The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 03, 1922, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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"Hty, yea Back art
Charity, you go an
lay down tor a timm
tchile i get to thm deep
hat torn of this his
boivi ot Kellogg' Corn
Flakes en' fruit tor
mylunchl Fishes have
(of to vcait tor me , -uhmn
I mat Kitlogi's
you jcr btcha, Oey
I fCM I '."-0
Health and hoomncss
in. every spoonful of
For tomorrow's breakfast treat the family
to Kellogg's Cora Flakes and fresh fruit! Seo
that there is a big pitcher of cold milk ready!
And, urge each "big and little family member to
tat plenty, for Kellogg's are the perfect warm
reather food!
Kellogg's Corn Flakes ctq not only delicious
in crispness and favor, but they're wonderfully
nourishing and refreshing. They give stomachs
a chance to rest in warm weather because they
digest so easily. Eat Kellogg's regularly and get
away from zo much heavy foods
and see how much better every
cne in the house feels!
Insist iipcn Kellogg's Corn
Flakes in the PwED and GREEN
package that bears the signature
or w. K. Kellcgg, originator of
Ccrn Flakes!
without it!
Hone are genuine
Also fcJuYe? tF KELLOGG'S KRU1TBLES vA KELLOGG'S ERAN, cooled ard tracWea
On file OefUGorafi;
at the November Election You Will Find
the Name of
Candidate for County Treasurer.
Your Support Will Be Appreciated.
V pay J.10.GO full time T3c an
hour sparo time selling hosiery Ruar
anlccd wear four months or replaced
free. 2", styles. Free sampler to work
ers. S.ilary or 30 commission.
Good hosirry is an absolute neces
sity, you can sell it easily. Experi
ence unnecessary. Eagle Knitting
ilills. Darby. Pa.
Accidents will happen. but ths
best regulated families keep Dr.
Thomas' Eclectic Oil for such emer
gencies. Two sizes, CCc and 60c, at
all stores.
Sear3, Roebuck & Co. have closed
their sboe factory in Ppringrvale. Me.,
which was their principal factory.
makintr a thousand pairs a day, on
July 13th. because the employes un
ioniztd. Rather than continue under
the threat of a labor warfare in that
small town the company closed the
factory and immediately began plac
ing orders in the Boston market to
tak caro of the output needed.
From Kon.-iay'B Oaily.
Ycsterdr.y morning at the home of
Rev. and Mrs. A. G. Jlollowell occur
red tiie marriage of Miss Gertrude
A. Smith of this city and Mr. Dick
O. Miller of Omaha. The ceremony
was very quiet and witnessed by only
a few of the close relatives. The
young people will reside at Omaha
whore tho groom is employed at the
save rersonal I axes
Tax Free Real Estate
First Mortgage Bonds
owned and recommended by
!Hcane guilder &
Denominations $100 to $5,000
Maturity Dates 1 year to 10 years.
Offered by
American Security Company
18th and Dodge, Streets Om-fc- N-l
E- F. LUTZ, Agent
Plittsmoutli, Nebraska
From Monday's Da'ly.
Walter Schneider of near Cedar ;
Creek was here today attending to a
few matters at the court house. j
Dr. B. F. Brendel of Murray was'
in the city Saturday for a few hours (
looking after some business matters, j
D. W. Foster of Union was in the
city Sunday for a-few hours enjoy
ing a visit here with his old time
friends. ,
John V. Xorris and Ray Norris
of Avoca were here today fop a few ,
hours looking after some matters at
the court house.
Elmer Ilallstrom, wife and babe of
Avoca, were here over Sunday visit
ing with their relatives and friends
here for the day.
- ot t a T r ... . . .i-l r-i 1' '1 L." 1
Henry ioaa oi jvfuuic.y, v. i.a ,
heon here visiting his grandparents.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mauzy. returned i
this afternoon to his home.
Ludwig IIal?s of the Bank of Mur
ray, was here yesterday to .visit his
wife and family and enjoying a rest
from his very pressing duties in the
Mrs. Mary Adkin and two daugh
ters of Sterling, Colo., are here en
joying a visit at the home of Mrs.
Charles Hitt, Sr., Mrs. Hitt and Mrs.
Adkin being sisters.
Mrs. Earl A. Stanfleld and little
daughter, who have been enjoying a
visit of several weeks at Arapahoe,
r'eb., with relatives and friends, re
turned home this morning.
C. A. Marshall, Jr., of Dayton, O..
arrived here this morning on N'o. 1
from his borne ami will visit here
wilh his parents, Dr. and Mrs. C. A.
Marshall for a short time. Dr. Mar
rhaH having been very poorly of late.
R. L. Propst and ..wife departed
ih:3 morning for Cenver by auto
where they expect to spend a few
wcks visiting with friends and -on-joying
an outing in the cool Colo
rado climate.
William H. Shopp, who is connect
ed with the store department of the
Buriirgton at Chicago, w;s
in i. hit; city over Sunday
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Shopp
returning yesterday afternoon to
the windy city.
Mrs. Justus Lillif and Mrs. An- j
drew Kaufmann of this city are en-j
joying an outing at the farm home j
tun m-m
Thzy are GOOD!
school, in the agriculture short
courses in the trades schools or in
tho extension division. Some 1,700
students took work in those and oth
er smaller departments.
Rains in July Have Put Fields in
Splendid Shape No More is
Needed in Some Counties
We wish to thank our friends for
tlicir hel,f) and kindness and beauti
lu! floral offerings at the time of
our deep sorrow in the loss of our
beloved wife and daughter. II. E.
Tianke; Mr. and Mrs. Win. Schnei
der and family.
Fancy, recleaued, yellow alfalfa
seed, 90 V per cent pure, growth.
:G per cent, $10.90 lu., lower grade
S.S.OO; timothy $3.50. We pay the
freight. "Kanred" wheat $1.40 here.
Srnmloss bugs Sac. Samples mailed.
Johnson Bros.. Neb. City. Moved
;o oid Farmers Bank Building.
a visitor : .Tire
Wiin nis
For Sale: Minneapolis 36x54 sep
arator, complete with Garden City
."iider and wind stacker. Machine
s new. Price. ? 750. 00. Chas.
Dietrich, Louisville, Neb.
Two hundred spring chickens, 35c
sh. Buy the lot. Henry Specht,
of Frank Lillie east of Murray and (North Sth St., city. a2-4td,ltw
while they are there Mrs. Frank Lil-
lie is taking the opportunity to visit
here at the home of her sister, Mrs.
J. R. Jahrig and family.
W. P. Sitznian, wife and daugh
ters, Margaret and Elizabeth, and
Miss Donice Vnfinan wore in Weep
ing Water yesterday where theyj
ppent the day at the Henry O'Brien .
home. They report Mr. O'Brien as j
being very poorly the past week and
which will be learned with much re
gret by his friends over the county.
Popular copyrights and the latest
fitticn at tiie Journal office.
3 a years
Coutes Block
Seldom has Nebraska entered in
to the month of August with so fine
a prospect for a bumper crop of corn.
Unusually well distributed rains dur
ing Juiy, brought the crop through
that trying month in -perfect condi
tion aud little more moisture will be
necessary to insure the filling of the
ears during the first two weeks of
In many localities, especially in
Hie eastern counties, the corn is said
to be made now and no amount of
sunshine or scarcity of rain will be
able to damage the yield. In other
portions of Nebraska, another time
ly rain in early August will insure
equally good results. After August
15, corn cannot be injured to any
appreciable extent by heat or
drought. Experts from the college
of agriculture, agree that the corn
crop never promised better.
The corn is standing unusually
heavy. In places winds the past two
weeks have bent and tangled the
fields which will make picking diffi
cult and may leave some of the corn
laying low. The ears are showing
promise of being both numerous and
unusually large .and if given the
chance to fill ought to measure out
and above normal yield.
The July rains have kept Nebras
ka vegetation which generally suf
fers during that month, in a surpris
ingly fresh condition. Sweet corn,
following the example of field corn,
has yielded with unusual abundance
and In exceptionally large ears. Gar
den truck is so plentiful that prices
on the retail market in Lincoln are
lower than they have been for sev
eral years. Truck garden owners
around Lincoln complain of a lack of
market, because local gardens have
furnished such a large part of the
city's supply of fresh vegetables.
Tomatoes, beans, peas, cabbages
and all other garden truck is flood
iog the market. The local melon crop
is said to rromise a record-breaking
yield. Pastures and alfalfa which
suffered most during the dry period
in June which ripened the wheat so
rapidly, are recovered and in excep
tionally good condition, especially in
the eastern part of the state.
new tire prices
lowest cost wilcagc ever known
The new base line tire prices established by
Goodrich, effective July 20th, give motorists a
definite guide to tire prices as Goodrich Tires
are the definite standard of Tire quality. They
know now they can buy the very best tire
the one quality Silvertown the tire that has
always held its leadership because- it wears
longer, looks better, and because, mileage con
sidered, it costs less than any other tire at any
price. Dealers have been quick to point out to
their customers the big advantage and economy
of buying
Silvertown Cords
at such base line prices as these:
From Tuesday's 1 Hilly.. .
ViPbert Shrader of near Murray
-Was here today for'a few'hours look
ing after some trading with the mer
chants. C. A. Trent of Murray was here
today for a few hours having some
matters to look after in the olSc of
the county commissioners.
Webb Russell, the Weeping Water
druggist, was in the city today for
a few hours visiting with friends
and looking after some matters of
Mrs. Dorman of Glenwood who has
been, here visiting at the home of
Mr. end Mrs. William Ballance for
a few days, returned this morning
to her home.
County Commissioners C. F. Har
ris of Union and F. II. Gorder of
Weening Water came in this morn
ing to attend the session of th
board of commissioners.
Attorney C. E. Tefft of Weeping
Water was in ihe city today for a
few hours looking after some mat
ters of business at the court house visiting with his many friends.
Mrs. D. F. Foster and daughter,
Miss Nellie Kennedy of Tacoma,
Washington, who have been here for
the past several weeks visiting at the
home of Mrs. Val Burkle, sister of
Mrs. Foster, departed this morning
for their home in the far west.
Misses Alma and Agnes Holly,
who have been attending the state
norma 1 at Koarney, Neb., returned
home Sunday from their stay of ser
cral weeks at that institution and
they will enjoy a short rest before
starting in on their school work in
Omaha, they being teachers in the
south side schools.
Tho total of men students at the
University of Nebraska last year was
3,592. The total of women students
was 3,002. The total number of all
students was G.59 4 registered in the
colleges. This includes only those
students in attendance thruout the
thirty-six w-eeks. It docs not include
those in the teachers' college high
a. c, a.
Mr. Norton, democratic and pro
gressive candidate for governor in
the primary, is certainly a man after
our own heart. He says he will give
Charley Bryan his undivided sup
port, and do all in his power to elect
him. So will we!
30 x 3 CI. $13.50 34 x 4 S. B. $30.85
31 x 3.85 CI. 15.95 32x4i" 37.70
30 x 3 S. B. 15.95 33x4 " 38.55
32x3f " 22.95 34 x 4f " 39.50
31x4 26.45 35 x 4i 40.70
32x4 " 29.15 33x5 " 46.95
33x4 u 30.05 1 35x5 " 49.30
New base line prices are also effective on
Goodrich Fabric Tires
30x3"55,, $9.65 32x4 $21.20
30x3"55" 10.65 33x4 " 22.35
32 x 3 ,, 16.30 34 x 4 " 22.85
iko extra charge for excise tax. This tax is paid by Goodrich
See your dealer, and place your crder NOW
for your Goodrich tire requirements.
y m pi 30-'
You have a Date in Platismouth
Saturday, August 5th "FORD DAY" One of the
Big "Let's Go" Community Clearance Sale Days.
These big values you'll find at our store are merely indications of
the many others you'll find here. Merchandise is marked at "Let
Go" prices. You will save money by shopping in Plattsmouth.
One of the season's best selling
fabrics. A few colors left. . 3Q0
Clearance price, per yd 00
Very attractive and of high quality.
Some have hemstitched effect; others
woen plaids and designs. A Q0
Values to 51. Per yard 1U
Children's white canvas Slippers in
sizes up to 1. Specially A0
nriced, per pair 3U
These have been, going big.
We will have a huge Grab Bag
sale at 3 o'clock Saturday af
ternoon and one at 8 :30 in the
Every package contains a
number which may win for
you the beautiful Cut Glass
Water Set.
Save Your Number
EggPThe winning number will
be announced in Monday's is
sue of the Platsmouth Journal.
Outstanding Values from the
Horse Shoe tobacco. Special
price per lb. Saturday ! C
George Washington tobac-
co, 1-lb. jars for lO
2 cans Lighthouse Clean- "I r
ser for xO
3 bars Talm Olive soap on OJ"
sale at oUJ
Five 1-lb. flat cans medium 1 A A
red salmon for 1UU
Five pounds of our best 25c 1 A A
coffee for only AUl
3C-inch white Curtain Scrims,
and fancy borders. Special
price, per yard
Th State of Nebraska, Cass Coun
ty, ss.
In the county court.
In the matter of the estate of
Thomas E. Parmcle, deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified, that I
will sit at the county court rjiom in
riattEmouth. in said county, on the
2d day of September, A. D. 1922,
and on the 4th day December, A. D.
1922, at ten o'clock in the forenoon
of each day, to receive and examine
all claims against said estate, with!
a view to their adjustment and al-j
lowance. The time limited for the'
presentation of claims against said:
estate is three months from the 2d ;
day of September, A. D. 1922, and
the time limited for payment of debts
is one year from said 2nd day of
September, A. D. 1922. !
Witness my hand and the seal of
said county court, this 31st day of
July. 1922.
(Seal) a3-4w County Judge.
Saturday, August 5th
4 -inch white mercerized table
damask. Wind-up of Q(S
sale price, per yd
We are giving a beautiful
Wool Blanket to the person
briiiging the largest family in
a Ford Car to Plattsmouth on
Saturday, from a distance of
five miles or less. Eemember,
this is absolutely free. Bring
the whole family Saturday.
48-Jb. sack VICTOR brand
flour for
2.09 j
Saturday, August 5th
Four large jars of pure fruit
preserves at a special dj-l
Ford day price of V
Special Prices on Produce
3c per dozen above market price on eggs I lc per lb. extra will be paid on all cream
brought to our store during this big sale. checks brought to our store during this sale.
PHONES 53, 54 and 144
mm i mm A wm - & wkm . . mm wn - - mm