jones recovered the . suit case, but the clothing that was sup posed to be in it was missing and was disposed of in Omaha, according to the theory of the police. The young man was lodged in the cuy oasine 10 awau ine arrival oi the Omaha authorities to convey him back to the metropolis to face the charge preferred against, him. BOOZE BRINGS FINE From Thursday's Dally. Thi3 morning Joseph' Bergman, who claims to hail from the far off state of Ohio, and who is now em ployed in the Burlington shops, was a caller at the temple of justice of Judge William Weber to answer to the charge of being found in a state of intoxication. Officer Jones apprehended the man last night when he was suffering from the effects of a large cargo of liquor that he claims to have pro cured in Omaha and which had the effect of making him a very sick man as the interior of the city jail testi fied this morning. Mr. Bergman was assessed a fine of $20 and costs and was released this noon when tiie necessary funds were turned over to the court to sat isfy the amount of the fine and costs. ENTERTAIN FOR FALL BRIDE. From Thursdays Daily. - . -Yesterday afternoon Mrs. Chris tine Coughlin and Mrs. Waldemar, C. .Soennichsen entertained very pleasantly some twenty-five friends in honor of Mrs. Henry G. Soennich sen. one of the brides of the fall season. The rooms were very taste fully decorated with the bright fall flowers that added a pleasing touch to the scene. .The afternoon was spent in sewing and visiting and at a suitable hour dainty refreshments were served by the hostesses), assist ed by Mrs. W. E. Rosencrans. VISITING RELATIVES HERE From Thursday's ijaiiy. Jacob II. Roudebush . and wife of , Oshkosh; Nebraska, are here enjoy- Roudebush and wife have been at Des Moines, Iowa, attending the na tionaf G. A. R. encampment and stop ped off on their ' way home for a visit. .Mr. Roundebush is grandfather CITY HAS DAMAGE SUIT FOR $1,000 ON ITS HANDS Interpleading: Subterfuge Permits Filing Case in Omaha Altho Accident Occurred Here The city of Plattsmouth has been made a defendant in a damage suit for $1,000, which has been filed in the municipal court at Omaha by Grace L. Berger. Interpleaded with the city as a defendant is Mrs. Flora Nelson, of Omaha. This case is the outgrowth of the accident at 12th and Elm streets in this city on the afternoon of Sep tember 4th, when the car driven by Mrs. Nelson went into the ditch on the west side of 12th street. The accident occurred just north of the Elm street crossing, where the car was making the turn onto 12th street and instead of keeping in the road the car had gone on over the intersection into the ditch,- a depth of some seven feet and was badly damaged. At the time of the acci dent Mrs. Nelson, the owner of the car, was driving. The plaintiff is represented in the action by her father, Joseph O. Ber ger. an attorney of Omaha: At the office of City Attorney C. A.- Rawls there was no copy of the petition of the plaintiff in the case, the only notice being the summons issued for the city officials repre senting the" municipality. The ac tion undoubtedly is one of personal damage. By including Mrs. Nelson in the suit it was possible to bring the action in Douglas county, al though the accident occurred in this city. - HAS AUTO ACCIDENT From Thursday's Dally. A small auto accident occurred this morning near the intersection of Fifth and Main street which result ed in the auto truck of J. F. Warga being somewhat battered up by the collision with the truck used in de- livering ice. Mr. Warga was coming from the postoffice and was traveling south on Fifth street while the ice truck was standing near the Martin soft drink parlor where they had been delivering ice. As the auto of Mr. Warga approached the ice truck also started out and took up a great deal of the street in getting turned around and while Mr. Warga crowd ed his car over as far as possible to avoid a collision the ice truck crash ed into hi3 vehicle and the result was that the windshield was broken and one of the fenders on the Warga car bent. With Mr. Warga at the time of the accident was his wife, and while Mrs. Warga. was sitting cm the side of the auto that was struck she escaped without Injury. The accident was as a whole a very fortunate one and all concerned feel well pleased that it came out with- out serious result beyond the slight damage to the cars. WILL ACT AS NONPARTI SAN LEAGUE ORGANIZER C. E. Whittaker. who has been out on the strike at the local shops, has decided in the future to devote his efforts to other lines than railroad work and has accepted a position as organizer for the Nonpartisan league in which he has been quite active for the last few years. Mr. Whittaker has devoted much Ue 5.d. thouSht to the work of . the I .wiiiiaiiisau league aim Biiuuiu .oe competent to carry the message to the residents of the state. He has not as yet fully decided as to wheth er he will remain here or remove to Lincoln to be nearer the headquar ters of the league. TAXING NURSE TRAINING Miss Grace Beeson of this city, who last year was one of the teachers of the public schools has given up her school work to enter the University hospital to take nurse training, feel ing that the opportunity of doing for the benefit of mankind was greater in this field of work. Miss Beeson accompanied by Miss Helen Erickson, another of the students at the hospital, was here yesterday for a visit with home folks. The mosx exquisite line of birth day ani gift cards to be found any where! At Journal office. CITY COUNCIL MEETS IN SPEC- 111 CLPCinfei IML OLOOaUll . Change in Washington Matter of Avenue Sewer Comes Up Size is Increased. From Thursday's Dally. " The city, rouncilmen with the ex ception of Councilman Vroman of the Fifth ward, assembled last night at the city hall to consider the prop-. osition of making the change in the size of the Washington avenue sewer that had been talked over at the meeting Monday evening and the councilmen were still of the opinion that the change recommended by the engineers should be acted upon favorably. I City Attorney C. A. Rawls pre : sented a written opinion to the coun cil that they had the power to make a change in the dimensions of the sewer without the necessity of re advertising the bids for the same and this opinion cleared the way for the action of the council. Councilman Bestor, chairman of the finance committee, called the attention to the fact that the change from a four foot, to a five foot sewer would make the cost reach the sum of $6,044.15. whereas the appropria tion and levy for the construction of the sewer would only produce the sum of $4,500, and the general fund at this time would not allow any transfer. After some discussion it was de cided on motion of Councilman Bes tor that the sewer be constructed as far as the funds would permit, the five foot pipe being used and which will be so constructed as to elimi nate the present bridges on 10th street and on Locust street, leaving a space that will have to be cared for later. On motion of Councilman McCarty the city was authorized to purchase the four foot pipe that has already been constructed for use on the sew er and store the same for future usa or until it can be disposed of by the city to advantage. . .The price paid for .tUC four fjoqt pipe was $5.50 per foot, the same price at which it was furnished the contractor. MORE TENNIS MATCHES ARE BE ING PLAYED OFF Doubles Narrowing Down to Cham pionship Match Many Sur prises in Results. From Thursday's Dally. Several more of the matches in the citv doubles tournament have been played and the results of the games have been somewhat surprising, up setting much of the dope that had been handed out reiative to the out come of the games. Last evening George Petring and R. G. Campbell laid in Dr. R. P. Westover and Leslie Niel by the score of 3-6; 6-3; 6-2. In the opening, Westover and Niel appeared strong, but in the two suc ceeding matches they were unable to stop the fast and aggressive playing i of their opponents 'match. and lost the This morning as the glorious orb of day was just peeling his head above the Iowa hills, two more matches were staged in the tourna ment. Jess Warga and E. H. Wes cott went to defeat at the hands of Alfred Calvert and R. W. Knorr by the score of 6-3; 6-4. Supt. G. E. DeWolf and Hilt Martin also defeat ed Stuart Chase and Damian Flynn by the score of 6-2; 6-0, in a very easy match. James Kuykendall and Ed Fricke are also scheduled to play B.-C. Dool an and Lawrence Spreacher on the municipal courts on Washington avenue. j HOWELL SPEAKS A . SMALL WALLACE CROWD JVallace, Neb., Sept. 28. R. B. s. senator. spoke to an audience of jes8 than two dozen people here to day noon. Taxes, the rail situation and his Omaha record were discuss ed. Hej said taxes are too high, yet said he would give the officials a chance to curb them. He did not mention the code. He failed to say what the republican high' tariff will do for big business. He insisted, however, that the dry Issue is not dead. He failed to men tion the bonus veto. HAVE NEW UNIFORMS The handsome and efficient force of dining rooms girls at the Hotel Wagner cafe, are now uniformed in very snappy costumes of black with white collars and cuffs and white caps which make a very clever ap pearance. The new addition makes a very handsome setting for the meals at the hotel. Journal want ads pay. Try them. REMOVE TO OMAHA From Thursday's Daily. W. L. Gilmore and family, who I have for several years past been mak ing their" home in this city, where Mr. Gilmore was an employe of L C. Sharp, at the machine shop, as I bookkeeper, have moved back to ' Omaha, where they resided prior to coming to this city. Mr. Giimore i3 jan old boyhood resident of tins city anu me many luvims iiere regret very much to learn that they have decided to make their home else where GIVE BIRTHDAY DANCING PARTY 'Mr. and Mrs. Adam Stoehr West of j City Entertain at Dancing Party Last Saturday. The attractive eountry heme of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Stoehr in the vicinity of Cedar Creek was the scene of a very pleasant gathering on last Saturday evening in honor of the eighteenth birthday anniversary of their daughter. Miss Mildred. The anniversary was not to occur until September 25th but it was decided to have the occasion observed on Sat urday to allow all the friends to at tend. There were some ninety-four in at tendance and the occasion was one that will long be very delightfully remembered by all those fortunate enough to be there. The evening was spent in dancing, the music being furnished by the father of the guest of honor with the violin and Mrs; Louis Born, an aunt, at the piano.) and to this the jolly party danced to their hearts' content. In honor of the occasion, Miss Mildred received a large num ber of very beautiful gifts that she will treasure as remembrances of tho old friends. There was a very deli cious luncheon served at 11:30 at the home' going hour to which all did ample justice, j Those in attendance were: Messrs. and Mesdames Clarence Busche, Phil ip Born. Henry Born and family, Louie Born and family. Will Hirz and j family. "Will MeisLf.Ycr: and family. T. E. Todd and family, Grover Par riott and family, Philip Kehne, Hen ry Nolting. Fred Kehne. Jr., John Wehrbein and family, Ella, Esther and Raymond Lohnes, Fritz, Wal ter and Florence Fornoff; Ina, El mer, Otto and Ruben Meisinger; Al vin and Raymond Stull; Carl and Helen Meisinger, Edgar, Lester, Vic tor and Verner Meisinger; Roy, Elizabeth and Elmer Tshirren; Her man Henning3. Louie Baumgart, El mer Chamberlain, Chris True. Grace Norris, Edwin Dagendorffer, William Goo. and Tillie Halmes. Delta Leddy, Elmer, Clifford. Carl and Verner Stoehr. Helen Hild, Adelia Tritsch, Carl Roessler, Henry Hyde, Johnnie Kaff en berger, Elmer Tritsch, Sam Rhoden. JUST ONE MINUTE! You can read this in one minute. By the time you reach the last line, property worth $923 will have been destroyed by fire somewhere in the United States. Minute after minute, day after day, on the average, this appalling pace keeps up, to a grand yearly total of $485,000,000. That, at least, was the record in 1921. What the showing will be this year, and in the years to come de pends, in large measure, on you. Ninety per cent of all fires are pre ventable, for they are due to care lessness. . Take a look in your cellar, your attic, that closet. Clear out the rub bish the old stuff stored away be "maybe some day we'll find a use for it." Many fires about the house are born in trash piles. While insurance marks the differ ence between protection and destitu tion, every American home has its treasured possessions whose worth cannot be computed in terms of mon ey apd can never be replaced. A minute's thought now may save the patient accumulation of a life time, from the ravages of , fire. After all, it's chiefly a matter of protecting your own dwelling and those whose presence there makes it home. Isn't it worth a minute to you? "GOD-FORSAKEN SYSTEM OF " EDUCATION" IN UNITED STATES, SAYS CATHOLIC Washington, Sept. 28. "Divorce, birth control and a God-forsaken, system of education" were pointed to as paths leading to national dis integration by Bishop Schwertner of Wichita, Kas., in an opening ser mon today before the national coun cil of Catholic men. Describing the home, the school and the church as j the three supports of civilization. Bishop Schwertner said divorce and birth control weakened both the school and the home. The deity, the bishop said, had been forgotten in the schools of the nation for two gen erations, with the result, he added, ' i that statistics showed fifty per cent of the people professed no religion. Have you noticed that it the stores that advertise which are always filled , wim ouyers t DEATH OF MISS STELLA GOODING THIS MORNING Passed Away at Home in West Part of City at 5:30 this Morning After a Long Illness. From Friday's Dally. This morning at 5:'0 at the family home on west Granite street occur red the death of Miss Stella Good ing, who has been in very critical condition for the past few weeks. For the past week the patient has been gradually growing weaker, suffering irom a general breakdown and while at times her condition would encour age the family and friends it was only a momentary gain that left the patient in even more serious condi tion. s Stella M. Gooding was born in Dayton, la., June 26, 18SS, and was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Gooding, the family moving to Platts mouth a few years later where they have since resided for the past twenty-four years. In the past few years Miss Gooding has been spending the summer months in Wyoming on the family homestead there and seemed much benefited by the life in the mountain country but folowing her return home several weeks ago she has been gradually failing. At the age of fifteen years the " deceased was united with the Christian church in which faith she passed away. To mourn the passing of this highly esteemed lady there remain the aged parents. Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Gooding, and one brother, Everett Gooding, all of whom reside in this city. The funeral services will be held at the home Sunday afternoon at 2:30 and the interment at the Oak Hill cemetery west of the city. LEGION AUXILIARY HAS VERY PLEAS- .y.MJffiETING Reports of the Delegates to York Convention Received Plans Made for Armistice Day. from Friday's Dally. The American Legion Auxiliary met yesterday afternoon at the Le gion room3 with a pleasing number of the 'ladies in attendance and to enjoy the hospitality that had been provided for them by the hostesses of the occasion. Mesdames August Swanson, James Rebal, and Herman Tiekotter. The greater part of the afternoon was devoted to the reports of the delegates to the York conven tion, Mesdames Fred Sydebotham and F. R. Gobelman, who spoke, of the splendid manner in which they had been entertained at the state meeting and the various matters that had come up for discussion at the convention. The ladies also discussed plans for the observance of Armistice day in the city and will co-operate with the Lrgion post in case that any cele bration of the day is carried out. At a suitable hour the hostesses served very dainty refreshments which were very much enjoyed by all of the members. TOO EARLY TO LAUNCH BOOM Henry Ford Not Yet in Presidential Running Movement to En dorse Him Fails. Bay City, Mich., Sept. 2S. A movement to endorse Henry Ford as a presidential candidate in 1924 fail ed at the democratic state conven tion here today, when the resolu tions committee decided such action would be "premature and too far in advance of the election." The pro posal was sponsored by the delega tion from Adrian, which included S. W. Raymond, a brother-in-law of the Detroit manufacturer, and pre cipitated a fight in the resolutions committee. Democratic leaders, following ac tion of the committee, declared the possibility of the Ford resolution be ing introduced on the floor of the convention was "exceedingly re mote." It was understood the committee decided to withhold any endorsement of Ford as a presidential candidate at least until the democratic conven tion next spring. GASOLINE AND HOOTCH Take one reckless, natural born fool; two or three drinks of bad li quor; a fast, high powered motor car. Soak the fool well in the liquor, place in the car and let him go. Af ter due time remove wreckage, place in black, satin-lined box and garnish with flowers. Pure Oil News. Althougn journal want-a cm but little the results they bring art wonderful. Try them. LOCATES AT RALSTON Dr. P. T. Campbell, who has since his graduation from Creighton medi cal school, been engaged in hospital work at Salt Lake and Wichita, Kan sas, has decided to embark on the active practice of his profession and accordingly located at Ralston, where he will have his offices opened next week. . Dr. Campbell is a bright, young medical man and should find an abundant success in the practice of medicine in the Omaha suburb. The doctor is a graduate of Platts mouth high school and has a host of friends here who are very much interested in his success. ISRAEL PEARL MAN WiLLS $8,000 TO CHARITY Former Plattsmouth Man Leaves Large Sum to Charitable Institutions. From Friday's Dally. Many years ago, in fact so long ago that only the oldest residents of the city can recall, Israel Pearl man came to Plattsmouth a young man and embarked in business that gradually grew until at the time of his leaving here some fifteen year3 ago, he possessed a fine store and a very comfortable fortune. Yes terday in Omaha the will of Mr. Pearlman was read and in it the de ceased donated to two of the chari table institutions of the metropolis the sum of $8,000 and also left f 600 to the two Jewish synagogues in that city. The remainder of the $35, 000 estate is left to the widow and three children of the deceased. Mr. Pearlman was always a man whose heart was responsive to those to whom he had formed an attach ment and his good work among those of his own people has been much in the last few years. Since leaving this city he has by careful investments added to his estate so that he leaves a neat sum for the family as well as to the societies that he has desig nated. SHOWING IMPROVEMENT The many friends of Max Vallery will be pleased to learn that he is doing very nicely at the St. Joseph hospital in Omaha where he was op erated on Monday for a severe case of appendicitis. Mr. Vallery has come through the operation in first class shape and his constant improvement is very gratifying to the attending surgeons and the members of the family. Mr. C. F. Vallery was at Om aha yesterday and spent a few hours with hi3 son. FINE BABY GIRL From Friday's Dally. The home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Peterson was gladdened this morn ing by the arrival of a fine little nine pound daughter, who has been christened Shirley Cleone. The moth er and little one are doing nicely and Charley is as happy as a proud father can be and the event has brought much happiness to the little sister as well. Blank books! Yes you can pet of all kinds. The Journal i rvr t r a v rv TT 'AVAVAVA' .i i TV I, a. i .I .I iXj.Jl 4T No Need of No trustworthy merchant, firm of business man will deliberately mail you a bill which has already been paid. But mistakes will occur and, unless they can be corrected at once, often lead to unpleasantness and annoyance. You need never have disputes over bills if you can say "You endorsed my check dated ' Why not open a checking account at this bank today? THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK THE BANK WHERE ,.VPU FEeL- AT HOWE PLATTSMOUTH JK ' "NEBRASKA. Member Federal Reserve 1 1 w. . w aW- . w DIPTHERIA SCARE CUTS ATTENDANCE AT CASS CO. FAIR Unfortunate Epidemic cf Malady at Weeping Water Causes Many to Stay Away From Fair From Fridaya Dally The attendance at the Cass county fair has been cut down nonu-what this year by a most unfortunate epi demic that has appeared in Weeping Water and a number of the nearby points that of an outbreak of dip theria. The malady has made prog ress among the young people of the community and especially the school children, six cases among the pupils and one of the teachers also suffer ing from the malady at the last re ports. The necessity of checking the disease has caused the attendance to drop below what had been expected for the year. The village of Alvo is also report ed to have some five cases of the dis ease breaking out the last few days. It is very regrettable that our neighboring town should have to have this visitation at any time but particularly at this time when such extensive plans for the county fair had been made and which the dis ease has interfered with to a gToat extent. SUFFERS LOSS BY FIRE Last Sunday while Andy Zoz and the larger of the boys were away from home a fire started In a small building close to the house and which was used as a summer kitchen ami for storage which consumed the place and endangered the home as well. Frank Zoz, a brother was visiting there for the time and with what help the small children could rentlrr fought the flames as best he rould until the arrival of the iieiKhhora who responded to the telephone call which Mrs. Andy Zoz sent out and with their efforts were able to save thebTue while the outbuildings were burned. The Ions was about sever hundred dollars and was the only -Ltbings-in the line of buildings which were not covered by insurance. Th barn, other outbuildings and the house being insured. MUST QUIT SHOOTING Complaint has been made quite frequently of late to the police of the practice of some of the boys of the community getting too active with their sling shots and doing more or less damage to property, chickens and even individuals by the reckless shooting. The matter has reached the stage where the police will take a hand and the boys who desire to avoid trouble should take heed and lay off the shooting. NOW AT HOT SPRINGS The Journal has received a letter from N. H. Isbell, one of the old residents of the city, and who is now at Hot Springs, Arkansas. Mr. Isbell states that he is now taking treat ment there and finding much benefit from the baths and waters of the celebrated southern health resort. He will probably remain there for some time as he is experiencing much re lief from the course of treatment. Argument iwj -w