The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 28, 1922, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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MONDAY, AUGUST 28, 1922.
Our Gasoline is Hot Just "GcscMqq!"
It is a strictly straight run not a blended product,
and will stand the test as specified by the U. S. Navy.
Our Penn Franklin Motor and Tractor Oil will give
you the lubrication no matter what your requirements
may be. It will stand up with any oil you have ever
used, regardless of the price you paid.
A Fair Trial Will Convince You.
O. E. McDonald and family were
visiting last Thursday far a short
tirue with friends in Elmwood.
Wm. Rourke shipped a car load of
hozs from Murdock to the stock mar
ket at Omaha last Thursday after
noon. Mrs. Eldrege of Omaha and a sis
ter of Mrs. H. TV. Tool was visiting
last week at the home of her sister
in Murdock.
Fred Bauer and son, George, from
near Manley, were - looking after
some business matters in Murdock
last Thursday.
H. H. Lawton has been employed
in Lincoln for the past week, where
lie is doing some papering and paint
ing for his clients there.
Wm. Atchison, of Elmwood was a
visitor in Murdock last Thursday,
driving over in his auto to look af
ter some business matters.
Dont forget those candy sales.
There will be a larger supply of
candy, popcorn and lemonade in the
future. Come early so as to be sure
and get your share.
Henry Meyerjurgen and sonB were
in attendance at the convention at
Milford last Sunday, making the trip-j
in their aute, and found the roads
very bad west of Ashland.
Messrs Kenneth Tool and Carl
Sohneider were visiting with friends
in Lincoln last Monday, they making
-the trip via their auto, and had an
excellent time in their visit.
Wednesday the Camp Fire girls
had their usual weekly meeting, and
the afternoon was pleasantly spent
in games and plans made for a camp
ing trip in the near future.
Messrs. Matt and Victor Thimgan
is getting along, nicely with the
work at the new home of Mr. W. T.
F. A. Stock, Jr. has had his name Weddell and have the foundation
included in the list of readers of the ready for the beginning of the super
Journal from the Murdock office and structure.
will have the news hereafter. Last week Mr. George Mills lost a
Warren Richards, of Wabash, was; mule which he considered a very
a visitor in Lincoln last Thursday valuable one, the cause of death not
and returned via this place and from clearly known, but resulting it is
here went to his home at Wabash, (thought from something which the
J. Johanson departed one day last 'animal had eaten,
week with the household effects of i Wm. Heier shelled and delivered
Professor Way and family, taking last week to the elevator in Murdock
them to their new home at Sciota. j some 6, 00 bushels of last year's
crop of corn, the work of shelling
being done by Messrs W. H. Rush
and Robert Crawford.
Mrs. John Burt, . of Omaha, and
daughter of Mt. and Mrs. W. H.
Rush, who has been sick for some
time past, is reported as being mucm
better and has been able to be up
and out of the home for the past
few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Thimgan,
of Sutton, have been visiting for
some time past at the home of
friends and relatives in Murdock.
During the past few days they have
been guests at the home of Herman
During last week. Miss Catherine
Tool was a visitor at the home of
her chum. Miss Alma Ost, of Ne
hawka, they having been pals while
at Firth where they taught last
school year and will also teach for
the coming season.
Mrs. Herman Kupke, who was so
seriously ill for some time following
Mrs. H. K. Hansen, of Sioux City,
Iowa, is visiting at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. O. J. Pothast.
O. J. Pothast, cashier of the Farm
ers and Merchants Bank, made a
business trip to Omaha Saturday. -
Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Pickering, ofj
Lincoln, spent Saturday, Sunday and
Monday at the home of O. J. Pothj
ast here. I
Mr. Beck Hansen and family, of
before Gov. McKelvie that afternoon.
A. J. Tool and wife and Miss Mar
garet ana M. R. Peterson and daugh- Denver, visited at the home of-O. J.
ter ixhs vi uiituiu iu ftouu w ; pothast Saturday and Sunday on
last Thursday evening, where they j tneir return trip rom rew y0rk.
spent the evening fishing and had an j Joseph Wolpert of Manley was
excellent time, cooking and eating looking ater some business matters
their meals in the open They used j Murdock laBt Thursday and bring
the catch themselves, they were noting. Mr nerman Dall over to catch
Vhe burdock th 'ZuSSn Fred H.
w'a "SSI wheri th v were recei- Gorder as lookin after 8ome busI;
W. A. hall, wher r"e fre neSs in Murdock last Thursday, and
ing instructions from Miss Ida TV il- . , t the home
kins, e county agert for domestic j Too,
science. The ladies had a good meet-j Fjre rl wigQ tQ ex
ing and a ood time A large num- tend their thanks thru the columns
oer oiinieretu uuc uu journal to the Murdock Mr
were in attendance.
The home of Mr. J.
E. McHugh is
her oneration for annendicitis. is
getting along somewhat better and going to be accomplished.
it is the wish of her many friends See the ad of the Murdock Mer-
cantile company in this issue, which'
j cr.ntile company for the use of the
1 n A I I.' .,k-i 4- kv nn il eoltt fT 1
progressing very nicely at this time,! 19th. Camp Fire Girls.
the lathing being completed. Mr. j , , nv J
il pie with their families were in at-
line, and when he gets at the mat- B,b, FCnool8 which ha8 been in se8
ter of putting on lath something is.. . Mllfnrd fnr th nast week or
the lathing being completed
George Parks, of Murray is doing the
work. By the way. .Mr. Parks
one of the best of workmen in his
Other Side of Strife!
. Q O O
But let us tell you about our pick-up ACME Paint.
This is a standard brand and an excellent paint. e
have it so we can sell it at, per gallon $2.50
Also a 5-Ib. pkg. Kalsomine for 40c
(Former price, 75c.)
This is the best offer for a number of years past. Allow
us to figure with you on what work you are needing.
25 Years in the Business Ten
Years in Murdock
The Dusterhoff Shops
that she may return to her accustom
ed good health in the near future
cnlls attention to the continuation
more. Among those in attendance
were Mrs. F. A. Rosenow, Henry
Schlaphoff and family, Fred Stock
and Messrs and Mesdames Otto Mil
ler, Gust Ruge. Carl Schlaphoff,
Herman Luetchens and Henry Reick
man and their families.
See the new ad of the Dusterhoff
H. A. Williams of Elmwood was a . of the clean up sale, ana wnicn naa
visitor in Murdock and was accom- some excellent bargains in summer
panied by E. V. Thimgan. they goods and rummer wear. Better see
going to Omaha, to look after some if there is anything you are. needing
business matters, making the trip in at the excellent price saving which
the auto of Mr. Williams and were . they are offering lor tins line
accompanied by Mr. Williams' daugh- summer goods and of the latest.
tei I Louis Neitzel, G. Iiauer and Aug-
P. A. Hartung and family, Mrs. 1 ust Panska thought it best to go to
Hartung being a daughter of Mr. the convention ai iw.mmi iai nun- t t game roods are Kelling at. -Z 1 : ,
a accordingly stariea. gening .v,!, a .t.nH.H Trtnr.t B! UI,-J "':u l"
Lincoln, Aug. 25. Lieutenant
"Governor Barrows, who return'ed to-
f shops on paint which they are offer- j nied this evenlng that "he had ar-
intr of vorv Inn' nrioc T h pv vprp ' ....
f - i rancen to riffin kimt azairiRt liover-
Governor Barrows said It was un
true that he had assumed the office
piht Tn on pii inv.or Kv,!ruor Ul U,B vm"
Cull lU utl cALAnl i w henever the governor was out of
me cuy. e saia lie iiu ueer m
tempted to act as governor unless
requested to by Governor McKelvie,
or" when he should be notified that
executive business required his attention.
able to get a lot where a business nor McKelvIe for Eaiary be l8 aueged
was being closed out and thus are . Q tave Bajd WM due hjm for thne
anie to mawe me prices away ibwct occupied as acting governor. Mr
and Mrs. L. Ke.itzel. of this Dlace. ar- day an
rived on Sunday from Kansas City, as far as HaveiocK w r.en iney iouna
they driving rn their auto and visit- the roads quite muddy and conclud
ed at the Neitzel home for a short ed that descrition the better part
time, then returning to their home of valor and returned home. They
in the south. i heard of many cars being stuck in
Mr. H. Way who was superintend- the clay mire this side of Milford
ent of the Murdock schools last year, and thought it was as well that they ,
moved his goods to Sciota, where he returned. j
is to be superintendent of the school Gordon Block, of Ashland, where
at that place the coming year. Mr. : he is engaged in a trucking business, '
Wav has been makine his home in purchasing and hauluig stock,
otip nf the houses of Mr. A. P. Leis in Murdock last Thursday
durine his stav here. ! after some busines and incidentally
they are selling at $2.50 per gallon. ' . t t fth t ftriRat,ire
The statute makes no provision
, for the payment of the lieutenant
and which is lower than since the be
ginning of the war. They are also
selling a 5-lb. package of kalsomine
at 40 cents, which has been 75
cents before.
Postoffice to Move
The location of the postoffice will
Vn- V o n in f Vt a riQQ r f iitn to a Tl n '
lo'okin" s be located in the room which is ;
occupied Dy ivir. ana jurs. r rans ,
governor except $1,600 for each reg
ular session of the legislature and
$100 for each special session of the
senate over which he presides.
In a formal statement Lieutenant
Hunger, the Best Sauce
Sauce is used to create an appetite
or relish for the food. The right
way is to look to your digestion.
When you have good digestion you
are certain to relish your food.
Chamberlain's Tablets Improve the
digestien, create a healthy appetite
and cause a gentle movement of the
Blank Books at the Journal Office,
visiting in Plattsmouth
they driving over on Thursday even
ing in their auto and visiting for the
evening there with relatives. They
remained to - witness the review of
the National Guards which were held
. . A j . r I,
. .. lYioiiriTi nil rim u t kiiih 11 1 1
H. A. Guthman and family were casting his eyes over me neia too-- - o ;
last Friday ing for a place to engage on me - "V" p-f
butcher business. " Mr. Block was ""-' .. V -T " v "
,"J r,ro i th. Tr,rir H. Way and family, and owned by
ines in Murdock and desired to find mr- eis-
ket again.
Vapor Stove for Sale
Vapor oil stove for sale. Call phone
4-W, Murdock. a7-2M.
Closing Out Summer Goods at Below Cost You'll Find Bargains in All Departments.
Cotton plaids and check in fine assortments of patterns.
Just the material for school dresses. Former J f
price 75c to $1 per yard. Now, per yard faUC
Excellent quality blue serge, 36 inches wide. 7Q
Former price $1 per yard. Sale prioe I C
44-inch fine French serge. Former price, "
$2.59. Sale price, per yard PUU
Your choice of any percale in our stock includ- -l Q
ing light, dark and gray patterns, 25-30c value for XIC
32-inch fast color ginghams, plaids, checks, no
stripes and plain. Former price. 30-; Now iOC
All white hosiery. Ladies'
Children's and Misses' 50
cent hose on on
. sale at 5C
Fast, black, heavy knit
hose for school or
wear go at mJC
Ladies' brown, black and
white silk hose. Former
price $1 per QQ
pair; Now 0f C
fThese hosiery values
are real bargains and
here is an opportunity
to buy while the buying
, is good. Don't miss it.
VICTOR FLOUR A limited lot of old wheat o r
stock on sale at, per sack pUd
Large size Post Toasties, 2 pkgs. for $ .25
Large size Calumet baking powder, per can .29
Dr. Price's baking powder, large cans, 2 for .29
Armour's or Snider's No. 2 baked beans, 2 for .25
Yea&t Foam, 2 pkgs. for .15
Advo Jell all flavors, 3 for .25
No. 2a size cans peaches, put up in heavy syrup .30
Gallon cans of peache3 for .65
Gallon cans of apricots for ,. .95
Gallon cans of sliced pineapple for . 1.05
Bulk cocoa, high test, per lb. .15
Men's express striped overalls and
jaeketc; Headlight brand. Worth
$1.75 per pair. OQ
Sale price J X
Men's heavy striped over
alls and jackets. Worth
?1.50. Sale
price, per pr.
Fine blue chambray work
shirts. Full cut, QQ
regulation sizes U
Men's union suits knit,
short sleeves, long legs
and athletic suits. Form
erly sold at
$ 1 ; Now
CJReduced prices on all
tennis and rubber foot
wear during - this sale.
Here is your op
portunity to buy
Children's patent leather sandals. One of Cl
the big values of this sale at, per pair J)'5'
Children's white oxfords. Former selling price d! OQ
$2." Sale prices from $1 to J)1S
50 pair of Ladies' white pumps and oxfords. $1 flfl
High and medium heels. Going at vlwU
EnWe are closing out all our Ladies' leather oxfords at
greatly reduced prices. Many from new stock, latest 6tyles.
Now is your time to line the children up for school with our Black
Cat Hosiery and School Shoes!
Have a Radio Station
I The Farmers Elevator company,
: of Murdock, A. P. Leis, manager.
have installed a radio station at the
elevator office and now have an ex
cellent way of getting the markets, I
which also compose the live stock j
market and other bits of very im-j
portant news. This is a great ac-j
: comraodation. to tne tanning com
munity as it keeps them in close
touch with the grain and live stock
Plowing Time Wow!
A Rumley Oil Pull tractor and a suitable plow
will solve your summer and fall plowing. They will
do the work the best and at the least cost as well. See
us for prices and a demonstration.
Our plows are the celebrated P & O. There are
none better made.
We also have an 8-16 Mogul tractor and a three
bottom P & O plow used just a little, which will go at
a very attractive figure.
Did you see the new list of Buick
prices which E. W. Thimgan is!
selling the latest model and best cars ;
for. The Thimgan garage at this j
time is enjoying an excellent busi-1
ness due to the fact of moderate
charges and most excellent work, !
which is the requirement of all that
is done at this institution. Mr. Thim-!
gan now has three mechanics, they '
being Messrs. A. H. Ward, J. W. !
Krueger and Charles Marshall, be
sides Mr. Thimgan himself.
Will Move to Murdock j
Fred Deickman and family will ,
make their home in Murdock, mov- j
irg here about October 1st, they i
hiving purchased the property where ,
Mr. Jess Landholm is living at this!
time. The purchase was made from
Mrs. uoetz, wno nas ownea tne prop
erty for some time. Wm. Deickman,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Deickman,
will farm the place and occupy it
after Mr. Deickman and family shall
have moved to town.
Rev. Jackson Makes Good Address
Mr. L. Neitzel. after having tried
to go to Milford last Sunday and
finding the roads very bad, conclud
ed to go to meeting at Elmwood and
there was pleased to have the oppor
tunity to hear Mr. Jackman deliver
an excellent address at the Metho
dist church.
Sane Old Story, but a Good One
i Mrs. Mahala Burns, Savanna, Mo
relates an experience, the like of
which has happened in almost every
neighborhood in this country and
fc,a been told and related by thous
ands of others, as follows: "I used
a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic and
Diarrhoea Remedy about nine years
ago and tt cured me of flux (dysen
tery). I had another attack of the
i same complaint three or four years
ago and a few doses of this remedy
cured me. I have recommended it
to dozens of people since I first used
, it and shall continue to do so, for I
I know it is a quick and positive cure
'for bowel troubles." Weyrich & Had
1 raba.
Seed rye for sale, 80c per bushel.
i Address W. H. Meisinger, R. F. D.
i No. 2, Plattsmouth. or call phone
3720. a23-2wks,d&w
I Mrs. J. A. Johnson of Courtland,
i who has been here visiting with her
son at Camp Barry and as well as
: with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.
P. Sydebotham, in this city, returned
' this afternoon to her home.
Why Mr. N. Windsor (R. I.) Put Up
with Rats for Years
"Yvs sgo I got un rat potass, which nmrlf
killed our fine wtb dog. U' put up with rata
nstil friend told me about KaUSnap. It urtly
kilk.Tmt. though hovje pett won't touch H." Rats
tupaadlfavaaaaneU. Priocs. ijc, 65c. 11.ZS.
J Bettor & Swatek Weyrich & Had
1 raba F. G. Fricke & Co.
Plowing Timo Has Come!
The harvest and threshing are about over. Now
comes the plowing for the autumn sowings and for the
preparation of next spring's crop. See us for what
plows you need either in horse or power drawn.
Repairs for all machinery used on the farm.
See me for anything in farming machinery which
you may need.
Call me by phone and I will be pleased to give
you the best service. Call phone 14-J.
A wholly New line of cars built on time-tried Buick
principles but with improvements and refinements
which make their introduction an event of nation
wide interest.
14 Distinctive Models
AstonUhing Values and Prices
23-6-41 Tour. Sedan, 5 pass.$1985
23-6-44 Roadster, 2 pass 1176
23-6-45 Touring, 6 pass 1195
23-6-47 Sedan. 5 pass 1985
23-6-48 Coupe, 4 pass 1895
23-6-49 Touring, 7 pass 1435
23-2S--5d--Sedan, 7 pass 2195
23-6-54 Sport Road.. 3 pass.162S
23-6-55 Sport Tour.. 4 pans.- 1675
23-4-34 Roadster. 2 pass $ 65
23-4-35 Touring. 5 pass 885
23-4-36 Coupe, 3 pass 1176
23-4-37 Sedan. 5 pats 139S
23-4-38 Tour. Sedan. 5 pass.. 1325
AU Prices R a B. Flint, Michigan
Ask about the C. M. A. C. Purchase Plan which provide
for Deterred Payments.
See These New Buick Cart New at Our Showroom.
When better automobiles are built, Buick ttn" build them!