The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 27, 1922, SECTION TWO, Page PAGE TWO, Image 8
i 0) n n r i il n c; H i X, UViS I HI H I 7 Dig Therefore, instead of launching individual and separate Clearance Sales, it has been decided to CLEARANCE a whole city working in unison to meet present conditions. Those who come THE MERCHANTS OF FtATTSRlOUTH, LIKE ALL PROGRESSIVE MERCHAj inaugurate one VAST CO-OPERATIVE COMMUNITY CLEARANCE SALE to be held twice each year January and Ju;i to Plattsmouth and those in Plattsmouth who take advantage of this FIRST COMMUNITY CLEARANCE SALE will S3 11 4 Not a Fire Sale But We're Going to Set the Town Afire With Our starts jmy 29iii ' Commiinifcy Clearance Ends 5th Boys' Suits One lot Boys Knicker suits. Just what the boy will 'need soon for school. Some with two pair of pants. Marked down from $8, $10 and $12.50. Clean up cash price, 5.50, $6.50. Boys' Pants pair in the lot. To 40 clean them and G5 up, 95 Bigger and better than Bargain Wed nesday. 7 big days of fast selling to clear our decks for Fall merchandise. Your chance is right now to buy good wearables cheaper than for 5 years past. PALM BEACH SUITS TWO GROUPS AT $12. 50 and 915 Every Palm Beach suit in the house going at these prices. All well tailored and nobbily styles. Tan, gray and green. Real bargains. Palm Beach Pants Any pair in the house for only $3.98. We have arranged our Big Clothing Stock of Men's and Young Men's Suits in FOUK groups. This is the largest and most attractive display of Men's Clothing' we have offered you in years. You people who have had thrift thrust upon you in late years can now satisfy your appetite for new clothes at a saving. GROUP NO. ONE $9.85 There are mostly Boys and Young Men's, .long pants suits not the best in the land, but worth more than we ask for them. GROUP NO. TWO $17.35 Some good stylish, hard wearing suits in this lot. Suits selling at $25 to $32.50 regularly. Various color combinations and all well tailored. GROUP NO. THREE $23.85 In this group yonll find all sizes in Young Men's and Conservative models. Tweeds and worsteds. A good many Kuppenheim ers that sold up to S40. GROUP NO. FOUR $34.75 Contains the cream of our clothing stock. Suits of finest hand tailoring from Kuppenheimer, Hart. Schaffner and Block Co. Real finds at the price. 4-Many of thesesuits sold this Spring at from $45 to $65 each. DRESS SHIRTS No. 1 Clean up of our stock of shirts sell ing from $1.25 to $2 79 pRESS SHIRTS Nc 2 Anoth er clean up of broken sizes contains the best wearing fade proof shirts in our stock, sell ing from $2 to $3 f 1.49 SILK SHIRTS Sizes 14, 14 15 and 154- Just a few of each size, but worth more than we ask. See them 94 LADIES SILK HOSE For a quick clean .up we offer our full fashioned silks selling at $3.5 for $2.85 $3.00 grade at $2.45 $2 grade at $1.35 $1.75 grade at $1.15 SOFT COLLARS Entire stock, sizes 13 to 17 (excepting Van Heusen's) 20? BLOUSES All colors. Fancy, grey, blue and tan 85 FOUR-IN-HAND TIES Clear ance of $1 values at 49 SILK TIES KNIT TIES During this sale any man's tie In the case can be bought at 25 OFF the regular price. .Ve didn't want to take the punks and offer to you at a discount Just take your choice of the whole stock 25 OFF BOYS' TIES Silks and knits, going at 15c4 OFF the regular sale price. OUR SPECIAL FOR Thursday, August 3 Men's fine Cambric Handker chiefs made by -Wilson Bro. Each one sealed and ready for your Hay fever. Marked and sell regularly for 15c. Thure day's price. (Limit 3 f to a customer) Each DC MEN'S UNION SUITS Chal mers and Elder makes. Short sleeves, ankle length. White and ecru colors. Broken sizes. -To clear out . ' 85 - ATHLETIC UNION SUITS These are the famous Vassar make. Every man in Platts mouth no doubt knows by now what a good wearing, cool "garment this is and the price is right. Buy your next Summer supply at this price 85 STRAW HATS Entire stock of straws selling from $2 to $4 in two groups. $1.75 and $2.25. Genuine Panamas and Leg horns at $4.50. Jap Panamas, $2.75. Genuine Bankoks, $3.50. RAIN COATS One lot of slip ons. A rare bargain at $3 WORK SOX Genuine Rock fords, 7 pair for $1 MEN'S and BOYS' CAPS A whole nest of them at 20 iffrOn SATURDAY, AUG. 5 we will sell a good blue work shirt (sizes to 1 7) at. 75c SEMI-ANNUAL Twice each year we go through our stock and pick out goods that must be fold at that time if the buyers get any user out of them the tame season Now with hot weather before us and several months of summer yet to come, we offer all summer goods at clearance prices, that is at big reductions. You will note the very low prices quoted. Our loss is your gain. Take advantage of this opportunity. 27-inch BLEACHED MUSLIN, suitable for lining and underwear. Per yard 12 36-inch CHALLIE for comfort coverings. Large floral designs, all colors. Per yd .21' 3-lb. COMFORT BATS. Stitched and J1; ready to use. Price, each V A Ladies' genuine SEAL-PAX UNION SUITS,' made of extra good quality nainsook. Colors flesh and white. Regular $1.25 and $1.50 quality. Al sizes. Per suit '. O 29-inch CHEVIOT GINGHAMS, fast colors, neat stripes, in grey and blue. Fine for shirts, boys waists and children's dresses. This cloth is very sturdy and will give lots of wear. Regu- "1 T0 lar 2Sc quality. Sale price, per yd A I lllfP1 The original vacuum pack ground coffee absolutely air tighk Top lid of the regular friction type, that goes back on after the lower or air tight lid has beea cut out. This abso lutely Insures yoti getting the pure fresh coffee In the same fresh condition as when pack ed. Put up in 1-lb. IA0 cans. Per can Ttv Good quality CLEAN WHITE RICE, small and broken grains. lO lbs. for .. 25' No. 2 cans OTOE TOMATOES. Cans are slightly spotted. Per can 10 Small cans of Del Monte brand PORK and BEANS, nothing finer. 4 cans for. 25 HUCK TOWELING, Absorbent Toweling and other Crashes Some six pieces or bolts, which sold regu larly at 15, 20 and 25c per yard. Clear- 10 ance sale price, per yard . Lt 25c quality Golden Bantam CORN. Can labels slightly spotted and marred. Per can. 10! May-Day COFFEE, our regular 40c qual ity brand, put up in 1-lb. cartons. Per lb. ... 30' CORSETETTS and FERRIS WAISTS in one large lot. All $1.50 to $2.50 values. About QQ two sizes missing in this sale.' Each OO Swift's Pride WASHING POWDER, put up in 10-oz. packages. To close out, per pkg. 3 SUNBRITE CLEANSER, for cleaning, scrubbing and scouring. Per can Plain MARQUISETTE CURTAIN GOODS, 36 inches wide, nice heavy, even thread. Colors white, creattt and beige. Clearance sale price, per -t $ yard only ' r X I Velvet, Rex and Sweet. Tips SMOKING TOBACCO. Clearance price, 2 cans for. 25" EXCELLO Instant Cake Flour, ready to use. Regular 35c package for : 20' CURTAIN SCRIMS, with colored borders 36 inches wide. Clearance priee, per yd .10 CAROLENE MlfaK, tall cans, at, per car.- : ; To close SATURDAY, JULY 29, we will sell Rebal's 4- tie BROOMS Regular 50c quality for only 29c WEDNESDAY, AUG. 2, we will sell CoatesV best spool thread (Limit 6 spools to each customer at per spool , . O C Telephone 64-65 mh Uri the y SELF STASI3 Saturday, Ju! You can buy Rebal's 4-tiej date for 29c each. Find the ads, You can buy a good 20c Me and grey, this date at 8c. Find j You can buy choice Roast I for 13c per pound. Find the ad SELF STAIii; ElUonday, J i You can buy a regular mouth this date for 99c. Find J You can buy in Plattsmou: and Wall Brush Set complete fcl You can buy a standard 35: Plattsmouth this date for 10c. ! SELF Sim Tuesday, ft You can buy in Plattsmoa Golden Star Furniture Polish fc: You can buy a standard 5 Clock in Plattsmouth this date I You can buy this date in P 19c per lb. Find the ad. V A SELF STAS: Wednesday BAND CONCERT STOfl i You can buy Coates E this date for 3c spool. Limit! You can buy all kinds a Cakes this date for 10c dozen You can buy choice Rib this date at 7c per lb. Find tj You can buy in Plaits: 75 Ladies' New Fall Hats at! LET5 Extraordinary Sale of ALUMINUM COOKING UTENSILS at the Popular Variety Store. During the 7 days of this Clearance Sale we offer twelve dozen 10c Aluminum Cooking Utensils for lc each with each purchase of a piece of Aluminum ware sold at special prices of 59c and 99c each. This ware is 99 pure Aluminum and guar anteed for 20 years. Here are some of the lc items: Cake Turners, Strainers, Sugar Shakers, Trays, Cups, Salt and Pepper Shakers, Doughnut Cutters, Soap Dishes, Measuring Cups, Pie Plates, Pudding Pans, Stew Pans and Jelly Cake Pans. - SPECIAL 59c ITEMS 4-qt. Pudding Fans, 2-qt. Lipped Sauee Pans, 3-qt. Sauce Pans. 2-qt. Lipped Preserving Kettle. 2-qt. Convey Sauce Pans with Covers, 3-qt. Convex Sauce Pans with Covers, 2-qqt. Convex Kettles with Covers. 3-qt. Convey Ket tles with Covers and Fry Pans. SPECIAL 99c ITEMS 4-qt. Convex Kettles with Covers, 2-qt. Doub le Boilers with Covers; 6-qt. Preserving Ket tles, 6-ot. Tea Kettles, 2-qqt. Percolators, 2 qt. Tea Pots, 4-qt. Lipped Sauce Pans, 4-qt. Windsor Kettle with Cover, 3 and 4-qt. Con vex Sauce Pans with Covers, Windsor Pans. EXTRA SPECIAL! On Saturday, Aug. 5, we will sell 1 00 Fancy Market Baskets, Fancy Waste Baskets and Fancy Shopping Baskets at each. . . 21c Popular Wshtd Stoire ROY W. ttnORR, Proprietor Ml "LET'S GO!" I If you could only realize and appreciate what vast savings await you, nothing could keep you away. Don't let it be said you overlooked the biggest Community Clearance Sale that was ever placed before the buying public of Plattsmouth and vicinity. No mat ter what your intentions might have been; no matter if you have already bought your summer shoes, no matter what bargains you may have seen or heard of if you know real bargains when you see them, take a tip and be here opening day Saturday, 29th. MEN'S SHOE SAVINGS CHILDREN'S SHOES BARGAINS FOR WOMEN 196 pairs Men's dress shoes shoes that sold as high as $10 in black and brown calf, or kid leather. Blu cher and lace styles. The $66 LET GO price is O" Another lot ol 93 pairs Men's dress shoos, medium and narrow toes. Blu cher and lace. Values to $44 $8 GO at " 65 pairs of Men's oxfords in brown rar ebin Kpmi-Enelieh and round toes, also' black kid oxfords in good sensible lasts, values to IS GO at WORK SHOES 77 pairs Men's work shoes, Munson last. Brown, soft, pliable leather soft toe. Bellows' Ranger, regular $5 shoe. Sire 64 to $395 11. GO at Also 72 pairs Men's eboeolate elk outingr bals. Soles nailed and sewed. Sole leather counters. Sizes $022 6 to li: GO at 48 pairs Children's canvas leather sole play shoes GO at brown 69? 20 DISCOUNT on all our Misses' and Children's -Summer Footwear. 46 pairs Misses' and Child ren's bare foot san- $1 19 dais GO at . 1 BOYS' SHOES It will soon be school-time. Now is your opportunity to save on school shoes. Brown and black leather. Sizes 1 to 5.... $395 $245 Women's black kid and brown calf lace oxfords. Goodyear welts, flexible soles, high and low heels. Regular $7 values. The LET GO price is only-. 159 pairs of Women's one and two strap pumps, patent leather, black wid and brown leather; also brown elk sport oxfords. Military heels. These are the biggest shoe values ever offered. All this season's styles. Values to $8.50 and they GO at - . 70 pairs Women's white canvas strap pumps and oxfords. $4 values. High and i low heels. To clean $045 them up they GO at ; Ct $IJ55 Limited Space Makes it Im possible to quote but a few of tbe- many ba realms, here. No Charges, Refunds or Exchanges BIG HOSIERY SPECIAL for FRIDAY, AUG. 4 Women's silk "Notaseme" hosiery. Colors, black, white, grey and nude. $1.50 values. ONE DAY anly QQ0 Friday, GO at ,. S(J Fetaer Shoe mpany SELF STAEH ! Thursday, You can buy in Plattsmoui IScWhite Hemstitched Handka person. Find the ad. i You can buy this date ir double mesh Hair Nets, 3 for 2a You can buy this date in I Ice Cream Sundae or Soda for K SELF STAPJl ifi Friday, fu You can buy a guaranteed Plattsmouth thi3 date for 8c. F You can bijy in Plattsmci Soap at 6Vc per bar. Find the : You can buy in Platts'rripu aseme Silk Hose for 98c per paii SELF STATji Saturday, & FORD DAY Reai You can buy at the Fmd Fj this day only Gasoline at 2c ress j Remember, this date only. You can buy in Plattsmou Shopping and Waste Baskets, the ad. You can buy in Plattsmc-J Blue Work Shirt, sizes to 1 7, for