MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1922. Our Gasoline is No! Just "Gasoline!" It is a strictly straight run not a blended product, and will stand the test as specified by the U. S. Navy. Our Penn Franklin Motor and Tractor Oil will give you the lubrication no matter what your requirements may be. It will stand up with any oil you have ever used, regardless of the price you paid. A Fair Trial Will Convince You. SEE "CHARLEY" -GEO. TRUffKEKBQLZ OIL COMPANY- Leo Rikli was looking after some business matters in Elmwood last Thursday afternoon. J. V. Kruger was spending some time last Thursday visiting at the state fair and -with friends as well ia Lin oln. E. V. Thimgan was looting after some business matters in Lincoln la.t Friday ia connaction with his fcnrage here. Geo. Miller of Lincoln was a visi tor in Murdock last week being a cuost at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Norton Last Thursday Max Dusterhofl was called to Eagle where he had some work to look after and some esti mates to make. Frank Vallery of Plattsmouth was a visitor in Murdock last Thursday looking after some business matters for a short time. August Tanska wa3 a visitor in Lincoln last Wednesday and while there took a peep at the exhibitions at the state fair. E. V. Blakesley of Nebraska City wa a visitor in Murdock and was looking after some business matters at the Thimgan garage. Mr. C. F. Kite has been visiting for some time past at the home of hi3 son Louis Hite of Cheney, hav ing gone there last Friday County Commissioner Fred II. Gor der was looking after some business matters and also was visiting at the home of H. TV. Tool last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Jones of Sioux City, In., are spending a por tion of the week at the home of their fri' r. Is. Mr. and Mrs.- O. J. Pothast. .Miss Esth-T Rau was enjoying a visit to the state fair last Wednesday and while the weather was very warm she enjoyed the trip excellent ly i r i - - Eddie Craig was home for the week end at Liberty and appeared at his post on Monday ready for whatever business that should ap pear, r Charks Long and family with their auto were spending the day last Thursday at the state fair and enjoyed the trip and the exhibitions very well. Max Dusterhofl' with his asslst snts were cut to the home of W. A. Jordan l:ist week where they were doing some work on the Interior of j the Jordan home. Mr. E. (ioehry cf Sr.n Francisco, who. has been visiting at the homo of . V. Tool for some time past, departed last Thursday morning for his home in the west. The boys of Murdock an surround ing territory have been making good use of the kindness of W. O. Schewe in allowing them a place to swim during the heated season. Miss Anna Olson of Alta. Ia., who has been visiting for some time at the hone of her friend, Mrs. O. J. I'othast for some time past, return ed to her home last Thursday. Among those who visited at the Announcing A wholly New line of cars built on time-tried Buick principles but with improvements and refinements which make their introduction an event of nation wide interest. 14 Distinctive Models Astonishing Values and Prices SIX CYLINDER MODELS 23-6-41 Tour. Sedan, 5 pass.-S1935 23-P.-44 Roadster, 2 pass 1175 23-C-45 Touring, 5 pass 1195 Sedan. 5 pass 1985 23-0-48 Coupe. 4 pass 1895 23-6-49 Touring, 7 pass 1435 23-23-6-50 Sedan, 7 pass 2195 All Prices F. O. B. Flint, Michigan Ask about the C. Af. A, C. Purchase Plan which provide for Deferred Payment. Sec These New Buick Cars Now at Our Showroom. M'JRCCCK, When better automobiles are "dock BEPMR tmemt, V PREPARED EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE JOURNAL. state fair last Wednesday were Hen ry Amgwert, John Pickwell, A. V. Mockenhaupt, A. F. Zaar and fam ily, Edward Brunkow and family. Mrs. R. B. Eldridge who has been visiting for some time past at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Tool departed last Thursday for Brooklyn where she will remain for some time. Carl Rissman and family were vis itinv a few days since at Ashland and while there Miss Clara visited the school buildings at District No. 82 where she will teach for the coming year. S. W. Kelly who has been a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. TV. Tool for some time past, departed last week for his home after having enjoyed a very pleasant time while here Merle Pennington of Plainview was a visitor in Murdock last Thurs day and while here was a guest with friends and had a message for Mrs. II. A. Gast, who has friends in Plain view. Herman Dall the blacksmith of Manley was a visitor in Murdock last Thursday and while here was a visitor with his friend, Mrs. J. H. Bu-'-k, they both being of the same trade. - Last Saturday master Glen Rikli celebrated his fifth birthday but will not attend school untif the coming spring. He is just at this time as- sisting his grandfather in his truck ing business. Miss Pattie Metzger of Cedar Creek was a visitor in Murdock com ing to confer with the Dusterhoff shops regarding some work in their line which she wa3 wanting done at her home. Last Thursday J. Johanson made a trip to Omaha with a load of hogs for Henry Klemme and Lawrence Rikli while on Wednesday he took a load of cattle to the same market for Louis Newman. The new home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McHugh is coming along nicely at this time and a portion of the plastering has been done. They are expecting to get Into the house by the coming of the winter. Carl Schneider, Kenneth and Richard Tool were visiting in Lin coln last Friday where they went es pecially to register at the state uni versity and incidentally also attend ed the state fair while there. Mr. H. S. Tool of Readpoint. Mon tana, spent last week with A. J. Tool and family. H. W. Tool and family of Murdock, T. M. McKinnon and family of near Alvo and F. H. Gor ser and family of Weeping Water. Charles Rau. who with John Gak emeier are making their homes on the ranch near Dunning, was a visi tor at the state fair for a few days and then came to Murdock for a two week3 visit with friends and rela tives. Miss Esther Schmidt was a visi tor at the state fair last Thursday and enjoyed the vacation from the switchboard which has kept her very 23-6-54 Sport Road., 3 pass.S1625 23-6-55 Sport .-Tour., 4 pass.- 1675 FOUR CYLINDER MODELS 23-4-34 Roadster, 2 pass $ 865 23-4-35 Touring, 5 pass 885 23-4-36 Coupe, 3 pass. " 1175 23-4-37 Sedan, 5 pass 1395 23-4-3S Tour. Sedan, 5 pass. 1325 built, Buick will build them! MOTOR CARS close. Miss Esther Rau was looking after the busines at the exchange during her absence. L. Neltzel accompanied by his grandmother, Catherine Neltzel, and her friend Marguerite McDonald, were In Lincoln last Sunday evening where they enjoyed the musical con cert which Is a feature of the capi tal city and where they dispense some excellent music. Most of the scholars of the outly ing district northwest of Murdock are thinking of coming to the city school and have already arranged for a wagon to convey them to and from school which looks like more commo dius quarters will soon have to be secured in Murdock for their accom odation. H. R. Schmidt the contractor and builder who is by the way a candi date for county commission as well, is getting along nicely with the new barn which he is constructing for Fred Buell. The barn now has the frame up and the rafters placed in position and ready for the sheath ing to be put on. Harry Gillespie the genial sales man at the H. V. McDonald drug store, has been compelled to remain at home for a few days cn account of illness which has been in the na ture of stomach troufde and which has kept him in his bed for a num ber of days. We are in hepes he will soon be able to bo out again. Under the work and supervision of Messrs. Matt and Victor Thimgan the new home of W. T. Weddel and wife i3 making good progress. The expectation is to get the structure along far enough that they will be able to get into it by the winter. The heated weather has in a way in terfered with the work to some ex tent. H. A. Tool and wife have been spending a week with relatives rt Ackley, Ia., where they have been having an excellent time notwith standing the fact that they have en countered some very warm we;-, j her and this also has -kept them from having to visit the state fair during the heated season. They were ac companied by their daughter. Mr. Sidney Stroam who hns been with the Dusterhoff shops here dur ing the summer and who is an excel lent workman by the way, departed last Thursday for Los Angeles where he will expect to maks his home during the winter. While here Mr. Stroam made many friends by his pleasant manner and leaves with many warm spots hero and hopes he may return in the future ior a long er stay. Mrs. Leo Rikli and Mrs. L. Johan son were visiting for a week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Schu mann at Manning, la., where they wero -called cn account of the death of Mr. Edwin Schumann, a nineteen year old nephew of Mrs. Johanson. Sunday Mr. Leo Rikli departed for Iowa and will after a short visit re turn with Mefcdames Johanson and Rikli and is expecting to arrive here Tuesday. Political Announcement ! I desire to announce myself as candidate for the position of commis sioner for the third district, chosen on the republican ticket at the pri mary election and will appreciate what support I shall receive from the voters of the county. Assuring them I shall ever endeavor to work for the best interests of the entire county. H. R. SCHMIDT, sll-tfw Murdock. Neb. Murdock Campfire Girls Another song sung by the camp fire girls on their camping trip was: Tramp, tramp, tramp The bugs are marching Up end down our backs they go. Tho we scratch the whole night thru Till we don't know what to do. Still we love our camp of Gitchee Manitou. Wish every one could have gone with them. They say they had a good time. Don't doubt it either! A meeting of those of the camp fire girls who wen to Meadow on the trip was held at the high school at Murdock Wednesday. Murdcck Schools Open The school year has again opened and with it the work of the teachers and scholars as well. There are many over one hundred in the schools at this time, there being alone in the high school 53, whkh bespeaks much work in that department alone. The teachers have in hand the success of the school for the coming year and are composed of the following: Su perintendent Miss Eleanor Gake meier, principal, M. R. Coleman; high school teacher. Miss Martha Gakemeier: grammar grades. Miss Margaret Whipple; grades. Miss El la Gustliner and for the primary, Mrs. L. Dreamer. Selected a Gocd Man The progressive party through their central committee last week at Plattsmouth at the meeting of that body demonstrated they knew a good man when they saw one on the se lection of Mr. E. W. Thimgan for the position of sheriff on their tick et which had a vacancy because of the failure of Col. W. R. Young to secure the nomination because he re ceived more votes on the republican, ticket than he did on the progres sive. The appointment of Mr. Thim gan to the position, coming with the full confidence of the progressive party has been accepted by Mr. Tnim ga and he will make the race. He is m. man of much popularity and has a host of friends, but what will be the result of hi3 candidacy will have to be ascertained at the end of the race. HoweTer. should he be elect d it is certain, the county will be well served. PLATTSMOTTTH SEMI -WEEKLY JOURNAL EVER WATCHFUL A Little Care May Save Many Platts mouth Journal Readers Future Trouble. Watch the kidney secretions. See that they have the amber hue of health. The discharge not excessive or in frequent; Contain no "brick-dust like" sedi ment. Doan's Kidney Piliaare especially for weak kidneys. 'z' Let a Plattsmouth citizen tell you how they work. E. M. Buttery. Tenth and Walnut streets, says: "A pain caught me through my hips so that I could hardly raise a shovel of coal. There was at times a lameness across my loins. I had reason to believe that these troubles were caused from a disordered condition of the kidneys ajd hearing Doan's Kidney Pills spa'.ren of. I got some. They gave me c.uick relief, which warrants me in shaking cf the remedy in the most I'r.vcrable terms." Mr. Buttery gave the above state ment Juse 11, 1006 and on May 12. 11)20, he added: "My cine is a per ra?nsnt one and I still think Doan's Kidney Piiis are fine and I am glad to recommend them to others." Price 63c, at all deal2rs. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Buttery had. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. SIGN GF DEADLOCK OVER TARIFF Bill - 1 Corierees Have Come to High Spots! of Controversy He? sure Kay i ?eturn to the Senate. i Washington. Sept. C- Republican conferees on tire administration tar iff bill have come to the high spots of controversy with some indications of deadlock. It was said today that it miprht bo necessary for thorn to so back to the house or senate or both, for instructions, but Chairman Mc Cumer of the senate managers, and Forcney of the house managers de sire to avoid this if possible. The f li3:rmen still are hopeful that the conference can wind up their work this week and have their re ports ready early next week. Repre sentative Campbell of Kansas, acting rt-nnMioan lender, has telegraphed absent members of the house with a view to obtaining a working quorum by Monday so that action can be tak en either on the conference report or any requests for instructions. Matters in dispute among the con ferees include the duties on wool, sugar and other agricultural pro ducts and American valuation. Leaders of the republican agricul tural bloc in both houses have be come somewhate apprehensive as to the fate of the renate agricultural rates, particularlv those affecting wool and sugar, and have formed a sort of coalition in support of them. After a conference of leaders of the two blocs, house members began to day emulating among their col leagues petitions urging the house managers to accept the senate high er rates. 2I0VTE STAR REC0VERD7G The Motion Picture magazine for October contains an interview with Ivois Lree, well known film star, and former Plattsmouth girl. Miss Iee, cr as she i3 better known in Ne braska, Claire Lee Butier, h?s been at the hospital in Hollywood, being treated for an injury to her spiue. The charming actress did some very hard work in the production of the "Prisoner oL Zenda," and when Director Rex Ingrim had the picture completed she was taken sick and re moved to the hospital, where she is still confined. In her weeks of suf fering Miss Butler concealed her ser ious condition from her mother, Mrs. C. LI. Butler, of Lincoln, until the health of the mother improved and she was in shape to travel, when she was asked to come to the bedside of the daughter. The movie star is anxiously await ing the time the surgeons will per mit her to leave the hospital and to resume her work on the screen. NEW RED BOOKS HERE The September Red Book with fic tion bv Runert Hughes, E. Phillips ; i Oppenheim, Richard W. Childs and! j Robert Wagner offers a wealth of pleasure to the reader. The- new' Red Books are here at the Journal .office now. Call early for your copy .of this popular magazine. i .SEE ME TOR SALES OR TRADES I have large and small farm3 and city residences, business properties, western hay and alfalfa land, also wheat and ranch land. Can match most any trade. Will try to do bus iness. P. O. box 677. Tel. 606. FRANK VALLERY, Plattsmouth, Neb. Just what we expected, Judge Wray announces that he will sup port the republican ticket. He was simply sailing under false colors as a progressive, and will now try toj pull all the progreeive along with him. But can he do It? j Daddy's ?dEveiii fairy la! e yAARY GRAHAM BOWER. THE CLOUDED SULPHUR The Clouded Snlphur is a strange name for a butterfly," sild Daddy, "but such is the name of a butter fly who has sent you his story to hear. And you know him very well, even though his name may not sound familiar to you. He is a small yellow but terfly, very pret ty and dainty with dark mark ings around the edges of his wings. I suppose he is called the Sulphur Butterfly because he is yel low and sulphur is a yellow-colored substance. t We Lovs Clover." the Perhaps ho is called the Clouded Sul phur because of the markings around hii wlnps llke'elouds in n sky. I dun't really believe he knows Just how he got Ms family name, but he does know that he is dainty and small and yellow In color and that he loves the honey from clover." " 'I am a harmless little butterfly,' said Mr. Clouded Sulphur, nnd I am very fond of the world and so are all the members of the family. We will nev er fail to come back each year, for we love the fields and the countryside. We love the clover better than any-j thing and the clover invites us to 1 many charming dinner parties and j luncheons and breakfasts. reopie may not go out rrmeh to breakfast, and they may very seldom have break fast parties, but we pi to breakfast parties and have a delicious time of It. 'Perhaps I should fay we have a j very good time of It, Lnt still we do have a delicious time of It. and I raisht as well be truthful. We're fonder of hony than we are of t."lk inz. Oh. ve. hor.ey I? better than talking. One can't swfillrw words, al-1 thought !ome pcor'.e do talk as If they were trying to swnllnrr them. Per haps they are trying to- see if the words are pood to eut. I might try thut myself if I were a talker. But Tnt not ft talker as a rule, tnd so I won't try eatlu? words. And, too, I really cannot eat words. So why should I waste my time trying to do something that I know is Impos sible to do? It would be very foolish. Indeed; very, very foolish. I wonder If people who try to swallow their words are tryln? to find out If there Is any honey in words. Perhaps they are. One cannot tell, or at least a butterfly cannot tell. " 'To bo sure, honey is n word, but then It is n delicious drink too. I low I love the word "delicious." It makes me think of honey and the thought of hor.ey Is very peasant. " T.ut as I said before I am a very harmless little creature. Some of my relalions are far from harmful. Hut the birds take care of tha-t. They are the o:ies to look out for that. I am not harmful; no indeed. I am as harmless a little luiitertly ns I can be. Mother Clouded Sulphurs lay their epgs upon clover leaves, which hatch out into little green caterpillars, who nibble at the leaven. Yes. from baby hood,' or perluips I should say cater- plllarhood, we re always fond of clover. " "But no one must think that we only" care for clover, for we like other flowers, too, and we like to sip little drinks of water from tiny pools. 'Yes, after we've had good meals we sip cool ing sips of water. And when you see us nbout we hope you'll know who we are, and you'll see plenty of us. "Little Green Cat erpillars." all summer long. We believe In urriving early and stay ing late, for by doing that we can have such a very, very pood time. Yes, we are pleased with the world and with a long, long summer time, so we come into the world and ' we stay a long time, too. But now I must be off and have some meals from a number of the flowers who've invited me to call today. I must be off for my calls:'' RIDDLES What has only one foot? One leg. When is an umbrella of no use In a shower? When It Is at home. What are the most difficult shipg to conquer? Hardships. . What key in music woald make a good officer? A sharp major. What is the count on hlch you al ways lose? Dis-counL EM? Mi klfTm Other Side of Strife! Q A POPULAR PROPOSITION TO SAY PRE-WAR PRICES But let us tell you about our pick-up- -ACME Paint. This is a standard brand and an excellent paint. We have it so we can seil it at, per gallon '. $2.50 Also a 5-lb. pkg. Kalsomine for 40c (Former price, 75c.) This is the best offer for a number of years-past. Allow us to figure with you on what work you are needing. 25 Years in. the Business Ten Years in Murdock The Dusterhoff Shops DROWN IS CHOSEN HEAD OF BISHOPS Virginian Succeeds Aged Bishop Gailor Other Official Veter ans Retire This Year. Portland. Ore., Sept. 6. Bishop William Cabel Brown, of Virginia, was elected chairman of the house of bishops succeeding Bishop Thom as F. Gaiior, of Tennessee, when the fortv-seventh triennial convention! of the Protestant Episcopal church in the United States formally con vened late today. Bishop Gailor had served six years. The Rev. Dr. Charles L. Pardee of New York, was elected secretary of the house of bishops, succeeding the Rev. Dr. George F. Nelson, who re tired, owing to advanced years. A feature of the election of offi cers of the house of deputies was that for the first time a woman wad elected as an assistant. She was Miss Helen J. Smith of New York. Her election, however, did not make I her a member of the house. The Rev. Dr. Henry Anstice, of New York, was nominated to suc ceed himself as secretary of the house of deputies, but pleaded that because he had served in a secretar ial capacity for forty-five years, he should be allowed to retire. He re ceived an ovation when he mention ed that he wa3 in his eighty-first year. The Rev. Carroll M. Davis of Miss ouri, who has been a resident of the secretarial staff of the house of dep uties for thirty-three years, was unanimously elected secretary. The house, by resolution ordered expres sion of its appreciation of the ser vices of Dr. Anstice. W. W. Skiddey of New York was elected treasurer of the convention. The Rev. Franklin J. Clark. New York yand James G. Glass of Florida were chosen as the other assistant secretaries. NEW RED BOOKS HERE The September Red Book with fic tion by Rupert Hughes, E. Phillips ( Oppenheim, Richard W. Childs and, Robert Wagner offers a wealth of pleasure to the reader. The new Red Books are here at the Journal office now. Call early for your copy of this popular magazine. Phone the Journal office when you are in need of job printing of any kind. Best equipped 6hop in south eastern Nebraska. Plowing Time Wow! A Rumley Oil Pull tractor and a suitable plow will solve your summer and fall plowing- They will do the work the best and at the least cost as well. See us for prices and a demonstration. Our plows are the celebrated P & O. There are none better made. We also have an 8-16 Mogul tractor and a three bottom P & O plow used just a little, which will go at a very attractive figure. ED. UILSTORFF, Murdock, Nebraska Flowing Timo Has Gome! The harvest and threshing are about over. Now comes the plowing for the autumn sowings and for the preparation of next spring's crop. See us for what plows you need either in horse or power drawn. Repairs for all machinery used on the farm. ' See me for anything in farming machinery which you may need. Call me by phone and I will be pleased to give you the best service. Call phone 14-J. MURDOCK ": -:- PAGE FIVE WILLARD LED IN PRESENT PEACE CONFERENCE President of Baltimore & Ohio Road Instigated Baltimore Confer ence for Rail Teace. Chicago, Sept. 6. Daniel Willard. president of the Baltimore & Ohio railroad, was the leader in the peace move which resulted in the present conference at Baltimore between shopmen's leaders and rail execu tives, it was learned here on good authority today. According to reports here, Willard has just completed a tour of his rail road shops, where he conferred with members of the strikers. The agreement which Willard U working on includes the return of seniority rights to the shopmen. Should Willard be successful in his efforts to settle the strike on the U. O. other railroad executives will probably make the same move. It is understood that the New York Central, the Ro"k Island, the Chica go & Northwestern, the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy ard the Chica go, Milwaukee & St. Paul are watch ing the new peace efforts closely. President Byram of the C, M. & St. P. admitted today that he under stood there was to be a oenjerence between a few of the eastern execu tives and the shopmen. "I don't know whether I am In on it or not," he 6aid. It was believed that the railroads working for a settlement are those which have been hardest hit by the strike. REALTY SNAPS READ ! For Exchange Improved ten acres for inside property. For Sale Six room cottage with two or six lots. R. B. WINDHAM. s7-daw3t. Plattrmouth. Neb. "A Great Builder of Industry." In dustry is only work on a great scale. Yet the man who makes work on a small scale, like spreading the Sun day newspapers all over the house, doesn't come in for much compli mentary mention. The first bathtub in America was installed in Cincinnati about eighty years ago, and perhaps that's why Cincinnati was so reluctant to de vote water to any other than bath tub purposes. -:- NEBRASKA L.