The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 14, 1922, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Nehawka Department!
Prepared ia the Interests of the People of Nehawka and Surrounding Vicinity Especially
for the Journal Readers.
for his comfort. lie i3 staying at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W
The Nehawka Schools Open
With the commencement of the
Prom Monday's Daily.
Itching, bleeding, protruding
Joseph West, of Crete, a brother
cf Mr. F. C. West, of Nehawka, is
visiting here f-ir the present.
Fred Roe shipped a car load of
wood to l.inco'n last week, winch he
has been cut from his place
near Nehawka.
C. W. Stone and family were visit
ins: in Omaha last Saturday and also
were looking after some business
matters rs well.
Horace Griffin Is working at the
Pollard farms and assisting in the
work which just it tin's time is very"
plentiful on the farm.
Ye?, we are furnishing re
liable tires at lower prices
than the mail order houses
are putting out inferior
goods for. This good only
for a limited time, so you
had better get what you
want while they are going.
See the list of prices below !
United States & Racine Tires
Size 30x3V2 ,$10.90
Size 32x3i2 13.75
Louis Plybon and family were
visiting with relatives and looking
after some business matters both in
Plattsmouth and Omaha.
Lester Shrader. who does not dis
like the National game, was a visitor
at Sunns-side last Sunday, where he
was plaving ball with the fans.
Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Rockwell and
daughter Mi3s Maxine have been
spending the past two "weeks at the
home cf Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Palmer.
Mr. W. A. Ilicka has just complet
ed a new well at the home of Henry
M. Pollard, which is a very profitable
addition to the property of Mr. Pol
lard. Nick Klaurens has been placing a
new roof on the parsonage of the
United Brethren church, which is
occupied by Mr. John Frans as a, res
idence. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Waddick. who
Are Yen deeding
have been visiting for the past few
weeks in Kansas, returned home on
last Friday and report having had a
most excellent time.
Miss Ruth Davidson "oT Weeping
Water and Miss Gladys August of
Nehawka w ere visiting last week for i
or i
present school year, there is a better i ld Files have yielded to Doan's
showing in regard to the enrollment . uiunuem. i an muB
and nlso in the interest .which the; Mrs. Walter Propst was a visitor
students are displaying in their work, j in Omaha today, going to that city
There are 22 beginners and with on the afternoon Burlington train.
those who hae dropped out since rjr. j. F. Brendel of Murray was
last year, this leaves a net gain in ncre todav for a short time visiting
an iim tuuuuia or some ;, iue insu
with his friends in the county seat.
John H. Busche of Cedar Creek
was here, today looking after some
school alone having from fifteen to
seventeen more than last year. This
year the high school has an enroll
ment of some 64 members. This
rpeaks well also for the for the
faculty, which have worked hard
a few days with friends and rela-;1 "'
tives at Villisca, Iowa, and returned i .
homp lnst Frid.iv. Seconds Also Play Ball
m m -w w a 1 1 rm . T T I T n Cm II .1 1 1. - n rk r 1 1 -- ni Af 1
Lester wunueriicn anu i.iyae ""easy, natural movement
Switzer. who are engaged in tiie oat- . vaier came constipation, try Doan's Regulets.
tery business at Villisca. Iowa, were , to trim the younger lads of this burg, 0c aU storeg
spending last Sundav at Nehawka, ; but were disappointed as when thei
and were accompanied by their, dust and smoke of the contest had ( James Terryberry of near Louis
friend, M. R. Barber. (been blown from the ball park, it : ville was in the city today to spend
Charles Hall and family were at vr,s found that Nehawka had three I a short time looking after some mat
theJlall family reunion last Sunday, j 'runs to a goose egg marked up ; ters of importance.
which was held at Douglas at the . against the loam from Weeping T w Vallery, one of the well
known farmers of the Murray vicin-
business at the office of the county
G. H. Wood of Louisville was here
today for a short time attending to
some matters of business at the
court house.
For regular action of the. bowels;
relief of
home of one of the members of theV ater.
family. There was a large crowd
present and a most enjoyable time Had Best Exhibit in State
was Lad. The breeders of the Spotted Poland
Troy Shrader and Ben Martin ; China hog
sheared their laml3 one day last ,-nd Sons,
week. These are the ones
ity. was here today attending to
some matters of business.
Frank McNurlin, one of the lead-
in .NeliawKa, n. is. &ione.jnff farniers Gf Eight Mile Grove pre
are feeling pretty good I was hero todav lookinir after
which 'and well should they, as they had ac-; ,e matters of business.
August-Pautsch of Louisville was
they are feeding' and after taking ; cording to the judgment of those in
away the fleece they will put fat on; charge of Cue state fair, the best dis
In it.? place, thus reaping two crops play of four hogs of this class in the
from the same investment. : rtate. They were awarded a silver
Peck i3 driving the
FCiioo; bus, the on:y one wnien is
being run at this time, as the other
route is covered by cars. Besides the
matter of driving the bus, Clarence
is -also looking after things at the
Wc are prepared to furnish you home of Jack Douglas, w hile he is
:an excellent well. v. e nave me j2ck uouglas departed, a faw days vhich time he will offer a large mini-J short time before returning to Goth
. . . . . r i y t . . . . . i. ..... i . , r , i. ; ...... i t : -f i, ... F,v ,
cnp. which is on display at the jew-1
e'.ry store of K. It. Kendle. The hogs
to win the cup are Revolution and
Stone's Foundation, they being fall
; s of 19:21. and two sons of Ne
!:r.:sl:a's Pride, they being spring
pigs. Mr. Stone and sons will hold
a sale o: pirs on uctooer it.ui, at
in the city today for a short time
visiting with his friends and looking
after some matters of business.
Chris Spangler was in today from
the vicinityjif-' Eight Mile""Grove,
looking after some matters of busi
ness and visiting with friends.
Rev. A. V. Hunter came down this
afternoon from Omaha to visit here
as well as at Weeping Water for a
Slilll ill
5 wm (
Size 33x4 19.25
Size 31x1 20.00
JTThcFe tires are guaranteed but
the pi ices cannot be assured for any
great length of time. Come early.
Lundbsrg Oarage
Nehav-!:a -:- Nebraska
F,:.7c H24 18.30! xjtU machinerv readv for service. since for Itochester, Minn., w here he
regarding an affection on his neck,'
See us if you are needing a well.'
Easfrioh & Lawrence,
Nehawka, Neb.
r of this excellent line of hogs for
sonr :
vhich has teen giving him
trouble for some time past, an
which he deaiied to have an expert i
(-pinion rcgarJing. J
K. It. Kinslow, the new jewe'er
rnd wife, w ere spending, their Sunday ;
let the home of .their fo!ks at Syra-;
'-IcuF.?. By the way Mr. Kinslow who,
A4ff4t!HJfiiH r.n excellent workman in his line.
w v- t s -w t
Fine picked Wealthy cooking ap
ples, ;"0c per bushel in orchard.
Mlba Dodsoii, I'i miles northwest
;f Nehawka.
Diaroc Jersey Swme!
! have a number cf fine Duroc Jersey shoats
weighinr; about a hundred pounds, both '.boars and
s'lts for sale. Thej' were farro-wed last March.
Is getting a nice business in Nehaw
':a. which is adding to the better
serving or tne traue wnicn come to
Nehawka. ;
j Mark Burton, who has been living
jYor the past year or more in the,
(country north of Nehawka, on the'
j farm of Leo Sw itzer and is occupying :
i the building formerly occupied by -
I Mr. and Mrs. Henry Feltes, which-
! was vacate! when they
At The Gift Store!
Diamonds Vatches Rings Pins Cuff Links
Chains Glassware Silverware Clocks
We r!.-o have Pens and Pencils for the chodl children.
For a Good Phonograph Come in and Let
Us Show You the Victor
This is the best on tle market and you should hear it.
Norris Building, Nehawka, Nebraska
A Nice Lot of Hogs
We chanced to be out at the home
of Hon. E. M. Pollard last week,
v hen ho was selecting a number of
pigs to put into the feeding lot and
ro-ii a drove of spring pigs he select
ed some ninety, the oldest of which
was born in March, which weighed
oa an average of about 1C0 pound
;ind which made one of the prettiest
! droves of hogs which it has been ou
u,uttu luLulr-n -f i h a fomr,n,l WnmnuIiiT-o hrccil
line .iouu as ueiu. e unuyi-u ; vhich ig so extensively bred by the
i r", , (breeders of Nehawka and vicinity
Mrs. lias Sheldon and children, i
j who have been visUi.ig in the west
for a number of mouths and spend-
i in;r the heated season in the nioun-!
and the children are now going o Two sets of improvements, good eigh
c.oi . .,r.ri r trw rnui . room house, otic good four room
thpir studies after the excellent Va-! htmse' OJle larSc barn' no better in
ration which thev have had. tne county, new. garage, wash house
Rev. John Sinmkins. nastor of the chirkon, house, good shade trees and
Fnited Brethren church is awav to l)lue Smss lawn, concrete cave
the conference of their church this,f;nl bearing apple, cherry and plum
u-oci: whir-h is i.Pinfr iiol.i nt TTnst-1 ' ros and strawberries. Three and
intrs. Mr. A. H. Iiutlere is also a I three-quarters miles south of Platts
A new shipment of W. L. Douglas men's shoes
has just arrived. Ycu can find a style in this shipment
that will fit and please you. They are priced right at
oo $g50 $yoo
Ccme in and See for Yourself!
0 B
imi 111 v
k&a 12a? s& u u
Established 1888
delegate, and with instructions from
the two congregations that he use
every means in his power to . have
Rev. Simpkins returned to the two
charges here.
John S. Chappell and wife of north
of Nehawka, and C. M. Whithead
mouth. P. O. box 677; Tel. 606.
Plattsmouth, Neb.
, We pay $36.00 full time, 75c an
tbe once unnecessary.. Eagle Knitting
and wife of Uoseiie, who lias been ; il0ur spare time selling hosiery guar
visiting in the east and who have anteed wear four months or replaced
spent some two weexs wun tne nome free. 36 styles. Free samples to work
loiKi,, ior iiiey lonueny meie, ers. Salary or 3Vc commission
r.rriveu via tneir auto at NenawKa 1 Good hosiery is an absolute neces
last Friday and declare they had a i sjty you can sell it easily. "Expert
most pleasant trip ami enjpyeu
visit mere to tne nest. i Mills, Darby, Pa
F. W. Klopping and wife, Jesse ,
T - .! 1 1 -i c? m f a in'l c- si T 1 in .: rvf-
near Coleridge, the ladies daughters SEE ME SALES OR TRADES
of Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Norris.!
fnrmpr'v livinsr a fow Tnftps north nf I I have large and small farms and
Nehawka. were visitintr for a short I ' ' residences, business properties
time durintr the fore nart of last '-'.'stern hay Mid alfalfa land, also
-PPk ami -were srupats at Hip home wheat and ranch land. Can match
of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Norris. also
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
T. E. Fulton.
Some excitement was caused last
week when the barn of the Rev. E.
p. Johnson was consumed by fire, the
origin of which is not known. It was
very fortunate that the neighbors
were able to control the flames,
which could have easily been carried
to other portions of the town. Rev.
! wheat and
most any trade. Will try to do bus
Licss. P. O. box 677. Tel. 606.
Plattsmouth, Neb.
Johnson was at Omaha, in attendance ; mouth
.. . 11.. r .. 0 11 ii.ii. .- .
ill iiik couiereiiee 01 me ..ueiuuiiiai
church at the time.
Certified Kanred wheat, certifi
cate of inspection With each order
One of two certified fields in coun
ty. A. O. Ramge, phone 3513, Platts-
Are Visiting Here for a Tnne
Mr. and Mrs. Justin Sturm, who
have been spending some time in
Europe since their marriage during
the early summer, arrived in Omaha
lar.t Saturday and visited for a short
time at the home of the sister of
Mr. Sturm. Mrs. John O. Yeiser, Jr.,
and with Mr. and Mrs. Yeiser, came
to Nehawka last Sunday and are
spending some time at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Sturm. Mr. Yeis
er spent the dfy and evening here,
returning to his work at Omaha,
while Mrs. Yeiser is visiting here for
a few days.
Journal want ads pay. Try them.
I -.. , ' Jr --L" - -
1 'frt
' .
' T ,ri,
J ' : -i t-t-: ..' r3... .'1
Farmers ittenfion!
We are in the market for
50D tons of good milling al
Nehawka Wins Another Bout
Lart Sunday at the local ball park,
fats Xilinii.f riHrt rti i rn rl
the Omaha Ramblers in a game'falra $10 per ton dry. Leafy
which looked very much like sport j j j cuttingS.
and the taking away from a baby oft ' &
to mill
commences after
us canay, it came so easily. me We are aJso ln position
game drew a good crowd, but in thejvour corn -3taikg with or
summing up or tne matter at tejeorn on. Milling
tiuse i.i. 1111; gume, il cuuncu mat ; fros
Nehawka had passed over the home " . .,,
plate ten times to two for the visi- ,This makes tbe very best of feted
tors. However, the game was not so an ro wa,ste- de iyer in 100-lb.
bad after all. 1 backs, cacks returnable.
1 Our milling charges are $4 per
Uncle Wm. Tucker Very Low ton, and at this price your stalks
Uncle Wm. Tucker, who has been "ill make mighty cheap feed.
in verv nnor health for a lonsr time.
has been very sick for the past few
1 weeks, and for the past week has
not been conscious, but sleeps most
of the time. He is receiving the beet
- of care and everything is being done
Forage Extension Hills
Plattsmouth, Nebr.
en burg
Miss Magdelina Dagendorffer of
Fremont, who has been here visiting
for a few days with relatives and
friends, returned to her home this
R. Kettlehut of near Nehawka was
in jthe city today for a short time at
tending to some business matters of
importance and calling on his friends
in the county seat.
When baby suffers with croup, ap
ply and give Dr. Thomas Eclectic
Oil at once. Safe for children. A
little goes a long way. 30c and GOc,
at al! drug stores.
John ,L. Hadraba and bride, who
have been enjoying a short honey
moon in the west, returned home
this morning and are now getting
their new home arranged.
Lieutenant Dye, U. S. A., Misse3
Bessie and Ruth Tunia and Miss
Elisabeth Feiler, all of Omaha, mo
tored down Saturday evening and
spent a short time at the W. P. Sitz
man home. On their return they
were accompanied by Miss Georgia
Tuma, who has been visiting here.
From Tuesday'! Dally.
Geo. Petring and family are en
joying an outing at Minneapolis with
friends, motoring there by auto Sun
day. Mike Vitersnik was among those
going to Omaha this morning where
he was called on some matters of bus
iness. C. J. Pankonin of Louisville was
here today for a few hours looking
after some business matters of im
portance with the merchants.
J. R. CJuinton of Bruhle, Neb., who
has been here visiting with his
brother, Sheriff C. D Quinton, re
turned this morning to his home.
Mrs. Frank Barkus and little
daughter of Bellevue, who have been
here visiting with relatives and
friends, returned home" this morning
J. V. Stradley and E. I. Stradley
of Greenwood were here today for a
few hours looking after some mat
ters of business at the court house
Impure blood runs you down
makes you an easy victim for disease.
For pure blood and sound digestion
Burdock Blood Bitters. At all drug
stores. Price. $1.25.
L. II. Young and son. Parr, of the
vicinity of Nehawka, and C. A. Troop
of this city, motored to Omaha this
morning where they spent a few
hours looking after a load of hogs
the Messrs. Young have on the stock
1'ittsourg, bent. z. A coroners
jury, investigating the fire which de
stroyed a Pennsylvania railroad
bunkhouse here September 3, with a
loss of seven lives, tonight returned
a verdict censuring officials and em
ployes of the company for the condi
tion of the building and holding that
the blaze was accidental.
The jury held that the bunkhouse
converted from a repair shop, was
used to store inflammable material,
that the city laws governing altera
tions of buildings was violated, that
exits were inadequate and that the
railroad fire fighting equipment was
useless because of inefficient organ
For Exchange Improved ten acres
for inside property.
For Sale Six room cottage with
two or six lots.
s7-daw3t. Plattsmouth, Neb.
ATTACHMENT Fits all sewing
machines; price $2; checks, 10 cents
extra. Lights Mail Order House. Box
127 Birmingham, Ala. a31-6tw
Good home grown timothy seed
for sale. Plattsmouth phone, 2805.
s9-6d, 2sw. Mynard. Neb.
Blank becks at the Journal Office.
With i?8sk imks
No ether food has such an appeal on a hot day 33 Kellogg'a
Corn Flakes! They win fickle appetites, they satisfy hungry
iolks! As an extra-summer taste thrill, cat Ilellosa's v-ith the
luscious fresh fruit now in season. Such a diet ia not culy ide-1
from a health standpoint, but it i3 refreshing!
You can cat llcllogg's Corn Flalies
liberally at any meal because they digect
easily. Let the children have all they want.
Insist cpon Kellogg's Cora Flakes ia
the RED and GREEN package that bears
the signature of W. K. Kellogg, origi
nator of Corn. Flakes. None are genuine
without it! -
Also maker of
BRAN, cooked
and krumblid
$7.00 per cord in
Ramge, Plattsmouth.
timber. F. T.
J Saturday evening, Sept. 16.
- Music by Keynon's orehes
tra of Council Bluffs.
J Admission reduced to 55c.
Everybody Come
For canning. ST..0O per bushel bas
ket. Order now. Ed Ripple, phone
35. sl2-5td,ltw
An extensive line of high class
stationery on hand at al! times at
the Journal office.
Earn from 3.09 f..A,0Q0 rjrear.
We train you in th-.e months' in
tensive work. Twenty-five years'
tonchinif experience. Work tot hoard
while attending Ak for booklet
No. 7. POYLES COLLFX.E. Boylcs
R'tilrtintr. Omaha. Neb.
On the Democratic Ballot
at the November Election You Will Find
the Name of
Candidate for County Treasurer.
Your Support Will Be Appreciated.
Lower Interest on
Farm Loans!
Perhaps you have a mortgage against your place.
Maybe it is not due yet, but probably have an option
or right to pay the loan in full when you pay the
next interest.
If you are paying more than 5V2S& now, don't wait for
the loan to become due, but see me about a new
loan before the next interest paying date.