The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 29, 1922, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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i : 3
1 1
Murray Department
J Prepared in the Interest of the People
Building for the Future!
A tvxk works for you night and day, week after week, adding
cents to your dollars. Little by little the amounts grow till each
addition is a respectable sunu , ; : ;
Where dees the gain come from? Not from your pocket Nor
from ours. It is the result of production. Money placed in a bank
is given an opportunity to work and to produce. ( t;.v;- -
Thus a bank builds your wealth. Start with a small deposit
if you will. Add to it when you can regularly if you can do so.
It will not be long till you can fairly see it grow.
Murray State Bank
Open an Account with us today NOWtj)
Jack McN'att's brother from Iowa
is making an extended visit with his
brother Jack and family.
Miss Esther Urown or Omaha was
visiting c.t tbe home of Mr. and Mrs.
Tony Kliinm. Sr.. last week.
U. S. Town and wife, of near Un
ion were looking after some business
matters in Murray last Monday.
Mrs. 1. C. -Rhoden was a visitor
in Omaha with "friends last Saturday,
making the trip via the Green bus
lire. .
August Klerrm of near Mynard
was I(Kkinir after some business mat
ters in Murrey last Monday after
noon. W. H. Puis was looking after some
business matters In Plattsmouth on
last Saturday: -making the 'trip in
his auto.
Mike Kafferfberger of near Platts
mouth was looking after some busi
ness matters in Murray last Tuesday
Mr. James Gilmour of Ulysses, Ne
Mrs. V
was Visiting his cousins.
T. Mocre and Mrs. McDon-
ald. last Friday. otner 01 tne same Kina, Knowing mat
J. W. Berger has been pretty busy the Ford could be depended upon,
of late getting his crop of potatoes' Walter Minnear and O. W. Virgin,
out of the ground and put away j of Syracuse, were in Murray on last
ready for winter. Monday afternoon for a short time
W. J. Ih il pot and wife were visit-, visiting at the home of the latter's
Ing in Omaha over Saturday and parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Virgin,
Sunday, going to the metropolis last returning home the. same evening.
Saturday morning. J Joseph Campbell, who formerly
E.r. Tutt and wife wera visiting , lived near Murray, but who has been
and rooking after some business mat- making his home at Omaha, accomp
ters In Platt.smouth l?.?t Monday af- anied by Mrs. Campbell, was tpend
ternoor., driving up in their car. ing jast Sunday at the home of Mrs.
O. E. McDonald and wife, of Mur- j a. Walker and Dr. Gilmore and
dock motored down to the home of
his mother to visit with his aunts.
Mrs. Cutler and Mrs. Gilmour, last
Last Monday Herman Gansmer
shipped a car load of cattle to the
1 1 i a. A. r a. m yv i 2 1
he has fed on his farm
nortnwesi ou;
C. K. Whitaker of
Plattsmouth i
was a vffitor in Murray last Sunday
nd accepted the invitation to teach i Bicknell. wht is visiting with her, the home of the nephew of Mrs. phj-sjejans trust will greatly im
he Senior class at the Christian ! parents from Denver, were guests at.Kniss, J. C. Smith and family near prove his health. His many friends
Bible school.
G. M. Minford was a visitor in
Omaha last Tuesday evening, driv
ing up in his car to bring Mrs. Min
ford -down to attend the funeral of
the late H. G. Creamer.
W. T. Vallery made a visit last
Saturday to Weeping Water, where
he was taken ill and had to remain
for a number of days. It is hoped ,
he will soon be well again,
Mrs. "Susan Cutler. of Modale,
Iowa. and Mrs. William Gilmour,
her sister, annts of Mrs. Mirn. Mc
Donald, were visiting at the home of
Mrs. McDonald the past week.
Here Is Real
to r.lect the Chill of
Men's Knockabout Knit Jackets heather mix
tures. They fit well and give excellent satisfaction. The
price is only $4.50.
Aden's Jacket Vests Leather sleeve. Knit wrist
and collar; moleskin body. Price, $5.50. '
Boys' Sweaters Pull over style. Heather wool,
mixad yarns. An excellent item or the school boy. All
sizes at only, $2.25. f
Men's Flannel Shirts Dark gray colors, two pock
ets, well made. An excellent shirt, priced right, $2.25
each. " , f
Men's Extra Heavy Work Sox Ironclad brand.
Per pair, 15c; 7 pairs for $1.00.
Fresh Fruits Vegetables Quality Groceries
SoennichsGn & Go.,
Telephone No. 12
131 B
of Murray and Surrounding' Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
Joseph Cook was looking after
some business matters in Omaha last
Tuesday and also was visiting with
his daughter. Nita and son Francis,
who are working in the metropolis.
Mrs. Joseph Ellington of Lodge
pole was a visitor for a few days at
the home of V. A. Kennedy, where
she visited with her two sisters,
Mesdames V. A. Kennedy and W. A.
C. S. Stone of Steamboat Springs.
Colorado, who is visiting for the
present time at the home of relatives
at Nehawka, was a-visitor in Murray
last Monday, and a guest of W. G.
Boedeker while here.
Henry C. Long and wife, accomp
anied, by their daughter, Mrs. Geo.
E. Nickles, were visiting and looking
after some business matters in Ne
braska City last Tuesday, making the
trip via the Green bus line.
Ernest Bintner, who has been a
Ford driver for some time, conclud-
ea ne wouia enjoy a new car ana in
replacing the old one purchased an-
Mrs. W. H. Hendricks departed on
last ' Monday for Plalnview, where
she Is visiting at the home of her
, . . -mw y- J
aaugnter, jurs. joftn varruu, auu was
. . . ,
accompanied as far as Omaha by her
Leonard Bicknell and wife of Dun
baj". and theIr daughter, Miss Helen
tue nome or Mr. ana iurs. josepniiu, mey uunug out m meir car
a"d spending the day with the fam-
ily. .All enjoyed the day to the full-
pa J jest. Mr. Kniss and mother returning
New never been driven, for
less than cost.
I M urray, Nebraska
Oclobor Weather!
Murray, Nebraska
Cook last Sunday, driving up from
their home in their auto. J
Wm. Obernaulte the plasterer and
maibn, arrived In Murray, after hav
ing, completed the work at the home
of 'Edward Gansmer, where he has
been doing some work on their home
and is now Btuccoing the home of
Mr; and Mrs. J. E. Hatchett.
Last Wednesday morning, Mrs. B.
F. "Brendel and son, T. J. Brendel
and wife departed in their auto for
Kansas City, expecting to arrive
there that evening, going to pav a
visit to Dr. B. F. Brendel. who is at
present at the Research hospital of
that place.
(J. L. Mayabb, of Plattsmouth, was
a brief vir-itor In Murray last Mon
day, afternoon while on his way to
Weeping Water where he is ex
hibiting two of his Poland China
hogs and which looked as he had
them loaded in his truck nearly as
large as a tow.
J. A. Capwell, of Elmwood, and by
the way who Is a candidate for
county attorney, stopped In Murray
last Tuesday afternoon on his way toJ
and from Plattsmouth, where he was
looking after some business matters
in the district court, and met a num
ber of his friends here.
L. H. Puis and wife, wbo have
been at Grant for the past number of
months, are starting for Murray in
their auto on Friday of this week
and will expect to arrive here by the
day following. They have their seed
ing all done and will remain in the
east until harvest time next sum
mer. Miss Etta Nickles has Just pur
chased a new range and ber taste
in the best of cookers and bakers,
was the Universal, which is so'd ty
the Peterson Hardware company.
The stove is finished in gray porce
lain and makes besides its value as
a cooker and baker a beautiful addi
tion to the kitchen.
H. P. Minch and wife were visit
ing in Plattsmouth last Saturday. I
where they were looking after some
business matters and have moved
into the residence of Mrs. Ona Law
ton, where they will make their
home. Mr. Minch is negotiating for
the purchase of rorae property in
Murray for the establishment of a
Mrs. H. H. Shrader is having a
well sunk nt hpr farm nnrthwpst nf
Murray, and will in the near future to Ouioha. where he entered the
erect a dwelling and out buildings ! Clarkpon hospital, where he is tak
there. she havinc rented it to Os?nr Ing treatment for gall .stones, and as
Shrader, who will move to the farm 'yet it is not known whether he will
as soon as It is finished, and will i '-e Troelled to undergo an operation
farm the place the coming year. I for relief or not. His many friends
John Smith, the well man, is sink-'over the county are hoping that he
Ing the well. J will be relieved without the opers
O. N. Eagle and wife and daugh-,tion and that he may soon be well
ter, Miss Opal, of Tuehy, have been1 again.,
visiting with friends here for some
days past, and were guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sporrer,
last Saturday, and on Sunday were
guests at the home cf John Urish,
1 - U ..-1 . U I
: unc umiici mm luuuj- iijcuuj
, j .
.was served and a most enjoyable
Carrier of the rural route. K. L. progressing verv nicelv. He will ex
Kniss, and his mother. Mrs. Emaline pect to have another operation in
Kniss, were guests last Sunday at the next few weeks rnd which the
son Stephr who has been "in the
who' vtenaterPaTknd 3 at
many other places in the mountains.,
returned home a few days since af-
ter having enjoyed a very pleasant
trip in the west. They stopped on
their return at Broken Bow, where
they visited for a time with Frank
J. Davis and had a most enjoyable
I time while there. Searle says noth
ing in the homesick business, but,
quoting his words, "Believe me, the
people of Cass county have great
; cause to be thankful that thev live
here." I saw much country but none
Lf it innkod niro r-oca
i do 'I think it was because I was
homesick, but just because it is bet
ter. 32-inch Ginghams, 32c
See our 32-inch ginghams at Just
32 cents per yard, and some very
fancy patterns at "that, with excel
lent quality. Along with these roes
ja fine line of serges and flannels, as
well as an excellent line of winter! London, Sept. 24. The astonisn
caps, underwear and the time will ing decrease of 18 per cent is shown
soon be here. (in England's bills "'for alcoholic
Better think about the winter that, drinks for the first half of this year
is coming. We have an abundance .'as compared with the same period
of winter goods to supply your needs
at a very moderate price.
Murray, Nebr.
Murray Grocery Changes Hands
The general store which has been
operated by Messrs Font T. Wilson
and W H. Puis, at Murray, was dis-
Pff1 1 hJ, !?em J- .W" Chilton.
of North Platte the exchange being; amounts to 25.000,000 pounds from
made last Tuesday, the former own-jthe flpure of 195,000,000
ers receiving lands for their holdings pounds
here. The inventory was made dur-l The iargest falling off is shown in
ing the fore part of the week andfthe consumptlon of beer and hard
the business turned over to the new:enlri,e nt riHr chnw
Specialist on Swine and
Cattle Diseases
Will receive calls at resi
dence, Murray. Phone Ko. 50
li any of the readers of the
Journal knov of acr social
event or Item of Interest In
this vicinity, and will mall
lime to this office. It will ap
pear uudrr thl beading. We
want all newsltema Eoiron
firm. Mr. Font Wilson will continue day afternoon at 2 o'clock at the
with the store as its manager, and Lewiston church east of Murray and
will be assisted in the business by a the interment made at the cemetery
brother of Mr." Chilton, who arrived nearby the church. Rev. W. A. Tay
from the west this week. j ior 0f Union, an old friead of the
' family, officiated at the service and
Goes Back to School jgave a very able oration and tribute
John Peterson, who has been in the memory of the deceased. A
the military school at Annapolis for large number ol the old friends and
the past three years, with the ex- neighbors attended the service
ception of the period of vacation' H"T Clay VreaeTr WEB
during the summer months, and who J,ul' 30. 18o9. in McLean county,
visited here duTing last week with Illinois. He came to ?sebraska with
his brother Edmund, called on last Lia Parents in 1864 and located in
Tuesday afternoon over the phone to Cass county. On March 6, 1884, he
bif Edmund good as he departed was married at Plattsmouth to Miss
from his home in Omaha for the -1,ce A" siokes; with seven
fihillAn a X. - 1 - O -i i t" Hi C
east where lie again .enters school "U,"I. ?lr l"
for his last year, as he will graduate JlU ehrbein. Murray; Mrs. John
wth the clotine of the school year est of Omaha,' Mrs. Frank Wag
next June. John Peterson will be gener of Indianapolis. Harry Cream
remembered by manv of the people er o Omaha. Raymond Creamer of
of Murray as a most likeable young Murray and Will Creamer, residing
man. ana witn a crigm mture re-,
fore him.
Wanted, Wasting
Mr3. Albert Jones is desirious of
receiving family washings and will
give tne oest or saiihiacuon. one
can be found just east of the railway
tracks on the north side of the street
and will greatly appreciate any work
In this line given her.
Weevil in the Wheat
All over the country comes the
complaint that there is damage to
the wheat by the presence of weevil
In it. The wheat which has accumu
lated at the Farmers elevator has
been slightly affected by its presence
but Manager Gansmer and assistant
Chester Sporrer hare been treating
it and moving It and have eradicated
the pest, and have it in good condi -
tion at this time. The scarcity of
cars has vot allowed the shirping of
it as readily as they desired, other-
for tbe extrn work which the scar-
city has entailed. '
i The farmers throughput the cou
try had better look td their grain inj
storage for in the bins on the farm
it i3 attacked just the same as else
where. Under Treatment at Hospital
L-'ft Monday in charge of Dr. G.
H. GCmcre, W. R. Porter was taken
Undergoes an Operation
Last Friday. Dr. B. F. Brendel,
who has been at the Research hos
"al a 1
pital at Kansas City for some time.
.,... , .,,,..-.
t.a niiih nco iiiiv ii I . u u u r i cii 1 nil ini
pration frtr h hMltn .,tnf:tnrd
Ithe ordeal nicelv and has since been
here will purely hone that he mav
be restored to health and will be
pleased that he may "return with
such improved health.
t.?ey Pea8an' dinner Partybunoay
n ik u iiiti cut ci miuru a xi x li x vj.
the relatives and friends. Following
the big dinner party the afternoon
was spent in games and the enjoy
ment of a real old fashioned visit
, with each other. Those in attend?
I ance were: L. F. Kohrell, wife and
sons, Albert and Barrett; Carl Koh
rell, wife and daughter, Evelyn
Marie; Mr. and Mrs. John Hansen
ana oaus?niers, iren. rveiyn. rem
and Delbert Hansen; Mrs. James
Conn and sons, Alfred and Frank;
Mrs. Paul Pfann and daughter, Mar
gie; Mrs. Jess Kohrell and son Paul
of Hclyoke. Colo.; and Mr. and Mrs.
Ed Kohrell and children. Glen and
in 1921
The experts are unable to account
for this drop, which is a record ex
cept for the period of the war, but
it is generally thought to be due to
the unemployment situation and
hicb nriees.
Tbe falling off in drinking has
.caused great satisfaction among the
j prohibitionists, who Claim
a re5ult of tneir etforts. Tt
that it is
The 1orrfaK(
ia substantial Increase
. 1 1 1 -
prouaoiy Que
I to their low costs. The
export of
f lts highest mark during this period
y since America went ary, increasing
j ii per cent, ine largest increase
' was m exports to Canada.
One span jenny mule. 5 years old,
2. weight 2400 pounds, hand3
( . Ui u, EUU I- U. X I lieu l 1 KJ U W
' street road. 2 rr iles west of Kehaw -
1 ka. Alhiiri- AtirtT?nii. Kehawts. Ve.
jbraska, TeL 1614.
VrimcDai nc uciiov
Services From Lewiston Church at
2 O'Clock Tuesday and Burial j
at Cemetery Nearby.
The funeral services of the late
i Henry C. Creamer were held on Tues-
father. Three children have already .
preceded the father in death. Mr. '
Creamer was for thirty years a direc- ' .
tor of the Lewiston school district T)ie5 From Heart Spell Daring After
and ai the funeral a beautiful bo- ,, , ,j Tj
quet was sent by the school district, j
He was a member of the Modern
, Woodmen and has been for many
years a member of the Presbyterian1
church. . ' ' " I
Tho death of Mr. Creamer occur-
Memorial hospital in Omaha.
j VI rtii i iiiwwiikii
Governor McKelvie Call TTpcn Sher
j iff Dailev of Wahoo to Pnt
Law Violator Back-.
Sheriff Jerry Dailey of Saunders
C0?Ey h,us"5,d aboU' M,nd,aL 11
pul """"tf" , ' L .Utt,'V
! iouuij juu a i 11 iiuuu aiiti uuici uui
me prisoner naci oeen seniencea 10
ninety days In jail for illegal sale of , to Fremoi5t. For many years he has
intoxicating liquors but was released ; bef,n superintendent of the Congre
after serving twenty days. ona! Sunday school here, which
The governor was informed the hag rapidly under his leader-
sheriff had paroled the prisoner as a . Bhjp Hp was also pron!inent in the
result -of a petition presented by Btate Sunday school association.
eiRhty persons living in the county. ; He is survived bv five sons and
County Judge G. M. Parmenter had one aauphter: George B.. former
sentenced the prisoner as a result of;cashier of the Union National bank.
inicrmauon preseniea ny aiaie sner-
Carroll. The prisoner lived at Cedar
Uiuus. . -
In a letter to the sheriff, Governor
McKelvie says that the release of the
prisoner is absolutely illegal and
cannot be condoned. No one except
the board of pardons can release a
prisoner from such a sentence after
it is passed upon. Governor McKel
vie? letter to the sheriff says:
"You arc now informed that after
this commitment was made no one
had authority to revoke or alter its
terms in any sense whatever, except
the state" board of pardons, and even
this could not he done until formal
application had been made and the
case advertised tn the county for
thirty days.
"The action, therefore of the coun
ty officials - in relessing Rudolph
Eerinesek before the termination of
his sentence is absolutely illegal and
cannot be condoned. He must be re
turned at once to the county jail and
kept in confinement until applica
tion and action shall have, been tak
en before the proper, legally consti
tuted officials. I am assuming that
your telephonic assurance that this
order will be complied with will not
bo deviated from In any particular."
Leavenworth, Kas., Sept. 24.
The sentence of Keith L. Collins,
convicted ringleader of a gang of
bandits who robbed the United States
mails of more than a million dol
lars In bonds and other negotiable
papers at Council Bluffs, la., Decem
ber 13, 1920, was cut from Cf teen j
years to five years here yesterday (
when T. W. Bell, local attorney, was t
successful In securing a writ of ha-;
beus corpus from Judge John C. Pol-'
lack. Collins is confined In the fed
eral penitentiary here. i
Bell applied for the writ on the
i ground that the court in which Col
lins was convicted naa exceeded its
authority in sentencing Collins to fif
teen years. He wa3 convicted on six
counts and sentenced to fifteen years
imprisonment on each count. The
sentences ran concurrently.
Efforts may be made to shorten
the sentences of Orville Phillips,
Merrill Phillips. Fred Poffenberger
and Major Poffenberger, who were
convicted with Collins, Bell intimat
Nebraska City, Sept.' 24. Tbe
committee to select the site for the
proposed Yeomen's national home
visited this city and were shown the
advantages of locating the home
here. They were met upon their ar
rival here by a committee composed
of members of the various civic or
ganizations and taken in automo
biles to various parts of the com-
( reunify. ."The Yeoman delegates were
highly pleased with their reception
here. A banquet was served at the
Grind hotel by the Commercial club
and speeches made by members of
the committees. The land shown is
soma of the best in this section of
' the country and the visiting dele
gates admitted that the community,
- - - - . ... 0 - - .
' establishnient of the home. A deci-1
Ejcn will be made on the location'
next January. J
Dance! Dance! Dance!
: i
Peterson Hail, Hurray, ftcbrasEca
Saturday ;pvoningj Soptomber 30
VW. H. HOftl AFi,
noon Nap Had Held Lodge
Office Thirty : Years.
Fremont, Neb., Sept. l. l.
Gape, grand secretary of the Nebras-
ka Odd Fellows for more than thirty
.evening by his son. Louis, who had
!r, tr. V9Vpti v.ic fathpr for suiter.
; Mr. Gage had laid down at 3 o'clock
for a nap, and is believed to have
'suffered a heart stroke while asleep
that proved fatal.
Mr. Gatre was probably the best
Vnnwn Odd Fpllow in the state and
had held the offlce of grand secre
tary continuously ior mure liiuii
thirty years. He was born at Orph
ard, New Hampshire, and was at
tending Dartmouth college when the
Civil war began. He enlisted in a
New Hampshire regiment and serve J
throughout the war. Shortly after
the war he came to Dodge county
and ett
settled on a farm near Center-
ville, this county, where he lived un-
t51 th. .Rft. mnTP(1
tnis citv, now with the state bank
ing board and recently appointed re
j cejrer for the defunct Shelton, Neb.,
T,nni rr Frowntit. etnt
secretary to his father; Roy and
Wilbur, in Oregon; Frank, in Ohio;
and the daughter, Ruth, In Oregon.
Books! Bocks! Books! We have
them till you can't rest, at the Jour
nal Office.
All Ready for Saturday!
I have purchesed the former business of Wilson
& Puis. We have been very busy during the past few
days getting the inventory taken.
We will be ready with some startling prices on
Saturday. Come in and let us get acquainted.
WUson &
r, I
The open season for
bn, and all who are lovers of the chase can enjoy them
selves to the fullest.
We have the Winchester line of ammunition and
guns. Come in for your
Peterson Hardware Co.
mo n
ar 1 1 A car raanntaed ta every esa aecapted for trtnm. no motf t
paid uti! cured- Write for book on RaetaJ E!e4is. with B1 taTlmolaJ
M , . i A. rt HMmini MAnl, vhn ht hean rr rmanTitJT evred
. K. m, TAJUII, rtin liiT
" . . i.i.a.
Described as Demanding New Gov
ernment Ccnstantine After
Strong Man to Lead.
Athens. Sept. 25. Athens Is like
ly to be the scene of important polit
ical event? as a rerult of the military
disaster in Asia Minor, according
to declarations by influential Greeks.
A coup d'etat is mentioned as a pcs-
; Bi bihty by which King Constantine
'Will summon a distincuifhed leader.
probably General Mttaxas, to con
duct the affairs of state as premier,
or even as a sort of dictator in an ef
fort to rally the people about the ex
isting regime and especially to sup
port sending a powerful army into
Thrace to check the Turkish Inva
sion. Constantine is described es unde
cided about his program, but it i
agreed that the present cabinet can
not endure long. The people are said
to be on the point of demanding a
change in the envernment. They in
sist on the right of saving Thrace
vith iM rich wheat fields, so neces
sary to the future prosperity of
General Metaxas was prominent in
the Balkan war. but never held po
litical office. It is evident that Greece
wishes to go to the peace conference
with a strong hand, and the presence
of a powerful army in Thrace will
pive her new Important cards.
The Internal political situation Is
difficult because partisans of Venlre
los have increased since the military
reverses in Asia Minor. The Metaxas
j movement, however, is c haracterized
: 7 nis mentis as emooayinga roncu-
iatpry attempt to Inspire co-opera
tion between the followers of the
king and Venirelos. This program
would not include the return of Ven
izelos to power in Greece, but would
mean the naminp of some of his sup
porters to the cabinet or diplomatic
posts abroad.
Puis' Old Stand
most kinds of game is now
supplies and guns.
stu la-Pa; Vlien Cured
mrmtrnm of trsAtmaat thmX rmnm
ul othar Ret&l Dlwutl ta
Chloroform, ttlitr or othar Kancrai anaaathaua
in noi. in