The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 14, 1922, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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MONDAY, AUGUST 14, 1023.
to own your own
whether you stay at home or go away
you should own a good bathing suit.
Men's and Boys' Cotton, $1.25
Men's Fancy Wool, $3.00
Men's and Ladies' Best Wool, $3.95
fa w
Miss Ruth Reeve and Henry Moen
ing Married at Koine of Bride
at Elmwood Wednesday.
Bad Condition cf Highway South of
Elmwood to Keceive Attention
of Dept. of Pub. Works.
-The clangorous bridge over a higli
brinked creek two miles north of
On Wednesday evening:. August 9. ! irmiwood, on the Pershing highway,
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Horace . v. liieh has proved a menace to motor
Heeve occurred the marriage of their ; ists for over two. years will he reme
.ianrhfrr TJnth tr Mr. Henrv Moen-1 cli'j 1 shortly, according to G. F.
ing. At the appointed hour, airs.
Fred Rudolph sang, "I Love You
Truly." After this the bridal party
entered to the strains of Lohengrin's
Wedding March, played by Mrs.
Kniilv Gonzales. and took their
Johnson, state engineer.
At least tix motorists have come
to grief at tlu bridge within tire
past two mouths it was said Thurs
day night. The hridse sits diagonal
Iv northeast and southwest in an
r.?a0 imer tliP hp.Tiitifnllv decorat-i er. .t and west road, and is at the
nrfli ThP wPddinsr ceremony was i bottom of two hi!, providing a dan
performed by Rev. F. E. Sala of the
Methodist church.
The bride was attired in a gown
of white silk Canton crepe and a
veil. She carried a bouquet of
Ward's rosebuds. The groom wore
the conventional suit. The house
and lawn were beautifully decorated
in the pink and white color scheme,
this being al30 carried out in the
The bride is a young lady of
charming personality, beloved by all.
For a number of years Miss Ruth
gerous turn at each approach.
The new Federal highway will be
continued from th? place where it
was stopped, Str.te Engineer Johnson
said, half way between Kagle and
Elmwood lrst year, sometime this
fall, and it win run a little north
of the prpsent road, eliminating the
bridge. Funds for the continued
project will be available in a short
lime, and the contracts will be let
It is rumored that the Elmwood
iiizens have been petitioning the
TtPPVP lip hppn n Knrrpssf nT tp.ichpr i ' 'ass county road commissioners for
in the schools of Cass county. Theh-ne time, in an effort to obtain a
ernnrn Is a man of stsrlinir nualitii-s : .:t v bridge. Warning signs have
and excellent character. His home ! -ow been posteu from Uie cast ap-
Miss Xatherine Kubevec and Mr. Ed
ward J. KacAvoy Married at
Holy Kosary Church.
City on the elayhill north of this
city on the Omaha highway and as
the result the party lost a goodly
amount of liquor and also were com
pelled to remain here in custody of
the sheriff until today.
William Grebe, who officiates as
the booze locater for the state in this
.section, was lurking out on the high
way and when the car came along
headed for the Otoe county town
and coming from Omaha, he hailed
them and asked them to stop, but in
stead of doing this they put on more
gas and attempted to make their get
away and the chase was on, as the
sfr.'e agent had a speedy car that
soon overhauled the Nebraska City
gas wcgou. While the race was on
i th& young men, Mr. Grebe states
( threw out several jugs of booze and
! or.c of these? lit so that quantity of
This morning at 8 o'clock at the
Holy Roary church on west Fearl
street occurred the marriage of Miss
KaM-i-rir.e Kubevec and Mr. Edward
J. i.'a Avcy, Loth well known and
very pf.-;:u!ar among a large cirrfe of
frie:--'.:; in this city. eorer.iony was cry impress- tho llquor lodged in a small depres
ami i:;e r.upuai mass was ceieoraieu i Kirm in th nr1 nni1 frm thP
by the Rtv. Ferdinand Suessf-r, rec-j
tor ci tie Holy Rosary church. The!
cl tiro wedding and the
of great beauty.
Thi bridal couple were attended
state agent was able to extract a
small amount of "evidence."
When brought to this city the men
liest-niau. they being sister and broth
tr of the bride. The bride wore a
very attractive gown of white satin
with the long flowing veil and car
rying a shower bouquet of Bride
rosi-s. while the bridesmaid was
tlrci:--ed in a vry charming summer
c gave the names of Mac F. Cook, Ben
Medley and Cecil Taylor, and the car
was owned by Mr. Taylor.
. P. Mor
the rela
lives and friends of the young men
came up and made the attempt'to
get the boys out of the trouble in
which the booze had gotten them
by Miss Josephine Kubevec as brides-J .miis mornil!g Attorney A
maid and Mr. Blaze Kubevec Jr, as ; atr ag n as a number of
:: oi
pink voile and carried pink
Afti r the conclusion of the niar
ri;:. s-rvic? the bridal party and
tht- harpy bride and groom were ten-iit-i
-d a reception at the home of the
par. of the bride in the west por
tion of the city and which was en
joy d by a large number of friends.
The bride is a daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. -Blaze Kubevec, Sr., and has
been r .-a red to womanhood in this
ity v. lu re she is universally loved
and esteemed by a large circle of
friends and has for the past few
months been employed in Omaha.
Thf groom is one of the young ser
vice iiitr. of the community having
I'l'tn in the navy during the World
war and has been here more or less
for liii- past two years. He is now
J. A. Gardner and wife were call
ed to Republic county, Kansas, this
week in response to a telephone mes
sage announcing a tragedy in which
Wylie H. Gardner, a cousin of the
editor, had lost his life while bath
ing in a lake near the Republican
faur.uay afternoon, in company
friends who were visiting at the
home he motored to the lake for a
cooiing eff, but fate decreed an en
tirely different return. In an effort
to rescue him two others of the
party were almost drowned but were
saved by frantic efforts of another
boy. a son and brother of the res
cuers. ,
Tr e funeral was held Tuesday af
cinidt yod in Omaha where the young ire Iuneral was held Tuesday af
Pt.pij ox;K t to make their future 1 tc'rnoon and the larSe attendance of
horn-. neighbors and in fact the entire
Offcr-r Ciebc Apprehends Nebraska
City Parlies on Clay Hill Just
Kcrth of the City.
List evening hard luck overtook a
party of your.g men from Nebraska
countryside testified to the splendid
manhood and universal esteem in
which the young man was held.
The mission was a Bad one, yet it
!s always a source of satisfaction to
be abb; to render consolation and
aid in time of distress and affliction
The parents had celebrated their
fiftieth wedding anniversary in May
and this is their first great sorrow
in the Immediate family. Eagle
Your ad will carry punch if you
write it as a plain "selling talk" in
stead oi trying to fuss it up with
frills and exagerationa.
The Car You Want
No. 490
This is the new agency of this popular make of auto.
Call and look them over.
ason s
Lower Main Street
is in Burr, Nebraska.
The out of town guests were Mrs.
A. E. Reeve. Mr. Gilbert Brown and
Miss Jessie Reeve, all of Iowa City,
Iowa; Mis3 Anna Moening, Mr. Will
Moening. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph
Juilfs. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Genzling
er. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Kline, Mrs.
I". EiV.enbary, Miss Ida Beckman,
Mrs. Lee Ola Reed, Mr. and Mrs.
Jim Jose, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ilorst
man, Mr. Wesley Rogge. Mioses Stel
la and Rhova liogp. Mr. Herman
Rroers and Mr. Fred Effken. of Burr.
Nebraska; Mrs. Edith Clement3 and
son Harry, Mrs. Emily Gonzales, Mr.
Joe Iloiderness. Mis3 Clara Wilfang
er and Miss Minnie Sutherland, of
After a few days visit with their
relatives and friends at Elmwood
and Burr, the happy cpuple will
leave via auto for Minntare. Nebras
ka. After March 1, they expect to
'octe on a farm owned by the
groom in the irrigated district of
Scotts Bluff count-. Elmwood Leader-Echo.
t Eagles' Hall
J Given by P?attsraouth Aerie J.
No. 3C5. Good music and a
J. good time for everybody.
The east approach was the cause
of three Cedar Rapids, la., people
having an enforced ten-ikiy stopover
t'i Lincoln, while they were recuper
ating from severe injuries received
there August 2, when their car went
' ver the approach of the bridge, into
Hip creok bed twenty feet below.
Mrs. C. E. Kantham, who was rid
ill ;i in the front seat of the car when
it went over the embankment, has
leen under the constant care of City
Physician Wm. 11. Slattery since
Iltr left limb w&3
y the broken wind
ankle was broken,
fble to walk for sev
Mr. Fantham and
i ' ; son Earl were both badly shaken
r.n and there is a possibility of in
tornal hijnrie?. Both of the parents
- elderly people.
Tj':? hucband and son will go on
..nnorrow to their original destina
tion at Ettes Bark, Colo., where they
re to L-pcnd a f.vo weeks' vacation
with another fop.. Mr3. Fantham will
re-main here .several Jay longer un
.Ur the care of Doctor Slattery, rnti
is able to take up the journe
to Colorado
V.I:e Overland car in which they riding, u 1921 model, was so
adiy cmar.i.ed un that it had to be
jinked. Lincoln State-Journal
i Wednesday,
badly lacerated
;hield and her
f he will not be days yet.
Prom Thursday's Dailj.
James Ingram and wife of Louis
ville weje here today to attend the
saje of the Spence land at the court
Marriage license was issued in
county court today to Sherman Dor
en and Miss Daisy Holmes both of
John Knabe and son of near Ne
hawka were here today for a few
hours looking after some business
matters at the court house.
William B. Spence and John W.
Spence of Louisville were here to
day for a short time looking after
some matters at the court house.
R. E. Doud, residing near this
city, had his tonsils removed yester
day afternoon by Dr. H. C. Leopold,
and returned home last evening
feeling much relieved over the opera
tion. Jesse Graham and wife of Albion,
Nebraska, who have been here visit
ing at the home of I. J. Graham and
family, departed this morning for
Council "Bluffs and from where they
return home.
Paul Morgan, wife and family, of
Hay Springs, Nebraska, arrived here
last evening by auto and will re
main here for a short time visiting
with relatives and friends. They
greatly enjoyed the trip of some 575
miles by car.
Same Old Story, but a Good One
f Wed. Eve., Aug. 16th
Dancers. 55
Ladies free.
Spectators, 30c.
You are invited.
Carl Stimpson, formerly of Glen-
wood and who for several seasons
engaged as pitcher on the staff of
the Plattsmouth Red Sox, is playing
this week at the baseball tournament
at Malvern. Ia., with the Glenwood
team. Mr. Stimpson last Sunday was
playing with the Rock Island (111.)
team against Ottuinwa, la., at the
Illinois city and in this game Carl
hurled twenty-two innings before
the result of the game was decided
ar.d the Ottuinwa team proved the
winner. This is some record and
shows that the elongated slab artist
is something of an iron man when
it come3 to endurance.
Hot Weather Diseases
Disorders of the bowels areicx
tremely dangerous, particularly dur
ing the hot weather of the summer
months and in order to protect
yourself and family against a sud
den attack, get a bottle of Chamber
lain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy.
It can . be depended upon. Many
have testified to its excellence. Wey-
rich & Hadraba.
Accounts owing, and notes pay
able to the firm of E. G. Dovey &
Son are for sale. Prospective pur
chasers may examine same and file
their offer with the undersigned, of
fer being subject to the approval of
the court.
Attorney For Receiver.
From Saturday's Daily.
Mark White, one of the old time
residents of Cass county, who is now
making his home on the Pacific
coast came in yesterday to enjoy a
stay here with relatives and friends.
Mr. White is a great California
booster but still likes to be back in
the old home occasionally for a visit
with the old time associates.
I. M. Meisinger, one of the well
known residents of the vicinity of
Cedar Creek was -"here Saturday for
few hours looking after the week
end trading and incidently called at
the Journal office to renew his sub-
cription for another year and for
a very pleasant visit.
Mrs. Mahala Burns, Savanna, Mo
rjiates an experience, tne. like o
v.liich lias happened in almost every
neighborhood in this country and
; S3 been told and related by thous
amis of others, as follows: "I used
a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic and
t-'iarriioea Remedy aoout nine years
ago and it cured me of flux (dysen
tery). I had another attack of the
same complaint three or four years
a?o and a few doses of this remedy
cured me. I have recommended
ia dozens of people since I first used
it and shall continue to do so, for
I nc. it is a quick and positive cure
for bowel troubles." Weyrich & Had
rail a.
The regulates the condi
tion of the blood and is the founda
tion of good health or disease. Keen
'n c:ood shape by taking Tanlac. P.
G. Fricke & Co.
This is the Sock
, we are talking about -its
name is
t's a new silk and lisle mixture.
Same good wearing toe and heel,
only it has a drop stitch effect
that is new. Colors in mixtures
of brown, black, blue, green and
From Saturday's Daily.
Last evening the stork visitcel the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lam
phere in the south part of the city
and a fine little lady came to the
Lamphere family circle to make her
home. As yesterday was the birthday
of Henry the little lady came as a
very pleasing birthday present.
S&Sce Our East Window.
From Friday's Dally.
Henry C. Creamer, of near Mur
ray, was here today for a few hours,
looking after some matters of busi
ness. Ed Ingram of Louisville was in
the city for a few hours today at
tending to some matters of business
at the court house.
Mont Robb, the genial veteran
prain buyer, was here today for a
few hours, visiting with his host of
life time friends and also looking af
ter the interests of his company.
Earnest Melbern of near Murray
was among those going to Omaha
this afternoon to spend a few hours
attending to some business matters
in that city and Council Bluffs.
C. R. Todd was a visitor in Om
aha today with his wife at the Im
tuanucl hospital where she has been
for the past month. Mrs. Todd has
not been able to sit up as yet and it
may bp some time before she shows
decided improvement.
J. C. Baughman, wife and daugh
ter of Cosliocton, Ohio, who are mak
ing au cuto tour of the west, arrived
here yesterday to enjoy a visit a
the home of N. K. and Joe Peoples
and enjoy a short stay n the west
before returning nome.
Mr. Rothenberger. Creighton. Ne
braska. merchant, accompanied by
his daughter. Miss Mary,; 6topper in
Plattsmouth this morning for a brief
visit at the Elmer Webb home while
enroute home from Falls City where
they had been called by the death of
one of Mr. Rothenberger s relatives
Mrs. Sophia Youngberg of Chica
go, who has been here for the past
few days visiting at the home of her
cousin, Mrs. Jonas Johnson, return
ed this morninp: to her home. This
is the first time the ladies have met
for the nast forty years and it ia
needless to say the occasion was on4
much enjoyed by them.
Hunger, the Best Sauce
Sauce Is used to create an appetite
or relish for the food. The right
way is to look to your digestion
When you have good digestion you
are certain to relish your food
Chamberlain's Tablets improve the
digestion, create a healthy appetite
and cause a gentle movement of the
Tanlac's reputation as one of the
best medicines on earth was won by
results, not claims. Try it. F. G
Fricke & Co.
On the 26th day of August, 1922,
between the hours of ten o'clock in
the forenoon and two o'clock in the
afternoon, I will sell the household
goods, furniture, carpets, rugs, dishes,
paintings, clothing and other per
sonal property belonging to the es
tate of Amelia B. Haldeman, . de
Sale will take place at the late
home of said deceased in Plattsmouth,
daw Attorney.
In the District Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
Annie Louise Pitman, plaintiff, vs.
Lena LaRue et al, defendants.
App. Doc. 1, page 82.
Notice is hereby given that by
virtue of an order entered In the
foregoing entitled cause on the 29th
day of July, 1922, by Hon. James T.
Begley, Judge of the District Court
of Cass county, Nebraska, and to me
directed, I, the undersigned, Aubrey
H. Duxbury, sole referee appointed
by order of said court, will, on the
18th day of September, 1922, at the
hour of ten o'clock a. m., at the south
door of the court house In the City,
of Plattsmouth, in Cass county, Ne
braska, offer for sale to the highest
bidder for cash the following de
scribed real estate, to-wit:
The south half of the south
east quarter of Section number
ed thirty-two. (32) in Township,,
ten, (10) North, in Range
thirteen (13) east of the 6th
P. M., in Cass county, Ne
braska. $1,000.00 to be paid on day of
sale. Balance on confirmation of
sale and delivery of deed.
Said offer for sale will remain open
for bids forgone hour.
Dated: August 9th, 1922.
al4-5w. Sole Referee.
IT is impossible to buy a better
tire than thQ FiskTire dealer
can give you.
You cannot get a good tire at
a better yrice tban the Fisk
dealer giyes you,
Fisk Tire3 stand any and every
kind of comparison and com
parison will show you conclu
sively their plainly apparent
extra value.
There' 9 a Fish Tire of extra vetue in every size
for car, truck or speed wagon
Time to Re-tiro?
(Buy Fink)
!. u. ( rT orr.
i n - -v
sells all kinds Fresh and Cured Meats, Fresh Fruits and Veg
etables, Home Made Sausages, Flour and Feed. Prices and
quality of goods guaranteed. Prompt and propery service.
Exclusive selling agents of Chase c Sanborn's Hili-Grade
Coffee. Phone No. 242 North Cth Street.
t mimm
Lower Interest csi
Farm Loans!
Perhaps you have a mortgage against your place.
Maybe it is not due yet, but probably have an option
or right to pay the loan in full when you pay the
next interest.
If you are paying more than 5V2 now, don't wait for
the loan to become due, but see me about a new
loan before the next interest paying date.
Spotted Poland-China Sale!
I will offer at Public Sale at my farm 1 mile east of Dunbar, on
Wednesday- August 23rd,
Sixty Tried Sows, Yearlings and Gilts and
Fifteen Spring Doars.
The sows and gilts are all bred and are carrying a heavy
guarantee. They are bred to six of as good boars as the breed
The Spring boars have been selected from a herd of 325
Spring pige, and all good ones. These hogs have all had the
simultaneous treatment for cholera.
We invite fellow breeders, regardless of what breed they
raise, to attend our sale, August 23, and extend a cordial in
vitation to ladies and to professional and business men to be
with us that day.
TERMS: -We prefer cash, but a credit of six months on
bankable note will be accepted. Write for catalog.
Col- Charles W, Taylor and Col. Thomas Gutherie, Auctioneers
H. S. Westbrook, Clerk