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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1922)
plattsrftoutb VOL. NO. XXXVLLL PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, MONDAY, AUGUST 21, 1922. NO. 11 ALL COMPANIES COMPLETE THE FIRST FIRING TEST 200 YARDS FROM PRONE POSITION MACHINE GUN CChMPANIES D AND M AND HOWIT ZER COMPANY ALSO ON RANGE YESTER DAY FOR A STIFF WORKOUT. From Thursdays Dally. Yesterday there was completed at the rifle ranee the first of a series of infantry firing tests that will take up the two weeks' encampment a 200 yard range from prone position. 10 slow fire shots. Other contests in the series will include the same range from sitting and standing po sitions and a 350 yard ranee from the various positions, both slow fire and rapid fire shooting. The Unci and 3rd battalions fin ished up their firing begun the clay before early yesterday forenoon, and Earl Cline's 1st battalion was at once assigned to the range and completed their firing a few hours later. Some high marks were made, one man. Harry Zalinski. of Co. K, Oma ha, registering 49 out of a possible EO points. Co. L.. the crack Omaha company composed largely of form er army men showed up to good ad vantage, seven of their 39 members scoring 4S and one 47, with the high average for the company of 42.3. Following the completion of the infantry test the Howitzer company of Mitchell was assigned to the range and fired both their 37-mm gun and Stoke's trench mortar. Each after noon they will be assigned problems and fire at about 4 o'clock when the range is cleared of infantrymen. Machine gun companies I) and M were also out for some intensive firing practice, and company II will get their turn with the Brownings today. Last evening at 6 o'clock the first regimental review was held by the troops of the 134th infantry "at the parade grounds north of the camp, and was one that was enjoyed by Quite a large number of the Platts mouth people from the hills and the nearby tracks of the Burlington. The fact that the ground was rough and uneven made the task of passing in review one of the great est difficulty for the troops, but in PLEASANT LUNCHEON J Marie Stokes and Alice Ptak were hostesses at a six cource buffet lun cheon Wednesday evening, given in honor of Dorothy Cowles, who is having for Grant, Neb., for an ex tended visit. The Ptak home was beautifully decorated in a color scheme of pink and white. The afternoon was spent at play ing bridge. Dorothy Cowles winning first prize and Dorothy Sattler sec ond. Marie Stokes gave a delightful solo dance, and Blanche Braun and Elizabeth Wadick sang a duet, also a violi:i atid piano solo was given by Roberta Props and Caroline Schul hof. A readine enjoyed by all was given by Alice Ptak. ThoiK- present, were: Misses Caro line Schuihcf. Roberta Propst. Doro thy Cowles, Marie Stokes, Elizabeth Wadick. Dorothy Sattler. Alice Ptak. Mary Haias and Blanche Braun. VISIT RELATIVES HERE Mr. and Mrs. Frank Oliver of Janesville. Wi:.. who have been vis iting at the home of Mr. Oliver's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Will Oliver, : Sr., and also at the homes of Harry Henton and Will Oliver, Jr., for the past five weeks, left Saturday morn- , ing in thir car for their home. They enjoved the trip. to Plattsmouth very much and expect a pleasant drive home. Mr. and Mrs. Chas.- Countryman were also visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver. They also made the trip in their car. Mr. Country man and family spent three weeks here v'siting relatives and friends and are now at the Yellowstone park. They expect to spend several weeks in the West. VISITING IN OMAHA From Thumday'B imny. This morning. Miss Virginia Bee son and Miss Ruth Shannon depart ed for Omaha where they will be guests at the house party to be giv en by Miss Ruth Buffing-ton. The young ladies will be entertained at a dinner dance this evening at the Happy Hollow club and on Friday at a theatre party with a dancing party later at the Fontenelle hotel. OBSERVE ANNIVERSARY From Thursday's Ially. Yesterday was the fifty -sixth wed eliug anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Waybright of Los Angeles, who are visiting at the home of Judge and Mrs. Allen J. Beeson, west of the city. The occasion was passed very quietly with a few of the old and intimate friends gathered at th home in the evening to extend their well wishes to the old time friends. spite of this handicap the guard made a very snappy appearance as they moved over the ground. Col. Amos Thomas of the regiment, with his staff reviewed the troops and General II. J. Paul, Lt. Col. W. A. McDaniel and other of the regu lar army officers attached to the guard were also present on the field to witness the nassine: of the trooDs. The condition of the ground in terfered with the companies clearing the line when they had passed the reviewing stand and also made it very difficult for the execution of the march, especially the band men, a number of whom cut their lips on their instruments in stumbling over the bumps in the stubble field. It had been desired to have this re Iview made a part of the afternoon i program of drill and exercises, as it : is the one spectacular movement to break the monotony of the day, and will draw many visitors to Platts mouth to witness it, but after the experience of last night. Col. Thom- is. regimental commander, announc ed there would be no more reviews until the ground could be placed in proper shape. The Chamber of Commerce, seeing the need of immediate action, took the matter up last night and made arrangements to put tractors and discs on the field today. After a thorough discing it will be harrowed and wet down, after which it should be ready for use tomorrow night, in which event Col. Thomas announces the regimental reviews will proceed. Without this action, even the review before Gov. McKelvie would have had to- he . dispensed. Kith - and his visit made merely the occasion of a camp inspection. It has been said that the reviews are an important part in keeping up the interest of the men in regular army life, and an encampment with out them would certainly be lacking in something worth while. PLEASED WITH DEMONSTRATION From Thurnrtuy B UaUy The home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Wil son south of this city was the scene! of a very pleasant house party a few j days ago when Mr. and Mrs. Crab-1 tree, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Hammons, j ana Mr. ana xurs. isner ana lamuy all of Osceola, Mo., were here. There were twenty in the party that en- ! joyed the delightful occasion and all j were old friends of the Wilson fam-i iiy. ! Mrs. Wilson, who is the owner of the patent on the Wilson Collander, j gave a demonstration of the new de vice that was very much appreciated and as a result, everyone of the adults present ordered one of the handy household necessities. SOON TO GO TO SCHOOL From Thursday- Dally. This morning, Woodson Spurlock of York, Neb., was here for a few hours, coining over from Weeping Water with his friend and classmate at the state university, Sheldon Tefft. Mr. Spurlock was born in Platts rvoiUii but was a small child when the family left this city, and has not been here very often since. Mr. Spur lock is one of the highest ranking students that has graduated from the University of Nebraska and has been awarded the Rhodes scholarship that will entitle him to a course of study at Oxford University, England. He will leave in the rtert few months for the English school. ENTERTAINS FOR FRIENDS Miss Helen Beeson was the hostess ; at a very pleasant luncheon on Tues day afternoon in honor of Miss Myr tle Roach of Omaha, who has been a guest at the Beeson home for a few days. The luncheon was held at 5 o'-! eloj-k and the appointments of the table were very attractive with the t sparkling silver and cut glass, the showy napery and the bright color ed Gladiolas that were used in the decorative scheme. Plates were laid for ' fourteen. Following the luncheon, dancing and social conversation served to pass the time until a late hour. EMBARKING IN BUSINESS A new business enterprise has been launched on the community in the firm of Wallengren & Hunter, who are preparing to handle the line of candy and refreshments at the Movie Garden and will start at once in serving the public with all the full line of dainties at the open air amusement place. The firm is composed of Rudolph Wallengren and Paul Hunter and the boys are preparing to see that the public is well served. ME. AND MRS. SID MO 0E PARENTS OF A DAUGHTER On "Wednesday morning. August 16, 1922, a fine ten pound baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Sid Moore at the home of Mrs. Moore's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L." F. Langhorst in this city. Grandma and Grandpa Lang horst are as proud as acn be and he claims that this means another dem ocratic victory. Mr. and Mrs. Moore reside in Omaha. The happy parents have the congratulations of their many friends in the happy event. Elmwood Leader-Echo. LEGION AUXIL IARY ELECTS DEL EGATES THURSDAY To the State Convention at York Next Month Also Discuss Purchase of Unit Flag. From Friday's Iaily. Yesterday afternoon at the Amer ican Legion club rooms, the Ameri can Legion Auxiliary held their regular meeting for the month of August. In Bpite of the intense heat, a number of the members and friends assembled at the club rooms and a verv interesting business session was held. Various plans were discussed for the purchase of a flag for this or ganization and a committee of two, Mesdames Tom Short and Gus Swan son, was appointed to investigate the matter and report at the next meeting. The second annual state conven tion of the American Legion Auxil iary will be held at York on the same dates as the Legion convention, Sep tember 18th, 19th and 20th. and Mesdames Fred Sydebothaia and F. It. Gobelman were elected as dele gates to this convention, while Mes dames M. Hild and Gus Swanson were chosen as alternates. A little further time was devoted to discussion of various plans and then the business session was ad journed. he hostesses of this occasion, Mes dames Henry Ofe, August Roessler and John Barkening then served some very dainty and delightful re freshments. GUARDS TAKEN - AWAY FROM THE C. fL& Q. DEPOT Officials Will Have Armed Guards Remain Away From Passenger Station in the Future. From Friday's Dailv Following the visit here today of Division Superintendent N. C. Allen j of the Burlington, the armed guards : over whom more or less controversy i has been going on for several weeks, were instructed not to visit the Bur lington passenger station at train time as has been their practice. The railroad officials instructed the guards who are to accompany the men that may come here to work from the trains to the shops, to meet the men at the stock yards, south of the depot, and escort them from that point to the shops. This will eliminate the annoyance to the traveling public from the arm ed guards and cut out the possibili ties of trouble as far as the station is concerned and as the new stop ping place is on the right of way of the company and awav from the nath of the traveling public, it will not ! cause any inconvenience. PAY DAY AT CAMP From Friday's Daltj The most joyful day in the life of the soldier was observed at Camp Barry yesterday when the paymaster Major Ely, of Omaha, paid a visit to the camp and paid eff eight of the companies for their stipend for the period from January 1st to July 1st, covering the amount that the boys receive for, their weekly drills in their home armories. It has been the practice to pay the men every six months in the past, for this class of service, but while here. Major Ely announced that in the future payment will be made every three months. The members of the guard will have another pay day before leaving camp and which will include their $1 per day stipend for the two weeks encampment. The total amount paid out yester day was estimated at $20,000 and will go a long ways toward adding to the enjoyment of the guardsmen. GARAGE BURNED UP ALSO A FORD AUTO On last Thursday the auto garage on the Fred Lake farm north of town was destroyed by fire about 11 o' clock that night. An explosion was heard by Miss Winkler who aroused the rest of the family. Ey that time the fire had gained such headway that it was entirely beyond control and the garage together with a Ford touring car belonging " to Harvey Stevens who is working there was destroyed. Elmwood Leader-Echo. JERSEY CATTLE EX HIBIT ATSTATE FAIR Arrangements Made to Show the Prize Bovines Week of Sep tember 3rd to 8th. Appreciative of t ii o remarkable growth of dairying i:i this state, the officials of the NeT;i:-ka State fair have arranged for the showing o: the Jersey cattle educational display at Lincoln. September to S. The exhibit will K shown by the American Jersey caule club and will be in charge of a personal represen tative of the breed association. It will be housed in a targe tent to be erected in close proximity to the cat tle barns and will be designed to present educational and economic features of dairying. Particular stress will be laid on the possibilities that thoroughbred Jersey stock holds for the small farmer and a canvas will be begun immediately by club officials to in sure a maximum attendance of Jer sey breeders at the exposition where the opportunity to inspect the ex hibit will be afforded. On the side wai;s of the exhibi tion tent, which will measure 40.S0 feet, there will be educational charts bearing life-sized photographs of farmers' Jersey cat'.Ie together with official records and other informa tion that has been grouped carefully to afford ease of assimilation. Daily lectures and demonstrations by livestock men will be conducted in explanation of these charts and displays and the various phases of operations of dairying, whether from the standpoint of Jersey cattie in terests or those of ether breeds will be discussed. Among the dai'y demonstrations will be cow-judging on live animals by which the audience will be in structed by an expert as to the points which indicate lartre produc ing ability. The animals used in these lectures will be the Jersey state champions fcr production, so an unusual opportunity is afforded all dairymen to learn the points which indicate the profitable pro ducers. When It is realized that one-third of the "0.000,000 dairy cows in the United slater is being kept at a loss, the value of this edu cational exhibit to both the farmer and the consumer cannot be over looked. In addition to the educational tent the owners of the greatest Jer sey herds in the state are bringing their prize winners to enter compe tition with other herds, so an unsu ual opportunity is given to everyone interested in cattle or the health of their family to view these animals upon which the future of our na tion rests. In addition to the exhibits, lec tures and demonstrations, a series of meetings of state and local Jersey cattle clubs are to be conducted in the exhibition tent on different day-5 during the exposition, and it is hop ed by means of this demonstration to make the exposition the official an nual meeting place of the future for Jersey breeders. It is the first time in the history of the club that an effort has been made to present such a pretentious and elaborate display anywhere except at the National dairy show last year. The results obtained from the display in Minne sota were such that officials of the organization felt that a similar ex periment should be attempted in this state. RECEIVE SAD NEWS Prom Friday's Lfil!y The message was received here to day by Col. and Mrs. M. A. Bates, announcing the death of Mr. A. T. Clabaue-h, father of their son-in-law, Albert Clabaugh. The death of the elder Mr. Clabaugh occurred Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the home in Baltimore, where the family are old residents. Mr. Clabaugh was at the time of his death aged 7i years and has for many years been identi fied with the business life of the Maryland city and was known as the "father of the- stock exchange" in that city" and was one of the best known and popular members of the exchange. Since the death of the wife in the early part of 1921, Mr. Clabaugh has been in failing health. He leaves two sons and two daugh ters to mourn his death, Albert Cla baugh of St. Louis. Wilson Clabaugh, Baltimore, Md.; Mrs. Louise Weeks, Englewood. N. J.. and Mrs. Carrie Spink of Baltimore. The deceased was alsc a cousin of G. W. Clabaugh of Omaha. The funeral was held at Baltimore and the interment there at the fam ily burial lot. NEW FIRM FOUNDED From Thursday iJaUy. A new business firm has been es tablished in this city, Mr. George Weideman taking as a partner in his business in the auto repairing and supply line. Mr. P. W. Crum, one cf the best known and expert auto me chanics in the city. The firm, com posed of experts in the automobile line, should be a great success in every way and will occupy the Propst garage building at the corner of 7th and Vine streets, where they will be enabled to take care of all business in their line which includes tire repairing and vulcanizing as! well as mechanical work. 1 HAD MISHAP When Mr. and Mrs. White and daughter and Mr.;. W. IT. Tuck were returning from an Iowa visit they ran into a ditch at Council P.luP's and had zo bo helped out. No one wr.s hurt but the car was damaged considerably. They phoned to Pr. Tuck to come after them. He got it over the phone that they were at the B. & M. hotel. He hunted two hours before he finally located them at the B. & M. depot. Mr. and Mrs. White went on to their home at York, but Mrs. Tuck and Agnes White came down home villi the doctor. Weeping Water Republican. LOGAL PEOPLE ENTERTAIN AT CAMP BARRY LAST NITEi Members of National Guard are En thusiastic in Reception of the Popular Entertainers. From Friday's Dally. Laft evening a number of the musically gifttd residents of the city were at Camp Berry to furnish r.n evening cf entertainment for the members of the National Guard, and gave a well selected prozram that was enjoyed to the limit by the boys of the various companies. The program was given at the recreation tent and while delayed in starting by the fact that "pay day"". being held in a number of the companies, it was a real winner when it was held. The selections given embraced musical numbers, both vo cal and instrumental and also a number of readings and which will ion; be delightfully remembered. Preceding the program a general ,ing was held in which the members of the camp joined and this served as a most delightful start for the evening's entertainment. Vocal solos were given by Mrs. E. II. Wescott, Edna Marshall Eaton and Don C. York, and all of which were enthusiastically received, and the duet by Mrs. Wescott and Mrs. Eaton was given, a great ovation by the audience. For the musical numbers, Mr. E. H. Wescott presided at the piano in his always pleasing manner and Mrs. Elbert Wiles also gave a very harming piano solo during - the evening. Mrs. William Baird, in her clever mann?r, gave a number of rending? which were much enjoyed and served to round out nicely the program of the evening. It was with difficulty that the entertainers were able to close the proaram as the encores were very -,treuuous and the members of the guard found warm expression of the appreciation at the program that the local people had arranged at the request of Capt. II. C. Capsey, regi mental chaplain. The local people will give another entertainment at the recreation tent on next Thursday evening. COMMISSIONERS LOOK OVER ELMWOOD ROAD Prom Friday's Ially. Yesterday County Commissioners Farley, Harris and Gorder were out in the vicinity of Elmwood, where they were in consultation with the state engineer as well as the federal highway representative. The bridge over the "O" street road that has been the scene of many accidents was visited and the re pairs and changes necessary to place the road in the best of shape dis cussed. It is planned to have a new bridge placed there as soon as possible and in time the federal aid project will be brought to this point and the highway made a part of the great system of permanent highways of the country. Mr. Cole when in Lincoln recent ly looking after the possible identi fication of Wewhorter, the Lutz as sault suspect, called at the state en gineer's office and after some dis cussion brought the attention of Mr. Johnson personally to the condition of the road and the result has been that the bridge and roadway will soon be placed in first class shape. PRIESTS INJURED IN ACCIDENT Father Eugene Feeney and Father Thos. Corcoran of Elmwood, experi enced an auto accident Tuesday af ternoon about 5:45 which was a nar row escape from very serious injury. Father eFeney had started to take his friend to Erownville to show him the country and soon after they had crossed the Missouri Pacific tracks, he lost control somehow of the car which swerved to one side and turn ed turtle. The top was torn off at the very first and the men thrown thru the top. Father Feeney was consid erably bruised and shaken up and Father Corcoran was badly cut up about the head and chest. The body and the car is a complete wreck. The injured priests were brought to the city and medical attention im mediately provided. They are im proving as well as could be expected. It was a narrow escape from pos sible death. Auburn Herald. Blank books at the Journal Office. WOULD ABOLISH . THE OFFICE OF CO. ASSESSOR State Tax Commissioner Wants to Give Duties to Co. Clerk and Appoint Assessors. Now that the state tax levy has been made and state taxes reduced one-third. State Tax Commissioner W. II. Osborne will take time to look ever the revenue law with a view to making recommendations for chanees. The new law enacted by the legislature of 1921, in re sponse to changes made by the peo ple in the state constitution, was tried out this year for the first time. All the results are not exactly as were expected. Mr. Osborne says he is r.ot married to the new law, but he desires it to have a fair trial. He is not discouraged because that part of the new law lowering the rate of taxation to one-fourth of the rate on tangible property will pro duce less revenue than the revenue produced under the old law. The same result followed the first year's trial of a similar law in Minnesota, but in ten years it was working there satisfactorily and bringing a big increase in revenue. Tax Commissioner Osborne is of the opinion that the enforcement of any new law depends largely upon precinct and county assessors. He cites the case of one precinct asses sor in Lancaster county who this year made a special effort to show taxpayers that they ought not to conceal intangible property from taxation and that under the new law there is inducement to list it all. That precinct assessor listed ten times as much intangible property as he did in the same precinct the year before, although Lancaster county entire did not list three times as much this year as in 1921. If all precinct assessors had done as well the new law would start off with flying colors. Complaint is al so made that county assessors in many counties did nothing to get in tangible property on the tax rolls. Mr. Osborne is of the opinion that precinct assessors should be appoint ed and not elected and that county assessors should be abolished and their duties turned over to county clerks. There are 5,000 precinct as sessors and the state tax commission er is unable to get them to do all he desires done. He has similar trou ble with county assessors. He finds that wherever there are poorly qual ified county assessors the intangible property makes a poor showing. Thirty-five counties do not have county assessors. By a vote of the people of that many counties the county assessor has been abolished. One reason why Mr. Osborne favors county clerks serving as county as sessors is that in all counties except Lancaster the county clerk is requir ed by law to make out the tax list. The county assessor takes reports of precinct assessors and makes the tax roll. This he turns over to the coun ty clerk, who makes out the tax list and in turn gives it to the county treasurer, who collects the taxes. In the opinion of Mr. Osborne, the coun ty clerk might make the tax roll, as well as the tax list. He says county clerks are generally well qualified for clerical work, while county as sessors are often chosen from among those who have had little or no ex perience in the duties they are call TV7fSV7S7 A Bank for the Vomen of Plattsmouth! Because our officers have always aimed to 'provide here a banking service which would provide every courtesy and every possible privilege for its women patrons, we have today a steadily grow ing list of Plattsmouth women who are making good use of the advantages of fered. The woman who maintains a bank ing account will find here a persistent ef fort to be helpful and to offer friendly business counsel when it is needed. A checking or savings account will entitle you to our complete service. THE FIRST N&TIOMAL BANK THE BANK WHERE PJATTSMOUTH Member m ed upon to perform. He was county clerk himself at one time. A special act was parsed by the legislature, authoriziT:g the county assessor to make out the tax list, thus relieving the county clerk of that duty and granting the county assessor extra pay for the extra la bor. If this were done in all coun ties, county clerkB would have little to do, according to Mr. Osbori c. CHARGES GIGANTIC GASOLENE COMBINE Senator Smith Declares Senate Com mittee to Investigate Extent of Oil Monopoly. Washington, Aug. 17. Ramifica tions of alleged jiiantic cjI mon opoly, extending thru the world, will be probed by the senate committee investigating high gasoline prices. Senator Smith, South Carolina, rank ing democrat, declared today. Charges have been brought before members of the committee that three monopolistic companies with exten sive holdings in America. Mexico and Europe, had acquired, directly or indirectly, control of about three fifths of the world's crude oil supply, according to Smith. With these vast holdings the com panies, thru an alleged interlocking are able to fix arbitrarily the price of gasoline, kerosene, fuel oil and all petroleum products, it was said. If the charges of a gigantic mon opoly are sustained, federal prosecu tion under the anti-trust laws of the American companies involved will be demanded. Smith said. "While we cannot give out de tails," Smith said, "we have on hand information which will pro duce Fome sensational ejects in th" gasoline and oil industry. HENRY O'BRIEN PASSES AWAY ON SATURDAY Henry O'Brien passed away at his home on Saturday afternoon about fix o'clock. He had been very sick for weeks. Buffering with heart trouble, but lately seemed better. He wan lying on a cot on the porch when death came. Mr. O'Brien has been a resident of Weeping Water for thirty-eicbt years. For years he has run a sec ond hand store. He was a man with many kindly traits a good neighbor, accommodat ing and thoughtful, as many who lived near him testify. Henry O'Brien was born in Illi nois on November 12. 1SC3. and die 1 at his home in Weeping Water on Saturday, August 12. He was twice married. the last time to Miss Mary Conley, twenty year3 ago. who with an adopted daughr survive him. The funeral was held at the Cath olic church at Manley on Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock. Tall bearers were chosen from the M. W. A., of which be was a mem ber, and the interment was made in the Catholic cemetery at Manley. Weeping Water Republican. Mr. and Mrs. Marion S. Waddell. who were married Wednesday at Nehawka, departed this morning on No. 6 for Mount Pleasant. Iowa, at which place they will make their home in the future and where the groom is to be an instructor in th Iowa Wesleyan college. YOU FEEL AT HOME KEBEASKA. Federal Reserve JB: P. I g !Z3ZSXZSIZ3ZZ3ZZS7Z