The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 24, 1922, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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i m.
- i
Nehawka Department!
Prepared in the Interests of the People of Nehawka and Surrounding Vicinity Especially
for the Journal Readers.
A. C. Munn was among those who
visittd at the Old Settlers' picnic at
Union last Saturday.
J. H. Palmer shelled and delivered
pome six hundred bushels of corn last
Friday and Saturday.
Dt-lhert and Chalmer Switzer and
families were attending the picnic
last Saturday at Union.
C. W. Stone and family were in
attendance at the Old Settlers' re
union of Union last Saturday.
Miss Ora Ditman of Omaha, a
l.nol hum of Miis Hope St. John. I
is spending a week at the St. John '
Lome. j
Thomas Mason and Peter Framp-i
ton were among those who were vis
iting at the Old Settlers reunion last
A. V. Sturm was a visitor in Weep
ing Water last -Monday where he
v,as having his teeth looked after by
the dentist.
F. II. McCarthy and family were
visiting last Sunday at the home of
Mr. McCarthy's sister, Mrs. A. F.
Sturm and family.
Mrs. Ida Strickland was a passen
ger to Union and Omaha last Mon
day evening where she is visiting for
a time with friends.
Tt .C. Pollard was looking after
some business matters in Omaha last
At The Gift Store!
This is the place to bay gifts that last, gifts that you can't
go wrong on, as we stand back of every piece of goods sold
at this store. We carry a full line of Kitchen, Mantel and
Alarm Clocks on hand, so now is the time to come in and look
them over. Also a new assortment of Rings, which has just
come in, consisting of Diamonds, Rubies, Saphires, Pearls,
Etc. All watch, clock, jewelry and spectacle repairing is fully
Xorris Building,
Nehawka, Nebraska
& 1 Direct mto a Columbian F
- - - . " . f c - 1 - . - - mm 1 1 I - . V - r 4. w "X
Save S tackles' iSxpensc and Shrinkage
Grain threshed direct from the shock in
to a Co!ui:bb n Metal Gruin Pin comes cut
in better on Jl'i'-n than if ''bweat ia the
Bt.A," t.'.en i mproperly stored. Ibe eci'atitio
vent !i!ti..2v.Ht m iiit. Noes is was:..i, ri
etrjyedy r-.t or Jamai?fdby .iti,er or fire. No
c vki;r ei;iM aui la!.r. hrifi kage i let
Titan lnr aa campireil tolC r when tttre4 i
the npen. W- lii-f-reace l-!Xir..u :,! 1
ir!nka.'e on 1.CU0 bchhd of (rain will vy for
ColvuuLrias cf tci; eize ut si:g!c jcaai.
Bats Deslro? AiUHess Vearly ' . :
A I partraent ot Agriculture letted atatss ttat
faiorc gri..s 14 eaten by luic? aad raid or other-
Z ' V. 's'i. f..----v i V-!
r. j
wLe W3stH than is shipped cut of tLfKounties whera
srofrr;." Two Huailrci A!i!lion Djllars ia the yearly
to!! of cope and prsptrty destroyed by these pesta. i 2 the only effective ay to be rid of them.
They eir.uot get to grain stored in a Columbian Metal
Cria iiii; nor can fcre ead your crop up in smoke.
Properly Stored Grain Is Backed Cash
It U more valuable than cash received from the
ade of yrra.n at a 1 oss on the prevailing 1 ow mar
tetscf harvest and threthiagtime. 8 imenseelee will
' toreviircrainror aVi.-tiier marketif yon don't. The
CoiuR;D;an i!ct I Grain Bin provides perfret f arm stor
age at a c;t of ie than leper bushel distributed over
tiie maity yearait give service.
InproTed, Ectnlereed, Triple Joint
and Vertical Corrugated Construction
Bect'onsin the body of a Columbian Metal
Grain Bin are j oined by a triple flanged joint
wi:hfcrmsa four-ply band of steel around the bia
every S3 inches of ita hcixht. This a&d the veru
cai:y e jrmpated sitle sectiooa combine to make the
jircnjest grain tin available. The roof is of square bor
jc'.Dt contrucficn with ventilator in center. Metal
twitiian jecure:y bo! ted i nto bottom U-6ange cf side
itj.;-. Designed throughout to withstand auy load
p il le to puliri t and severe windstorms when empty
ll airborea to p'itfrin or earth. More than 50,000
'rt! iml;iir: .tt-tiilbinhaveenteredfftrmstorageservice.
i s ' ry cj-.-ily o f a bin every four minutes.
liuv early ardthrrib direct from tie shock. Prompt
dehvery now, but don 't delay.
Supplied From Stock By
Nehawka, Nebraska.
V- . . I
The best quality for the money has been our aim
in buying our stock of men's work shoes. When you
need a pair come in and see our stock first.
Smoked Elk Outing Shoe : . . . $2.75
Chocolate Elk Outing Shoe ' 2.75
Chocolate Blucher, Munson last, Goodyear welt
Shoe 4.00
Peters' "Dairyman" Chocolate, soft tip blucheJ,
water proof 4.95
' Establbhed 1888
Saturday driving over to the me
tropolis in hi3 auto.
Cliarles IJlako who has a refresh
ment stand at the Old Settlers' re
union was well pleased with the ex
cellent business which he did.
W. A. I licks wiil farm on rtie Mrs.
E. A. Kirkpatritk place the coming
season which is located west cf My
nard and northwest of Murray.
Mr. Cecil Tobin of St. Louis was
spending last Sunday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Kendle. the new
jeweler and watchmaker of Xehaw
ka. Miss Ruth Daviilsou who has been
with the telephone company for some
time past has resigned her position
and returned home to Weeping Wa
ter. II. P. ?.linch of Omaha and Worth
Click of near Murray have associat
ed themselves together and will en
gage in the automobile business at
the Hicks building.
Henry Wossell the hardware man
had his- stairway on the outside of
the building treated to a new ban
nister. Mr. W. S. Steele the carpen
ter, did the work.
Charles Hall who cut his hand
with a sack needle a short time since
and whi li Lccama infected, is get
tii.g along nicely now and hopes
soon to be well again.
W. O.'Troop'and Worth Cli'k who
have been in the northwest for the
past wetk returned home a few days
since" and report crops looking fine
in that part of the country.
Mips Evelyn Pollard, daughter of
Mr. Xelson Pollard, is visiting with
friends here from her home r.t Eliza
beth, X. J., being in company with
h-r father on his trip west.
Miss Kutherine Tool of Murdoch
who was a chum of Mias Alma Ost,
they both teaching at the public
schools of Firth, has b-en visiting
at the Ost home here for the past
Mrs. Gertie Tolin and Miss Clara
Tolin accompanied by Mrs. Agnes
Sheer of Lincoln and the latter a
siuer of Mrs. E. R. Kendle, were
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Kendle over the week end.
The Sheldon Manufacturing com
pany is shipping this week a car load
of their larger mixers to Portland
and Seattle where they have brandi
es of their business and where they
iind plenty cf demand for their out
put. Elijah M. Griffin and Joseph S.
Pcwell have accepted positions in the
blacksmith shop o the Dur.lington
railroad at- .-PlMtsnuuith. and are
working th?re, theyTrotrrg there with
three others from west of Nehawka
Inst Saturday.
Mr. Nick Klatirens who is the first
man we have heard of to be feeding
new ccrn and whkh he says is ready
now for use. is kept busy with his
son in delivering cobs to the people
of Nehawka. they having hauled over
fifty loads just recently.
Alex Rhoden of near Murray and
Charles Atkinson were in Nehawka
last Monday bringing wheat to ex
change for flour at the Nehawka.
mills and were well satisfied with
the treatment they received at the
hands of the good natured miller.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Glaze of
Platfsmouth, the former Miss Allen,
daughter of the former Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Allen, and Henry Osterloff
and wife of York are visiting in Med
ford, Okla.. having made the trip via
auto. While there they will visit at
the home' of their grand parents. -
l cigarettes
9 I
They are
Buy this Cigarette and Save Money
Arc You needing
We are prepared to furnish ycu
an excellent well. We have the
well machinery ready for service
See us if you are needing a well.
Easlrich S Lawrence,
Nehawka, Neb.
vt: ZZZZ
ft F
. Lee Rates and James Blake who
ii;:u itiL'ii nitri i v -u-i inuiu ui wiv
S'.-ttlers' reunion at Union last week
shipped the same to Springfield
where there is to be a picnic today
(Thursday) und where they and
Charles Rlake will try and entertain
t iio crowds of people looking for
r musement.
Miss Alta Duckworth who has
'.von assisting in the telephone ex-
chancre for some time past has ac
c opted a position as teacher of thb
! loasant View school and has re
; Ig.jod her position as operator and
which has been filled by Miss Clar
?:e Switztr who is making an ex-
li:-;U operator.
Miss Dorothy Zust -of Omaha was a
: si tor for a short time in Nehawka
with her friend, Miss Hope St. John
and they went to Lincoln last Mon
day to look after the securing of
apartments for thrir use during the
coming year as they are fellow stu
!' rts and pals, who will attend the
late university this year.
Mr. Justin Sturm and bride who
i:tve been touring Europe for some past, s:iil"d from Liverpool last
c k for home and will arrive it is
f xpcted in a short time. Mr. Sturm
writes about conditions in Europe
rnd says that the relations between
( iie laboring man and the aristoora-
-.. j is on? of the worst that can exist
Ralph S'urm from Big Wells, Tex
f s, where lie?' i making his home, au-
i ;? her'; about a week since and
: .'Ciifiipanied his father, A. F. Sturm,
io Linoo'n where they attended the
republican state convention and from
-r,' Mr. Ralph Sturm took the car
r-nd went to Omaha where he has
br?:i visiting at the Home of his sis
tcr, Mrs. John O. Yeiser, Jr.
Mr. 7.. V. Shrader and wife visit
. .1 at the Old Sot tiers' reunion last
i'nturday and there met the two sis
t rs of Mrs. Shrader, "-Mpsdames Thos.
: "uRivan and A. B. Taylor, they all
V.aving been in this county and
"c-icrhhorhood tor the past CS and
or f -half years.-This is making an
c :-.c?!lent showing for long time resi
'.'lite in this country and is an add
ed proof of the excellence of Cass
county for a place of residence.
Edward Ruhman of Galveston,
T xas, but who made his home here
for a number of years and who is
;d!y known here and at Union,
;!: his brothers, Julius Ruhman of
..' hr.wka and Mr. J. H. Ruhman of
Un!on was in Nehawka last week
Mr. Edward Ruhman who for a num-
hr of years worked in a mercantile
f tore in Nebraska City is, working in
Galveston, Texas, and on his trip
re came via California where he
I-ii t some time.
Mr. Nelson Pollird whose home is
hi New Jersey and who is at this
lime visiting at the home of his
brother, Mr. J. J. Pollard, says that
h.? oust is enjoying an era of pros
rity beyond anything which has
h f n in existence since the termina
tion of the war. He says that thou
t -md i of houses are being built and
hp.t material and workmen are hard
to find. llr feels that the good times
-annot, however, continue unless
romo! hing is dnne to settle ''the un-
i;.t:ral conditions which exist in
Will Trade 1916 Ford
Will trade a 1916 Ford touring
car good running condition for a
'ow. must be good and a Jersey pre
ferred. Box 245 Pluttsmouth.
Win From Omaha Ramblers
Last Sunday in a tightly contested
game between the ball team of Ne
hawka and the Omaha Ramblers on
the local grounds tire home team
proved the bettor aggregation and
won lrom the visitors by a score of
7 to 6. Considering the excellent
game which the visitors put up the
home team is to be congratulated oil
the winning which they made.
Yes, we are furnishing re
liable tires at lower prices
than the mail order houses
are putting out inferior
goods for. This good only
for a limited tiniv, so you
hurl better -get what you
want while they are going.
See the list of prices below!
United States & Racine Tires
Size 30x3V2 $10.00
Size 32x3V2 13.75
Size 32x4 18.30
Size 33x4 . 19.251
Size 34x4 20.00 j
These tires are guaranteed buti
the prices cannot be assured for any
great length of time. Come early. !
Give Friend Surprise
Just on the eve of his departure
for Canada, the friends of Mr R. H.
Chriswisser who recently went to the
northwest, met nt hTs home and gave
him a complete surprise and with
the thirty or rr.oro who were present
hod a most enjoyable time. A card
from Mr. Chriswis.-er who has reach
ed the northwest is to the effect that
the crops there are excellent and
that the grass and grain which are
yet to harvest are four feet in height.
Mr. Chriswisser writes from Winnipeg.
Mo?t disfiguring skin eruptions,
scrofula, pimples, rashes, etc., are
due to impure blood. Burdock Blood
Bitters as a cleansing blood tonic, is
well recommended. $1.23 at all
Young' men, handy with carpen
ter tools, for permanent employment
on ca rwork rate, 47c to 63c per
hour, depending on ability. Time and
one-half after eight hours. Call on
or write to Master Mechanic, C, B.
SL Q. R. R., Omaha, Neb.
iburns. scalds, tore throat, try Dr.)
I Thomas Eclectic OH. a sp;enom rem-.
Nebraska edy for emergencies. f
From Monday's Pally.
Mrs. W. H. Seybert who has been
spending several weeks at Dayton,
Ohio, at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. C. A. Marshall, returned home
this morning after a most delightful
1 County Commissioners C. F. Har
ris of Union and Fred H. Gorder of
Weeping Water were here today at
tending the meeting of the county
board of equalization at the court
L. V. Copenhaver was a visitor in
Omaha yesterday where he spent a
few hours with W. II. Freese, who
has been in very critical condition
for the past few days at the hospi
tal. Charles L. Freese of Scottsbluff
arrived here Saturday evening call
ed by the serious condition of his
father, W. II. Freese, and was a vis
itor with his father at the Imman
uel hospital this morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore McDaniel
and daughter loin, who have been
spending the week end here with
their former Custer county neigh
bors, Mr. and Mrs. Q. K. Tarmele,
departed this morning for their home
at Oconto.
Edward Wilson and wife were here
over Sunday visiting at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Lambert Lister, par
ents of Mrs. Wilson, and departed
yesterday afternoon for the metrop
olis from where they go to Los An
geles to make their future home.
From Tuesdays rally.
Marriage license was issued yes
terday in the office of Count' Judge
Allen J. Beeson to Ben A. Olive of
Weeping Water and Miss Euelie Ger
trude Wolph of Nehawka.
Mrs. George W. Thomas and son.
Karl, of Nebraska City, were here
yesterday afternoon for a few hours
visiting with friends and looking af
ter some matters of business.
Will Tritsch, Ed Becker and Geo.
M. Hild were among the Cass county
people to visit Perkins county the
past week and are there looking over
the wheat harvest in that locality.
II. Floyd Stone and wife of Daw
son. Neb., who have been here vis
iting with relatives and friends, de
parted this morning for Omaha where
they will spend a short time before
roturning home.
William Rice, who has been at
Langdon. Mo., looking after the har
vesting of the wheat crop on the farm
of E. J. Riohey, returned home yes
terday afternon and reports a fine
rain in that locality.
Mrs. John Wordeman of Leigh, Ne-
braska, who is here visiting with
relatives and friends was operated
on today at the office of Dr. H. C.
Leopold for the removal of her ton
John McNurlin departed this af
ternoon for. Omaha where he is hav
ing his eye treated by a specialist
and which at this time is in very
serious condition as the eye has be
come infected and will require a long
course of treatment.
Burlington Officials Warn Those De
siring to See Review to Select
Safer Place to View It.
The prospect of the attendance of
large crowds to witness the review
of the Nebraska state troops by Gov
ernor McKelvie here on Friday af
ternoon has caused much apprehen
sion on the part of the Burlington
as to parties getting on the right of
way of the company just west of the
parade grounds.
The company is not particularly
worried over the damage to the right
of way, but it is a matter of safety
to the public that is more pressing,
a large crowd there would pro
vide an opportunity for someone to
get injured in the passing of trains
along the tracks near where the
crowds would have to stand and they
are hopeful that the . public will
realize this danger and omit getting
on the right of way.
The hills west of the tracks and
the grounds of the camp are perfect
ly safe spots to see the parade from
and those who desire to view it
should take advantage of the safe
places rather than run the risk at
tendant upon the use of the right of
It was suggested some time ago
that this right of way would be a
good place to see the parade, but the
danger is so great that it will be a
better plan to be safe than sorry.
Prom Tuesday's iany.
This morning at 9 o'clock at the
First Methodist church a very pretty
wedding occurred, the participants
of which were George F. Anderson
and Miss Helen B. Presson, both of
Omaha. The marriage lines were
read by Rev. John Calvert in a most
impressive manner and the beauti
ful ring service used in the cere
mony. Miss Doris Briggs and Clif
ford Walker of Omaha were the wit
nesses of the wedding, accompanying
the bridal couple to this city by auto.
The bride is a granddaughter of
Col. J. H. Presson, one of the well
known residents of the state, and the
groom is one of the traveling men
of the metropolis, representing one
of the South Omaha packing houses.
The Journal office has a large dis
play of flags for Governor's day at
the national guard encampment, at
prices that will enable everyone to;
secure a neat new American flag for'
display on this occasion, I
V that's K.etloesi'a Ctrn
Flake, little sisterl That's
the good kind that most
folks around here eat and
eat and eat! And, I guets
ifs Kellong's Corn Flake
that put those big roses in
your cheeks don't yoa ssf
mo, sister!"
Blame mental fatigue
are the ideal summer diet!
Over-heavy foods cause more illness during thq
summer weather than any other thing you do! Sim
plify your diet. Men, women and children will work
and play and sleep better if they'll switch-in oa
Kellogg's Corn Flakes and plenty of cold milk and thd
delicious fresh fruits now in season!
Kellogg's are wonderfully refreshing and nourish
ing and always mighty crisp and delicious for any
meal. Let the little folks eat as much of Kellogg's aa
they want, for Kellogg's Corn Flakes digest quickly
ana easily and rest the stomach.
Ee certain to get Kellogg's the
original Corn Flakes in the RED and
GREEN package which bears the
signature of W. K. Kellogg, origi
nator of Corn Flakes. lione ate genu
ine without it!
AIs makers bl KELLOCG'S CRUMBLES and KELLOGG'S ERAN. cooked and Ir-snUed
i .'I
AAX it HI Sim n
17-8 v" mms
One Baby Grand Piano.
One Electric Sewing Machine.
One Hand Power Washing Machine.
One Gas Engine.
One 9x12 Rug; One 8-3x10-6 Rug.
One 54-inch Oak Table.
One 66-inch Oak Buffet.
One Oak China Cabinet.
Six Chairs.
One Sectional Book Case.
Two B eds Complete.
Three Leather Rockers.
Four Dressers and Dressing Tables.
One Refrigerator.
One Sewing Rocker.
Two Pedestals.
One Smoking Stand.
One Phonograph.
Two Fern Stands.
Combination Book Case and Writing Desk.
One Library Table.
One Kitchen Cabinet.
One Clock.
One Singer Sewing Machine.
One Electric Sweeper.
One 6-Hole Coal Range.
South of Court House
Phone 645-2 Rings