The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 24, 1922, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    AUGUST 24, 1D22.
Murray Department
Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and SurroundlBf Vicinity .Especially for the Journal Readers
If .cy of the readers of the
Jooniil knor of any social
Meotorlwm of Interest in
ttils TtclnitF. "id m mk.ll
me to this office, it will ap
pear under this heading. We
want all news Item Editor
count of the arrival of a son and
heir at the home of I. M. Davis last '
week in Lincoln, where Mrs. Mil-!
burn has been visiting for' some
, time past. The little man and his
mother are getting along nicely and
,vill be able to return to their home
in,n snort time. i
uiiding Your Wealth!
- A bank works for you night and day, week after week, adding
eents to your dollars. Little by little the amounts grow till each
addition is a respectable sum.
"Where does the gain come from? Not from your pocket. Nor
from ours. It is the result of production. Money placed in a bank
is given an opportunity to work and to produce.
Thus a bank BUILDS your wealth.
Start with a small deposit if you will. Add to it when you
'can regularly if you can do so. It will not be long till you can
fairly see it grow.
Murray State Bank
Open an Account with us today NOW!
the H. M. Soennichsen store for
the past week during the absence of
Mr. E. S. Tutt and since his return,
visited for a few days with Mr. Fred
Mr. Richard Wells, who again re
turned to the hospital at Omaha is
reported as getting along nicely at
last report, and it is hoped he may
be able to return home in a short
C. E. Whitaker of Plattsmouth
was a visitor in Murray last Sunday,
and teaching the Bible class in the
Christian Sunday school while their
regular teacher supplied for another
J. E. Gruber and Fred A. Hild will
soon commence some concrete work
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Gansmer, who are making some very
extensive improvements at theih
Mr. J. A. Scotten has secured a
new Ford car of the touring variety
which he secured in Omaha and in
which he traded his Dodge, and is
well satisfied with the new car and
its workings.
The section gang which was de-
Entertained for Dinner
Mr. and Mr6. T. J. Brendel enter
tained last Sunday for dinner at,
their home, and wl ere they and!
friends had a most enjoyable time, j
There were present on the occasion ;
Miss Pauline Parr, of Sheridan, In-i
diana: Jacob Barker, of Avoca, Mr.
Had Good Outing and Fine Time I
Lust Monday morning Messrs.
J Charles Kennedy and Edmund Peter
!son returned from a week's outing
at Lake Okoboji, in the northern
I portion of Iowa. They say the fish
i ing and boating was fine, and that
they had the time of their lives and
were reluctant to come home, but
the demands of business were such
that they had to obey, but however
they expect to" go again.
Dr sna Mrs. b. F. lirendei and Dr! Will Give Picnic Sunday Evening
and Mrs. J. F. Brendel and their- Sunday school of the Eight,
son Rich&rd. Miss Caliie Carlson and'le Grove church will give a pic-j
Mr and Mrs. Win. Sevboldt. i ni; cn tne church lawn Sunday j
. i morning. August ziiii, at wnicn
For Sale
Critic or Sensation Duroc boars.
$22.50; Gilts, $20.
Murray, Nebr.
Some Excitement Saturday
Last Saturday the Lome of Mr. J.
II. Burton was set presuniablj
foni sparks from a passing train,
and which vas discovered by Mrs.
time a chicken dinner will be served,
and other provisions made for a very
pleasant evening:
Games will be provided for the
children and a good time is assured
all who care to attend. A cordial ,
Invitation is extended to all to come ;
and enjoy the evening.
Services at Presbyterian Church
There will be regular services at!
the Presbyterian church the coming
Community Picnic!
Murray, Nebraska
Friday, September 1st,
at the Picnic Grounds, Near Murray
ase Bail ame!
Program and Speaking!
Everybody Welcome
Come Out and Have a Good Time With Us!
Burton only after it hud pained con-! Sunuav. the Rev. Lee, who is mak-!r"
Brins 25 cents and eat ice cream
with the library Saturday night.
.Help the Library Saturday night.
Only $200 more and the-building is
pai:i for.
The Library association will serve
Ice cream and cake Saturday night
on the church lawn.
Arthur Hansen brought up from
tLe south 54 bushels of peaches
for which he found a ready sale.
T. J. Brendel was looking after
Some business matters in Platts- hood.
mouth last Monday and Tuesday. M. G. Churchill and wife were vis-
Joseph Mrasek and wife were'iting with friends In Plattsmouth on
visiting in Omaha last Tuesday af-"tc-ruoon.
driving over in their auto.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hild were
guests at the home of Mr. and
J.Irs. Albert Young one day last
siderable headway. She shouted the
alarm when Messrs J. I. Punun and
J. E. Hatchett rushed to give assist-
pleted by the strike last week, has ; ance, Mr. tiaieneii mounting trie rooi services
been filled hv neonJ from elsewhere of the house, while Mr. Pitman grab-!
and among them was Vernor Keir. of j bed a wash boiler in which he hand
Silver Citv, Iowa, a cousin of Mr. jd up -water until Mrs. C. N. Barrows
Richard Wells. iran to the scene with two pails end
Jesse Chambers departed on last! 'th these the fire fighters were able
vnnor fnr MnpHnrt -hrp i.e has to extinguish the flames. Mr. Bur-
their j accepted the contract for painting ton was surely wcii pj eased tcr the
and decoratinc the home of Mr. and: very efficient work of these kindly
ing rapid development in his con
valescence from a broken leg, will
be able to be here and conduct the
both morning and evening.
J. W. Berger lost a very valuable
sow last Saturday, which he had but
recently purchased and thought very
: much of.
Dr. G. L. Taylor was a visitor in
Lincoln last Tuesday, consulting
with the state farm regarding some
j work in hand.
Mis Francis Moore, daughter of
. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moore, returned
' to her work at Lincoln after a num
- ber of weeks' vacation.
T Henry C. Long departed last Mon
I day evening for Handler, where he
is lookinsr after the threshing of his
j wheat crop in the west.
ti . C. C. Parrcele was a visitor in Mur-
ray last Monday looking after the
sale oi the Durant auto, ana was
driving a fine sedan car.
Mrs. Ray Fryer. of Plainview,
daughter of Mrs. Tracy, is visiting
her mother here and attended the
old settlers picnic at Union.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Atkinson, of
Gretna, Nebr., were at the Albert
Young stock farm Sunday and pur
chased six head of Duroc gilts.
The many friends of Mrs. Ken
nedy Tvill be glad to know that she
is so much better that she is able to
visit at the home of her friends.
G. W. McCracken and family were
spending the day last Sunday at the
Morton park at Nebraska City, where
they enjoyed a most excellent time.
Messrs. TV. E. Rosencrans and J. P.
Falter were looking after some bus
iness matters in .Murray iasi iues-
day, having driven down in
County Commissioner G. L. Farley ! Mrs. H. F. Schweppe, and which will j gentlemen
was in Murray last Tuesday and was require considerable time.
looking after some road work which O. E. Hinkle was looking after
was being none in inis neignoor- some Business maters in i-iansmouin
last Tuesday afternoon and was ac
companied by Mr. V. A. Kennedy and
who also had some business to look
after in the county seat.
George Parks, the most reliable of
lathers, departed last Monday for
Murdock, where he is employed :n
lathing a house for Mr. J. E. Mc
Hugh, who is having a new home
built to replace the one destroyed
i The Boys Came Home
Last Tuesday evening 12. S. Tutt
'and Font Wilson returned home,
from their trip to the west, where,
they have been for the past week, 1
'and report an excellent time, and!
that the crops are all that could be
j desired. They visited while they
were away
at 1 1 1 n iinrtr.c rf kpy
wanted, wasmng 'Young and L. H. Puis, there being
Mrs. Albert Jones is desirious ofja poodly crowd in attendance and aj
receiving family warnings ana win!verv enjovable time was had. They I
last Sunday and also were watching
the drilling of the soldiers in camp
Miss Margie Walker was a visitor
in Plattsmouth last Tuesday, driv
ing over in her auto to look after
some business matters for the after
noon. J. A. Scotten and his line of excel
lent workmen have just completed
the work of placing a new roof on
the home of H. H. Shrader, southeast
of Murray.
Mr. Phil Lambert at this time is
kept pretty busy, he having the of
fice of Drs. Brendel & Bretidel, and
the residences of both of these gen
tlemen to paint.
August Meyers and children, of
Weeping Water were visiting in Mur
ray. Mr. Meyers looking after some
business matters while the little ones
were seeing the sights.
Dr. B. F. Brendel was a visitor
last Sunday and Monday at the home
of his son. Dr. J. W. Brendel and
family, of Avoca, where they enjoy
ed the visit very much.
Mont Shrader is constructing a
system of waterworks at his home
southeast of Murray, where he has a
spring, constructing a dam and res
ervoir to contain the water.
Mr. Oliver Davis and family de
parted last week for Plattsmouth,
where they are making their home,
Mr. Davis being employed by the
Burlington as a track worker.
E. P. Lutz has been working at
give the oest oi satisiaction. sne
can be found just eas-t of the railway
tracks on the north side of the street
and will greatly appreciate any work
in this line given her.
sav that country is a
great place for j
Everybody Invited to Come
All who are not attending Bible
school elsewhere are invited to be
Eijr Harvest of Bumble Bees
This fall the bumble bees appear:
to be very numerous at least that j
is what uien ioid, Albert loung
and Will Wehrbein think. At first
Glen and Albert spent a lot of time
Mr anA Mrs John Brisbain. who prese nt at the Christian Sunday juging burning and every way imag-
Lave been visiting for some time
nasi w i LUC liUxiic u: iL u a. i i:ui : , . . . , . , .
J , " f, v;hue their teacher can care for the came
ueuaJLtru idol jiuuuu c n j & xv
Chicago, Aug. 20. Officers of the
railway employes department of the
American federation of labor today
denied all knowledge of instructions
reported sent by B. M. Jewell, head
of the striking shop crafts, telling
general chairmen to hold themselves
in readiness to call off the strike.
Shop crafts officials said it was
impossible that Mr. Jewell could
have sent the telegram reported re
ceived at Ardmore, Okla., last night
by John Seags, wh6 said he was the
union representative at Gainsville.
Shop crafts officials at strike
headquarters here said that in case
a decision was reached to call off
the strike, it would not be according
to union procedure for Mr. Jewell to
send such a telegram and even had
he sent it, it would have been in
code or would have been preceded
by code messages.
Krom Wednesday's Dally.
Charles A. Troop, who has been
visiting in Colorado for some time
past, looking after the wheat harvest
near Holyoke, where he has land in
terests, has returned home.
Mr. Troop states that the yield
will be close to thirty bushels to the
acre in the neighborhood of Holyoke
and is very pleasing to the farmers
of that locality.
Call at the Journal once for fine
gift stationery, in both larg-c and
small boxes.
September 11th
That's the week of back to school. Now is the time
to get everything in readiness for the starting of an
other year's work. We are prepared to take care of
the boys and girb from pen points to shoes and stock
Great big thick ones. Ask for Big Ten 10c
Big Five This tablet like it's name is a big one for. 5c
An important item in school -work. 100 sheets. . . .15c
Ex. quality lead, polished wood, ast'd colors, 2 for. 5c
with Crayolas, Mucilage, Paste, Rulers, History Paper
Covers, Pen Holders, Pencils, Tablets, Ink Erasers, Etc.
Lincoln, where they are to make
their home in the future.
Last Wednesday morning Dr. G. L.
Taylor and Frank Mrasek departed ;
for Palmer, where they went to bring;
back with them the household ef-;
fects of Dr. and Mrs. Taykrr. which ,
have been in store there for some
time. !
Jack Chalfant and family were;
visiting for a short time in Murray j
last Tuesday and will depart soon for ;
their home in the west, at Burling
ton, Colorado. They drove back for
the visit and to attend the old set
tlers picnic at Union.
Joseph Cook has been having an
interesting time with some pet boils
which he has been cultivating and
while he has no use for such pets,
he has been treating them very nice
ly, but we expect to hear of his cut
ting them very severely.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Carroll. Mrs.
Phillip Keil and daughter. Miss Vio
let, were visiting with friends and
! doing some shopping in Omaha last
Monday, they beirg accompanied by
Mr. and Mrs. Ern Carroll, who drove
the party over to the metropolis in
! Miss Fay Gregory departed on last
Wednesday morning for Omaha, at
which place she entered the Lord
Lister hospital, where she under
went an operation for relief from
appendicitis. Dr. Brendel is having
much work at this time and it keeps
him hopping most of the time.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Puis and their
daughter. Miss Laura, who have been
visiting in the west for some tinae,
returned home Saturday night, after
having enjoyed several weeks in the
west and Mr. Puis is loud in his
praises of the wonderful country
which he visited, both in this state
and also in the mountains of Colo
rado. O. A. Davis, who has been in the
west, returned home last Tuesday
! tnoriyng and was well pleased with
bis trip, he having gone with Messrs
E. S. Tutt, Font Wilson. Frank Val
Iery and "Mark White of the neigh
borhood and Gus Meyers of Weeping
Water, the latter also returning,
while Mark and Frank remained for
a longer period.
school the coming Sundav. Mr. L. tinable trying to get rid of the bees,
F. Pickett will teach the adult class. ! tut at last the men and horses be-
immuned and they just kept I
i class of Mrs. O. T. Leyda, who is; plowing, but Wiil Wehrbein's horses'
; away visiting in the east. Mr. Pick
! ett is especially qualified to present
the lesson in its best light. Better
i come and enjoy the lesson, as he is
able to present it.
Glad! Well Why Not Glad?
Sure there is happiness at the
home of Mr. Ernest Milburn on ac-
Specialist on Swine and
Cattle Diseases
Veterinarian v
Will receive calls at resi
deuce, Murray. Phone No. 50
didn't like the idea. Will and his
zon Victor plowed out five nests in
seven rounds. Victor's four horses
got away from him and Will and his
six horses and gang plow must have j
itacie a record equal to Barney Old-i
field for he finally ran in ahead of:
Victor's team and stopped them. !
Will is looking for a tractor with
which to finish the job.
items for School Day Wear!
Children's Black Cotton Hose Medium fine rib,
sizes 6 to 8. Per pair, 25c
Sandals Protect the youngsters feet with a pair
of these all leather sandals. Sizes 5 to 8, $1.40; to
11, 1.45; 1112 to 2, $1.50.
Boys' Overalls Steifel cloth. A close out number.
Ages 7 to 15. Full cut, fast'color, priced exceedingly
low. Per pair, 79c
Boys' Kiln Shirts Aeroplane brand. A classy shirt
for school wear. All sizes, 89c
Boys' Mesh Union Suits. Short sleeve and leg.
Sizes 26 to 34. Per suit, 50c
Girls' Dresses Made of finest quality ginghams,
nicely embroidered. Some with organdie trimmings, in
pretty styles. 98c, $1.50 and $1.89.
. Soennichsen & Co.,
Telephone No. 12
Murray, Nebraska
Let the Others Celebrate
Dr. Gilmore had his birthday come
on last Sunday, and while he would
have liked to have celebrated the
event with pomp and eclat, he was
prevented as he had to work all day
long looking after the welfare of his
patients. He managed to eat din
ner with his family and then left
tbem to celebrate the event while
he went after the dread demon disease.
Just Wipe It Off
Will Give Children Stories
With the program which is print
ed elsewhere and which is to be given
on the lawn of the Presbyterian
church on Saturday evening, there
has also been arranged for a child
ren's storj- hour by a lady story tell
er of national repute. This will be
at 3 o'clock in the afternoon so have
the little ones come and hear these
delightful stories. No one but child
ren admitted at this hour.
Entertained for Dinner Sunday
George E. Nickles . and wife, at
their excellent home last Sunday n-
; tertained a number of their relatives
: and friends at a most enjoyable din
; ner. Thre were present to enjoy
I the occasion and make the day one
jof delight. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Long.
J, D. Wcrtman. wife and son., of
Leih, Mr. Lee Nickles and Mr. Wza.
: Nickles father ot Mr. G. E. Nickels,
Mrs. Tracy and daughter, Mrs. Vern
Frier, oX Omaha.
Come in and sec how these
Ranges are made of gray cast
iron thronghout finished in
Pearl Gray or Peacock Blue
"UNIVIT" Porcelain, which is
as hard as flint, and will re
tain its beauty and luster to
the end. It will not crack,
chip or discolor from intense
heat It will not absorb the
grease. Just wipe it off!
It is clean and sanitary as a
china dish. Why endnre a
bothersome, old-style, dirty
stove when you can enjoy a
bright, handsome Universal
Porcelain Coal Range? There
is a price or every pocket
book. Come, now.
Peterson . Hardware Co.,
Murray, Nebraska
Community ProgTam
The Community club will give the
following program Saturday evening,;
August 26th, beginning at 8:30 p.1
Two Pianos Eight Hands Mes
dumes Gilmore. Smith and Boedeker,
and Miss Walker.
Sent- Flora Jane Boedeker.
Story Telling Miss Grace Soren
son. Omaha.
Son? Mildred and Marion Young.
Whistling Solo Elizabeth Mc-Craclen.
Vcral Solo Jean
Scnc Eessiend
1'iano Solo Mrs.
r..izi Mae and
Violin Sole Mrs.
Reading Beth Ellington.
Vocal Solo Mr3. Edna Marshall
Eaton, PJattsmouth.
Song Quartette Miss Todd, Mrs.
Pitman, Mr. Lee and Mr. Hiatt.
Ellis La Rue.
Paul Schlichte-
D. Caldwell,!
Original Story Teller
The Murray Community club takes
great pleasure in announcing that
it has secured Miss Grace Sorenson
of Omaha to tell stories to the child
ren on Saturday afternoon, August
2 6th, at three o'clock at the Chris
tian church.
Miss Sorenson is editor of "Every
Child's Magazine" and has a nation
al reputation as an original story
Her programs are composed en-
i tire'.y of her own stories and fairy
tales and hold the child's attention
! from beginning to end.
Miss Sorenson will also appear on
the evening program.
Be sure that your children are
here Saturday afternoon. August
26th at 3 o'clock to hear Miss Soren
son tell her own stories.
A New Corbel Tire
For the Thrifty Buyer!
Here are the features that make this the best tire value in
its price-class.
Full 10c oversize; 4 inch tires actually 4.4 inches.
Slightly flat tread; rubber properly placed to give trac
tion, lonp-wear and easy-steering.
Tread rubber extends from bead to bead resisting rut
wear and curb wear.
Carcass of l?i to l.3B-in long staple Arizona and Egyptian
cotton. (Fall X-in longer than is ordinarily used in tires of
this type; giving greater resiliency and tensile strength.)
Cured on air; pressure from within that minimizes the
possibilities of hidden defects.
Cords are built up on the exclusive Goodyear "Group-Ply''
principle which reduces the internal friction in the tire.
And we have these new Good
year CROSS-RIB CORDS for sale
at prices usually asked for cord
tires of unknown merit.
Murray Garage
Murray,, Nebraska
H ill
ii i
Saturday evening. Aug. 26.
Music by McLaughlin's of
Co. Bluffs. Usual admission.
Everybody Come -f
The September Eed Book -with fic
tion by Eupert Hughes, E. Phillips
Oppenheim, Richard W. Childs and
Eobert Wagner offers a wealth of
pleasure to the reader. The- new
Eed Books are here at the Journal
office now. Call early for your copy
of this popular magazine.
The excellent business which has come to us, and are
assured that it has been because of the very close prices
at which we have sold our merchandise and the cour
teous treatment which we have extended to the public.
Remember we are here to serve you to the best,
and are willing to do our best in this line.
The service store that serves the best.
Uilson S mm.
Four room house, good condition,
C lots, Ssuth Park. Good well, with
city w&ter. 51 000 if taken at once.
See Wallace Taylor. al6-6td
1 s Fistula-Pay When Ccrcl
I ' 4 "" A mill aratam mt troatm tkt nM PUv
V- riatU aA otter Hcta DIiwii
1 1 " 1 " Hm, wtthaal a. aavar nrtteal MTavttoaV Ma
rwwJ Ua Oiamr rtnai inwaaa mi
ttm. wittat Mrt anrt'oaj aprtw. tfm
nwintaMl tn mrr ruf accented for treatment, ud no Btur ta W
. i Txrivm. hiuife , .t . 1 riiMtwL With bubm a&d taaalmaaUAal
mw moor Caan 1 Pt'U prominent paoeia w n o naw nw yr-i-aMiinKjr
ML C B. TAJtBY. fenartartam, rlm Trvwt Blaf. Hm ttuicJ, DMA