PLATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOURNAL MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 25. 1922. PAGE TWO SPECIAL SALE OW jinn-niefM u u u vy u u Every article listed is in stock and will be sold at a great reduction. Come in while it lasts. This list of furniture consists of both new and used household articles, as follows: One Baby Grand piano . . $500.00 One $475.00 piano, like new, for 195.00 One music cabinet 7.50 One mandolin 3.50 One $125.00 phonograph, new....'. 65.00 One $125 phonograph and cabinet table, new. 75.00 One sectional book case 24.50 One new writing desk 22.50 One combination desk and book case. . . . 14.50 One 8-3 x 10-6 Axminster rug 15.00 Three 9x1 2 rugs $7.50 to 12.50 One 54-inch round extension table 29.50 One large 8-piece dining room suite 95.00 One drop leaf extension table 6.50. Kitchen tables $3.75 to 9.50 One $ 1 5 mantle clock '. . . 7.50 One Singer sewing machine 45.00 Eight library tables at $9.50 to 27.50 One Quick Meal range.'. 15.00 Five good gas ranges at $10 to 20.00 One used kitchen cabinet 17.50 New kitchen cabinets $45 to 65.00 Two three-quarter size beds, each 3.50 New beds, all sizes, from $8.95 to 24.50 NV.v oak dressers $19.50 to 35.00 One circasian walnut dressing table and chair. 32.50 Three chifFonniers . . . . $9.50 to 14.50 One 4-piece library suite, genuine oak with leather upholstering ...:... 49.50 .One walnut gate leg table. ....... . ... . . . . ... 17.50 WE ALSO HAVE ON SALE AT GREAT REDUCTIONS Rockcr3, Dining Room Chairs, Kitchen Chairs, Electric Washers, Power Washers, Hand Washers, Tubs, Boil ers, etc.. Rugs, Mattresses, Bed Springs, Child's Cribs, Euggies, Baby Swings and Jumpers, Window Shades, Linoleums, Congoleums and Everything in the Furni ture Line. Come to our store , and see these goods. PHONE 6452 RINGS Christ & Ghrist FURNITURE STORE Opposite Court House South Plattsmoulh, Nebr. STRANGE CASE IS UP FOR DECISION Defendant in Foreclosure Suit Holds I Note and Mortgage for Which ! . Plaintiff Says No Payment I A case was before Judge Wheeler last week that possessed the ele-, ments for a basis of a Dumas Btory J or a Wallingford scheme. C. E. Slump brought action, to fore- j close a mortgage on the farm occu- pied by James Noel. In the trial it ; developed that the defendant, Noel, has in his possession the mortgage . land the accompanying note and tho j abstract of the land upon which Slump, the plaintiff, asked a fore i closure. ' - - . . I The defendant claimed mat ne nau Daid tha mortgage in cash to the plaintiff. The plaintiff asserts that the first intimation he had in the matter was a notice through the bank from the defendant that he, Slump, should make of record a release of mortgage held against the Noel farm. Insisting that he had received no ' . - rt, A A 1 .. mo mongage, ur. aiump siurieu sun to foreclose. Noel, the defendant, 'claims that he paid the obligation in cash to Mr. Slump one evening tn a garage at Henderson. As evidence of this Noel show3 his possession of the mortgage f and the note. These papers were sup "rCIQARETTE $jnrk toasted j It's toasted. Th!s one extra process gives a delightful quality that can net b& duplicated ATTEND DIVISION REUNION A great many of the former ser vice men from Cass county and Plattsmouth have been in attend ance at Omaha of the reunion of the 89th division, one of the first na tional army divisions formed in the World war and which was one of the first to cross the ocean to partic ipate in the campaigns in France. The members of the division were formed from the men in Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska and Colorado, ( posed to be locked in a safety deposit i who were called in the first selective : box at the Farmers National bank, draft in September, 1917. A large ' TT 1 ; 1 . . . . . . 1. -. I . .-.-,.- n iii'imersuii. number iiom imrs i.i; nci otui iu Noel claims that he received most jca nip Funston in the first part of of the earh to discharge the mortgage j September, 1917, and allotted to this from an uncle and presented torre- division. Among these W. R. Holly, Ispondence showing that he met his ' Emil Hild, John Miller and Carl j uncle in the Kansas-City, Mo., Union ! Dalton served with the division un !derot and there received the money, j til being discharged at the close of u is ciaimou inai ine money was ma war. rrcu .Newman, vimoru kept in the Noel home for some time waiting the date when the mortgage was due. Tho case is one of the mot pecul- Cr-rnik. liar that has ever come before Judge j fharles L,ahoda wer ! Wheeler for adjudication. He took it , -f tho division for under advisement for a time. OBITUARY OF 1IRS. RH0DEN BUCKINGHAM DEFENDS ADDITIONAL CHARGES Hearing on South Side Into Re Wcigh Charges Concluded Yesterday Afternoon. At ti e concluding session yester day afternoon of the hearing with rt-gar 1 to the re-weigh charge im pi .1 by ih Union Sto.-k Yards com pany on all stock weighed and yarded ut of the resruhir stoiker and feeder division of the yard3, Everett Buck ingham, vice president and general manag'-r of the company, defended t!: additional charge on the grounds tlat the revenue derived from such a 'l.p.rg? was small and no more than justifiable for service rendered. "Full yardage charges for similar Kervi o have i)"cn in force at other markets for some time," he said, ami we delayed adding the charge aa long as possible." With Mr. Buckingham's testimony the examiner, O. M. Dagger of the Washington oJTi.t, called the general hearing to order and facts and fig ures relative to the volume of busi- ness carried on at the Omaha market during the past year were submitted. Explaining the term "marketing privileges," Mr. Buckingham went into some detail, going to the days in 18S4 when the Omaha market was organized and tracing its growth up to its present tremendous propor tions. "It is almost impossible to place a fixed value on 'marketing privileges'," he declared, "for in the thirty-eight years I have been en gaged In this industry it has grown step by step to its present high point of efficiency. It i3 a privilege," he continued, "for any man, whether he ships one animal or a trainload of fifty cars, to know that when he reaches tljis market a buyer will be there and his stock will be cared for without discrimination." The committee, composed of Judge Hayard T. Hainer, O. M. Dagger, John E. Ewing, and Miss W. N. Daish. expressed thanks for their cordial reception and treatment while at the Exchange. They will conduct a similar hearing beginning next Monday at Peoria. The re weigh charge will be tho nucleous of that hearing at Is will at the Chica go hearing to open October 1. Josephine Carper was born in Cass coitnty, 111.. -on November 4, 1861, conirg with her parents to Weep ing Water, Neb., in 1S63, where she grew to womanhood. She was united in marriage to Wm. A. ' Rhoden on November 24, 3 SSI, at Weeping Water, 'Nel). They then settled on a farm near Murray, Neb., where three sons were born. aaugnier was worn later nying in infancy. In 1SD1 they moved to farm near Elmwood, remaining there until I!10, when they purchased a farm near Wakeency. Kan., where they have since resided. Mrs. Rhoden passed away Sept. 3 2. 1922, at her home, at the age of ' sixty years; teff months-and eight days. - She was survived by her three sons Wm. H.. LeRoy, and J. Sterling, a grandson, Chas. W., whom she cared I for from infancy, besides eight other grandcnu'iren, also two sisters, r.lrs. C. E. Barrett who was with her dur ing her last sickness, and Mrs. M. T. Turner, and six brothers, Alfred B., James M., J. T., II. V., and I. E. Carper. Mr. Rhoden preceded her passing away, dying on August 13, 1921. Mrs. Rhoden lived a devoted Chris tian life uniting with the church in ; IS 9.0. while they lived at Murray, i Nob., and on their moving to Elm wood. placed her membership with j the congregation in that place. Her I faith and works are known by those ! wherever her lot has been cast until the end came. Her body was brought to Elmwood to be buried by the side of her hus band. Funeral services were held on Sept. IB, 3922, in the Christian church, where she had been a mem ber; being conducted by J. F. Hay and at the grave the Eastern Star had charge of the service. Blank Books at the Journal Office. ! ! The Key that Unlocks the Door to Long Living. The men of eighty-five and ninety years of age are not the rotund, well fed. but thin, spare men, who live on a slender diet. Be as careful as. he will, however, a man past middle age will occasionally eat too much or of some article of food not suited to his constitution, causing indigestion or constipation and will need a dose of ' - . 1 l I ' '-rr i l . . t viuiii lai a a 1 iiuit is iu move ins bowels and invigorate his stomach. When this is done, there is no reason why the average man should not live to a ripe old age. Weyrich & Hadraba. Lower interest on Farm Loans! Perhaps you have a mortgage against your place. Maybe it is not due yet, but probably have an option or right to pay the loan in full when you pay the next interest. If you are paying more than 5' now. don't wait for the loan to become due, but see me about a new loan before the next interest paying date. GEO. O. DOVEY Wo rv.rbes. Joe S'enik, Burnie Rakow, Robert Wills, Albert Godwin, Fred Rutherford, James Biggs, James Ed Eashus, Anton Rys and e also members romo but were later transferred to other or ganizations. Earl Walker, sent from this city to the division, was killed iu a gas attack at the time of the entrance of tha troops in action in Franco. William Towell, who now resides in this city, was also a mem ber of the division. SARPY COUNTY FARM TOR SALE 120 acres half mile north of La 1'Iatfe, Nebr. Rolling, improved, on Washington highway. Seven miles to outh Omaha. $225.00 per acre. Will take mortgage for half pur chase price. Write F. R. Upjohn, 312 No. 37th St., Omaha, Neb. a24-6sw LOAN ASSOCIATION ADOPTS SLIDING SCALE ' In making th adjustment of the loss occasioned in straightening out the affairs of the Livingston Loan & Building association the directors and olik-ers have arranged a sliding scale of the losses that will be nec essary to meet and which will divide equally as possible the amount that v.ill be made necessary to cover the shortage. The shares maturing at this time will be extended for a pe riol that will cover their pro rato of the loss and each year according ly, in this way of placing the loss the burden falls on the earnings of the shares instead-of being a direct ESRCssment on the stockholders and while it will make a longer time for the older shares to mature at the regular rate of interest, all will re ceive their fulf amount at the end and the shares cashed in at their iuil vale. Those who took out shares this year in the new series or that may hereafter secure stock in any series to be issued will not be affect ed by the scale for the losses as their shares will be handled as has been the custom and they receive their lull amount at the end of the ten years. LOCAL NEVVSn Prom Thursday Dnily. Mrs. Ed S. Tutt and Mrs. O. A. Davis of Murray were here yesterday afternoon attending the big Bargain Wednesday 6ale. Mrs. Thomas Wiles returned this afternoon from Omaha where she has been for a few days past. Jesse R. McVey, who is now mak ing his home at the Hotel Eerger, Murray, was up yesterday to spend the day here with the old friends and associates. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Graham of Hastings, who motored here for a visit at the Ed Martin home for a Bhort time, returned today to their home in the west. James Johnson of Creston, la., ar rived this morning to attend the fu neral of his neice, Miss Catherine La- hoda, which was held at the late home this afternoon. j Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Smyera of Co- . lumbus, Neb., who have been here visiting at the home of their daugh ter, Mrs. W. T. Craig, for a few days returned home this afternoon. J Hon. W. H. Puis, democratic can didate for representative, August : Engelkemeier and Fred Meisinger, ! all from the vicinity of Murray, 1 were here yesterday to look after business and visiting with their many friends. From Friday's any Mr. and Mrs. John F. Hirz were ! visitors in Ohaha for a few hours to day, returning home this afternoon. James Johnson of Creston, la., who was here for the funeral of Miss ; Catherine Lahoda, returned this morning to his home. Adam Meisinger, one of the prom- : inent residents of near Cedar Creek, ! was here yesterday for a few hours looking after some trading with the merchants. Mrs. William Blackhurst of Mich igan, who has been here visiting at the home of her brother, Attorney j ii. j. uwjTr, ueparieci mis morning for Ohiowa, Neb., where she will vi-her son, John Blackhurst, su perintendent of schools at that place. RALPH LARSON AND BRIDE RETURN FROM HONEYMOON SEE ME FOR SALES OR TRADES I have lr.rge and small farms and city residences, business properties, western hay and alfalfa land, also wheat and ranch land. Can match most any trade. Will try to do bus iness. 1 O. box 6 77. Tel. 60S. FRANK VALLERY, Plattsmouth, Neb. Journal want ads pay. Try them. ISlank books at the Journal Office. FOR SALE OR TRADE The Lafe Nelson farm. 133 acres. Two sets of Improvements, good eight room house, one good four room house, one large barn, no better In the county, new garage, wash house, qhicken house, good shade trees and real blue grass lawn, concrete cave. Good bearing apple, cherry and plum trees and strawberries. Three and three-quarters miles south of Platts mouth. P. O. box 677; Tel. 606. FRANK VALLERY, Plattsmouth, Neb. FUNERAL OF MISS LAHODA Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Larson arriv ed home from their honeymoon trip to Colorado last Sunday evening. They left the day of the wedding by automobile, in company with the bride's cousin, Elmer Johnson, and wife and they spent a few delight ful day3 sight-seeing in the moun tains of Colorado. On their return trip, they stopped in Bayard for a short visit with the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Jacobson and family. They report the Jacobsons well and prospering and they sent their best regards to their old friends In Louisville. They also stopped for a short visit, with ; relatives in Aurora. They found some wonderful roads, but on the return trip they had to detour considerably as the highways in many places are undergoing ex tensive repairs. In Colorado Springs they just chanced to see Paul Fitz gerald driving by, but were unable to attract his attention. Mr. Larson and bride will go to housekeeping at once in the splen did rental property on south Main street, which is now owned by An drew Schoeman who purchased it of his brother-in-law, Adam Rentschler. This house has been occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Philip Kahler, but they are moving into their fine new home this week. . , The Louisville friends of Mr. and Mrs. Larson will be pleased to have this estimable couple establish a home in our midst and will renew their best wishes and congratula tions. Louisville Courier. No Substitute Offered Say what you will about druggists offering something "just as good" be cause it pays a better profit, the fact still stands that ninety-nine out of a hundred druggists recommend Cham berlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Rem edy, when the best medicine for diar rhoea is asked for, and do so because they know from what their custo mers say of it. that it ca nbe de pended upon. Weyrich & Hadraba 0 ANNOUNCING THE PURCHASE OF THE LUMBER BUSINESS FORMERLY OWNED BY E. J. RICHEY tflln making this ennouncement, L wish to extend an invitation to all the former friends and patrons of this yard, together with as many v new ones as are desirious of fair and square treatment, and all of those friends and patrons of the Cedar Creek lumber yard, which I form erly owned, to transact your busi ness here. CVe shall be pleased to meet our friends and those who may have ' business in our line, and every cour tesy possible will be extended to you at all times. J Farmers, call and see us when you are in town. You will find a hearty welcome and the best treat ment and most conservative prices on your needs in the lumber line. Thanking the Friends and Patrons for Past Pleasant Business Relations and Assuring You of Con tinued Co-Operation on Our Part. P. II Roberts Lumber Company PAUL H. ROBERTS, Propr. PLATTSMOUTH -:- -:- NEBRASKA THE RULE OF LOVE, !S DEMOCRATIC PLATFORM We believe that the outstanding need of government, as of society and industry. Is a spirit of tolerance, kindliness and helpfulness. The rule of hate has made the world sick and feeble. For its regeneration in com munities, state and nation, we in voke the rule of love and human brotherhood. Wo pledge ourselves and our can didates to diligent activity to meet the will and needs of the people. We pledge ourselves to the furth erance of the cause of world peace, through common council, co-operation and good will. : ; We pledge ourselves to measures for the encouragement and restora tion of our commerce with the world, as one of the foundation stones on which our national prosperity rests. We pledge ourselves to the promo tion of industrial peace at home through measures that shall deal justly with capital and labor, plac ing always the rights of manhood and womanhood above the rights of the dollar. We pledge ourselves to drastic re trenchment and economy in govern ment, and particularly to the reduc tion of naval and military expendi tures, to the peace basis of a peace ful people. We pledge ourselves to oppose special privilege in all its myriad forms, including the tariff and ship subsidy bills favored by the admin istration and now pending In con gress. We denounce the revision of the federal revenue laws by the present administration as furthering the spe cial privileges of great and organ ized wealth, and pledge ourselves to the restoration of Just and equitable taxation under government economi cally administered. DIES AT NEBRASKA CITY Prom Thursday's Daiiy. . A message was received here to day by Mrs. James Iligley and John Richardson, announcing the death of their nephew, Jelsa Richardson, at his home in Nebraska City. This is the first intimation of the illness of the young man that the relatives here had received. The funeral will be held tomorrow at .Nebraska City and Mr. Richardson and Claude Richardson and wife will motor to that city for the funeral services. The deceased was some twenty-two years of agead Lfavrs the jrfij:ii mourn his lobs.. 1 '-'l " : J:.i'r ??? ' A Pronounced 'Success The uniform success that has at tended the use of Chamberlain's Col ic and Diarrhoea Remedy in the re lief and Cure of bowel complaints, both for children and adults, has brought it Into almost universal us?, so that It Is practically without a rival and as everyone who ha3 used it knows, it is without an equal. Weyrich & Hadraba. NEW RED BOOKS HERE The October Red Book with fic tion by Rupert Hughes, E. Phillip3 Oppenheim, Richard W. Childs and Robert Wagner offers a wealth of pleasure to the reader. The new Red Books are here at the Journal office now. . Call early for your copy of this popular magazine. MOVING TO NEW LOCATIONS T inn .... i r r r - From Friday's pally -The funeral services of the late Catherine Lahoda were held yester day afternoon from the late home on Wintersteen Hill and attended by c large number of the old friends and neighbors. Rev." John Calvert,' . - fe5ir; Farmers Attention! We arc in the market for 500 tons of good milling al falfa $!Q per ton dry. Leafy and good color, all cuttings. We am also-In position to mill your corn stalk3 with or without corn on. Milling commences after frost.. This makes the very best of feted from Friday's Dally. A large number of the new men who have been employed at the Bur lington shops to replace the strik ing members of the shopcrafts, have made'a change in their living places since the decision of the railroads to open the shops for the men to come and go as they desire. Some of the men have moved to the hotels while others have located rooms in private homes, where they can enjoy more comforts than at the quarters at the Burlington shops, where temporary barracks have shel tered them. All, however, are still taking their meals at the Grier camp and will probably continue to do so until the camp is closed down. pastor of the Methodist church, con- end no wasfe. We deliver in 100-lb. ducted . the services and the music sacks, sacks returnable, was furnished by the choir frorfl the! Our milling charges are $4 per church. At the conclusion of tho ton. and at this price your stalks service the body was borne to Oak WjU make mighty cheap feed. tun cemetery v.ncre it was.iam to rest. i For Sale Farm, five miles from Murray. 111. acres, good improvements and price reasonable. Good ranch in north central .Ne braska, 2,200 acres. For sale or trade. The Connally place near Murray must bo sold to settle an estate. If you wish a small farm this is an ideal location. See us for residence- property In Murray or Plattsmouth. Brendel & Kniss, real estate and Insurance. G. Ulf. OLSEN Phone 145- Ail Kinds of Hauling -Country Drive and Live Stock Hauling! PRICES REASONABLE! BURR OAK SPLIT POSTS If you have anything to sell, or want to buj don't overlook a want ad in the Daily Journal Fc'rsgg Extension iilsj Some good Burr oak solit costs for sale or trade. Ben Albin, Union,' Nebraska. s21-4sw. PHONE XO. 303 Flattsmouth, Nebr. Have you noticed that it the Stored that advertise which are always filled with buyers t On the Democratic Ballet at the November Election You Will Find the Name of 5a Uo .erin Candidate for County Treasurer. VOTE FOR HER Your Support' Will Be Appreciated.