platommputb journal. VOL. 270. XXXV11L PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 1922. NO. 10 i MERCHANTS WIN VERY ONE SIDED BATTLE SUNDAY Trim M. W. A. Team of State Me tropolis by Score of 8 to 2 in Long-Drawn Affray. From Monday's Dally. ' The baseball contest in which the; ' Merchants of this city and the M. W. A. tram or Omaha were the par ticipants yesterday afternoon, proved a very one-sided affair in which the locals had the long end of an S to 2 score. It was the first game on the home grounds in the last few weeks and was in marked contrast to the close and hard fought games that the lo cals have had at other places they had played and was slow in being played out, it requiring some two hours to complete the tight and a half innings. For the locals. Harry Newman was the most successful sticker with three runs to his credit, while Her old snaged two of the slants of the visiting pitcher. Huston, pitcher of the lodge team, was easy at all times and the result was that locals were in no doubt of the victory from the start of the game. Connors was the hurler of the Jlerchants and fanned nine of the visitors as well as giving four passes to first base. The tabulated score of the game is as follows: Plattsmouth ah ir ro a e Herold, 3b 5 2 0 4 0 ODonnell, lb 3 17 0 1 Newman. 2b 5 3 2 1 1 Mason. If 4 2 4 0 0 McCarthy, rf 3 10 0 0 Gradoville, ss 4 12 11 . 1 . M yv n z"v 1 ' npreciier, ci 1 v u v u Wolff, c 2 1 12 2 0 Connors, p 3 10 3 0 Totals 35 12 27 11 3 M. W. A. Ai: H ro A E Hayes, ss 4 0 3 2 1 Davis, 2b 2 0 3 1 0 Starbuck, c 4 0S" 0" 0 Fletcher, lb 4 0 6 0 0 Bates, cf 4 1 TJ 0 0 Rian, 3b 4 13 11 Graham, If 3 0 0 0 0 Oshenbeam, rf 4 1 0 0 0 1 Huston, p 3 0 0 0 1 Totals 32 3 24 ANOTHER VICTORY The Horning ball team won an other victory Sunday, August 13th, beating the "Dutch" bunch west of Plattsmouth to the tune of 20 to 17, in a nine inning game of baseball. Not a Dutchman passed second base in the first four innings. With "Granny" Mumm tossing for Horn ing, the Dutch were shut out the first four innings eight to nothing. Smith relieved Mumm after the fourth and the ball game went soar ing in scores. Clarence Mumm made a home run. Hert Fulton, Horning second base man, made an unassisted tripple play in the second with two on. Al so several double plays featured by the Horning team. The batteries were as follows: Horning: Mumm, Smith and Ful ton; Dutch Settlement: White, Bils by and Speck. The Kock Bluff "bluffers" will please tit up and take notice as Horning can and will beat them any old day. HORNING BALL TEAM. EDITOR AS SOLDIER Among the members of the Ne braska national guard encamped here is one of the newspaper profes sion in the person of F. D. Stone of Co. F of Hartington, who has thrown aside his work as the editor of the Hartington Herald to spend two weeks out with the members of his company. Mr. Stone Is corporal of a squad and enjoys very much the du ties of being the boss, janitor and general advisor of the eight buddies that share with him the responsi bilities of the squad existence. Gen erally speaking the corporal has all the responsibility of the members of his squad on his shoulders and Cor poral Stone is sure enjoying this part of the camp routine. While having the opportunity of doing other work he elected to remain with the squad and take the brunt of the training as well as the bawling out that comes as part of the daily life of the cor poral. ENJOY FINE TIME The home of Vernon Arn was the scene of a very pleasant gathering the last of the week when J. D. Dy sart and family of Union. Charles Arn of California and his friend with whom he is traveling, gathered here for a real old time family . reunion. The occasion was one of the great est of pleasure to all of the family and will long be very delightfully remembered. Phone the Journal office when yon are in need of job printing of any kind. Best equipped shop in south eastern Nebraska. ENJOYS PLEASANT VISIT Yesterday Father Ferdinand Sues ser, rector of the Holy Rosary Cath olic church, enjoyed a very pleasant visit from Dr. Leraer of Omaha, the specialist, who a year ago performed a very difficult operation on the gen ial rector, and with Dr. Lemer, Dr. T. P. Livingston of this city was a guest at the home of Rev. Suesser for dinner. The time was very much enjoyed with the splendid repast provided and the delightful sur roundings of the home that were very appealing in the heated and humid day. ENJOY A MOST DELIGHTFUL PICNIC PARTY SUNDAY Young Men and Women of St. John's Catholic Church Hold Picnic Yesterday Afternoon. From Monday's Dally. Yesterday, the John Bergman farm, west of Mynard, was the scene of the most phasant gathering of young men and women on the occas ion of the picnic of the St. John's sodality of the St. John's Catholic church of this city. The members of the party were taken to the picnic grounds in autos and found a very choice spot await ing them for the picnic party, the shade and the stream of running wa ter being especially appealing on the hot and sunshiny day, and here for the greater part of the morning and afternoon the young people spent the time most enjoyably. Games were the order of the day and these proved very pleasant di versions for the jolly party of thirty four young folks and among these a game of baseball was one of the fea tures as the party divided into two teams and waged a red hot battle for the honors of the game. How ever, the score rolled up is not avail able for publication. At a suitable hour the repast pre pared for the occasion was spread beneath the shade of the trees and the jolly party did ample justice to the good things prepared for them by the ladies. CHANGES IN BARBER SHOPS TAKE PLACE Fullerton & McCrary and Lewis & - Fullerton Consolidate Shops At the Hotel Wagner. From Monday's Dally. This morning, a change was made in the barber shops of the city when two of the shops were consolidated and the field of competition lessened by the one shop. The shop of Ed Ful lerton and Douglas McCrary, which , has been operated in the Trilety i buijding, was consolidated with the I Hotel Wagner barber shop, owned by Wayne Lewis and Luke Fuller i ton. and the equipment of both of the shons will be placed in the Ho- tel Wagner and the shop operated as a three chair shop until the return of Mr. McCrary from California, when it will be run as a four chair tonsorial establishment and will be one of the neatest and most attrac tive in the city. WILL MAKE THE RACE The many friends of J. G. Meising er, who was nominated as the candi date for county treasurer by the pro gressive party at the July primary, will be pleased to learn that Mr. Meisinger ha3 not declined the nom ination and intends to make the race at the November election. The misunderstanding in the mat ter was caused by the fact that Mr. Meisinger had never received a cer tificate of nomination and he called at the office of the county clerk Sat urday where a certificate was issued to him and the nomination was at once accepted. The Journal is entirely blameless in printing the statement that Mr. Meisinger had not accepted the nom ination as its reported had received this information at the office of the county clerk. However, the item has served to clear up the matter as upon hearing of the same, Mr. Meisinger imme diately got busy to find out why he was not to be in the race at the gen eral election. WILL ATTEND GOLDEN WEDDING From Monday's Dally. Mr. and Mrs. August Roessler de parted today for Grant, Neb., where they go to attend the golden wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. August Boehmer, parents of Mrs. Roessler. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Homan of Free man. S. D., and Miss Hattie Roessler of this city will depart later by auto for Grant to join the family reunion and Karl Roessler of Alliance is also expected to participate In the very de lightful family gathering. Mr. and Mrs. Boehmer are well known here where they have been frequent visi tors and their many friends will join in wishing them many returns of the pleasant anniversary that marks the half century of wedded life. CONTRACT LET FOR EXTENSION STORM SEWER 'WASHINGTON AVENUE PROJECT TO BE COMPLETED HOME BIDDER THE LOWEST. From Tuesday' Daily. With heated conditions prevailing without the city council held a very quiet session with but little out of the ordinary to mar the peace of the meeting and aside from the delay made necessary by the time to figure up the sewer bids, the meeting was passed very quickly. The residents of the vicinity of 13th and Dey streets presented a request for a street light at the corner of 13th street, which was re ferred to the lighting committee to take up and settle. The request of J. E. Mason for permission to place a gasoline tank in front of the Tidd building on lower Main street, was referred to the streets, alley and bridges com mittee to look into the matter. Dr. P. J. Flynn, city physician, presented a number of reports from the state laboratories in regard to the city water which had been taken from the hydrant at the Bur lington station and the city medical head stated that the result of the examination revealed the fact that the water is good for all purposes. This report was placed on file. City Clerk Duxbury reported that in the past month he had collected the sum of $1,031.78, and which had been placed in the hands of the city treasurer. C. E. Hartford, the guardian of the city strong box, reported that there was at the beginning of the month a balance of $48,000 in the treasury and $74,000 in registered warrants. This was a very pleasing report as It showed a marked de crease in the amount of outstanding registered warrants against the city at this time. Police Judge Weber reported the sum of $135 in his office for the month just closed and .this was re ferred to the police committee- - The fire and water committee re ported through Chairman McCarty that the fire department had tested out the new hydrants on Lincoln avenue and on west Oak street and found that the supply of water was inadequate to the needs of fire pro tection and accordingly the motion was made that the city clerk notify the water company to look into the matter or the hydrant rental be stopped. , Councilman Sebatka of the police committee complained of friction in the police department and the fact that the Burlington guards were be ing treated in a manner better than they deserved and in this Councilman Ptacek joined with an attack on the use of the guards that had been im ported into the city and he stated be did not think the city government should show them any partiality and that the matter should be looked in to at once. Mayor Johnson stated that he would take up the subject and see what could be dene in re gard to it. The bids on the construction of the sewer on Washington avenue were then read and it was found bids had been submitted on both granite block and concrete types of sewer. The bidders were H. J. Petersen Co., of Omaha; Central Bridge & Con struction Co., Wahoo; Bert Coleman and the Modern Construction Co., of this city. The bids were turned over to the streets, alleys and bridges committee for tabulation and the re port showed that the Modern Con struction Co. of this city was the lowest on the concrete sewer and they were awarded the bid for $4, 598. The second partial estimate on the paving of Main street was read and the sum of $4,399.4S allowed the contractor, Mr. Bert Coleman, over and above the amount deducted by the city as a guarantee. The finance committee of the coun cil presented the following report which was accepted and the amounts ordered paid, and following which the council had adjournment: Bi-Lateral Hose Co., hose to city 1375.10 S. L. Collins Oil Co., gas to city 34.10 Platts. Fire Dept. four nozzel- men 6.00 W. A. Swatek, supplies, police 3.90 John Zitka. street work 42.75 W. A. Swatek. supplies, city 8.16 Lincoln Tel. Co., rents 6.05 Neb. Gas & Elec. Co., light, city hall 2.31 C. E. Hartford, stamps and expense 1.55 William Weber, police judge 30.00 William Heinrich, police 70.00 Peter Gradoville, same 70.00 B. P. O. E. band, concerts 320.00 Frank Perchance, work at the cemetery 48.60 Wesley Kalasek, same 48.60 Ed Svoboda, same 12.15 Louis Horack, same 42.75 William Kief, constructing sidewalks 264.62 Neb. Gas & Elec. Co., street lights 2S9.52 W. A. Swatek, supplies for commissioner 28.60 John Iverson, for sharpening tools 6.00 Joe McMaken, Jr., for street work 67.. ".7 O. L. York, same 94.00 ay McMaken, same S5.95 John Maurer, same 65.02 John Frady. welding .50 J. N. Elliott, street commis sioner 97.20 Harry Gouchenor, for street work S2.3E Ed Cotner, same 59.S4 W. H. FREESE POORLY from Monday's Dally. The reports from the bedside of W. II. Freese today are that t he patient is still suffering greatly from his at tack of stomach trouble and his con dition apparently fs quite serious. Mr. Freese has been poorly for several days but it was not until yesterday that his condition became much ser ious. DEPUTY STATE SHERIFF MAKES A DARING CAPTURE Karl Schmitt, Assistant to State Sheriff Hyers, Makes Leap Into Bootlegger Car. From Tuesday's Dallv. Deputy State Sheriff Karl Schmitt leaped into the car cf a bootlegger on Sixtli street here last night and threw a great scare into the ped dler of the intoxicating linuor as well as effecting his capture. The stunt was not without danger and the deputy sheriff is deserving of a great deal of commendation for his daring. It seems that Schmitt and Officer Grebe were out in the vicinity of the Nebraska Masonic home when a Buick roadster came by that they hailed but which fai'ed to stop ant' accordingly the officers took after the car and when near the Sixth street intersection they overhauled the car and with one leap Mr. Schmitt jumped-- from his car into that of the bootlegger, and the own er of the cs-t- seeing the position he was In started to step on the ta.a and tried to get away, b-it Mr. Schmitt soon quieted down the offender and the car was driven to the court house to awart disposition. In the car were found five gallons of alcohol as well as an automatic gun that would have proven a very dangerous weapon had it been brot into action. The owner of the car gave the name of John Hanfelt and his resi dence as Tecumseh. and stated he had secured the liquor in Omaha. He was given a fine of $100 and costs by Justice William Weber, who was kept up by the watchdogs of the law until after midnight operating the mills of justice. CRAWS DOWN FINE FOR DRUNKENNESS From Tuesday's Dally. This morning George Harms, a middle aged man was in the court of Judge William Weber to answer to the charge of being drunk, he having alighted from the Burlington train last night in a condition that might be called well "lit up." He was taken to the city jail and lodged there all night and this morn ing to the court he acknowledged his shortcomings and the fact that he had imbibed too freely of the drink that is a snare and a delusion. He was given $5 and costs, which he paid and went on his way rejoicing. DRAWS DOWN FINE From Monday's Dally. This morning the continuance in the case of Charles Tilton was taken up by Judge William Weber in po lice court. The evidence of Marion Ossenkop and Charles Reichart of Louisville, who had been with Mr. Tilton on the occasion when it was alleged that he had procured several bottles of beer, was taken and their testimony was very favorable toward the defendant as far as the sale of the beer had been concerned. This, with the testimony of Mr. Earl Wil liams, caused the court to look on the matter in a very favorable light and Mr. Tilton was given a light fine of $5 and costs, amounting to $10.50, on the chaFge of having been involv ed in the securing of the beer. Saturday afternoon Judge Weber assessed a fine-of $100 and costs on Mac Cook of Nebraska City on the charge of possession of Intoxicating liquor and which was paid by the defendant and he was discharged from custody. SUFFERS SEVERE ACCIDENT From Tuesday's Daily. Mable, the little daughter of Coun cilman Jack Brittain, is laid up at home as the result of a severe acci dent sustained Sunday while play ing around home. In company with a number of other children, Mable was playing "hide and seek," and as she dashed for the base in the game, one of the playmates gave her a slight push and she fell, striking her arm in such a manner that a frac ture of the forearm was sustained. We can furnish yon Llank hooka most any kind at Journal office. THE STATE TOURNEY IN RETROSPECTION Lincoln State Journal Points Out an Increasing Intel est in Tennis Also Many Changes. The stpte tennis tournament is over. It has demonstrated two things besides furnishing recreation for Nebraska's cleverest racquet swingers. First,' tennis is becoming much more popular; second, the game is undergoing changes which eliminate nil but the ir-sot skillful. The first statement can easily be proved by glancing at the at tendance from start to finish. When one thousand people will sit for over an hour under a baking sun to watch .1 tennis match they are cer tainly interested. That's exactly whft took place Friday afternoon when Ralph Powell and E. R. Mc Cormick, the cla.s of the tournament, battled for the r.tata title. And they went back Saturday for the doubles finals. The second statement is based up on the word of veterans who were here this year. Notably Rev. John Calvert, of Plattsmouth, newly elect ed president of the state association, who has been playing the game for many years. Put the big item is the changed attitude of the galleries. It hasn't been many years ago that the aver age .vox popper thought any man who played tennis must wear lace on his nighty. But those who come to scoff now remain to praise. With the additional interest which tournament play always leaves in its wake the twenty eight university courts ahoul.1 be filled the remainder of the summer. The Nebraska play ers are to be commended for their attitude toward developing younger players by adding a junior tourna ment which will be held in conjunc tion with the next state meet here in 1923. Tennis is like any other game. The real expert get his training when was st capable of being a. barefoot boy with cheeks of tan, whether he was or not. whether he was or not. Lincoln State Journal. DOINGS IN COUNTY COURT From Tuesdays Dally. This morning the matter cf the probate of the will of Sylvester Math ews, deceased of Weeping Water, came up for hearing with Oliver M. Wise, one of the heirs of the estate. Attorney C. E. Tefft and Dr. F. W. Kruse, one of the witnesses to the will, being present. The estate is largely in personal property and amounts to something like $16,000. In the estate of Col. J. B. Seyboldt, deceased of Murray, the petition for the probate of the estate was filed and the name of M. S. Briggs as ad ministrator of the estate was con firmed. This estate is estimated to be worth in the neighborhood of $60, 000. VISITS OLD FRIENDS From Tuesday's Dally. This morning Mr. and Mrs. Ed St oner of Omaha motored down from their home. bringing with them E. W. Stoner of Sutton, father of Ed Stoner, and who was a resi dent of this city some twenty-six years ago. Mr. Stoner, Sr., and Abraham Rupley of this city were associated together as tinners at the store of W. W. Coates here and the visit of the old time tinners was a very pleasant one. This is the first visit of Mr. Stoner here since his removal and he noted many changes in the city. Mr. Rupley accompanied the party back to Omaha for a short visit. UNDERGOES AN OPERATION From Tuesday's Dally. Yesterday at the Methodist hospi tal in Omaha Mrs. Frank Sebatka, Jr., was operated on for an affliction of the nose and at the last reports was doincr verv nicelv and everv in dication was for her speedy recov1 ery. Mr. Sebatka was with his wife at the hospital during the operation and remained until she was thoroly out of the effects of the operation. OPERATED ON YESTERDAY From Tuesday's Dally. W. II. Freese, who was quite seri ously ill yesterday was hurried to Omaha in the afternoon and taken to the Immanuel hospital, Mr. Henry Copenhaver of Syracuse, driving the patient up in his car and the opera tion performed as soon as the patient reached the hospital. He is now re ported as doing as well as could pos sibly be expected under the circum stances. HEARING ON WILL From Wednesday's Dally. This morning in the county court a hearing was had on the matter of the probate of the will of the late Charles R. Jordan of Alvo. The in strument names the four sons of the deceased as the executors of the will. The estate is one that will run from $125,000 to $150,000 and consists largely of land In Cass county, Can ada and Kansas and with $25,000 in personal property. LEAVE FOR CALIFORNIA From Monday's Daily. As the red orb of day made its appearance in the sky this morning a party of four well known young men of this city made their depar ture for the far-off, sun-kissed shores of the blue Pacific, Douglas Mc Crary, Harry Speck. Glen Chandler, and Frank Miller comprising the members of the party. The boys will make the trip in the Ford touring car of Mr. Chandler and expect to have one of the times of their lives on the trip. They will go by way of Denver and San Francisco to Los An geles, which i? the destination of the expedition. As to their future plans the boys are undecided wheth er to stay on the coast or not but will at least enjoy a real visit there. 8USNESS WORLD OPTIMISTIC OVER TRADE PROSPECTS Good Feeling Caused by Reports of Bumper Crops All Over the U. S. Money Easier. New York, Aug. 12. Figures given out by the department of agri culture showing that the United States will have bumper food crops this year and renewed efforts to settle the railroad and coal strikes caused a more optimistic feeling in the business world. Money is fairly plentiful. New bond offerings have reached the low est ebb of the year, the total this week being only $20,095,000. The stock market continues strong with the price trend upward. Many localities in both industrial and agri cultural regions report better trade despite strikes. Bank clearings for the entire coun try were estimated this week at $6. 4.",6,I)12,120, against $7,457,653,459 the preceding week and $5,884,219, 015 this week last year. Bradstreets reported 368 business failures this week compared with 352 the preceding week and 329 this week last year. Most of them were in the southern states. Rate on money for call loans In Wall street ranged this week from 5 to 3 14 per cent. Ninety day loans were made at 4 per cent. Stock market The average price of twenty representative industrial issues of the New York stock ex change was 97.06 against 97.03 last week and 66.88 this week last year. The average price of twenty repre sentative railroad stocks was 89.30 against S9.1S last week and 71.93 this week last year. There is a disposition in some parts of the south to believe that the crop will be bigger than the of ficial estimate despite damage from the bol weevil and bad weather. These optimists predict a crop of from 11,500,000 to 12,000,000 bales. The amount of the crop brought into sight during the week was 118,657 bales. Wheat prices sagged to the lowest level of the year during the week. There was a decline in the demand of grain for export. On account of the rail shopmen's strike cars are be coming scarce in some parts of the grain belt, retarding the movement of the wheat and corn. Blank Books at the Journal Office p EXPERIENCE! Year in and year out for almost 51 years, people have come to the oldest bank in Plattsmouth with their business confidences. The sum-total of these confidences stands for our collective experience our ability to counsel wisely in money mat ters. And this experience forms the basis for our claim to recognition as a helpful bank. i The First national bank THE BANK WHERE PLATTSMOUTH Jgl, NEBRASKA. Member Federal Reserve ! V3 DEATH OF MISS ELIZABETH SCH LANDER TODAY Long Time Resident of Cass County Passes Away at Home of Sis ter, Mrs. P. J. Vallery. i i'rom Wednesdays I -ally, j Following an illness of tin past I two months. Miss Elizabeth Si h la n- der passed away at 3:30 this morn ling at th' home of her sister. Mr.. J Peter J. Vallery, where for the past i i. . i , i. twenty yuan sue iias mum ner mime. The deceased lady has resided in Cass county since 1S72, when she was brought here by her parents from Illinois, ind has since made her home here for the greater part of the time. Miss Schland-r was born November 1, 1858, near Pckiu, III., and spent her childhood there until the removal of the parents to Ne braska, some fifty years ago. She was a lady universally esteemed by those who had the opportunity of knowing her and her death tomes as a severe blow to the members of her family and the friends of many years stand ing. Besides Mrs. Vallery, she leaves another sister, Mrs. John Bergman of this city. The funeral services will be held on Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Vallery home and will be conducted by Rev. H. Kottich of the St. Paul's Evangelical church. BIG LAND DEAL MADE THIS WEEK Consideration of $90,000 Involved in Deal Between Bert Everett of Union and J. W. Sage. From WednrKday's Dally. One of the biggest land deals clos ed in this cour.ty for several years, in fact since the high prices of war times, was completed this week be tween Bert Everett of Union, and James AV. Sage of this city, the con sideration in the deal being about $90,000, and Mr. Sage becomes the bwner of the Everett 252 acres of land near Union, and Mr. Everett now owns one of the finest ranchet in the state, known as the O'Neill ranch near Occonto, which has been owned by Mr. fcage for a number of years. The deal was made thru the agency of W. E. Rosencrans of thU city, who has been one of the prime land promoters in this state for a number of years, and when times are so close that "Rosey" cannot uncov er a live one once in a while they are sure buried pretty deep. We un derstand that Mr. Everett will soon move to his new place and engac in stock raising on an extensive scale. This ranch contains 1,11.1 acres. TAKEN TO HOSPITAL From Wednesday's Dally. Mrs. D. O. Dwyer, who has been poorly for the past five weeks, was taken to Omaha yesterday and plac ed in the Immanuel hospital wlurr she will remain for some time tak ing treatment. The many friends of Mrs. Dwyer are hopeful that she may soon show signs of improvement and be able to return to her home in thin city. Li YOU FEEL AT MOVB (71 i ii.i