The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 29, 1922, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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4 'If Ml W&t fr
Give lis .all the names
in thelPhoni Book, Central!
-Some more of
those new Fall
suits just in!
' Wtfwant t6 talk to Mr. Smith and Mr. Jones, Mr. Brown and
' Mri Black the Wilsons' and the Watsons - Yes, and Doug
Fairbanks if he's in town.
These New - Society Brand Fall models are unpacked and
reaJy for your inspection even tho you are are not ready to
Nejv ideas ,wonderful values. Suits that will add snap and
zest to your appearance, without being extreme.
$35, '40 & $45
Others suits, not so good, but wonderful values, at $22, $25 and $27.50
C. E. Wescott's Sons
Won National Attention by Charges
of Hangings in A. E. F. Bit-
ter Opponent of Wilson.
Governor Dorsey. He was 66 Septem
ber 5, last, and his senatorial term
would have expired March 3, 1927.
The funeral will be held at Thom
son, Ga., either next Thursday after-
noon or Friday morning. Senate of
ficials are in charge and the funeral
party will leave heer tomorrow at
3:15 for Thomson.
No Indication
During the first year and a half of
his term In the senate, Senator Wat
son gave no indication of any impair
ment of the vigor and activity which
had marked his lone- career in noli-
I'sure tics and r.s a publisher. In his last
"Washington, Sept. "26. Another
powerful and picturesque
passed from public life in the death speecn in tnQ senate, delivered only
today of Senator Thomas E. Watson , a week ago iast Wednesday, the
of Georgia His death, which occur- j Georgia senator severely criticized
red at 2:30 this morning, was sud- tne administration for its course in
den and unexpected, according to rnnnw.i,,n iih tho r,n .iriv. c-tno.
Miss Verna Leonard Entertains Very
Charmingly Members of Guild
at Her Home Yesterday.
The ladies of the St. Mary's Guild
of St. Luke's church were very pleas
antly entertained yesterday after
noon at the home of Mrs. V. V.
Leonard with Miss Verna Leonard as
hostess and from a social standpoint
physicians, resulting from an attack! inn in nrini ottu nn twthe meeting was one of the most de-
.i i - .. ... ... 1 1 1-1 m . ... i t
Z , . 'administration and most notably his
The senator has been a sufferer for ) charges of illegal hangings in the
several weeks from the disease and . American expeditionary forces, the
only last Sunday experienced an ! subject of exhaustive investigation by
acute attack. Two physicians and a I BOta ,r.r.u0 ih a
nurse were at the bedside when the . mncniinniii fi,-.. n th nt. of the society were deeply gratified . frnm ,ho ol,njn,. nniiMo r '
lightful held for some time by the
The members of the guild who
have been urging Mrs. W. D. Smith
to accept the position of president
Bishop Finds Spirit of Eevolt in
Northwest Against Standpat
Republican Policies.
Decided criticism of the Fordney-
McCumber tariff bill prevails thru
out Washington and Oregon, accord
ing to Bishop Shayler of- the Episco
pal diocese of Nebraska, who has
just returned from the triennial con
vention of the Episcopal church in
- Speaking of- political conditions
Bishop Shayler said: "There is
strong' tendency among progressive
thinkers every where to break away
1 1 -
Large Number of Exhibits in All
Lines Ideal Weather Should
Bring Large Crowds.
The Cass county fair at Weeping
Water opened on Wednesday of this
week with a large number of ex-,
hibits of a character .which demon
strates, that this county, notwith
standing the severe setback occasion
ed by. the disastrous hail storm and
the dry- weather has come through
with colors flying and will produce
its full quota of crops. ,
Officials of the Cass county Farm
Bureau, comprising B. Wolph, Ne
hawka; W. B. Banning, Union; S.
S. Davis, Murray; C. E. Noyes,
Louisville; Earl Towle and L. It.
Snipes, Weeping Water, met at the
office of the county agent on the
opening day to give their attention
to matters pertaining to the fair.
At the Auditorium
At the auditorium there was dis
played a large number of exhibits
from the-different schools of the
county, consisting of maps, penman
ship specimens, manual training and
other articles, the handiwork of Cass
county students. The exhibit from
Manley was particularly interesting
and attracted a great deal of atten
tion as did all the other displays.
A large
fruits and
Rid Your Premises of Rats!
Winter time always brings the rats and mice into the
v cellar and basement.
Rat Annihilalor Will Do the Job!
Get a package now and kill the rats and mice be
fore they,,get into your barns.
Small Packages 25c
'10 1 j
estor & Swatek
plied. All kinds of chickens are
represented, including Wyandottes,
Plymouth Rocks, Leghorns and many
others which were not catalogued at
the time the Journal representative
passed through, this department.
A. B. Rutlege, the Nehawka poul
try fancier was present with some
eighty fine fowls on display,, includ
ing 35 Rhode. .Island Reds, the same
nnmhop rf AnpnniiQ and ton hnntam
ana interesting array oi Buff Orpingtons,
vegetables was on display, I . Carred pivmo
including corn, poiaioes, waieium- ,..,.... manv nthpr varieties
oiis. puiupKiiis, snusn ami iu ; made up tue display. . with geese,
unlimited supply of canned and pre-idnks ....,, rabbits, etc. also be-
were aispiayea two sianas oi uees a nv r tho oviMta nnt hen
working behind glass shields Jam 3sipaced on exhibition at the time of
Harp, ui suuiu ui naus.uuuiu, a.m visit. although it was hardlv
T l f Cl-watTr-wtT nrnviflo,! thoQO I.T. ... .
iV- - . . to ' 3 possible to see where mucn more
hibits, which attracted much atten-. room cou,d be provided. when Cass
t lOn. I r r ii n t V' rrirrl n ruiannnH na lihrfirnllv
Mrs. J. A. Wilson of Murray, who;-,. t1 - fr iUanyava aa thov ro
l 4 ! Jt 1, !1 . -" 1 ' v. j-..j- J
Hits u mui. uuique auu u. iu u doin& this year there need be liule
mouth Rocks, Brown
concern felt for the success of the
Cass county fair.
invention in the form of a pressure
colender on which she has recently
- 1 A- A. .
ruceiveu a paieuL, was pieeui uc;u- T j t"a J
onstrating the usefulness of this ar-i .'"Tif1?
tide, which is now being placed on' Co".,nc.f Wlth te large mim-
the market. utr U1 lA"111?' wy
Tlia HTnol To u re expeciea louay anu r nuay. uci- moaei iarm 'iing off to a perfect start under ideal
A model farm has been worked out .,. nnHitirm hpsnonka rpj,f
in miniature, consisting of a quarter fn tll pr,ternrie this vear.
cection with the house, barn and
sand the Farm Bureau officials, citi-
fn Vawf but idow who is in body durins his brief service there. a! meeting by the acceptance publican party. Expressions were
i lU relatIv4es wfre LP0Iti0n. by ,M7-Smith- TP heard everywhere that democratic
aV-Ui.e , Tnomson- Ga., for M ' -' ad the department of fancy work sucoesse9 wI11 be prevalent in many
which Mr. Watson had planned to
depart today for the congressional
Active in Politics
For 40 years Senator Watson had
been active in politics, a national as
president in 1904 after receiving
atps na nssistant ami tho wnrlr rt . -. . . .
I " " o : V . v iii 1. " ; icir uimert m. MitcncocK is held In
I ficanus A wi luc OIIUIJ mill UC VUS1I . hi? h
The October "Red Book with fic- ed frora now until the holiday sea
tion by Eupert Hughes, E. Phimps bythfe.ladies- , '
,aLr f,vStaho fi,i JtIe wa? norm"!0PPheim, Richard W. Childs and th " fj
iateI . by the populist party for ' t ( l ttt r iv .
resident in 1904 after receiving Its ' u0fcert Wagner offers a wealth of Kittle
esteem throughout the west
ana many expressed tnemselves as
very hopeful of his re-election this
usis. assisieu ny ivies (lames a i 1 1 . . .- w 1 . .1 ,
xne new . " f B"';Bshop Shayler said: "We did elim-
e Journal "-'" etluus reiresn-1 inate tWo of those obonlotA tr,s
riMnrss; Mil: .. cPy
vice presidential nominaiton in isofi i Bleasure to the reader,
He was a populist member of the ! Red Books are here at the Journal very dainty and delicious refresh
uouse or renresentatlves in 1SM- n.n i uiems.
1 s ft
tor. M.h. said on an; "anti-Wilson. ' of tius popular magazine
anti-league of nations'and anti-war
measurts" platform, defeating for
mer Senator Hoke Smith and former
Lost anything found anything!
Try a Journal ad. "They satisfy."
r&Li e
I 1 -
. it
Oh Skihnak!
Have you bought your school shoes yet? -Better buy
them at Fetzer's during this week and get a chance
on these Yanker Ingersol watches that ajre to be given'
away Saturday night. You know every tenth name
drawn from the box gets a watch free. The prices
on these shoes are very reasonable
Sizes Up to 6
Fetser Shoe Qom party
Headquarters for Boys' Shoes.
Mrs. Oscar Lowe of Lincoln, Former
ly Hiss Rachel Stander of
Louisville, Will Speak. -
On next Sunday evening at the
Methodist church the Plattsmouth
people will' have the opportunity of
hearing first hand of the life and
habits of the people of Japan and the
work of the Christian missionaries
among ; the residents of; the : island
Mrs. Oscar Lowe of Lincoln, form
erly Miss Rachel Stander of Louis
ville, who spent - two years in the
missionary work in that' -country.
1 will be here and tell of her. experi
ences and observations of the Japa
nese and in her residence there as a
missionary ., and teacher came in
touch with the work of the "Chris
tian teachers, and the people of the
.To add interest to the lecture there
will be slides shown of the scenes
in the, cherry-blossom land and what
the Christian churches are accomp
lishing. in the way of , education and
training among the residents of the
country. -. . ? . . .
This will Tie ona of the best things
of its kind ever-offered here and one
that will be interesting to the gen
eral public is well,as those who have
made a study of the missionary and
educational work in the far east.
'obey' and 'with all my worldly good
I thee endow.' . We obtained revision
and enrichment of the book of com
mon prayer, the intention of this ac
tion being to remove obsolete ex-
prssions that are not commonly un
derstood by the common man. It was
ahvays meant, just as the marriage
ceremony says. that one should love,
honor and obey according to God's
holy ordinance.' That does not at all
mean that the wife must submit to
all the whims of a husband, in the
little things of life. I believe in per
feet equality of the man and wife in
property, personal opinion and the
"The convention reaffirmed its
stand on the divorce evil, one man
for one woman until death do them
part. This may work a hardship on
innocent persons sometimes, but we
must stand for the ideals of the
home." said the bishop.
The Rev. John Albert Williams.
rector of the Church of St. Philip
the Deacon, was nominated by Bish
op Shayler to be elected bishop of
Haiti. "The Rev Mr. Williams had
many friends in the convention, and
he is a capable man, but the vote
finally went to a bishop of the white
race, since the church in Haiti has
for years been in charge of a white
bishop," explained ' Bishop Shayler.
Bishop Shayler introduced into the
house of deputies a prayer for ad
justment of the railway men's strike.
Yesterday Mr. and Mrs. G. Leslie
Hall arrived in the city to. spend a
short time at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Sam G. Stone,, parents of Mrs.
Hall. The young people are enjoying
their: -honewnoon,- having, been mar
Vied at' "Lincoln on' Saturday after
noon, last. The bride was formerly
Miss; prpba Stone . and" one of - the
daughters of. Mr. and Mrs. S." G.
Stone, and a young lady highly es
teemed by those who have the pleas
ure 'of Ttnowing herf The groom Is a"
son, of .George Hall -of this city and
has for the past few months been
residing in Omaha. Mr. Hall was for
merly in the army of occupation in
Numerous inquiries have been re
ceived in the last few weeks from
nearby towns asking as ty the ins
pects for a horseshoe tournament or
matches with a team from this nty,
and as this game seems to be one of
the popular sports of the day. brings
up the question, Why not have a
horse shoe pitchers' team?
With the growing revival of this
old sport there certainly should be
some steps taken to try out the old
veterans of the game as well as the
younger residents of the city that
have had experience with the sport.
It. seems to be fascinating where it
has been in vogue and with our ten
nis and pinochle tournaments there
seems no reason why the sport of ye
old time horseshoe pitching should
not be revived. Such' veterans as Les
lie Niel. F. J. Warren, c. O. York are
here and should' form the basis of a
team that could assist In the promo
tion; of the'spotfi which oeS not re
quire any elaborate preparations to
start with. What say, you horseshoe
oiner ouiDUiwmgs au ci proporuuu- ns .f iV-n!ne. Water and others
ate size. .To increase the education- who hflve ha(i a part Jn making tne
al advantage of the exhibit, the farm nt nrH to h ronsrratulated
has been divided into different crop-' t1l gr.n!rntir r,no manner in
raising sections to include wheat. 30. whf,, pvervthine- is hoin? handled
acres; oats, 20 acres; corn, CO acres; j
roetitro ft urrtj BWPPt flnvrr K .
acres; alfalfa. 10 acres; timothy and j VISITING HERE FROM THE WEST
clover, 15 acres. The house and out-!
buildings occupy a small plot. j Mrs. Harvey Heneger of near Tor-
The stock plan for this model farm ; rington, Wyo., arrived here Monday
consists of eight cows, twelve head . for a visit at the home of her par
of other cattle, six work horses, one ! ents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Steinhauer.
colt, twelve brood sows, fifteen head j Mrs. Heneger has with her the new
of sheeD and one hundred laying ,on and heir of the Heuecer family.
hens. jjack IJanford Heneger. The young
Another exhibit that attracts at-, man. who was born in Wyoming a
tention is the display of fine chairs t few months ago. has the distinction and Raymond Lohnes, Fritz, Wal
made from native grown wainut'of bearing the name of the national ter and Florence Fornoff; Ina, El
lumber, and shown by Peter John-; commander of the American Legion, mer. Otto and Ruben Meisinger; Al
Han ford MacNider, as the parents,
Mr. and. Mrs. Adam Stoehr West of
City Entertain at Dancing
Party Last Saturday.
The attractive country home of
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Stoehr in the
vicinity of Cedar Creek was the scene
of a very pleasant gathering on last
Saturday evening in honor of the
eighteenth birthday anniversary of
their daughter, Miss. Mildred. The
anniversary was not to occur until
September 25th but it was decided
to have the occasion observed on Sat
urday to allow all the friends to at
tend. There were some ninety-four in at
tendance' and the occaslot -was one
that will long be very jdelightfully
remembered by all those fortunate
enough to be there. t'"
The evening was spent in dancing,
the music being furnished by the
father ot the guest of: honor with
the violin and Mrs. Lonis Born, an
aunt, at the piano, and' 'to. this the
jolly party danced to tfieir hearts'
content. In honor of the occasion.
Miss Mildred received a large num
ber of very beautiful gifts that she
will treasure as remembrances of the
old friends. There was a very deli
cious luncheon served at 11:30 at
the home going hour to which all
did ample justice.
Those in attendance were: Messrs.
and Mesdames Clarence Busche, Phil
ip Born, Henry Born and family.
Louie Born and family. Will Hirz and
family. Will Meisineer and family,
T. E. -Todd and family, Grover Par
riott and family, Philip Kehne, Hen
ry Nolting, Fred Kehne. Jr., John
Wehrbeln and family, Ella, Esther
son, of Weeping Water.
In the culinary line there are bak
ery goods a plenty and some fine ex
hibits of the prowess of Cass county
women with the kitchen range.
Better Bahy Contest
At the Congregational church is
being held the better baby contest
vin and Raymond Stull; Carl and
who are. enthusiastic workers in the Helen Meisinger. Edear. Lester, Vic
tor and erner Meisinger; Roy,
Elizabeth'and Elmer Tschirren; Her
man Hennings, Louie Baumgart, El-
cause, desired to have the son re
fleet their Legion spirit. Mrs. Hene
ger states that they have had won
derful crops for that portion of the J mer Chamberlain, Chris True, Grace
country on their farm, oats going Morris, Edwin Dagendorffer, W illiam
forty bushels to the acre; corn, for- Geo. and Tillie Halmes. 'Delta Leddy,
Tki. ftnro nt tv-iivc and tne POD corn crop eooa. wmer, unoru. ari anu . erner
the fair last year and promises to be They are located right close to the Stoehr. Helen Hild. Adelia Tritsch.
eauallv as Donular this year. Here station at their home town and the Carl Roessler, Henry Hyde, Johnnie
is also shown the display of fancy : snipping iaciuues are exceneni bo Aaunimg cimer inwui, oam
rnnuAib- -n-hivTt fc lib'anrica nrrtr 11IH.L LiltTV KlcXil JCaUllV tCl L11C1I tlUU wwu.u.
intr verv DODular with the ladies. I to market. During the absence of
' Tim Ztnn1r TVrfiihits the wife and baby. Mr. Heneger is
t completing the work on their new
Attention of the men folks is at-innmf, tnaf thpv v,aVA 1in on the
homestead atid when it is ready they
will be regular old settlers in the
Torrington section. Their . .many
tracted to the large tent where there
are on displayed the swine and the
barn which accommodates the cattle
and" horses.
In the swine department there are
a large number or exnioits, lnciua
ing nearly every variety large and
small and all good stuff. J. C. Gil
lespie has a large herd, Including a
black Poland China boar which will
weigh about 900 pounds although
only a year old. The animal stands
43 inches high, is 80 inches long and
is very large boned. Schafer . Bros.,
(Political Advertising)
friends are well pleased that they Following Is the Republican Ticket
have found such success in the new to be voted on at the --November
home in the west.
Randsburg, Cal., Sept. 26. An
nouncement ;comfng almost simul-
u. very large uoueu. ot-uaier.iirus., . nonll . nf an(, .vpr ..e(ri1,ps..
of west of Murray, have a herd of m f the Rand minlne D GEO
district, caused; a. repetition, of early
election in Cass county, Nebraska-
State Senator, 2nd 'Dist.'
A. F. STURM 'lNehawka
t '
State Representative,- 6th Dist.
TROV L. DAVIS Weeping Water
County Clerk
R. SAYLES Plattsmouth
fine Durocs which are sure beauties,
and to look at them makes a person
wish he were a farmer. A. H. Rauth's
display consists of the Victoria breed
of Big Type Poland Chinas raised on
his farm near Wabash. Guy Adams
and Esther Werbling, of Eagle, and
Elmer II. Johnson of Manley had
some excellent Duroc Jersey hogs on
display, which attracted the people
as they passed, and are well worth
stopping to look at..
C. W. Hoffman, owner of the
Maple Grove farm at Alvo and C. L.
Mayabb, of Plattsmouth showed some
excellent black Poland Chinas, one
especially of Mr. Mayabb's. "Omaha
Queen," being an . excellent individ
ual and weighing over 700 pounds
for three years old. Wm. Strabel,' of
Elmwood has a display of fine Duroc
Norris. Brothers of near Avoca are
exhibiting some Oxford Down sheep
that are surely beauties and could
not be passed by anyone who admires
this class of live stock. . ,
Fred Caestern has four fine speci
mens of Short Horn cattle, while In
this line Carl Day has a bull which
tips the beam at 1,910 pounds, as
well as some nice cows and calves.
C. Rauth & Sons are among the
other cattle exhibiters, their three-
ear-old herd bull weighing 1,700
pounds, while a senior yearling heif
er. "Sultana." weierht 1.000. A lunior
bull calf weighs 670 and another caltl
only eleven months. oJd, 680." A.'i
Rauth's. bull calf weighed 715 and a
red jnnior bull calf, 710. . '.The herd
bull,- '"Glauster," has not been over
the scales lately, but is a fine, large
animal. E. H. Norris , has a fine
roan Short Horn bull, which is clas
sed as a senior, yearling.
Poultry on Display
No fair would be complete with
out poultry exhibits and in this re
spect Weeping Water is well sup-
California scenes here yesterday and
today. t :-! ,,'iT -
Butte avenue, the principal street
of Randsburg.;was thronged with ex
cited townspeople and visitors,- Leas
es and properties changed hands at
a lively pace.; Since the announce
ment of the strikes, a newspaper.
brokerage office and several small
businesses have been established.
The mines In . Jvhich. paying ore
was asserted to have been found are
widely scattered over the Rand dis
trict which was the scene of a gold
rush t wen ty-fijfe : years ago.;
; Register of Deeds
EDNA,(D. SHANNON Plattsm'th
County Treasurer
WILL T. ADAMS Plattsmouth
.County Sheriff '
County Attorney
A. G. COLE -Plattsmouth
County Surveyor
' Commissioner, 2nd Dist.
HeebSr Who' has beWliving H;,R. SCHMIDT. Murdock
Commissioner, 3rd Dist.
nono o Vi M! in or hront for the tiast
AA . IA A A ..'. - - - - . . . . J n r. fm
thirty years on his farm southeast 01 1 our .support ui Ul " "lc"
Weeping Water has concluded to put ing candidates- at the polls on elec
the songster to work and accordingly tion day November 7 is solicited
bundancgvt? water for ,all
and mucli to waste. The wa
From Wednesdays Dally.
hoo ninml tlo jift f a stream ffbai the
" v- - t i .
sDrine to his baTn where he now nas
an abundant' v water ior ,aii tne
.!, -n 1 1 K n WaQtO Til A WaSte
r : : ;rir in The Queen Esther society of the
t, ii qtiH in the Methodist church, composed of the
winter will have a supply of ice as young ladies who are members of.
11 th. hohhllncr hrnnlr has tne aunaay scnooi ciatso ui iuio. vy. v.
vvtrii. 1 111a nine ri-xAQ . - , , -
.. . .r j, nnJwntr nrnmnaniprl hv their tPflrh-
1 1 4-1 x 1 r m i n pnnnjjr 1 iir i uk uhsl i ww jw. a
thirtv years and he had not . under- er, journeu uuu .i "'"'"s , l
tA ion.,ro until now. How- the vicinity 01 tne iiuriingion onage
ever, it will serve him falthruiirirom waere rucj- c.,JU,cu a
I tnat win long oe very pieasamiy re-
iawjtt vaa. , . rri ti . i
memDuCU. iue lime was Byeui m
viewing the interesting sights along'
the river and in games until the ap
propriate time when the picnic lun
cheon was brought- forth and the
Ahout the middle' of October -we
will have several cars of Red River members of the party regailed with.
Early onto potatoes ai a. iu the-g00d things that had been -pre.
Have one car in. Wholesale price 1 in pared for the event. It-is needless to
lots. Order now. Johnson Bros., Ne- gay that vail of the party-' felt that
braska city, r armers rau. xjiuS. they had one of the most delightful
occasions that the class had had for
Journal want ads pay. Try them, some time.