The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 27, 1922, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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THURSDAY, JULY 27, 1922.
Cancel Buttons and Pin
Hatchway Union Suits
you can cross off the button and pin
nuisance from the equation. Why
bother? All sizes.
Price $1.00 and $1.25
C. E. Wescott's Sons
Dallas. Ter.. July 24. The Texas
election bureau announced at 10 o'
clock tonight, when it ceased tabu
lations of the night that it was virtu
ally certain that former Governor
James E. Ferguson had nosed out
Senator Charles A. Culberson as the
run-off man to oppose Earl 13. May
field, who led for the democratic
nomination for United States senator
in Saturday's primary..
Al.ilene. Tex., July 24. Returns'
. ... .u.i
rm ihs congressional race in me
Seventeenth district indicate that
Thomas L. Blanton. incumbent, may
have a majority over all his oppo
nents. With four counties missing,
admittedly Blanton counties, the fig
ure today showed: Blanton. 16,475;
Callaway, 6,603: Cunningham, 7,
167; Dibrell, 3,933.
From Wednesday's Dally.
Thii morning the many friends of
Mr. and Mrs. John McLean were de
lighted to greet them as they ar-
rhvd in this city, from their sojourn
in old England where they have
been visiting with their relatives
and friends. Mr. and Mr3. McLean
spent a greater part of the time with
relatives at Newcastle on the Thames , The corapanion wa3 a,so severely in
where they have relatives and also , jurefl and has bepn ,n a semi.con.
visited the different parts of the
country where they spent a short
time at each place visiting. On the
trip to the United States they en
joyed very pleasant weather, cross
ing in the "Montcalm" of the Cu
nard line from England to Montreal,
Canada. They came direct from the
port of landing to IMattsmouth and
are very much pleased to be back
home in this country again. They
report the seaon in England as cold
and chilly and noticed the gret
change to tho extreme heat of the
Nebraska mid-summer season.
Itrhiig. torturing skin eruptions
disfigure, annoy, drive one wild.
Doan's Ointment is praised for its
good work. 60c at all drug stores.
Blank books at the Journal OSce.
Coates Block
rn n e c?inpiin V CTire J0 ccPy America's favor
lilii lii A HiAncH'tLL X ite fiction magazine. Also the latest
Dentist editions of the popular magazines
.?.) and moving picture magazines on
"5"K-H :-K:K-::-; hand at this office.
Getting It in
If you want to perspire,
If you like a wilted collar;
If you like a wrinkled collar.
If you l:ke one that looks
Like a rag. right after you put it on;
If you don't care for comfort
If you prefer a stiff saw edged
Piece of starched linen, around
What holds your head fast to
Your shoulders
Then don't buy a Van Heusen collar.
Or Arrow's new webbing collar.
Needs no starch! Needs no swearing!
At your service! What size?
How many? Fifty cents each.
Thank you!
William Hall, Son of John S. Hall,
Former Resident Here, is Very
Seriously Injured.
Yesterday while William M. Hall,
1122 So. 11th street. Council Bluffs.
l..nfo Knorine- 212S Avenue C... thev
. .1 : . V ... I , V. n Anninnnl'nn
. ' r -
were both very seriously injured
when the Ford car of Mr. Hall in
which the two men were riding,
struck a truck driven by Emery E.
Merryman, at the intersection of
11th and Avenue B.
Mr. Hall and his-companion who
were in the employ of the water
l company at Council Bluffs, were on
thif way to their- dinner at the
time of the accident and were una
ware of the approach of the truck
until the accident occurred. The car
was badly damaged and the two men
injured severely as the result of the
1 imimi't nf tlip mr and the riicV Tho
Fnp., t,,rn(ir1 nvpr ml tr " Tinil
received a broken jaw as well as a
severe injury to the vertebra that
has made it impossible to move Ijjs
necK without the aid of his hand
scious condition since that time.
Mr. Hall recovered consciousness
about 4 o'clock yesterday and is do
ing as well as possible altho still
suffering from the effects of the ac
cident and it will be sonre'time be
fore the full extentof his injuries
can be determined.
Mr. Hall is a son of Mr. and Mrs.
J. S. Hall, formerly of this city, and
a brother of Mr?. Oscar Wilson.
Many ills come from impure blood.
Can't have pure blood with faulty
digestion, lazy liver, and sluggish
bowels. Burdock Blood Bitters Is
r commended for strengthening
stomach, bowels and liver and puri
fying the blood.
The August Red Bock is here now
and on sale at the Journal station
ery department. Call early and se-
the Neck!
McMullen Still 570 Eehind in Race j
Tor G. 0. P. Governor Nomi
nation on Official Count.
Receipt by the Associated Tress
of additional reports of the official j
vote in various counties on last Tues- j
day's prlranry did not materially
change the standing: of Charles Ran
dall of Randolph and Adam McMul
len of Beatrice, republican aspirants
for the gubernatorial nomination.
In all, 65 counties have reported
official returns by telegraph, the net
result being that McMuUen increas
ed his total by 56 to 48,519, while
Randall's increased 53 to 49,519,
leaving a difference of 750 in favor
of the latter. Sorpe politicians were
of the opinion that the complete of
ficial vote would not alter the stand
ins provided all,telegraphic reports
on the race proved to be without er
ror. A few belated returns, believed to
have come from counties where offi
cials sealed the ballots before mak
ing them public last Tuesday night,
making it necessary to await the of
ficial canvass now being conducted
throughout the state, were reported
to the Associated Press today on the
democratic , contest for nomination
tor attorney general, "but did not
change the results. 1.863 precincts
giving a total of 17,673 for Kenneth
McDonald of Bridgeport and 17.
335 for Harry B. Fleharty of Omaha.
Scnritor Walsh Says" It Will Add $20,
000.000 a Year to Clothing
Bill of the Nation
Washington. July 23. Enactment
of the wool duties proposed in the
rending tariff hill would result in aj
burden upon the people at least as I
large as that imposed by schedule K
of the Payne-Aldrich law. Senator
Walsh, democrat, declared today in a
formal statement.
Senator Walsh, who is In charge
of the democratic fight in the senate
against the wool duty, contended
that the 23 cents a pound duty on
raw wool alone would increase the
nation's clothing bill by about $20.
000.000 annually. Senator Walsh
said he would not argue that the
wool industry needed protection.
In a statement issued throygh the
commftte ' for a non-partisan tariff,
Senitor Townsend. republican.' Mich
igan, announced his support of the
Frelinghnysen amendment to the
pending bill proposing a scientific
tariff to be based upon findings of
the tariff commission.
Senator Townsend was quoted as
saying that such a tariff-making sys
tem would be of great benefit to the
country, which, he contended, 'suf
fered beyond calculation every time
there is a general change in admin
istration," with a resultant rewrit
ing of the tariff.
Cleveland. July 23. "It's a crime"
was the comment of Manager Tris
Sper.ker of the Clev4and Indians, to
night when he learned of the deal
between New York and Boscou
whereby Joe Dugan and Elmer onu' h
go to the Yankees for four players.
"Kit her Dugan or Smith is worth
$10,000 or more and the entire
Lunch of New York players traded
is not. worth $ 10,000," Speaker con
tinued. "I tried to make a trade with Bos
ton -for Dugan. but was told there
was nothing doing," chimed in Man
ager "Kid" Gleason, of the Chicago
White Sox.
Twice the Cleveland player has
tried to get some player from Bos
ton. Speaker said, but each time
President Frazee has imposed exor
bitant terms. The last time he asked
for Outfielder Joe Evans. Pitcher
Jim Bagby and $5,000 cash, it was
New York, July 23. The present!
transportation emergency will tbrot-
tie the new business revival in the
cradle if the railroad strike contin-j
lies much longer, said David I. Wil-1
liams. secretary of the central strike
committee, tonight. He based his j
statement on figures submitted by i
the labor bureau, inc., showing, he
assert ed. that the following meas-J
ures are almost inevitable in deal
ing with the crisis:
Emergency pooling of rolling stock
under federal control.
Resurrection of priorities control
over shipments as exercised during
the war.
Shutting down of non-essential in
dustries and throttling of the busi-! revival.
Dallas, -Tex., July 23. Earl B.
Mayficld showed a considerable lead
over his .opponents for the demo
cratic nomination for United States
senator at 7:30 tonight, when about
half of the total vote of 250 counties
had been counted by officials of he
Texas election bureau.
The vote showed: Mayfield, 84,
107; Ferguson. 63,008; Culberson,
54.338; Thomas. 47.896; Ousley, 33.
S61; Henry, 22,412.
In the governor's race, Governor
Fat M. NeK had 170,040; Roeers,
103.471; Warner, 30.234; and King,
1 1 ti -
They are
Bay tlds Cigarette andSave Money
H"hH'i"H"l"H I I r M M" 1 1 I1 M
i I
frt,.;..j,.;..I..;....;ji-fr.M ! KM-M-
John Falter of IMattsmouth had a
preliminary survey made this -week
of 70 acres of bottom land to learn
if it could he drained. Mr. Ivan
Wood, of the i:x tension Service, as
s5:ted by the Farm Bureau, made the
The Farm Bureau office has plac
ed 173 men during harvest. The
iicn and calls are even now. A good
class of men have come.
Greenwood Clubs
The Sewing club of Greenwood
net at the home of Miss Ethel Hart
ook Tuesday nfternoon. Six girls
were present and the r.fternoon was
.-T?nt discussing the sewing bag and
cutting patterns for the clothes-pin
hn g.
The Cooking and and Baking clubs
net at the school house Thursday
afternoon. The girls had prepared
cup cakes and nut bread at home and
th : were brought to the meeting
nl-.ere a judging contest was had to
f nd out who had the best bread and
cake. The girls cooked a cereal and
tien set the table and served it.
1 hey were very much interested in
serving the cereal and finding out
v.-hich was cooked and served most
attractively. Mrs. Welton made ice
r??.ni. which with the girls' cake,
rut-bread and cereals made a splen
did feed. These girls are going to
he real cooks if they keep on with
the cooking and baking course.
Candidates at Primary Election
Show Little Expenditure in
Their Race For Office.
'The filing of"' the list of expendi
ture, by the various candidates for
public office in Ca?3 county at the
primary election indicates that the
candidates are able to make the race
very cheaply now and that many of
ike offices are real bargains as is
shown by that of the county sur
veyor, where Fred Patterson was
made tho nominee of the republican,
democratic and progressive parties
?nd without expending one centime
rs his name was written in by the
In the oOke of sheriff, C. D. Quin
ton reports $5 for the filing fee and
Rax Young the sum of $36.50 for his
race on two tickets and including
the filirg fee and contribution to the
progressive committee. The county
clerk race was another bargain with
County Clerk Sayles and Frank Lib
cTslnl ach expending the sum of
?5 for filing and Eugene Lister $8.50
for the progressive nomination.
In seeking the office of county
treasurer J. O. Meisinger expended
SI 1.50 including his filing fee and
riada the race on two tickets for this
small, sum. In the county attorney
race A. G. Cole expended $5 for fil
ing and A. II. Duxbilry $31.00 which
covered his doubIeheaded race as
both republican and progressive.
For county superintendent Miss
Alpha Peterson paid over the sum
of $10 as the legal filing fee -and
Mrs. Shannon for register of deeds.
TV-F. Harris for commissioner and
(r. F. Wilson for representative also
gave up the $5 filing fee.
Tho expenditures outside of the
filing fees were all for cards and
other advertising matter.
The edict has gone forth that
hereafter all auto drivers must have
both of their front lights lit on their
cars after dusk or be forced to liqui
date before the police court of the
The police force of the city has re
ceived instructions to be on the out
look Tor all offenders who fail to
comply with the requirements of the
city ordinances and state law in this
respect and accordingly unlucky will
be the man or woman that does not
have both front lights of their auto
burning when driving through the
main portion of the city.
We can furnish good pasture for
from thirty to forty head of stock,
good for the the next sixty days.
J. B. Seyboldt, Murray, Nebraska.
For Sale: Minneapolis 36x54 sep
arator, completer with Garden City
feeder and wind stacker. Machine
same as new. Price, $750.00. Chas.
Dietrich, Louisville, Neb.
From Monday's Dally.
Omar A. Coon of near Manley was
here today for a short visit attend
ing to some business matters.
Ernest Horn of Omaha was In the
city for a short time today looking
after some matters of business.
Andy Schmader and wife of Louis
ville were here Sunday to enjoy a
visit here with relatives and friends.
Albert Young and wife from east
of Murray were here Saturday for a
few hours looking after some trad
ing. Frank H. Johnson of Weeping Wa
ter, was here Saturday for a few
hours looking after some matters of
Mrs. C. W. Stout of DeWitt, Ne
braska, a sister of G. K. Staats, local
Fee agent, is here for a visit with
her relatives.
Postmaster William Schmitz and
family of Paul, Neb., were here over
Sunday visiting at the Anton
Schmitz home.
Attorney C. E. Tefft of Weeping
Water was in the city for a -few
hours today on business in the dis
trict court and visiting with his
Jennings Seybert, who has been
located at Dayton, Ohio, for the past
year, arrived here Saturday after
noon for a visit with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Seybert and
family for a short time.
Mrs. Jay Johnson of St. Joseph,
Mo., who has been visiting at the
Frank Johnson home near Weeping
Water, came in yesterday to visit
with Mrs. J. II. Adams and Mrs. W.
F. Gillespie for a few days.
Dr. W. B. Liggett, wife and son,
Eugene and daughters. Misses Lucile
and Sylvia, of Rockford, 111., came
in Saturday by auto to visit here
for a short time at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. C. L. Pease, Mrs. Liggett
being a sister of Mr. Pease.
Morgan Waybright arrived here
last evening from Los Angeles to
visit here at the home of Judge and
Mrs. A. J. Bceson. together with
Mrs. Waybright, who has been here
for a few days. Mr. Waybright en
route stopped off at Edison, Neb.,
where he has land interests.
Mrs. Glen Parriott and children,
who have been visiting at Peru, are
here for a. visit with relatives at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Maur
er. Mrs. Parriott and the children
were brought up by Vern Long. They
are soon to leave for Boise, Idaho,
where Mr. Parriott is td teach the
coming year.
7r(im Tuesday's Dallv.
Miss Honor Seybert was a passen
ger this morning for Omaha where
she will visit for a short time In
that city with friends.
Attorney C. L. Graves of Union
was here yesterday afternoon for a
Studebaker enclosed cars are an evolution
of the fine coach work of former genera tions.
They represent the skill of engineering
specialists, plus the standard of 70 years
experience in building quality vehicles.
Strength; weight, resistance to shock, free
dom from rattles, are all subjected to
searching analysis and gruelling road tests
under every possible condition of road and
The body framework is of selected white
ash. thoroughly seasoned and rigidly inspected.
5-Pom. I!2'IV.B..40H. P. 5-Paw.. 1 9 W. R. 50 H. P. 7-Pass.i 126' W. B., 60 H. P.
Chassis $ 875 Chassis .$1200 Chassis $1500
Touring 1045 Touring 1475 Tourin 1785
Roadster (3-Pass.).... 1045 Roadster (2-Pass.). .. . 1425 o . ' PaM, 0or
1 Coupe-Roadster Roadster (4-Pass.).... 1475 Speeckter (4-Pass.) . . . 1985
(2-Pass.) 1375 Coupe (4-Pass.) 2150 Coupe (4-Pass.) 2500
Sedan 1750 Sedan 2350 Sedan 2700
Cord Tires Standard
fm o. 6. factory
lime to stop eating
vonderful for
Nature rebels against heavy foods in warm weather.
Much illness in summer is caused by overtaxing th.3
stomach. Change your diet and keep snappy jn mind
and muscle!
Kellogg's Corn Flakes with cold milk and fresh fruit
are wonderful for the hot days for breakfast, for lunch,
' for supper or for "snacks." They digest without taxing
the stomach and supply the nourishment the body needs.
7 v
few hours attending to some busi
ness matters of importance In the
county seat.
C. E. Tefft and son. Sheldon, of
Weeping Water and Thomas Mur
tey, the banker of that city, were
here today looking after some mat
ters in the county court.
Everybody's friend Dr. Thomas'
Eclectic Oil, the great household
remedy for toothache, earache, sore
throats, cuts, bruises, scalds. Sold at
all drug stores. 30c and 60c.
r x a i vi wt i si
Painting is comparable to the highest
grade custom coach work. It includes 26
different operations and 15 separate coats
of material.
The seat springs are of the highest grade.
' The upholstery is of mohair velvet plush
velour, selected for wearing qualities and
rich neutral tones which combine elegance
with service. Door-window regulators of
the latest improved type permit uick
change from weatherproof protection to
an airy open body.
Studebaker enclosed bodies are as good as
the chassis. They are built to endure.
Azfor the Studebaker tYardslieJi a mtasvat of the greater value
J it, rs
ii in 1 1
Oh. BaJJy boy! LooU
what Mother tvent and pat
into tho lunch basket a
whole whopping fci? pack
age of Kellogg's Cam
F lake I Baddy, I belicu
i can eat just about twice
mac It am you do my.
how I loi)9 KelloSS'tl"
the vhah taiff
For children, for the workers and
for the aged there is no more delicious,
sustaining summer food than Kellogg's
Corn Flakes.
Insist upon Kellogg's Corn Flakes in the
RED and GREEN package bearing the signa
ture of W. K. Kellogg, originator of Corn
Flakes. None are genuine without it!
v. r
and KELLOGG'S BRAN, cooked and trammed
Journal want ads pay. Try them.
Pasture for Rent!
I have good pastnre with run
ning water for a few head of cat
tle on my my farm, two miles east
of Murray.
Phone No.1 . Plattsmouth, Neb
that Studebaker offers
All prices, o. b. factories