The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 25, 1922, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    l&ONDAT, SEPTEMBEB 25, 1922.
All varieties of win
ter apples for sale at
75c per bushel, except
Jonathan, $1 a bushel,
at the orchard.
Also have cider for
sale, or will grind your
apples into cider at a
very reasonable price.
Farm Nine Miles South of
Albany. N. Y.. Sept. 20. Victory
for Gale H. Stalker over Representa
tive Louis Henry for the republican
congressional nomination in the S7th
district, left "wet" and "dry" forces
even up in the contests in Tuesday's
primary, it appeared on the face of
virtually complete returns tonight.
In six contests for congressional
nominations where strict prohibi
tion enforcement was made an im
portant issue, candidates supported
by the allied "dry" forces went down
to defeat In three contests and were
victorious in three others. In a sev
enth contest where both candidates
received the endorsement of the
"dry" forces, a "bone-dry" candidate
appeared to have lost to a "moderate
The October Bed Book -with fic
tion by Bupert Hughes, E. Phillips.
Oppenheim, Richard W. Childs and:
Eobert Wagner offers a wealth of.
i a.- at j fn I
pleasure 10 me, rentier. jliic new
Eed Books are here at the Journal
office now. Call early for your copy
of this popular magazine.
Washington, Sept. 21. President
Harding in a proclamation issued to
day, called upon the country to set
aside Monday, October 9, as fire pre
vention day. and to observe it in such
a manner as to impress upon the peo
ple the "Importance of precaution
ary measures for the avoidance of
"It has long been a reproach of
our country." the president said in
the proclamation, "that by reason of
poor construction, inadequate facil
ities for fire prevention and all too
general carelessness about possible
causes of conflagration, our fire
waste reaches figures year after year
which are not approached in any
other country in the world."
That's why when tailors and oth
ers advertise that the immediate pas
sage of the tariff bill is to be a sig
nal for a general price advance on
all woolen goods, buncoing in a large
measure of the public. For present
prices are based on the after war
surplus and the fact that the emer
gency tariff has practically been an
embargo to help use those surpluses
One of the most uninteresting de
vices we can think of is an alarm
clock that insists on ringing at the
usual hour regardless of the time a
fellow wants to get up.
Blank Book at the Journal Office.
Good Home for Sale
Ten room house with plenty of
closet room. Nearly modern. 4 acres
good ground. All kinds of fruit on
place. House in good repair. Price,
$4,000. Terms.
6l8-3tM.' Alvo, Nebraska.
Score of 6 to 3 is Besult of Battle
Locals Have One Bad Inning
that Piles up Score.
Yesterday afternoon Manager Bob
Stivers and his warriors from Cedar
Creek motored down to mix it up
with the local baseball team and as
a result of the meeting the Cedar
Creen team returned home defeated
by the score of 6 to 3.
The locals started right out after
j the goat of the visitors and main
tained a ciear ieaa umu me seventn
inning. In the opener Herold hit a
nasty one to left garden and was
perched safely on first base and
O'Donnell then attempted to sacri
fice but he got it too far and Mei
singer, the visitors' pitcher, threw
Pete out at second. "Werden also at
tempted a bunt and which also re
sulted in Meisinger getting O'Don
nell at second and Werden was also
nipped at first base.
The first blood was drew by the
locals in the third inning. Herold
opened with a fly to left field and
was followed by O'Donnell who tried
to for a sacrifice but flew out to
short. Werden laid down a clean bunt
that advanced Pete to the second
station and when Shepherd rapped a
two bagerto second, Pete scored.
In the fourth frame the locals
made their second score. Joe Mc
Carthy, the village Waite Hoyt, hit
one of Rudolph's slants to the center
field and advanced when William
Haivey Mason placed a real bunt in
to the diamond that the visitors
could not handle and which left both
players safe. Sprecher was out on a
grounder to Meisinger. Frank Grad
oville, the clever young shortstop,
made possible the first score with a
rap to center on which McCarthy
scored. Herold closed the inning on
an infield drive to second.
Another was chalked up for the
Plattsmouth boys in the sixth when
Ed Gradoville, who did the back
stopping, was hit iu the ribs and giv
en his base and advanced when Mc
Carthy placed a hot one through the
pitcher. -When Frank Gradoville hit
to right garden Ed scored in a hot
race for the plate and Koop, the vis
itors' catcher who was blocking the
line, was threw for a five yard loss
by Gradoville.
The fatal seventh inning saw the
visitors come from behind and tie
the score our sterlings had been pil
ing up. Shinn was hit on the heel by
McCarthy and sent to first and Har
old Koop followed and was safe when
Werden failed to hold his grounder
and both men registered when
Reichart hit to center. On the infield
hit of Knutson that Herold failed
to hold. Reichart scored and the
hopes of the visitors' rose to fever
heat with the prospects of victory,
but they were soon dashed as the
locals in their half of the inning
came back and hung up two safe ones
for a lead. O'Donnell hit to right
field and was able to score on the
grounder of Werden to short. Ed
Gradoville secured a hit through j
short and while it was only good
for one base by the time the rival i
team had jazzed the ball around the
diamond Gradoville had registered
at the plate.
The last run of the locals came in
the eighth when Mason was hit by
Meisinger, sacrificed by Frank Grad
oville and registered when Herold
hit to center for a safety.
The visitors have a good and clean
organization of ball players as can
be found in any place of the same
size of Cedar Creek and certainly
have reason to be well pleased with
their showing this season on the dia
mond. Th tabulated score of the game is
as follows:
ab h po a e
Herold, 3b 5 3 12 1
O'Donnell. lb l 5 111 0 0
Werden. 2b 3 0 3 2 1
Shepherd, rf 4 110 0
Gradoville, E., c 3 1 9 0 0
McCarthy, p -4 2 0 3" 0
Mason. IT 3 2 10 0
Sprecher, cf 3 110 0
Gradoville, F., ss 3 0 0 5 1
Poultry Wanted!
A car load of live poultry wanted
to be delivered at poultry car near
the Burlington freight house, Platts
mouth on Thursday, Sept. 2 8th, one
day only, for which we will pay the
Cash Prices
Hens, per lb 17c
Springs, per lb 17c
Turkeys, per lb 20c
Ducks, per lb 17c
Old Cox, per lb 6c
Beef Hides per lb He
Horse Hides, apiece $3.00
Remember the date. We come to
buy and will positively be in Platts
mouth on the day advertised, pie
pared to take care of all poultry of
fered for sale.
Nellie, the little seven year old
daughter of Mrs. Henderson, died at
Alvo of diptheria.
She was brought here for tmrial
in Oakwood cemetery on Saturday
nfipmnnn. The funeral was private.
Nellie Henderson was born at Alvo,
Neb.. May 14. 1915. and died at the
same place, September 14, 1922, age
7 years and 4 months.
She had gone to visit her grand
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Speth before
school started and took sick and was
unable to return home.
She leaves her mother, two sis
ters and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Speth to mourn her loss.
Short services were held at the
cemetery at 2:30 p. m., Saturday,
conducted by Rev. C. I. Rose, pastor
of the Methodist church. Weeping
Water Republican.
j9 K
w. b. bahkihb
Democratic Candidate for
Sfais Senator
(2nd District)
Your Support Solicited
Totals 33 11 27 13 3
Cedar Creek
ab h po -a e
O'Brien, cf 4 0 10 0
Schneider, 2b 4 0 4 2 0
Shinn. If 3 0 0 0 0
Kopp, c 4 0 7 "0 0
Reichart. 3b 4 2 0 0 0
Meisinger, I., lb 4 0 9 0 0
Knutson, ss 3 0 1 2 0
Meisinger, R., p 3 0 0 . G 1
Lohnes, rf ,. 3 0 2 0 0
Miner Who Burned Farewell Mes
sage of Doomed Miners on
Rock Wall Missing.
Totals 32 2 24 10 1
Althougn journa) want-nflu --1
but little the results they brine ai
mderfol. Try them.
The Time Ds Here
For the summer and fall plowing which is pre
paring for the winter wheat and for the crops' of next
We have the machinery, plows, horse or power
drawn, sulky, gang or walking style.
Our "Red Baby" will do your hauling.
Coatman Hardware Co.,
Alvo, Nebraska
Jackson, Cal., Sept. 21. One body
was missing today among those of
the forty-seven gold miners who
perished from gas in the Argonaut
shaft. By a whim of fate it was the
body of William Fessell, the man
who wrote on the rock with the
smoke of his miner's lamp a farewell
message for all the doomed forty
seven. It was believed possible that he
evidently a leader of the stricken
shift had crept from the chamber
of death to a higher level, hoping
to find some means of escape for his
comrades. The men from the bureau
of mines were certain, however, that
they countey forty-seven bodies last
Monday night. They considered it
most likely that Fessell's body was
buried by a cave-in since the work
of removal began.
The state industrial accident com
mission has been instructed to cut
away and preserve that portion of
the stone in the mine drift on which
Fessell burned with his lamp the
only message left by the miners.
Clarence E. Jarvis. member of the
state board of control, said the stone
would be kept by the state in mem
ory of the victims.
The words written on the stone,
Jarvis said, were:
"Gas getting bad, 3 o'clock."
Below the figure "4" had been
burned and a portion of the letter
"O." Fessell is believed to have suc
cumbed to the gas at that point.
Your ad will cany punch if yon
write it as a plain "selling talk" in
stead of trying to fuss it up with
frills and exagerationi.
Crifro.p.eto Consolidation of His Or
r 3 - id
rra-niToirm -until flip UVhrnelrn Is
Loop No Reply Given.
Mike Cantillion, president of the
Dakota league, which comprises four
cities in South Dakota and a similar
number in North Dakota, is anxious
to interest magnates of the Nebraska
league in a scheme to organize a
new Nebraska-Dakota loop. Presi
dent Mike, known in Lincoln by
reason of his former ownership of
the Des Moines club of the Western
league sixteen years ago, has written
several Nebraska league owners pro
poring that the four best towns of
the Dakota circuit be linked with
the four best cities of the Miles loop
in forming the new organization.
The executive of the Dakota league
has heard rumblings of Sioux City's
retirement from the Western league
and hints that Sioux town would be
a desirable acquisition for his pro
posed N-D loop, while he suggests
that Lincoln also miuht wish to re
tire from the Nebraska league to
take membership in the new circuit.
Grand Island and Norfolk of the Ne
braska league are mentioned by Can
tillion as possible members, while
Council Bluffs, he says, also might
be taken into the fold.
Owners of the Lincoln franchise in
the Nebraska league said today that
they were not in position to give the
Dakota league president a definite
reply. Negotiations for the sale of
Landis field to a syndicate of Lin
coln men who aspire to place the
Nebraska capital city in the West
ern league may come to a head with
in the near future. The syndicate
will ask the local magnates to put
a price on their park, both on a rent
al and outright basis, and in case the
price is right the deal may be closed
at an early date. In that event, Lin
coln would step back into the west
ern league. Lincoln Star.
Joint Stock Land Bank Floats Big
Eond Issue to Bun 20 Years
and Bedeemed After 5.
Two and a half million dollars of
new 5 per cent bonds issued by the
Lincoln Joint Stock Land bank, as
the basis of. an equal amount of pros
pective loans to be made in the near
future have just been sold to a syn
dicate comprising three of the larg
est bond and investment houses in
the middle west.
The sale was made on Monday to
the Harriss Trust & Savings bank of
Chicago, the firm of Halsey, Stuart
& Co., of the same city, and the W.
R. Compton Co., of St. Louis. These
concerns will resell the bonds to
their customers. The issue is made
to run twenty years, but an optional
clause permits -the Joint Stock Land
bank to redeem them at any time
after five years.
Including the two and a half mil
lion just sold, the Lincoln institu
tion now has outstanding $22,665,
000 of bonds. From the proceeds of
ihe bond sales and other income,
loans have been made amounting to
$20,359,000, and to this sum will
soon be added the $2,500,000 real
ized from the transaction just consu
mated. During the first nine months of
1922, the Lincoln Joint Stpck Land
bank has loaned more than $11,000,
000 on farm land security in Ne
braska and Iowa. All loans have been
made at C per cent.
Regulations to be Amended to Do
Away with Nuisance that was
Unpopular with All.
Washington. Sept. 22. Army reg
ulations are soon to be amended to
do away with much of the exchange
of salutes between officers and men
in public places.
Experience during the war, when
large numbers of officers were in
Washington and other centers of
military effort has convinced war
department officials that strict ad
herence to existing regulations made
the required exchange of salutes up
on every meeting a nuisance, and
led "to a general disregard of the
regulations among officers by com
mon consent.
The revised regulations will re
strict the exchange of salutes for
both officers and men to military
reservations, except where they may
address one another while in uni
form on the streets or in other pub
lic places.
Washington, Sept. 21. Shop
forces of the railroads of the country
are now approximately SO per cent
of normal, the Association of Rail
way Executives announced today.
On September 19 the increase in
shop workers totaled 7,974 over the
previous day, the largest increase
since the railroad strike began. This
increase was attributed to the Chi
cago agreement. ,
Books! Books! Books! We have
them till you can't rest, at the Jour
nal Office,
A Motor That Actually
Thrives on Carbon
Most people think of "carbon" in terms
of trouble.
It means lost power, reduced compres
sion and expensive repairs in most
But here is a motor that actually thrives
on carbon- The Willys-Knight Motor
improves with use because accumulated
carbon helps to tighten compression
Quiet powerful smooth-running
it is entirely free from the usual motor
Prices Effective Today:
Overland 4, Touring $620.00
Overland 4, Eoadster 620.00
Overland 4, Coupe 910.00
Overland 4, Sedan 994.00
Overland Commercial chassis 510.00
repair costs. And the motor is as
simple and understandable as it is
economical. The valve mechanism
for instance just two rleeves sliding
smoothly on a film cf oil, instead of
noisy, rapid-wearing poppet valves and
The Willys-Knight is not only beau
tiful, graceful, easy-riding; it has been
built to last and match the quiet
Model 20, Touring $1,385.00
Model 20, Roadster 1,385.00
Model 20, Coupe 1,967.00
Model 20, Sedan 2,128.00
Model 27, Touring. 1.595.00
Model 27, Sedan 2,393.00
Delivered at Plattsmouth
Telephone No. 98
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
I hereby announce myself as a
candidate for the state legislature. I
have received the nomination from
the democratic party and -would be
pleased to receive the eupport of all
who are desirious of lower taxes and
better economic laws.
tf. Murray, Nebr.
Political Announcement
I desire to announce myself as
candidate for the position of commis
sioner for the third district, chosen
on the republican ticket at the pri
mary election and will appreciate
what support I shall receive from
the voters of the county. Assuring
them I shall ever endeavor to work
for the best interests of the entire
sll-tfw Murdock, Neb.
Having received at the primary
election the nomination for county
treasurer on the republican ticket, I
announce myself a candidate for of
fice of county treasurer, subject to
the votes at coming election.
I will appreciate the support of
all who desire the best service in
this office.
Election Nov. 7, 1922.
I desire to announce myself can
didate for the position of state sena
tor, having received the nomination
at the primary at the hands of the
republican party. Election Nov. 7th.
Thanking those who in the past
have supported me and the measures
for which I have worked, I am, very
sl4-tfdaw Nehawka, Neb.
House of Deputies Overrules Em
phatic Protest by Delegate
From Virginia.
Portland, Ore., Sept. 22. The ses-'
sion of the house of deputies last ;
night was enlivened by an attack by
Rcswell Page of Beaver Dam, Va.,
upon a proposed new prayer in the
communion service.
"You have introduced into this.
! the most sacred of all ouf services,"
he said, "new prayers and new cere-
' monials, distasteful to many of us.
You pray to the blessed Virgin Mary.
I don't care what the people of Bos
ton, or New York, or Milwaukee
think, I represent the people of old
Virginia and know what they think.
I protest, sir, against this prayer."
The protest was unavailing. The
whole service as revised was adopt
ed. A change was made in a prayer
which read: "Have mercy on all
Jews, Turks, infidels and heretics."
The words of the new prayer areH
nave mercy on an wno Know inee
In proposing the change the Rev.
Dr. C. L. Slattery of New York, sec
retary of the prayer book revision
commission, stated: "I think, as
Christians, .that we should show a
spirit of charity of Christianity ' to
the Jewish people. This prayer is an
insult to them. By removing it we
are extending the hand of Christian
fellowshop to them."
Seek to Revive Healing Ministry
The Protestant Episcopal church
in the United States was formally
placed on record in recognition of
the ministry of healing by the action
of the house of bishops last night,
the house of deputies already having
taken action along the same line at
the general convention here.
The bishops' action authorize
clergy and lay members who believe
they possess powers of healing, to
prepare themselves "by care and
prayer and theological and medical
study, for their proper and safe ex
ercise." ..Provision is made that wherever
this ministry is specialized those who
exercise it shall do so only with the
written approval "after due consid
eration of their bishop and in sym
pathetic conference with qualified
Christian physicians."
A commission to consider the mat
ter of healing further was named.
Bloomington. 111.. Sept. 21. Es
corted by Chief Operating Officer A.
P. Titus, Superintendent C5. W. St'i
del of the motive power department
and Chief Engineer H. T. Douglas,
a party of Union Pacific ofHiials
made an inspection of the local Chi
cago & Alton plant here yesterday.
The visiting officials, four in num
ber, representing the mechanical and
engineering department of that com
pany, arrived here at noon, accom
panied by Mr. Titus and Mr. Doug
las. The coming of the party was un
heralded and was a surprise to lial
officials. Nothing was given out con
cerning the object of the inspection,
and the presence of the visitors re
vived rumors about the absorption
of the Alton by the Union Pacific.
The best renultt are obtained from
the carefully written ad placed in
the printer's hands in time to permit
of artistio "set-up." Dont neglect
your advertising or compose it hur
riedly if you would get the greatest
value for the money you expend.
I announce myself candidate for
the position of county attorney, hav
ing received the nomination at the
hands of the democratic party at the
recent primary. Thirty-three years '
of age, been in practice in Cass coun
ty since 1914. Graduate of state uni
versity law school. Served 21 months
in the late war, was in Philippines.
During the time have resided in Cass
county for twenty years. Your sup
port for the position would be ap
preciated. Election Nov. 7th, 1922.
Elm wood, Neb.
The progressive party has asked
me to become their candidate for the
office of sheriff, the request coming
to me as it has, with their full con
fidence and support, they looking for
a man untrammelled by influences
which would hinder .the full exercise
of the duties of the office of sheriff,
I have accepted the position of can
didate. Should I be elected I will en
deavor to administer the law and
perform the duties of the office with
out fear from any party or clique. I
shall appreciate the support of all
who desire the laws executed with
out partiality and . with the best in
terests of all the county the aim.
The Car You Want
This is the new agency of this popular make of auto.
Call and look them over.
Ed. Mason's Garage
Lower Main Street