The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 25, 1922, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1922.
f if
.' t
Our Gasoline is Hoi Just "Gasoline!"
It is a strictly straight run not a blended product,
and will stand the test as specified by the U. S. Navy.
Our Penn Franklin Motor and Tractor Oil will give
you the lubrication no matter what your requirements
may be. It will stand up with any oil you have ever
used, regardless of the price you paid.
A Fair Trial Will Convince You.
Harry Deickman is assisting: with
the work at the home of Frank
Charles Kupke has most of his
v heat now sown, he having put out
about 80 acres this year.
(). J. Hitchcock and family, of
Havelock. . ere visiting at the home
of L. Neitzel last Sunday.
Harry Davis has been working; on
the section on account of the laying
off or one of the regular men.
J. W. Hitchcock and wife and
Mis Jenny, of Lincoln, made a short
call at the Neitzel home last Sunday.
Mat Thimgan was looking after
fomr business matters in Wahoo last
Thursday, making the trip via his
Ld Guilstorff was looking after
pome business matters in Lincoln
last Wednesday, making the trip via
hi;- auto.
Mesdanies George Merkle and her
Flowing Time Wow!
A Rumley Oil Pull tractor and a suitable plow
will solve your summer and fall plowing. They will
do the wcrk the best and at the least cost as well. See
us for prices and a demonstration.
Our plows are the celebrated P & O. There are
none better made.
We also have an 8-16 Mogul tractor and a three
bottom 4P & O plow used just a little, which will go at '
a v attractive figure.
1 fctJ.
f Plsiving Time Has Somo!
The harvest and threshing are about over. Now
comes the plowing for the autumn sowings and for the
preparation of next spring's crop. See us for what
plows you need either in horse or power drawn.
Repairs for all machinery used on the farm.
See me for anything in farming machinery which
you may need.
Call me by phone and I will be pleased to give
you the best service. Call phone 14-J.
A wholly New line of cars built on time-tried Buick
principles but with improvements and refinements
which make their introduction an event of nation
wide interest.
14 Distinctive Models
Astonishing Values and Prices
23-6-41 Tour. Sedan. 5 pass.
2T.-6-4 4 Roadster, 2 pass
23-6-4." Touring, 5 pass
2.1-6-47 Sadan. 5 nass
2r.-G-4.S-Moupe. 4 pass
23-6-49 Touring. 7 pass . 1435
23-23-G-D0 Sedan. 7 pass 2195
AU Prices F. O. B. Flint, Michigan
Ask about the C. M. A, C. Purchase Plan which provide
for Deferred Payments.
See These New Buick Cars Now at Our Showroom.
When better automobiles are
daughter Wm. Rikli, were looking
after some trading at Ashland last
Miss Anna Scheel visited last week
at the home of her sister, Mrs. Frank
Hart of Wymore, and also later with
friends at Ong.
Fred Towle and "Wm. Rueter shel
led and delivered their con to Mur-
Jdock during last week, whi;h is the
crp from last year.
Ralph Creamer was a visitor in
Lincoln last Thursday, where he was
called to look after some business
matters for the day.
Frank Vallery was a visitor in
Murdock last Thursday evening look
ing after some business matters,
coming from his home in Platts
mouth. H. A. Guthman and wife and
Reece Hardin and wife, of Louis
ville, were spending two dajs in
23-6-54 Sport Road., 3 pass.. $1625
23-6-55 Sport Tour., 4 pass.- 1675
23-4-34 Roadster, 2 pass 865
23-4-35 Touring. 5 pass 885
23-4-36 Coupe, 3 pass 1175
23-4-37 Sedan, 5 pass 1S95
23-4-38 Tour. Sedan. 5 pass.- 1325
built, Buick will build them!
Omaha at the Ak-Sar-Ben and seeing
the electrical parade.
Miss Ollie Long, who has been
visiting for a few days at the home
of friends in Omaha returned home
last Thursday evening after having
had an excellent visit.
Mr. Tool sold a barn pattern to
Mr. H. A. Guthman, which is to be
shipped to Cedar Creek to replace a
barn which was consumed by fire
early during the summer.
I. G. Hornbeck, agent for the Rock
Island, and O. J. Pothast were look
ing at the city of Omaha by electric
light last Wednesday, they going up
to view the electric parade.
Emil Kuehn and family, of Lin
coln, were visiting with friends and
relatives in Murdock last Sunday
and Monday, being guests at the
home of relatives while here.
Mrs. John Murtey of Alvo was a
visitor in Murdock last week, spend
ing the week end at the home of
her friend. Mrs. J. E. McHugh and
returning home last Thursday.
S. P. Leis the manager of the
Farmers elevator, is putting a new
approach to the elevator, which has
been worn pretty badly by the traffic
of the years which have gone by.
Harry Gillespie presented L. Neit
zel with a mess of fine black bass.
They were caught in the lakes of
Cherry county, where a number of
the boys went fishing end hunting.
A letter from Wm. Stackizkie and
wife, who have been in the west for
some time is to the effect that they
have arrived in southern California
and will make their home there in
the future.
C. D. Quinton was a visitor in
Murdock last Wednesday and inves-
tigated the car of a certain booze, -
hauler from Omaha, but found the : Fish, Well We Should Say So
car empty as the man had disposed Tne najf dozen sports of Murdock
of all of his stock. ; wno kn0w how to hunt and fish as
Daniel Panska and father, Aug ven Rfter having been in the north
Panska, were visiting in Elmwood we?t for the past ten days, returned
and with relatives south of that city ilome iaFt Thursday, sunburned and
last Wednesday, making the trip in krown as a berry, from their expos
the truck of Daniel, which shook the ure to tne leather and boiling sun.
gentlemen up quite a bit. ' Tfcev had gone in two ca-s and found
Alvin Bornemeier threshed last the .ick shooting the very best. They
Thursday for F. A. Rosenow and the onlv Fnot What thev desired to use
wheat which was obtained, has been
placed in Ftorage on the farm. The
yield was 32 buchels after counting
what was lost by the hail storm.
Mrs. J. G. Scheel and daughter.
Miss Alma, were visiting and look- poana3. Everybodv in Murdock had
ing after some trading in Omaha fisl, and a pienty when they arrived,
laft Thursday, going in the morning Tney had given away manv of the
via the Burlinrtnn and returning in catch and still had iced down for
the evening vis the Rock Island. f their friends here a plentv. They all
W. H. Tool, the Ivmber man. was.declare thtv neVer had such a time.
hunting last bnturaay una incident-
ally remarked that business in his
line was doing some better, fs he
had sold a number of cribs and barns
just recently, which looks some bet
A number of families from this
portion of the county attended the
quarterly conference and revival
meetings which have been in pro-
gress at Ithica. there being among "
them the families of Otto Miller. Wm. '
Rikli and H R Schmidt. '
John Amewert last Sunday took,
his sister. Mrs. Charles Letts, who
has been vir'ting here for some time, j
to her home at Council
Bluffs and
was accompanied also by Max Dus
terhoff who staved for a number of
days looking rfter business.
Mr?. Edward Crnig and two child
ren. Jacob end Mayetta, also Miss
Elsie Craie. a cirtcr of Mr. Craig:, and
Mr. Ray Larkins. all of Liberty,
drove over to Murdock last Sunday
and spent the dc.y with Mr. Eddie
Craig here, and enjoyed a most ex
cellent time.
Edward Gustin of Lincoln was
looking after some business matters
in Murdock one day last week, mak
ing arrangements for the shelling of
his corn, which wa on the farm
worked last year by Floyd Eidenmil
lcr. they delivering the same to the
Weddell elevator.
Wrn. Gchrts has been assisting at
the home of Gus Wendt, getting the
machinery in the proper condition
for the use to which it is put. Mr.
Gehrts well knows how to do the
turn, and when it has been crone
over by him, one can rest assured it
T " " r
Last Tuesday the wmpfire girls
neia a comDinauon Dusiness and cer-
cuiuniai inenng. Alter me meet-
ing the members sng the Campfire
songs and made plans for the big
Cuming event wnicn is 10 ne a picnic,
Seven members gave their ideas of
the seven Campfire laws, which was
enjoyed by all.
Max Dusterhoff of the Dusterhoff
shop?, was a visitor in Omaha last
week from Sunday until Thursday
evening and was kept very busy dur-
ing his stay there, as he had three
large contracts to figure on and
make estimates for. These large
contracts will require a number of
months to complete. He also visited
nessed the electrical parade, which
he considered being superior to all
the former years' exhibits.
Frank Eveland of Murdock, died
recently at Muscatine. Iowa, follow-
ins a Biiutve ui paralysis ine weeK
" oId
lutLucuij incu iu itiuMcaune, wnere 1
he was visiting when he was strick-'
en. He has lived in Murdock the
past seventeen years with his sister,!
Mrs. Martha King. He is Eiirvivprl
by three sisters .and two brothers.
ing a stroke of paralysis the week!iasi lOKen 01 love anQ respect 10 nis
Ilrfrthi KiS 5vKIImfD "2 rfPrpEen.tat,? ' Bt?dets , a hs! President of the Reichhank, had ar
i III "lh ;r.aPk:aan.d f"n!T.e"ity,andiefiih"L" ranged adequate guarantee for the
.....uo iiu.aiii, ui ii unuaime ,
Harmon Eveland, of Perry, Iowa,
and Peter Eveland, of Elmwood.
H. T. Richards, of Lincoln, and
formerly of Wabash, stopped in Mur-
dock last Thursday evening white on
their way from the Richard's ranch
near South Bend, where they had
been having a new barn and crib
constructed, and which Mr. Richards
was assisting in painting. They now Catherine Tool. Carl Schneider and other buildings. Electric lights, city
go to Falls City, where they will Kenneth Tool. Now let us hear from water, drain. The Grandfather Mc
harvest their aDnles. and then rptnm the ether towns and see how thiv Maken property, north eleventh
to their home in Lincoln. In order
to keep more closely in touch with
the doings of the people of this coun-
ty, they had the Journal sent to
their address in Lincoln. Mr. Willard
Ganaway is now living on the ranch
near South Bend.
Furniture for Sale
One 5-piece Ivory bed room suite;
one three piece mahogany bed room
suite; one walnut dining table and
six chairs to match; one 4-piece ma
hogany leather upholstered parlor
suite. Also a number of rugs at pri
vate sale.
s25-2M Murdock, Nebr.
Will Hold Revival Meetings
Starting with Tuesday of this
week there will be a series of. re
vival meetings held at the Callihan
church, which will be conducted by
the pastor, the Rev. Ezra Sohl. and
the father. Presiding Elder Sohl, the
litter of Lincoln, and assisted tby the
Rev. A. Brauchle of Murdock.
Card of Thanks
I wish to thank those who did so
many kind deeds for me during my
i'lness and also for the beautiful
flowers and calls. Hope that I can
return the kindness some day. Mrs.
Herman Kupke.
Will Have a Float
The Murdock schools arc demon
strating considerable enterprise in
the matter of the county datir, be
sides having an excellent display of
their work, they ere preparing a
huge wasp, representing their paper,
p.nd also a school building, which is
being built on a truck and will be
on exhibition at the farm next week.
or tating ard put jnjnuth of their
tjme fishing.
Some three hundred fish attested
their prowess along this line, and
their weight aggregated about 500
anri it lcaks iike it. This is a nart:
of thp stcry and is vouched for by
Gus Gakemeier. and . you all know
Cus As H y McDonald and J. E.
. McIItigh were returning one even
; ing from a fishing bonbon a lake, a
, two pound bars, flipped out of the
water, alighting in their boat, which
they seCured. Some people, you know,
are born lucky.
pniTlierv nr fl r IIITr
Do! I UAh I IT 1. it HI It,
nrolPritT nr lEMTJnflV
Charley P. Hite was born Septem
ber JO, 1860. at Wedron, La Salle
county, Illinois, where he lived tin-
til hn T.-ne 1 nf -,0r,
he came to Cass county. Nebraska. I ia ese motorists are required to
and lived here almost continually I fme ? a. complete stop. Heavy white
until hi de3th 'Stop" signs painted on the pave-.
:!r. Hite was married to Miss Re-!f?eEt, .at these intersections remind
becca Hulfieh on March 4, 1S84. To j tIieA t-r41ver- I
this union eight children were born.L An 4 unwritten law" is in effect in.
two daughters dvins in infancv. The I Lommlle where police court judges ;
wif anrt the fn ' assess a fine of ?2 for each mile an,
vive him: George W.. of Oakland. Ne
braska: Gladys Amgwert, of Mur
dock; Josie Mnvis. of Dennet. Ne
braska; Lewis F., of Cheney, Nebras
ka; Opal Krueger and Floyd J., who
reside in the home- He also leaves
five grandchildren, iis father. David;
Hite. of O'Neill. Nebraska, who is
92 years old; three Fisters. Mrs. Flora
Lewis, of O'Npill- Mrs . N'pIIIp TIvbti
r,. i r- i : t-:
of Holly! Colorado " Tlso two bTo" ! f-1 thorough
era. Jack Hite. of Ottawa. Illinois, i Sca5I 2
and James A. Hite, of Dos Angeles, I v f ,
California, besides numerous other L.ILrt?tn,ll-hL!ctu8e ?f , a"to-
relatives and a host of friends.
I Mr. Hite followed the life of
farmer until 7 years ago. when the
fon,ii,. - ti,
family ninvpd tn Mnrdnrk
past three vears he 'had been a euf-.
fert from Lncer alt
plained very little I
On March 7th last he underwent
a very serious operation but came
i throueh eTPPPdine-lv well. However.!
he suffered almost' constantly until
early Tuesday morning, September
12, when he passed away at the St.
Elizabeth hospital in -Lincoln, aged
62 years and 2 days,
. He was a good neighbor, a kind
husband, a loving father and a fond
' The funeral services were held on
Evangelical church at Murdock and ;
the Rev. W. A. Taylor of Union of-
j ficiated at the service. There was a
ver' larSe number of the old friends
and neighbors present to pay their
i " reparation navrient; U orpriitpfl in
,ern,eDt iD theiB?lgLanquaPrteyrT
.v.. 3 .
The villaire of Murdock has a eood
10 jjjuuaoiy me largest lur uuy 10 w 11
of its size in the state of Nebraska,
With, according to-the last census,
a Population of 206, they have ten
students in attendance. Those from
tnis Place in the state's educational
institution at Lincoln are: William
Meyers. Walter Baunigartner, John
Pickwell. Margaret Tool, Glenn
Piekwell,.Richard Tool. Carton Zink
are ranging up with this town as to
gmng their youths an opportunity
to get an education.
Drastic Rules Necessary to Curb the
Growing List of Fatalities
Last 6 Months Worst.
Chicago, Sept. 20. Despite the
passage of numerous ordinances and
the adoption of traffic regulations in
the larger cities of the country in an
effort to curb accidents from motor
cars, reports from more than a dozen
of the metropolitan cities of the mid
dle west show en increase in the
number of accidents for the first six
months of 1922, compared with the
same period of 1921. '
This increase has caused city of-'
ficials to prescribe drastic rules in
governing motor traffic in an en
deavor to lessen danger in modern
traveling. Several of the cities are
shown to be waging war on the auto
speeder, in many cases imprisonment
being added to fines by municipal
judges. Adoption of rules in turn
ing at street intersections, elimina
tion of glaring headlights and educa
tional campaigns are other methods
used in many cities in the campaign
against accidents. j
In Chicago in 1921. deaths attrib-;
uted to motor accidents totalled 575
as compared with 475 in 1920. Xon-'
fatal accidents totalled 8.637 in 1921
and 7. 085 in 1920. During the first
four months of 1922, non-fatal ac
cidents totalled 2,533-.
Killings at Cleveland
Forty-three persons were killed
and 1,055 injured in automobile ac
cidents in Cleveland from February
1, to August 1, 1922. To offset this,
workhouse sentences have been im
posed upon speeders and reeklees
drivers. No one under eighteen
years of age may drive a car, and
second offense for failure to have
lights burning results in arrest, no.
mstter what the circumstances. j
To curb accidents in St. Louis,
where Bixty-two were killed during
the first six months of this year and;
1,327 were injured, an educational j
campaign has been started, one-way i
traf ic has been established in con-j
gerted districts during business'
hours, automobiles must come to
complete stop at all boulevards, must
not pass a street car discharging!
rnrsengers, and must not exceed '
eight miles an hour in the congested j
districts and twenty miles in the
residential districts.
Detroit's attempts to increase safe
ty are the adoption of the tower sys
tem of regulating traffic and the es
tablishment of safety zones for street,
car passengers. Another ordinance j
requires all persons to be able to j
drive an automobile under all con-i
ditions before being granted a 6tate
driver's license. Seventy persons
were killed there during -the first
six monthr or 1922" and 1,921 were
injured. v
Strict enforcement of speed laws
and frequent jail sentences for the
speeders and reckless drivers has
been the method adopted in Indian
apolis for increasing safety. In
down town sections traffic officers
direct pedestrians, while others di
rect street traffic.
Stop Signs at Oklahoma City
In Oklahoma City, most of the i
main traveled streets have been des-
. S" " I'l'Uiewiiuu aim ueiuie n .
i 1 1 l 1 J 1 X
hour above the rpeed limit. Peniten-
tiarj- sentence under charge of man
slaughter is provided for drivers
found responsible for deaths result
ing from accidents. Cars must be
under full control at all street in
tersections. Milwaukee has barred the left
hand turn and instituted a jay-walk- j
ordinance requiring pedestrians
i tO CrOSS
streets at intersections.
luuruc ac.iutrui& were itpurieii uur
ling: the first six months of 1922 in
: t i" T a , .
tions the right hand turn only is
I,er,mitted' cars are re(luired to stop
cars discharging cassenirers and
safety zones have been established at
various points in down town streets.
NOTES TO 270,000,000 MASKS
Brussels. Sept. 19. Dr. Landa
berg, the German minister here, in
formed the Belgium government to
day that the Reichbank was willing
to indorse German treasury bonds
for reparation payments to Belgium
l "pi,"',;0?0;00 fI
arl;s0-.ue February and June
15. 1923
Dr. Landsberg's action, which is
taken here to compose the differences
between Belgium and Germany on j
ciliatory attitude of the Belgian gov
This action by Germany was fore
cast in dispatches Monday which re
ported that Rudolph Favenstein,
payment of the six months' treasury
notes to be issued by Germany to
Will sell my home place consist
ing of 5 acre3, house, large barn,
modern 60-foot poultry house with
street. Want a home property closer
to Bumngtoc shops, i'none as.
Kerb Cotton. - s"20-3d,2w
Better Get Your
Feet Warm!
Just at this time we have a supply of western coal,
excellent in quality, selling at from $ 1 1 to $ 1 3 per ton.
Considering the condition of the coal trade this is a
good price and one can get the supply now. Those
wintry winds and cold frosty nights will soon be here
and you had better not let this opportunity slip through
your fingers.
This coal is now ready for delivery.
Tool, Neuman & Murtey,
Children of Former Emperor Bit
terly Resent Father's Coming
Karriage to Widow.
Doom, Sept-. 21. The marriage of
former Kaiser Wilhelm will occur
not with the freely given consent of
the entire Hohenzollern family, as
reported from Berlin, but despite :
their bitter opposition and, above all,
against the strongly expressed wish
of the crown prince, according to in
formation secured from a source very ,
close to the former kaiser.
The relations between the crown
prince and his father have lately be
come very strained, it is stated. The j
crown prince over a fortnight ago,
instead of staying at Doom castle, in
stalled himself at the Amerongen
castle with Count Bentick.
Thp nimnsitinn of the rrown nrlnce
and other members of the imperial j
family may be due, it is said, to fi
nancial reasons, rather than senti
ments of pride or caste. Those in a
position to know say that the former
kaiser's sons and especially the crown
prince, reduced to leading a very
simple life by their father's dictates,
may fear that the marriage will make
their situation worse. They also fear
further complications and contests In
the event of the death of the kaiser,
when his personal fortune, estimated
at $20,000,000, must be divided.
Charles E. Havilcek Wants $20,000
Damages for Death of Son
in King Battle.
Omaha, Sept. 22. Suit for $20,
000 alleged damages for the death
March 17th last of Charles Havilcek,
eighteen-year-old boxer. known in
the ring as 'Terry 0'Mallory, was
begun in district court here today by
Charles E. Havilcek, his father. The
youth's death is declared to have oc
curred half an hour after he had
been floored during a fight with Ray
Carter of Sioux City, Iowa, at the
Orpheum gymnasium here, in one of
the preliminaries In the St. Patrick's
day fight card.
John Kilmartin, Douglas county
boxing inspector, Dr. M. J. Ford,
official physician for the fight, and
John Mitchell, referee, are made de
fendants. The petition alleges that the three
officials were negligent in providing
medical attention after Havilcek had t
been hurt. The referee is blamed for ;
permitting the fight to continue af-1
A. II 1 l 1 ,1 1 T 1 1 .1
ter naviiLTH nau ueea ruui:kcu uuvtu
three timeB.
From Saturday's Dafly.
This morning George Harshman of
Grant, Neb., formerly a resident of
this county, was in the court of
Judge William Weber to answer to
the charge of being found in a state t
of intoxication and. on a plea of;
guilty was assessed the usual fine of 1
?20 and costs for the infraction of,
the law. Mr. Harshman was gath
ered in last night by Officer Alvin
Jones and lodged "in the city bastile J
for the night. i
Other Side
But let us tell you about our pick-up ACME Paint.
This is a standard brand and an excellent paint. We
have it so we can sell it at, per gallon $2.50
Also a 5-lb. pkg. Kalsomine for 40c
(Former price, 75c.)
This is the best offer for a number of years past. Allow
us to figure with you on what work you are needing.
25 Years in the Business Ten
Years in Murdock
The Dusterhoff Shops
When the State Central Committee
Fails to Call Him, McKelvie
Goes Forth to Speak.
Since the republican state com
mittee has not 8e?n fit to send Gov
ernor McKelvie out to make cam
paign ppeeches, except one at North
Loup, the governor has gone ahead
and arranged three political meet
ings for next M-eek on his own ac
count, at which he will undertake to
enlighten the voters on the merits of
the code law.
He announced Tuesday morning
that he will ppeak at O'Neil on Sep
tember 2S, during the Holt county
fair; at Ainsworth on the 29th and
at Valentine on the 30th. All these
meetings will be in the afternoon.
He air has an engagement at Cen
tral Cl'.y on Saturday morning of
this week, during the full festival.
"I have made my own dates at
these places," Mr. McKelvie said in
response to a question. "The Invi
tations were received direct from the
different communities and I am go
ing out upon my own initiative, in
my own way and at my own expanse
to give the people the facts regard
ing their state government.
'I wish to say that there is com
plete harmony and co-operation be
tween the republican state commit
tee and mj'self.
i Would Enlighten-Voters
"My purpose is to clarify in the
minds of the people the isfues which
have been raised in the campaign
and present to them tie facts and
figures shown by the state records.
We make no denial of the fact that
state taxes and appropriations have
increased approximately 100 per cent
but it is only right and proper that
the people should know what this in
crease was for.
"In discussing the code I shall use
charts clearly indicating the form
of government that Nebraska used
to have and that which it has now.
From these charts it will be easy
for anyone to understand the differ
ence." The territory where Governor Mc
Kelvie is to make his series of
speeches is up in the same section of
the state where C. H. Randall, re
publican nominee for governor, re
sides. As the latter helped to put
the code law through the legislature,
and is making his campaign on the
republican state platform which en
dorses it in principle, the governor's
exposition of it is intend?! primar
ily to aid Randall's candidacy.
Governor McKelvie said Tuesday
that only oue cf the chartB he expects
to use had been made up as yet. an1
that he would display it to the audi
ence at North Loup on Wednesday.
From Saturday's Daily.
This morning Sheriff C. D. Ouin
ton was officiating as auctioneer in
the sale of a new Forr. louring car
that had been confiscated under the
law for being used for transporta
tion of booze. The car was only in
use one month and was equipped with
all the modern attachments to make
it a first class car in every respect.
The purchaser was Luke Fullerton.
who paid the sum of $431 for the
of Strife!