The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 29, 1922, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Cbc plattemoutb journal
Entered at FotoCrice. jPlatUmoath. Neto.?" eeond-cIas mall matter
R. A. BATES. Publisher .. '..
Slit sleeves look, as If . the dress
maker didn't have enough goods.
Denipsey may fight Joe Beckett in
London, if enough British care, to
see a joke. ' : -
The last rose of summer is not
here yet; but our Palm Beach suit
looks like it.
The nice thing about cheap Euro
pean money is. a man in debt doesu't
owe so much.
When you We a man climbing the
ladder to success, you can bet a wo
man is holding it.
1 :o:
In Boston, a speeder hit a seven
story building. They say he claims
he blew his horn.
Our birth rate is declining. Pros
perity and posterity both are arriv
ing rather slowly.
Lord Robert Cecil says he hopes
to lecture in America. It sounds
more like a. threat.
:o: '
'Missing Since Monday" head
line. You can't blame her, since
Monday Is wash day. j
Epidemic of baby stealing report
ed in Paris. Strange part is the
babies are under 16.
The woman who loves every hair
on her husband's head hates every
hair on his shoulder.
The line of least resistance leads
downward and the line of most per
sistence leads upward.
The. total coranierciaL canteloupe
crop fcr 1922 is estimated by the de
partment of agriculture at 44,500
cars or 37 per cent greater than the
crop of .1921. The estimate is based
on 330 Crates to a car -with an aver
age yield of 150 crates an acre.
' : r-r"
Henry Ford says he will fire any
employ with -liquor oa his breath.
on his hip, or In hfs'cellar at home
Ford bans booze "because it recently
has been causing many accidents In
his Detroit plant. Thi3 seems like
old times. John . Barleycorn was
doomed first as a Safety First'meas
ure. -The sentenceVwas approved by
Supreme Judge Industrial Efficiency.
That's the real. reason no liquor can
be sold openly. 1 iV y
Senator Borah. Attacking the pro
posed $5,000,000 loan to Liberia,
claims $1,000,000 of .it would go to
some New York bankers to pay LI-
berian obligations taken over by
them at 10 cents on the dollar. The
quickest way to get to the truth of
any biff movement or national pro
posal is to find the answer to this
question: "WJjo gets the profits out
of it?" A. selfish motive, somewhere,
behind nearly everything where
merely money is Involved.
Since men are flying around like
birds, we may have scarecrows in
stead of lightning rods.
Health hint: If you get sleepy
during church do not try to use a
"pillar" of the church.
Now there is a surplus in the U.
S. treasury. But don't tell the Eu
ropean nations about It.
Since worry makes one bald, what
a pity a man can't worry with his
face instead of his head.
"America." says a . . statesman,
"made the world what it is today."
Always blaming America.
' :o:- .
Hunt tha bright side. If we knew
what the weather was going to be,
how could strangers talk?
o : o-
This may be an awful country;
but a Swiss firm is using Austrian
money for wrapping soap.
Why don't some women have to
pay income tax on three-fourths of
what their husbands make?
We have been expecting to see in
the paper where some coal wagon
driver absconded with a ton.
:o:- -
The King of. Siam has only one
wife while his father had 300; but
then, that may be the reason.
"We have too many single men,"
says a minister. An old maid tells
us there are even more than that.
' :o: i
An actress has a hard life. About
the time she gets used trf her hus
band it is time to get another one.
r:0:" '
Another strange thing is how a
great many men favor short" skirts
"because they are more sanitary"
except for members of his own fam
ily. o:o
It would always be possible to
avoid war, except that, as shown in
the case of Great Britain and Tur
key, the other fellow always is so un
reasonable. :o:
The ex-kaiser's family 13 said to
be opposing his marriage because the
lady is not of royal birth. But the
strange part is that the lady's fam
ily, which is not of royal birth, is
not' making any fuss because the
kaiser is.
Among the most delicious events
scheduled for September are the
trials of 54 brokers in New York,
where 85 brokerage firms have fail
ed in the last six months. District
Attorney Bantom, discussing the. in
dictments, says that assets of f the
dear departed total less than two
cents for each $1 of liabilities. How
did they tappen to overlook the two
cents? '
' The latest tools of criminals were
displayed in New York at the Inter
national conference of police.
Detectives seem most interested In
apparatus used by "rope workers."
With the skill of "human flies,"
this breed of crooks get on a roof
?.nd climb down as many as 14
stories to commit robbery, using only
their muscles and clothesline.
Burglara now have a fad of carry
ing their tools in violins and banjo
Electricity Is being used widely by
yeggmen. Hooking to a light socket,
they go through a safe door with
electric drills. In blowing a safe,
they even use an electric fuse-exploder.
Detective Boylan says the yegg
men never have been able to perfect
the use of acetylene torches for burn
ing through steel vaults.
All around, the "scientific" tools
of crime are disappointing to the
curious. In the main they are crude,
about the same as a decade ago, wlh
nothing startling as in "master
mind" detective fiction.
Each professional criminal, the
convened police say, has a character
istic style of work peculiar to him
self. For instance, if a window is brok
en noiselessly by plastering llypaper
on it to prevent the crash of falling
glass, the police know instantly that
the crook i3 one of a score or bo who
specialize in this method.
Further elimination i3 easy, for
certain crooks work only on Satur
day nights, at certain hours or dur
ing storms.
Cocaine i3 the chief tool of the
New York crook, says Detective
Frank Quigly. lie explains:
"Anybody that goes crooked
begins taking it to steady his
nervts. If a man shows a yel
low s trcak, his pals, make him
take,, a big whiff. oX.cocaine be
fore they will go out on a Job
with him. I don't believe a
lofty burglary -'or any other
dangerous crime has been pull
ed off in New York for years
except after they have doDed
to keep their
Crime and the drug traffic go hand
in hand. To attack crime at its roots
and -paralyze its growth, stop drug
traffic. ' That is the way, and police
know it, but it's easier said than
done. The job, however, is not im
possible. ,
Blank books at the1' Journal Office.
Rex Young
Will Be at Homo
Scplombor 25fh f
Order for dates can be
had by calling ;
d. a. you rid
Phone No. 3532
In the District .CQoft 6t the Coun
ty of Cass, Nebraska,., , , ..- v - '
John Fy Gorder, Receiver of the
firm of E. G Dovey it . Son .a Co
partnership George EL. ; Dovey ' and
Horatio N. Dovey,, Plaintiffs vs. Wil
liam W. Gullion et al. Defendants.
To the defendant William W.
Gullion; Mrs,, -William- W. Gullion,
real name unknown; W.v.W. Gullion,
real name unknown;,. ; Mrs. W. W.
Gullion, real name unknown; A. H.
Townsend. real name unknown; Mrs.
A. H. Townsendi real name un
known ; - Alfred H, . Townsend ; Ann
A. Townsend; '"Arthur: W. ' Balsly;
Mrs. Arthur W. Balsly, real name
unknown; S. H. Walker, real name
unknown; Mrs. a. H. Walker, real
name unknown; Sylvester H. Walk
er; Mrs. Sylvester H. Walker, real
name unknown; Morris - Leopold;
Rosa Leopold: Abraham Kuh; Mrs.
Abraham Kuh, real name unknown;
Henry Leopold; Mary Leopold; Sam
uel Leopold; Clara Leopold; Rufus
R. Edwards: Nannie Edwards; Oli
ver It. I. : 1 norougnman ; u.. H. r.
Thoroughman, real name unknown;
Mary A. Thoroughman; Thor
oughman, real name unknown; Mrs.
Thoroughman, real name un
known; Henry C. Withers; Mary E.
Withers; Matthew V. I. McClelland;
M. V. L. McClelland, real name un
known; Sarah B. McClelland; Wil
liam R. Pye; Virginia N. Pye; Rich
ard M. Scruggs; Mrs. Richard M.
Scruggs, real name unknown; El
liott T. Merric; Mrs. . Elliott T. Mer
ric, real name unknown; Elliott T.
Merrick; Annie IL Merrick; - Lucien
Eaton; Mrs. Lucien Eaton, real name
unknown; Joseph H. Brown; Mary
E. Brown; Jos. II. Brown; Mrs. Jos.
H. Brown, real name unknown;
Jeff H. Lutz; Mrs. Jeff H. Lutz, real
name unknown; Eugene C. Harring
ton; Hattie L. Harrington; Harriett
Marnuett, widow; Anna Hathaway;
Mrs. William H. Harper, widow, real
name unknown; A. M, Bebee, real
name unknown; Mrs. A. M. Bebee,
real name unknown; A. M. Beebe,
real name unknown; 31 rs. A. M.
Beebe, real name unknown; Robert
Donnelly; Mrs. Robert Donnelly, real
name . unknown; Maud Tacetti;
Charles Tacetti; Charles Mickelwait;
Edith Mickelwait; William Mickel
wait; Mrs. William Mickelwait, real
name unknown; the heirs, devisees,
legatees, personal representatives and
all other persons interested in the
estates of each of the above named
defendants, deceased, real names un
known; the heirs, devisees, legatees.
personal representatives and all oth
er persons interested , in the estates
of Wheatley .Mickelwait; . Wisiana
Mickelwait; : Wheatley Mtcklewait;
Illisiana Micklewait; Fred Mickel
wait; Kate Kiser; Charles Klser;
Joseph Harper; Jane A. Harper; L.
M. Wright, real name unknown;
Mrs. L. AL Wright, real name un
known; James B. Kennedy;. Mary E
Kennedy; William H. Harper; T. M
Marquett, real name unknown; Tur
ner M- Marquette; H. D. Hathaway,
eal name unknown; Hiram D. Hath
away; seiden jn. Merriam; Lyaia
Merriam; A. E. Alexander, real name
unknown; . Alexander, real
name unknown; Alice Pepperberg,
each deceased, real names unknown;
Leopold Kuh & Co., a co-partnership
composed of Morris L. Leopold, Abra
ham Kuh, Henry Leopold and Sam
uel Leopold; the successors and as
signs or Leopold Kuh & Co., a co
partnership, real names unknown;
McClelland, Pye & Co., a co-partnership
composed of Matthew V. L. Mc
Clelland, William R. Pye and Rich
ard M. Scruggs; the successors and
assigns of McClelland, Pye & Co., a
co-partnership, real names unknown;
Thoroughman & Withers, a co-part-
ership composed of Thor
oughman, real name unknown, and
Withers, real name un-
nfK Astr . at October. ORDfiR OF HEARING AND NO- f
1922, of the allegations therein eon- r TICE OP PROBATE OF WILL
tained will fee taken as true and al .in the Count Court of Cass couh-
decree will be rendered in favor of Uy Nebraska. " .....
plaintiffs and again3t you and each state of Nebraska, County of
of you, according to the prayer ofcaBgt as.-- . ':, ; . ,.' .
said petition. . r -.. . : - v t- I To all persons interested in the
Dater thia 13th day of September, estate of Nellie L Frans, deceased:
A. D. 1922, r f I on reading the Detition of Harry
JOHN F. GOUDER. . u Frans nravlne that the instru-
Receiver of the Firm of B, G. ment filed In this court on the 25th J
Dovey. & Son. a Co-partnersnip, i day 0f june, 1922, and purporting to
George E. Dovey and Horatio I De the last will and testament of the
N.- Dovey, I said deceased, may be proved and al-
Plalntlffs. I lowed, and recorded as the last will
G..KIECK, , and testament of Nellie I. Frans, de-
Attorney for Plaintiffs. . ceased: that said instrument be ad-
sl8-4w. mitted to probate, and the adminis
tration of said estate be granted to
NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS J Harry M. Frans, as executor;
It is hereby ordered that you, ana
Sealed bids will be received at the tail persons interested in said matter,
oiiice . oi lue otaie ueparcment di may, anu uu( appear, m mo ;i
Puhlic Works, 4 th floor Brownell Court to be held in and ror saiai
block, at Lincoln, Nebraska, until county, on the 29th day of Septem-
2:00 o'clock p. ni., on October 13, ber.:A. D. 19,22, at 10 o'clock a. m.
1922. for sradine. guard rail and to show cause, if any, there be. why
Incidental work on the Eagle-Mur-1 the prayer of the petitioner should
dock, project No. 153-B, Federal Aid not be granted, and that notice of
Road. I the pendency of said petition and
Bids will be opened in the Depart-? ! that the hearing thereof be given to
ment of Public Works, 4th floor I all persons Interested in said matter
Brownell Block on or near the hour by publishing a copy of this order;
of 2:00 o'clock p. m., on the 13th (Jay I in the. Plattamouth Journal, a semi-;
of October, . 1922., County Boards I weekly newspaper printed In said !
are .hereby , requested to be present county,, for three successive weeks'
or represented. Bidders' are invited prior to said day of hearing. J
to he present. , - Witness my hand, and seal of said!
.The ,, proposed work consists of I court, this 5th day of September, A.
constructing 0.G miles Of earth road. ID. 1922.
(Seal) County Judge.
s7-3w. Attorney.
The approximate quantities are
8,840 cubic yards earth excava
100 cubic, yards special excava
tion. Class B.
100 cubic yards channel excava
5,000 cubic yards itations over
554 lineal feet steel cable guard
rail. Class A
Certified check for 5 .of the
and Notice on Petition for Set
tlement of Account.
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
State of Nebraska, Cass county, ss.
ILZ "iJb ired Ustate of William F. McCarroll, de-
with each and every bid received
Plans and specifications for the
work may be seen and information
and . proposal forms secured at the
office of the County Clerk at Platts
,K o r ' - T..vti-Ion the 19th day of September, 1922,
the Stata Department of Public ., , j,,-t- ,
, x. , I dim iui uiacuaigc ui aumiuisiiaiui ,
Sife&t Majestic
On reading the petition of B. Har
ry JMcCarroll, administrator c. t. a.
praying a final settlement and allow- J
ance of his account filed in this court
Works at Lincoln, Nebraska
The State and County reserve the
right to waive all technicalities and
reject any or all bids.
It is hereby ordered that you and
all persons interested In said matter
may, and do, appear at the County
Court to be held in and for said
county, on the 30th day of Septem-
known; the successors and assigns of
Thoroughman & Withers, a co-partnership,
real names unknown; George
Davis as assignee in bankruptcy
of Eugene C. Harrington, bankrupt;
the successors and assigns of George
Davis, assignee in bankruptcy of
Eugene C. Harrington, bankrupt, real
names unknown; and all persons
having or claiming any interest in
and to the west half W) of Lot
number four, (4) and all of Lots
numbered five, (5) eight (8) and
nine. (9) all in Block numbered
thirty-five, (35) except that part of
Lot number eight . (8) described as
follows: Commencing at the north
west corner of said Lot eight, 8)
running thence east 16 inches, thence
south 24 feet, thence west 10 inches,
thence south 27 feet and 6 inches,
thence west 6 inches to the west line
of raid Lot eight (8) thence north
51 feet and 6 inches to the place of
beginning In the City of Platts
mouth, Cass county. Nebraska, real
names un Known; Abraham Pepper
berg; Mrs. Abraham Pepperberg,
real name unknown; Leon Pepper
berg; Mrs. Leon Pepperberg, real
name unknown; Henry Boeck; Elizi
beth Boeck; Hulse Bros. & Daniel
Company, a corporation; Chaflins,
Inc., a corporation, and - Marshall
Field & Company, a comoration.
You and each of you are hereby
notified that John F. Gorder. Receiv
er of the firm of E. G. Dovey & Son,
co-partnership, George E. Dovey
nd Horatio N. Dovey. as plaintiffs.
filed a petition and commenced an
action in the District Court of Cass
county, Nebraska, on the 13th day
of September, 1922, against you and
eaeh of you,-the object, purpose and
prayer of which is to obtain a de
cree of Court quieting the title to all
tne west half (W) of Lot number
four, I4f and all of Lots numbered
fire. (5) eleht. ( 81 and nine . f
11 In Block numbered thirty-five.
35) except that nart of Lot number
eight (8) described as follows i Com-.
mencmg at the northwest corner of
said Lot eight, (8) running thence
east 16 inches, thence south 24 feet,'
thence west 10 inches, thence, south
27 feet and 6 inches, thence west
6 inches to the west line of said Lot
eight. (8) -thence north 51 feet and
6 inches to the place of beginning,
in the City of Plattsmouth, Cass
county, Nebraska, as against you. and
each of you afid for such other re-.
ux as may ne, just ana eauitaoie
County Clerk County d. 19. Vt 9 cfo am.!
Sec'y Dept. of Pub. Works.
on Petition for Appointment
of Administrator.
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of
prayer of the , petitioner should not
be granted, and that notice of the
pendency of said petition and the
hearing thereof be given to ail per
sons interested In said matter by
publishing a copy of this order in
the Plattsmouth Journal, a weekly
newspaper printed in said county, for
one week prior to said day of hear
In witness whereof, I have here-
William M. .Tucker, deceased.
On reading and filing the petition hintn set mv hand and the rmI nf
oi uenjarain u. inciter praying mailed court, this 19th day of Septem-
aaministrauon oi saia estate may Dei her A D 1922
Magney as admin-
granted to J. W,
Ordered, that October 9. A. D
1922. at 10 o'clock a. m. Is assigned
for 'hearing said petition, when all
persons interested In said matter
(Seal) s21-lw. County Judge.
In the District Court of Cass coun-
tv. Nebraska.
may appear at a County Court to bejoun Leonard Meisinger,
held in and for said county, and
show cause why the prayer of peti
tioner should not be granted; and
that notice of the pendency of said
petition and the hearing thereof be
given to all persons interested in
said matter by publishing a copy of
this order In the Plattsmouth Jour
George S.
Page 176
Tozier et al.
To the defendants George S. To
zier and Mrs. George S. Tozier, (first
real name unknown) wife of said
George S. Tozier; David S. Walker,
nal, a semi-weekly newspaper print- ani th hoi Hovicpps iPirtfs. ner
ed in said county, for three succes- 8onal representatives and all other
slve weeks, prior to said day of hear
ing. ...
Dated September 14th, 1922.
(Seal) sl8-3w. County Judge.
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of
Jonathan Hatt, deceased.
To the creditors of said estate
You are hereby notified, that I
will sit at the County Court room in and each of you are made parties
Plattsmouth in said county, on the defendant for the purpose of obtain-
-soru uay oi uciooer, lifts, ana me in? a riocree from said Court auiet
,jra aay oi January, iv6, at ieniinfr tne reCord title in plaintiff to
o clock in the forenoon of each day,Jtne following described real estate,
io receive ana examine ail claims i tn-vHt
persons interested in tne estate oi
David S. Walker, deceased, and all
persons having or claiming any in
terest in or to the east half of the
northwest quarter of Section ten.
(10) In Township twelve, (12) north.
in Range twelve, (12) east of the
6th P. M., In Cass county, Nebraska,
real names unknown:
You and each of you are hereby
notified that on the 16th day of Sep
tember, 1922. the. plaintiff in the
foregoing entitled cause, filed his
petition in the District Court of
Cass county. Nebraska, wherein you
-: iiif:.liSlr
m ?ml ilSlll
A Delight to the Eye
and a delight to the heart of the housewife, too!
Even more beautiful than
ever before, the New Great
Majestic is finished with pan
els of lustrous enamel. You
may have your Majestic pan
eled in White Enamel or in
The panels on the doors and
on the splasher back make the
whole surface of your Majestic
so easy to keep new and bright.
You will be proud of this New
Majestic range in your kitchen.
Any Size or Style Majestic Family Range can be fur
nished with Blue or White Enameled Panels and Back.
Plenty of Hot Water
from Your Majes
tic Reservoir.
Water that is boiling hot!
ust dip it as you want it
from the reservoir attached
to the side of your Majestic.
The intense heat from the
fire box is carried directly
into the water in the reser
voir., by the .Majestic all
copper one-piece heat pock
et. When you do not want
the water to keep boiling,
vou easilv shift the reser-
from the fire
The top of the reservoir
is level with the range top.
giving you additional space
for keeping things warm
and in a handy position.
You will appreciate tin's
labor saving and convenient
Majestic Hot Water Reser
voir . every day during the
many years that your New
Majestic Range will serve
Perfect baking, too.
against said estate, with a view to
their adjustment and allowance. The
time limited for the presentation of
claims against said estate is three
months from the 23rd day of Oc
tober, A. D. 1922, and the time 11m-
The east half of the northwest
quarter Of Section ten, (10) in
Township twelve, (12) North,
in Range twelve, (12) east of
the 6th P. M., in Cass county,
ited for payment of debts is one year U3 against you and each of you and
from said 23rd day of October, 1922. 1 Dy decree to wholly exclude you
wiiuess my nana anu iae seal orian(j eacn an(j an Df you from all es-
said County Court this 19th day of
September, 1922.
(Seal) County Judge.
s21-4w. Attorney,
The State of Nebraska, Cass, coun
ty, ss. ...
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of
Percy Allen Warthen, deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
You 'are hereby notified, that I
will sit at the County Court room in
Plattsmouth in said county, on the
29th day. of September, A. D. 1922,
at. 10 o'clock a. m., and on the 29th
day of December, A..D. 1922, at 10
o'clock a. m., to receive and examine
all claims against said estate,-with a
view to their adjustment and allow
tate, right, title, claim or interest
therein or to any part thereof.
You are required to answer said
petition on or before the 30th day of
October, 1922, or your default will be
'entered in said cause and a decree
granted as prayed for in plaintiff's
Dated: September IS, 1922.
sl8-4w. His Attorney.
An Invitation
We urgently invite you to our Majestic
range demonstration one week only
October 30th to November 4th.
We want you to see and know the new, im
proved, beautiful Majestic Range in many
styles and sizes.
You must see that wonderful, polished. Solid
Copperware and Majestic Set. the Factory is
offering with every Majestic Range during this
sale. A Factory Representative will be on hand
to give you concrete,,facts about ranges.
Your visit will be delightful and profitable to
you. Don't fail to come.
BOYS AND GIRLS Free souvenirs to delight
yon -on Children's Day Monday afternoon, Oc
tober; 30th, from 3:30 to 4:30 o'clock.
and Notice on Petition for Set
tlement of Account.
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
State of Nebraska. Cass county, ss.
To all persons interested in the
estate of J. H. E. Egenberger,
The time limited for the pre-ceased:
sentation of claims against said es- - On reading the petition of Nora L.
tate is three months from the 29th Egenberger, Administratrix, praying
day of September, A. D.-1922, and a final settlement and allowance of
the time limited for payment of debts her account filed in this Court on the
is. one year from said 29th day of
September, 1922.
' Witness, my hand and the seal of
said County Court, this 28th day of
August, 1922.
(Seal) County Judge.
a31-4w. Attorney.
Phone the Journal jpffioe when yon
are in need of job printing of any
You and each at vnn nr rmnnirmA to Kind. JCeSl etfUpped IflOn Iff SOUtn
answer said petition on ' or bef6r UitirA 'XT&tU&M. V
the Plattsmouth Journal, a semi
weekly newspaper printed in said
county, for one week prior to said
day of hearing..'..!,. ; i-
In witness whereof, I have. here
unto set my hand and the seal of
said Court this 20th day of Septem
ber. A. D. 1922.1'" 1 - '
(Seal) s21-lw. County Judge.
For. Sale . r.
Farm, five; mites, from Murray.
Ill acres, good improvements ana
nrice reasonable.
Clrnr ranch In north central Ne
braska. 2.200 acres. For sale or trade
The Connally place near Murray
must be sold to settle an estate. If
rnn wrtch n small farm this is an
ideal location.
.See us for , residence property In
Murray or Plattsmouth. Brendel &
Kniss, real estate and insurance.
20th day of September, 1922, and for
discharge as administratrix . ..
It . is hereby,, ordered that you and
all persons interested in said matter
mav. and do. annear at the County
Court, to be. held in and or saidj ,;can't look well, eat well, or feel
county, on the, 30th day. of Septem-j w'Bn with impure blood. Keep the
ber. A. D. . 1922..-at ten o'clock a. Mnort mire with Burdock Blood Bit
mi,, to show cause. If any there be, ters. - Eat simply, take exercise, keep
why the prayer of the petitioner i clean, and good health is pretty sure
should not be granted, and that no- to "follow. $1.25 a bottle.
tice of the. pendency of said petition . ; . hearing-thereof be given to pnT,!ar ronvrifrhts and the latest
all persons interested in said matter Popular copyrights ana me ia.
by publishing a cony of this order in fiction at the Journal oftice. ,
State of Nebraska, County of
Cass, srf.
By virtue of an Execution Issued
by Jarne3 Robertson, Clerk of the
District-Court within and for Cass
county, Nebraska, and to me direct
ed, I will on the 30th day of October,
A. D. 1922, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said
day, at the south door of the court
house in Plattsmouth In said county,
sell at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash the following real
estate, to-wit:
Southwest quarter (SWU) of
Sectson fourteen, (14) Town
ship twelve, (12) Range twelve,
(12) East of the 6th P. M., Cass
county, Nebraska
The same being levied upon and
taken as the property of Robert L.
Propst, defendant, to satisfy a Judg
ment of said court recovered by Fred
E. Bodie. Receiver, plaintiff, against
said defendant.
Plattsmouth. Nebraska, September
25th, A. D. 1922.
. Sheriff of Cass County,
Blank books at the Journal ' Office.