The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 24, 1922, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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KONDAY, TC1Y 24, 1S22.
I-Am lore to
Notwithstanding the interference by the fire fiend,
I am still here to give service to the farmer in supplying
their wants and needs in the line of farming machinery
and repairs. We have the agency for the International
line, including McCormick and Deering harvesting ma
chinery and the tillage machinery, including plows,
discs, cultivators and in fact anything in the farming
machinery line I can furnish .you. Repairs for all and
any kind of farm utensils. I would like to give you
service. Phone 14-J.
Case Farming Machinery!
I have the agency for the full line of Case farming machin
ery. Such as Plows, Tractors, Threshing Machinery, Haying
Machinery and fn fact a full and complete line. We can fur
nish all kinds of repairs. See us, we will make it well worth
your while.
Phone Ko.7-W Murdock, Neb.
Rumley Oil Pwii Tractors!
Trucks and Thrashing Machices and Grandtrue Plows.
Our Tractors pull up. to ten bottom plows with ease. An
abundance of power for any work and can handle easily any
thrashing machine and have power left.
"t -x n n;n.r.:a o n -1 Tic .
o,.r !
time in the west.
Gust Ruge and family were visit
ing in Elmwood last Thursday after- J
noon, making the trip in his auto.
Herman Kupke tnresnea last .
li.ursaav ami tavic? very koou re-
turns considering the loss by the rrt. . J ; scnaeier ana one ror u. j. uoaaen. lias ,.on hl wi,r;it ct,irt!, this irak
ttirns conquering me loss Dy me threshxngf of some forty acres of. Misses Ruth and Irene Norton ip,. ; of the 4- .,r'.r,.!. v,.ich
, , T . , , , I wheat, the best of which went as . wcre Ki,c.sts at the home of their u.' 1 t;5 ,.r((. lnw ',,r' t.','it-
Mr. L. Neitre! sayP that daring Mf,h as 30 bushels per acre. (relatives in Lincoln last week for a ;. arM, r',"' ir U
einht day? lie set some cO panes of j E L Fothast and wife have been short time visiting while there at V f. ;,( 'iev"" he w"l' Wv--.-V like
-"-- " 1 1 - "'- "
recent s-rorm.
Floyd Hite. departed a few days
since for Oakland, where he went
to visit with his brother, George
Kite and family.
Wm. Stackenzie and wife are vis
iting for a short time in the "West,
they going to see relatives and vis
iting for a short time.
Fred Deickman completed the
Tissue Ginghams and
French Ginghams!
75c Tissues at 60c
59c Tissues at 50c
59c French Ginghams at 50c
Reduced Prices on AH White
iurdock itanfile Co.-
Servo You!
:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA
r.lantinr nf ii mm last Thursday
f,itn,. in oEtrnrtinn rsf tht pmn !
crop by the hail storm
Mr. J. E. McIIush was called to
aha last' Thu To look after
n hiiainpsi matters for the Mur-
S nifr '
tlock Mercantile company
r; .. , , '
Unoni ni a T.nrtion nf lafst wppt in
j Murdock, while Mr. and Mrs. O. J. !
Pothast were away visiting. t
-r. , c,,J
evening July 29th. the G
play will be civen, commencing at
S:1d in the evening promptly. !
t loot ..t
ri n L 1 1 .1 n
an su acre piece which ne uuu m
wheat this year and which went in j
the neighborhood of 25 bushels per
Miss Anna Lau lias been assisting
at the switchboard at the telephone
exchange and is proving a very cap
able operator considering the exper
ience. Homer H. Lawton was a visitor in
Lincoln last Wednesday, where he
went to secure some repairs for his
auto which he had the misfortune to
Messrs. Aug Panska and L. Xeitz-
I el were visitors last Sunday at Have
ilock and while there were guests at
j the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. J.
r Hitchcock.
! Mrs. Ray "Veach and son Robert
Raymond Veach of Lincoln have ; putting it in cxcc!;t.I shape for
been visiting at the home of Mr. and ! work and will haie it in just the
Mrs. H. R. Schmidt and other: right shape when th '.all tumpaign
friends in Murdock. (warms up. Mr. Schmi'i; and Mr. Gor-
The best yield of wheat for this j oer the candidates i r county corn
summer and in. this neighborhood is j missioner of this di-Tki, are both
on what is known as the "Old Skyles j v. ell satisfied wither he vote which
Place" and was for a yield of some i they received and wl. . h reflected al
59 bushels per acre. j most the entire uumv r uf voters at
Fred A. Stock who threshed last th.- primary for their rei-pective par
week had the god fortune to receive j ties.
some forty-five bushels per acre from II. R. Schmidi and fumily drove to
his crop of wheat and which was of jlihaia la-st Sunday ;.. vibit at the
a very excellent quality. j I o .:c oi" Herman Kr.tti and found
The Murdock home talent play; that gentleman not iVeiing the best,
will be given at the M. W. A. hall j he Laving been in ;.uor health for
! on Saturday evening, July 29th. Be
! sure and remember the date, for it
will be well worth while.
Mr. H. H. Lawton was busy last
Thursday overhauling his auto
which by a misadventure was in-
jured a few davs since. Mr. Lawton
lis putting the machine in proper re- !
pair. j a Tier the business mere.
Richard and Kenneth Tool were i
visitors in Plattsmouth last Wednes-j A Very Busy Jlan
day where they went to take the F.;r some time pasr'durir.g the ab
election returns, for Elm wood pre- be.rf.(i of Jr. wm. Fta. k,-rzie. who is
cinct for the primary which was held ; Y-Siti:i! jn the West, Mr. E. V.". Thim-
Iast Tuesday.
If you want to see some pep.
you want to enjoy a good l?u&h. if
you want to be cheered up, come
to the home talent play to b g'ven j
at the M. V. A. "hall at Murdoch in
th?fneaTr fUtire",. , .
Mr Jess Landholm drtej
few davs since for Ncrtn P;atte.
where he went to deliver a car which
he has sold. The family also visIl. i
led for a time in Omaha, arriving on
last "Wednesday evening.
Uncle A. A. Rikli who has be'-n
ill at his home for the pa?t three ! I, ni 7 a" "
weeks is now so far irrove.-l that i aro he will also make a go:.d
te is able to b about r. train and was j for the place.
down town lat Th':i"day, and say? 1
he is feeling much better. j Begins i:ld:::t; Lew Hosie
Mrs. H. A. Outhman and family, V.". T. "Weddcll Las (Commenced the
were visitinr; for a few honrs in ! b1' -'irg of his new home and has
Plattsmouth last Tuesday and on Fri-' durin? the past wk been having
day also departed for Ain? worth ' Rav rs and W. O. fjillespio ex-
wherc they have relatives and will . cava ic fe.r a cave and cellar for the
spend some time there visiting. ! r-ouso and will as fart as can have
Blacksmith J. II. ri-uk was u visi- ; the vork or the hoyier ptrsTied forward
tor in Ash! end p. short time since to j in r-rd'. r that the honi- m: y be coin
secure a furpiy of coal for ue in his ph. Jed before the winter begins.
shop which he new has equipped in
so excellent a mrnn?r as you see in
a town n'tt larger tnan .MumocK.
Mr. Fitch, the we'd digger, of Elm-
J. JZr
for enen ot ...u.docn. tl.c
inf. one for W; O. GiMesp. o.e
I for Harry G:iicpie. ere for Charle
. . , ...
t i linr-ie?; oT Messrs I. H Anrirus
and Dr. F. M. Andrus and their f?.m-
ilies. ' i
Carl Schneider departed a few
o look VftVr the c. Tie tho Cakl 1
. . ,. , .,, ,r
, emeier and Rau ranch while ?.Iessrs.
., T. i., ,-
-M the home of Miss Margaret Am
f 1
oi naj.
A ittc r from Mr. Arnold Rikli
who is making hi:: home in OVla-
homa. writes that a very destructive , MHs O'Hallerar at whioT'tr-c--" wer--cyclone
visited the portion of the r:anv in attendance. The euiertaiu
eountry wh"re he lives and that all ! ,r,f.nt 0r tnr evening consisted of a
there suffered very severe losses from j program which was!" musical in its
the Stem. I nrifnr pirio.: on H i-c v if? fit tli
Dr. S. R. McDermid and v.lfe of
Omaha, were guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. L. Xeitzel, driving
down last Friday afternoon and stay
ing for supper with the parents of
Mrs. McDermid, and returning; home ;
in the later evening.
Rex Young who recently ran forjReinke last Tuesday causing a enn
the nomination for sheriff on the siderahle joy at the home by his
republican ticket, was a visiior for ' ni'-rry smiles and promise for th
a short time in Murdock last Thurs-: future. He was received with vide
day while -on his way to the West, open rrms by the ford parents, while
where he went to look after the bar-! hrr wrs aluo mu h joy in the honvs
vesting of his wheat. or all thpjrrandparenis. The other
Max DusterhofT, with his force of : yon re ,-ri was weighed irro this
men are kept busy all the time andl v'f rld at 12 pounds and ij ti-.e
with much work yet to do in. sight, j r.r the harry cfvp!". 'Tr. cr.d
The ex'-ellence of the character of; rs. !!r.ry Vogkr. The parents and
the work of Mr. Dust erh off requires c nng son pre r.ll doing v.ell -7 :1 joy
is a factor in the abundance of the ! isns supreme in the Vogler house
work which he is havinsr. !
Count- Commissioner Fred Gorder
who is having some grading done on
the precinct line road two miles
north of Murdock and which was
badly in need of the work, was in
Murdock last Thursday evening and
visited with his many friends here.
George Norton who has been
spending his vacation from his work
; with the Western Union telegraph
company at Omaha, in Murdock, re-
; turned a few days since to his work
in the metropolis, after having en-
, joyed a most pleasant time with his
j relatives here
! Max Dust erh off, proprietor of the
! Dusterhoff shops. assisted by Mrs.
'John Amgwert. are working at the
i home of Mr. George Vanderberg,
: having just completed the decoration
of a number of roomss.t Mr. George
Miller's home. They will alo paint
(the exterior of the home of Mrs.
I The young men who have hern for
some time kept busy rebuilding the',n
telephone line under the Euperintend-
'ency of Lacey McDonald, who is a
.practical telephone man, concluded
their work last Tuesday," and have!v
the line in excellent condition jt
jthis time. Those assisting in the
work were Wm. Meyers, L. B. Goer-
thy and J. W. Kruger, .Mr. Laccy Mc
Donald having the work in hand.
Miss Isabel O'Haih-ran, who has
Leen Tibiims iue
ot ner menu. .Margaret ao- .
gwert, for the past week or more,
departed last Thursday U,r her Lome
at St. Librory and vas accompan-j
ied as far as Lincoln ,,y Jha Mar-,
garet who visiteu wu. unus lucre ,
irom Thursday even:;:-; until in
day noon. Miss Olluii ran who has
many very warm fri.-nds at Mur
dock enjoyed lur sij.v here very
Mr. II. R. Schmidt who is very in
0 lous, has been during the slow
tiir.f overhauling his a m omoMIe and
J j-eme time. They visaed for the day
fund returned home in the evening.
i 2i:ss Leah bchmiut, wno aceompan-
i P-c! I:cr parents, remained in Ithaca
, and will look after the store of Mr.
KraTt for the p;'tSi:;. Miss Schmidt
'las had extensive c;.ri,:;eraco in the
mercantile line and an well look
' pan lias been kept i r' tty Lu-y with
tr.p work which has cr.n.e to his place
cl i:Usinc-s and has had to work al
, uvt dev airl ni?ht .,, do tae work
(1 his t
Ee a Good Cormissi-ner
nominati- n of two eseel-
. . c
'fr;! for the potion of county
frmmi.soner m Xh third district i
.'Kt.:. liKe iiieie wnmu a unii
:nar. elected which ever one is chos
en. Mr. Clorder has made an excel
V7e Like His Spirit
M. C'or.rad Ruumgartner. who
suft'ere'l loss of 4." acres of corn bv
T "
, knowlee himself wlurped but in-
; n;,:Mat,!y ,Hit in th.? v,holc of the
i - ' "
and 1'" ncr.-s additional which
the spirit which will not acknowl
edge ('ef'-at hut will t n ii defeat in
to victory. Thr c m planned is row
u: :-rel almost r- ;:: v for thi' first
jntertaireo Tneir Fi'ti i
" ' ' 1 J ' ' ' 1 V,e..itK.V
v- nir c: a
'largo numh'r ot" f h friend.-, of this
. young lady and Miss .lal-el O'lla!
, lrran iravo n fjri Wfll rcerfin?i In
close of the eveninsr bv
a most do-
Hghtful luncheon.
The Boys Are Now Here
Mr. Reinke who tipped the beam
at oigjit pounds arrived the home
of V is parents. Mr. and
Tlic Both Stepped
"While Jr. mcs Tuskirk was driving
in nrif direction and Miss Esther Rau
in another their cars seemingly hav
ing an affinity for each other, col
lided near the home of Erni1 Rikli
with the result that the occupants
of the same wire pretty badly shak
en up and the nutos badly damaged.
Fortunate it was the occupants were
aide to escape personal injury. The
ears can be mended hut had it re-sultr-fi
in severe injury to the driv
er? th repairs would have been more
The New Barber Here
Eddie Cra irr of Liberty where he
has been making hv$ home for some
time, arrived in Murdock and is op-j
ei'atirg the barber shop with the ex-
nictation of purchasing the same
should it prove as he expects. He ar-
rived one day last wek and is find-
things preti nue here, with
bu'dnrss very good. Mr. Craig will
n ovo his family to Murdock as soon
as h is able 10 set tire a place in
- 'hich to live.
Received S?r?re Irrary
Recently while threshing was be-
ins done at his home, Paul Schewe,
who noticed that by a defect in the
measuring apparatus on the thresher
a small portion of grain waj thrown
uer on the grotind at each weigh
ing, endeavored to repair the same
v hiie the machinery was in opera
tion and at the first attempt he suc
teided in getting the machinery
nearly perfect and being encouraged
by tills attempted to alter it. again,
so it would not waste the grain and
xhis time ns he wcs w orking the
n;.!lsuriE, mechanism dumped eatek-
, hand acd bad, lac.eratinB
d truphirj? it The niember was so
b&(Uy injurcd that it Y,as feart.d for
mmfg time tnat he would SUffer its
oRS but witn carefui treatment it
is now hoped that he will be able
to save the member.
In a Very Short Time Entire' Acreage
is Swallowed Up Together
With Growing Crops. !
Last week Jim Cory anJ VVyatt
I.ambeth, vith a desire for frtch fir,h
and a p.od tir-ie, went ever into Iowa
en t i;:e fishing excursion. While
ti'tre they were the e treats of V.'m.
J"rai of Unadilla. who wa.- spending
his vr cat ion at the farm of Jol.n
lerr. his f ither living seven mlies
soul!; Ci" l-.mburg. Icwa..
Will used to own a little farm
there himself and at ' : time wau
of. c red an acre for it. sle did
not scil rr..i no't he hi- no lam
that he can fee for the Mi.:;ou.--: has
swallowed up all that he owned.
T2v.:rf;'1r:y night v. hen th. Etorm
swept down the valley. Mr. Cory and
Mr. L,aniheih were safei;.' siiiing r.ear
the river wrtrhing the storm cp-proa'-h.
After it had pa?se:i s;j::icie
went cut to tsie wen tor a ran 01
.-.-: ter an! aiirrrnttil that t i: barn
v.-as in danger and all hands w:-nt to
work to save it. They worked fast
and hard and succeeded in getting
three :-iue" 01 it and a half erf the
roof. The river got the reft.
; n after, a large sycamore tree
startling near the birr, rrd v.-el by
ihe family poultry as a roorung
place went e'.ovn the river, chickens.
Mid all. Friday morning the river
wr-s twelve feet from the house and
-ii!'. like Oliver Twit, asking for.
ii: ore. ;
Help was summcned from Ilam
hur and r.r. ef'ort was being made
to save the house and Mr. I loan's
effects from trie hungry waters v. hen'
Mr. Corey ana Mr. Lambeth left for
'ror.-.v. preferring to he where they ;
knew the ground under their leet
wv .'.re.
.'. liein. Sr. originally owned
::: 2-0 acr (;f good Iowa land and
now., r -1 that remains., is a narrow
strip a'cng one with no ascur- '
ance that tiiis wiil remain over 24
hours. 1
Tir. Cory went to Hamburg. Iowa,
Tuesloy morning fcr his cur which
was left there hit week while- on
their l..-d: in;;- trip. because of the
storm. While there he learned that
the l'er.n home v.hich was threatened
by the ri--:-r when he left Friday
vor; irg xv:;s saved by ti e aid of
the ncigh'jors and trucus from Hm-
i-". arid by r f'.f rp.cra the I'ounJa
t'oi: was in the river and since that
tinre the rc :n. '.inder tf the farm was
gt-ne a::! the river was across the
roa u a v. 'j'.it.-or's cornrkdd, : nd
v:-s taking u'.l from it rapidly. .
Syracuse Journal.
1 iii
Vacancies to be Filled in First and
Cisth Districts in Addition to
Hegnlar 2-Year Terms
Charle- W. iler.l, of r.roken Bow,
was nominated Tuesday for the reg
iiiar term, demo-.'ratic candidate for
ronarrevs in the Sixth congressional
district, as well as the party's candi-.';-.
I" to liiake the race in November
to f:;i a vaeai-cy recently created by
the death of lit pref entative Moses P.
flis republican opponent for the
regular tern of office xvil! be Robert
C. fimmonLS cf Sco tsbluif, returns,
itidlc-atc-d, the latter having lead '
t'irr.e other candidates for the nomi
nal ion. Mr. real's republican op
; iueut for the short term, however,
could not be .definitely announced be-
use returns were too scattered to
permit of ret urate statements.
For the short term in tire Tirst
cnugrerciona! district, a close contest
has d-.vcioped between P. A. Parrov s
cf Lincoln, present lieutenant gover
nor, and R. II. Thorpe, also of Lin-,
coin, republicans. In the Fourth dis
trict, where Clifford P. Fall of Beat
rice was leading in the democratic
r.-.ce. 31 rs. Irene C. Puell. one of the
contestants was apparently defeated.
She was the only woman in the state
congressional races with the excep
tion of Idrs. E. Luedia Barton, of
Lincoln, nominated as a prohibition
candidate in the First district, with
out opposition. !
S; Matthews was born in Pennsyl
vania on September 14, 1S48, and
died in a Lincoln hospital on July
13. 1JJ22, being 74 years old.
He came to Nebraska and located
, in 1SS1. He was married twice, hi3
first wife being a SIi3 JIary Towle,
a cousin of George and Earl Towle.
: Mrs'. Matthews did not live but a
f. w years, and later he married Miss
Jennie Waddell, of Miflshoro, Pa.,
who died a few months ago.
Mr. Matthews was a Quiet man.
veil read, and had a great many
lriends who will nrms him from his
; accustomed ph-ces. He was a car-
. penter and 'a fine workman, honest
anl conscientious and the commun-
ity h&s lost a man worth while. j
Bar easdlns is M Jusl "Gasoline!"
It is a strictly straight run not a blended product,
and "vviil stand the test as specified by the U. S. Navy.
Ov.r Per.n Franklin Motor and Tractor Oil v ill rrive
ycu the lubrication no matter what your requirements
may be. It wiil stand up with ar.3 oil you have ever
used, regardless cf the price you paid.
A Fair Trial Yi!I Convince You.
The funeral v;; l.c-ld r.t Hcbson';: ' brcviation of i: . unPs.- it is of "'J
undertakiu? parlorr, 0:1 Saturday i.t-, 'rat." or anv abbre ration f il.
'crn.oon at 2 r
! -. rri-ior ( f
tick. Rev. W. H. Ri-
C the Congregational
church. conducting the services,
Mrs. RiVy sang a hymn.
The body was laid b i-ide hi? wife,
in Oakwood c e: t -y to await t he-
final r-surrecth'.-n. Wc-ping Water 1
the siesli:;g etanbald
A New York court hi?, recently
decidf-d that no arti 1c- of silver i.r
legally be nirtrked '"sterling" unless j
at leaft !21 parts in I.C'jo are pure j
silver. This i; said to hava caused I
some trouble to t'. ab-rs in silverware
as the word rterling has more or P.-fs;
been freely u ;' d in a more general
way, with r.o a'erted claim to ;c
exact technical significance, but
nor !y intended to suggest a high
degree of excellent- as when we speak
of a man of s terling el anacter. j
It will be no inj'Jrti'-e to the jew- ;
elers. however, tc insist upon an ar-'
tide of silver offered for sale. Few.
purchasers, if any. can make a fair,
estimate of the Quality of silver by',
the eye. and it is not good polh"
allow the use in a loo-e sense of lhe
term which has an exact technical j
meaning. The present movement to-j
wards honesty in advertising is;
against such a practice. j
i-or me pasi icn j e arr. e a na-aa iia
had a very strict law on the subject
known as "the gold ami silver niark -
ing act." It was passed at the re-
qu-st of the jewelry trade, and is
claim'd to give the Canadian pur -
chaser the b"'S protection found in
anv countrv in the world. Silver may
not be market! "st?rli:i' unites it is
.925 fine, and no article of pol l can
use the term "karat," cr any ah-
Ycu Just Say
the Word!
We are ready to replace those windows which
were beaten out by the storm. You do not need to
nail boards over the windows. Call us up by phone
and we will come to your house and do the worl;.
The windows do no have to be removed from the
We Have the Glass and the Workers
Ready to Do the Work!
We Are Headquarters
Harvester Oil Axle Grease Hard Oils
All Kinds of Motor Oil
22-Four-34 Two passenger roadster $ 895
22-Four-35 Five passenger touring 935
22-Six -44 Three passenger roadster 1365
22-Four-36 Three passenger coupe 12D5
22-Slx -45 Five passenger touring 1395
22-Four-37 Five passenger sedan 1395
22-Six -49 Seven passenger touring 1585
22-Six -46 Three passenger coupe 18S5
22-Six -48 Four passenger coupe 2075
22-Six -47 Five passenger sedan 2165
22-Six -50 Seven passenger sedan 2375
All Euicks F. 0. B. Flint, Michigan
: .... . , if ,
, ,
j roiu r r an-'. 1-
! trrl: of any hind, it inu.-t also Ik ar
tj,0 r... -;s: , .-,.,i tra 1-.-mr.rk ot
he : jai.
"t: ' i .'i- a-
ufacturer, as
i tior. I'eople who jtiv for hitrh s-'and-
r.rd !..; :! a r'rht t.) know that th-y getting it.
High hels
WOIllen'S th.O'T.
fhovn at tie
are curriin : br ( k en
.Vi v.i :: . b-s h re
N;!i''T.:.i Kh.-- Styh
Khow in IVistcrr. F;:K':r:at.- f-.r '
men's halth. th x'r-in- Fr-n h
h-tl is not n t "'l n
will be Louis styP about tv ire
high as the present v;;ru
They are called Ir-ai h''ls aftir
the vain French king v.ho i:iv.t 'd
them to make his short
The c( rreat
lrc 1.- If naif re intend -i us to v.- ar
stilts ba'k (.f our ankh :r. r io- d h.ivc
grown them on cur f t. Fo-.t ir .i:
l.le starterl when bors- men i ? v i t 1
heels to
I their boots from clip
ping in the stirruj. The high'r tlo-y
are. the. more foolich and he.;!;h-
! destro.. ng.
AlthougD Journal wttit-tds roil
but little the rfesulta ttey trie rr
, wonderful.
'ry them.
, . , .-
- .
0;. year"
Crates Idoek
DR. G. A. frl'RSHALL
1 n 0m f in