The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 17, 1922, Image 5

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    THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 1922.
Murray Department
Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
Utnyof the rr;'-tr cf ue
Journal kTiOT- of ciy ocia!
ernt or Item of iuifresi, in
tb!S victn!" J. a -11 irail
S itDP to tlui oflw.e !t. will ap
pear u!jut tbt t s- Va
waul nil cswii tve.a t.DjTOB
well if they came back via the hill
! reel they could intercept them, fta
, ticiied themselves there and had
their lonr; wait for notbirg. The
I husbands arrived bsek in Murray at
'about ten o'clock and had to wait
until midnight for the wives to re
turn, for they were determined to
catch ti e truant husbands and ctay
ed for several hours. Hut they did
not do it.
A hank works for you night and day, week after week, adding
cents to your dollars. L'ttle by little the amounts grow till each
addition is a respectable sum.
"Where docs the gdin come from? Not from your pocket. Nor
from oftrs. It is the result of production. Money placed in a bank
is jjiven an opportunity to work and to produce.
Thus a bank BUILDS your wealth.
Start with a small deposit if you will. Add to it when you
if vou can do eo. It will not be long till you can
fairly see it grow.
Murray State Bank
Open an Account with us today NOW!
j Grassruan, were visiting at Murray
! for a short time last Sunday even
; ins.
I Albert Young shipped six hogs to
South Dakota and Iowa Wednesday, j Mr. Grant liuby ; rid
The early demand for pure bred ! their hnie
futler as not enjoy::
health. It is hoped V.
be at hi? beet ac;ain.
she met his brother
Farewell Dcr.ce Given
A lcr;;e number of the friends of
Mr. and Mr?. Win. March last Sat
urd.iv cver.ine met at their residence
in Murray and had a very delight-
wt re visitin? it the .,
Ruby and wife. Mrs
crops looking exrv !' ' :
hogs for breeding' purposes denotes
that the business will be pood tlihs
! fall.
i Mrs. E. W. Meiburn. with their
! little daughter is en joy ins a visit at ;
(the home of M:s. Milbuiv's parents,!
Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Davis, at Lincoln, 1
'where they will expect to remain lor,
jsone time. j
I Little Lessie Burdoch. of near Ne-!
hawka. daughter cf Mr. and Mrs.
tJOiin iurt:ocK. uas neeu sreuu my, "in this line
week with ner lime menus, musses
'Mia and Marie Davis, daughters of
; Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Davis.
Wm Cluvhnlri f sift ti'irpf Mr li.
' H. Fhrader were visitors last Tues-:0,'
jday morning at l'latt?m(.r.t!i at the I r- ' ;
i first hearing of the probating of the j1;1'
iesti. te of their f ut her, the late J. B. I '';
? tbe best of
I 1 e -non v:y
While there,
r-d her uncl.
ifc. who :re ful dance in honor of their host and
t Lowell and bostess. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs.
-V.JK- of J. M.jM-rch novo:! to Plattcmouth. where
I ruber reports ; they are making their home.
Wanted, Washing
Mrs. Albert Jui'.or
receiving family wa:
aire tbe best of sat
cm: be fcur.d jtift ear
ti;'C'."s on the north
rail will preii'.'y appr
ivfn he
'To. Pacific Trackmen Strike
rh" section crew of the Missouri
dcsicious of:p2C,;rlC which has been located at
ig:; and will. M;!ry. an 2 -No worked from My
.ciion. t.hc cr(j m some distance south of Mur
" ,l e rail'.vay r.,v resulting from some contro
versy, a few days since at rxon.
vbi'.e at the dinner hour at Mynard.
i!.: J work and walked to their
I l-.'.iuc- :-t Murray. They are still out,
A Seal Kusical Cu-.aizatics. I and at last report their places had
In canvt-vsc tion i:
of the street
i'.'j anv work
th" rei;res:'::ta!
as told by Mr.
ry band vv.ic
lervice con.aai-.:
rr, braska .
his physician a portion of the time.
Mrs. C. X. Barrows and son,
Charles, and Joseph Mrasek and wife
John the Barber." l est known by
that coirnomen, who worked here
some time since, a ad who has been ; '"
awav for scree time, is working at . v'
Plattsmouth at th:? time and hits met j c'
.i .Mr. i;. A. a - t been hlu :a l he aeetion ioreraan
of the Jour-j has h: cn promised a crew will be
Hoot tlait the 'sent from Palls City, but as yet they
is a part of have not been sent. Those who quit
of the 134th : work were Messrs. Oliver Davis. John Guard, ' C.?dde. Charles Sans. James W. Til
.ta. is a lau-'s a and Arthur Copenh.aver.
Known Quality at a
Rock-Bottom Price
That is what you may be sure of petting ia this new Good
year Cross-Rib Tread Cord.
The price of this new Gaodyear Cord is about 20?r lower
than the Goodyear All Weather Tread and about the same as
you pny for card tires of unknown quality even with their
vcjriable discounts figured off.
It isn't any longer necessary for you to take a chance. Let
us supply you with this new Goodyear Cross-Rib Tread Cord.
Prices of the New Cross-Rib Cord
- F,"vA T
many of hl.
r ilurray friends.
Messrs. Harry Puis. Glen Edmin-
Mr. and Mrs. Gay White enter-u-iaed
a number of friends at din
ner Pun day.
.Vr. A. I). Rboden shipped a car
load of hogs to Omaha last Tuesday,
which he has raid on his farm.
Fred Ileveraae and family visited
last Sunday at I'eru and also bought
a onantitv of Deaches while there.
Mrs-. 11. P. Luiz was visiting at 'lent hay during the time the sun- Messrs Frank VclK-ry. of I'hitts
tl.e Vf ine of Mr. ana Mrs. L. D. Iliatt shines. " I mouth. O. A. Davie. K. 3. Tutt. Font
last Tuesdav, coming down on the' J. A. Scotten and his workmen. J. I Wilson and J. W. CT.i'.sr-n departed
l;s J E. Gruber have been busy during tin to antes for a trip of land in-
"ir 1. v r.r-Tulel was a visitor in the oast few davs putting a new ioof ! spection in Perkins county and will
s ortra luxation v
Jatlf iT-.g trom
t!:is band's ma
I ly the per-pV
t1- oi)ini-r oi
-.veil founded, for tl
manner in i
is being re- ; T
the county ,
surely can
were looking: after some business ! sou and Forest Rainey. accompanied i k'
matters in Omaha last Mondaj- even-1 by Mu ses Marie and Elsie Puis and1
ing. I Fern Fight comprised a merry party
George Parks has beer, busy dur-j v. M.:l. visited at the Mills county,
ing the past few days putting up his I Iowa, fair last week p.nd r port an $
alfalfa, and is making some excel-1 ercelient lime.
For Sa;
it'.c or Sen: tic
:.0; Gilts. $2K
Enjoyed a Nice Quthitr j
:'t F.undav Mcsrrs and Mcslamc-s
T. Prvniel. Wm. Scbo!dt, J. D.
n del. Morton LSartletl and their
- 1 tf.r VlorMi.'- Tti: ii"rrl Ttrpnill
i an a Mrs. . F. 21r rdel. all of Mur
jriy. and Mr. and Mrs. Dr. .7. W.
iPvcndel of Avoca took tl.eir dinners
' luror boars. : ;ir)u vrr.t to Omaha. where they
s:;r-m some tirae ft Iliverviev,- park,
ir- I
i L I td
! 1
3C:i3i-2 Clincher
32x31, 2 Straight fcide
32x4 " "
33x4 "
. 26 80
. 39.10
Murray Garage
Murray, Nebraska
rim-A-'-M - igrf"
Ov ah:
llUli i'.Iltr SOUie 'rUiMUUi;i WUOl- : I.tUC'l.
; ! Muriel Nickels.
beer. a?istinc working- at Plattsmouth
has been I Dr. G. I,.
for some ' iuisv during
Thursday ' h;:s bt.-en called upon to
viilis I-intnr
. . . . . 1 - . . . r 1 .' . .... 1 ,.1 loct
III tile lanu m iiie iuim: m , ujs uimi ian .
E. Jlv'.burn during the past ten : morning for Omaha where be expects , many hogs
y. (to work.
The bridge crew of the Monarch! County
their niurn.
Taylor lias been pretty
t!ie ast lew weeks and
Commissioner Mr. G.
Last Wednesday and to-
e has had a job uf i.a:i::nsr im-
L. 'mil!!? some three hnadrea 1101 "... r.
1 day
;nv is doing con- ! Farley, of Plattsmouth. was looking 'for Edward Gansmc r ar.d W
pud i,d;v
t Matida v
a::-,- t!:r--
a ti d
i . !
F.T:rii;--eri!)g con.
sideri-bk work at and near Ilock .aftr srme business matters in ,ur-, pot.
X-.i.. 'ray for a short time last Tuesday; Charles Kei:ndy
C. F. Harris. of Union, county afternoon. i Peter.-on departed ia:
commissioner, was looking after some ! lienry C. Long is ftcling much Like Gkobcji. ia a. v
road work :n and near Mir:av on improved and was able to assist in r:n:i'i for some ti iu
lat TiH-sdav. the breaking of the land for wheat , bat lung and f-.-Liar v
O. li. Hinkle. iaarairer cf the Mar- rt the farm west of town during the mer resort afford:;. T
rav carase. was ioo'airr at'itr pom past week. ! in their ear arc
r.-.n'trr ti I'':.:-mouth lat Mr. G. W. McCracken was looking h:ve an cxctlka: lira
T.i,-.., nT.-.-n,n ftt-r some business matters in Oma-i Ted J. II.
J,hn F::r:is was a visitor at Union ha and also visited for a short time ed Tuesday for their heme at North
last Tuesday, going to purchase some at the home of her sister last Mon-jltend, wht-1 ;I.t l-r.' w:U r-.iaair.
H M. d-iv evening. :. ana wi.trc v . .1 . : ;ae
tr,e :rr
Lead in:
' v.- '. -i
UK .NO. iand also some time at Krug p;rk.
Murray, Xebr. they bathing at the lakes and had
dinner nd supper at Riverview park.
A Noted D"Jt:oc Scr.r Sold a v. til as a most enjoyable ri 1c home
1 '-o-!:: a- c-.t t -. tieid notes in ' i"i the cool of the evening. They all
kr:"wn farm ;-: a:r we r.nd ti.-:i 01 a most er.joyame time.
:.'.vinr item .-v. 'J.otiaht it j :
i-e or ::iTcre-L -o j.:rnai 1 1 : .
:ar,. f Tic lw r mentioned is :
c o; one of th-- ta-;r.; that is Ji,
I I 11 .... i A
number of good used Ford9 at Right Prices.
"he herd t-f ?' ,i
Al'i-'rt Yi-;r;a. a
-,or:the:;Vt of M
the article:
;-. cedf Orion
.5 Durocs:
breeder :
uio.t over
pectin g to
rr. '. !::oih--r dor:
:. Tion. head
,t the Duroc her-: owned :iy
Piu.ler I'ri.. of V.';-r:I-.'y. Iowa.
v: .old tD"Te'lir.a y.r(,s.. Dan
vi':"e. I!1.. for ?. '.
' T'iff "a Or'-:is -". u -alien was
fr-; ji j;;,! fia-s at t! e Iowa and
:'ra.-k: stt f:: -rs in 1020
ar.d : t V.ta 1 'nr fair was
ia V ::v:.pd ( ..n'"-
"At ttic N":.ti;:nal swin"
S; t'-.rday ev,.'.;;na. Aiig. 10.
Music by M"i.:!Ughlin's of J
Co. E'.ur?. Usual admission.
Strong Ur-dercurreiit in Direction ci
Iniustrial Eecovery Through
out the United States.
Everybody Come
peaches at the home of Mr.
John Stone has been pettins: in coming two vv ks JUid at this tiiav
will return la
Frans. east of Union
t!--K Tt.-it.rt Trw.i r.r.r! A M. bis jilf.ilfa hav during the past tew
I'.i'.erage tooK a load of hogj to Om-.daya and while he found the weatii-,til the f ;tair.:, cf
' .. i-r v.i1t.s'';.v ti the trnei '.-'. r unite warm enouch. he is getting' when he v.-';j enter
ionint: to Mr. Troop. 1 ia some good hay.
li. G. War! aad Jack Xeitzel ere; Mr. and Mrs. Will S. Smith and
iitinc in Murray iast Tuesday at- Attorney C. A. liawis and wife, of
tern..:):., wrert Mr. Warl was look-: Plattsmouth. were spending Sunday
ina after s a:." br.-iness. i at Krug park vbere they enjoyed
W. H. Pals v.a.s looking after some the day very niceiy
busine-.- r... tiers in Omaha last Tues- j Glen Vallery purchased the piece
day and also was attending the dem- ; of cround v.-hich was sold last week
ocrtitic stcto convention. j r.t the Cass county court house at
rid Gansmer is visiting at I'lattsmout!: and formerly belonged
the b .me of her coi:.-in. Mr. Jabr. ;u Mr. Jesse Vailory.
Peters and fr.mily near Iturwe'.i. and! Pert Setchell r.nd family of near
is enja'divr the visit jrrer.lly. ! Madison arrived via their auto for a
Mr. ai:d Mrs. J. II. Brown were visit of a couple of eeks at the
visiting lor a i hort time and looking i onic of the Deverages, Mrs. Satchell
aft. r s-ome ba.:n?ss matters ia On.- being a sister of the I Several.'.- l:.ys.
aha i . t :-!on't; y ai d Tuerday. j ,jr, ilVA Mrs. Albert Young and
Mrs. Wm. Carrol' an.: dausrb.ter. ! ?drs. Albert Jones we-e loo'aine af-
-s Dv.n.thy.
Omaha, hav.
,; array to remain ud-
. e school year,
sc'.ioaf again.
Jesse Chamber.'-, who has just pur
chased a new c;. r Tor his use in look
ing aft-r !::; v ui- in th country,
departed 1 -t ' .Hi '. :y allerr.oc.n far
Muriock. v i.'-zt- ' o -" to icok af
ter a c."nr.i. '-f "'-'Uting the i-.'
borne of IPrai -n F. :i'werpe, which
is at this 1 ia - r. j:.ri: g comptetia::.
Mr. ar
son, 5te;
dav a 1
ccmpaa i
ford. ;-!:
Mr. and
and Mr-:.- G. M.
Little Ida Dcrn
returned with he1
d J :
n u
.- .. stood se -
r. Yoana has ov
a-, rag- sired by
. bnar and i:-: s '.
gilts at very r.
YO'! will his ad
ad in aged
r half of the
a son of tlii.
ing both boars
,r:nabe prices.:
elsewhere in
t . : i . . .
Fred lieal wss visiting at the Jim
the Murray news department.
'it; h lorae Sunday.
Mr. Charles Keesee
Corarauriity Program. August 25th
A-a cv:.ti,M nts lane btcn compPt-
;r t-
f .
'.::. S. A. :ivi-! and their
. v : v:..iting h'st rua.
lf -(::::: of Grandmother
0:1 t r retvrn were :i
by M astir AValdo Min
- visii'r.s at the home of
.. . S. Davis a:d Mr.
. M in ford for the
fuii V.'!'!
r- no:
Eat 01
fturth meeting and pro
th.1 Murray conimunity
citi as. The program in
b-a -iven in th- p.-;er vi
v '.:. san:r cf taa tec tares
mcnTione-i at this time. Mrs.
' ,1 will furnish con e very ex
: rt .;':: on the violin. Mrs.
wi!! siaa with tl it 1 leasing
j...--; ;:!vnvs i"-:n her
C'amt.btll. wi;
r ir M
from Hartim
C. C. Carroll far th past eek. (making the trip in Mr. Young's auto, j ton ast .week 1, ''
1 T, . . 1V, crandpartnt for the present. Dor-
Mr. II. II. Shrader has been fee:-1 Mr. and Mrs. It. At Bates of the c (;i n 0.,thWr of ,;T,
' 1. niv L-. -. ir : i lull-"' v . . . T .-l: I - . r- I -i Tt-.lif-.i - ' 13 : : (...- T" .
! t'bttsmo'jth Journal and Mr. and
days anil has been under the care of1 Mrs. T. B. Bates and Miss Laura
iting for a few d;:ys at the l"me of
, her grandparents.
r--nn?srn(3 Mrs. Albert Join
J9 B
wIit lia- b.een
anxiousiv P-.oking fur a report from
.3' husband who has gone west f"r
- ;,a
practice. There will also b tauslc
by t- Ma.rrav cnriett-.-. vliicli is a
niiv-t v. orih m lub- ?s --.-t-iation. and
v-. ho rt;i"o will be losing much
thpf goes to niai-e life cor.-.piete. Mrs.
J. V.. Coug'alin ne Christine Soen
nicl:S';ui will give some very choice
r-;?io selactioiis. Miss ?.Iae and
Mc;-r, r P: ul s"ciilic!.tameier will
reader a duet which wiii add to the
o;c.!-Tri. v.'a;ie Flora Jane Poedela-r
v.ill ring and Kiir:abcth MC'racker.
v i'l vl,;stle. Vt ri!y the program
and meet will be well worth while
and you had better keep your eyes
o-n-n for the full program which will
and family
wi re hi Union Friday.
Mr. A. J. McNatt was delivering
bis wheat to the Murray elevator
J .i n Fitch and wife, of Nehawka.
vert sruest"? at the Andy Campbell
'nr. ::'. Sunday.
v-jS Frieda 1 1111 entertained the
i; s Je. sie and Jean Fitch and
.VI . Alice Mason, of Plattsmouth,
. i' ;;-.
Mrs. Ho1 ert Fitch entertained her
::".ti;er and a cousin from Omaha
;:!-t Vf'-k.
Grandma Fitch hai been visiting
at the home of her daughter, Mrs.
Jeff Lewis at Mynard, for the past
two weeks.
Mrs. Tony Klimm and her friend,
Mi.- Cr t.herine McMahcn spent the,
day Friday visiting with friends in
Washington. Aug. 0. Despite the
coal and rail strikes, there is a strong
undercurrent throughout the coun
try in the direction of industrial re
covery the department of labor an
iioua. -ed today in an analysis of bus
iness conditions for the month end
ing July T. 1. An optimistic opinion
prevails, the statement added, that
with the settlement of the two ma
jor controversies the country will ex
perience a rapid advance in indus
trial prosperity.
Evidence to EUp)ort this opinion,
the department said, was found in
decided increases of employment in
ten of fourteen basic industries. The
iron and steel industry in some sec-
tifir.'s has suffered thru inadequate
fiutl .supply, it was suai. tho ii ploy-
ment registered malt rial increases.
Decreases at employment in J ii i:r
I and beverage plants and tobacco in
I dustrv were said to l ave been ncg-
t 'ig;ble.
The survey indicated that the rail
road repair shops of the country re-rorot-d
the heaviest decreases in the
lab.".1 t ;ploymei;t. In many sections
of the country, building operation
wore said to be reflected in the em
ployment increases in the lumbr in
dustry. The building boom continues
unabated, it was asserted.
Forty-four cities out of sixty-live
covered by the industrial atialy.-ds.
reported employment increa.-es tor
the month.
I -
Ralph J. Havnie was among the
visitors at the republican conven
tion in Lincoln yesterday, mixing
with the representatives of the par
ty from over the Mate.
Popular copyrighti and the latest,
fiction at the Journal office.
48-Ib. rack Victor ruaranteed flour $2.09
Jelly glasses, with covers, per dozen 43
Sunbrite Cleaner, 3 cans for 2a
Soap chips. 2 lbs. for 25
3-Ib. can Monarch fancy blend coffee. 93
3 lbs. fresh bulk cocoa 25
3 boxes Skinner's macaroni for 25
3 boxes Skinner's spaghetti 25
Gallon can rrrated pineapple 79
Jiffy Jell, all flavors, 3 boxes 25
Bcr.'f Overlook Our Dry Goods Bargains!
Boys' Sieifsl Clclh Overalls Fast colors. Pre
pare for school cays at this price. All ages. Pair, 79c.
Unbleached Muslin 36 inch. Extra fine count.
Good weight. Per yard, 15c.
Kew Percales Yard wide. Newest mill creations,
blacks with colored designs, lavendars, grays and lights.
Price, per yard, 19c.
Black and White Suitings 36 inch. A real buy
in this, popular fabric. Per yard, 49c
D. M. C. embroidery floss, fast colors, per skein. ... 5c
Snap fasteners, per doz. card 5c
Pat. leather belts, brown, black, red, fancy buckle. .25c
Safety pins, 15 count, assorted sizes 10c
Xcb" t:k;. City.
'.lice .Mason of Plattsmouth
ic vi.dtlr.u at the home of I'.ob Fitch
for a few days. Miss Alice is a
niece of Mrs. Fitch.
Mrs.. F.aret Tomion ar.d children
of I'.fthar.v, Nebr., are visiting at
... . .. . .. . ... citi.i niti if.'itr i. ii vii ft-r . .
ii. lieattJ!, is to tne enect mat - tl lome Gr her parents. Mr. and
Jones is at Littleton. Colorado, vhere "'n tor the tun program '-unui .r, Prank'!.
. . .. 1.- t. i 1 atniKir in the nat. r next weK. t ' . -' , ,, . ,
j : i:e i siu nm i'n .1 ichlu. n mjpvu - -- - i mv. Julian ..ic.x aii anu risiers.
:that t!.e change in climate will ma-; Geneva and Km ma and A. J. McXatt
i tb-il'v benefit 'Mr. Jones. He has The Green BUS Line riciHnir n Vo'w.w-Va Kniv!v
S I been in very por health for sorie v.'isb to r.nconnce tlu-t a Re-t v-;-.h relatives and friends.
K : time. Koooi bci; b en priv-ded .t r.erper"? Isarold and Gilbert Hull were in
21 Mrs. Pr.uiiiie I'arr. of Sheridan. ' ..otr, ,-or T,.-?trons while wtiitins f;r Nebraska City Thursday, looking af-
j Indiana, arrived in Plcttsmouth last buses. Tichcts may be purchased at : tir some business matters, as Gil-
Tucsthiy afternoon and was met Bust' leave pclng north at bcrt is in the auto business,
j there by Ir. J. W. Brtndel and Mr. : (u) a. ru, 2 : 0 0 p. 111. end ;.:4i p.. ?'rs. Tony K imir entertained at
;Jarob Parke'- of Avoca. They ail m . ppujh at a. m... -.'T p. m. a six o'clock dinner Wednesday, Mr.
: stopped at the home of Dr. P. F. ?,r,,i .; -r, ,-, ri. Your p:itr-Tm-:e is ; nd Mrs. L. L. Turpin. Mr. Sidney
r;Prendil for a siiort vi-if. before they .,,,v r(.Cia: t-.l. a!0-2T pel! and Miss Mary Epenberger, of
fi continue"; to Avoca where Miss Parr,
Eiake Your Bloney
in Cream!
Pasture and forage will furnish good feed for the
cows, and you can turn the same into profits by get
ting the best there is in the milk and cream. We
have the Lilly, Primrose and DeLaval Separtors, which
is a good paying proposition for any farmer with more
than two cows. See us for prices, and we will guar
antee to make you money with this machine.
Peterson Hardware Co.
E. L. PETERSON, .Manager
hi 1 ""- -
C- 1 week
' .UOlHUiy
C.will be a nuest
ta menus.
K Mr. and Mrs. L. II. Trixler and i
H'dauchtr, Miss Dorothv. of Keller- j rt'?-v- ri' ;
H ; ton. Iowa, arrived in Murray on Ved-,!,T" cool i
Ki the home of Mrs. Trixler;-. brother,
B:Mr. G. V. McCracken. frr the re-
of the week and over the
:nd and will return borne on
o f iit::t week. Tl'ey are
makinc the tri; in their auto.
ft, ;Xf braska Citv
fe; ported as being plentiful there. Mr.
Charles Green and sister. Mrs. Mor
ton Partlct-t were looking; after some
burir.ess matters in Omaha on last
i Tuesdav ufu-rnooii, leavinrt Miss Vio
j let Keil in charge of the
j By the way. Miss Violet i an ::
Itelient operator and well qualified
j to look after the business.
I Mr. M. S. Siral Davis of Ilaxton,
v. oiorauo, v no v. as marrie;i a te w j ., not!u wav
j weeks aso, arrived with the new) "
J j wife, overland ti tiveiin viq auto and
( c lien vi a 1 r v uar ul
Get Your!s ' Sharpened
Phis is !r?----d to t' e oen-icr
".iiere be went to I
. . .. . 1. . !
o oiiiaai bture i;eacHCb. w uicii i re 1 e-
( cid;iiry of Tuv'iy,
To hefidn cn Sipif,r.1,er
is t; n very f..r ;: ,;:.'.
Pack t! the book-' affam is ti.. tbt
most pleasant th'Uicbt. but pvny
tl inT wi'i soe:i b- ntr.ninj: Ftr.':n 'i!y
as seen a'- the p"pi!? ret mud to
the routine of school life.
1 '.attsmouth, and Miss Catherine Mc-Mah-'n
of Onuiha. The beautiful
Klimm home made a very delightful
setting for this pleasant grathering.
5 i f
enniohsen & Co
Telephone No. 12 Murray, Nebraska
The Murray base ball team, com
posed of the leading devotees of
the national pastime in that vicinity,
were humiliated by the Horning
team of this locality by the score of
15 to .
The Horning base hall team is
composed of Chuch Fultob, catch;
Who is the Joke On?
Pour T,t.oi: '. If.isbands of wives,
came to Mrrr;;y lest Saf.irdav night.
., 1 . 'ir.r- H'iVCS 1 1 .1 (t llP'OIl'lf 1 11
te-ested in the trading which brot ..Mumm. pucn; 1: t.nera. ist nase;,
thtm to (own and were visiting with Pert Fulton. 2nd base; R. Smith,
friends ti e bovs (husbands) got in-. sHort ; Walt Furlong, 3rd base; Joe
to one of their ears and went ovfcrjSuera. left field; G. Mumm. center
on the rn-er ioi a little 'Top." The held: G. Fitchoru. right field,
wives getting hint e? to where
they went got .uto aLoiner car anu , GEEIIANY S PLEA OF F0YESTY
went after the;
As there was a
-rge st eon hill, the nun came hack'
T!:e wives, knowing
Berlin. Aug. 15.
1 the home of his ton. Mr. J. A. Davis
! ,1 f rr- i .
S-nnd wife. They have proceeded to'V
The government
note to the llrit-
and Eelgium
WVTV'r'rV governments, declaring that in con-
.' tod.ay addressed
i ish. French, Italian
Indiar.ola. Iowa, where they go to
the !
look after the settling up of
i business affairs of Mrs. Davis, after,
.which they will return to their Lome A
: in the west and will expect to stop. 4
l here for a short visit again about .'.
September 1st. j.
I Mrs. J. E. Gruber who has becni.
E ; visiting at the home of her parents, '-5-
'Mr. and Mrs. j. M. Kuoy, oi Arapa- :
, hoe for the past week, returned home '
Specialist on Sv.ine and
Cattle Diseases
nn n i TXVI no
Will receive Pills at re.d-
dence. Murray. Phone No. 50 J
sequence of the demand for foreign
currency to pay for urgently needed
necessities of life and in consequence
of the fall in value of the mark, it
could not meet the clearing house
installment of 2.000,000 pounds due
tod .-y in payments of pre-war debts
The excellent business which has come to us, and are
assured that it has been because of the very close prices
at which we have sold our merchandise end the cour
teous treatment which we have extended to the public.
Remember we are here to serve jrou to the best,
and are willing to do our best in this line.
The service store that serves the best.
Wilson- & risle,
ilied nationals.
last Saturday night and reports her ;4-rvHr"Iv-XHH-r 3 ru:-s-
f-' ve appreciate your co-operation
v" in helping cs to puhlish ail the live
tevs cf the connminirv. Ca
0. G,
Pl,, Fistu!a-P3y W.en Ccrci
A. rail 4 mrwtMm of traitUMt tb&t rUtk
fistula Uto RactaJ pi tm a mamrn
tlmt. without a MTr urrcJ optnttM K
Cblorofornv. KiDir or otLer tnrJ .nKMt.batt
mm a a nrtt gnw&tiivsd In ry caa ccvtd tor tr-atmni. and no monT l
v-nl until currKl. W ri : tor b exile on F.ctj Ujiew-. with nm and tutuneuaa
.-mf rr.. than i oro DtF.innt t. . r .(id h m.vre h..u t--rm i t y nird
lift. U. W. TAK1IT, ha r.lrnTO. frtr Trwt Fldj. ( B ). OMAHA.