The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 10, 1922, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    THURSDAY, AUGUST 10, 1922.
Nehawka Department!
Prepared ia the Interests of the People of Nehawka and Surrounding Vicinity Especially
for the Journal Readers.
while and an excellent chorus will I
Turkish some worth while music as
A. J. Rough lias forty-five acres
of wheat whuh yielded 40 bushels
per a re.
.Miss A!ta Duckworth of Elmwood
is visiting with friends in Nehawka
for the present.
Florence Griffin who has been sick
for some time is reported as being
Ciui h improved.
C. V. Floiscfcrian and family and
W. B. Carper and wife were visiting
last Sunday at Nebraska City.
Sheriff C. D. Quiuton and family
were visiting for a short time in Ne
hawka last Monday afternoon.
Cluster Minnear shelled and deliv
ered his crop of last year s corn
the Farmers elevator at Murray.
Mr. (Hen Whitman has accepted a
position at the Sheldon Manufactur
ing company shops in Nehawka.
Robert Troop north of town was
a visitor in Omaha last Monday tak
ing a load of cattle to the stock mar
ket. I'anl Sfhlicfpmeier was looking
THAN THE KAIL CEDES HOUSES i afu,r sonio business matters in Uni
versity Place last Saturday, making
Yes. v e c.r furnishing re
5i.b tire-- at lower prices
l!::tn the mail order houses
are rutting out inferior
good-: for. This good only
for a limited time, so you
bad bett-r get what you
w::i;t while they are going.
Fee the list of prices below!
United States & Racine Tires!
the trip in his car.
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Kendle and
family weer visiting last Sunday at
their former home at Syracuse, they
driving over with their car.
Mr.' Geo. Tollard and Miss Doris
Hanson were enjoying the ball game
played at Syracuse last Sunday mak
ing the trip in Mr. Pollard's car.
II. I,. Thomas and family were
spending last Sunday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Harley Thomas of Paw
Ross were looking after some busi-
ness matters in Omaha last Monday
, afternoon, making the trip in their
: auto.
! Mrs. E. II. Norris accompanied by
I Miss Leona Switzer and Ksthcr St.
to John are attending the tpwortn as
sembly in University Place during
this week. .
John O. Yeiser cf Omaha and wiie
were visiting last Sunday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Sturm,
parrnts of Mrs. Yeiser, driving down
in their car.
Mrs. D. C. West writes from Col
orado where they are visiting. that
she and father. Mr. J. M. Stone are
enjoying the coOl mountain weather
and are havingan excellent time.
A letter from Vomer Fleischman
who is making his home near Ilrule.
tells of crops being very good out
there and harvesting just now in
full swing with prospects very good.
R. H. Chriswisser and wife and
Roy Chriswisser and family were in
attendance at the birthday celebra
tion of Geo. W. Shrader last Sunday
it be his 8 6th birthday anniversary.
Little Ruth, the daughter of Su-
Loses to Louisville, Sunday
The Nehawka ball team went to
Louisville lust Sunday where they
played a game with the team of that
place aud which was one of the best
games which has been played in the
county during the season with the
result, that the team of Louisville
won from tiie team from Nehawka.
The game v as neatly contested and
resulted in Louisville four, with Ne-
ha"vka two.
"Whoop-la I Whoop-la! Heap
big tat! Gmm, what if rtal
Indians got omm of that
Koody Kellogg' Corn Flaheat
Betcha thay wouldn't tat urn
feller havo any at all! Hurry
up, thmy might com in any
Plowing Outfit For Sale
Ca;e 10-iM tractor, .with a three
bottom Cas plow. R. C. Pollard,
phone 7S, Nehawka, Neb. nl0-2w
Size 30s3i', $10.S0
Size C:?::3VS 13.75
r.-T0 j-a 18.30
e- " oc' . in 0 i Friday making the trip in their auto
k .C J -J X 4.l
Size 34x1 20.00;
ncc City, driving over in their car. perrnttr.nt nt and .Mrs. L. w. Hurby,
Charles Adams and family were who has been sick is feeling some im-
."---'These tires are guaranteed but
tl.e prices cannot be assured for any
great length of time. Come early.
Lundfcsrg Garage
Nehawka -:-
vi-iting and looking after some bus- proved and hopes are that she will
in-ss matters in Plattsmouth last be entii ely recovered in a short time.
Mrs. Willard Lemon aud two
Mis3 Maybelle Troop was a visi
tor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wy
att Hutchison for the past week and
returned home last Monday morning.
Rev. E. O. Johnson of the Metho
dist church and family were attend
ing the F.pv.-orth assembly at Lincoln f
last week going over on last Tues
day. Henry Ross and wife and Martin
Ars You fading Water?
Wo .ire prepared to furnish you an excellent
well. We have the well machine ready for
servi-c. Sec us if you are needing a well.
Sastrseh & Lawrence
Kehawka, Nebraska
Keep Step With Time!
You Can Do This when Your Watch
or Clock is Correct.
0'ir service at ycur call in this line. Also remember we
have a complete line of jewelry, silverware, novelties, watches
and clocks. Just received a nice line of alarm clocks,
mantel and kitchen clocks.
Norris Building,
Nehawka, Nebraska
''' , !.-.'- '' -1 1
' -jJ -r- -
" r.
I u 1
hm 'm
j LiH
f&M 'r
m . A
F I Hi I I 1
27x54 inch Wintons at '.$4.50
27x54 inch Park Velvets 5.00
I 2
Established 1888 ,
dausliters. Misses Genevieve and
Louise, from their home in Lincoln
have been visiting for some days past
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. R.
Z. W. Shrader and wife and Jo
seph Shrader and wife were spend-
insr last Sunday at the home of their
iieke. Mrs. Chark-s Creamer, cele
brating the birthday of "Uncle Geo.
Messrs. Miller and G ruber have
been busy for a portion of the week
i building a porch on the house of
1 Mr. Gruber which is adding much
, :o the appearance and convenience
1 of the place.
J. H. Sfeffens and fan ily are vis
j itinpr in the West bcinsr in Colorado
; where they are spending their vaca
j tion. Mr. D. Steffcns end sister, Chris
, tino. are conducting the bdsfness
( during his absence,
j Robert Troop and wife departed
j Wednesday of this week for Denver
! whtre they will visit and at other
points and will while in the West
purchase a car of cattle for feeding
tho fal land winter.
Mrs. Luciie Davis manager of the
Nehawka telephone exchange, is
r-pendirg her vacation at Lincoln
and while she is away the exchange
is being looked after by Misses Ruth
Davidson and Alta Duckworth.
Merrill Sheldon and uncle. C. W.
Snyder made a fast ran to Weeping
Water and return last Sunday they
being gone about an hour and a quar
ter and spent a half hour of that
tim visiting in Weeping Water.
Mr. V. P. Sheldon was a visitor in
Lincoln last Monday an dwas accom
panied by his son Merrill, who went
also to Edgar where ho is spending
a week, taking his vacation and will
return home and to work next Tues
day. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Massie who
have known Mr. Geo. Shrader for a
long time, were pleased to be able
to attend the celebration of the SC
anniversary of the birth of Mr. Shra
der. whi'-h was celebrated at the
hone of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cream
er last Sunday.
Among those who were present at
the birthday celebration of Uncle
George Shrader from near Xehawka
were Lester Shrader and family. Os
car Shrader and family. Mont Shra-
i der and Troy Shrader and family.
'They all had a most pleasurable af-
. ttrnoon last Sunday,
j Miss Ruth Hinton who has been
; visiting at the home of her friend.
Mrs. Edwin Fahrlander near Brule,
returned home last Saturdiy and has
.-'gain taken vp her work at the
Sheldon factory. Miss Hinton reports
Mr. and Mrs. Fahrhtndor doing nice
ly harrng good crops and an elegant
, homr.
: W. O. Troon completed the thresh
i ing in the neighborhood of the lat
ter's place lost Saturday and ran the
machine into the shed for the sea
son, after caring for it properly. Mr.
M'imin is thinking of goingnorth for
a time this fall with the expectation
of engaging jn the threshing there
. for a while.
Mr. E. H. Kendle the new jeweler,
. v.Iio has been here for the past two
'weeks, reports that business 13 very
good ami getting better all the time.
! Mr. Kendle is doing some very good
; work and is furnishing a reliable
li-e of goods. He his ad in another
I column of this paper announcing his
; liti" and be assured he wil treat you
1 right.
Miss Belle Bouck. Laura Lloyd,
Hazel Carper, Isadore Stone and
Chester Stone made up a merry party
who visited at "Villa Asdic" last
Sunday afternoon where they were
entertained by Mrs. Asche who is an
accomplished musician and is able to
p!sy very beautiful on a large num
Irr cf Instruments, she giving them
rome special numbers on five instru
ments and all very highly appreciat-
oy me young party.
Good Wheat in This Community
The wheat crop in this commun
ity has been very good and the qual
ity as well where the rain had not
damaged the crop.
Messrs. F. P. Sheldon and Peter
Johnson received something like
sixteen hundred dollars from forty
a-res of wheat, they dividing the
same at the ratio of 3-5 and 2-5.
Others have similar yiehts and one
tract of 10 acres is reported as show
ing a yiold of 53 bushels per acre,
and this tics Murdock and Nehaw
ka oit the largest yield thus far reported.
Celebrated His Birthday
Mr. C. D. St. John had planned
on attending the brithday celebra
tion at the home of G. W. Shrader
last Sunday but the day held a sur
prise for him as his own birthday
:11 on the same last Sunday, Mrs.
Si. John notified her husband that
he must not go away as there were
to be some company and 'sure they
ram1 and celebrated his 55th anni
versary. There were present to cele
brate the event James Easter and
family. Grandma St. John, Hugh An
derson, Eugene Nutzman, A. J. St.
John and their families. The day
was very pleasantly spent. Mr. St.
John was born near Sandusky, Ohio.
'i-otn Moniay's ?ally
L. R. Snipes, county agent, was
'it-r" from W. -eping Water today look
ing after the work of his depart
ment. J.ihn Carmack, wife and son, were
here over Sunday visiting at the
h.):ae of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kunsnian
parents of Tdrs. Carmack.
Mrs. C. W. Stout, of DeWitt, Neb.,
v. ho lias bee n here visiting at the
home of her brother, G. K. Staats
a::d family, returned home this af
ternoon. Attorney C. E. Tefft oT Weeping
Water was here- today fr a few
hours' visit at the court house where
he had some matters in the district
court demanding his attention.
W. D. Wheeler from south of the
ity v.-us here. Saturday for a short
tin'o making some purchases for the
threshing crew that was operating
-t his place Saturday afternoon.
Emil J. Hild, clerk at the C. E.
V.'escott's Sons' store and also pro
gressive candidate for register of
iiecds. is enjoying a vacation from
1 is duties at the store and will spend
some time visiting with friends.
Unele Ben Bockman, accompanied
by his daughter. Mrs. Louis Rhein
u kle, was in the city Saturday for
a few hours aud while here Uncle
B-n called at the Journal and had
his subscription advanced for anoth
. r year.
Jay R. -Brown of Cleveland, Ohio,
who lias been in the West looking
af:er some business affairs, arrived
lure yesterday to join his wife and
little daughter here in a visit at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Dovey,
parents of Mrs. Brown.
. its. r-ari ireian was here over
Si:i day visiting at the home of her
sister, Mrs. Ed Rebal. Mrs. Irelan
reports her husband as doing very
nice ly at the M. W. A. sanitarium in
Colorado and his progress toward re
covery seems quite rapid.
Frank Gorton and wife motored
up from their home at Fiunbar yes
t'rdry and spent a few hours here
villi friends and while here Mr. Gor
ton sec ured the Black & White Mel
ody Boys to play for a dance at that
place in the near future.
ei A f 9
Every day this summer more and
more men, women and children are
cutting down on the heavy, indigestible
foods and turning to a lighter diet for
health's sake. They are getting away
from that uncomfortable drowsiness
at J. ' J0
Also makers of
BRAN, cooked
and krumbled
and sluggishness and they find they
can think and work arid play better and
get more enjoyment out of the hot days.
Kellogg's Corn Flakes are ideal for
breakfast, for lunch, for any meal or
between-times nibbles because they not
only nourish, but are so easy to digest!
With cold milk, Kellogg's are wonder
fully delicious.
Nothing can be better for the chil
dren than Kellogg's! And, how the
little tots love them Kellogg's are so
crispy and crunchy and refreshing!
Order Kellogg's today the kind in.
the RED and GREEN package that
bears the signature of W. K. Kellogg,
originator of Kellogg's Cora Flakes.
None are genuine without it!
gressman of ths first district, came
up this morning from his home to
mingle with the other delegates to
the republican county convention.
Mrs. Edith Palmer, of Nehawka,
was a delegate at the republican
county convention today and was al
so visiting at the home of her broth
er. Sheriff C. D. Quinton and fam
ily. E. T. Hughes and wife of Gretna
motored over Sunday and spent a
few hours with Mr. and Mrs. W. E.
Rosencrans and- accompanied their
little daughter back home after a
wee's visit here with her uncle and
Dr. J. P. Flynn, wife and child
ren rae to leave today for an auto
trip to the northern portion of the
state and will visit with relatives and
old time friends at O'Neill for the
next week. Dr. Flynn will return
about August 15th to look after his
practice in this city.
R. M. Werner has sold his photo
graph business to Verne Trell. It is
the intention of this excellent fam
ily to move from Pender. Mr. Wer
ner is one of the best photographers
in northeastern Nebraska, in fact
people who are competent to judge,
and wh ohave visited neighboring
towns state his work excelled that to
be found in this section of the state.
The family's many friends wish him
success wherever he may go. Pen
der Times.
Mr. Werner has just purchased the
Christ & Ghrist studio in this city
and will be able to give the people
of Cass county the same treatment
that has won him the warm endorse
ment of his friends at Pender. Plaits
mouth is well pleased to welcome
Mr. Werner h,e erand assures him
that he has come to the garden spot
of Cass county.
Office supplies ol all kinds han
dled at the Journal office.
Kaufcle & KisShe
Staple and Fancy Groceries!
Highest Prices Paid for Produce. This Week's Prices:
No. 1 Country Butter, per lb 35c
Eggs, per dozen 20c
Country Lard, per lb 15c
Phone 145
All Kinds of Hauling
-Country Drive and Live Stock Hauling!
Will Trade 1916 Ford
Will trade a 1916 Ford touring
c?r good running condition for a
cow. must be good and a Jersey pre
ferred. Box 245 Plattsmouth.
All Are Invited to Attend
The Rev. E. O. Johnson, pastor of j
the Methodist church will' deliver a
discourse on the subject of "Chris-1
tianity and Politics." in which he
will Handle the subject without
glovfs. Come out at the Sunday morn
ing service and hear this learned dis- :
course. It will be well worth your
From Tuesilny's ratly
W. II. Ileil of Louisville was here
tod;:,- attending the democratic coun
ty convention.
C. G. Mayfield of Louisville was
1 ere today as one of the republican
delegates to the county convention.
Mis Nellio l.ce Holt, of Falls City,
i.; l;.e visiting at the home of Dr.
and Mrs. T. P. Livingston and fam- EESSSSS
Hon W. If. Puis, of Murray, was
'.re today mixing with the demo
crats from the different parts of
li e county.
,)- A. Young, of Murray, was a
delegate nt the republican county
convention today and participated in
the proceedings.
A. D. Zaar, of South Rend was
here today to take part in the re
publican county convention as del
egate irom his precinct. A. Olive of Weeping Water
was here yesterday for a few hours
vi-jiting with friends and looking af
ter some matters of business.
Hon. W. u. p,anning and J. T.
Reynolds came up this morning from
Union to take part in the democratic
county convention at the court
John G. Wunderlieh, one of the
democratic war horses of Nehawka
precinct, was in attendance here to
day at the county convention of the
W. D. Wheeler and son, W. A.
Wheeler were in the city from the !
vicinity of Murray to take part in :
fie county convention of the demo
crats of old Cass county. H
Hon. E. M. Pollard, former con-
Who Wear Socks!
We announce the first showing of
the f& -t new
Famous tttgrjB&tttt Silk
and Lisle Socks!
The same dependable, long wearing toe and heel, with its
graceful snug fitting ankle, and gripping rib-top, but a silk and
lisle mixture that is new.
We have them in mixtures of violet, brown, black, green and
blue. They are without doubt the Bulls-eye in the gallery of sox.
You'll like the "ribbed" drop stitch effect.
75c the Pair