EMe al Society journal. smoutb VOL. NO. XXX VUL PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1922. NO. 10 PLATTSMOUTH YOUNG MAN WED DED YESTERDAY Nuptials Of Miss Anne Gunderson and Mr. Henry G. Soennich- sen Celebrated. From Tuesday's Daily. On Mnml.iv at liifrh noon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. YV. II. Gunder-; son in Vermillion, South Dakota, oe- curred the marriage of their daugh ter. Miss Anne, to Mr. Henry G. ' Soennichsen of this city. The wedding was very quiet and ! attended by only the immediate rel atives of the contracting parties. The rooms of the home were very lavish ly arranged with decorations of cut flowers, roses and carnations and as ters being used in the decorative plan which made the setting one of the greatest beauty. Preceding the marriage ceremony. Miss Mertha of Vermillion, sang very sweetly, "At Dawning." by Cadman, and following which the Bridal chor us from "Lohenghrln" was played by Mrs. Christine Coughlin, sister of the groom, and to which the bridal party entered the parlors. The bride was very charming in a costume of dark brown, the travel ing costume being enhanced by a hat of the same color and Miss Gund erson wore a corsage boquet of roses. The groom was attired in the con ventional dark suit. The bride and groom were attend ed by Byron Arries of Lincoln, as best man. and Miss Larson of Oma- ha. cousin of the bride, as the brides-: "' speed out Washington avenue and Rev. Fischler, pastor of the Lu- when going over the intersection was theran church of Vermillion, of still at a very good rate of speed and which the family of the bride are , the ladies being unfamiliar with the members, read the marriage lines in road ran on over the ditch, the car a very impressive manner. turning over twice as it crashed to At the close of the wedding a very the bottom of the rather deep water delicious wedding dinner was served course. The top of the car was to the members of the party and amid the well wishes of the mem bers of the families the young peo ple motored to Sioux City, la., from where they go to Chicago to spend a short honeymoon before returning to Plattsmouth to make their future home. The relatives attending - the wed ding from this city were Mr. and Mrs. Waldemar Soennichsen, Mrs. Christine Coughlin and Miss Mathilde Soennichsen. The bride was a member of the teaching force of the Plattsmouth i public schools last year and one of ; the very popular teachers of the city ; and during her stay here was very; active in the social life of the city . and the many friends will be more than pleased to learn that she is to make her future home in this city. Mr. Soennichsen has spent his life time In Plattsmouth and is at the present time one of the active young business men of the city, being inter ested with his father in the conduct ing of ,ihe business of the II. M. Soen nichsen company, one of the largest retail firms in the eastern portion of Nebraska. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Soennichsen join in wishing them a long and happy life in the years that lie before them. " i " t BOYS GET FINED From Tuesday's Daily. Yesterday, C. Mulvahill, a young Omaha lad, and two boy companions motored down to our peaceful city to 4-- o t t i- Vi r r4J nr.l in til Air t Vd V els made the acquaintance of to Plattsmouth girls and thereby led to the downfall of the owner of the car. The boys invited the young ladies out for a spin and as the party was spinning down high school hill they attained much speed and engrossed Mr. Mulvahill forgot to notice that a section of the paving was removed and as the car was going so fast he could not check it and one wheel .,. t tha of-,,., 1I W U till UU,II WA. Lru., w ft. J V V. where the brick had been removed but in this they were not injured. However, the high speed had been glimpsed by Chief of Police Barclay and it required a cash bond of $13.50 to appease the feelings of outraged justice, and the boys securing the aid of friends secured the sum nec essary and returned home to the me tropolis. AUTO BUS IN DITCH From Tuesday's Dally. The auto buss that plies between Nebraska City and Omaha and reach es this city at 6:20 p. m., enroute to . . t V. Viofil liirftlr fact V7 Ilia il U , II I V L Villi! EVTUIC liaiU n v v v i , ' -in oa trio evening on their trip as the buss, overturned on the highway between l Union and Nebraska City and as the result damaged the buss to some ex tent and bruised up a few of the pas sengers and also a few were injured by cuts from broken glass. The acci dent was fortunate in not being ser ious and the buss was able to com plete the trip to Omaha with only a short delay as it was righted and sent on its way. Attorney Charles L. Graves of Un ion wa3 here yesterday looking after some of his clients' interests in the county court and incidentally visit ing with his many friends in the county court. Blank Books at the Journal Office. VISITS BROTHERS HERE Allen Gobclman of Glendale, Cal.. is in the city enjoying a visit with his brother, Chris Gobelman and his nephew. Frank II. Gobelman of this city as well as another brother, Val . Gobelman of near Union. Mr. Gobel Jman is on his way to Edwardsville, 111., where he will visit a sister, Mrs. Catherine Frey, and enjoy a 'short time there. This is the first time in twenty years that Mr. Gobelman ha3 been here and it is the first time that Frank has had the pleasure of seeing the uncle as he was not a resi- ,Ient ncre at the tire of the previous visit. OMAHA LADIES HAVE A SERIOUS AUTO ACCIDENT Dodge Roadster Goes into Ditch on 12th Street Near Kaffenberger Home Car Damaged. From Tuesday's iJalry. Yesterday afternoon a Dodge road ster bearing the number 1-13647, and which was driven by airs. II. A. Nelson of Omaha, crashed into the ditch along the roadway on North 12th street, and as a result the car was very badly damaged. The place of the accident lies along the detour ed route into Omaha and unless there is some precaution taken it is a rather dangerous place for those coming from the east. From the statements of those who reside in the neighborhood, the car w&3 traveling at a very good rate of wrenched off, the windshield broken and the left front wheel almost torn off and the axle badly bent. The most fortunate thing of the accident was the fact that Mrs. Nel son, who was driving, as well as her companion, Mrs. Joseph Berger, also of Omaha were not seriously hurt and the only injury was a slight bruise to the shoulder of Mrs. Berger. It was stated that the ladies were enroute from St. Joseph, Mo., to their home and it was the first time that they had traveled over the road which i3 beiner used while the tav jng is being finished near the Ma- sonic Home. W. C. T. U. LADIES HAVE FINE MEET ING YESTERDAY Hold Election of Officers at Home of Mrs. Frank B. Shopp Monday Afternoon Enjoy Social. From Tuesday s Daily, The ladies of the W . C .T. u. so- cietv n:"t vesterdav afternoon at the ! pleasant home of Mrs. Frank Shopp on West Marble street, in the open ing session of the year's program. One cf the chief matters to come be fore the meoting was the election of officers for the ensuing years and Mrs. C. A. Troop was named as presi- ... . . tQnt AT ico I vro n crl (rcioen r er: Mrs. Walter I'ropst, secretary, and Mrs. James Mauzy as assistant secretary. The ladies spent some time In dis cussing the plans for the county con vention of the society to be held in Union on Sept. 15th and to which ? f he res1i(,e"ts, :oun? !J- terested are invited to be in attend- alw' at ltf meeting, Att a suitable hour dainty refresh- ments were served which were much enjoyed by all of the ladies in at tendance. ENTERTAINS RELATIVES From Tuesday's Da My. Yesterday Ed Cotner entertained at his home in honor of his sister and husband. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Chris wisser of Bennett, Colo., as well as other relatives of the Cotner family. Those in attendance being as follows: Mrs. Sarah Cotner, mother of the host; Mr. and Mrs'. George Lloyd and son, Anderson; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Marler, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dill and daughter, Thelma, of Murray: Lee Cotner, Clarence Cot- j it i ner am Harry Marshall Te 0n and this j - . on jl city. WILL LOCATE HERE Searl Davis, one of the leading res idents of the vicinity of Murray, has decided to become a resident of this city and accordingly has closed the deal for the purchase of the John Falter residence property in the northern portion of the city. Mr. Dav is and family will have a hearty wel come here from the host of friends. FOR SALE OR RENT Five room house and six lots on Chicago avenue. Phone 510-J. a2S-ltd,ltw A PRETTY HOME WEDDING SUNDAY AT LOUISVILLE Miss Ruth Jacobson and Mr. Ralph Larson Joined in Holy Bonds of Matrimony, Sunday. From Tuesday's Dam. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sundstrom at Louisville was the scene of a very pretty home wedding Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock when Miss Iluth Jacobson, sister of Mrs. Sundstrom, was united in marriage to Mr. Ralph Larson. The rooms of the home had been very tastefully arranged for the hap py event with decorations of asters and green foliage and vines that pre sented a very attractive appearance and in the parlor before the bank oi green and the varied colored asters the bridal party took their station while the marriage lines were read by the Rev. John Calvert, pastor of the First Methodist church of this city, and an old friend of the Jacob son family. As the bridal party entered the parlors, Mrs. Elmer Sundstrom play ed very softly the Mendelssohn wed ding march and to which the groom accompanied by his brother, Ray mond J. Larson of this city, as best man, entered the parlors, preceding the bride who was attended by her cousin, Mrs. Elmer Johnson, as maid of honor. The bride was gowned in a dark blue traveling suit and car ried a shower boquet of bride's roses. Following the wedding ceremony, the young people were showered with the well wishes of their relatives and the guests served a very dainty two course luncheon, Mrs. Sundstrom be ing assisted by Miss Esther Sund strom, Mrs. Fred Sydebotham of thii city and Dorothy and Louise Foster of Union, in serving. After the reception the bride and groom departed, via the auto for Colorado and the west, where they will enjoy a two weeks' honeymoon and visit enroute at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Jacobson at Bayard, Neb. Both of the 5'oung people are well i known and very popular in Louis ville where the bride has resided since childhood and where the groom has made his home for a number of years and is at present cashier of the Bank of Commerce of that city. Since the removal of the parents of the bride from Louisville she has been making her home with her sis ter, Mrs. Sundstrom. and has been engaged as a bookkeeper in the Bank of Commerce. Mr. Larson was born and reared in Plattsmouth, where His friends are without number, and is a young man of the very highest type of manhood. During the World war he was commissioned a lieuten ant in the army and is at present vice commander of the American Le gion post of the city of Louisville. One the return from the west, Mr. and Mrs. Larson will make their home in Louisville where the groom has a cozy home awaiting the com ing of the wife. Those attending the wedding from outside of Louisville were: Mr. and Mrs. L. Cm. Larson, parents of the groom; Raymond J. Larson. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sydebotham, Rev. and Mrs. John Calvert of Plattsmouth; R. E. Foster and children of Union, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Franzen of Omaha, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barkus and daughter of Bellevue. ENJOY TRLP TO MISSOURI The last week,Mont Shrader, ac companied by his aunt, Mrs. Georgia Creamer, and Mrs. Alex Rhoden and t Mr. and Mrs. Homer Shrader and (family, enjoyed an nuto trip down to, Missouri, where they spent several 'days in the enjoyment of the pleas- j ures of a visit with the Marler and ' i Hutchison families at Jamesport, in i Davirs county. They found that that i section of Missouri has a very large Lfruit crop this season and all the In dications were for a bumper crop of all kinds. SCHOOL DAYS START From Tuesdays Dally. This morning the happy, carefree days of vacation time ceased for the youngsters of the community and the call to school served to impress this fact in their minds most forcibly. The teaching force has been thoroughly nrirani7(f1 hv Riirt TloWnlf In lVi I the high school and grades and the schools start out under the mo3t fa vorable circumstances for the year's work. TWO GOOD GAMES The baseball fans are to have a real treat in the next two Sunday games as Manager John WolfT has secured the Nebraska City team for the coining Sunday and the Ramblers for a return engagement on the Sun day following. Sept. 17th, and both of these are going to be the kind of games that will make you sit up and take notice. J. E. Adams who has been spend ing the summer months at St. Paul, Nebraska, visiting with his sisters and brother there, came in last eve ning for a short visit here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Adams. ENJOY FINE OUTING The members of th- IT. B. church j at Mynard held a most delightful j picnic on Monday at the pleasant j country home of Mr. and Mrs. v. F. Nolte near old Eight'Mile Grove. The day was marked by tl-. serving of a real feast that showed (he skill oi. the ladies of the party and was soon dis posed of by the members of the church and their frit-mis who were in attendance at the gathering. The address of Rev. II. C MiClusky of Plattsmouth was also greatly enjoyed by the picnic party and it was a late1 hour when they returned home ex pressing their appreciation of the de lightful hospitality or Mr. and Mrs. ' Nolte and which permitted them having a good time. PROGRESSIVES PLAN AN ACTIVE FALLCAMPAIGN Name Ed Thimgan of Murdock as Their Candidate for Sheriff at Coming Fall Election. From Wednesday's Daily. Yesterday afternoon the progres sive county central committee met at the court house for the purpose of getting set away for the final stretch in the fall campaign and a good rep resentation was present from over the county to take up the'matter of a real active campaign. The attitude of the state organization has been one not to the liking of the mem bers here who have believed in the starting of the third party and stick ing to the idea rather than the at titude of the members at the state meeting a few weeks ago. At the meeting ysterday the county committee was organized with A. L. Tidd as chairman, C. E. Whittaker as secretary and V. F. Nolte as treasurer. The executive committee selected to assist in the conduct of the cam paign wr.s named and consist; of F. J. Ilennings of Cedar Creek, Mrs. Pauline Young of Murray, and Fred Stock of Murdock, and who will be on the job in assisting in attempt ing to put over tha ikket this fall. In the vacancy tor the nomination for county sheriff, the committee af ter some deliberation decided to name Ed Thimgan. one of the well known and popular young men of the west portion of the county, as the standard bearer for this ofli. e and the nomination was received with the greatest enthusiasm by the mem bers of the committee and Mr. Thim gan, who was present at the meet ing, accepted the nomination tender ed. The new candidate for sheriff ia in the garage business at Murdock and is a gentleman held in the high est esteem by the residents of the county who have the pleasure of knowing him. WILL ATTEND AN EMBALMING SCHOOL CHICAGO John Sattler, Jr.. Departed Sunday For Illinois City to Take up Course in Undertaking. From Tuesday's Dallr. jonn toaiuer, jr.. uepuneu ounwaj j afternoon on No. 2 over the Burling- ton for Chicago, where he goes to j enter Worsham College of Embalm- j ir.g for the winter course that is just , starting. Mr. Sattler will be given a cnmnlptn oourf.e in every branch of the art of embalming and which will give him a thorough understanding of the modern methods in this pro fession. The young man has been spending the past year at the University of Nebraska and deciding to follow the profession that his father has been engaged in for so many years, he will acquire at Chicago the finishing touches in the work that will enable him. to enter the work as a licensed embalmer and undertaker. He is a young man of much tal ent and in his rhosen profession should find a great success. SEEMS VERY QUIET The condition of affairs in the strike situation here have been most pleasing from the standpoint of those who have the enforcement of the law in hand and the attitude of the men on strike has been that of peaceful ; citizens in their right of contending j for their principals without violence , or injury. The care of the violation of the court injunction has been in the hands of U. S. Marshal C. J. O'Con nor and he has been more than ; pleased with the way in which the affairs have been conducted and the removal of the flock of armed guards with shotguns from the passenger station has gone far toward making the situation very acceptable. Mr. O'Connor is hopeful that there will be a general effort made by every . one not on business to remain away from the passenger station as it les-' sens the chances of trouble of any kind there. MERCHANTS GOP A FAST BALL GAME HERE ON SUNDAY Ramblers of Omaha Have Losing End of 2 to 0 Score in Fast Game on Local Lot. Sunday afternoon the fans the greater portion of whom were from up the river gathered at the ball park to witness oue of the best and fastest games of the season and which resulted in the victory being won by the local team by the score of 2 to 0. Manager Wolff had designated Joe McCarthy as the hurler for the oc casion and Joe proved in the best cf form, allowing but one lonely hit and striking out thirteen of the visitors. The fielding of the team was also par excellence and at no time were the Omaha players in dan ger of scoring. The best chances of the visitors were extinguished by a pair of double plays in the game. In the second inning, Bilby secur ed first on being hit by McCarthy nnd was followed by Budd who hit to Gradoville at s'lort and Bilby was forced to Newman at second and Hans threw out Budd at first. White was struck out. The second of the doubles occurred in the fifth inning, when Budd secured first on a bobble of a grounder by Herold, but Pete ame right back when White hit a fly in his territory and doubled Budd at first and nipped off the chance of a score as Miller was whiffed by McCarthy. The Merchants opened their scor ing in the second inning when Shep herd secured a clean hit to the cen ter garden and also picked up a couple of stolen bases around to third, and when Budd at third was unable to handle the grounder of Joe McCarthy, Shepherd registered. The third inning gave the locals an other run to their credit, when Wolff rapped one to the right field line that was called safe and Johnnie rested on second when the ball was recovered, took third on a passed ball and scored on Herold's hit to third base. This closed the scoring for the game and both teams showed good fielding form in the remainder of the contest. Martin, the mound artist of the visitors, pitched a good game as only four hits were annexed off his delivery and nil who saw the game ere more than pleased with Its speed and clean playing. The Ram blers are a fast and clean bunch of young men and one of the best teams teen here this season. The tabulated score of the game is as follows: Merchants ab h po a e Herold, 3b 3 113 1 ODonnell, lb 4 0 7 0 0 Newman. 2b 4 0 3 3 0 Shepherd, c 3 1 14 1 0 McCarthy, p 3 1110 Gradoville, ss 3 0.1 1 0 Sprecher. cf 3 0 0 0 0 Mason, If 3 0 0 0 0 Wolff, rf v- 3 1 0 0 0 Totals 20 4 27 10 1 Ramblers ab h po a e Burns, lb 4 0 10 0 0 Crabb, cf 3 0 0 0 0 Black, ss 3 116 1 Bilby, If 3 0 10 0 Budd, 3b 3 0 2 2 2 White, 2b 3 0 3 4 0 Miller, rf 3 0 0 0 0 Herb, c 3 0 6 0 0 Martin, p 3 0 1 0 i 0 Totals 2S 1 24 12 3 MAN THOUGHT DEAD SCREAMS IN HEARSE Weeping Water Laborer, Injured by Live Wire, Taken Home by Undertaker is Injured. Lincoln, Sept. 5. Three days ago Frank A. Kennedy, state labor com missioner, received a request to fill out a death benefit for G. J. Lohnas, a Weeping Water laborer. It was stated he had been killed by a live wire. Today Kennedy received a request to change the benefit from death to accident. A letter from Mrs. Lohnas accompanied the last reguest. She stated that immediately after the ac cident a physician was Called. "He needs a hearse and not a doc tor," the physician said. The hearse was called. Mrs. Lohnas was notified and a minister summoned to the Loh nas home. Friends gathered and all awaited the hearse. "When the 'hearse drove up and the door was opened Mr. Lohnas was screaming with pain," Mrs. Lohnas said. "However, his injuries are ser ious. Kennedy ordered the insurance company to pay S15 a week until Lohnas recovered from his injuries. Forest Cunningham of near Ne hawka was here yesterday afternoon for a few hours to attend to some matters of business and to attend the progressive party committee meeting. TENNIS TOURNAMENT GOING From Tuesday's raily. Saturday afternoon a number of matches in the city tennis handicap tournament were played and a num ber are now ready for the second round of the sporting event. Edgar Wescott won from George Perry, S-6. C-2: Robert Walling defeated B. C. Doolan, 7-5, 6-4, and Rev. John Calvert won from James Kuykendall by the score of 6-4, 6-4. The matches between Ray Larson and Jess Warga and Eugene Lister and T. M. Patter son are awaited with interest as these are some of the best players in the city and should afford some real ten nis work. DEATH COMES TO MRS. HARRIETT VAN WIE SATURDAY Resident of Nebraska Masonic Home Who Has Been Bedfast Since 1902, Called to Long Rest On Saturday evening at 5:30 at the Nebraska Masonic Home in this city, where for the past eleven years she has resided, Mrs. Harriett Van Wie was called to the last long rest. The death came after a severe attack of pneumonia and a period of long sick ness as the deceased lady has been bedfast since April 13, 1902, and practically helpless the greater part of the time, as the result of a para lytic stroke. Mrs. Van Wie was born November 1, 1844, at Salem, Wis., and made her home in that state up to 1888, when the family came to Nebraska ami located at Lincoln. She was a charter member of East Lincoln chapter 148, Order of Eastern Star, and following her stroke of paralysis in 1902 she was brought to the Home here on June 11, 1911, where she has since resided. She was a lady of Christian char acter and uncomplainingly bore the cross of pain and suffering that had been her misfortune to have come to her and was bright and cheerful un der the suffering and her personality endeared her to all those who had the pleasure of knowing her. The death of her son, Fred Van Wie of Waverly, two months ago, had a very depressing effect on the aged lady and her decljne has been very rapid and an attack of pneu monia was too severe for her frail body to bear and quietly she sank to rest. She is survived by her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Fred Van Wie, and two granddaughters, Mrs. John Lod er and Miss Harriett Van Wie of Waverly and the two granddaughters were here with their grandmother at the time of her death. The body was taken to Lincoln Saturday evening and the funeral services held Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Vine Congregational church in that city. Rev. Bullock, of ficiating. The interment was at Wy uka cemetery. NOWAT "HOSPITAL Fronr Tuenday' lju.u, Mrs. William Kief, who was taken to the University hospital In Omaha on Sunday, is to be operated on to day for the removal of a goitre that has been giving her more or less trouble for a number of years. The many friends are hopeful that the patient will find relief in the opera tion from her malady. Boys and Girls! When your fathers and mothers were boys and girls, the banks were for grown ups only. Children in those days seldom had bank accounts. Today things are different. Lots of Plattsmouth boys 4nd girls keep their money in this bank. They know that we are their good friends that we are here to help them save, to help them build for success. We want to help you too. The First NsIhonal Sank THE BANK WHERE YOU FEEL AT HOWE PLATTSMOUTH Member Federal Reserve Ik ASKS TEN THOUS AND DAMAGES OF CASS COUNTY Mrs. Jennie V. Fantham of Rapid City, Iowa, Asks for This Sum for Alleged Injuries. From Tuesday's Dally. The board of county commission ers at their session this morning were faced with a claim for the Mini of $10,950 filed by Mrs. Jennie Fan tham, C. II. Fantham and Earl Fan tham as the result of injuries that the claimants state occurred as the result of their auto running into the ditch on the O street road south of the town of Elm wood. Mrs. Fantham asks the sum of $10,000 for personal injury, while the remainder of the claim is asked by the husband and son. It is alleged that the accident oc curred on August 2nd when the three claimants were traveling on the O street road toward the went and in going down the hill failed to make the turn and ran into the ditch that has existed for a gr-at many years there and which is cov ered by a bridge a short distance south of the turn in the road. The road has been kept In good shape by the county and the bridge also is in first class shape, but the sharp turn in the road has apparent ly been the cause of the many ac cidents that have occurred there as parties coming from the east who are not familiar with the road and traveling at a good rate of speed can easily miss the turn and as the result go over into the ditch instead of crossing the bridge a short dist ance south. In regard to the matter the coun ty authorities can see no Justifica tion of a claim for the heavy dam ages and the matter will probably be aired in the district court, as the county commissioners are not in the mood to allow the large amount asked for by the parties in the ac tion. NOW OUT OF HOSPITAL The many old time friends here of Ole Roman, who was injured Home time ago while operating a "dinky" engine in one of the logging camps in Washington, will be pleased to learn that Mr. Roman has been able to leave the hospital at Chalton. Wash., where he had spent several weeks recovering from the effects of his injuries. TO STUDY NURSING Two of Plattsmouth's popular young ladies. Misses Helen E;en bergtr and Betty Ptak, are at the Mercy hospital in Chicago, whero they have entered to take a course in nursing at that institution and will remain there for the present term studying the latest methods of nursing training. UNDERGOING OBSERVATION Henry Timm of near Murray, who was taken to the University hospital a few days ago, is reported as feel ing a little better at the present time. The exact cause of the sickness of Mr. Timm is not known and the pa tient will be kept under observation for some time longer. NEBRASKA. IP