The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 14, 1922, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    v i
MONDAY, AUGUST 14, 1922.
j well known 1 y a hoct of friends in ESHdTSST
r - y " -
(Murdoch and also at the capital city j
extend to the couple their beat wish
es for harry life filled with pros
perity and good service.
for B
i :
'! i
1 r
' I i
iviake. lour nome
CjfThe pride of possessing a beauti
ful heme will be more complete
with a satisfactory job in Interior
Decorating at a very little more cost
than the ordinary work.
ho Ousterhoff Shops
E. II. Miller has a new Fordson
Matt Thimgan ana son Victor
v ere Lincoln visitors Monday.
A ice Lau has returned home from
a six weeks' vacation spent visiting
Lit si:--tors in Oca'ia.
Miss Margaret Tool was attending
the chantauqua which was held at
Weeping Water last Thursday after
tuor.. A. Pun-ka an-! 1.. Xeitzel took In
the Assembly at Epworth League
park last Wednesday, driving tip In
1... Xeitzel's car.
K. H. Miller and family were vis
iting with friends and also looking
after some business the first of the
vek in Platsmouth.
Oscar E. McDonald was looking
after same business matters in Elm
woo j last Thursday, getting some
repairs for his auto.
('. Lcr. has r. new T-rage whirl'
adds niui.1: to the improvement of
A Rumley Oil Pul! tractor and a suitable plow
eclve your summer and fall plowing. They will
do the work the Lst and at the least ccst as well. See
u: fcr prices and a demonstration.
C-ir plows are the celebrated P & O. There are
none better made.
We also have an 8-16 Mogul tractor and a three
bottom P & O plow used just a little, which will go at
a verj- attractive figure.
Flowing Tims Has OqshgI
The harvest and threshing are about over. Now
comes the plowing fcr the autumn sowings and for the
preparation of net spring's crop. See us for what
plows you need either in horse or power drawn.
Repairs for all machinery used on the farm.
Sse me fcr anything in farming machinery which
you may need.
Call me hy phone and I will be pleased -to give
you the best service. Call phone 1 4-J.
' u
on Summer
sirr &2 0 MA. ii&
Lrdies and Children's white shoes and oxfords. '
Values up to $4. Clean-up at $1 per pair.
Ladies Union Suits -75c values at the special
price of 53c per garment.
- Men's $1 athletic underwear, knit, to go at 79c
per garment.
Reduced prices on ALL summer merchandise. We
have completed our inventory and find many articles
which we will close out regardless of cost.
t Ef5
mmm ncaniiie uo.
furdcok, Nebraska
the property. Matt Tbimgan and
son Victor did the work.
Mr. Gust Bornemeier has been suf
fering from the effects of a case of
ight blood poisoning. But is report
ed as being some better at this time.
A social dance was held at the M.
W. A. hall last Thursday evening,
at which time a very pleasant time
was had by all who were in attend
ance. 0
Mr. O. J. Hitchcock, son-in-law
of L.. Xeitzel, ran the store, while
Mr. Xeitzel and A. Ianska were at
the Assembly in Lincoln last Wed
nesday. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Miller. Mr. and
Mrs. C. Long and Mr. and Mrs. Matt
Thimgan spent Sunday at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Essert, at
Oscar Zink shelled and delivered
hi corn to Murdock last Wednesday
andThursday. the work being done
by Messrs. W. H. Iiuh and Robert
( ra wfcrd.
Fm. Meyers and mother, Mrs. Au
gust Panska and sister, Wilma, were
visiting In Lincoln last Thursday
making the trip in the morning in
their auto.
L. Xeitzel gave a 30 minute talk
on "The Reward of abor" at the Y.
P. A. meeting Sunday evening which
was much appreciated by those who
were present.
Harry V. McDonald and family
were taking an outing last Thursday
at Meadow, where they spent the
time in fishing. Miss Mary Tool ac
companied them.
Mr. Max Dustcrhoff is now ready
for the rain, as he has the roof
placed cn his building and does not
fe3r the water coming through. Mr. I The visit was cne of ninth pleasure
Matt Thimgan did the work. j to the family of the ! .-t and the
Mrs. J. E. McHuch and the child-j rn05tE. They wp-e al accompan
ren were visiting in Lincoln for a.jCli y Miss Minnie Gr', sister
few days, guests at the home of herj0r yir. Guthman.
parents while there. The boys sayj
I they had a most excellent time. j
Dr. H. u. juacinarnia anu iamiiy
and O. J. Hitchcock and family were'
at the home of L. Xeitzel last Sun - :
dav celebrating the eighth anniver-j
con- r.f l,o .Ir.triT-'a werlr'inp- tn MisK !
Meta Xeitzel " j
M In'ielder and daughter,
1 Mrs. Harold Halburt and
sen Frank are visiting at the home wagons for the carryim; cf the stu-, -T !in llalul and family of Platts
of Mrs M Inhehlcr's sister. Mrs. ;d.nt3 Tor the Murdofk consolidated mouth who have been visiting here
Chris Miller coming down in Jir.'h'.:! v. as disposed of. the contract' '.'! firsts at the. home of Mr. and
I Hclburt's car
t Messrs. E. M. Sl.atto and Diller
T'tt jictrrt.i lst Tlni'-sdav morniniT
cnfi ii,i::,t., Whr"tWv will
expect to work in the harvest and :
threshing which is in full biast there '
at this time
W O cuiennie and A. J. Enuer '
part of last week and storing it :n
the livery stable against the winter
which is just now looking over the
northwest horizon.
i Mr. H. A. Guthman of the Dar.k
of Murdoch w:1s looking after :-:::?
l.uir.ies matters in Lincoln on last
, Thursday, driving over in his auto
mobile and was accompanied by the
family on the trip.
Frod Klemme and family v.ere
viting in Lincoln and a'.-o look in r
after some br.sines? r-atters i-zul w v.-
r.con-.anied by M:.v-.
neier. t'.iav m-i'r::i.g "
autf of Mr. Klr-rae.
Eerry if vir ii. p: "n .
ior and extar'ov c" ti
nun ha.l. sr..l w!ii..'
reed c: ih ' - r::r,- ' '
-:i had J-i:::r. '.
biTildinsf rt :-fr ; v .-.
Mr J. F. .-K.
Onil -. ' :-.
i:or- -
: Ce
! int. r
. v. ".--'
'.c.-l cf i.h
or t ry ' i - " , '. . . . :1 T . . ' 1 " 1 1 -
til T):-f7uz-y. -;,f.:-r.:-: T hx-?:? 1:
Ash'.ar.a a:d " --.ct iher?- Iy -lr?.
McH:tii a..d iV:-;i'y. v ;Oi thc..a.Ui.o. .
Mrs Fr: .1 Irl.ti.'.cr ; nd daughter.
' Aire T?n.r. ''ih'.-t nf Plpn1 l.SVC
been visitii.g at ts-.e acmes of II. R.
' Soksiidt rr.d v.-'f- ar.d. L. C. Miller
i and wife. A'r:; InheUcr being a sis
i ter of Mr. r,l.:. i-t and ?.lrs. Mil
' ler.
I The Y. V. A. p"-':-'ram held last
! Si'nday vi:3 very successful. Miss
' Tertha Merk'.e was the leader and
' 1 T. .... .1 1 ... ,V ...... t .i i i .i mnc fr
capable manner. It would be well.1"6- ---- ui n-eir u
for other to aspire to the same po
sition. '
Mrs. E. K. Norton, who has been
visiting at the heme of her daughter,
Mrs. Lawrence Wiseman, near Avoca
: for a number of days past, returned
hen'e last Thursday evening. Mr.
Norton driving over after her in the
I A. A. Lindell and family departed
last week for the west via auto and
! will spend some three weeks in Colo
rado ar.d the mountains, and have
;an excellent time. While they are
away. Mr. George Utt is asrdrting in
! the work and care of the farm,
j Chester Stone cf Nehr.v. ha v as in
Murdoch lsst Thursday evening for
la chart timo v.hi'e returning froai
n".r Ashland, where be had been t-j
(bring home bis two little sisters,
iMissto Mearie and Cathrine Stone,
who had been up spendinr: a few
days at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Day Churchi'd.
Mr. A. H. Ward, the "xccdU-nt an 1
genial mechanic at the garage of
if v v.- Thiino-.,Ti i-n Ti-rr,cr,i
the rroiTtv known aa the I.-enhut
nkice from Mr. F. M. Khatto and is
bs'i'lr." t!i.- h'j-l.ilrs Tainted ini(v
by Mr. H. U. Lawton fo- use for tbe
present and will have the new house
built this spring.
Dr. and Mrs A. R. Hornbeck h-ivp
.1 . . l . i . c :
Teiuiir where they
will scend two
weeks visiting with frier.ds and tak
ing an outing, after which they will
to see Mr. Herman Kraft, who is
t-usiness 1 err Mr r HornbecT: has pirin immediately. " CT ZlX1!?
relatives in the routh and thev will; The funeral was held at three in ; I Z t
visit with them while aw v the aftcrnr.on of last Thursday. Aug. ' r fA crrt-out feeling, or if
H. iLschnildr and family were; 10, and the interment made at the I j; SLk
visiting in Ithaca last Sunday, going ! cemetery at Ashland. Mr. Marshall "V tii. "I: 1"
to n 1 ii mil r -j t., in tn rr 'ltriT- Tin s:ti K n rh ' : J II ( I it'll lu Liir nuui v i
very poorly and v ho bar. been for the wife and companion of his mar
tome time. It is feared that Mr. iried life and six boys, they being,
Kraft will not recover very r-pidly. Charles, Harry, Raymond, William,
Everything is being done for his, Omar and Jos.p'n. Mr. Marshall was
comfort and to hasten his ccnvales-'an excellent man, well beloved by
ence, but his improvement is very all who knew him ar.d a true friend
Blow. j to all. He hods the honor and respect
J. W. Kruger. who has been as-1 of a urge eirce of admiring friends
sitting with the work at the E. W. i v'ho mourn bis departure.
Thimgan garage, accompanied by
Mrs. Knter, have been visiting in
the northwest portion of the state
for several days past, visiting at!
wuKiami, teenier ana w isner, wnere
.1.1 J T. . .... .
inej nave relatives 4ilie- re Miss Lcollil nnzh aau Mr. John Bur-'nty Pills I was well and I have not
guests at the home of Aljert Kruger t t. bf,y coniins to Murdock where j needed to take them any move. My
while at Wisner. I they viJited for over Sunday at the' kidneys were strengthened end act-
I. G. Hornbeck. II. W. Tool. Lacey home of the bride's parents, Mr. and led regularly. 1 give Donn's the
McDonald and Kenneth Tool were Mrs. W. H. Hush. Gn Monday they! credit for the healthy condition cf
visitors at Weeping Watermen last departed for Alliance, where they J my kidneys today. I got Doau'-J at
Thursday afternoon. where they; no t-prnding a few weeks at the Mary's diug store."
went to see the game played . be- home of Mr. and Mrs. James Erit- Price COc, at all dealers Don't
tween Weeping .Water and the Mer-'uin Mr. and Mrs. R. J. West- simmy ask for a kiduev remedv c-t
,chants team of Plattsmouth, In
which the former won over the ag-
gregation from the county ssit by a
score of 14- to nothing for the visi-
I tArc
The Rock island r ilwav ,doe, not
,4- v.-i-
fcr shipmtiit away frcra the local
station very rapidly. Last Saturday
nine cars had accumulated before
they. were taken away and up until
Thursday eight more were loaded and
standing" on track awaiting the time
when they could be bundled. The
regular traffic under t listing cir
cumstances is about all the road can
well look after.
Mr. and Mrs. "Jay Ere - n, of Cleve
land. Ohio who are voting at. the,
home of Mrs Drove s parents, O..
C. Dovey and wife, ot attsmouth.
and Henry F. Goos and wife of
Plattsmouth were guests at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. (; ;thman and
w ife last Tuesday for V e afternoon,
taking uianer at the Gv'.huian home
driving home in 'he evening.
V?.Tor Store for Sale
- t , . .. ,
-"I,7 oil s nvo for Bar,, aphone
- - -iurdock. c-.u.
. .
ATT!0int fcCIlOOl riVErS
At 2 remit meeting c.-f the board
of -'u.;ation the niatter of awarding
tie contracts for the d-iving of the
gjii.g to L I'.. Uoruiey. who is io" the rcite snutl.w -t of town;
M'.'.fVt J-lOi.'.'S
w; riven tne
r.vtf r..rt;iw-?t cf ie.v :; Frank!
Rose now. who gets the r-.ute r.orth-:
eaf-t of town. Witf.a? ti e selections
were excellent and will be in re-;
st-'Jiibible hands.
E I.-iie Craig, tiie nt-v bnrber, is
r roving to be one of the most suc
rcsr.:ul" ball pitchers t!u-t has been
d!sc-cered in Murd-.c: f.-r r u-ie time,
i"; '.aa pucl'-ed paut-j three suc-
p . .fe times i or w b.ii. .. lu i: v. ln-
Last Sand; y he pitched
nin:.- isue
:r: for that ter.r
ho v. ere rit-,
ed r.-ainut Cedar C ree.:. who r.ave
ost ut a vcfv fevr games during the
esisu!' r.uJ won over that team by a
rcre of two to or.e. Tj is jjame, it
e: i i. I'i: yed will an er-
:'..'. -': rrd :-iirciy n
;'icd ftr.-e. Tl't rcdar ''.:;'-: fura
,-.v. 4:.v'c a vary gcod r-.--;d this
Her. s rc"kj Gv.r.ctey
t t iv.racy 'a
. t n
.-u -
1 1 .
:;:!! r tf
-.1.-. :rcm 0:-iHh..
ior vl: ' . wi:a tV.e
e r:ol who wa 3 a
il'l I! .
1 r. : r;-- rr.ill" -.'roT! Omaha ta
w ay
home at K.snsas City, flew this
.nd after bavin? allowed l.'s
-er-rcs to cHrht. contirrea on to
i;ai:.-ar" C'ty. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
rcr:;;.!-.ed ind visited with the folks
o-.:r Fv.nday ard utnarted on the
tr; -in Monday for .their home in
j".n.-.3 City. Mr. and Mrs. Utt
.vere i-Iersd as well as surprised at.
Oh Yen Girls
as: Saturday evening the second
ce! monial cfcihe Campfire tock place
n the schctii irrounds. And the big
event was celebrated with ice cream,
whica vrrz very delicious as the girls
froze it themselves. Cake was also
inrluded m generous proportions, .j-rr have to send their children
After the ceremony the members Louisville or move there and they
played "Captain Rail," the score be- thn-.irht the latter the better.
ins " to 2" ' 15-0 many friends of Mrs. Alice
' J(.r.!:ir.s who formcrlv lived in Man
DEAIZ CLAIMS E. E. 1IARSEALL l-v Imt v. ho has made her home in
We?ping Water for some time, were
Mr. d. E. Marshall was born on riven a sr-rprise hy her numerous
A:ril 2!'th. 1S07. in Maryland and iriends last Wednesday at which
was married in ISfts and had lived tinir a very pleasant time was had.
in the vicinity of Murdock for the A number of people, friends of this
pa:U thirty years, having lived south-; very popular lndy from Manley at
east cf "own until last spring when, frdd th? event. Among them were
the family moved to the place where Mrs. Cox. Dorn ritischman, David
i'- "y now reside, northwest of Mur-' Pratrn and wife. Geo. Coon and fam
do k. For a time pa Mr. Marshall ily, Grovcr Laitrcnson and Mr. and
has l'.o:i in poor nca.'tn on account
4,1 t.ropsical comu .on ana v.aiiuj
t:l t iir.f. i td v caused his dcatu last
Thuiday morr
bc-en leelmg
l.rt to his bed ly reason thereof fori
'' e past tmve we. us a ad on tht j
lroni-u.- of his der.tii had remarked)
-to Lis v. ilc be was feeling much ,
letter and naa eaten a very ncarij ;
1 , .. . T - . ' l- ! i i 'i 'f m, t . t u iul :
said that he had enjoyed tne meai.
II" 1; d arisen to walk to the bed,
which had been prepareu.
ler.vts three sisters and one brother,
Eart Saturday evening at 7 o'clock
-'" ''
at Lincoln occurred the marriage of
ir-ke. the ladies being Eisiers of Mrs.
Burli. The newly married couple
lP zt home to t'ueir friends at
Pjahurv afier iho l&th of Sentcm -
i . - , - . , , -
the cuTiat Icncols at Danbury
--v u- -- -
for taa past two years. The bride is
Mrs. Fred Krerklow is visiting for
a few davs at the home of "Fred
Shellhorm. 1 V?&
Miss lua Damme oi Silver cret k.
sjn f
b vir,iti
Miss Alice Harms, has
at the Harms home in
Manley during the past week.
Omar Coon and Wm. Heebner are
still busy grading on the Missouri
Pacific and getting the tracks drain
ed in order to ketp them in the best
( rid it ion. .
Theo Harms was looking after
I wnif business matters in Omaha last
j Wednesday making the trip via the
j bus lire and also visiting with
friends while there.
Miss Wilma Evans of Omaha has
been the guest of her friend, Miss
Ar.'ia Rauih fr.r the past few da"3
and also visited with other friends
here while in Mauley.
Herbert Si-hlicfert and wife from
rear Ashland were visiting at the
; of the former's father, Mr
Andrew Srhliefert and faimly last
, Funday, driving down in their auto.
;urs. jo.sepu .ucis-inuey, reiurueu iu
their home in the county seat last
: t iiursiiay.
Mi"? June Fhooman of Louisville
who has been visiting at the home
. of Mr. rind Mr-. Fred Krerklow. her
uncle ard aunt, returned to her home
! las' Thursday after having had an
r."nt visit here.
R. Itergman was a visitor in Om
aha last Monday accompanied by the
fap:ly rtnd while there Mr. Berg had s-:-nu- work done on his
h nd laier with the family at-M-nd'.d
ihe ideture show.
Mr. . Herman Ball of the Manley
' Ir.::dcment company sold and deliv
erer. io Herman encu ana iari
F.chliefert a gang plow, each of
which was delivered by Hcrold
Lrc-klow list Thursday.
?."r. Ros! op Owtn who has been at
'he r capital in Oiijahn fo time
'. ::? be "ir.i". rvei.t an c:v:r?.-
-f'-r apncndiriii?. ?rd v,:;o-:e re
' : assured by his pnysi'-ians
: " w:il If : bio to retf.rn home
(1 , yes .
Lcnc the rrage man
s ?.r. wndrr installed
" busiueos. He al
'"nr? in running or-
V"- s:ocl- .of es.-ori( s and
:o -c!.'e the rccple. This is
vr-dation fo- the people cf
; ::d coiarjuniiy.
- !-.r. .Tajnjes -J Murphy who has
been in the hospital in Omaha for
s'i:i:t: time on account of a broken
kip. is reported as making very sat
ir." rory process and it is hoped
in the nr-ar future that he may
to be able to return home. The
co;i?r:itnmy rnrtiy misses this gentle
: -f.n wfth his spirit of optimism and
, '. ,;)!::r: tLnt he may soon be home
John Flcischmann and family
j hav- moved to Louisville where they
v.-i 1 1 make their home in the future.
Iv they don't like Manley very
veil and have found it profitable to
i;ve v..rr, hut that, they find it nee
Crity to i:ir.R.' the-'r home in some
place where they can have such
scIiomI fttcilitios as will meet the
rif.P,s cf their children. Thev would
..rsi. vied L,aurenson.
Important Fact to Your
- , ,
t0ie Ox iLBOwiedge.
Kidney diseare often advances so
r;,r' ".r. .
" bv "fle ul 'i
when b.e!r'v- '"-P' aerennon snoum ne
riven tr.e Elisntest svmntom of l;irl-
Y o u r townspt ople recommend
I')oars Kidney Tills. Read the state
ment of this I'lattsmcuth citizen:
J. IJ. Partridge, Eighth and locust, says: "I was bothered a
great deal on account of the bad
condition of my kidneys caused by
hard work on the farm in my young
er daye. My kidneys acted "freely,
at times, causing me to get up a
great ileal during the night. At
theea times I was so bad I could
hardiy straighten. I bad to walk
i with the aid cf two canes. Not long
ter. 1 commenced using Doan's Kid-
f Doan's Kidney Pills the same that
Mr. Partridge h:.d. Fonter-Milburn
Co., Mfrs., Euffiio, N. Y.
: !
i '
1 Ior M'iMUS50M,
rrlt stationery, in both larre ana
imall buses. j
Our Cleaning and Tailoring Shop
is Now Doing Business
r I
no s h
ti n v. pi m
Phone 145
All Kinds of Hauling
Country Urive and Live Stcck Hauling!
r.nm, n,;im lvQ-r,l,T. t.nrn in
Dillon. 111.. March 13. 1S5C. died at I s: M. E. airs. Uur.ul was
Alvc, Neb.. Aug. 7. 1922. Aged t G j -AI vo ccmetf ry
years, 4 months. 25 days. Euos M. and Albert . Kahlrr
He was united in marriage April ! of Peoria. 111., came cdn'sda to
29. 1877. to Frances Sarah Kunz-
maul. To this union were born elc-v
en children three dying in infaaej.
Thosp surviving are Mrs. Mabel Mc-Lat'e-hlin
of Galesburg, 111.: Mrs.
n-iima Griffith of Harcy City, 111.;
I'irr. Dorothy Kil.L.i; and Vernon P.
of i.r j. Ang-rlca, ( a!.; Mra. Josephine
Ler and Charlui Vi
f I'oriland,
T:-ao:-, M. ard Albert W. cf Pe
111. v.T3 a member vi the Baptist
I;, having with that
at Morehoad, Kan., in 1911.
v rs later m:..-i'! to Miss Jcn-
D-r.nie, 7-lan.. July
lf12. end res;
a Morehcad.
I-o.r.. r.ntil D?". 2 !. 2 f 1 3 . at which
time1 he moved io Alvo where he re
sided at the time of his death. His
widow, Jennie Kahler. survives him
also one brother, S. W. Kahler of
Francesville, Ind., and three sisters,
Mrs. Louisa Deatwyier, Lamar, Mo.;
Mrs. Lydia Parsons, Los Angeles,
Cab, and Mrs. Minnie Unsicker, Fre-
Gur Oasolsne is Not Just ''Gasoline!"
It is a strictly straight run not a blended product;
and will stand the test as specified by the U. S. Navy.
Our Penn Franklin Motor and Tractor Oil will give
you the lubrication no matter what your requirements
may be. It will stand up with any oil you have ever
used, regardless of the price you paid.
A Fair Trial Will Convince You.
A wholly New line of car built on tinie-trird Buick
principles but with improvements and refinements
which make their introduction an event of nation
wide interest.
14 Distinctive Models
Astonishing Values and Prices
"3-6-41 Tour. Sedan, 5 pass.$193.''
22- 6-4 4 Roadster, 2 pass 1175
23- 6-45 Touring, 5 pass 1195
23-6-47 Sedan, 5 pass 1985
23-6-48 Coupe, 4 pass 1895
23-6-49 Touring, 7 pass 1435
23-23-6-50 Sedan, 7 pass 2195
All Prices F. O. B. Flint, Michigan
Ask about the G. M. A. C. Purchase Plan which provides
for Deferred Payments.
See These New Buick Cars Now at Our Showroom.
. W. THiiiAI3, kbiuu
When better automobiles are
mont. 111. The funeral was held
Thursday afternoon at 2:"i at the
T ,1ia.Ii.I I wr
I v li'ircr. OI uieiuren. ii..:uu..t
a"u l,,t
Those to come from a distance
here to attend the funeral of G. P.
Kahler were Mrs. Mary Pruitt of Ce
dar El-ffp. Kan.; W. M. Vincent and
. If - o: HaJdanor. K; n.; O. F. Fi:ip-!.-n
ard fHrniiy of Morr v.viiif. Kan.;
Mrs. O. J. Vinctat and Dan Or! tie
ard r-on Orval ot Miltoi.-vale. Kr.n.:
Mr:-:. Geo. Langd'.n ?::! (hildren of
ii.-iah. Ore.
Mr. Riiph Fr.L'Ti and inoilnr of
T '.i sity i'la.'e attt--.idt d A " fiin rul
of G. P. Kahler Thursday a'-.ri:..;ti.
Mr". P.atler of V.tlraraiso ;::.; :
ter, M:r:; Lola C:irr of Ragle v.. re
v.ek (nd j:u:-Ets of Mb Man.
Etroe:nT. Card of Thtnis
We wish :o tnank t trivn tn '
neighbors for their kiiid aiia)o t
and Coral offerings in the death of
our husband and father. Mrs. G. P.
Kahler; R. M. and A. N. Kahler:
Walter Vincent; Mr. and Mrs. E. R.
Tavlor; Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Zeman.
23-C-H4 Sport Road., 3 pas.J1625
23-6-55 Spert Tour.. 4 pass. 1675
23-4-34 Ruadsttr, 2 pass S(.5
23-4-35 Touring. 5 pass
2 3-4-3 C Coupe, 3 paH
1 175
13 9 5
f pat-s.
23-4-38 Tour. Sedan. 5 pass
built, Buick will build them!