The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 04, 1922, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1922.
Denounces Action at Chicago as an
Outrage Proposes Raising
Money For Carrying on.
Washington. Sept. 1. Regardless
of tfie injunction issuing at Chicago
toilay. the American Federation of
Iabor 'will continue to raise funds
ami supplies in am ct smKers, us
president. Samuel Goi.ipcrs, declared
tonight, and will seek every way to
help them to bring about "n honor-
able adjustment" of their cont rover-
sy. Mr. Compers declared the injunc-
tion was '"out radons"' and an "iii-
vasion of the constitutional rights of ; iiorse iiici-s. apitce
worklngmcn" and should be so rc-' Renie;ri)er th(? date. We come to
parded. The federation s view, he j . ' w,n positlvely be in Platts
artdvrt. "was as expressed on previous - h on the d advertised, pre
ocasions. that Injunc tions invading i d to take care of aH pouitry of-
iiiiisuiuiiuiuii rjrfiits Mii'uiu uc mm-
.- i as Mraps ui jui'ei.
Condemning the injunction. Mr.
Gompers declared it represented j . . -
usurpation of power by courts and t cT7T?PPT;rTi 01 TCIItTHDAY
asserted the federation would con- bUitKlb-L-U UJM XtiJlX-tllAi
tinue supporting the strike with . '
monev and aid. . At the home of his daughter Mrs.
"The injunction." he said, "might I- E- Wiles. Jr.. near Murray, Chris
be stirring up a hornet's nest in-, Schumaker was greatly surprised
stead oX pacifying the settlement, when some thirty of the relatives
"b-rause tl.eiv are other railroad gathered to assist him in celebrating
workers, the trainmen, the telegra- his birthday anniversary. The par-pl-.-rs,
the ma inter.:, nee of wav men. ty came well provided with good
), nn:i- i,..,n,o i ti t f ro;T o! I thintrs to eat and the occasion was
don't know what thtv will do. how-
... . "... .
ever, lie remarke.:. "i m just men-
tioning them.'
"This injunction is a most outrag
eous thing, a process of the manufac
turer f radicalism and bolshevism in
this country.'
Scores Republican Party
?..'r. (J.)iipers continued:
"It 1 quite strange, in our repub
lic, founded on the principles of lib-
,TlV , t, p .
was ,-. I by I fn.-oln and Garrison o
abolition of human slavery, should
row be engaged in a movement for,
he restoration of compulsory human
a ,P,r"
"I am quite sure the result o this
function will on y be to solidify
the men to strengthen the support
cf public opinion behind them. We
s-e that the railroads need no law- j
ycr In these matters lor Attorney
General Daughcrty and the depart
ment of justice becomes the attor
ney of the railroad companies. While
the action amount.? to a confession
that the strike is to be successful, it t
is ttran?- that all powers of the gov-
eminent should be brought to force
the surrender of rights by the men.
when not one m ve has been made
by the government to enforce diree-
t:op of the railroad labor board J
when ninety-two railroads in 104 i
s parato r..?;s have violated its or-dt-rs."
Turning to thr; iniuntion itself.
Mr. GompTs said he was informed i
it forliade the "men or their repre
sentative to write letters, circulate
statements by words of mouth or
"Why didn't they stop the radio
and forbid then using the ether?"
he inquired. "The American Federa
tion of Labor has advised members
in previous injunction rases to treat
as scraps of paper these court or
ders which invade their constitution
al rights."
He was asked here if he consider
ed this injunction to invade consti
tutional rights.
"I don't consider it does I know
it does," he exclaimed emphatically.
"But I am not advising these men t
what to do. I assume they know,
They will use their own judgment.
Mr. and Mrs. James II. Donnelly of
Omaha received the rood news this
morning of the fact that a fine little
daughter, who has been named Mary
Alice, had arrived at the home of
Captain and Mrs. George Fingarscn
at Camp Meade, Md.. where the fam
ily have been located for the last
yrar. Mrs. Fingarpon was formerly
Miss Marie Donnelly of this city and
the news of the arrival of the little
one brings much pleasure to the
friends here as well as to Mrs. Don
nelly and Grandpa Jim.
J. G. Lohnes, son Martin, and
daughter, Ella, of near Cedar Creek,
were here Saturday looking after
some matters of business.
The Time Is Here
For the summer and fall plowing which is pre
paring for the winter wheat and for the crops of next
We have the machinery, plows, horse or power
drawn, sulky, gang or walking style.
Our "Red Baby" will do your hauling.
Coatman Hardware Co.,
Poultry Wanted!
A car load of live poultry wanted
to he delivered at poultry car near
the Burlington freight house. Platts
niouth on Thursd ty, Sept. 7th. One
day only, for which we will pay the
Cash Prices
, Hens, per lb '
-,:. p- n, 17c
! f""L ' 1 i 7r
! Old Cox. per iO -
! Ducks, per lb C
i Geese, per lb lC
; - 'jies veT ft. He
r . o rtn
ffrrp,l for sale
one of the greatest of pleasure to all
f 1. . . I"., ; 1 t- A .1 i ii 'fir ra flnv
l"- '-"""J- - .-". "-
lyder. of Weeping Water, baked a
fine Angfl food cake. Those to enjoy
the occasion were: Mr. and Mrs. Ros
coo a:id sons, Wilmer and
Ralph from Avoca: Mr. and Mrs. Guy
Snyder and children. Roy, Bernese
ami Minnie of Weeping Water; Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Schumaker and
children. James and Evelyn; Mr. and
Mrs. Noah Parker and little daugh-
ter. Helene; Mr. and Mrs. Edward
children. Lester. Ge-
y , G(jlJ , FJoig
Murra'v; ;.ir. aiuI jifS. .;. L Wiles
POn Richard. The dinner was
served in cafeteria style and Mr.
chelated at the cutting
birthday cake,
c cm -cr t, Tr,;
State Shenff ?oesn Wait J0r, GV
ernor to Investigate Looks
Matter Up Himself.
"None of mv men were authorized
either by the covernor or by me to
be at or near N'ehawka. The alleged
rough treatment could not have been
connected, in any way, with this de
partment during the past year," said
State Sheriff (Jus livers Fridav when
his attention was called to an article
in the morning issue of the State
The article lin d to do with the ar
rest of James Thomas, of Omaha, a
salesman, at Xehawka. for not hav
ing hiv automobile card properly dis
played in his car. The Nebraska City
News, in reciting the alleged arrest,
indicated that Thomas was roughly
treated by state agents and would
complain to the governor.
A stor; in the Nebraska City
Press indicates that Thomas was
slapped in the face, hustled to Platts-
mouth and fined for alleged viola
tion of the motor vehicle law after
erroneous testimony had been offer-
ed against him by three deputy state
sheriffs. Thomas, according to this
account, admitted that his ownership
certificate was not in the car, but
that he produced it from a coat pock
et. Thomas is a salesman for the
United States Rubber company.
The state sheriff instructed his
secretary to carefully review the
files of the past year. A daily rec
ord is kept of the whereabouts of
each state agent. Deputies must re
port exactly what they do each day.
No record could be found of the ar
rest complained of. State Journal.
The complaint here was made by
State Deputy Sheriff William Grebe,
who made the arrest of the man
Thomas at Nehawka.
Call at tae Journal office for fine
gift stationery, in both large and
small boxes.
Ladies Who were Here for a Few
Days Have Trouble at Falls
City Yesterday.
A few days since it was chronicled
that two young ladies from Minne
apolis caliming to represent a mag
azine circulating firm of that city,
had been separated from their travel
ing companions, two young men, the
authorities giving the members of
the party the good advice that they
had better travel alone in the fu
ture. The separation was, however, not
relasant either to the girls or the
young men and they accordingly
pined for the moment when they
might once more take up the gipsey
trail to the south together. Yester
day afternoon the two girls, who
gave the names of Lillian and Gene
Anderson received the financial re
lief that secured them a railroad
ticket to Beatrice, or at least that is
the destination that they gave, but
from all reports they seem not to
have tarried there long as last night
a message was received here from
Falls City in regard to the party.'
The two young men. W. II. Em
ery and II. L. Barber, who have been
out hustling since the girls were
separated from them, had evidently
kept in close touch with the ladles
as all of the party gathered at the
city down the river last night, but
the naughty Fall City minions of the
law evidently did not look with
pleasure on the quartet and once
more deep and lasting gloom settled
down on the four young people.
The girls when here stated that
they had starteil from Minneapolis
with the intention of reaching Wich
ita, Kansas, where they were sup
posed to" meet a party of ten other
sales ladies and a manager, and trie
authorities here tried to secure a
promise from the girls to return
horn? but without success as both
ladies were of age and felt their ca
reer lay in disposing of the maga
zine subscriptions to the public.
Shopmen and Affiliated Bodies are
Literally Restrained from the
Taking of Any Action.
Chicago, Sept. 1. Taking one of
the most drastic steps ever attempt
ed in a strike situation, the United
States government today obtained a
temporary federal order restraining
striking railroad shopmen, their of
ficers and affiliated bodies through
out the country from interfering In
any way whatever with the operation
of the nation's railroads.
The restraining order, hearing on
which was set for September 11, was
issued by Federal Judge James II.
Wilkerson upon the petition of Unit
ed States Attorney General Daugher
ty, who cr.rre here from Washington
to argue the action.
The order enjoins until the' hear
ing, all railway employes, attorneys,
servants, arents,' at ?oci:'.tes and all
persons acting In aid or in conjunc
tion with them from in any manner
interfering with, hindering or ob
structing railway companies, their
agents, servants or employes in the
operation of their respective rail
roads and systems of transportation
or the performance of their public
duties and obligations in the trans
portation of passengers and prop
erty, in interstate commerce and the
carriage of the mails, and from in
any manner interfering with em
ployes engaged in inspection, repair,
operation and use of trains, locomo
tives, cars and other equipment and
from attempting to prevent any per
son from freely entering into or con
tinuing In the employ of the com-
panies for the purpose of inspection
and repairing of locomotives and
cars or otherwise.
Survival of Government
The underlying principle involved
in the action, the attorney general
said in concluding his argument for
the order, is "the survival and the su
premacy of the government of the
United States."
Declaring that his request was not
aimed at union labor, the attorney
general said that the step was neces
sary to the preservation of the
unions themselves. At the same time
he asserted that the government ex
pected to use its authority to "pre
vent the labor unions from destroy
ing the open shop."
"When the unions claim the right
to dictate to the government and to
dominate the American people and
deprive the American people of the
necessities of life," he warned, "then
the government will destroy the
unions, for the government of the
United States Is supreme and must
The railway employes' department
of the American Federation of La
bor, B. M. Jewell, its president; J.
F. McGrath, vice president, and John
Scott, secretary-treasurer, together
with the six shopcrafts brotherhoods,
the 120 system federations and their
presidents and secretaries were made
defendants in the attorney general's
"Strike Will Continue" .
Officials of the shopcrafts assert
ed that the order would have no ef
fect on continuance of the strike.
"The strike will continue until a
satisfactory settlement has been
reached," Secretary Scott said. W.
H. Johnston, president of the Inter
national Association of Machinists,
said that leaders will not abate their
efforts to make the strike effective,
despite any action taken by the
courts. B. M. Jewell, head of the
shopcrafts, issued no statement and
at his headquarters early tonight it
was reported that he was "in con
ference." While Mr. Daughcrty, Blackburn
Esterline, his assistant, and Charles
(Mine. United States district attor
ney, all refused to comment on the
possible effect of the injunction Mr.
Daughcrty said his future moves will
be governed entirely by the actions
of the persons enjoined.
In his presentation before the
court Mr. Daugherty reviewed the
efforts at mediation, particularly
Fresident Harding's attempts to end
the strike. He called attention to
the fact that the railroad labor
board is an agency of the govern
ment and that the president issued a
proclamation calling upon the strik
ers to return to work, obey the de
cisions of the board, and in any event
not to interfere with the transporta
tion service or with the men willing
to enter or continue in service.
Big Event Attended by Very Large
Crowd and Fine Time Enjoyed
Both Day and Night.
Frvm Saturday's tally.
The second annual community pic
nic was held yesterday by the citi
zens of Murray at the pleasant grove
of John Farris. south of that place
and one of the largest crowds of the
year was present to spend the day.
At the noon hour at the picnic
grounds the ladies of Murray served
dinner in cafeteria style and from all
reports by the I'lattsmouth delega
tion which was present at the picnic,
it was a real feast in every sense of
the word. Fried chicken, with all the
trimmings that the Cass county
housewife knows how to prepare was
served to the well pleased crowd and
rapidly disposed of by the hungry
In the afternoon a program was
given consisting of a piano number
by Mrs. Roy Cole, vocal selections
by the little daughter of Mr. and
Airs. Olen Vallery and Miss Helen
Wescott. while Mayor Troy L. Davis
of Weeping Water, was the chief
orator of the -occasion. A mixed
quartet of Mrs. Vance Pitman, Miss
Helen Todd, L. D. Hiatt and liev.
Lee gave several numbers which were
much enjoyed.
Later in the afternoon the Elks
band of this city under the direc
tion of E. II. Schulhof gave a most
delightful concert jn their usual
pleasing manner and for which the
people of Murray feel particularly
grateful to the band boys and the
lodge that made tlie concert possible.
In the way of sports the baseball
game between the Murray and Sci
ota teams attracted the gentlemen
of the crowd to the diamond.
In the evening a social dance giv
en at the Pul3 hall attracted a very
large crowd and among these a num
ber from Plattsmouth. to trip the
light fantastic to the music furnish
ed by the Jaz-Classique band of Om
The Nebraska Farm Bureau Fed
eration will have a tent on the state
fair grounds again this year for the
convenience of members who will
visit the exposition.
Efforts of II. D. Lute, secretary of
the Nebraska Farm Bureau Federa
tion have so far been unsuccessful
in obtaining a speaker of national
reputation for the fair program.
United States Senator Capper was
appealed to, but has notified Mr.
Lute that press of business in the
national capitol will prevent his at
tendance. In the event that no speaker of
high caliber is obtained, the use of
the auditorium on the fair grounds
will not be requested, Mr. Lute re
ports. W. A. ROBERTSON
Coates Block Second Floor !
Next Tuesday, Sept. 5th
Oh! ye fateful day!
Any boy can tell you what happens on that day.
If he appears delighted and cheerful over the
prospect, there's something wrong - better take
him to the doctor. If there is anything wrong
with his clothes bring him here. We will pre
scribe one of our new
ers at $7.50, $10 or $12. Also Kaynee waists,
fast colors, $1; Munsing underwear, $1; Dress
Parade stockings, 40c; and a new cap 50c to $1.25.
your boy the best start you can.
Ask about "American Boy!"
C. E. Wescott?s Sons-
Home of Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Stander
Throv.Ti Open to Guests Last
Friday Evening.
Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Stander enter
tained a large number of friends at
their home on Cherry street last Fri
day evening from seven-thirty until
ten in honor of their son-in-law and
daughter. Rev. and Mrs. O. W. Lowe,
whose recent marriage was chroni
cled in last week's Courier.
The guests were met at the door
by Theodore Stander, brother of the
bride and in the receiving line were
Mr. and Mrs. Stander and Rev. and
Mrs. Lowe. The bride was beauti
fully attired in her wedding gown,
which is of white satin crepe em
broidered with pearls and she wore
a corsage bouquet of pink roses. Her
gown, and in fact, her whole trous
seau was fashioned by a Japanese
tailor and was made in Tokio where
she has taught the past two years
in the American college.
Lady fingers and punch were serv
ed by the young sister and brother
of the bride, Hetty and Frankie
Stander, assisted by two little neigh
bor girls, Minerva Worthman and
Edna Koop, who officiated very deftly
and sweetly.
One room down stairs was decorat
ed entirely in Japanese and Chinese
style, the articles bein.g beautiful
and interesting and were gathered
by the brido during her travels in
the Orient or were presented to her
by her pupil3 and friends in that far
off land and highly prized by her.
The fans, paras-oH, hangings, pic
tures, lanterns, cherry blossoms and
many other articles made a pleasing
sight and were examined with inter
est by the assembled guests.
Mrs. Lowe was born in Louisville
and her host of friends have always
felt a great pride and interest in her
and she ami her esteemed husband
were showered with best wishes and
congratulations. Louisville Courier.
We are in receipt of an interest
ing letter from our old friend. Mrs.
Charles Fetzer, who is making an ex
tended visit at her old home in Wis
consin, where she has a number of
relatives and schoolmates besides her
On August 20, the children cele
brated in honor of the birthdays of
her parents. Mr. and Mrs. George
Mcisest, Sr. Her father was 80 and
her mother was S3. This elderly cou
ple are pioneer citizens in that vi
cinity which is near Manitowoc. They
reside on a small place near their old
1 . J .1 l.nn.Y,
near them all tneir cnnuren exceoi
one son. Fred, who lives in Seattle.
All but this son were at the celebra
tion. Five great grandchildren were
present and in all, about forty child
ren. This splendid old couple retired
from their farm life about twenty
vears ago and are enjoying tho
fruits of their years of industry and
their later years are filled with many
Mrs. Fetzer has been having a very
pleasant visit and says she has en
joyed receiving the Courier which
reaches hef just about as promptly
there as she could get it here on the
Her parents have a number of ac
quaintances and friends here'who
will be pleased to hear of the cele
bration in their honor and who will
join us in extending congratulations
and best wishes for continued good
health and happiness. Louisville
The September Bed Book with fic
tion by Rupert Hughes, E. Phillips
Oppenheim, Richard W. Childs and
Robert Wagner offers a wealth of
pleasure to the reader. The new
Red Books are here at the Journal
office now. Call early for your copy
of this popular magazine.
Fall suits with 2 pair knick
Those Teaching in One and Two
Eooin Schools Here for Meet
ing With. County Supt.
from Saturday's Dally.
The rural teachers of one and two
room buildings met in the district
court room at 10 a. m. Friday, Sep
tember 1st.
The morning session was given
over to Supt. DeWolf and Dr. Dillon,
f iroitii orwl f.niloh.
IV 1 1 V. A. lllli C(tt V J. 111A U Utt V V- 1 U
orating epidemiologist, U. S., P. H.
! s.
Supt. Dc-Wolf's address was not
only very helpful to the young teach
ers but also an Inspiration to those
j of wide experience.
Dr. Dillon gave a practical dem-
lonstration of how the health exam
inations given yearly in our schools
(should be conducted. He emphasized
, the fact that health education is of
utmost importance and gave many
i reasons why it should not be neglect
ed. .
During the noon Intermission the
teachers obtained the supplies which
thev were to take with them to their
i schools and from 1 until 3 n. m. the
county superintendent, Miss Alpha
' Peterson, explained the uses of these
supplies and showed the teachers
J how much depends up accuracy and
! promptness In the matter of records
; and reports.
I In accordance with the wishes of
't the Cass County Agricultural Fair
' hoard. Miss Peterson will endeavor
i to ha ve each district represented not
jonly with an educational exhibit but
jalso with a float or other demon
stration in the parade which will be
: staged on the last day of the fair,
Friday, Sept. 29th.
; School boards and teachers are ask
j cil to co-operate with the superin
, tendent in making this a great suc
cess. A clay at the fair win be or
: great educational value to the teach
trs and their pupils. Our county su
j pernitendent I-j ever on the alert to
; promote the best interests of the Cass
i county schools
The following teachers were in
attendance at the above mentioned
Myrtle Foster, Mary Egenberger
Delia Brown, Wilma Rainey, Estello
Tritsch, Grace Duff, Maybel Hoback
Margaret Swan, Leslie Everett, Gla
dys August, Mary Jackman, Nellie
Earls, Alma Oehlerking, Bessie La
! Rue, Melvina Lodwig, Bertha Jo-
scphson, Martha Bird, Mae Barker,
Florence Jewell, Lucy Stava, Mrs
Hilda Coffman, Lillian Van Epps,
Delia Leddy, Ethel Hazen. Mrs. Eth
el Schneider, Mrs. Delia Mocken-
haupt, Ethel Hunter, Mytrle Frazier,
Earl Babbitt, Doris Hansen, Eva
Phelps, Leota Hackenberg, Grettal
Hnckenberg, Helen Stander, Thelma
Olson, Grace Hulfish, Inez Teachman,
Mildred Barden, Lois Lean, Florene
Tritsch, Elizabeth Bajeek, Opal Tur
ner, Kate Mat lies. Esther R. Miller,
Thelma Kilgore, Bornice Mendenhall,
Mrs. Ruth Appleman, Pauline Bur
lingame, Marie Fitzpatrick, Opal El
lis, Ruth Curyea, Mildred Mickle,
Laura Tuck. Mrs. Margaret Miller,
Alta Duckworth. Clara Itissman,
Mrs. Mae Allen Heneger, Inez Fos
berg, Kathryn Wadick. Lita Connell,
Edith Reese, Marie Martin, Mamie
Maher, Bernice Burch, Mrs. Anne
Wright, Lulu Hartman, Rosemary
The regular monthly social of the
Epworth League was held on Thurs
day evening at the pleasant home of
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Wescott and was
in the nature of a lawn party and
watermelon "feed." The lawn was
very attractively arranged with the
varied colored lanterns and made a
fitting spot for the gathering and
here games of all kinds were enjoy
ed to the utmost until the hour for
home going when the members de
parted, wishing for many more as
happy occasions.
$7.00 per cord in timber. F. T.
Ramge, Plattsmouth. sl-2w,d&w
Blank books at the Journal Office.
Nebraska American Legion Auxil
iary Presents Badio Set to Col
fax (la.) Institution.
Music now fills the halls of Unit
ed States hospital Xo. 7 5 at Colfax,
la., where many war veterans are
American Legion auxiliary, de
partment of Nebraska, 6,000 mem
bers, yesterday afternoon presented
to the hospital a radio outfit that
cost $390.
Every hospital bed has a receiver.
I and spvpra rnae-nflhnxps throw thf
. - -7
j music and messages into corridors.
Mrs. Edgar 13. 1'enney, president,
and Mrs. J. E. Baird, national com
mittwoman, made the presentation
for the auxiliary. Radio took Mrs.
Fenney's message to bedfast veter
ans. Bellevue school, which has SO vet
erans as students, today will receive
from the auxiliary, in formal presen
tation ceremonies, a saxophone, a set
of bells, a trombone and a cornet to
complete its orchestra.
The auxiliary assessed Its mem
bers 10 cents each for the Colfax ra-
dio outfit and raised money for the
liellevue gift by holding a daisy sale,
i ne I'Jattsmoutn auxiliary nas nau
a part in both of the good deeds by
making a liberal donation to the ra
dio outfit for the hospital and also
in the contribution of their funds
from the sale of daisies to the spe
cial donation to the Bellevue school
for war veterans.
My residence property, 9 lots, 6
room cottage, lights, furnace and
furnace room, cistern and city wa
ter, a deep cave, barn and other
buildings. All kinds of fruit, straw
berries, grapes, a bed of asparagus,
3 lots in alfalfa, a large lawn with
shade trees. Will sell reasonable if
bought direct from owner.
a30-30td JOHN MAURER. SR.
thats the socks!
Same old reliable "Toe and
Heel." Same old good wear
and good looks. But a new
style in silk and lisle. The new
ribbed sock that sets them go
ing this Fall.
The price