SplattsmoMtb VOL. NO. XXXYHL PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, MONDAY, SEPTEIIBEE 25, 1922. NO. 11 TENDER RECEP TION TO REV. AND MRS. J. CALVERT Ladies Aid Society Arranges Event that is Attended by Members of Church and Friends. From Thciday s DaJlT Last evening the parlors of the First Methodist church was the scene i of a very pleasant gathering of the members of the congregation and a number of the friefccls of other j churches, to give a fitting reception to Rev. and Mrs. John Calvert, who are to continue in charge of the work here In the church for the coming year. The church parlors had been . ar- casion. the trailing green of the cle- ST1Preme Ctm" Need of Help May matis being used in the decorations J Cause Readjustment of Bench or the pillars supporting the ceiling of the State. of the room and over the different portions of the room the bright col- Judge James T. Begley. who is at ored flowers of the autumn season the present time holding court in were employed in making a very Otoe county, may be transferred to pretty scene. the Douglas county bench at Oma- The ladies aid society of the church ! ha for the remainder of the year, ac had arranged the event and it was cording to reports received from Xe one of the most enjoyable that the braska City where the district judge church has enjoyed for some time and has been for the past few weeks, was a fitting greeting for the high- ! The rrosnective transfer is tnarlp ly esteemed pastor, and his worthy wife. For the church meirbership, Mr. E. H. TVescott extended a greeting and an appreciation of the services ! of Rev. Calvert and his family in the of other churches spoke briefly of the appreciation of the co-operation in the common cause of Christianity shown by Rv. Calvert and wife. Rev. H. G. McClusky of the First Presbyterian church, and Rev. H. Kottich of the St. Paul's Evangeli cal church spoke, wnile Rev. W. S. eete ot tne bt. Lunes episcopal Church, and Rev. A. G. Hollowell Of the Church ot Christ, sent written word of greetings, being unable to attend the pleasant occasion in per son. To the many expressions of kindly wishes. Rev. and Mrs. X&lveri.. each responded Tery feelingly. . A shorf'and veTy- p Ifasine pro gram was given during Ifee evening. Miss Olive Bonge giving a piano number while C. H. Peden and Mrs. E. II. Wescott each favored the com pany with vocal solos which were very much enjoyed. At the conclusion of the program a very enjoyable cafeteria luncheon was served by the ladies which corn pitted a most delightful gathering and one that will long be pleasantly remembered by those in attendance. PLAN EXAMINA TIONS FOR POST MASTER HERE Would Be Nasbys Will File Applica tions with Civil Service Com mission on October 17. Announcement is made of the fact that a competitive examination for; the position of postmaster at Platts mouth will be held on October 17th by the Civil Service commission at Washington. This examination, unlike others in the rostal service, will not be held (the city, the buying was very pleas with the applicants in attendance. ing and almost all the stores did but will be based on the answers filed ; their usual bargain day business, by the applicants on the official The strike to some extent affected the forms with the commission. sales to many in the city, but as a The application blanks are to he . had at the office of the secretary of the civil aervice commission at the postoffice or from the U. S. Civil Service commission at Washington. The time of the expiration of the term of Postmaster D. C. Morgan is set at November 21, 1922, and the commission will probably submit its ! findings to the president before tht I date, so that the new Nasby can be named promptly. The salary of the office in this city is fixed at $2,500 per annum. PRESBYTERIAN LADIES MEET From PndaVn Dully. Yesterday afternoon the ladies auxiliary of the Presbyterian church met at. the church parlors with Mes dames Philip Hirz, John Buechler, John B. Kaffenberger and H. W. Smith in attendance, and a most de lightful time was enjoyed by the members of the society. The time as juiuiKiai.j. ing and at a suitable hour dainty . 2 11 44. myii reiresnmenis were servea oy ine nosi- esses of the afternoon. FINE LITTLE DAUGHTER From Friday Dan 7. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Vroman in the south portion of the city was made happy yesterday when a bright little daughter arrived to make her home there for the futura. The mother and little one are doing nicely and "Rip" is feeling proud and happy over the arrival of the little one as are the grandparent. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Vroman and Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Tork. Journal want ads pay. Try them. REMOVE BRIDGE WATCHMEN The force of watchmen who have been emploj-ed at the Burlington bridge over the Missohri river at this point, have been released from services and the work is now looked after by the one watchman that has heretofore been on the job. The watchmen were employed to guard against fire from the sparks from lo comotives but the railroad has de cided that the condition requiring the employment of men has ceased and accordingly the men have been allowed to go. -m- II D CP! TV JUUUi U LULL I MAY HAVE TRANS FER OF COURT necessary by a call from the supreme court for "the services of Judge Red ick of Omaha and Judge Shepherd of Lincoln. This would require fill- ng the "gap" in Douglas county and u is said that Omaha judges have requested the service of Judge Beg ley of this district. Judges Raper and Colby, it is said, would be sent here as occasion requires. Judge Begley said yesterday he would make a request to have the status left as it is, but was not sure that he could forestall the proposed move. The supreme court is able, un- l der the constitution, to shift judges '! it see fit if th ni-oasinn rtpmnnrls Supreme court business at this time is said to be particularly heavy, re quiring the 'presence of additional men on the bencu to dipose of the large number of cases brought to that tribunal on appeal. COMMUNITY SALES DAY BRINGS MANY TO PLATTSMQUTH Large Number from the Country Districts Here to Enjoy the Money-Saving Event. PVnm Thursdays rally. The regular community sales day or "Bargain Wednesday," as it has become better known, yesterday was marked by the -attendance of large numbers from out of the city to par ticipate in the festival of buying op portunities. Each store had featured some spec ial line that was offered at the very lowest price possible and all other of the staple lines were priced so that the careful purchaser could not but take advantage of the occasion to buy the seasonable articles that they needed. From early in the morning when the shoppers among the residents of the city were out in force, until af ternoon when the residents of the outlying territory began to arrive in whole the day was one pleasing to all of the merchants. , MANY ATTEND AK-SAR- BEN PARADE LAST KITE Fiom Thursday' Daily. The entrance of His Majesty King Ak-Sar-Ben XXVIII. into Omaha last night as the climax of the great fall festival was witnessed by a large part of the population from all the countryside adjoining Omaha and in cluding this city. The electric pa rade has always been the great pub lic feature of the fall entertainment and in these days of autos the resi dents within a radius of forty miles can make the trip very easily and they kept the road hot yesterday pouring into the big town. The auto bridge over the Platte here did a very thriving business for the day and the Burlington carried a larger number than last year for the big J U1 UIi MARRTED AT COURT HOUSE From Thursday' Dally. Yesterday afternoon at the court house occurred the marriage of Miss Violet Sutton, residing in this city, and Mr. Ralph Howard of Neligh, Neb. The ceremony was performed by Judge Allen J. Beeson in his us ual pleasing . manner and at the con clusion of the . ceremony the two young people departed for their home. you want good printing: let ub dp your work. Best equipped job shop in southeastern Nebraska, DELEGATES RE TURN HOME FROM THE CONVENTION Plattsmouth Gets Two Alternates to RETURN FROM TESTERN TRIP New Orleans Convention J. Ed Fischer, Commander. Mr. and Mrs. Orest Conk and little son returned on Friday from a few From Thursdays Daily. j days trip to the western part of the The delegates from the Platts- state and to Colorado. They visited mouth post of the American Legion, with Mr. and Mrs. Yerner Perry at A. H. Duxburv, Leslie Niel and Eu- Big Springs. Neb., r.rd they accom eene Lister. " returned home last panied them to Manitou Park, Den- evening on No. 14 from York, where thev soeut the last few days at the Legion state convention. Mrs. Fred Lugsch, another delegate from the local post, and Mesdames Fred Fyde botham and Frank Gobelman, the American Legion Auxiliary delegates! from here also arrived home on a later train. The delegates report a , very pleasant time at the convention although it lacked the pep of the Hastings and Fremont gatherings. The session vesterdav was larcelv occupied in the selection of the of - ficers of the state organization and I after more or less jockying of the convention, J. Ed Fischer, of Be atrice, was elected as state command er. Other officers elected were Lloyd Kain, Gothenberg: John E. Ri&dell. York and Lawrence Coy,- vice com-! J T ; 3 ,1 1 1 m.nf it'itl- tho 1 NaUon Guards la Vonrt.beTn. . nv ws formed b, member of the Service company fron i' RThe ren o j, lork and personnell officer of the"7 B . ' . .n.. ' uw i j. was attended by miss isessie Miner encampment. In addition he was in'"" -Ji - ,.;., , charge of the athletics at the en- campment and became quite well ac quainted with a number of people here. The state adjutant and finance of ficer will be chosen by the command ent and next annual convention. The new members of the state ex ecutive committee are Charles . Tay Omah Grov L. Norval. Seward; L. E. Chadder tou, Holdrege; William J. McNich ols, Lexington. These with the six hold-overs elected last year will be the governing body of the Legion during the interim between the pres ent and next annual conventions. lor. Lincoln; William Mettlen. j T"' ' - : a; Harold L. Gerhart, Newman I rcu" - hrXrw MJb f eterlingworthnd mauly at- tion were chosen as follows: Wil liam Ritchie. Omaha; J. Ed Fischer, Beatrice; Lucian Stark, Hartington; A Vnnoronn If PI 'I I" Pflntof ! tt. i. i.-i --n- r i d un. nttiuci, .uuum. Aiuuug, j alternates at large are Eugene Lis- ter. of Plattsmouth. ..,ine uriue4 s"llB. u From the first district the dele- ? llk. ,crePe trimmed with hand em gates chosen were Mason Wheeler brK;ere!J. ork f'f 51 ver d,3113 and D. G. Westcver. Lincoln; A. II. et ba.dr er traveling dress Barstler, Nebraska City. The alter-! wa3. ? midnight blue poiret twill em nates are A. H. Duxbury. Platts- brokered m oranre ciIk wita hat mouth: J. B. Kane, Falls City Glen H. Coffey. Lincoln. Plans were laid to have Platts mouth accorded some greater recog nition itl-r thru the plePiion of .Vila. U-lll t-O 4. UCiCpOlC li-t ilt th .ltinn nr steam rollership of the Lincoln post. the district was controlled by the capital city bunch completely. And (hriin it wonlf. spptti. lies the -r.1,, 1 i , a.. ' convention Out of some thirty odd posts in this district not more than j a halt dozen naa delegates at tne j convention. Last year the delegates; from one first district post which was , conspicuous by its absence this year, j were heard to remark, 'We have been coming up here regularly each ! year only to see Lincoln hog the plums and think this will be our last time." With a membership of less than half the combined membership of the first district. Lincoln took this year two of the three convention delegates, the one executive commit tee member and one of the three con vention alternates. State Commander Ritchie made a stirring speech before the convention denouncing the veto of President Harding of the compensation bill. "There is no reason for the presi dent to veto this bill." said Ritchie. "Following the war, the country granted subsidies to shipping inter ests and to railroads. It reimbursed manufacturers for alleged losses . on I war contracts, all of which proht- eered out of the war. But the ex- service man, who made enormous sacrifices during the war, is called i upon to make still further sacrifice.' j Says All Offered Selves Ritchie charged that the presi dent deliberately picked on the sales tax to add to the bonus bill, know ing it to be most obnoxious to the people and that congress would re fuse to put it in the measure. "There is another question to be considered in the payment of the bonus than only the disabled," Ritchie declared. "Those who es caped injury in battle offered them selves." Every man who donned the uni form and went to war, suffered an economic loss, Ritchie said. Big financial interests have their losses made good, he charged; not so, the men. "No bonds are necessary to grant subsidies to shipping interests," he said None is necessary to pay al-1 leged losses on war contracts. Whyithe assistance in the long period of are they necessary to pay the sol-,lhe illness of our loved one. We al aler bonue. BO -.jgh to thank those who were so "The disabled would not ask a generous with their beautiful floral bonus if the profiteers would refund j remembrances. Mr. and Mrs. Frank all their excess profits," he declared. ' Johnson and Family. I Not 'End of Fight Tayment of the bonus, Ritchie argued, would speed :i return to pros perity. '"It would give the ex-soidier means to buy a home and to reclaim land." he asserted. "This is rot the end of thefight for a bonus," the st:.te commander declared. "It is only the beginning." ver and other Colorado- points. They made the trip about 200 miles the ether side of the Groat Divide and report a most delightful trip. Elm wood Leader-Echo. ; ELMD YOUNG LADY iS MARRIED 'Lives of Miss Elsie Killer and Henry Wendt are Joined Will Re side Near Hardock. Thursday. September 14, 1S22. at 4 o'clock at the parconage of Rev. Eggold, at Lincoln, occurred the of Fremont, a cousm of the bride, as bridesmaid, while Mr. Wcndfs broth er acted as beet man. The bride" is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alton Miller. Sue is great ly beloved in unci aroand Elmwood, where she acquired a tost cf friends who are freely giving her their best wishes for a happy -wedded life and and will bring to the home of the man she has chosen many blessings and make a happy and well ordered heme. After finishing school in the country she attended the Elmwood high school. v The groom is a son of Mr. and 'Mrs. August Wendt. of Murdock, He tributes and is highly esteemed in his home and community as an ener-. getic industrious young man with large circle of friends. After finish- ing ce'.ioo! at Murdock, he took a . T ., uL'"e ."."- it wf:s of nnvy blue serge. A six o'clock dinner was given "by jMr. and Mrs. Roy Palin, uncle and iint of tue bride, which was servea the Lincoln Shire club room, af- . . . . . . , . . ter which they took Uie train for ter. From there they take a wedding trip to Estes Park. Pike's Peak and other parts of Colorado. They will be gone several soln-iectva, autr imu Liit n O t-Z k 11 IV 11 Lll ' A . I farm cf the grooms near Murdock, u. , -."7" many irienns wno exieiiu men sin cere congratulations and best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Wendt for a long and happy wedded life. Elmwood Leader-Echo. TV nAI Liiialils bill TENNISCHAMPION In Hard Fought Battle Rev. Calvert Loses to Younger Opponent Large Crowd Sees Hatch. From Friday's Ia!ij The laurel crown of city tennis champion now decorates the brow of Ray Larson through his defeat in a hard fought battle last evening of Rev. John Calvert, who is former city champion of Omaha, and one of the recognized star players of the state. Tn the nnpninc of the match the chances of Larson seemed very slight iaR Rkilfnl nlavins of Rev. Cal- vert won tne first two sets, 6-3 and 6-l. but in the succeeding set he weakened ami the set went to Larson by the score of 6-4; and the two following sets were won by Lar son by the scores of 9-7 and 6-3. The result is the culmination i of the city elimination tournament and undoubtedly was fought out by the two most expert players in the city. Mr. Larson has been a devotee of the game for a number of years and has played in many of the state tour naments where he has given a good account" of himself, while Rev. Cal vert is acknowledged as one of the real tennis sharks of the state. CARD OF THANES In this manner we desire to express to our kind friends and neighbors our appreciation of their tender sym- . nathr in tVio !- that has rnme to ,,a nt nm- oihtpr and sister nnri for DEATH COMES TO ELDER GEORGE W. fflAYFIELD, AGED 84 Passed Away Thursday Morning at 8 O'Clock at Louisville Home After a Short Illness. From Friday's Dally. George W. Mayfiehl. pioneer resi dent of the state of Nebraska and well known Cass county citizen, died yesterday morning at the home in Louisville following an illness of the past week and during which time his recovery was given up by the members of the family. Elder Mayfield was at the time cf his death a little past eighty-four years of age. having been born in Hloomington, Ind., August 22, 1838, and was a son of Leroy Mayfield, a native of Kentucky, who came to Indiana at an early period, and mar ried Miss Martha Basket of South Carolina. The father of George W. Mayfield came to Blooniington when it was but a struggling village amid the outposts of civilization, and it was here that George W. Mayfield was reared to manhood and received his education in the public schools cf that place. In the year 18 55 Mr. Mayfield tame west to the Nebraska territory, crossing the Missouri river and lo cating near the tiny hamlet of Plattsmouth and engaged as -a farm laborer on the nearby farming lands. The same year of his arrival the young man engaged in the border warfare that wr.s maintained by the Indians and was with the expedition cf General John M. Thayer up the Loup and Elkhorn rivers to protect the settlers from the visitations of the savage Indians. Returning to Cass county, Mr. riayfield was married in 1S58 to Miss Emaline Todd, a native of Ne braska, and daughter of Mr. and T.Irr--. Thomas J. Todd, who were among the earliest residents of the territory of Nebraska and resided on n farm west of Plattsmouth. Mr. and Mrs. Mayfield have since their mar riage made their home in this coun ty wbre Mr. Mayfield largely' engaged In ' the work in which also his ::11 engaged in with one has been newspaper sons have exception. Mr. Mayfield established the Re publican at Weeping Water at an early day and in 1SS3 started in business at Louisville by publishing the Observer and which was the foundation of the present Louisville Courier, now owned by his son, Le roy J. Mayfield. To bless the life of Mr. and Mrs. Tlayfield there were born eieht child ren, who with the aged wife, who is now in her eighty-sixth year, re main to share the grief that the pass ing cf the aged father and husband has occasioned. The children are: Clnrence G. Mayfield. Louisville; Eugene O. Mayfield. Omaha; Mrs. Frank Seccrd. Omaha; Leroy J. May field. Louisville: Albert JJ- and Oland M. Mayfield of Denver; George A. Mayfield of Scribner, and Mrs. W. W. Valentine of Pocatella, Idaho. Eider Mayfield has been for a num ber of years a minister of the Chris tian church and in his daily life practiced the precepts of the Master in his dealings toward his fellow men. In common with the many friends in thi3 portion of Cass county, the Journal extends the deepest sympa thy to the family in the loss that has come to them. iETTER FIX UP YOUR CHIMNEYS TO AVOID FIRE Fire Chief Dr. 0. Sandin Issnes Word of Warning to Residents as Heating Season Near. Dr. O. Sandin, fire chief of the city, and lynx eyed foe of the fire demon, is issuing a warning to the residents of the city as to the con dition of the chimneys at the homes over the town. The faulty flue is the cause of the greater part of the fire3 that occur here in Plattsmouth and this is also largely due to care lessness in looking after the matter at the proper time. In the late fall and winter season, when the .households have to have more heat in the homes, the danger increases in. the ratio that the chim neys are subjected to great heat and if there are any cracks or other leaks in them or they are filled with soot, they are apt to cause some trouble. A little foresight now will save many a family having to get out in the cold winter weather because their home is going up in flames as the result of their failure to look after the care of the chimneys. NOT MUCH IMPROVEMENT From Friday' Dally. The reports from the Immanuel hospital in Omaha last night stated that the general condition of Mrs. Fred Wynn seemed somewhat better but the patient was still very weak ; and In her present condition It will require some time before it will be possible, to operate on the patient. MADE BAND LEADER Donald Lloyd Reynolds of White fish, Mont., a son of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Reynolds of that city, is be coming well known in the northwest for his work as a band musician and leader and the fact is especially in teresting here for the reason that the young man's mother was former ly Miss Bertha Lloyd, daughter of J. J. Lloyd, now a resident of the Nebraska Masonic Home. The young man, who is sixteen years of age, has been made leader of the Nixon's fa mous boys' "band, and has held that position for the past six months in the absence of the leader, Prof. Nix on of Whitefish. The band has made a pronounced hit where it has ap peared in the last few months. NOT WINE, WOMEN AND SONG - BUT JUST PLAIN WINE Causes the Arrest of Fritz Tigner of Union and a Fine of $20 and Costs in Court Today. From Friday's Dally. Last night Sheriff C. D. Quinton was called to Union where Fritz Tig ner was reported as being on a ram page caused by an overdose of the sparking vintage of the grape com- "bined with elderberry and which seemed to have an effect on the gen tleman not unlike chained light ning and which alarmed those who were with him as to what might be the outcome. The sheriff on arriving soon pour ed oil on the troubled waters of the turmoil and securing Mr. Tigner, prepared to return with him to the county seat and also did away with the cause of the condition of the prisoner by pouring out the high powered liquor. This morning when his honor. Judge William Weber, ascended his judicial throne the prisoner was present and was charged with being drunk, contrary to the peace and dig nity of. the state of Nebraska,, and to which he entered a plea of guil ty. It required $20 and costs to sat isfy, the feelings. of outraged justice and the young man" "was then" allow ed to proceed on homeward. TAKING THINGS FOR GRANTED. From Thursday' Ia!ly. Those who have watched the pro gress of the re-paving of Main street cannot nearly so well appreciate the great change in appearance that is being wrought as the occasional vis itor who is moved to 'remark on the improvement. When completed, the main thoroughfare of our city will really assume a metropolitan air with its smooth brick pavement, elec trolier lights and numerous illumi nated signs that go to make up the white way. But, as we said at the start, those who have watched the evolution of the thing are not nearly so appre-' ciauve ot it as tney might otherwise be. Somehow we come to take things for granted and let them rest at that. A little boosting for Platts- mouth's new Main street will not come amiss and will ronvince strang ers that we are awake. Office supplies ol all kinds han dled at the Journal office. Harvest Busy if The harvest service maintained by this bank is a harvest service for busy farmers. It includes the efficient handling of deposits received by mail, prompt atten tion to customers' requests received by 'phone, as well as co-operation in paying harvest bills by check. The facilities of this bank are at the disposal of all farmers in this section of Cass county. the First national Bank THE BANK WHERE YOU FEE AT MOE TJTSMOUTH Member Federal Reserve HI LOUISVILLE PIONEER CITIZENMSSES ON Charles Kraft, Well Known Resident of County, Dies at His Home There on Wednesday. The community of Louisville has been thrown iuto mourning the past week in the loss cf two of their oldest and most distinguished resi dents, one of them, Charles Kraft, dying at his home there Wednenday night after an illness of some dura tion. Mr. Kraft, who was in his eigh tieth year has been a resident of that community for a great many years-., coming as a young man to Cass county and settling on a farm where he remained until he moved Into the city to make his home. He was a man universally esteem ed for his many excellent traits of character and during all of his year of residence in Cass county has made many warm friends who were over whelmed with sorrow to learn of his passing. The wife preceded the husband in death two years ago and since that time th"e children have looked after the care of the aged gentleman. The children are Richard and Charles Kraft, Jr., who are engaged in bus iness in Liuosville. William and Her man Kraft, Mtb. George Vogler and Misses Idella and Martha Kraft, who reside at home. The funeral services will be held Saturday afternoon at 2:30 from the Evangelical church west of Louis ville and will be conducted by J'.ev. Theodore Heidmann, the pastor of the church and interment made in the cemetery there. CASS COUNTY PEOPLE IN BAD AUTOACCIDENT Mrs. Jerome St. John of Near Ne v Lawka Probably Has Frac tured Skull as a Result. "From FrHlr' Iit A very serious auto accident oc curred yesterday afternoon on the "O" street road near Eagle at the point where the road from Palmyra intersects the main highway, and as the result of which Mrs. Jerome St. John of near Nehawka has sustain ed what seems to be a fracture of her skull. The Chalmers touring car. owned and driven by Roscoe Harshman of Avoca, wa3 struck and badly dam aged when it collided with a Ford car driven by George Peekham of Palmyra. In the Harshman car at the time of the accident were Mr. and Mrs. Harshman and Mr. and Mrs. Jerome St. John, parents of Mrs. Harshman. Reports from the scene of the acci dent state that the drivers of the cars were injured some but that the most serious injuries were sustained by Mr. and Mrs. St. John and the lady seemed to be suffering from a fractured , skull when the injured parties were' brought on into Eagle for temporary care until they could be sent on to the hospital. The Chalmers car was almost en tirely demolished while the Ford was not damaged to a great extent. Service for Farmers! "NEBRASKA. TV I 1 1 a- t