PIATTSMOUTH SEMI -WEEKLY JOURNAL MONDAY, AUGUST 7, 1022. PAGE TWO Of) tfio Democratic Ballot at the November Election You Will Find the Name of BVi H 71 Candidate for County Treasurer. VOTE FOR Your Support Will Be Appreciated. J MAHLEY HEWS ITEMS LOCA'L NEWS from Thursday's Daily. Misses Etheland Golda Scarbor ough departed this morning for Rockport. Mo., where they will en Joy a visit with relatives and friends for a few days. ' koou yieius. ... , i r Albert Seiker and wife were guests L. D. Iliatt of Murray came up -t the home of A. F. liauth last Tues- i this morning and departed on the iuay for the day. . ... !" ,irlin";n raf 0h- Miss Julia Sherman 01 L.ouisvnie i nere i.u sjicui a it iiuuia ai me was a visitor at the home of Mr. and j wholesale houses. J Mrs. Fred Kreckldw for a few days r. L. Propst and wife and Mr. 1 fluri'nir last week. and Mrs, Joe Sindelar of Omaha will; 1 1 depart torn ir'.iwaT-fi and PhiliD Flemmiug were i,.in laat Thursday and with 'good yields 1 Oaroprooff 6 PAIR IN A BOX ACCOUNTING OF WORLD WAR RELIEF FUND HADE Secretary F . B. O'Connell of the American Leeion relief committee lias liWd a report with State Land OomnvF-ioner Swansnn. secretary of board of educational lands aDd funds. The rtpTt is for six months ending June 30th. The committee ha3 received a total of $31,250 in installments from the t--i::te board cf relief of world war vfttrans. At the Prst of the present yeir the reik'f committee which disburses XhU 5-voey had ?9.12i on hand. In addition it received $12,500 from th? : t:Xe. $2 in interest and S45 in the form of a returned check, mak in : t"t:il of 421.700. Th committee issued 573 vouch ers for f 21, 561. Ie;-.vir a balance of $145 on :ard Jur.e 30th. The actn-il expense of administra tion was $547 or 2V2 per cent Jor over'.u-.: !. Tor the previous six months the overhead was G per cent, but the rtlitf committee was just getting well organized during that period. Same Old Story, but a Good One Mrs. Mahala Burns, Savanna, Mo relates ai experience, the lik of which has happened in almost every neighborhood in this country and has been told and related by thous ands of others, a3 follows: "I used p. bottle of Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy about nine years nco and it cured me of flux (dysen tery). I had another attack cf the fp.nia complaint three or four years ago and a few doses of this remedy cured mo. I have recommended it to d"??m of people since I first used it and shail continue to do so, for I know it is a quick and positive cure fcr bowel troubles." Weyrich & Had-raba. FORD MUST GET COAL OR CLOSE DOWN SOON Tiinlic has been publicly indorsed by more veil-known men and wom en than any medicine on earth. F. G. Fricke & Co. Lansing. Mich.. Auir. 3. The en tire rrmy of Ford Motor company employes will be thrown out of work urJesas Ford obtains nev coal ship ments within fourteen days, his rep re?entatives told the fuel committee here today. In addition to the Ford plant, with its vast number of workers, the Dodge, Chevrolet and Studebaker plant would be tied up through loss of their gas, which Ford supplies. Phone 145 Country Drive and Live Stock Hauling! PHICES REASONABLE! - "s - n l Open for Business! I n Our Cleaning and Tailoring Shop is Now Doing Business AT THE OLD STANDI - nit Kbnhtdm? M teg- h FIFTY-FOUR" LINCOLN SPT. 7-8 ME BEST IN ALL LINES ARE SEMBLED - r 1 1 acn I iil.ii 3 xmiTfflN AW. & f 8 i I ' .1 a AC Amy Goodman was looking a some business matters in i laus mouth last Thursday, driving over in his spring wagon. . A. F. Fauth and wife with their little one were the guests at the home of August Stander and wife last Sunday for dinner. Mrs. Fred Krecklow was a visitor in the country last week, assisting in the cooking at the home of John! Shcllhorn where they were doing tne summer threshing. Miss Leda Fleischman who has been visiling in Omaha for some time with friends, returned home last Wednesday evening, after hav ing h.ad an excellent time. Walter Mockenhaupt and family were guest 3 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Mockenhaupt and were pleased ii.li the company of their cousin. Miss Allbee of Lincoln who i3 a guest of Miss Sue Mockenhaupt tomorrow for Denver via the ! ;:iito route and expect to spend the rext two weeks there with relatives. County Commissioner Fred Gor der returned this afternoon to Weep ing Water to assist Mrs. Gorder in h-r journoy to Montana where she will visit at tne home of bor broth er. Howard Tool at Freeport. John Rrooks departed this morn ing for Cmahi where he will visit today with friends and will depart tomorrow for Ilonolula, where he v;ili make his home in the future. Mr. Brooks has been here visiting with his father, John Brooks, for pome time. Lyman Borgravo of St. Joseph, Mo., who has been here for a few (i:sys vibiMng at the homo of Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Marshall, departed this morning for his home. Mr. Borgrave a brother of Mjts. Sarah Turner The country sewing club of Man- of th;s city and an uncle of Mrs. C. ley held a very profitable meeting:- luarsnau. at the home of Mrs. Wra. Ileebner I ' lait week at which some excellent j rr,-m Friday s Dally, work was dene and also were very ! Herman Ross of near Union was in pleasantly entertained by Mrs. Heeb- ta today attending to some bus mr j in; ?s matters of importance. At this time there are plenty cars ! Louis Frederich of near Cedar for the transportation of wheat and j Crok was here today for a few hours much of what has been threshed has looning aiter some matters at tne been shipped. The threshing is get- ling pretty well along and other courl house. Lowell Dutton of Kansas City is hero to spend a few weeks at the home of his grandmother, Mrs. S. E. NfEIwain and family. I County Commissioner Fred H. I Gorder was here today for a few wiso than the occasional rains has been very satisfactory. Mr. Roscoe Owens who is at the Saint Catherine hospital at Omaha and where he underwent an opera tion for appendicitis.1 ia reported as , hc-urs winding up the work of the getting along rather slowly and monthly session of the board of com while improving is not getting well cs ranidiv as would be desired j!iifisioner3. W. S. Putney, wife and daughter The new home of Louis Gaebel i wra of Cedar Bluffs, Neb., are here which is under construction is pro- i : a visit at the home of Mr. and greasing rapidly at this time, the ' Tlrs. Claude C. Smith and family for building bing enclosed and is now i a short time. being plastered and will be ptished Joe Tubbs. one of the old residents to completion as rapidly as can be ; of the county, was in the city from done in order that it may be ready! l is farm home near Mynard, this lor occupancy before the winter. 1 !ng the first time in three months that he has found time to get Into the county scat. A WORD WITH WOMEN Sells Auto Supplies R. Bergman who has in the rast carried a line of auto supplies and lias a dispensory for gasoline, has closed out his line of the new garage mm Mr. Westley Lane, ,who last Mick moved the filling station to the new garage and will be equipped j to supply the trade in this line. Mr.) Lane will also keep supplies for au- Manv a woman endures with noble' tos qnd accessories to accomodate all i ationce the daily misery of back kinds of cars as well as being pro-j?cl'c. pains about the hips, blue, pared to look after the needs of car 1 nrvous 3pells. dizziness and urinary owners in this ' line. Mr. Bergman J disorders, hopeless of relief because will in th? future not carry the line;?he doesn't know what is the matter. Valuable Advice for Readers of the Plattsmoutlx Journal. which he has in the past but will devote bis energies and space to the other lines in his business. Entertained For Friend Miss Anna Rauth entertained last Thursday afternoon for her friends in honor of Miss Eleanor O'Brien of Cedir Creek, who is visiting with friends in this neighborhood for a few days. The afternoon was spent in game. music and was concluded with a most enjoyable lunch of ice cream and cake. Miss Anna proved a most pleasant entertainer. Those present to enjoy the occasion were Miss Eleanor O'Brien of Cedar Creek the guest of honor, Misses Bernice, Marie r.nd Ileen Carper. Thelma Ru ty, Dorothy and Nellie Otte, Mar garet and Acnes Slieehan. Ada and Rachael Fleischman. The day follow ing also Misses Dorothy and Nellie Otte entertained in honor of Miss O'Brien at which time there was a most pleasant time had by the same littio friends. Graduates at Sinsinawa Last Friday at the college at Sin sinawa. Wis.. Miss Agnes Stander, who has been attending school at that place graduated with honors, and became Sister Alexine of the Dominican order. Mi. and Mrs. Au gust Stander departed last Wednes day evening to be present at th cel ebration of the graduation. On their return they also visited for a short time at Omaha with friends. It is not true that every pain in the back or hips is trouble "peculiar to the sex." Often when the kid neys pet congested and inflamed, ci?cli aches and pains follow. Then help the weakened kidneys Don't expect them to get well alone. roan's Kidney Pills have wonvthe praise of thousands of women. They rre endorsed at home. Read this ! IMattsmouth woman's convincing statement: Mrs. S. L. Cotner, Marble street. rave the following statement Febru try 23. 191C: "I am glad to recom mend Doan's Kidney Pills, for Vnow from personal experience that they are a remedy of merit. I have t.ken Doan's on several occasions for backache and kidney trouble r.i:d they have always done me good Doan's have been used in our family for a long time and the results have been very satisfactory." On May 13. 1920, Mrs. Cotner said: "The cure Doan's Kidney Pills made for me has lasted." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't r.imply ask for a kidney remedy .et norm s Kinney 1'iiis tne same that Mrs. Cotner had. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo. N. Y Ilany Viit Omaha Den Last Monday which was Cass and Otoe county night was well repre sented by Manley people when a largo number of people from this community attended the celebration of initiating the candidates. They al ways take a good natured man for the entire initiation and Rollin Coon was selected and the remainder were permitted to look and acquire the mysteries of the degrees. Among those to attend the celebration were W. J. Rau. Herman Rauth, William Hcfcner, Westley Lane. Jack Shee han, Venie Rockwell, Rollin Coon, Lawrence Earhart. Robert O'Brien, Waltsr-XVBrlen, Frank Stander, Dan Bourke, Hans Nelson and Howard Johnson. WANTED AN0THEH BAD .AUTO WRECK NEAR ELMW00D Young men, handy with carpen ter tools, for permanent employment on car work rate, 47c to G3c per hour, depending on ability. Time and one-hair after eight hours. Call on or write to Mastpr McVhanic, C, B. & Q. R. R., Omaha, Neb. ' 0 Tarlae renders the body vigorous and elastic and keeps the mind clear and energetic. F. G. Fricke & Co. An extensive line of high . class stationery on hand at all times at the Journal cSice. Another bad accident occurred at the bridge two miles south of town or Wednesday afternoon about 4 o'clock when a "baby" Overland .-:iit into the ditch. The car was coming from the cast and was oc cupied by a young traveling sales man, hi3 mother and father. The son and mother were riding in the bark seat and th father was driving. He did not notice the turn quickly enough and In negotiating it put his foot on the gasoline feed and went off on the west side of the bridge. The car turned completely over. Tho lady received several severe cats and the young man several se vere bruises, one on the left arm. The car was badly wrecked. The father and mother were taxen on into Lincoln by a tourist car and the young man waited until a large truck came from Lincoln to take the car in for repairs.. Several suit cases tied on one of the fendera were submerged in the water and clothing badly damaged. The parties were from Cedar Rapids, Iowa, but did not wish names print ed. Some one said: "Who will be next?" Elmwood Leader-Echo. Guaranteed Till Next February St 50 JAfor the box This is not a work sock, but a fine grade lisle dress hose. It comes in black, blue, brown and gray. If you paid 35c apiece for these sox you would be satisfied, but you get 6 pair for $1.50, with a written guarantee of no holes for 6 months. Can you beat it? C. E. Wescott's Sons "EVERYBODY'S STORE INDICATIONS POINT TO NOMINATION OF REED IN MISSOURI Has Lead of 6,879 Votes with 222 Precincts Out Long i3 Still Confident of Victory. CAUSES OF BLIND NESS ENUMERATED Department of Commerce Sends Out Interesting Census Figures on Causes of Blindness. Cause of Appendicitis When the bowels are constipated, the lower bowels or large intestines become packed with refuse matter that is made up largely of germs. These germs enter the vermiform appendix and set up inflamation, which is commonly known as appen dicitis. VTake Chamberlain's Tablets n-K cry nnnfl.l i i A 1 - r r. r vaiii tA'Aia regular and you have little to fearNj raba. St. Louis, Mo., Aug. 3. Every factor that political experts base th?ir opinions on indicates tonight that Senator James A. Reed has been nominated by the democrats of Mis souri to be their standard bearer In Xovemberv to succeed himself. With 222 precincts missing out of the 3,848 in the state. Senator Reed was leading Breckenridge Long of St. Louis, former third assistant sec retary of state in the Wilson ad ministration, by 6,879 votes. The vote In 3.G26 precincts stood: Reed. 189,321; Long, 182,442. In order to overcome this plural ity in the remaining precincts it will be necessary for Mr. Long to lead Senator Reed by almost thirty one votes in each precinct. In the last loO precincts reported from the less densely populated parts of the state the total number of voters to the precinct has not equalled thirty one. Sixty of the 222 precincts are lo cated la St. Louis county, outside of St. Louis city. In the sixteen pre cincts that have already reported from St. Louis county. Long had an average lead over Reed of only three to the precinct. In the re maining precincts from out state, reports show that the democrat vote was light and Mr. Long's only hope to muster enough votes to wipe out the senator's lead would be in a heavy vote from the remaining country districts. Brewster Keeps Lead From early morning until late af ternoon the precincts that reported rerved to reduce the senator's lead little by little, until at one time it was cut to slightly more than 6,300. In the last fifty precincts to report, however, the senator's column took a brace. Despite eed's lead, Breck enridge Long tonight told the Asso ciated Press that he was still confi (L?lit of victory and that he believed the official count, which begins to morrow, will be favorable to him. Attention was directed to the fact that several thousand national guardsmen are on strike duty away from home, and that this probably would be a factor increasing the absentee vote. With approximately three-fourths of the precincts in the state reported, R. R. Brewster was maintaining a 10,000 lead ove William Sacks for the republican nomination for Unit ed States senator. The vote, with 2,835 of the 3.848 precincts in Mis souri tabulated. stood: Brewster, 74.6G7; Sacks, 64,126; Barrett, 32, 298; McKinley, 24,764; Proctor, 24,534 and Parker 10,791. Washington, Aug., 3. The De partment of Commerce announces re sults of the inquiry into the causes of blindness, made in connection with the 1920 census. Schedules or questionnaires, were mailed to all persons reported in 1920 as blind. Of the 52,567 blind enumerated, there were 40,913 who returned these schedules. Of these 35,788 reported the cause of blind ness. In 13,816 or 36.6 per cent of these 35.7SS cases from whom the cause was reported, the blindness was caused by some specific disease of the eye such as cataract or glaucoma; and in 5,623 cases or 15.7 per cent it was the result of some general dis ease such as measles, meningitis, or scarlet fever. Accidents accounted for 5,913 cases or 16.5 per cent of the total. There were 1,429 persons in- number whose blindnses was caus ed by explosives or firearms. Cataract, the leading cause, was reported by 4,896 or 13.7- per cent. Glaucoma, which ranked next, was reported by 1,932, or 5.4 per cent. Atrophy of the optic nerve was giv en as the cause of 1,756 or 4.9 per cent. Ophthalmia neonatorum, or "ba bies' sore eyes," was reported by 1,- 193, or 3.3 per cent of the total num ber reporting. There ha3 l;"-n a marked decrease in the relative amount of blindness due to this !is ease is indicated by recent statistics of admissions to schools for the blind, which show that only 14.7 per cent of the new students 2dmit blind fro mophthalmia, as against 2 4.2 per cent of the students then at tending who had entered in previous years. This decrease reflects the more general adoption of scientific meth ods of treatment ,and especially the routine use of silver nitrate drops in the eyes of infant3. The campaign to eliminate tra choma appears also to be meeting with success, as trachoma and "sore eyes" (which is usually in fact tra choma) together were reported by only 3.0 per cent of the total for 1920, as against 5.2 pe rcent 1910. for TRAINS ABE DELAYED From Friday's Dally. The morning trains on the Bur lington were running away off sched uled time today due to the fact that a cave in on the tracks near Mela on the Omaha-Ashland line made necessary the sending of all traffic by the way of Louisville and Ore apolis and thence on into Omaha and back over the main line. No. C was' delayed for several hours on. this ac count and the westbound train No. 15 was delayed at Pacific Junction for some time owing to the confusion caused by the necessity of using the single track between Oreapolis and Omaha for all traffic. To the Public The operation of BURLINGTON trains', from the first day of this strike, ha3 been possible only because of the large number of officers, employes and volunteers from every depart ment who have been working day and night at their posts of duty. It is due to the extra ordinary efforts of these men that your com munity has been supplied with food and other essential needs. The sense of justice of the residents of your community will determine the measure of their appreciation of the ser vices of these men who have stood between them and the suffering sure to follow the at tempted tie-up of train service. E. P. BRACKEN, Vice President - Operation, C. B. & Q. R. R. SALESMEN WANTED We pay $36.00 full time, 75c an hour spare time selling hosiery guar anteed wear four months or replaced free. 36 styles. Free samples to work ers. Salary or 30 commission Good hosiery is an absolute neces sity, you can sell it easily. Experi ence unnecessary. Eagle Knitting Mills, Darby, Pa. NOTICE! Accounts owing, . and notes pay able to the firm of E. G. Dovey & Son are for sale. Prospective pur chasers may examine same and file their offer with the undersigned, of fer being subject to the approval of the court. W. G. KIECK, Attorney For Receiver. Lose anything? TinLr anything ? Try a Journal want-ad. 2- 35 years Experience Office Coates Block ifrVT DR. G. &. MARSHALL Dentist JUwSm 4- 4- Lower (Interest on Farm Loans! Perhaps you have a mortgage against your place. Maybe it is not due yet, but probably have an option or right to pay the loan in full when you pay the next interest. If you are paying more than 5 V2 rfo now, don't wait for the loan to become due, but see me about a new loan before the next interest paying date. GEO. O. DOVEY 1 '0