The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 04, 1922, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1922.
T1 71 fpa Tl
Largest Line of All the Needs of the School Can Be
Found at Our Store.
Tablets 5 and 1 Oc "
Greatest Values Since the Pre-War Days Are Awaiting You!
History Paper and Loose Leaf Covers
Water Color Paints and Crayolas
Camel Hair Brushes
All Different Kinds of Note Books are now on Our Shelves for Your Inspection.
Composition Books! Spelling Books!
Note Books!
Prices are Such that You Will Be More than Surprised!
Inks of All Colors for Your Use!
Call in and Select Your Supplies for the Opening Day
of the School Time!
The Journal Stationery
Where Your Wants Can Be Fully Supplied.
apartment i
Church OSccrs Not Allowed to Man
ufacture Wir.e for use of Indi
viduals cr Congregation.
the regulations declared, that two
gallons of sacramental wine a year
for each member of the family is
No Substitute Offered
Washington. Aug. 2S. New regu
lations covering distribution of wine
for sacramental purposes, in aecord
with the r-cont opinion of Attorney
General Daugherty, were issued by
Internal Revenue Commissioner Blair
to become effective September 25.
The regulations provide that man
ufacturers or importers of saeramen
t'il wine may sell only to rabbis, min
isters, priests or other authorized of
ficials of a church. Church officers
may rot manufacture wine for their
individual use or for the use of the
congregation, but may qualify as pro
prietors of bended wineries for the
jur - of manufacturing wine for
religions purposes or may be employ
ed by qu-iiified wine-makers to super
vN.. the production of sacramental
vines. .
Distribution of sacramental wines
liiid-T the regulations will be made
thru duly appointed officers of the
bun hi-. or congregations who are
prohibited from selling to others, but
vlii re it v.a the practice of mem
bers of coiisrrc sat ions before the ad
vent of proiii hit ion to use wine for
fa'-r?n;c-nal purposes in the home, it
may be furnished to such housthold
trs in necessary quantities.
With respect to the Jewish faith,
the regulations provide that only
those who have ben accustomed to
celebrate religion rites in their
homes which require the use of wine
will be entitled' to receive wine for
such purposes. It should be assumed
. Say what you will about druggists
offering something "just as good" be
cause it pays a better profit, the fact
still stands that ninety-nine out of a
(hundred druggists recommend Cham
berlains Colic and uiarrn,oea iteni
edy, when the best medicine for diar
rhoea is asked for, and do so because
they know from what their custo
mers say of it. that it ca nbe de
pended upon. Weyrich & Iladraba.
355th Infantry to Attend Divisional
Convention at Omaha Next
Month All Nebraskans.
Fro Saturday's rally.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Horn in this city was the scene of a
very plensant gathering the past few
days when Mrs. Horn enjoyed a visit
with two of her sisters, and it being
the first time in twenty years that
the ladies have been together. Mrs.
Edith Fornoff of Hayes Center was
her? visiting and a few days later
Mr. and Mrs. Uals Volk of McLean,
arrived unexpectedly for a visit and
afforded the unusual pleasure of the
three sifter.-? meeting. It is needless
to say that the occasion was enjoyed
to the utmost. Mrs. Fornoff departed
this morning Tor her home in the
west, going to Omaha where she join
ed a party of friends who are driv
ing to Hayes Center in an auto.
The Ideal Purgative
As a purgative. Chamberlain's
Tablets are the exact thing required.
Strong enough for the most robust,
mild enough for children. They cause
mi agreeable movement of the bowels
without any of that terrible griping.
They are easy and pleasant to take
and agreeable in effect. Weyrich &
The Car You Want
This is the new agency of this popular make of auto.
Call and look them over.
Mason's Garage
Lower Main Street
Omaha, Aug. 31. The eighty
ninth Division reunion of the A. K.
F., at Omaha, Sept. 20 to 22, will In
clude numerous reunions of the var
ious regiments of companies which
made up the division. All of these
minor reunions will take place at the
same time as the major one and will
be added attractions to the visiting
The Three Hundred and Fifty-fifth
Infantry, the all Nebraska regiment,
is one of the best organized regi
ments of the division. Its reunion at
Grand Island last year was attend-
i ed by a thousand former members of
j the outfit,
j The all Kansas regiment or the
; Three Hundred Fifty-third Infantry,
i3 equally well organized. This regi
ment won one of the highest honors
a unit of soldiers can receive, when
its regimental colors were decorated
with the Croix De Guerre by the
French government on May 1, 1919,
for its remarkable work in the nu
merous offenses.
Reunions will be held by tho Three
Hundred Fifty-fourth Infantry, the
Three Hundred Fifty-fourth Infan
try, the Three Hundred Fortieth
Field Artillery, the Three Hundred
orty-seconrt Field Artillery, tne
Three Hundred Fourteenth Sanitary
and Supply Trains, the Three Hun
dred Fourteenth Engineers and the
Three Hundred Forty-first Machine
Gun P.attalion.
In addition the various companies
are planning banquets and company
conventions so that the visitors may
meet all their former messmates.
Regimental dugouts will be estab
lished at the divisional P. C. and the
city auditorium.
Washington. Aug. 31. Tho $4,
000,000,000 soldiers bonus bill was
passed today by tho senate and now
goes to conference. The vote was
47 to 22, with party lines wiped out.
The roll call follows:
Fore the bonus republicans:
Rrandegeo, liursum, Cameron, Cap
per, Colt, Cummins, Curtis, Gooding,
Kale, Jones (Washington), Kellogg,
La Follette, Lenroot, Lodge, McCor
T;ikk, McCumlu-r, McLean, McNary,
Nicholson, Oddie, Rawson, Short
ridge, Stanfielil. Sutherland, Town
send, Watson (Indiana), and Willis
Democrats Ashurst, Broussard;
Culberson, Fletcher, Gerry, Hetlin,
Hitchcock, Kendrick, McKellar, Pitt
i.ian, l'omerene, Ransdell, Reed of
Missouri. Robinson, Shepyard, Sim
mons, Smith, Traminell, Walsh of
Massachusetts and Walsh of Montana
Total 47.
Ag.'iinst the bonus:
Republicans Hall. Horah, Calder,
Dillingham, F.dge, France, Freling
hiiysen. Keyes, Nelson, New, Phipps,
Reed of Pennsylvania, Smoot, Ster
ling and Wadsworth 15.
Democrats Dial, Glass, Myers,
Shields, Swnuson, Underwood, and
Williams 7.
Total 22.
The senate discussion was opened
by Senator Lodge, who argued that
the government owed compensation
to tho soldier.-, and disputed the the
ory that the proposed bonus would loo great a burden on the
ti'casu ry.
Sterling Loses Patience
Ser.:itor Sterling, republican, South
Dakota, renev. ed his opposition to
the whole proposal, saying he nad
h.rt patience with the "ever recur
ring argument'' that the former ser-vi'.-e
men should have a bonus be
: n.i e congress had voted huge sums
y.i settlement of war contracts and
ttc govern men i had not checked pro
fiteering during the war.
Supporting the bonus. Senator
l'ouKTinc, democrat, Ohio, declared
that whatever the fate of the pend
i;: bill, sentiment thruout the coun
try would not be satisfied until
:-.':n"thing had been done for the vet
erans by the government.
Three senators were present and to vote because of pairs, and
i'.veuiy-four senators, sixteen repub
licans and eiht democrats were ab-
Pairs were announced as follows:
Hsrreld for, Dupont against. Stan
ley for, Ernst against. Jones of New
Mexico for, Fernald against. Harris
for, Paigo against. Spencer for, New
berry against (Newberry present and
not voting). Overman for, Warren
against (Warren present and not
voting). Johnson for, Watson or
Georgia against (Watson present and
not voting). Harrison for, Moses
pgnust. Pomdexter for, King
against. Norbcck for, Pepper against
Absentees who were without pairs
Caraway for, Elkins for. Ladd for
Mv-Krnley lor, Norris for, Owen
agninst. Weller, position not an
Immediately after the passage o
the measure, the senate directed
t hat it be returned to the house with
a request for a conference. Repre
scntative Mondell of Wyoming, the
republican leader, said the house
would send it to conference tomor
row under special rule.
The senate conferees named those
who now are working on the tariff
bill, and the house is, expected to
appoint its managers on the tariff
measure. Since tiiere is no serious
dispute between the two houses on
ilie bonus, tho conferees are expect
ed to lay aside the tariff long enuf
U agree to a report on the bonus
From Thursday's Dally.
C. II. Boedeker of Murray was in
the city for a short time today, look
ing after some matters of business.
Glen Elliott of Chicago, who has
been here visiting with his parents
and friends for a short time, depart
ed yesterday afternoon for his home.
Roy Laniphere .of Chadron, who
has been here visiting with his rela
tives and friends, departed this morn
ing for his home where he will re
sume his duties there.
Mrs. Joe Sindelar of Omaha who
has been here visiting with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. R.L. Propst, pri
or to their departure for Florida, re
turned home this morning.
William J. O'Brien, state fish com
missioner, was here today to secure
his car that has been overhauled in
the local shops and which will be
loaded with fish for the state fair.
George Everett of near Union was
here today looking after some mat
ters relative to the settlement of the
J. W. Taylor estate. The Taylor home
was sold yesterday at Union for $1,
900. Ben Hempel and wife of Lincoln
were here yesterday visiting with
Mrs. Mary Hempel and Miss Teresa
Hempel. Mr. Hempel, who i3 an ex
pert mechanic, is instructor at the
government vocational training
schools at Lincoln and as well has a
class in engineering from the state
From Friday Dally
John Gaurer of Cedar Creek was
here today looking after some busi
ness affairs for a few hours.
Marshall Pitzer of Nebraska City
who was here visiting at the E. H.
Wcscott home returned this morning
to his home.
Misses Laura and MayBelle Tuck
of Weeping Water "were here todsfy
spending the time at the teachers'
meeting and visiting at the W. P.
Sitzman home.
Ed Creamer and wife, who have
been spending the past fohr months
at Holyoke, Colo., arrived this morn
ing on No. 10 to resume their resi
dence in this city.
William Hulfish, wife and daugh
ter, Grace, motored over this morn
ing from their home at Elmwood
to visit for a few hours and where
Miss GrSre attended the teachers
Mr3. Elvira Ozbun, who has been
spending the summer here with her
daughter, Mrs. M. S. Briggs and fam
ily, departed this morning for he
old home at Salem, la., where she
will attend the old settlers' picnic
Henry Oehlerking and daughter,
Miss Alma, of near Murdock, are
here today where Miss Alma was
looking after some matters at the of
fice of the county superintendent pri
or to her taking up her work at the
Grand Prairie schol this year.
Lower Qnterest on
Farm Loans!
The Civil Service Commission in
vites special attention to the fact
that in examinations held recently in
Plattsmouth and other cities thru
out ths United States for junior en
gineer and deck officer, U. S. Coast
and Geodetic Survey; junior aid,
gradc-s 1 and 2, Bureau of Stand
ards; land law clerk, Departmental
and Field services, applicants were
not secured in the number desired,
and that these examinations will be
held again. The junior aid, grades 1
and 2 examination will be held on
September G; and the land law clerk
examination on September 20; and
the junior engineer and deck officer
examination Dn October 4 and 5. i
Persons interested in these or oth
er examinations should apply to the
secretary of the U. S. Civil Service
board at the local post office for de
tailed information and application
A. E. F. Champion Has Best of Navy
Gladiator m Ficyht at Aurora,
Illinois, Last Night.
Chicago, Sept. 1. Bob Martin of
Huntington, XV. Va., A. E. F. heavy
weight champion, added another vie
tint to his string of knockouts to
night, when' he scored a technical
knockout over Andy Schmader of
Louisville, navy champion, in the
fefond round of the scheduled 10-
round bout at Aurora. It was one of
the fitrccst lights ever staged in the
Aurora arena.
Both Martin and Schmader were
badly marked when they were taken
from the ring. Martin's eyes were
bruised and cut while Schmader also
was badly cut over the eyes, which
were nearly closed, and his left ear
was cut badly and bleeding profuse
ly. It w?s Martin's 9 7th victory by
knockout in 110 bouts.
In the second round Martin floored
Bchamder with a righthand punch to
the jaw, but Schmader arose in a
dare and started again. Martin
plunged in and hit Schmader flush
or the chin with a right uppercut
with Uo seconds of the round left
and as Schmader fell Referee Davy
Miller, knowing that it was useless
to count as there was no time left,
stopped the battle and awarded the
decision to Martin.
Certified Kanred wheat, certifi
cate of inspection with each order.
One of two certified fields in coun- j
ty. A. O. Ramge, phone 3513. Platts- J
mouth. sl-2w,d&w
Althousn journal want-aas cost
t-it little the results they bring srs
wonderful. Try them. s.
State Federation to Launch Cam
paign for Re -Enactment of
Bepealed Labor Laws.
Lincoln, Aug. 31. A campaign
for the re-enactment of the labor
laws which the McKclvie code law
of 1919 repealed will be launched at
the fifteenth annual convention of
the Nebraska state federation of la
bor meeting at 9 a. m. Monday, Sep
tember 4. in the Labor temple at
Omaha, Secretary Frank M. Coffey
announced here today. From 150 to
200 delegates will be present.
"Under the code, the broad char
acter of a department for the wel
fare of labor Is lost, and the depart
ment head is merely administrator
for the workmen's compensation
law, Coffey says.
"The female labor law, which or
iginally applied to cities over 5,000,
is now applicable only in Lincoln
and Omaha. The 'service letter law'
was emasculated by the code, and
the loan shark bill, or its enforce
ment at least, was lost in the shuf
Coffey, in a public statement, says
the organization may "become con
scious of its economic interest and
undertake to mass its votes in the
coming congressional election."
Opposition to tho Esch-Cummins
law and means of aiding the strik
ing shopmen will be other questions
for discussion.
United action, he predicts, will be
taken against the four republican
laws up for referendum at the com
ing election.
The convention will open with a
labor day celebration at Elmwood
park, where Lynn J. Frazier, former
governor of North Dakota and Non
partisan League candidate for the
United States senate, will be the
principal speaker. George D. Brewer,
of Minneapolis, for the time being
state organizer for the Nonpartisan
League in Nebraska, will also be on
the program.
Coffey says the convention will be
in session three or four days.
A Pronounced Success
The uniform success that has at
tended the use of Chamberlain's Col
ic and Diarrhoea Remedy in the re-
ief and cure of bowel complaints.
both for children and adults, has
brought it into almost universal use,
ro that it is practically without a
rival and as everyone who has used
it knows, it is without an equal.
Weyrich & Iladraba.
tif MCTtTrirtvn ami- dtpAttvh i
ATTACHMENT Fits all sewing !
machines; price $2; checks, 10 cents j
extra. Lights Mail Order House, Box
127 Birmingham, Ala. a31-6tw
Perhaps you have a mortgage against your place.
Maybe it is not due yet, but probably have an option
or right to pay the loan in full when you pay the
next interest.
If you are paying more than SVzo now, don't wait for
the loan to become due, but see me about a new
loan before the next interest paying date.
Si9o Si
Retard Plan Proves Most Effective
Contracts Made with Govern
ment for Riparian Work
The work of the Woods Brothers'
Construction company, of Lincoln,
has brought the firm , more into the
national limelight than any other
venture made by a Nebraska con
cern, except possibly the potash in
dustry that flourished in western
Nebraska during the war, only to
pass into obscurity with the signing
of the- armistice.
The Standard Current Retary sys
tem of river bank protection, as orig
inated and developed by the Woods
Brothers, has proved the most satis
factory method yet employed for the
protection of riparian property.
This type of construction which
has been used quite extensively along
the banks of the Big Muddy in this
vicinity, consists of trees cabled to
gether and placed in the stream and
attached to cable leading from dead
timber, also attached to cables to
which are attached the Bignell-Jones
pile, sunk by Jetting until the top of
the pile is from 15 to 40 feet below
the bed of the stream.
Retards built up in units of 20 to
35 trees per unit, extend from the
bed of the stream at the channelward
end to the height of the natural
bank at the landward end.
Retards Stream's Progress
This type of construction permits
the water to flow through the struc
ture, gradually impeding the veloc
ity adjacent to the previously erod
ing bank and deflects the current
channelward past the end of the re
tard. A stretch of dead water then
exists next to the - bank wherein
sand, gravel and sediment carried by
the current is deposited; in fact the
same force of nature which former
ly eroded the bank is controlled to
the extent that it replaces material
in the very place from where it was
washing it away.
The success of this type of cur
rent retard is mainly due to its ab
solute anchorage, particularly its an
chorage to the Bignell-Jones pile.
Standard Current Retards are the
practical application of the principle
of sedimentation to the replacement.
protection and conservation of river
banks which have been lost by ero
sion, wash or cutting. This system
as patented and used by the Wo .!.-.
Brothers' construction company, has
brought forth glowing praise from
both public and press and papers
from different cities throughout the
United States, as well as the most
reputable engineering and scientific
journals have devoted much space to
description and recommendation of
this method.
Woods Brothers make their con
tracts with the United States govern
ment, railroads, states and counties.
At present the company is engaucl
in river bank protection on nine riv
ers in the United States. This work
extends from Yankton, S. D., to Mem
phis, Tenn.
The Key that Unlocks the Door
to Long Living.
The men of eighty-five and ninety
years of age are not the rotund, well
fed. but thin, spare men, who live on
a slender diet. Be as careful f.s he
will, however, a man past middle crc
will occasionally eat too much cr of
some article of food not suited to his
constitution, causing Indigestion cr
constipation and will need a d se of
Chamberlain's Tablets to move his
bowels and invigorate his stomach.
When this is done, there is no reason
why the average man should not
live to a ripe eld age. Weyrich &
The Lafe Nelson farm, 133 a ro;.
Two sets of improvements, good eight
room house, one good four room
house, one large barn, no better in
the county, new garage, wash hoti:-e.
chicken house, good shade trcc3 and
real blue grass lawn, concrete cave.
Good bearing apple, cherry and plum
trees and strawberries. Three and
three-quarters miles south of Platts
mouth. P. O. box 677; Tel. C0C.
Plattsmouth, Neb.
Seed rye for sale, SOc per bushel.
Address XV. II. Meisinger, R. F. D.
No. 2, Plattsmouth, or call phone
3720. a23-2wks,d&w
If you want good printing let cs
do your work. Best equipped job
hop in fconth eastern Nebraska.
Phone 145
All Kinds of Mauling
Country Drive and Live Stock Hauling!
On the Democratic Ballot
at the November Election You Will Find
the Name of
Candidate for County Treasurer.
Your Support Will Be Appreciated.
i n