i . . . - platfamoiilb So ma! VOL. NO. xxxviu. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 10, 1922. NO. 8 G. W. SHRADER PASSES 86TH MILESTONE ONE OF THE OLDEST RESIDENTS OF COUNTY GIVEN OVATION BY HIS FRIENDS. From Monday's Dally. Last Sunday at the home of his daughter. Mrs. Charles Creamer, was celebrated the passing of the Sth birthday of Mr. George W. Shrader, who was born in Taswell county, Virginia, and where he liv ed for the first twenty years of his life, removing later to the west and locating in Cass county in 1S64, where he has made his home ever since. There were some 272 people to greet this aged American at the GEORGE W. SHRADER home of his daughter. A sumpticus repast served in cafeteria style was one of the features of the day. The vision of the future wa.troa&-with Mr. Shrader when he settled in Ne-l.r'- ka then a almost leaHwaa -prairie and which he seen in the future to be a garden fit for the abode of any one. His faith was rewarded wnen VUC. Jii? laid W MA. J A . ' CA 1 W t V w i - u , . A 4 over a strip of country devastated by!a?on- J1'. V PUnfy V one of the most blighting of hail i f"fe IJ ' ar??.d n5, Gft V storms, there was produced one of "all. 6; Hayes. 20, Holt. 10, Knox the most elaborate feeds which could!,5 Lincoln. 19; Loup. 10: Nance. 4; be im-ined Otoe, 4; Perkins, 6; Pierce, 20; The B. P. O. E. band was pres-! Richardson. 2 ; Stantcn, 5; Washing- cnt and dispensed excellent music . ,c; during the afternoon and was a por- tion oi an excellent program which was a ieature oi tne aiternoon. le-i gt around among the crowd and dis-! tribute cigars and well wishes for all i the friends who came to make the i anniversary of his birth one of picas- ure for themselves and for their hon ored friend. There were present his relatives, neighbors and triends and members of the Grand Army of which he is a member, and the Masonic order, of which he has been a member during his lif The birthday cake which was bak- ed by his daughter-in-law, Mrs. II. 1 H. Shrader. was a unique one in pat- ; tern and consisted of three rows en- i cricling the cake of candles telling ot his age. j The special table for this host was occupied by the guest of honor, Un- church. During the service the choir cle George, V. A. Taylor, who was 0f the church gave a number of se niaster of ceremonies; Joseph Shra- j lections. der. Z. IV. Shrader. X. H. Isabel and . The bodv was laid to rest at the' Wm. Kennedy, and was placed in the Oak Hill cemetery, the pall bearers drawing room of the homo. being selected from among the busi-1 The remainder of the large crowd ness men of the city and were H. A.' with the plates piled high with the Schneider. Frank M. Bestor, "William' best things to eat. found comfort- 1 Schmidtmann. H. M. Soennichsen, R. : able places where they could eat and W. Knorr and Guy W. Morgan, visit with friends. Following the re-1 Among the relatives here from past the program was given, the "out of the city were George Hatt, of first number thereon being given by . Buffalo. X. Y.. and Mrs. J. T. Clark. . a gnat granddaughter, little Allen Murphy, who came from Chillicothe, Mo., to attend this celebration. This little miss also gave a very enter taining dance as well. The program was continued by the opening address by the Rev. W. A. Taylor of Union, followed by a few numbers from the Elks band. -.!!, .,.,, r.or, onnriotD,! Tho first address being given by the Rev. Gooddell. pastor of the Christian f-hiirrh at Murrav. This was well re- 1 ceived. it being a short history of , Mr. Shrader teling of his coming! , " j mw here and intersperced by a number of very amusing stories which added to the good nature of the assembled neighbors and friends. The large crowd then sang "Pass Me Not. 6 Gentle Saviour." Hon. R. B. Windham reviewed the experi ences and his acquaintance with Mr. Shrader and told of their visiting the national encampment together at Vicksburg. Miss., some years ago. "With more music by the Elks band, then followed the address of A. E. Stepheiison of Omaha who spoke: more directly in reference to the Masonic order of which both are members and said that the number of people present was a certification of the excellent character of this ex- f-llpnt man. Hon. W. B. Banning of I'nion, followed in an address in which he complimented the people who had gathered and extended to Mr. Shrader the wish that he might see many more happy birthdays. He said the present condition of Nebraska which was like a garden, was the fulfilling of the vision which Mr. Shrader had of the future of this country. He said that one only ap preciated the fact of this country be ing a garden after he had taken a ride in an airplane over the coun try" when it was clothed with its summer garments. The Journal representative then folowed with a report of the meet ing, telling of the ages of some twenty-two of the older of the crowd, ap proximating some 1,591 years, and the oldest being the guest of honor, while the youngest was George Alex Hull, five months old and, named for "Uncle George." He also extended the thanks of Mr. Shrader to the as sembled throng for the very pleas ant day which they had given him. The singir.g of "Blest Be the Tie that Binds. concluded the program and with the visiting of the many friends and the personal extending of congratulations of friends and well wishes for the future, conclud ed a perfect day. Mr. Shrader and especially his daughter, Mrs. Chas. Creamer, wish to extend their thanks to the people who made this day one of pleasure for this excellent citizen. LAND VALUATIONS ARE GIVEN BOOST Twenty-Seven Counties Were Raised , and Ten Reduced by State Board of Equalization. Farm land assessements of twenty-seven counties were raised and those of ten counties reduced by the state board of equalization and as sessments, at its meeting Wednesday, leaving fifty-six counties unchanged Irom the figures reported by them. In consideration of this net in crease in farm land valuations, the board decided that there was no good basis for the objection filed by railroad companies to their own as sessments as being higher in propor tion than on lands, and their request tor a decrease below the valuations placed on their property two months ago was denied. Following are the counties which have been raised, the percentage of increase being indicated for each: Banner, 14 per cent; Boyd, 3; Brown, 5; Buffalo, 10; Cedar, 15; Cherry, S; Cuming, 9; Custer. 4; ion. Those whose farm land valuations . n , - . T, ota. 2; Furnas. 4; Jefferson. 6; ; " . ' ; ' 4; barPr ; j nomas . FUNERAL OF JONATHAN HATT IS HELD SUNDAY frrm Monday- Dally Yesterdav afternoon the funeral service of 'the late Jonathan Hatt ,vas held from tne st Luke's Enisco- Dai church and attended bv a large- number of the old friends and neigh-J bors to share with the familv the deep grief that his passing has brought on the community, The services were beautiful and simple and the rector of the church, Father V. S. Leete, celebrated the funeral ritual of the EDiscooal of Lincoln, brother and sister, and Guy Clark and wife of Lincoln. HOUSES ARE DECORATED From Monday' Daily. The residences occupied by a num ber of the men who have remained u 1 i vie ijunington. snooB iu"ne, f tjie Bh?pv 5raf rJlIwfl111. an,d "f"s wi B trimmings oi yei- noi. t.cniiiji mill II IlUUllllgb Ol ow paint and the lettering, "Scab." ' the lett The painting was not t'"' dwellers in the he ot discovered by houses until the morning after the painting and therefore the person or persons do ing the work were not discovered. RECEIVE GOOD NEWS From Monday's Dally William Rice and wife of this city departed this afternoon for Weep ing Water where they were called to pay a visit at the home of their daughter, Mrs. John Fitzpatrick, and to interview the fine little daughter that arrived at the Fitzpatrick home Sunday. Grandpa Rice is feeling highly elated over the event and ( could hardly wait until the train bore him to the side of the new granddaughter. 1 - Tne most exquisite line of birth day and gift cards to be found any where! At Journal office. JOSEPH G. CREAM ER IS WEDDED IN PENNSYLVANIA Former Plattsmouth Young Man i3 Joined in Bonds of Wedlock at Harrisbnrg, Pa. The announcement has been re ceived here by the father of the groom and other relatives and friends of the marriage on Thursday, Aug. 3rd, of Miss Lulu Myrtle Ernst and Mr. Joseph George Creamer, the cer emony occurring at the Lutheran church in HarrisburgL This wedding is the outgrowth of a romance of war time daj-s when the groom was in service and his bride employed as a stenographer at a number of the army camps where Mr. Creamer served and from this ac quaintanceship formed in the dark days of war, a warmer feeling de veloped that has resulted in the young people deciding that they would make their lives as one in the future. Mr. Creamer has since his dis charge from the service in the early part of 1919, been engaged in the automobile business at Harrisburg, Pa., where Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Ernst parents of the bride reside, and for the past year Miss Ernst has been stenographer at the auto plant of Mr. Creamer. The young people will enjoy a short honeymoon trip and then be at home to their friends after Septem ber 1st. at the home in Harrisburg, that the groom has awaiting the coming of his bride. Mr. Creamer is a son of C. L. Creamer of this city and a brother of Mrs. A. H. Duxbury, and was brought up here where he made his home until responding to the call of his country in the World war. ANDY SGHMADER TO MEET SOME OF THE TOP NOTGHERS Tentative Arrangements for Matches With Tommy Gibbons and Bob Martin are Made. Andy Schmader, Cass county's super-artist with the padded mitts, is being discussed as the probable op ponent oj Bob Martin, the A. E. F. champion, in a bout at Aurora, 111., on August 18th. and where Mana ger Jack Lewis is at present look ing over the situation. Another of the fights projected for the near fu ture is one at Lincoln under the aus pices of the American Legion in which Andy will be scheduled to meet Tommy Gibbons. These two boxers that the Cass county man is being matched with are among the best in the broad con fines of the country and should make two of the best matches of the heav ies that have been seen in the cjoun try. The host of devoted Schmader boosters here are confident that An dy is the equal of any of the heavy- weights and they are anxiously awaiting the matching of the Gib bons and Martin bouts. DEPART FOR COLORADO This morning at 7:30, T. H. Pol lock, wife and daughter. Miss Alice, departed in their Lincoln touring car for the west and for an outing of some duration in Colorado. They expect to make their first stop at Arapahoe for a day's visit with Chas. A. Patterson and wife and then a day's stay at Cheyenne Wells, Col orado, at the ranch of Mr. Pollock, where they are putting in a 640 acre tract in fall wheat. From there they will go to Piedra, Colorado, 350 miles southwest of Denver, to the ranch of J. K. Pollock, and join Jim there in his vacation in the pleasant coolness of the mountain re gion. Jim has written very favorably of the fishing in that locality and the members of the auto party are anticipating a pleasant time snag ging in the mountain trout and other of the mountain fish. Bear is also reported as being plentiful in that regjon as well as smaller game and should make some good hunting, which Mr. T. H. Pollock Is looking forward to with much pleasure. ANOTHER HAPPY EVENT Sunday morning at 8 o'clock the stork made a visit to the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Bennett and left in their care a fine little daughter, who is doing very nicely as is also the mother and it is needless to say that the occasion has been one of the greatest of pleasure to the proud father of the little lady. PRIZES ARE DRAWN At the strike benefit dance Satur day evening at the K. S. dance plat form, a number of prizes that were held over from the K. S. festival were drawn and James Newasek, with Xo. 251, won the gold watch, while Adolph Koubek won the cam era, with No. 414 and the chickens donated by Mike Sedlak were drawn by Pauline Janda with No. 29. VISIT FROM AN OLD FRIEND Saturday evening tl: members of the Bates family enjoyed a very de lightful visit from an-oid time friend, ' Tiprf Riimspv. who WHS for a num-! ber of years employed by Col M. A. j Bates on the Grant Cj'y fMo) Times.! j and who was a boyi.oo l friend of ; '.Tom and Robert Bates, publisher of' the Journal. Mr. Rumsey is at pres- ; representatives ei .rany rtauic cic ent located at Geneva. Keb., and be-! gates to State Convention ing in Omaha took ti e opportunity of dropping down for :i call. It was u most pleasant occasion and recall ed the pleasant days tiown in "Old Missouri" when all vere interested in the newspaper game there. REPUBLICANS OF COUNTY SELECT STATfc OELEG A 1 ES I ,,. . ' Cass Connty Repnb-icans Le-et t: Conrf House and ITame their ! Delegates to State Meet. From Tuesday's iai:y. tTTp Pnss countv r'Ti'jblicans were in session this niorni.i? at the court ot' J- p- Falter the convention was house to act on the matter of se- i requested to name twenty delegates lec-ting their delegation to the state aml ese v"ere to he apportioned convention at Lincoln next week and janion- slle various precincts ot the a verv enthusiastic meeting was stag- ! county and as each of the precincts ed but the delegations from the west . Aver1 called the delegate was named, portion of the county wre unable to : The list of tho-sc sifted to repre be in attendance and this convention ! sont thy Cjs county democracy to as well as the other two were decid edly shy on members from the west ern precincts. James M. Teegarden of Weeping Water -B.-r.ci madP chairman of the convention and II. A S. hneider of ,t,ic ri.r s,.,wt,rv. nr.! ther. n p . at once started in to !o business. On motion of C. E. Tefft of Weeping Water a committee was appointed consisting of seven members to se- fnnvenlinn nnrl in order tli.it pnrh I -r.j. rT rniinlr -r,.?c-Vt o A a- miatolr f o"T-i-.t.T! t rl in 1 h o fl ft f-a Uon ' Plattsmouth. Chairman Teegarden named as the ? The convention listened to a cum committee. C. E. Tefft. Weeping Wa-i ber, f lhf ,m al .democrats present ter; Hon. E. M. Pollard. Nehawka; ;ni1 ,he democratic stanclard bearer B. A. Root. Murray: A. D. ZarrJ si3t s"aor, ; Banning of South Bend; G. L. Farley. Platts-' , Puk of Murray, candi- mouth; F. H. Jof-son. Weeping ! ate lor representative; Miss Mia L. Water, and Will S. wriMkamp. My-!"- trdldtevf co"!!ty treas' nard to draft the tentative list of .'? ri MrS- Katherine Minor, can delcHter i ,Ja,e for register of deeds, were Wliile'the committee was delib-; ;!n-f? tnosf Present to instill the t,-,, tr, iho r- nf fihifr Onin- i enthusiasm for the coming campaign. ton. the convention indulged in a i general discussion of party politics nd shortly before 11 o'clock the nmmittre submitted the following a list which was" adopted by the con- idopted by the con - official delesates to tion: E. M. Pollard. J. II. McMaken. W. ver.tion as the official the state oonven H. A. Schneider. S. Wetenkamp. B. A. Root, C. Tiiff f T A t Tnno-anlr Tl Tt Wnl nil tt" H. Johnson. Harold A. Tool. H.' K. Frantz. Miss Florence Armstrong. Mrs. J. D. Bramblett. B. I. Clements r:ri n r-.n, The leaders of the party including State Senator A. F. Sturm, proceeded up with the' discussion I the,('ourse .of which he rave the re of the day and urging 1 ruWican mismanagement of the state to stir things n T 1 o tcciioc r fro nnn nrcr- the members of the party to get in , real exposure and urged the dem tt, ch.n- u Vo-rmhr ofrats to soo that the state was plac- The convention took no action as to naming a county chairman, leav jir.g that to the county committee atP60?168 moDey- its next meeting MERCHANTS DROP h CLOSE GAME SUNDAY From Monday's Dally. Yesterday afternoon the Merch ants base ball team of this city drop ped a close game to the Glenwood team by the score of 4 to 2 and af ter one cf the best games seen in the Iowa city this season. Up to the last inning the score stood 2 to' Glenwood team, but in the fatal ninth two runs were tallied by the Iowa team that put the locals in the email end of the score. Connors pitched a good game, but the breaks of the battle went against the Plattsmouth boys and resulted in their defeat. FILES SERIOUS COMPLAINT From Monday's Daily. This morning Court Reporter L. L. Turpin was called to Nebraska City to take the evidence in a case filed by County Attorney George Heinke against Dr. Cashner in which it is claimed an illegal operation on a Miss Dewey was performed. The young woman on whom the alleged operation was performed, died and the legal department has filed charg es against the physician. SELLS 0. K. GARAGE BUILDING From Monday's Daily. This morning Sheriff C. E Quin ton officiated at the sale of the O. K. garage building in this city which was sold under order of the district court. The building was bid in by Fred E. Bodie, receiver of the Bank of Cass County, for the sum of $20.- 000 to protect the claim of the bank in tno f - 1 1 t t 4ii A crnipn t rV'ha-ri ra ! no other bids offered. Journal want ads pay. Try them. Blank books! Yes yon can get of all kinds. The JocrnaL DEMOCRATS HOLD COUNTY CONVEN TION HERE TODAY ... . T , Convention Optimistic. : Prom Thursday's Daily. ' The countv convention of the dem ocratic party ns?embled this morn-! j ing at 10 o'clock at the equity court) j room in the court bouse in response' ' t . i tliA -all ri' tlio -miTitr -"Itjrlr rinfl : in compliance with the primary law. The convention was one of the most optimistic in nature that has ben held in recent years and em- ! braced the leaders of i hp old time de- a1 sprA-iing e convention also had of the ladies, even r.iore so i.'isn tlicir republican rivals across the hall. For the position of chairman, D. o. liwyer was named as the presid- (,mt'cr nnd lrs- p- J- Flynn act- " i sri.iri.ai. ivuu iuc usa ui naui- ing the various delegates to the state convention was taken up. On motion t:ic state convention to oe neia ai Omaha is as follows: Eel Carr. Eagle; G. P. Foreman, Alvo; Walter Paiiing, Greenwood; I T t - T 1 11 1 S T J- 1 L.aiigiiorsc, wnnvoou; j. r. Mc- ' lJ Murdock; William Richards, i Poutli Iknd; Dan Bourke, Manley; i C. Spanglor, Louisville; Mrs. B. I C. nrquardt. Avoca; F. J. Hild, jMynard; Mrs. P. E. Tritsch, Murray; ! W. D. 'Wheeler, Plattsmouth; G. W. Weering Water; Joseph Corley, ' V. CC P j n g WatCrC Col. M. A. Bates, I ' lattSmOUth; Mrs. P. J. Flynn, L. F. Langhorst of Elmwood was present at the convention and the fral suggestion heard among the ; legates was that Mr. Langhorst ; f,u.,,u,u ' ' --''t5 : I infr, 'es rln F ' should act as the head of the com i::iiUT 1 ii l 11 f ruuui iui i lit lum- ar. sentiment for Mr. Langhorst I grew vy uuunus aim in ine c-iiisiiik l:ours of the convention he was unan- I iniously named for the position of - cudirnidii. Henry R. Gering of Omaha, one of j t!i old time sc rapping democrats, ' was at the convention and was call . ed uTton for n few remarks and in th old time scrapping i ed back in the safe and sane manner J of conducting the expenditures of the BUSY TIME IN POLICE COURT Kmm Monday's Daily. This morning Judge Wm. Weber was busy dispensing justice with open hand to all comers and seeing that the scales of right were justly balanced an.l as the result offenders of the law were given fines and trim mings. A complaint was filed by C. L. i Spiriel against W. Renner in which ', the plaintiff charged the defendant with having struck him and after I hearing the evidence in the case the judge nanded down a line or ?o and costs amounting to SS.50 which the defendant paid and was released from the charge. Glen Hoazland of Omaha who was apprehended Saturday night suffer ing from an overload of the juice of corn, had deposited with Chief Bar clay t he sum of -13to cover a fine of $10 and costs for being intoxicat ed and the court, in the absence of the defendant, ordered it paid over to the treasury of the city. PLEASANT COUNTRY GATHERING The country home of John Warga, Sr., south of the city was the scene of a very pleasant party on Thurs day evening in honor of Miss Agnes Kahoutek of Omaha, who is spend ing a few weeks here. The evening was spent in playing games and dancing 'and at an appropriate hour a very delightful luncheon was serv ed. Those attending were: Misses Hazel Sullivan, Olive Fulton, Mabel Troop, Clara Mumm. Josephine Van- ek. Anna Jirousek, Nettie Spangler, Marie Hutchison, Rose Warga, Sta zia Warga. Helen Pilney, Pauline Newasek, Ann Martic. Messrs. James and William Gouchenour, Vern Hutchison, Glen, Sam and Elmer Fitchorn, Vincent- Pilney, Joserh Novatnc-y, George Mumm, Joe Van- 1 rn.Tac Tnlin o A 1 Vii "W n - . ga. Mr. and Mrs. Martic and the i guest of honor. Miss Kahoutek We can furnish yon clank books most any kind at Journal office. OPERATED ON AT OMAHA From Tuesday's Dairy. Late yesterday afternoon at the University hospital in Omaha, Lester, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Taylor of this city, was operated on for ap pendicitis which he was stricken with quite suddenly. The young man was hurried to Omaha yesterday afternoon and operated on as soon as he arrived at the hospital. While he whs not yet thoroughly out of the effects of the operation last night it was thought that he was doing as well as could possibly be expected under the circumstances. GETTING CAMP IN SHAPE FOR NA TIONAL GUARD Work cf Placing in Water Lines and Bath Houses for Companies Now Being Rushed. The site of the camp of the Ne braska national guard on the Each farm east of the Burlington station is now a busy one as the various groups of workers are carrying out their part in making the camp as comfortable as possible and getting it in readiness for the first detach ments of the guard that will arrive on next Sunday morning and at once enter on their military program. Captain Poteet, ia. charge of the advance work of preparing the camp is kept verv busy with the plans and the procuring of supplies that are needed by- the workers and he will be or.e of the busiest men in town until the soldiers reach here. Yesterday Col. Amos Thomas of the i:Uth infanctry, Capt. Haggerty, adjutant of the regiment, Lt. Col. R. It. Douglas of the 134th, together with Lt. Col. McDaniel. Instructor attached to the guard from the U. S. army and Major Pryne of the 17th infantry at Fort Crook, who will have charge of the work of the instruction of the officers of the regi ment, were here and spent a few hours looking over the camp, rifle range and the general terrain of this locality in which the troops will have to work out their various military problems. One of the" programs of the drill schedule thit will be of interest is the fact that a general review of the regiment will be held each af ternoon by the commanding officer and which will be a very interesting spectacle for the residents of this city and vicinity. GO ON VACATION From Monday's Dallv. Yesterday F. A. Jones and wife of Rukin. Nebraska, arrived here to spend a short time here at the home of Mrs. J. T. Baird, mother of Mrs. Jones, and they were joined here by Misses Caroline and Estelle Baird, who will accompany them on an auto trip to Minnesota to spend a few weeks in the lake region of that country. George Hatt, who was called here by the illness and death of his broth er, Jonathan Hatt, returned this morning to his home in the east. Mr. Hatt has jus"t been on an extended visit to the South and New England and came frcm Buffalo, New York, to this city and will now return to his home in Detroit. Have You Any Uncollected Interest? A law suit brought out some unpaid loan made 1922, with compound interest to the in sum of $304,840,332,912,685.16. Is there any money you have failed to collect through keeping sums of money constantly idle either at home or in your pocket? Bank every dollar you do not actual ly need. Idle money earns no interest! The First National Bank THE BANK WHERE YOU FEEL AT HOME PLATTSMOUTH jJgLj NEBRASKA. Member Federal Reserve PROGRESSIVE PARTY HOLDS ITS CO. CONVENTION Select Delegates to State Meeting and Discuss Party Affairs at Meeting Here Today. From Tuesday's Dally. The delegates to the county con vention of the newly born progres sive party held their sessions in tin auditorium of the public library this morning vhile the democrats and re publicans -were holding forth in the court house. There were some ten delegates present at the meeting and A. L. Tidd. the county chairman, presided over the meeting while ('. E. Whittaker acted as the secretary of the meeting. The convention had one lady delegate prescM. The greater part of the time wa taken up in the discussion of what should be the policy of the Cass county delegation at the state con vention and in the general discus sion. Chairman "Jim" Edmisten. of the state committee, came in for more or less criticism from a num ber of the members of the convention as to his attitude in regard to t he fusion of the progressives witli the two old parties. Curtailment of the powers of the state chairman w us urged by C. E. Whittaker, II. P. Long and A. F. Knoflicek. In the discussion cf policy for the party, Mr. Tidd pointed out the failure of the plans to make a suc cess of the fusion candidates and stated that the party if it was to re sult in anything wortfi while must stand for definite ideas of its own regardless of other parties. W. F. Nolte of Mynard thought that the party should take recogni tion of the balance of power theory as between the two parties and urg ed the withdrawing of Arthur Wray as senatorial candidate. Mr. Tidd on the other hand stated that as Mr. Wray had been named as the party candidate he thought it was up to him to remain in the race as long as the party had asked him to ac cept its leadership. The delegates to the state con vention that will be held at Lincoln next week were as follows: W. F. Nolte.-Mynard: U. P. Lone Gout'u Bend; A. H. Oehlerkine. Elmwood; Mrs. Mabel Ofe. A. F. Knoflicek. A. L. Tidd. C. E. Whittaker. Louis Leiner, A. H. Duxbury. Mrs. Grace Sperry, Plattsmouth; G. F. Wilson, Elmwood, and Mrs. Pauline Young, Murray. VERY FINE MORNING From Tuesday's Dullr. This morning was one of the most delightful of the summer season and the mercury hovered at 55 degrees and made it very pleasant for the citizens of this community who have suffered from the torrid weather ot the last few days. The change in the weather over Sunday was very ac ceptable and last night the use of a coat was rot uncomfortable on the street. It was a reminder that the summer days are 6oon to be num bered among the things of the past. Attorney C. E. Tefft and uon, Shel don, J. M. Teegarden, F. 11. John son, J. J. Meier and 11. A. Crozier were among the Weeping Water cit izens here today to attend the re- j publican county convention. in California recently startling figures. An in 1897 had mounted